OCR Interpretation

The Cape Girardeau Democrat. (Cape Girardeau, Mo.) 1876-1909, August 13, 1892, Image 3

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn89066818/1892-08-13/ed-1/seq-3/

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naeh sdditiaaal In
Pas lack n Mtk
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ths.'...... i
t2a eotaaa, Cm. Wu avas
r. ' ' . rssr MS
I tlS noss hui per nam ssea utfsvnoa.
Uio vtnau omaaa.
fTetshneeartiuiii Had ta tho JU-
.. Farter's Waadarlnca,
William Regenhardt is making
the fonndation for the addition to the
Lincoln school
Bob Taylor, after a vacation of
three weeks which he spent visiting
bis parents in North Missouri has
returned to the Idlewild and is again
ta the office.
Let ns have a clean sweep stock
law or none. The cow has no more
right thaa the bog. Let the City
Council now take the boll by the
horns and rid the city of the vulgar
Married, at the residence ot the
bride's father in this city August ilh,
1892, by Rev. John Brown, Mr.
Thomss C. Alien and Miss Mary L
Mathews, both of this cily.
The Democrats of Hubble town
ship instructed their delegates for
Ed. M. Poe for Sheriff and for John
A. Hope for Prosecuting Attorney.
The Democrats of Cape town
ship want all the nominations and if
they don't get them they will Join
the kickers.
Rev. Ilnnier, the colored vote
peddler and Democratic boss, went
oat to Jackson Saturday and had the
Ilyrd township com Ten lion pass a
resolntiaa requesting the Democrats
to postpone their nominating conven
tion till after the Republicans nomi
nate their county ticket. Hunter
makes the Democrats believe that he
b a power with the colored voters
and they are willing to take his ad
vice. After the election, however,
Hunter's name will be Dennis for he
will not control half a dozen colored
Votes in the county.
A Chicago drm is about to in
stitute suit against a number ot the
prominent citizcus of Charleston,
Missouri, who signed a contract with
said firm for machinery for a cream
cry. Chicago sharpens arc always on
the alert for rnrkcrs and they caught
them at Charleston. We are ashamed
uf our Charleston friends, but we are
at the same time sorry for them.
A pr.miucnt mcrchaut says; M
havesold 5!errimii!C tor over a year
and guaranteed it to cure any head
a he without bad after effects and
h tve not found a siuglc case it did
n 4 relieve. Sample free. The Dr.
Whitehall Megrimiue Co., South
Bend, Ind. Sold bv druggists.
Col. Stnrdivant has been spend
ing s few weeks at a summer resort
In Virginia where the preachers go,
and we are satU-fied he enjoyed the
company of the gentlemen of cloth.
The Sisters of the Convent are
having a granitoid walk made from
the entrance gate on Spanish street to
the front entrance to the Convent
The sand being used in the build
ings now being erected in this city
comes from Stoddard county. It is
not as good as river sand, but river
and cannot be had.
The truly great man is one who
does not lose his child heart He
does not think beforehand that his
words shall be sincere, nor that his
actions shall be resolute; he simply
always abides in the right
The man who sends his money
away from home for a thing that is
manufactured in his own town is not
a desirable citixen.
The Democrats in this county are
not in it this year. The Australian
ballot system has barred them of the
purchasable vote.
When the hoar of trouble comes
to the mind or the body, or when the
boar of death comes, that comes to
high and low. then it b not what we
have done for ourselves, but what we
.have done for others, that we think
on most pleasantly.
Tbe Duke of JOgger-Wool," Is
what one local Democratic statesman
calls another Democratic statesman.
The Western Union Telegraph
Company b putting up poles along
Mala street They propose to give ns
better telegraph service by giving us
direct connection with St tools.
George W. Petermaan was ta the
city to-day, aad he gave the Demo
ckat a friendly ealL Mr. Petermaan
was here looking for a house for Mrs
Snider, who wants to move to this
H. & Doyle sold the largest hat
to-day ever sold In the etty. The hat
was sise eight and be purchased it
some years ago to put ia his show
window for a sign. A Scott county
man came along this morning and
tried it on his head it was a fit and
he purchased it. -
Georze H. Eugelmann, of St
