Newspaper Page Text
THE HAYTI HERALD VOL. I. HAYTI, MISSOURI, THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1909. NO. 24. CITY ELECTION i ' "v 'i u: Tim city election Tuesday passed oil' quietly illlil good naturedly. till- de leated candidates all bowinggracerully to the will of the people. Those de feated were all good men. and feel better because they were defeated li. good men. The results were as follow-. : Mayor lolmT. Buckley . .. I'.raek Gaskins .Marshal S.F. Juden Luui Leller ... Police .ludgc .lames Argo F. M. Gwin Clerk Jluia Alorgan Alderman 1st Warily (li Vein1 Term) H. P. Allen. Tim Dorris (1 Year Term) W. H. Foley Win. Knight Alderman Und Ward .lames A. .lohu.sou. . I. Kuhn THE FIRST TREE. On April F. M. (iwin set the first tree on the publie square, in honor of his wife's fiftieth birthday. It is a beautiful silver leaf maple, Mrs. ( J win's favorite shade tree. Mr.s. (iwin is the only surviving ehild of Dr. G. M. Hayes, the founder of IliiMi, and sinee her father's death she has manifested "Teat interest in the city. She is now very lntieh in- til ' terested in improving an beautfying Itlie puhlie square. She is also presi- 07 dent of the Civic lA'iigue, an organi- i;i'J ' xution for the upbuilding und iui- I provement of the city. (is! A few minutes after the lirst tree war. KM) ' set .lohn T. Muekley and Charlie Mor- i SCHOOL ELECTION The vote in the sehool election Tues day was fairly good. The ")()(' in excess of 4 Of tax levy carried, as did also thellof levy. The vote was llil vs. Ifiiind 17. The length of school term wa.s voted to be nine months. I'rof. H. S. Stearns received 140 votes for school commissioner, and Amos Huffman and I). .1. Heard were elected directors for a term of three , ears, the vote being 140 and l.'W. Resolution of Respect. Whereas: The Alwise Kuler of the I'niverse and Sup.?uie Master of all !.. 1.1 1...! I...1 1 ran set the second tree, a beautiful na- i ""'"' m '" MIIll!niluu im....... i.u IMS ' live manic I seen lit to call from our midst, our I It b, to be hoped that this work will '"lvwl uml respected brother. Edward go on until the square is made what'1- Uver. who departed this life on 74 ' II shoubl be. a place of pleasure and jlla' ls dit.v of Al'- Ul"B. -,, i,,...,,,,. Therefore lie it resolved that we ex- j0 lieauty . H'liu uuio ms neur reiuii ves iinin'"ni , heartfelt sympathies, that our charter Red Men Organize. 'be uraped in mourning: that the mciii- Wakarusa Tribe No. ill. Improved bcrs wearthe usiialemblemol iiiourning Order )t Keil Men was instituted here last week under the direction of W. S. 1-J oil School Report for 7 th Month, j Report ol the Haiti Public School ! tor the seventh month, ending April ' '. ItlOit: I Hois 110 ,., , ... Girls Kill 1,,,itl -1" Total number ol dais attended by ' all pupils :tlt;ii j Number ol pupils attended every ; day Number absent live or more dais Number of tardy marks Number ol cases ot truancy Number ol director visiting (I). t). Itarbcrw Visitors (Hev. Cooper. Mcreaii Gaskins: Mesdames White and Schmidt: I). 1). Harbert and Lu ther Jackson) Lowe. and hisdeputy, F.. K. Hobertson. The billowing olliivrs were elected: 1'rophet. II. L. Davidson: Sachem, tor a period of thirty days, and that a copy of this resolution lie sent to his parents, a copy be sent to the Hayli Herald ami a copy tie atlixed to our minutes. I D..I Heard. K ommittee: 'C. .. I j. Iter. 1'. S. Kaveiistein. .I.J Oil :t Kennett Herald: The last two. of the ten men indicted at Cape Girar deau lor the thell of $1001 1 worth of C. W. Friek: Senior Sagamore. Kd .liiden: .lunior Sagamore. Amos Hiill' iiuin: Chief ot Records. Arthur Allen: Keeper it Wampum. C. L. Leller and Medicine Man. Dr. T. .1. Trautinann. The order li:is :i veri enei men uimr start here, and nodoubt 'will besuccess"- stamps In.m il,e p.,s,olliee at Haiti. Iuj were recently captured by the posl- I olllce inspeetoi's. .Iliiiuiy Murray was : captured in Hillsboro. on the I.lth. and Every legal obstacle has now I n ' t 'liaiU Walsh was captured in Stone removed and in the future all voters ' t.oum ,, ,1(. jiltli. They were taken ot the state will have to posess ,,,,11 , ,,, s,." Lui ,. preliminary hearing, tax receipts or they can be denied the The eight men who sv-n- indicted for ....;..;!. ....: i '. ... t i i i.ii.i-f;v.., ..iuiik, .hi., woii.iiie. u,,, ,.,,, .,. have all received iieniten- Cabbage Plants I'm sail .lohn T. burklev. ti