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,.JLIriUhi II I l ; ft I ! " I n "it ! i m f-JT j3i- - . NEW 8TRENQTH FOR WOMEN'S BACKS. How to Make a Bad Back Better. Women who suffer with backache, bearing down pain, dizzy spells, and that constant fooling of dullness and tired ness, will find liopo in the advice or Mrs. Mary Hinson of 21 Strother' St., Mt. Sterling, Ky. "Had I not used Doan's Kidney Pills I be lieve I would not be living today," says Mrs. Hinson. "My eyesight was poor, I suffered with nervous, splitting headaches, spots would dance before my eyes, and at times I would be so dizzy I would have to grasp some thing for support. My back was so weak and painful I could hnrdly bend over to button my shoes and could not get around without suffering severely. Doan's Kidney Pills helped mo from the first, and I continued until practi cally well again." Sold by all dealers. GO cents a box Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. V. Thoughtful Child. They are considerate youngsters In England, as most people know. A lit tle boy whose grandmother, had just died wrote (lie following letter, which ho duly posted: "Dear Angels: Wo have sent you grandma. Please give her a harp to play, as she is short winded and can't blow a trumpet." London Tit-Hits. Important to Mothers. Examlno carefully every bottle of CASTOHIA a safe and sure remedy for Infants and children, and seo that it Bears tho Slgnaturo of( In Uso For Over 30 Years. Tho Kind You Have Always Bought It makes a woman awfully tired to see a man make a fool of himself over any other woman. Positively cured by these Little Pills. Tuey nKo relieve Dis tress from Dy-.pesl:i, In- illKi'st lun amlToii Hearty I.ntlu;;. A perfect rem edy for Dizziness Null Hea, DrowMni'ss, lluil Taste hi tliuMiiulli, Coat ed ToiiKiie, Pain in the Side, TOUPIH LIVER. They regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. U&X&jtf&tfjfi W"rt CARTELS IHilTTtSr BHH R 3 B B H PILLS. CARTERS WlTTlE TlVER pills. Genuine Must Bear Fac-Simile Signature REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. toilet mtiseptio NOTHING LIKE IT FOR- TTHF TFFTU Paxtine exceh any dentifrice B lfl& I Eabi In in cleansing, whitening and removing tartar from the teeth, besides destroying all germs of decay and disease which ordinary tooth preparations cannot do. TUE iUimiTU Paxtine used as a mouth I fl& tfiUU B I! wa5h disinfects the mouth nd throat, purifies the breath, and kills the germs which collect in the mouth, causing sore throat, bad teeth, bad breath, grippe, and much sickness. THF FVFI wnen inflamed, tired, ache I rlCi & ! kO and burn, may be instantly relieved and strengthened by Paxtine. Paxtine will destroy the germs that cause catarrh, heal the in. Qammation and stop the discharge. It is a tars remedy for uterine catarrh. Paxtine is a harmless yet powerful r& dermicide.disinf eclant and deodorizer. Used in bathing it destroys odors and ' leaves the body antiscptically clean. FOfl 8 ALE AT DRUG ST0RE3,60c. OR POSTPAID BY MAIL. LARGE SAMPLE FREE! THE PAXTON TOILET CO.. B08TON. MA88. TWul'tltf ro jTT'W'j CURED IN ONE BAY Stunyon's Cola Remedy Itel loves tho Iicad, tliroat mid Iuiirm almost Immediate ly. Checks KevcrB, utojia Dlschargex of the nose, takes away all uclien uml palm caiiHi'U liy i-ulla. It cure Clrip ami oh. Btlnato toughs uud prevent Pneumonia. Z'rlt-u U5e. Il.lvu you stiff or (swollen Joints, no mat ter how i-hroiili-; AhU your lniRj;Ist for Munyou'H Itheumntlhiu ltemcdy ami see how fiulokly you will hecuied. If you have any kldm-y or bladder trouble Cet Muiiyou'R Kidney Itemedy. Prof. Mmiyim linn Jiiht IshiumI a Magazine Almanac, w hleh will Lu sent free to any per euu who nddrt-Hbcs The Jlunyou Company, Philadelphia. An Ti', "W T1 S 'n every rity and county to sell (ciukIh etc), and 1)1 Col (J (linlnient). 10 com tnlMlun. Kiicnenca uuncctwiry- Bis money. Otn l!5a bottle each, circular mid turticulura rent pro tall fur SOo htamp. Don't tmsvu-r unit ou wuulit t:lva your eiulro tlmn to thin work. Address WEff VOllfc UUUU C0.N0K1LN. New Vork City. ' Ilet Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use in time. Sold by druggists. GREAT FLEET IN HOI PORT AGAIN AMERICAN SHIPS DROP THEIR ANCHORS AT HAMPTON ROADS. VESSELS IN FINE CONDITION Long Voyage Has Demonstrated the Marvelous Efficiency of the Amer ican Navy Foreign Countries Im pressed as Never Bcfcre Deser tions Reported as Surprisingly Few President Roosevelt Reviews Armada from the Mayflower. Hampton RortdB, Va., Fob. 22. Tho most stupendous task of naval his tory was completed when President Roosevelt reviewed tho fleet of 1G battleships as they filed into Hampton Hoads to drop anchor at the port from which they sailed one year and two months before. Tho homecoming was much the same as the departure. Tho ships