Newspaper Page Text
THE DEMOCRAT If MLIAIICD EVERY SATURDAY MORNIXG, EEN H. ADAMS, BL'BSCRiniOS BATES: pM eorr rr six mootha ................... " " three mocUa Invariably in Adrance. .MM .. AS. ADVERTISING BATES t bwlnAme week 9 J. Is raeli a-llit.ntfal insertion H Uu iiich ole riwuta ................... ST " t'irse m:iths 4M " sik iuo..t:ia S.f o.-e 4ar . t Ode q-iarttr cwla on, tunv n:iihs tvi " " six nw'.lhj !-.. " o::e vear - One half colon. 1, t'irt lie :tM V- " .1 in " ' ' 1. .e rzr .'I' OAc Nans, thrre nn-iHs 'S.' " ci x ;rti .t'is .. .'n.n. one vrar . 111. u livrn notice n e -.ttJ J.' r li..i -5 lt-a'liu:r nolle.: o 1 el.lor per line, eaeh iitnio.i. al nasc - cci-U J tail way M'imo-Tuble- Cape Girarflean Sontbws'crii Railway. UAVU CAIk filKARUKAL'. No. I. Honter rasenfn-r 6:tt A.M. yia 3, Ifc-lta laengvr IO:tt a m. o. j. Iiflta Passenger !:. r.a. No 7, Williainsille Paaet,KeT CsS a. 11 AMtltKH AT (irK (.IKAMtfcAC. No -. Hunter PaMenger 7:j r.a. No. 4. Delta PasaeuaT r.a. No. . Delta Passenger 3:i r.M. No H. Wiliianistille Pasaeniter 3 .'. r.a. 8 J-Nos. 1, 2, 3. 4, 5 and ftilaily except Snnday . Nos. 7 aud 0 Sundays only. No. 3 makes clow connections at Delta with north bound trains and No. 5 with south bound trains 011 Cottou Belt and Iron Mountain K B. IA1BXIAI.K, ;kant towkk ani ( Art; (JIKAKDKALT RAILWAY. AKKIVAL am. a.m. a ra 9 3 1 l-apr ;;ranlpau 10:2 s .'A t;rantlloT IO:lfl 4:.' M:IW Mnnhvi-ouro eras D ill II II l(;imt.n 11:49 arbomlale . 7:l 7: II Kl lct Atrrl ha. am. p m. n m. 3 4 4 af ;irarltau. H:M 3::rt 1 :1ft irai.d Tt.wir :4W S:-r. S IO Mnri'lOt-noro C:lll HnrriMMi J 4T 4.'arlNii.dalr H:Si B 4i 0:10 ; -N. and 4 mil Sunilavo onl r II. HAK'HKR. Sniit- 4 0IRT CALENDAR. OtrxTT CotttT Sfbartiau Albert. Prf !d li.R Jndm-i Ja II. Millrr. ;rs S. W ills. Ahttoriatrit: William I'aar. 4'ltrk 4 tfTTtiR nr-!. bnt Mondate iu rebroirt, Mayt Auut and Norcnibcr. i;ih 1 it tin HT H . 4J. O'Brran, Judir. II. R. Kinrlish. I. l-rk " trrma rrH'tsoiitir)t Momlavs in January. May and fourth Monday in Aurut. 4'tMMn Pi.k. On rt Maurice Cramer, Jadiee. K II. Kngrlmann, Clerk 3 l-niis rnerts 4tU Mondays io January, May and btp tenilier. Pkohate Corirr Josih Koehler. Judge ami 4'lerk 4 terms meets secoud. Mondays in rb ruary. May. Auarust and Novembrr. " !ajrra Prorlaanatloai. Siitiirday.the.Hotli day of May, being I h-corHt ion Day, aud a national lioli Iny si't apart by our goverunicut for tin1 dororation ot the jtraves if those lirriK-s. who pave 1 heir lives that c might enjoy the blcsinos mailt" possi- Me bv au undivided l liioii. and set j from the old original by the word 1he example of progressive enlight-! ",!,s"l,!" l,r' ' red on all car ' V. . ,it 'toons and lalM-ls. A new departure, died humanity to all the world, by , b,lf l(, rwl ff , ,.aItl). ,.,.,.,, uiU. cMeiuling ami showing the justice of , freedom to all mankind nilhin our borders. Therefore, I. II. I'. IViroiinet. Mayor of Cape Girardeau. Mo., do proclaim that to make it possible lor all ! participate ill the exercises of Decoration Day. all the wink shops unci business l.oliscs close their doors II that day Iwlweeu the hours of two '. and live o'clock p. 1:1. II. P. Pi:ii;iXXKT. Mayor. ritrln far Itie Prple. Imoii Chill Tonic is more gener ally used, is more pleasant to take and 1 more certain to cure than any -lull tonic ou the market. The proprietors authorize the persons, whose names nre to this article, to guarantee each bottle to do what is claimed for it or rctuud the money. Instead of the tickciifiig utiiff roti had to give your sick child, this is so pleasant to take that they look with pleasure to the time lor another dose. For sale by Miller & Wilson. Cape tiirardeau aud lien. Schwab, Dutchtown, Missouri april-4-l-y Fsr DecsratiH Day. All those having relatives or friends buried iu Ioriinier or the New City Cemeteries will please deliver their flowers at the court house Saturday morning, not later than 9 o'clock, as the committee in charge of the flow ers will start from the court house ai 9 o'clock to dccrorale the soldier's graves at those two cemeteries. TlIK CoMMITTKK. Hksrv Koppkii, Chairman. KHcaaaathnai t'arral la a Bay. Mystic Cure" for I'hctimatisin and Neuralgia radically cures iu 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It re