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Image provided by: State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO
Newspaper Page Text
AYTI HERALD. VOL. T. HAYTI, MISSOURI, THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 1909. NO. 25. THE i j.' ViJ - 1 Wr It.!. 't 1 ONLY A WOMAN. Coining Irom whence nu one knows, and wandering aimlessly in tin-world, one of tin- actors on the stage of life lli-utlny from t lie footlights uiul per haps from those lovt'il and iloiif ami over whose hie hep sin might cast its, shadow, landed troin :i steamboat at ( 'ai-Uthei-sv ill.- Sunday night, penny -less ami Iiiiiki-. a stpnngei- among -traiiyt'r. with tin canopy of heaven loi' her eovep and the eold, damp earth for her bed. This woman, young, beautiful and i dined, torn asundep from home and lot'iner associations by the hist and the stronger power of man. a wreck and outcast, with heart aching lop the might have heen. up perhaps fop the fulllllment of the promise that 10b ImmI hei-of all the after beauties ol life, n w turns her lootstcps to the mid night darkness and plodding her weai-y way thpogh the misty nip until finally overcome hy childbirth pains she knocks at the door ot a lonely cabin anil entpeats lop admittance. The child is horn, a hoy. I)u the slopy of the waywardcloseV We leave tin- answer w itli yon. The lads in the case caUim.' lor the atmve lelleciiuns seem shioudcd in mystery, and all efforts to get a cleai' statement Irom the woman have failed, and her stury is so conllicting that we can publish lint little of it. One ol tin- name given is Kapali Wiihlnig. ol Nashville. Tenn. XccoidniL' to hep stopy, he cannot stati just wlieie she hoarded the boat or wheic she landed Irom it. Inn it is supposed that she landed Irom the boat at I'aruthersville Sunday night, and walked out the railioad to the home ol .1. W. liowen. appearing there about, tour o'clock Monday morning. Mmiii an hour aftertaking in V her in she yavt birth to a baby. A I lii'si tie- liaby thought to be dead, and Mr. liowen reported this lael to Kij. 15. !' Mien, who phoii ed to the coriinr. Dr. H. IJ t'l'owe. at aruthersv nle. who. m coinp.uiv .ilb lb lluilgiugs ea me out. to lunl tl i PUBLIC SQUARE Tuesday a meeting of the contrilmtors ol the fund to fence and improve the public square was held in the city hall. A majofity of the contributors being jni'seiit, an organization was perfected with Dr. .1. W. .lohnson as cliairmau and II. I,,. Gully secretary. Talks were made by several, and upon motion duly carried the chair man appointed Geo. V. Don-is. K. M. Gwm ami A. J. Dorris a committee with lull power, free from outside in-tei-leience. to select a fence and erect same from funds in hands of committee together with any other available funds. The chairman was further instructed to appoint a committee of two to desig nate the places on the square to plant tree-,. On this committee Jheehairman appointed F. M. 1'erkins and I. Kohu. Ci. V. Doi-ris reported tliu sum of -MOO in his hands. I'pon motion, duly carried, the fence committee was instructed to set the leucc so that the street should lie "(! leet wide Irom the outside walk line to the lence. The mci'ting then adjourned to meet at the city hall on Monday. Apr. I 1st. at :i p m. .1. V. Johnson, chairman. U. 1- Gully . seceltirv . RESIDENCE BURNED. Tuesday night about eight o'clock the icsiilenee of Win. Knight was de stroyed by lire, am) only-ii small part of the