Newspaper Page Text
i HERALD , VOL. T. HAYTI, MISSOURI, THURSDAY, APRIL 1, 1909. NO. 23. THE PUBLIC SQUARE. BORING FOR BUSINESS WOOD FAMINE HAYTi JL JDLJlL .? rv The move is now well under way to John L. Dorris. one of the llnyti grade imil fence tin.1 public sijuare, and ' merchants, has received the following thu work will i-orttiinly be done. Goo. letter from Win. H. Moore Dry Goods Dorris has tliu list, and every one j Company of Memphis, and from an who has not daeed his or her name iidvi-rtisiny point of view it is so good on the list is urged to do so. This , that we reproduce it. Ih'iv it in! list will be p iblished ovcr.v week until tliu money is made up. Here are tliu donations up to t lit- present: L C. Averill Wo 01) .1. L. Dorris A. .1. Dorris 1. ICohn . G. W. Dorris . . "We feel, occasionally, as though wo were ratlier a bore to yon with our persistent requests for your business, hut honestly, now, how could we ex- lo OOi pcet to get it if we never asked? How . . lo 0 1 1 would a fellow jet his "one girl in the lo 00 world'' if he never asked? How could 10 00 a merchant who never advestised ex- I.. L. Leller l M. IVrkins hum U-iler . . . o 00 Sanders Hros. o 00 K. Summers o (III C. .1. Provine Citizens Rank T. A. McNuil Hank of Hayti .1. G. Ohlcr . S im .TetTress K. M. Uwin 15. F. Allen If. I'. Coleman. Long Heach. I'al. .1. K. Ingle . . Airs. Rose Dry ant .1. T. Buckley . .. I). I). Harherl .Moi-cuu Gaskins C. W. Frick It. 10. Hlliston 10 00 I peel to -ret the trade of the people who o 00 ! never heard of hiinV "Speaking of advertisers, reminds Us of a good thing we saw in a maga zine and clipped it out: 'Speak nothing lint good of the . ;" 0(1 . 10 00 dead. Roman Poet. o 00 lo oo 10 00 o 00 o 00 5.00 o 00 :;.oo 2 5(1 2 50 2 5(1 ," 00 2 oO 2 50 Teachers' Examination. The .March Teachers' Kxiiiiiinatii n " 'Speak nothing hut good of the dead a hunch from the lip-, of the wise! Let nothing hut praise he said, of the merchant who won't advertise. Ivct him rest in the gloom of his More, and sleep on his cobwebby hed, while customers pass by his door, and say nothing hut good of the dead! The man who's contented to cot. while the world keeps a-moving ahead, is lit tor the luirial spot, so speak nothing hut "food ol the dead.' Today to supul.v public needs and to Jill their own pockets individual ex ploiters are sweeping away the forest three times as fast as they grow. This means that nianv of the hardwoods uiv already gone , that thutotal supply of hardwood which used to furnish the better grade furniture fittings and so on, will he exhausted for commercial purposes within (51 teen years, and that the entire wood supply of the country will not last longer than twenty-five or thirty years. It is as though some foreign invader or some deadly pent should suddenly appear on our shores and ravish the entire forest area of the country, at ihe rate of two states it year, until every tree were gone. Do you itnagaine for one insttmt that as the years go by your interest in this great (jueslion will become less person al or less vital, than it is today. Success Magazine. High values placed on land that the Government seeks lo condemn for I a levee lo protect a large section ol ! Southeastern Missouri from overflow may preM-nt the levee from being built. The commission appointed several mouths airo bv the I'nited were hehl here las) Friday and Satin1 djy, L'lith and 27th. 