moves at once the cause and the dis ease immediately disappears. The lirst dose benefits, 75 cents. Sold bj l.'idcr & Wichterich, Druggists, Cape Girardeau, Mo. The t'lrat aalloaal Raak Onanlird. The stockholders of the new Bank met last Saturday and organized by electing the following named gentle man as officers I. A. Glenn. Presi dent; W. B. Wilson, Vice-President: I S. Joseph, Cashier: II. P. PcironueK U W. Miller, B. F. Davis and Wm. 11. Coerver, Directcrs. The Bank w ill be a National Bank and w ill be railed the First National Bank of Cape Girardeau. A ajearral Taalr. This is what Lemon Chill Tonic is: A complete blood purifier, a certaiu appetizer; a nerve and brain food, and while it is as pleasant as lemonade aud children cry for it, is so certaiu in ac tion that everv bottle is guaranteed by the proprietors, and who authorize their agents, whose name arc below, to refund the money in any case where the medicine fails to do what is claimed for it. Can anything be fairer than this? Remember the merchant whose name is to this is authorized to act for ns iu the above guarantee. e do not claim lo cure a whole family with one bottle but to break the worst case ot chills. Manufactured only by the Lemon Chemical Co. tor sale by Miller & Wilson, Cape Girardeau, and Ben. Schwab, Dutchtown, Mo. 4 Tla. Thouaii MusTrampaanecrand mork. And free traders loudly chin, Ju the market there is stock W bright American tin. IiEAD PENCIL JOTTIHG3. Memorandums Made in tho K . porter's Wandcrfnua. Local Kallaters. MOSDAV. A Urge number of the friends of Mr. Will II. Wheeler went to the train this morning to shake hands with that gentleman and his family and bid them farewell. Mr. Wheeler left on the 6:30 train for California, where he goes to reside permanently. Mr. C. F. Itrcnneckc, formerly of this city, but now a resident of Green way. Ark, was married to Miss Itcllc Kiisx ll. of (;mua on the 3d inst. Mr. llrenuci-kc captured the daughter of a prominent citizen of (ireenwar. .'! The Courier, published in that town shvs Miss uiiesHI was considered the belle of the town. The Directors of the new liank are negotiating for a lot on which to erect a building for the ISank. They will build some where on Main street. Mr. J. G. I laydot-ke has resigned the Auditorship ot the Cape Girar deau Southwestern Itnihvay. Use Cheatham's Tasteless Chill Tonic, lietler tli&u pie, but it breaks the chills off short and no mistake. Guaranteed to cure. 50 The employes of the Carbondale, Grand Tower & Cape Girardeau Kailway had au excursion to this city yesterday. There were about sixty people on the train, and they were ac companied by the Murpbysboro lirass Hand. Mr. Waguer. formerly of this city, is leader of the Murphysboro Baud and that fart is a guarantee that me uaini is hrst-class. I he excur sionists enjoyed the day here, and many of them regretted that they could not remain with us longer. (Jen. .1. A. Wickhain, Adjiitant (ieneral of Missouri, writes to Capt. I'.ierwirth that -the entire forces of the State will go into camp some time iu Julv. ' Hold yourself iu readiness lor the event."' Father Nugent preached a very able aud elo.pient sermon in St. Vin cent's Catholic Church Sunday after noon. We pulilish elsewhere iu this paper a eoiiiiiiuuication regarding the price of lime. We know nothing about the lime business and we are therefore not prepared to say any thing on the Mibjecl. If our lime manufacturers desire to make any statement, our coliims are open to them. Ask your druggist for Cheatham Tasteless Chill Tonic. Distinguished alu experimenting. -Xocure no pay." Take it aud be happy .Ml TTKSKAV. Mr. and Mrs. Julius C. Fisher reiiuests us to return Ih.inks for them ' to their kind relatives and friends fur jliie many useful and handsome prts- ientsihev received on the evening ot tfie - ir mlrriaip. The Fir.