OCR Interpretation

The Hayti herald. (Hayti, Mo.) 1908-1922, October 14, 1920, Image 20

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn89066651/1920-10-14/ed-1/seq-20/

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wufci vwq(f uriarjnunmuiimjftn;,1
Missouri's Present Hard Road System
4 rif """ Ki.?t:n fE-i 'i iwwi rrpT rr nrsn8"" St" W.
w wi 'i 'j'-.ra'A. i .i'U i u ... v . i i :i j ' r u i a
rtBrAZ2LP-M';-:--H , Ifv1 i . it ' .. &
Look at the Dis-connectcd Sections of Improved Highways.
Unlecs the Bond Amendment No. 6 Is
Adopted on Nov. 2 the Above Map
Will Represent the System of
365-Day Roads for Many
Years to Come.
Tho people of Missouri have been
talking good roads and voting bonds
and applying Federal Aid dining the
past three yearB to such an extent
that many people might believe from
all this publicity that we were soon
to havo ii wonderful system of hard
surfaced highwas. The fact-, are tho
above map represents the roads on
which Federal Aid has been allowed
real good roads that Missouri will
have for many years.
"""What stronger argument could be of
fered in support of Amendment No. 0
which will connect all of these links
into a complete system and at the
and when these londb are built, unless samp time reimburse any county or
more Federal Aid is available or tho subdivision for what they havo expend
?G0,000,000 road bond amendment ed on these sections of the state road,
passes, Uicy will be about all of thoi VOTE FOR Amendment No. C.
without question If Ilunt'i Salt
falli in the treatment of Bciero.
Tetter.Rlncworm.Itch.ctc. Don't
become discouraged becauicothei
treatment! failed Hunt'Sl
hat iclieved hundred of tuch
eaten You can't lote on out
.Money Back Guarantee. Try
Jitnt our flak TODAY. Puce 75c.
For talc locally by
TStt VVM?yi jrffwjJyJsytou ffifct. LYV
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
cannot reach tho bint of tho disease.
Catarrh Is a loi al illsense. Krcatly In
fluenced by constitutional conditions, ana
In older to euro it ou must take an
Internal remouy llull'j t'atarrh Mi'ili
cino la talitn intirnully and acts tliru
tho blood on tho mucous surfaces of tho
syntom Hull's Catarrh Medicine . w
prescribed by one of the beat physician
In this country for eurs. It is com
posed of some of tho best Ionics known,
combined with bomo of the best blood
purifiers. Tho perfect combination of
tho Ingredients In Hall's C.Uarrh Medi
cine Is 'what produces such wonderfu
results in catarrhal conditions. Send fo;
testimonials, free.
P. J CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O
All DruuKlsts, "Cc.
Hull's Family Pills for constipation
'lli' "i J jf 'S35) i
Perfect Reputation
gained through tho rccom
naendation of over a million
satisfied uers.
fO I E'C
Fuel Saving System
of comtustion on cmJusWo
feature of Cole's Ouginal
Hot Blast Hooter, gives n
guarantee of 1.3 to i-a fuel
sowing. It stops the scandal,
ous waste of fuel money now
escoping up the chimnev ns
ttfiourned fuel gas. Burns
any Kind of fuel. Cole 5 Hot
r -. IjList mnlti vonr
jt,S coal pile lc5t
Come In and ue cut
tpltndid cuuilmcrii
HardwaVe Co.
Very few of us who have not heard
of the parable of the tulents, where
a certain man who journeyed Into
another land, but before going hs
called three servants to him and gave
them talents to use in his absence
Ilayti is a town of 1507 souls;
no manufacturer, luige or small
could want hotter bhlpping facilities,
no farmer could want better land
than that which, lies around Ilayti
In fact, everything is in l.ivor of
making a booming, hustling town of
Ilayti We have a depot that would
do credit to a city of 50,000 inhabi
tants. Hut for some leason or lack
of reason, we h ive continued to do
nothing gaining nothing, seeking
nothing a blind man, who sits down
and lookb to the world for support
Several "irs ago a . number of
people with enough pep and push
started a little town in practically
a mud puddle. Nothing daunted
the courage of this people, dilllculty
after dilllculty was overcome and to
day a city of 8 thousand souls testi
fy to the undying get up and persis
tency of Old Brother lily tho and his
It should be understood that this
is not iu tho nature of a knock at
our town or a bouquet for any neigh
boring town, but it is a fact that
those who should havo pushed Huyti
to tho front havo shamefully failed
and It is a fact that wo are .doing
nothing whatever to make this the
metropolis of Southeast Missouii.
This is not a county seat, it is
true, nor docs Ilayti havo to he a
county seat to grow and expand
but Ilnyti does havo to have enough
citizens to forgot self or rather got
wise to tho fact that as long as Ilayti
remains a village they will remain
villago inhabitants. Every time a
man does something for his town, he
furthers his own interests, it is im
possible to do otherwise. And why
wo havo continued to sit idlo and
lot things rock along is more than
we are ible to understand.
Ilayti needs another hotel. It
needs factory after factory, it needs
mbro Rtoro and business houses, it
needs hotter streets, it needs its own
light and power plant, and it needs
a good waterworks system. But be
foro it will get nil these things it
citizens must awaken to tho fact that
no town will of itself grow, some
body has to get out and do a little
pushing, wo can't all ride and a&
long as never make an offort to bet
ter conditions wo will remain what
wo are Just a Httlo weed overrun
Morgan Worth and wife are the
proud parents of a 9-pound hoy, who
arrived early Sunday morning, ''.he
youngster's name is Burges-i.