'I'll follow in, teachers were enrolled: Messrs L. II. States Circuit Court lo make an ai- Gale. Herman Milk-. Misses Anna j.raiscment ol the land has made a re- llobson, Dulcia Bryant and Mrs. ,.,, lllil(.in. Ult. V!lh. ul ,17 , ,. Anna Dunklin. Hayli: 11. 11. Helm. The land lies bet.-.-n Cape Girardeau Lither Jackson. Owen Thom.son, Mo.. in( ap-tjirardeau 1 . 1 T . . . . . t I . I I . lit ' .wisses iryiiua ivyiionisaim rrancis uml s,.u eulm,jes. Th I'llilietts, Cai-iithei'sMlle: Chas. Holt, Game: Misses Kthel Webb and Violet Missourian: The ellort to have the revision ol the laws of the state made by a committee of experts under the direction ol a commission ol lawyers lias proven a failure. The Attorney General bus decided that the salary of "Mo a day promised to the lawyer-, can not be paid under the constitution as io is all that can lie allowed. The Publishing Co. has thrown up its Wo. 00 I contract because tne committee refused to allow thein to (juot- from a publication of their own as authority. So the whole thing is a failure. It may I eurranyil by the General Assem bly by the appointment of a revision committee limiting their numbers and ; making the compensation. PRICES! THE PROOF OF THE PUDDD1NG Having been led to believe the proof of the "pudding is in the eating thereof," I wish to say the goods listed below speak for themselves. This county is filled with intelligent people who know what they want to eat or don't want to eat, without the advise or help of a guardian angel. Try these goods and be convinced. You know a good article. Thousands of Packages of PENNY GARDEN SEED, each Coal Oil, per gallon Flake Hominy, per pound Rice, per pound 22 oz. Bottle Pickles Good Corn, per can 3 Pound Canned Tomatoes, per can Canned Peas, per can 2 Pound Canned Apples, per can 2 Pound Canned Kidney Beans, per can Canned Oysters, per can Eastern Granulated Sugar, 1 6 pounds for Beans, hand picked, per pound Seeded Raisins, per package Roast Coffee, per pound Everything in proportion. Don't complain about the hard times. Buy your goods right, then there will be no hard times. Ktsai). Hraggailocio: Lilla Nortbeutt, Holland: Miss Ida Kohl. iris. Steele. Tie Iyer 1 oy s will continue the business of their lather's b itcher slum Government wanted a strip varying in wiiltu Irom 100 lo 2.i0 feel. It was owned mostly by Louis ami Mary llouek and the ( ape Girardeau and Terminal I .i(l I oad ( oinp.iln . The 00 11 1 Im-Ih-w -. Im- appraisement to In- too high and prohuhh w ill reject it I Argus There has been a bill introduced in the legislature dividing ' this Judicial ( iicuit into t,o. one of them constituting the counties of Cape Girardiau, Mississippi and Scott, the ' other those of Pemiscot and New Mad rid, and gning this counn four terms a ear instead of three. The liar ol this county is heartily 111 laorot this bill, as it will ,t. a relief to our con gested docket, and ewntually ailow the docket to be cleared. These prices are for cash only, and we do not give premium coupons with sales. Eon 1 To appreciate our complete stock of Easter goods one must see our window dis play of Easter Rabbits, Easter Chickens, Easter Ducks, Easter Dyes, Easter Cards and Candy Easter Eggs HAMMOCKS CROQUET SETS