-t National Bank will oe--upy the Harris buildii:g on Main street. The hx-aiion is convenient for all people who have busings with a bank. -lleurv Koch, the contractor, bc- I gau the brick work yesterday 011 I). A. Glenn's store building ou Mam street. The building will be com pleted ready for occupancy in about two mouths. Capt. John A. Snider is in attend ance at the t ommoii 1'ieas loun. Since Mr. Snider retired trom oflice holdiug he is building up a good practice, aud we arc informed that he is very successful iu all the cases in his charge. The New Madrid Herord says three thousand dollars firsclf-binders tvent away from New Madrid this year. The farmers down in Njw Madrid county are raising more wheat than they used to mise. They liud that wheat farming pays better than com. The (.'ape's favorite steamer, the Idlew ild. got in to-day at two o'clock p. 111, with the finest trip she has had for along time. Her cabin was over crowded with passengers for the Cae. Bob Taylor says this is the largest passenger trip the Idlewild has had this year in fact they had about all the jicoplc they could ac commodate. A number of.lhc jurymen for the Common Pleas Court went on an excursion to Commerce this after noon on the steamer Idlewild. At last a majority of the citizens of Jackson have arrived at the con- elusion that saloons are not so bad as they have liecn lead to believe, aud tbev have sumed a lietition for a saloon, with the proviso, however, that there is to be but one saloon in the town, aud that nnrst be established in the rfnr end of a livery stable or black smith shop or in some other secluded corner out of sight of the Cash-Bovk office. The New Madrid Ilecvrd says the Hon. Marshall Arnold, of Benton, will deliverthe address 'to the gradu ates of St. Vinceut's College, this city. at the Anuual Commencement next month. This is auother case of go awav from home to learn the news. Mr. Arnold is an able sieaker and our people would be pleased to hear him speak ou the occasion named, but if bo has been invited to do so we have not been iulormed of the fact Mrs. Spann has sold her property in this city and will move to SL Loins. Hunt's Cure is the greatest rem edy for skin diseases ever known. Kingworm. itch and all kindred dis eases positively and permanently ured. Your money will be refunded if it fails. I'rkc 00 cents. SO D. A. Glenn left the city this The case of Robert T. Giboney morning for Eddyvillc, Ky, where he ( against the German Insurance Coin will spend a week or two vi&itiug j puny, of Freeport, Ills, occupied the relatives. Albert Hawkins left this morning for Los Angeles, Cal, where be goes to seek bis fortune. We are informed by one of our lime manufacturers that our corres pondent, "Competition," whose com munication we published yesterday, did not state facts as regarding the price of lime. The manufacturer says thirty cents ier bushel is the regular price for lime, but to the mechanics of this city a tweutv-tive ceuts uniform price of is charged. The mechanics are given a lower price than other people for the reason that they use large quantities of lime. Our manufacturers say they are selling lime as cheap as any lime mauufac- turcrs iu the country to customers at home and abroad. It was reported on the streets this morning that lleurv Mcvsteadl had purchased the St. Charles Hotel property, but as vet there has been no sale made. A representative of the IlKMiK HAT called on Mr Mee. I steadt this afternoon to ascertain the facts, and that gentlemau says he lias not purchased, but he made Mr. John Painter an offer for the St. Charles Hotel property. He offered Mr. Painter twelve thousand dollars for the St. Charles Hotel and the build ing on the Levee occupied by Conrad Liud as a livery stable. He informs us that Mr. Painter holds the two buildings at fifteen thousand dollars. Cheatham's Tasteless Chill Tonic. Same as the old except in taste. Sweet as honey, but gets there just the same. The babies cry for it. Ilnv a bottle and see them smile. Guaranteed to cure. 50 WKIIXKSDAV. We understand that there will be a wedding on Spanish street next Wednesday. A Cape girl has captured the heart of a Maiden young man and he wedding will take place next mouth. Those who attended the colored school exhibition say they never w it nessed a more interesting exhibition by school children. Prof. Cobb is suicly a teacher whose work in the school room cannot be overrated. He is the right man iu the right place, and he will be retained as Principal of our colored public school as long as he wants the position. L. J. Wray Post, G. A. It., of Kgypt Mills, will join Jusli Post of this city ou Decoration Day and take part iu the ceremonies. Ed. Regenhardt began