were the same, with the exception of the Nebraska and Wisconsin, which took the place of the Maine and Ala bama. The flag of Hoar-Admiral Sper ry flew from tho Connecticut, Rear Admiral Evans,' Rear-Admiral Emory and Rear-Admiral Thomas, who were successively In command, having been placed on tho rotired list. Crowding the piers the same wives and sweethearts gathered to welcome countries or tho rrorlrt rtslted bo many ports, so many countries, undor no many flags. And novcr was any naval command received with such wldo and iinlvorsal acclaim and enthusiasm of friendly feeling and spirit of welcome as marked tho progress of tho Ameri can battle fleet at every one of Its twoscore or more stops on tho cruiso around tTio world. Few Desertions Reported. A romnrkablo feature of tho cruiso 1ms been tho excellent discipline. While thoro have boon a few deser tions, the number has boon far less In proportion than It usually Is In homo ports. Tho extent of tho drink ing on tho part of tho men and offi cers at recoptions and while on liber ty In strange and peculiarly Interest ing places has been far less than was Expected. Many Countries Visited. Tho fleet visited 20 countries and anchored In 26 foreign ports. Tho 1C ships passed through tho Straits of Magellan, made the journey through tho Suez canal without mishap and coaled at Port Said in record time to bo off to help the Italian earthquake sufferers, all without mishap. Two passed through the Dardanelles, tho first foreign warships to do so without grave conferences between tho vig ilant powers, to pick up tho young Turkish officers who wore to come to the United States. Two saluted tho new sultan of Morocco. One division dropped anchor at Amoy to do honor to China. The whole fleet flew their colors in tho ports of Japan. The flags of nearly all tho world were un furled In welcome to them. To drive tho ships 410,000 tons of coal were used. Practically all of this came from America, In order that there bo no vatlations In quality which would interfere with the elaborate steaming tests to determine the maxi mum power to bo obtained from tho I ( 4.i the us$ 1 Wk, THF US 5 $8, NEtV JfRSlY 1 vi. raf-?? k7""5 tJ-ss 3lllllli' A Wisconsin i MSm 9 - sl viRnotiT )$J 4&&'rm. I THB cJ&wQ&Zr'i MISSOURI UvT7fi5- HAMPTON Jfe ROADS. yggjjM ' I 11, the u.s.s bwmioA I O tout 'si yy7 . 5) 1 THE IJ1S &L , i 1 tiHmowErvu i ALIGNMENT OF WARSHIPS AT HAMPTON ROADS. Tho human raco has traveled far Away from Its beginnings when tho figure eight is considered to bo th standard form In woman, and a "rat" makes many a male heart beat quicker. No harmful drugn in Garfield Tea. Nn turo'fl laxative it is composed wholly of dean, Rwcet, health-giving Herbal For con Htipatiou, liver nnd kidney troubles. It's a good thing to hnvo opinions and It's a better thing to keep tho lid on thorn sometimes. , - . Hands Upl Winks "Were- you over In a railroad holdup? Blinks (seasoned traveler) Yea; I always go standard Pullman. For Colds and Grlpp Capudlne. Tho bost remedy for Grlpp and Colda Is Hicks' Capudlne. Holloves tlm nchllifr and fcvorlBlinoss. Cures tho jold Headaches nlso. It's Liquid Kffccts Immediately 10, 25 nnd 60e at DniB Stores. When a man's heart Is broken by a woman ho employs aomo other wom an to mond it. &W&& thoso to whom they waved their fare wells from the same spot over a year ago. And with the i-attlo of chains and tho splash of anchors, as the great ships wheeled Into their berths, the journey of 42,227 miles not in cluding tho side trips in tho Mediter ranean and other waters from zone to zone, over the world's oceans and through foreign seas, was at an end. Marks Epoch In History. The event marks an epoch In tho naval and diplomatic history of tho United States. As a mere physical achievement it Is a thing of enormous proportions. As a test of naval effi ciency it has shown the sailing value of tho fleet and demonstrated to many peoples thi power of the United States and its equipment for war. It has boon a sort of gymnastic exercise with tho big stick. It has given tho navy department the results of an experience that will bo invaluable In tho upbuilding of future fleets and brought out defects that must be over come As a diplomatic messenger It hns dissipated international misunder standings and brought closer In friend ly lelatlons tho United States and many of tho world's countries. Tho successful completion of tho cruiso without noteworthy nccident or untoward incidont, from cither a naval or political potnt of view, Is regarded by all nations as history making from several points of view. Never before has any battle command made such a long, continuous voyage. Never be fore has any battle command circum navigated tho globe, whether in one or separato voyages. Never before has any fleet or armada of any of