household (roods were saved. We are informed that some Insurance was carried. It took hard work to .save the icsidence of Harry Steifel, and Charlie Morgan proved the hero of the occasion. Dr. J. W. John-oil accompanied Knllcigh Goatcher to St. Louis Satur day night, and lelurned Sunday alter noon. Mr. Gotclierentered a liospita! for tiealme it child, a liiir boy baby. ery much alive, but needing attention. The woman did not make any con nected statement to the doctor-. On Tuesday morniii" '. S. York came out from 'aruthersville to ie port the case tor the but no ciiuui-cti-d story eould Ic obtained. l-'sij. I-'. M. (iwiii accompanied Mr. York to the place, when It w is ills. ciim-h-'I that Mr G iwen was a pool . Ii.i I ilwoi iing man. and lliordei lo as sist 1 1 1 in in i-.u-iiig lor bis uiilorttinate i It. II J' m 'it 'i Jit Ol te Hi i'l. .t i hi ;i ion. which w,is deliviied by ! -i ( i v in aii't I Mi-do - How Nugents Started Business When publishing a papep in 1812 ati Mount Vernon, 111., on a second floor, a stoic was opened in a. room under i our otllce. The senior proprietor-came up stairs and contracted for three columns of space ,op twelve months w ith locals eaeli week. He remarked that it was a snap to yet into a town where other business men did not adver tise. This linn stapled on borrowed capital. In tliiee yeai-s it had money enough to statt two stores, oneinSe dalia .ind oneinSt. Louis. It dissolv ed paitnei-siiip and each paptnei-took a Held for himself. Ilt-yon Nugent wan the man w ho made the contract and who. until his death, was a member of H. Nugent Hros.. the great St. Louis house. We must add that some of the old mossbacks who wepein business at Mount Vi'i-iiiiii before Dryon JNugeiit ever saw the place an- still grumbling about dull trade ani' hard times. - K Did it ever occur to vou that ou Hi'ic in a position to help oiip local paper publish all the newsV Kvi-rv local paper makes leasonable ellort 1o com p its Held, hut H is not alwavs the easiest thing' in the world to get m touch with the elusive item. The local piipei uppi eciales having news sent in and having its attention called to any lieWs item. The i "ivic Ieague made s,") cb-ai on their election dinner Vhis mom y will I e spent for the beneli ot ilayti ii- a wlioli. and not foi 'au eh icl., Sunday school or society, b it lor public impi ovem -nt SPRING! ITH the advent of SPRING I have purchased the largest and fin est line of Ladies' Slippers since I have been in business. I have the strongest line in Ilayti; just the kind of slippers that your mother used to wear, and you know they were good. I also have a big line of Summer (jooUm, in Lawns and Linens, etc. Don't buy without firsst get ting my prices. No matter what you need, call lor it, and remember my motto is "HLST OF EVERYTHING AT AVERILL'S." Don't forget the Bargain Groceries alwavs on hand. L. O. AVERILL f HH GUITARS 'I hese (iuitais have a mat he ui.ttically coirecl liiigt'i-biiaid. Thev aieuiace- lul in model and have a tai earning musical time. I'l ice fiiiin i.'UH) to sh.on carl,. Edison Phonographs and Records VIOLINS AND MANDOLINS have been selected on account oft licit line tune ami musical qualities. K.ich Violin ban a heavy coid boaid case, liow included, l'rlces fiom i'J .10 hi tU Ot). Mandolins In. in s;t tu o .i..MiiinnlTflMMtf!iJsl'JlT','"l ' 4 I BANJOS li ices Irom RDO to ff.OO each. ACCORDEONS From 7.r)c to ilLOO eacli. HARMONICAS Fiom fie to s-1 .)U each. HAMMOCKS 'BSBBBSSiSS'' I CROQUET SETS 1 (1(1, Tl 'S, -fl .'ill, rJ (Ml, rJ IMI pet set The best 'niids ami the piuilietit, luiii-l'iiding cirlms to he 1'iiiiiid auywiieie I'm the niuiiey, ( 'om- pilie Iheill With lilhel'-H at the Millie pi ice s 7,1, Keep y our mind on Letler quality. .' (II), -If Till, -1 till, ")()(!, -.") ."id and ti (Ml each. It is good, and we w ill keep it mi. CLOCKS llicak o'diiy alaiui each -rl . licpuhlic ahum Tl. 1 .11 m i n ins- a I a i in s -.'