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I rj i i THE HAYTI HERALD $1.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. HAYTI, : : : : : MISSOURI. THE NEWS IN Itltlti A GENERAL SUMMARY OF IMPOR TANT NEWS OF THE WEEK GATHERED FROM ALL OVER. Suicide clubs arc the fail in high tociety circles in St J'ctersuurg. The lumber interests are main taining a powerful lobby at Wash ington. Nearly two hundred men were en tombed by an explosion in a coal mine in England. President-elect Taft has fixed the date for the extra session of Con gress for March ir. Hubert Ponton killed Frank Flem ing in a pistol duel in a crowded restaurant at Milton, Fla. Congre.-sman Hanwlell of Louis iana will speak at the National Tar iff Convention at Indianapolis, Intl. Uctwcen r.l00 and li.000 lives were lost in an earthquake in Per sia. -Sixty villages were destroyed. Petwccn 2.10 and T.OO lives were lost in a fire which destroyed the Flores Theater at Acapuleo, Mex ico. The Alabama Cotton Manufac turers' Asocitkm met at Birming ham to discuss the new child labor laws. The birthplace of Jefferson Da vis at Fairvicw, Ky., will be dedi cated June H as a shrine fur the South. President Poosevelf sent a spe cial message to Congress urging leg islation for the care of dependent children. Mike llcnnessy at Port Chester. N. Y., is charged with pouring coal oil over his wife and setting the woman on fire. Nineteen blind tiger keepers who jnad operated on the state line be tween Kentucky and Tennessee were aneted. The Iloue passed a bill reducing the salary of the secretary of stale jn ordei to make Senator Knox elig iblo to hold the office A municipal lodging house and n hotel for working girls, both char itable institutions, will be opened shortly in New York. Oeronimo, the noted Indian chief, 80 years old, died at Fort Sill, Okla., where he had been a pri.-oner of war for many years. The mysterious attacks upon wo men on the streets of Berlin, re calling the notorious "ripper" cases of other cities, continue. The Hotel Clarendon, at Sea Breeze Fla., with ten cottages, was destroyed by fire. The 'il'i guests left the building in safety. It is now believed that the death ioll of the wrecked steamer Penguin will reach 1."). Twent -three bod ies have not yet been recovered. The crack in the liberty bell has extended 17 inches be wind its orig inal length, and the old relic may j.ot be taken to the Pacific coast. llerr Becker!, chancellor of the German legation at Santiago, Chile, Las confessed that ho murdered a servant and burned the legation building. The Burke bill requiring all onan-going steamships carrying 50 or more passengers to bo equipped ,ith wiieless telegraph apparatus was pasted by the House. It is reported that there is a eool ress between President Poosevelt and President-elect Taft, because Taft is not seeking advice from Hoofcevelt about his cabinet Four passengers were killed and o(5 injured in an Illinois Central wreck near Murphysboro, 111. Thirty persons were killed, many injured and great damage done by an earthquake at Siva, Asiatic Tur key. Crowds arc gathering at Fort Monroe and Old Point Comfort, Ya., to witness the arrival of the battleship fleet. President-elect Taft made the official statement that Senator Knox will hold the position of secretary of state in his cabinet. The Senate adopted an amend ment to the naval bill requiring the navy department to keep one-half (ho warships in the Pacific ocean. The extradition treaty between the United States and Honduras will cause the colony of American embezzlers to seek another hiding place. The Belgian steamer Australia collided with an unknown sailing vessel in the Mediterranean Sea and both ships were sunk. Over a score of lives Ave re lost. The secretary of the treasury se lected as a site for the new sub licasury building in San Francisco the property at the corner of San some and I'ine streets, at ?3T5,000. By an amendment to the naval appropriation bill adopted by the Senate, the hzc of the tAVO battle ships authorized is limited to 21, 000 tons, and their cost, exclusive of armor and armament to $-1,500,-000 each. Not satisfied with having taken a huge slice off the eastward trans Atlantic record last week, the Cu nard line's great steamer Maureta nia hat. again smashed all records by (iua cling u'Tl nautical miles in one day. Mis- F.mily Yirginia Mason of a famous Yirginia family, avIio won famo during the Civil War as a niue for Confederate soldiers and Aho ministered to Union soldier'; at Libbey prison, died Thursday, aged !)-! years. Congie-snian Daniel CI. Banger of Providence, H. 1., who represent ed the First district of Ithode Is land in Congrcs during the Fifty eighth, Fifly-ninth and Sixtieth congresses, died of heart failure. lie Avas ."