Mis. L'ttf has isiied a proclamation declarin Aini-iienieiit No. !l a pari of the statues of Arkansas. The adoption ol ihe amendment at the !nslgcnei-;u election iii's fi-port'd to Ni'iiiai.i ot Stale Lut'wig- si M-ral day- ago. liary sentences ol live to eight ear-. I will in inmoibite thuse wanting Lime, Hiici. in Cement I' S. Uaen stein. Utf SPRING ITH the advent of SPRING I have purchased the largest and fin est line of Ladies' Slippers since I have been in business. I have the strongest line in Hayti; just the kind of slippers that your mother used to wear, and you know they were good. 1 also have a big line of Summer Goods, in Lawns and Linens, etc. Don't buv without first get ting my prices. No matter what you need. call for it, and remember my motto is "BEST OF EVERYTHING AT AVERILL'S." Don't forget the Bargain Groceries alwavs on hand. ILL jiMHiniiFM I LTTHBcm.'vopn'wwiTiuiiiiwilf in1 1 p I mTintmnvmmjjrTinirTr rntHII lllial tin nmuii iiihib n 1 1 ji l . , , , , ,,, , - -. .- .i . . . ,., . . m. To appreciate our complete stock of Easter goods one must see our window dis play of Easter Rabbits, Easter Chickens, Easter Ducks, Easter Dyes, Easter Cards and Candy Easter Eggs HAMMOCKS CROQUET SETS mmnnatBH ?,? . '! I IIWH -- ..u 1;iiiiv',,!Ml'?!i,ri;riin -'iiiiDiafljiininDmns' The bcHt unods and the pi til t jchI , non-1'ailing culms to be found anywiieie fur the money. ( 'oiu jiaie Ihem witli utlieis at the same piice. $1 75, Ti! 01), .s,", fill, ! (10, fi 00, 5 fill and (i 00 each. 1 00, .! L',r, -Tl 50, -J 00, .' CK) pel set. Keep your mind on Leller ipiality . It is good, and we will keep it so. CLOCKS Hienk ii'day alarin eai h t. Ifepublic alarm ?I 1 .ii in in ms a 1 a i m AiiMinia lepeating ahum r'-'. WATCHES.- IngeiM.II Yankee" tl. 1'ncle Sam fil. Iiigeisiill ".I uuioi" i)i. We want your husuiess. mid we can please you. ?w 9 ,8 NS BASEBALL GOODS t atitiei'.s masks, biibebail b a t s, catcher's mitts, first baseman's mitts, tickler's g'oves, lieldcl's milts, toe plates, heel plates um pire indicators seme books, ankle supporters, boy's cap", belts, baseballs, pick nick bulls, I libber balls, etc. FISHING TACKLE Kiiby hooks .V0 per ho. of 100 Killiy hooks 7-0 per box of 100 Kuhv hunks !)() per box of 100 Kilbv hooks 10-0 per box of 100 Kiiby hooks 7-K-0-10 per 100 Limerick hooks 0-0 box of 1 00 Liiueiick hooks h-0 box of 100 Cent nil draught No. M per HI il Cenlial ilraiight No. I.'i per Ml 1 Cin. buss, bright, 1!I-L'0--'I per 100 TROLLS AND MINNOWS lleniliix propellers each . . liasconmle spoon t nil Is each Huell Hplimers No, Ii each ISuell spinncis Nus. ) and fi each llilderbrandt tamlem Hpiuners each llilderhraudt plain ripiniieis each llililerhraudt feathercil spinners each Dowaiuac minnow 0 hooks, each IbiwaiiMc minnow I'i iiooks each 100 Oowaigac minnow 15 books ar- listii: each 7i Kelch-em 15 hooks each 50i 1'ieinier weeilless troll each !5i Premier lluted sputin each 'J'li Oidimiry fluted spoon each I0i IIEELS Invincible IhI qualilv each Walton, one of the best made 50 I 'oik floats each 5 ,V Tackle boxes, size j.lUj each I i Fish scalei s each Trot Line, Seine Twine and Hinge- ing, per lb Furnished lines each 5 A: Fish si ringers each 5 ic Lines, good iiialily cotton 15 ft. 'J tor Hetter iimlity cotton, 'J" ft. each Ibaideil linen, 50 ft. spools fur 15c ilk casting, on spools per yd. .'i, -I V 5c lapuii silk, 10 yd. banks, each "J.jc Sinlters, lead hi 1 1 ii II and medium le Sinkers largo eitoh lie POLES AND RODS SamfiHon's jointed steel -l'.,(t, each , " .s;i .'5 liaiiibiio jointed J ' .. 1 1 . each -'50 Cane jointed 8ft, each 'J5 .MiHsiHsippi cane 18ft. each l()c Minnow dip nets each 'J5 - 50c Fish hagH each H5e bucket dip nets each 'J5u .Minnow buckets Iqt. Ifie, '-'ijt. 'J5u bjl 75e F'rog spears !J prong each J5i! I'isli upears t in 5 prong li.le Fish Hpeai'H 5 in. 5 prong each liOc Fisli Hpearu 7 in. 5 prong each f I 00 KiHliurtnan'H IuiIh each i!5c .Minnow seiiiH 4x15 Machine nnrdt) each 50 .Minnow seins -1x15 white tied each 3 50 (Complete witli IhnitH and sinkers. We have by far the largest and most complete line of Fishing Tackle in the city. LITTLE FOLKS GOODS Toy garden tools, Tops. .Marbles, Horns, etc; BICYCLE SUNDRIES Pumps, Inside Tnbi s, Hells, Handle Coiks, Tire Cement, Wood Him Cement, Rubber I'lugB, Valve, etc; Hepuir Hubher. Mknuahii', for mending torn or siiaged goods 10c Mkniunh Tissi'K, u hoiiHeholiI necessitv 5c LEFLER'S DRUG STORE