work on a large two-story briik building at (onion villc last Monday for G. T. siemers. Ed. writes us that he will be ut tiordoiiville about three weeks and he wants the Daii.v 1kmik-uat v. bile he i away from home. Dr. Blomeyer has arranged an electric bell from his office door to his bed room. When you want the doc tor's services during the night, after bed time just push the little button on Hie electric bell. This little bell is I for t lie convenience of reffular nnlients f , , blVs)o II10llkl.v .:,,. Biiehrmaiiu's auction sale con- inues right along day and night and lots of goods are going off at remark ably low prices. TiirusiiAV. Our restaurants were crowded w ith business yesterday, and our ho tels did well, too. The Ow l Club will give a grand excursion on the 14th of Juuc to the St. Francis Biver. Present this card at the church door," is a new and novel way of in viting friends to a wedding. It is a Cape Girardeau invention. Dr. ;. W. Travis has the finest flower garden in Southeast Missouri. The doctor aud his lady take a great interest in the cultivation of flowers , and as a result of their labor they are surrounded at their home with the rarest and most fragrant flowers that grow. English Spavin Liniment re moves all Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses. Blood Spavin Curbs. Splints Sweeney. Uing-Boue Stifles. Sprains, all swollen Throats, Coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. t arrantcd the most Blemish cure ever kuown. Sold by Hider & Whichtcrich. Druggists. Cape tiirardeau Mo. It was reported on the streets this morning that a young man iu this city attempted to cross over to the oilier side last night by the morphiuc route, but we nnderstnnd that cigarette smoking was what ailed the fellow. He smoked about twenty-five cigar ettes in about that many minutes. Only a few more weeks and all our schools will be closed for this season. Then we will be lonesome for three long months. Workmen arc at work putting a new slate roof on St Vinceut's Church building. Peter Carroll is plastering B. F. Speak's new house ou Spanish street. The brick work on Otto Freder icks Good Hojie street building was completed last week and the car penters arc now at work ou the building. Ilobbs& Son will move into their fine new store house about the first of August That bright idea arouud on Maiu street is blowing about scooping some body on the Normal Carbondale ex cursion, and iroiu what wc have learned since his return from that trip, we arc inclined to think that he did sure enough make a scoop. He is a pnshing man when it comes to : scoops like the scoop he made over at 1 Murphysboro. attention of the Common Pleas Court this morning for two or three hours. The Judge has the case under advise ment. Mrs. W. H. Krayer, of St Iouis, daughter of Mr. George Ilirsch, of this city, has been here for a week or two visiting her parents aud old 1 friends. j Kugeuc St. Avit returned home ! from Memphis, Tenn., Wednesday ' night. He came up on the steamer ! Cherokee- Geue is one of the Cape : bovs who has a host of frieuds and ( they were delighted to see him return '.. home. Maj. Brooks, Chief Engineer on the St. I-oiiis. Cape Girardeau and Fort Smith Railway, returned home t)wv trom Mammoth Springs, where he 1B bccI1 yoking over the route of the nronoscd extension of the road. 1 John Broil, oue of the cleverest drummers that visits this i-ity, is here this week looking after the wants of his customers. John has lots of friends in this part ot the country, and if he hasn't got a good trade here he ought to have. John II. Bremerinami. who was here ou a visit, returned to St. Louis this moruing. Before leaving he or dered the Dkuoviiat seut to his ad dress in St. Louis. taalrldr at l asrlfslsa. Daniel Woods, an old resident of Mississippi county, suicided Saturday night. Ilis body was found Sunday morning hanging to a rafter in his wagon shed. Woods was a farmer, aud was highly respected by his neighbors. The cause of his rab act is unknown. Oar Militia Boys. At the meeting of the Cape City Guards, N. G. held iu Armory Hall Monihvr night, Tony Gockel was elected First Licnteuaut aud Dr. W. T. Kolstou Second Lieutenant. After the election the bovs presented our City Marshal, Mr. Christ Ilirx li, w ith a handsome suit of citizens clothes as a token of (heir high c.