Get that Royal Tailored
Buckley's, Hayti, Mo.
When a fellow tries to appear at
his best he often shows up tho worst
Because tho r.tato and federal gov
ernments will build two hard surfac
ed rondB across his county and he
will out pay one dime of tax more
than he is now paying. , '
Because the stale auto fees will
pay the entire cost of the roads, i
Because if he lives on a state roi'd $
ho can deliver his farm produce to
niaikcl any day in the year '
Because If ho does not live on or
near a state road he and his neigh
bors or hi scounty can build good
roads to connect with Uioso state
roads and then have a connected sys-1
tern of hard roads to all of the main
markets in his section of the state.
Because the value of a hard road
depends on its connections and tho
state bond issue menus a complete i
Who Needs Insurance
THE RICH MAN to offset inheritance taxes, thus conserving
his estate.
THE BUSINESS MAN to perpetuate his family's interest in his
THE POOR MAN to lend his growing family a helping hand
until they can support themselves.
THE MARRIED MAN to assure his family the heneflt of a per
manent income.
THE SINGLE MAN to provide for his old age.
ily of full ownership in any event.
THE CONTRACTOR to protect creditors while doing exten
sive building that requires extensive credit.
EVERYBODY to aid thrift and create financial independence.
One of the ubovo reasons fits you Mr Reader, and tho Aetna Lifo
Insurance Co., cut3 contracts to fit your measure.
Banner Insurance Agency
linn. limn ( linro nr fil cnnntlnR In
Missouri where at tho present time
no road bonds have been voted nor
any finances provided for tho con
struction of hard surfaced roads.
all sections of the state.
Because bad roads aro expensive,
When the ?C0,000,000 bond Issue is' while good roads are money maker
available state roads will be built ini and money savers,
each of these counties, and therefofrcl Because a complete State system of
they will be assured of two roads hard roads will link together overj
across their county without any cost community in Missouri and allow
except their auto fees at the present her people to meet and mingle and
rate. ' he friends, whereas, with bad roari.s
Because good roads In every com-! the people are held apart.
inanity improve the social, loliglous
and education advantages of the peo
ple In that community.
Because every farmov in Missouri
wants to give his wife and children
as good surroundings and as many
advantages as those of his friends iu
other counties and states where haul
Because hard roads are now need
ed to carry tho modern highwa;
Because farms are more desirable
on hard roads, bring better prices,
and make their families more con
tented and prosperous.
Because dairy farming and poul-
hi, xn n t ti n on fnTiiuci lur It 1 timwlo
roads have been built or aro being ,,J' .""'" " """' "' """ '"""
are money matters, wiinu iiiu sainu
built. Because hard roads save time
on the road, save transportation cost
to and front markets, enable the
farmer to market his products any
dty in the yeary save money in the
repairs and depreciation of trucks,
motor cars and all kinds of vehicles.
Because every state in the union
is now building hard roads or get-
farm on a dirt road would not be in
Bc-ause hard rpads mean bettor
rural mail service, better schools, am'
markets closer to the farm.
And principally because
It Casts Pou Nothing.
Chas. Worth and wife of Portage-
I tn (v s-wis1r rn 1 1 r ttn It TV T 1 nrm l mniiin
i... .v...., lu.,unu. .t .tl,oow.. "'" vine, are the guests of tho former's
to keep in its place with the progres- hrothQr Morgau Worth.
sive, prosperous States of the Unios,
she must do the same thing. It is not
enough that 25 or SO counties are
building hard roads. To be of re.tl
seivice to tho people tho State shoul 1
have a complete system connecting
The arm of the law is long, but iti
hand is often palsied.
Miss Maude Fields of Wardll.
was visiting friends here Siti'rda.
Royal Tailored Clothes at ready
made prices, Buckley's.
Cured Without the Knike
No cutting, no burning, no tying.
No case that can't bo cured. No cure,
no pay; why suffer longer?
409 Main St. Jonesboro, Ark.
Name "Bayer" on Genuine
v 7& VM-i
'x si yj i-l
v w- -r- y it
liWifo'. '
"Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" i3 genuine
'Aspirin proved safe by millions and pre
scribed by physicians for over twenty
years. Accept only an unbroken "Bayer
package" which contains proper direc
tions to relieve Headache, Toothache,
Earache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Colds
nnd Pain. Handy tin boxes of 12 tab
lets cost few cents. Druggists also sell
larger "Bayer packages." Aspirin is
trade mark Bayer Manufacture Mono
aceticacidestcr of Salieylicacid.
Caruthersville - - Missouri
There seems to ho no lot up In this
llfo of wearisome toll. Now an un
feeling exchango reminds us thut all
summer long we've been emptying
the pan undor thojeo box, and right
on its heels comes a long winter of
carting out ashes from tho furnu.o.
The prosperity of this community is increased with
every building that goes up, so we are interested in your build
ing plans even if you buy your material elsewhere.
Our advise, our service is most freely at your service
in anything pertaining to our lines.
Don't hesitate to call on us as hard as you will, when you
will, with the full assurance that it will be a pleasure to us
to assist.
The Herald will upproclato all
Items of news sont In. Phono 94.

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