? years old. A naval commander may hereaf ter command a battleship as the re Milt of a change just made in the naval regulations. Heretofore ofii icrs of this rank could not com mand vrs-cls of greater importance than a protected cruiser. Detailed information concerning the number of Japanese in this country, their occupation and their lelations to the communities in which they live has been collected for the- Federal government during the past year by the immigration commission. An American eye-Avitncss of the Aeapulco, Mexico, theater disaster telegraphed from there that the ikad number .'110. Of the number of Avuundcd the injuries of 100 were so serious that they arc still in the hospital?. Twelve Americans at tended the theater at the time, but all escaped. The Federal grand jury at Wash ington returned indictments against the Press Publishing Company of New York and Joseph Pulitzer, Caleb M. Van Uumm and Bobert 11. Lyman, editois of the New York World, and the owners of the In dianapolis Ncavs, Delvan Smith and Charles It. Williams, charging libel in publications in connection with the purchase of the Panama canal. Queen Helen has decided to un deitake with her own private funds the reconstruction of a toAvn on the ouUkirU of Mcsina, the actual lo cation to be on a hill Avhere the lighthouse stood. The new commu nity will start with 1,000 inhabit ants. Her majesty personally is di recting the Avork of dnuving up the I street ulans. Bichard M. Bartleman, the Amer ican consul at Madrid, who recently was appointed consul general at Buenos Ayres, left for his iioav post, Consul Bartleman is from Massa chusetts. Maddin Summers, vice consul, Avill be acting consul at Madrid until the post is filled. The long struggle of Arizona and New Mexico for separate statehood Avas roAvarded insofar as the House of Representatives is concerned, when that body, under suspension of the rules, unanimously passed the bill granting statehood to the tAVO territories. A number of houses and govern ment buildings at Sivas, the capital of a vilayet of the same name ill Asiatic Turkey, collapsed as the re sult of an earthquake. The loss of life has not yet been estimated, but reports say that 30 persons Avcrc killed and others injured. Sivas has a population of (3,000 families. Henry Yignnud, secretary of the American embassy at Fa rip, has re-,-igned, the resignation to take effect on March 31. In a letter Avhich be has forwarded to President Uooscvelt, Mr. Yignaud assigns as the reason for his decision his ad vanced age and his deirc not to block the path of promotion "to younger men." A measure providing for state wide prohibition in South Carolina was passed to the third reading by the House of Representatives by a vote of fi8 to 40. While the bill will likely get. through the House, it is generally conceded that it Avill be killed Avhcn it reaches the Sen ate, the local optionists having a majority in that bod-. As the result of an explosion of dynamite caps in the pockets of Charles. Barnes and Lenr Young in Pallas, Texas, both are dead. Barnes' body Avas horribly mutilat ed. The supposition is that the boys had the caps in their pockets and one of them set otf a firecrack er that fired the explosive. Both were about 18 years old. fien. William E. Mickle, adju tant general of the United Confed erate Yeterans, gave out the state ment saying that there would be no joint session of the "blue and the gray" at Memphis No invitations will be issued to any but Confeder ates to take part in i he reunion as the constitution of the order abso lutely forbids any invitaton to oth ers. Information regarding the in come tax laws of foreign countries is ."ought by Representative Hull of Tennesee, who has submitted to the House a concurrent resolution directing the secretary of state to so inform American representative? abroad. The resolution al-o calls for information as to whether an income tax causes money to be lock ed up or disappear, or the wealthy class to emigrate with their money to other countries not imposing such a tax. Senator McLaurin of Mississippi introduced an amendment to the ag ricultural appropriation bill, in creasing (he appropriation for the investigation and extermination, if posible, of the boll weevil, to .$400. 