Newspaper Page Text
THE HAYTI HERALD. VOL. T. HAYTI, MISSOURI, THURSDAY, MAY 13, 1909. NO. 29. TROT MORRIS KILLED. Tuesday afternoon, about 5:.'I0, while engaged in n jfanu; of cauls ut F.rwin's mill, just out of tin corporate limits of tins city, Chaile Klhstou shot mill lulled Trot Motrin ami dangerously wounded Jim Dillinghum. The game was between Tint Morris, Mm Dillingham, Charlie K listun air.l l.dii Kidgeway, and was a poker game at 1 cent ante. The tumble aiose whun Dillingham was winning on a straight and Klliston only hud two queens. I The evidence allows that when Ellis ton showed bad temper the other players advised him to keep his money out, and when the cauls weie exposed I Klliuton aiose fiom his neat in an Hilary mood, and Monis also arose, and said: "IXin'tpull your gun, Char lie." Klliston tauntinly said hi would not, but did pull his 'tin, and pointing his gnu :il Morris, said: "You don't believe 1 will shoot, do yon " Monis said he did not. These wouls weie leiterated two or thtee times, when Klliston tiled. The lit st shot took ell'ect in the ub djiuen, passing lirst through the light wiist. The second Hhot took ellect in the head, passing through the base of the brain, pioduciug instant death. Seeing Monis fall. ICIIintoti turned his nun on Jim Dillingham, who had been begging lot the lile o) Morns. 'I'll tee shots weie tiled at Dillingham, all taking ell'ect, one in the thigh, mic about the knee and one in tin calf of leg. The wounds aie painlul, but not neeessaiily fatal. Klliston took to the wooiKand made his escape. Colonel, Dr. 15. D. (Jiowe came out and belli the inquest, and the verdict ol the cotonei 's juiy, 11. I.. Davidson, li. V. Don is, I'. S. Kaenstein, II. . Schilling. Win. Knight anil K M. I'ci kins, was in acconlaiice with the above facts. Charlie KMiston w.i-.i young single man, and said to possess a bail tem- iel. Tiot Moms was a maineo man, W eais old and li:i- a wife and font ANNOUNCEMENT I hereby announce mjself us a candidate for Alderman of the second BASEBALL FRIDAY. The most interesting ball frame of ward, to 1111 the vacancy caused by the season will be pulled oil al the ball resignation of II. A. Dortch. Election I"'k t this place Friday at 4 Monday, May 17, at the citv hall. i p. m., between the Professional! and Yours very truly, Geo. V. Dorris. children. Ilia home was ut Fulton, Ky. His oldest son, James, arrived Wednesday to take chaise of the body. and the Regulars. The winning side shall receive u nicelj decorated leather modal from the Herald, provided the editor is permitted to enter the grounds free of charge and lemuin until the game is I over without getting licked and Habe 1 T-Ii4T, iiif.ii- ....1. .,.. 1 f.i .. .I.... .1... .on Kulgeway, one of the pluvera, i , " ' ' ir'tttwi ?i ti f 1 t,i, ,, it. , fillniL'A.1 Irv i.ln.u I p,..... ...... .... ..... ... ...... ., m. .,.,,.. , and Chi is Settle, who happened to be jnesent, tell substantially the same atuiy. EDHOItl.U.. It haB never been the policy of this paper to mention some of the unde sirable things that have long been , toleiated in liayti, and we would not now. but for the fue that the vice of gambling so long toleiated bete has given us its fiuils, ami brought hu miliation and shame to the name of inn city. The above muuler is onlv the natural the rag about his decisions This game is sure to Iw a corker, and the marshal is ordered to arrest ever, person who dots not attend The. price of admission is 15 and 10 cents, and any one found without the price will be taken up as u vagrant. exeep the old maids, and girls without a fellow. The gaine will be a daisy, and see it. Here is the line-up: Come Regulars. Williams Moran ou trni nth of joints and gambling, audi ., Lippard hcieer these things aie allowed and gambleis aie allowed to congiegate, just Midi occuriencex may be exoeetd. A man with no vi-ible means of sup port, who hangs aiouuil a town for months at a time in idleness, is sine to be making his living in some tin- . lawful way. and in most well regulated ' eitie-' they are not allowed to lemaiu. I To be lid ol this class is to avoid i-iiuie and murder, and save joung men ftom enticement to lulu. , A city ii-is no moral right to license i ol to pel mil any place to exist that 1 must be lestncted or to which it would be olijeclioiiable I'm a woman oi a child to go. It it is not a silitalile place for a woman or a child, leitainly it i not a suitable place lor a man. Wcll-iegtil.ned saloons, conducted acciiuliuu to law, aie a great mote desiialde than th avetage joint anil le pioductive ol ciline. If local option .i mt prohibition is no bettei than the s.iiii'ilcs. -o tar given, it seems mote li.umtul than good I heie Is Mi'ile behind closed doo'h than il the plan weie open DellWM us lliilll the "lieak Mers Dunklin Civsxwell White Stearnes Allen C. P. JU. H. S. K. F. Sub. Pl'ofesssonals