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Image provided by: State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO
Newspaper Page Text
1HE HAYTI HERALD vol.t: HAYTI, MISSOURI, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1000. NO. 17 rV i I ? W rf hi P k w SNARE HUNTER KILLED Just ufl wis go to piess vve got tilt iurtii!iiluiH iif tliu killinn at Htoo..o hint Tuesday fiom an oyu witnunsH, Homy Diiitch. The man, Amos Wallace, was one of tlio "snake linntiMH" who huu' heen the ton or of the. smith uml of tin county. Wiih drunk and tiiud to kill nejjro on t hi ii from Caintlioisville. dot oir train at Steel. . Wantc-d to kill ( ity MuiMiul, John 15. J'cHlei. Mi. l'ustei tiied to ipiii't liim. Started on Kostei with knifu. Foster allot his lir.iiiiB out. DRINKING ON TRAINS A bill is before the Missouri lois. latui'e, futheu'd h.v Ueprosonlative (Irilllths. of Hales ooiinlv, which seeks to make it a misdemeanor for an.v ieison to lit ink intoxicating li(ii(ir on a tr.tin or stteel ear. It tfhos the, eonduetors ol trains tind street ears the same lower its deputy slierills for the enloiccmcnl of tile motiosed law. and make-, the punishment a lino iiml ! imprisonment. . $16,000 DEAL IN DIRT loo M. Wilson litis sold his farm near town, t lie consideration heinf,r $1 '1.000. This releases .loo n. Irom his holdings in 1'emiscot connt.v, and he infotins us that he will ifo into the hanking business in Oklahoma. We iite sot r to lose .loo II. fioin our eount.v and wish him well. rv- " - t5 ; i wvmsst THE DITCH. The new dredge boat is now at work. 1 he pidlure shows the smarting point at Hayti. It is a summer scene, and shows the magnificent growth of American Lotus. This week we publish linaueial state ments for both of the Havli banks, which show-them to be in a healthv. piosperous condition. llavti foils Jitstlv proud ol her two banking insti tutioils, anil we iiie oonlident that bet ter cashier- do not handle the funds of am people than ('. 1. Piovino of the 'iliens Hank and T A. MeNail of tlie Hank ol Ha,ti. People ol the oonntv who have nionev to deposit or other'bankiny business c.innoldo bet ter than come to Hnvti. l'rof. II. 1j. Davidson, who used to indulge in tho newspaper business, came in Tuesdav afternoon and io vhed his acquaintance with the cases. Don't fail to hear W. B Tovvnsend's lectin u at the cit liall I'cli. "J He is an entei tinner ol liiirli class. Port.ijjeville is di awinjr tlio line on lU'uioos. No mole ney i ties can stop or locate there. I'.ast 1'i.iirie is an other town that don't waul them. Havli will not be so slack on them about the lime she has to innld a ni-L'l-r school house and hue a nijii'cr teacher. We alfadv have about all the lavs we can stand, and this is an eiense that must be born b the white peo)iIe. Di. K. '. Cn-sswell. the dentist, has now received his chair and othi r li tuies. and is read.v foi biisim ss. Ills ollice is over the 1. ICohn stoic, in in neat, Myht looms, and the people should v isit him. Congressman ( . A. low is on In vv.i.v to Washington to enter upon the duties ot his ollice. A biitlida.v parl.v was j;ien at tho home of Mrs. .iiillie MoKarland Tues dav evening, in honor ol Miss I.otitia MoKai land. It was a surprise to Miss Lclitia, hot all had a nice time. Those piesent weie: Misses Hael Miller, Coin l)e Lisle. Lorn Mllinyhoiise. Kvn Allen and Ada Doiris. and Messrs Aich Kussol). llersal Sholton, Arthur Allen. .Iissie (Twin and Dr. Ciesswol). We have received fioin K. . M. Webb. Keodlev. California, a beauti ful little painplel, nicelv illiistiated, ile.sci iptive of his town anil country.' Mr. Webb is in the leal estate busi- hi ss, and beiny tlioiouhl.v aciiiainted w ith our pi ople. if , on desire reliable information about Caliloi nisi von can di pond upon Mr. Webb to jjivo it. We .lie informed that Miss Ada Dovvdv w ill lesion hoi position an '"hel lo a at