.r. AiiMiuia icpcating; alai in s-j. WATCHES. InsreiMill -Yankee" .-1. 1'ncle Sam tl. Ingi-isoll --.luiiioi" - We waul your business. ,uid we can please you. BASEBALL GOODS Tj ' atelier mai-k.s, hiis-eball b a t , catcher's. mitts, titbt baseman '.s mittP, tieldei's gloveh, tieldei's mitts, toe plates, heel plates ilin iiiie uulicatois sroie books, ankle siippnriets, boyV i.ipi, belts, b.ii-ebull.s, pick nick lulls, illbbei lialls.etc. (g SSf FISHING TACKLE Kilbv hiiokh "() pel box of Kill Knbv IiooKh 7-11 pel box of 100 Knby liunkH !() pel box of 100 Knbv hiiokh 10-0 per box ol 10(1 Kilbv hooks 7-8-ii-l() per 100 l.imeiick hiiokh ii-() box of 100 l.iliieiick liookN S-0 ho of 100 ( cm I al dl.illghl No. II pel HI il Ceutial diallght n. hri pel I II 1 I in buss, blight, 10--J0 L'l pet 100 TROLLS AND MINNOWS lleuilll.N iiiopellelh each (iabcoiiadc Hpoou tmllh each liucll Hphllleis No. J! each ISuell spiiiueis Siis. I and r each lllhieibiaudl taiideui Hpinueis each llihteihiaiidt plain nplnneiK each illldeihraudt leatlieicd HpiiiucrH each Ihiwamac minnow 0 hooks; each L'oc Jl.'ic Imp 7ric 1.1c LMc .10c 00 00 Itfc DiivMiicac 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 vv 1.1 nooks each 100 llovvaicac iniiinow M hooks ai- listic each "lie Ketch-em IT) hookH each ilUc 1'iemiei vveeillchh tmll each L'."ic I'leiniei Hilled spouu each '-Me Onlinary tinted Mpuon each 10c REELS Inviiii'ihle Iht iiialilv eacli 1 '.'.1 Walluii, one of the best ui.ule '.TiO l oik lloatb each r & (lc Tackle boxi'H, M.e ftJxIOA each I 00 l-'ish scaleih each Trul Line, Seine Twine and Slajie- iiiH, ner lb Kiiinihiied lines eacli f) it 10c I' lull stiiiij,'eiri each .1 iV LMc LincH, t-'iiinl ijuality cotton lfi It. J lor .1c liettci iinility cottnn, ''.') It, each 1c iliaided linen, 50 ft. spools I'm l.'ir wllk t-utsl i ti ji. on spools pel yd. '!, ) ,v. fie .lajmu dilk, 10 yd. hank:, 'each L't- Siukuru, lead h mal I and medium In SiuUerH liirue eaoh l!o POLES AND RODS .Siimpnon'n jointed sicel I '..ft. Hlltlll ?'! 'Jfi llamhoo juinleil -4 '..!(. each -J fid Cane jointed Sft. each -.'fie MirtHiHHippi cane lhlt. eacli 10c Minnow dip uctH each -Jfi filli! I'inli buuH each :'ifiit liuoket dip netH eneh '.'le Minnow bucnets Iqt. 15c, Jijt, '.Mu Iql 7fi(! l-'roij Hpeui'H !l (Jroiie; each . -Mi! I'ihIi dpeuih I in .1 pront; each 115c 1''IhIi HpeaiH ,1 in. ,1 prune; each title Finli spcarH 7 in. 5 pron each sj on KlHlieriiiun'H hatH each 'Xtu Minnow HchiH 4x1ft Machine Hindu eacli v.' 50 Minnow seiiiB 1x15 white tied each .10 iC'oinplete wlin limits and Hinkerw. We have by far the lartieflt and inoHt cuuiplete line ol Finning Tiiekle in the city, LITTLE FOLKS GOODS Toy garden toolt), Tope, Marhlen, HoniH, etc; BICYCLE SUNDRIES I'limpn, Inside Tubis, llelln, Handle CoikH, Tire Cement, Wood Rim Cement, Kubber PlugH, Valvun, etc; UepUr Kubber. MkndahU', for inending torn or Hiiuueil iroodH ioc Mkndino Tissii:, a boimehold neeeHHity fie LEFLER'S DRUG STORE wrxxim-mrsrjm