-tecm for him a one member of the Company whose popularity has placed him in the of fice of City Marshal ami Collector. After the ceremonies were all over the boys had a little -fuu all by them selves'' for a while, aud from what we can learn, they had a pleasi n time. Hell broke loose again in llaarig Tuesdav eveuing. and for a w bile it looked as if there would be a regular riot, but it diil not turn out so mi. A lot of horse traders met in thul corner of the city and after imbibing freely they got into a row among themselves and soon a tierce battle was ou. They used knives, clubs ami nicks ami several of the combatants were badly used up. One big fellow was cut with a knife in more than a dozen places, but we understand he is not dangerously hurt. There were three or four men fighting this big man and he w as proving too much for ail of them when one of them plunged a knife into his breast. The parlies who did the cutting left the city be fore an officer reached the battle ground, and no arrests were made. llaarig has become the favorite re sort for all the toughs in the city and surrounding country aud some days w hen they gather there it is dangerous lor people to pass along the streets iu that neighborhood. The city authori ties should take some steps to put a stop to the violation of the law iu that part of the tow n, and to do that a special police force w ill have to be appoiuted aud put ou day aud night. Ieearalloa Day Program ase. llKAIQfARTKRS. JlSTI POST, rtkrs. Jisti Post.) kit. Mo.. G. A. IL.V r,Mo, May 2ft, '91.) Xo. 173. DK C'AI'K GlHAKIlKAl' General Order No. 4: I. The Memorial Committee have arranged the following programme for I decoration Day: 1. Assemble at Court House at 1:30 p. m, to procure flowers. 2. At 2 o'clock promptly, form line of march in the following order: A. Cape City Guards, N. G. M preceeded by bands. It. Ex-Confederalcs. C. Grand Army llepublic. D. Public Schools. E. Normal Schools. F. Citizens. j and march to the Old City Cemetery. 8. On arrival at Old Cily Cemetery the G. A. R. form arouud Memorial Altar. 4. Song. 'America.'' 5. Distribution of flowers. 6. G. A. It. re-assembles arouud the Memorial Altar, at roll of drum. 7. Beceivingof General Orders and Ritualistic Service. 8. Address by Prof. R. C. Norton. 9. Address by Maj. J. B. Dennis. 10. Address by Comrade G. W. Travis. 1 1. Song, "Auld Lang Syne. 12. Prayer by Chaplain. 13. Keturn March. II. Comrade Gustave Schlieker has beeu appoiuted Grand Marshal ot the dsy. Bv order of Post Commander. J. N. HAIiTZELL, Official Post Com. 1). L. HOFFMAX. Adjt. ttw Caa Llae Exlalaa. Mammoth Sprinos, Ark, May 25. Chief Engineer Brooks and Assist ant Mcllca, of the St. Louis, Cape Girardeau and Fort Smith Railroad, were in town to-day. They were tak ing a topographical survey of a route to this place for their road. A num ber of citizens met them, aud appro priate resolutions were passed. The road is already completed to Hunter, Mo. rihrr-Pl. Married, at the residence of the bride's father in this city. May 24th, 1891, by Kev. Flachsbart, of the ; dent, at six sharply, was delayed a Lutheran Church, Mr. Julius C. Fisher ' short time by reason of Mrs, Norton and Miss Martha Pott, daughter of beiug unable to start our dearPresi Henry A. Pott. ! ,.Bt on . rlln ni,en the b(iat whistled: The bridesmaids were Miss L. Fisher; and Miss tmma Pott and the grooms- men were Mr. E. Pott aud Mr. Peter Iaul- The bride was dressed in elegant brilliante.and looked as sweet as morn- ing roses newly washed with dew. The groom wore the regulation black. The wedding was attended by quite a large number of relatives and iuti - mate frieuds. and after the ceremony was penormeil alt were invited to partake ot an elegant supper which was prepared by the bride aud her sister. The Dkmocuat joius the mauy frieuds of the popular and worthy youug couple in extending to thein congratulatious. May their union add o their already protitablc lives, pure happiness and prosperity. Follow ing is a list of the presents received by the young couple: Grandma Pott, ten dollars in gold: Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Fisher, Sr parents of the groom, white bed spread: Miss Emma Pott, laucy rocking