the quantity of fuel consumed. In this ro spect alone tho experience gained is invaluable. Nearly 100,000 gallons of oil worn consumed In lubricating tho engines and machinery. All Nations Impressed. It is as a naval tost that the cruiso of the fleet takes rank a3 the most Interesting and greatest achievement of modern times. Naval experts of foreign nations waited with cynical patience for tho fleet to arrive In Mag dalena bay, battered and disabled aft er the first leg of tho rigorous journey. When tho ships wont through targot practico without any preparation they hastened to report to tholr govern ments. Lntor, when tho same ships continued on their way around the world and did the same thing at Ma nila bay, tho fighting efficiency of tho American navy was unquestioned. But thoro woro some things, some very slmplo things, brought out by the fleet's voyage which seem to have escaped tho critics of tho navy. If naval oporatlons are to bo carried by tho United States at long rango, and that will probably bo the case, so far as tho Pacific Is concerned, thoro must bo colliers to fill the bunkers of tho battleships, supply ships to fill tho storo rooms, and ammunition ships to fill tho magazines. In thoir last re ports the chief, of tho bureau of ord nance said that a navy without am munition was helpless, tho chief of tho bureau of supplies and accounts said that a navy without food for tho men was helpless. Tho colliers are being built now and it is only a matter of time before each of. tho bureau ch!ofs will get what he wants. We know of no other medicine which has been so sue" cessfui in relieving the suffering of women, or secured so many genuine testimonials, as has Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. , In almost every community you will find women who have been restored to health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound. Almost every woman you meet has either been benefited by it, or knows some one who has. In the Pinkham Laboratory at Lynn, Mass., are files con taining over one million one hundred thousand letters from women seeking health, in which many openly state over their own signatures that they have regained their health by taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has saved many women from surgical operations. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is made ex clusively from roots and herbs, and is perfectly harmless. The reason why it is so successful is because it contains ingredients which act directly upon the female organism, restoring it to healthy and normal activity. Thousands of unsolicited and genuine testimonials such as the following prove the efficiency of this simple remedy. Minneapolis, Minn.: "I was a great sufferer from female troubles which, caused a weakness and broken down condition of the system. I read so much of what Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegetable Compound had done for other suffering women, I felt sure it would help me, and I must say it did help ino wonder fully. "Within thrco months I was a perfectly well woman. "I want this letter made public to show the benefits to ho derived from Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound." Mrs. JohnG.Moldan, 2115 Second St.North, Minncapolis.Mlnn. Women who are suffering from those distressing ills peculiar to their sex should not lose sight of these facts or doubt the ability of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to restore their health. es in Will Do Oregon A fruit farm of S acres in any of the great Oregon apple, peach and pear districts, puts money in the bank for you, and gives you your living besides. You can care for five acres of trees yourself, without help. Orchards each year yield $500 an acre and upwards. Prove this by sending for our free book on the Pacific Northwest, or, better still, Come West and See All the land there ever was or will be was created ages ago. But population keeps increas ing a baby is born every minute. All the free land worth having has been taken up. All the good land, at low prices, that's left, is going fast. Soon land chances, like those in the West today, will be gone forever. If you want a fine farnVor fruit ranch any where in the Northwest, get one now before the price gets too high write to us for our free book. It is costing you money to wait write today E. L. LOMAX, G. P. A. Union Pacific Railroad Co. Omaha, Neb. The Only Genuine Kueluv Institute in Arkansas. eeiey fop whiskey lire and DRUG USING 702 Park Avenue, HOT SPRINGS, ARK. A course of Hot Springs Daths given each patient. Write for Information. Correspondence Confidential. Jt-ISLX .J Al-lfcH 9J""J IiXri,.y..liiMH.ll"Hi""''n-1 '""TH.r.TWi,,..J.aMmTOm.iim.imrwi . inraa........ ..,.., ., .yi. rT-(rrWprtMimBmHOTm-r,(yBfflnT-rir Cmt nnwZntTfij&M-f