000. The amendment Avas referred to the committee on agriculture, which probably Avill meet next week, and Senator McLaurin is san guine of its adoption. The agricul tural appropriation bill as it pass ed the House carries only $110,000 for investigating and fighting the boll weevil. The first aAvard of the gold nudal lecently established by the Smith sonian histituttion, in memory of the late Secretary Samuel Pierpont Langley, and his contributions to the science of aerodromics, has been made to Wilbur and Orvillc Wright, In the board of regents of the in stitution "for advancing t)ie sci ence of aerodromics in its applica tion to naviation, by their successful investgations and demonstrations o! the practicability of -mechanical Mtfht by man." FIVE LAWYER'S IN CABINET J. M. Dickinson Will Succeed Luko Wright ob Socrotary of War. riiihitlclphin, l'n. President-elect Tnft ariived here Sunday morning front C'iii cinnnli, nml with Mr. Taft, who came over from New York to join him, is llio guest of Dr. S. Weir Mitchell in his Wal nut street home. Mr. Tnft admits he is making hendAA-ay in the selection of a secretary of tho treasury, but maintains the place is not yet filled. Franklin MncVeugh and My ron T. Iledriek nrc tAvo of the men under consideration. With this exception tho Taft cabinet is complete, and avIich offi cially promulgated shortly before his lir auguration Avill be found us follows: .Secretary of state, Philander C. Knox of Pennsylvania; attorney-general, Geo. W. Wiekershnm of Now York; Secretary of Avar, J. M. Wilkinson of Tennessee; secretary of commerce ami labor, Charles Nngel of Missouri; secretary of the navy, George von L. Meyer of Massachusetts; secretary of the inteiior, It. A. Uallinger of Washington; postmaster general, Frank II. Wilson of Iowa. J. M. Dickinson of Tennessee, avIio ac cepted the Aar portfolio at the hands of Mr. Taft, will give up the position of gen eral solicitor for the Illinois Central rail Avay system, and a salary of $35,000 a year, to become a cabinet minister, lie is between !i4 and .ri5 years of age, a native of Mississippi, and served three mouths in the Confederate army as a boy. FARM ANIMALS ON INCREASE Southern States, According to Crop Reporter, Progress. Washington. Tho annual crop report of the department of agricultuic fur nishes gratifying proof in part of the material progress of the Unitttl States, giving as it does the number and value oi farm animals on Jan. I, 1909. Ac cording to this repart compared with those of the last census 1900 the South ern States have supplied a icmarkable propoition of the immense addition to national wealth thus received. Total value of farm animals of the United States in 1900 was $.,() 12,000,000. In 1909 .Ian. 1 their Aixltie Avas $1,-370,-1 05,000. The figures stand for num ber and value of horses, mules, milch coavs, other animals and sheep. The Southern States Yhginia, Xorth Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Geor gia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Mis sissippi, Aikansas, Oklahoma, Louisiana nnd Texas increased their total values in farm animals from $178, 102, 1171 in 1900 to $1,030,551,000 in 1909. The total increase, in the a nine of farm animals in the United States from 1900 to 1909 Avas 222 per cent; the increase for tho Southern States was 2.')7 per cent. The aerage value of these farm ani mals in the South in 190!) wa: Hoi sos, $-13.07; mules, 51.35; milch cows, $J2.-)G; other cattle, $15,70; sheep, $2. POLICE SEIZE WEDDING WINE Secure 1,000 Bottlco Boor, 3 Barrels Whisky, 200 Cases Wino. Atlanta, Ga. The wedding" of Miss I.ily Cohen and Samuel I.oeb, fi.ed for next Tuesday night, will be a "dry" af fair, owing to the activity of the Atlanta police in enforcing the prohibit ton law. Miss Cohen and Air. Locb are momUers of wealthy Jewish families, and it is planned to make their nuptials the event of the season in llebiew social circles. To this end Morris Cohen, the father of tho bride-to-be, oidered a thousand bottles of beer, thiee barrels of Avhisky and tAo bundled cases of wine, to be served at the Avcdding feut. The police, heard of the large ship ment of drinkables consigned to Cohen, raided the storage place, seized the liq uors and carted them to the police sta tion. Cohen Avas arrested charged Avith having the liquois on hand for purposo of sale. Cohen gave bond in $2,000 and Avill bring suit to recover the liquors. Even Judge Ilroyles, vho will pass on the seizure of the liquor, is one of those bidden to the feast. Minister in Trouble, lierdshurg, Wis. lleciuse HeA A. E. Friederich, formerly a lcsidoiit of Mad ison and a graduato of the University of Wisconsin, referced a basket ball contest botAvcea the Madison nnd Itccdblmrg mil itary company, ho may lose his position as pastor of tho Methodist Church at Ironton, Wis. The church board is up in urnis, but Friederich says he -will referee. ADLAI STEVENSON ILL. Activities of Recent Campaign Too Much of a Strain. Chicago. Adlai E. Stevenson, former vice-president of the United Stntcs, is ill at his home in Uloomington, 111., accord ing to icpoils received. Tlr activities of tho recent campaign in vhit-h ho avus defeated by his Republican vival for tho govcrnoiship is said to Iiua't proved a se vere strain on his 71 years, r.ntl he has, it is stated, visibly weakened dining tlia last few weeks. YOUNG GOOPER'S STORY BAYS E. W. CARMCK FIRED THE FIRST SHOT. Declares Senator Drow Hio Itovolver as Soon as Col. Coopor Spoko to Him. Nashville, Tcnn. "Senator Carmack hot me once, then he fired again. I thought his next shot would kill me. I fired at him to save my own life. 1 be lieed I avus in danger of death at hid hands. 