chain Mr. P. Maul, fancy rockiug chair Emel and Louis Pott, fauey flour barrel filled with flour. Mr. and Mrs. M. Burkhardt, Peru, lud, table liueu, napkins aud pin cushion: Mr. and Mrs. H. Fisher, Jr, Sedalia, Mo, silver cas ter; Mr. John Fisher, Sedalia. Mo carving set: Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Pott, fancy tea set: Mr. aud Sirs- F. W. Vogt, cooking stove; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pott, St. Louis, iaec spreads aud pillows: Mr. aud Mrs. A. Yaegtr. granite teapot, dozen breakfast plates, dozen dinner plates, white bed spread; Mr. and Mrs. Caspar Both, plates, cups aud saucers, butter dish, cream pitcher and salt shaker Mr. and Mrs. A. Huters, parlor lamp; Miss Ma thilda Yacger, tablecloth aud fowling: Mr. John Bremmeriiiaun, silver rake staud; Mrs. Alvcna Brcmmermauu. dozen desert dishes; Mr. J. A Frauk. parlor haugiug lamp: Mrs. Frauk Clock, .Mrs. E. Gradeu, silver syrup staud: Mr. Wm. Vorwcg. two live pigs: Mr. Jolinic Gradeu, fancy water set: Mr. Katie Sherman, cake stand. Miss Anna Frank, desert set: Miss Emma Farhold. tea set; Mrs. Katie Sherman, table liuenand napkins; Mr. aud Mrs. A. Shivelbine. tauey sewiug table: little Willie Shirclbine, break fast caster. Mr. aud Mrs. L. W. .Miller, white bed spread aud baby doll: Mr. John I- Miller, carpet sweeper Mr. D. A. Glcun, table cloth and napkins: Mr. and Mrs. John St. Avit. fancy ice pitcher aud haudsome bompiel: Miss Virginia V. Cramer, handsome bou quet; Miss H ilda Bbth. croehc t tidv: Kev. Flachsbart. prayer book. Many more presents were among the above named on which the cards of the kind sender were lost aud can uot be given. lie 4.ot I n. -Is there a man iu all Ibis audience." fiercely exclaimed a female lecturer, -that has ever done anything to light en the burden resting on his wifs shoulders? What do von know of w omau's work?."' "Is I here a man here." sheconlimied, folding her arms aud lookiug over her audience with superb scorn, "that has ever got up iu the morning, leaving his tired worn-out wife enjoy her slumbers, gone quietly down stairs, made the lire, cooked his own break fast, sewed the missiug bullous on the children's clothes, darned the family stockings, scoured the pots aud kettles, cleaned and filled the lamps, swept the kitchen, and done all this if neces sary, day after day uncomplainingly? If there is such amau iu this audience, let him rise up! I shouldjikc to see himr And iu the rear of the hall a mild- looking man iu spectacles, in obedi ence to the summons, timidly arose. He was the husband of the eloquent speaker. It was the first time he had ever had a chance to assert himself. laa.OO Cambiaaflaaa. A new sate has beeu devised w hich is said to be proof against any unau thorized opeuer, even it he be. pro vided with the proper key. The key hole cover is made wilh a catch inside which engages with mechanism within the door and is held fast. The mechauism connects with the pointers of four dials, and the cover cannot lie removed" to allow the door to be opened uutil the pointers have been set at the figures of a predetermined cipher.- Wiien the cipher is iudirated the handle ou the right is turned and the kevholc thus uncovered, Should . the cipher lie forgotten the cover can I lie forgotten the cover -au!a ar,re business aud U thoroughly u and a duplicate, supplied , . . . i. .1" fe. substituted. The safe ! Americanized. except in regard to the be cut opeu with the sa is fireproof aud admits of 160,000 cipher combinations. Jteraralioa nay. We jrathcr where our comrade rest In sanuuer's opening honrs. The turf, which lies ujnmi each breast. To strew with sweetest flowers. Vl'on each hill their Rrares are made. Where white the marble chines: Where're the willow casts its thade fr wreathe the myrtle Tines. No sacred plot hut holds a term That, moldertnsr now toelay. Once drew the 6word and faei-d tha storm Iu battle's conflict day. Not for revenge or hate they dared. Nor fame's allurina: quest : They fought that freedom might be spared To shelter souls oppressed. These put aside the Joys of youth. Dared struKgle, pain and tears; Dearer to them a nation's truth Thau eaae of aelflsh years. And long as human hearts shall move. Or honor crowns the brave. So long shall fold a uattou's love Above the soldier's grave. And oft as time's revolving hours This tribute day shall bring. So on these graves with sweetest flowers shall blossom wilh the tpring. The Vraaml "bararl4a This expedition which wes to meet , on the transfer steamer, Vice-Presi- but we backed Iron, the wharf amidst mu,ic ami cheers and nozzled our ;WRV through a. cloud of fog to the i Illinois hore. from whence we took tue cars for Carboudale to visit the normal school at that place. Mr. ; Hatcher, the superiuteudent of the ' roa,i wa vcrv attentive and watchful of the safety ot his precious freight, ; doing all in his pow er to make the ; ,rip salc ,! pi.