nfiSBBBBS The best minds and the pruttieHt, non-fading culms to be t'liuud anywhere for the money. Com pute 1 111-111 with utheiH at the same juice. $1 7o, T.'i 0U, Y.i f0, t-1 U0, - 00, W .r)0 and ti 00 each. I VJ - TC t - 0V M t - wc; m ft. W fr l 0(1, -M 25, 1-1 oO, 82 00, t.2 00 jiei set. Keeji yoiiriuiud on Lefler quality . It is good, andwewill keep it so. 1S V4rW Tjyf WATCHES. Piicle Sam !. CLOCKS liieak o'day alarm each 1 . Hejiuhlie alaiiu il Luminous a 1 a 1 in I 2.r). AiiMiuia rejieating aliinn ?2. lnueiholl "Yankee" fcl. lugeiholl '.lunior"r2 We want your iiusiness, and we can ilease you. BASEBALL GOODS ( atelier's masks, baseball bat s, catcher's mitts, first baseman's mitts, fielder's gloves, fieldei's mitts, toe plates, heel ilates um pire imlicatuis scoie books, ankle supporters, boyV i'iijih, belts, huhehnllH, jiick nick ballb, 1 libber balls, etc. FISHING TACKLE Kiiby liuoksri-O per lio. of 100 Kiiby hookK 7-0 per box of 100 Kiiby hooks il-0 jier box of 100 Knhv hnokb 10-0 per box of 100 Kiiby hooks 7-S-!l-0 100 l.iliieiick books (i-l) box of 100 l.imeiick hooks S-0 box of 100 Ceilil'al draught No, II jier 1-1-1 il Ceutiiil draught No. lo jier Ml I Ciu. bass, blight, I0-20-2I er 100 TROLLS AND MINNOWS lleudiix iioielleis each Gauconude hjiooii trolls each lluell Kjiinneis No. ft each Ihiell hiinncis Nus -I and fi each llilderbiaudt taiideiii Siinners . each Hildcihrandt plain a)inneiK each Hililcitirandt f'eatlieicd HpiimeiH eacli Dowaigac iiiinnow !l hookH each 2oc IWc ti.r)C 75e l.rc .ri ic SOc 00 00 2.r.c .r)0c K'c tide 50c .V'c 2oc .'Wc Dowaieac ininuow Ifi books each 1 00 Dowaigac minnow lo hooks 111- tistic each 7.ric Ketch-em lfi hooks each . 50c I'icinier weedlcss tioll each 2oc I'lemier ftuleil sioon each IMr Oidinary Hilled sjioou each 10c REELS luviiicible 1st unlit v each Walton, one of the best made 1 2o 2 TiO Coik floats each f, - pic Tackle lioxes, size fJ.10 carli 1 0(1 Fish scafeiH each 2,'ic Trot bine, Seine 'I' wine and .Singe ing, pur II Hoc Furnished lines each fi ,: 10c Fish Hliingci'K each fl A 2.ic Iiiich, good ijuality cotton 10 ft. 2 (or fie Heller ijualily cotlon, 25 It. each 5c Ihaided linen, fiU ft. sjiools for 15c ilk casting, on siiols peryil. !l, -1 A 5e .lajiau silk, 10 yd, hanks, 'each 25c Sinkers, lead small and medium 1c Sinkers large each '-'' POLES AND RODS Sampson's jointed steel -1'i.ft. each i'.l 25 bamboo jointed jioti. each '2 50 ('aim jointed 8ft. each 25u .MisHiHsij))i cane 18ft. each 10c Minnow dip neta each 25 50c Fish bags each :)5c Bucket dip nets each 23c .Minnow buckets hp, 15c, 2(jt. 25u hit 75o Frog spears fl prong each . 25u Fish rijiuai'H 1 in 5 prong imuli 115c FiHh Hpears 5 in. 5 prong each liUe FiHh Hpears 7 in. 5 prong each 1 00 FiHliurman's hats each 25c Minnow BciiiB -1x15 Machine Hindi) each ! 50 Minnow seins -IxlC white lied each 3 50 (Complete with floats and sinkers. ) We have hy far the largest and morit complete line of Fishing Tackle in the eltv. LITTLE FOLKS GOODS Toy garden tools, Tops, Marbles, Horns, etc; BICYCLE SUNDRIES Pumps, Inside Tulns, Hells, Handle Coiks, Tire Cement, Wood Rim Cement, Rubber Plugs, Vulvee, etc; Repair Rubber. MkndauU', for mending torn or snaged goods ioq Mkndinii Tisst'i:, a household necessity 5c LEFLER'S DRUG STOR 9HBHHHHHHHIH9HHHI9HKHKbHI!HHHHHHHHHHHHHBKSHHHHHHIHHHbH