P. UH. .IB. S. S. C. F. (J'vin Knight Wells Delhnun Wilks Wright IB. L. F. JB C F. Sub. Shell C. Dorris IB. Ruiph I. F. Johnson H F. W IliaiiH Sub. Sub. J. J. Moran and sons. Richard and Eddie, of Springfield Mo., visited his son .1. A. Moran Siindax iiml Monilnj. Mr. Moran is one of the oldest engi neers in Springlleld. having been "JJ ears in the ser ice. lie came down loenjo a time hunting and fishing, but the weather turned bad. and he re lumed home. He epect to COllie back soon, and is so impressed with the country that we look lor him ei soon. P. S Raeiistein nuclide d to imsiiie at Caruthi rsvilli Sat uda WHITE GOODS f """" """ . - he nest ,me White H H Wmi Goods ever shown in Hay- H I ?A DON'T BUY I I V"v J l' yu see anc nsPect my I H STx fmr y ) "ne You will be suited I I v K v ' It'j anc w'" save money I I W 111''" -X LAD1ES' TRIMMED I I fi'1 I" A DOUGLAS SHOES I I I '' n 1 ' I or ervce anc Comfort. H I J3 I Every Garment Guaranteed H mXbn I GROCERIES I H "Pj I fr bargains for your table. H I ifHHiL We always have something H yu can 8et elsewhere. H I L. O, AVERiLLJ mHH wm GUITARS I bese liultais , have a matlie- mat iciill v collect liiigei-lioaul. The. aieL'iace. fill in model and have a fat carrying musical tone. I'lice fiom W.OU to .?.).()( uill.h. Edison Phonographs and Records VIOLINS AND MANDOLINS i t W These have been selected on account of their line tone and musical qualities. Each Violin has a heavy coul boanl case. How included. 1'lices from YJ ."id to 51.(1(1. Mandolins fiom W to (!. BANJOS 1'iices from .",.O0 to ACCORDEONS From 7oc HARMONICAS ff.OO each, to i-:!.00 each. From ."c to il.i'iO each. HAMMOCKS mimiil.Mdi '-umUlUUlHli'1-1 The best goods and the piutliest, non-fading colois to be found anywiteie I'm the money. ( om jiaie them with otheih at the same pure, rl 7", i: (IU, f.1 fill, .-1 0(1, ' 00, ." .Ml and rti 00 each. CROQUET SETS Q CLOCKS $jfa Hreak o'day alain lh 'V each il . He public alaiiu si. Luminous a I a i m il -'.".. Ansouia lepeating al a i in r'J. UlATr.UrQ - f iicersiill "Yankee" Si. fl 00, il L'.'i, il 50, .sL'(K), '' IK) pel set. I Tncle Sam 1. Ingeisoll "J iliiioi' il'. NS S3 Keepxourmind on Letler iiialit.. It is good, and we will keep it so. We want our tuisiness, .mil we cun please ou. BASEBALL GOODS i atelier's masks, baseball b a t s, catcbei's mitts, tiist baseiinn's mitts, fielder's gloes, lleldei's mitts, toe plates, heel plates inn juirt indicators, scoie books, ankle supporters, bovV caps, belts, baseballs, pick nick balls, i ubbei balls, etc. r.-Utf FISHING TACKLE Kiiby hooks .V0 per bo of 11KI Kiiby hooks 7-0 pel box of 100 . Kiiby hooks !M) per box of 100 . Kiihv hooks 10-0 per box ol 100 Kiiby hooks 7-K-IM0 pel 100 .. Limerick hooks (i-0 box of HID Limeiick hooks H-0 bos of 100 Ceuliul dliiught No. I I pel 111 il Ceutial diaiight No. 15 pei III 1 Cin. buss, blight, I'J-L'O.-il pel 10U TROLLS AND MINNOWS lleniliix piopelleis each (iiiHcoiiade sjioon Hulls each ltuell spiiineis No, ;i each liuell spiiineis N'os. 1 ami S each llildi'ibiandl tandem spiiineis each Hildeihraiidt plain spiiineis each Hildeibrandt featheied spiiineis each Dowaigac minnow 0 hooks each Dowaigac minnow 15 hooks each 100 Dowaigac minnow 15 books ai ds! ic each 75c Kelch-cin 15 hooks each 50c 1'ieiniei wecdless 1 1 oil each . -5c I'remier fluted spoon each L'Uc Oulinaiy tinted spoon each 10c REELS Invincible 1st tgiialitv each . 1 L'5 Walton, one of the best made . a 5U i 'oik floats each . . 5 & 10c Tackle bo.i's, sue 5J10J each 1 Oil Fish scaleis each . !.'5c Trot Line, Seine Twine and Singe ing, pei lb . . '15c Furnished lines each 5 ,V 10c Fish stilugeis each 5 A l.'5c Lines, good quality cotton 15 ft. L' for 5c llettiu quality cotton, t!5 It. each 5c Hi auli'il linen, 50 ft. spools for 15c ilk casting, on spools per yd. .'!, I A 5e Japan silk, 10 yd. hanks, each -'( Sinkers, lead s'uiall and medium le Sinkers large eaeh '.'e POLES AND RODS SainpBon'B jointed steel -1 '..ft. eaeh s;j Hainboo jointed 4'. ..ft. each 2 50 I'une jointed 8ft. each J5u Mississippi cane 18ft. each 10c Minnow dip nets each -fi .v 50e Fish bags each H5i! Bucket dip nets enuh iI5(S Minnow buckets lip. 15c, '-'it. '-'5u lijl 75o Krrtfj speursH prong; eaeh . J5u Fish spears 4 in 5 prong: eaeh !15o Fish spears 5 in. 5 prong; each tlOe Fish spears 7 in. 6 prong each ?1 00 Fisherman's ImtH each i!5o Minnow seins 1x15 Machine made each i- 50 Minnow seins 4x15 white tied each S 50 (Complete with Hunts and sinkers.) We have by far the largest and most complete line of Fishing Tackle in the citv. LITTLE FOLKS GOODS To. garden tools, Tops, Marbles, Horns, etc; BICYCLE SUNDRIES I'timps, Inside Tulit s, Hells, Handle forks, Tiro Cement, Wood Rim Cement, Rubber PIub, Valvee, etc; Repair Rubber. Mkndahh', for nioniliiiK torn or snugeil (roods 10c Mknihxo TisstK, a household necessity 5e LEFLER'S DRUG STORE