-aut for ,n. Between ,ll0 Cape rand Tower, we passed several fiirm-gardeus where wheat was replaced by rhubarb aud corn by peas etc. We did not delay on our jjuimiey but went straight to Grand Tower w here we made a short stop to Lee ,iic toner-rock aud objects of iu- j terest , aI Bojourners on the river. Starting again, our next halt was Murphysboro. where wc saw the tall chininev s of the mines, also the tower of the water works, all new to us. From this we passed through a beau- , lih,i count rv. large fields of w heat. COJ,v farm homesteads that betokened peace and pleuty. Reaching our des tination wc were met at the depot with a warm welcome by the faculty aud students of the normal school, who gave us a kindly greeting and led us to the halls of their magnificent building. The park was beautiful with its flowers, sparkling fountain and lake. Alter wandering through the park aud seeing its charms, we were escorted back to the building ami entered the large chapel on the second lloor where we listened to the moruing exercises, aud after that w c visited the maguiliccnt reception rooms where we rested, then wc were led up to tin tower and looked all over the tow n of Carbondale. Our next visit was to the primary rooms, thence to the library where wc found a graud collection of liooks. The society rooms were models of neat ness ami taste, aud all the classes we heard seemed lo be doing nice work. Wc cxamiued the writiug room which was decorated with pictures, the work of the pupils, all of w hich was highly creditable to them. Noou ami dinner were announced and w e were led to a large dining hall where wc partook of a rich feast of good things. It was there that Mr. Mid bell showed his waut of gallantry, by calling for and eating, three plates of strawberries: making us blush for his uugentlemanly actions. l.e-cuteriug the chapel Prof. Norton made us a short address thauking the professors aud students for their lav ish kindness, which was followed by Prof. Mel ice and others. Theu essays tvere read ami songs sung, closed by music by the baud. We then went ou a pilgrimage about the town which we found nea. clean and w ell shaded with trees ami parks, that lent a charm to the place. No cows, no pigs claim ing the sidewalks, or trap-doors and steps to fall on. Why can't our own tow n he as ueat as Carbondale? An incident, Mr. Mitchell while on Hie way up. failed to get up and give M rs. Norton a seat while she w as stand ing in the passageway. After a day of real enjoyment one that will remain green iu our mem ories through life, we bade our new found friends good-bye, aud 1 can as sure them that their kindness to ns strangers, has made a lasting impres sion ou our uiiud. Our journey home was both quick and safe, thauks to the rare of Mr. Batcher and his employers, not for getting the captain of the Vice-President who made ns all feel safe while on lMiard of his steamer. Our short run up the river was one long to be remembered, every house, sehool and street was packed with crowds of people w aving us a hearty welcome lo our homes. At the Levee the mu sic of the band was completely drowned by the cheers of the multi tude that had gathered to receive ns back to our grand State. Thus ended oue of the most pleasant days of my life, and I trust wc may have many more like it w bile gathering an edu cation at the Normal. A Giri. Sti-hext. Harried ta a 4'hlaaaiaa. I'awtan, Ky, May 25. Charles Hong, a Chinese laundryman of tlii city, and Miss l.ula Mathis, of the Caucasian race, were married this evening at 8 o'clock by Judge Boone at the residence of the bride's mother. Hong has been in this country ten