1 thought so then. I think so now." Intensely pale, hia face draAvn and deep lines about his eyes and mouth, in dicating mental sulToring, Hubiu J. Cooper, for the first time Saturday de scribed the killing of his father's enemy in the streets of Nashville lsit Novem ber. For four hours, under the skilful guidance of his senior counsel, Mack Anderson, ltobiu Cooper lecited his ver sion of the events of the fatal day, from the moment that his father en tered his office in tho morning and told him that he had warned Carmack if the editorial assaults on him (Col. Cooper) Avere continued thu town was not big enough for both, through bib frantic search for his father, Avlten he thought he hud met Carmack, to his arming him self and going out to locate his parent, through the .scenes of the shooting and down to his depaiture for the doctor's office, leuA ing thu brilliant Carmack be hind, a corpse in the gutter of the btreet on Avhich ho lived. And through his entire story his fa vorite sister, Mrs. Lucotta Hurcli, avIio hits been a tower of stiength to this young man, sat avcII Aitliin the range of his eyes, leaning far foiward in her chair and following his every motion and giving him every support possible. Wrapped up in her brother, this young matron has never left his side since his first arraignment, and site gave him vis ible sympathy and support, nnd when, late in the afternoon couit avus finally adjourned until Monday, she hurried Aith him to his preson cell, tenderly supporting him and whispering that, now his story Aas told, he "must boon bo fiee." Young Cooper's Story. Young Cooper toltl of leaving the of fice Avitli his father in the afternoon af ter he had finally located him. They Avalked through this streets, he said, meeting John 11. Sharp In lite Aicade. Sharp Avas going up toward l!ov. Pat terson's house, and Aalked along Aith them toward Seventh avenue. Doing up the hill the incline told on the col onel, and ho dropped back about twenty feet, Rubin and Sharp proceeding arm in arm ahead. ' Koacbing Seventh avenue, ltobin look ed down the street and saw Cannaek coming. "1 turned to Sharp and said, 'Here comes the senator now. Don't let papa see him.' I caught my father by the arm and said, 'Come on, dad; let us hur ry over to the mansion.' "Jle looked at me and liemuiulod wiiat the hurry amis. Then he looked duAvn the street, lie saw the senator. "isn't that Cm mack now?' ho asked me, and without wailing ror a leply, continued, '1 will go on oor mid speak to him.' "I asked him not to go, but he brushed my hand aside, and started down the street. 'I know Senator Car mack nntl he knows me,' he said to me us ho started, 'and tlieic will be no trouble.' As he Avent down the street I Aiulked diagonally across tho street to ward him and Carmack. When papa stopped it occurred to mo that Carmack had just left Mrs. Eastman and Avas put ting his hat back on his head. Says Carmack Drew First. "Papa stopped and said, 'Senator Car mack ' but at tho instant he spoke Carmack iIicav his pistol, it paralyzed me for an instant, and then I rushed intuitively toward tho tolograplf pole against which Carmack was backing. "As I ruehed between them Curmaok'n pibtol exploded in my face and a shot hit mo in the neck. A second struck my left coat sleeve, and I s.iav Carmack standing sideways, but facing me, his pistol aimed at me. I Jrew my lovolver nnd fired thiee times as fast as 1 could, then I btopped. Senator Curmaek'n knees seemed to give Avay. Ho icelcd und fell toward the gutter. "I heard father say something about a coward hiding behind a Avoiuniis' skirts after Cm mack had drawn his pistol, I avus under a terrific nervous strain, but I am certain up to that time father had not driuvn a pistol, l'athor did not saj, 'Now I have you,' or 'I've got the drop on you.' After 1 had fired I leaned against the telegraph pole. I told father I was wounded. As ac Ayero leaving for the doctor 1 suav Mrs. Eastman und an old man buck up on tho yard of tho Polk Hats." Ilobin Cooper denied he hud ever cursed Carmack. "I only know him by sight," he said, "and hud no rial uu fiieadly feelings toAvurd him." ' ... 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