tlieccutial todav, ami as sil'iis ,ih lioi she is '"tiled ol Iiiiiii'.' imposed upon bv those in ih.nno" We see whole Miss Ada is ii-jhl. Theie is hiii'Ii a thin;; as the conipiinv los'mji its chaitei m llayti. Ifrif 1 1,000 papoifi ji.nilen seed I cent ap.nk.iirc at the Spot Cash (iioieiv 1 00s ill people have used these H'eds and know they aio(jnd Uttf Tin .il.uin of liio was sounded at the lesidonceof S. .1. .lellless about ."i:.!0 Tuesdav alteinoon. hut the llaines weie eMinyuished before anv yieat damage was done. Mr. and Mis. .lef fiess bad just yone down to si e the diedye boat and then ehildien were alone. Eleven thousand papers Garden Seeds 1 cent package at .Spot Cash (Jroceiy HundrfadH of peiipln used tin-so h oils last yoar and know they are U'od. t!Uf On account of the illness of Mrs. Vork. and no available help, and al readv biine; two davs behind with our work, we will ask our leaders to over look anv short.eoiiiinirs this week. V lull out Irom Caruthersvillo Mon da, Vance. I. Hiyjrs came up to our ollice and slunj,'- tjpe like an old timer, just laid oil his and went after it like ham .letTiess pleading law. Call for a bottle of Tip Top, Lomp's lntest and bust special brew. Oarulh-orsvillo PRICES! NOTHING UNUSUAL ABOUT THIS I need the money to keep ihe wolf from my door and you need the goods to keep the wolf frqm your door. I am quoting you a few items below, and beg to call your atten tion to the fact that I have to limit the list, for if I should quote prices on all my bargains the size of the Hayti Her ald would have to be increased. PRICES TELL THEIR OWN Coal Oil, per gallon Flake Hominy, per pound Rice, per pound Good Corn, per can 3 Pound Canned Tomatoes, per can Canned Peas, per can 2 Pound Canned Apples, per can 2 Pound Canned Kidney Beans, per can Eastern Granulated Sugar, 1 6 pounds for Beans, hand picked, per pound Seeded Raisins, per package Roast Coffee, per pound Everything in proportion. Don't complain about the hard times. Buy your goods right, then there will be no hard times. These prices are for cash only, and wc do not give premium coupons with sales. ILL fill 1' f ! 1J ' BKtSl BLANK BOOKS Ledgers, double and single entry. 100 . to 5 00 pages. Day Books, Journals, Counter Books, Book keeping Blanks, Receipts, Notes, Drafts, Memorandas, Time Books, Tally Books. lJC-T-zrt , JV-y- mm The CHICAGO Letter File 25c each. BgjSpr mm RAZOR STRAPS. We have an as sortment that will GUITARS These guitars have a "mathematically" cor rect finger board. They are graceful in model and have a far carrying musical tone. $5 to 10 inslrumsn ts, each in wood box. imLJMa SCISSORS Keen-Kutter and A. J. Jordan brands. A full line. Guaranteed. MANDOLINS Our Mandolins are selected with great care and are guaranteed to be the best in struments for the price to be found in the county. please the most careful and exacting person, 25c, 50c, 75c, 1.00, 1.25, 1.50 and 2.00. CHINAWARE 9 vf-Tiw V if lisfl ifr J T . 1 91. ?.- -A S&E POCKET KNIVES In fancy pearl, stag and wood handles. Keen-Kutter and Jordan goods. Guaranteed. 4& BANJOS 8 bracket, nickle plate stretcher, $3.00 each. 1 6 bracket, nickle plated stretcher, $4 each. RAZORS that arc guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction at $2, 2,25 and 2.50. They are Keen-Kutters. Keen-Kutter safe ty razors in leather case $3.50. CLOCKS I day alarm, $1.00 each, i J-., i.: ,. .,1 tl Zs oil ' Jv luiiiiuuuua, mm in, f i J W ljl Repeating alarm, extra heavy and durable, $2.00 each. Ingersoll Watches, $1.00 each. Wc have some odds and ends of chinaware that we have placed on the bargain counter and have named a price that will make you buy. Come in and take a look at this department; you will find something that will interest you. VIOLINS Our violins are selected with care as to their fine tone and musical qualities. We furnish bow and rosin with each violin. LEFLER'S DRUG STORE