vears. reads and writes English well. ,as cultivated a mustache, carries on queue. He wears that appendage si ill. The bride is under legal age. and her mother for some time refused I to give her consent, but, learning that ; the couple had laid plans lor an elope- : mcnt. she relented aud the knot was ! tied w ith her consent aud blessing. The bride's trousseau was obtained in Philadelphia aud w as more costly and beautiful than ever a Padurah bride w ore bclore. The atTair is the sensa tion of the hour. Leanaa rail! Taair. Is so pleasant that children look forward to the time to take it and yet is certain to cure the worst case of chills, aud is a sure blood purifier while the appetite will improve from the first day of its nsc. Remember that each bottle is guaranteed to cure the most stubborn chill and in connec tion with Wclla I-einon Liver Pills will cure the worst case of bilious fever, dyspepsia or rheumatism. Manufactured onlv bv the Lemon Chemical Co. For sale bv Miller & Wilson. Caiie Girardeau and Ben. Schwab, Dutchtown, Mo. 4 Wo AVHIlt t sllOW J' Oil OUT Ciotltin i Jv(ei) til is i II lllilld. I , A. laree lino of all niorc and worsted suits at ?!) and 10. You are paying 12 and 15 forsuits like them. Complete new line ol Summer light weight goods, all sizes, for slim men, short men and fat men. Ihie todv of $oy Cllotlii'. Best line of shirtsand all kinds of furn ishing: goods in the city. A line of very lino suits 20 and 25. titCALL and EXAMINE OUU (JOODS.-Sr H. P. Spxiiig: and Stock HOMPLiETlS IN ETERY DEPARTMENT. With new aud seasonable goods us a fair show, and we will convince them that we not ouly have the stock but that wc arc selling at extraordinary low prices. Wc show as large a Hue as anyone and quality our line canuot be excelled, This liuc is so complete that wc The only way we can do you justice especially our Dress Goods. We ran the very oe-t Silk finished Heuriette's, SHOEG. Ladies' and Gents' fine footwear wc show iu great variety and only in the best goods. Xo trash sold by us. When cheap, no count shoes aro wauled don't come to us, but if you want something that will wear, give satisfaction for less money come and T&SrWe also show Ladies' and Gents' Notions and Goreeries. Kcmember that our motto is sell honestly with customers, aud through good trade. Give us a call. LOUIS H. GRAES3LE, COKN'KIt HAIiMONV AND SPlMGG STKF.ET.3. iu.pirii.iL . al III. f,f MWW&I v fTgrlHr- si ir&i$&ptfe$& The all steel frame No. 10 Milwaukee Harvester. is the lightest and strongest machine made. Seventeen sold last season and everybody pleased. Runs like a two- horse wagon. There are no machines yet made that can compete with the Right Hand Cut I). 31. Garr Scott Threshers and Engines and all kinds of farm machinery. Call and be convinced. J. M. MORRISON, Spanish St., Cape Girardeau, Mo. VFAD0 OF VAEIEO I LKllO ad SUCCESSFUL I InthoUaaof CUR A. . I we Alone own,. for all Dls-i I Who have weak ortf H.H a a. o HOWE j Soryaius wiu up i , - i n f mm t mnas or return h -v- ,n jR A LlMlTESTlMSiniK fi ffuaraTitoo to nil they can I tnr.thnil irrl ntw M.fn. our lallord a IUUE1 (wmii jur HOPEYOUjT ro. lEEAL1 y u MwHiinn w frtv nn In dtamfr I Thiurands o tho Worst Cases TBFjtrir.a3Ct'crthln our iebdecaJcd. Host paid. FHEt , eacetiatwfl eaip-.y. ana IUCCES& tUt MLOKAl vvw V $,000 nsfsrencss. Hame - s an 1.D LP TUB W HCT.B A. a teHoofltr.d enacts tataarsae avoo! cliiviots, cassi- PEIROMET. SictECLer is iioav wc invite everybody to come and givo iu the city, and for style, tit, finish aud for prices we defy competition. can not give you satisfaction on paper. is to come and look at the goods; show you a line trom tho cheapest to aud also the newest novelties in silks. sec ns. a hig line of Hats, Furnishing Goods, goods as cheap as possible, and deal this method we have established a Chain Power Mower Oshorn. JtVEHETHODS,u .and Control, I orders oft a ivl F.M e ii,iKJW3 ana iw ou-1 fpmnt of frteDds tnd I fcorn pan '.on, leads uto have to out HOME WOHOCHFUL SOOH.whica wo fi-ra UmiUjil tun:-. 6'TIT lO-vn. uil?.-."!'i0';'?Jf," i, ... .. this paper when you write. PURiFYiieLOO! CLEAR TUB rOMPLFXtP, BRIWITKN THE KVES. SWEKTKS THK KH KATTI. TOSETHESTO'iKU REIrT.ATK THE lAW.A A! B'lWfcLS, SYSTEM TO PER FT H EA I.TH. s Pcdcphymn Pius- DEPOT.