Louis, brother of Edward D. Engel-
rosna, of this city, who was. here on
a viit, Icrt. lor his lome this morauig.
Tj Three weeks More tad the aew
' IStaTdlvnat Bank bwBdbg will be an-
ov nof, - - .
1 -.Was a J.lu k- htUl
vSt be wham It it eomploted Uai
and out J- ;s .
-Many tdlf v VMOi keep (heir
bouses to sock state of nlthlnees,
that it is daageroot to the health to
eater, whilst their Amines ere ta rag
whea a little care would keep their
garnets whole. rThb ia almost every
ease arises from idleness aad intem
perance. ' v
. Ernst Bobbs straek out for the
country Monday morning. Ernst
wants the Democratic nomination for
SherUT, but the Democratic bosses
will not allow him to hare it. The
maa for that empty honor has already
been named.
Steam has lightened the labors of
man aad beast la almost every capac
ity except that oi propelling road
vehicles. The horse is still subjected
to the owelty of hauling excessive
loads through the sand and mod ot
coaatry roads aad over dilapidated
pavements of the city. The surface
of the street ia the city may be
smooth, bat the advantage it seldom
credited to the horse, for the load is
doubled. -
E. F. Regenhardt Is making some
granitoid walks np at the Normal
To the county nominating con
vention the Republicans will elect
one hundred and iorty-eight dele
gates. John Vogelsangcr will let the
contract this evening for a residence
building on his lot on Lorituier St
One year ago yesterday the big
fire oecnred on Main street that de
stroyed the Post-office building, the
Ilirsch building and August Bier-
wirth's cigar factory. '
Tho. N. Folkes left the city
again the other day and it is hoped
that he went to stay this time.
Thomas b a bad egg and the com
munity that gets him will hare a
hard citizen-
The Normal 8chool will open
on the 90th of this month. The oat-
look for a larger attendance this yeaj
than last year b good.
On the 8th of September Major
Warner win speak at Jackson and
this city. He will speak in the after
noon at Jacksoa and in this city at
Some of our young men who own
Cast horses are getting their animals
ia training for the Fair. That's right,
boys, if yon have fast stock let the
people see it
Col. II. Clay King, who was
sentenced to be executed in Memphis
nest Friday for the murder ot CoL
Poston will not hang. The Governor
of Tennessee has commuted bis sen
tence to life imprisonment.
Dr. S.S. Harris returned home
from Blodgett this afternoon where
he had been to attend the Judicial
convention. When he left Blodgett
the convention had balloted three
hundred times without nominating.
The convention is a dead lock and it
is the opinion ot Dr. Harris that no
nomination will be made. The vote
stands: Relit y 21; O'Bryan 20; Lim
baugh IV.
The Judicial convention now in
session at Blodgett b Itfccty to last
several days. Each candidate U hold
ing his own and until one of the three
steps down aad out no nomination
can be made.
The Republicans will not post
pone their nominating convention.
They have a majority of about three
hundred voters in the county and
they will nominate a ticket that will
carry the full party vote.
English Spavin Liniment re
moves all Hard, Soft or Calloused
Lamps and Blemishes from horses.
Blood Spavin Curbs, Splints Sweeney,
Ring-Rone Stifles, Sprains, all swollen
Throats, Coughs etc Save $50 by
use of one bottle. Warranted the
most Blemish enre ever kuown. Sold
by Rider A Whichterich, Druggists,
Cape Girardeau Mo.
Capt. John A. Snider and Her
man Mueller, of Jackson, are in the
city to-day. Capt. Snider b the Re
publican candidate for Prosecuting
Attorney, and Herman Mueller, it b
said, will probably be the Democratic
nominee for County Treasurer.
All is not harmony ia the col
ored society ia thb city. There b a
disturbing element at work that b
liable to create a senwtlon at any
The ever smiling "Scully" b la
the dty showing ear merchants sam
ple of goods from the house he rep
About the time the mosquitoes
and bnU-kaaU disappear our prench-
wtll return from the manner
resorts aad then the festive festivals
ill oeea an tor basiaess aad pocket
change, aad thus we are tormented
all through Ufa.
The Owl Club met last night and
elected the following named members
as osBeers of the Clabc Will Jadea
President; A. J. Hawkins, Vke-Presi-deal;
Frank Cans, Secretary aad
Emil Thileaias, Treasurer.
CLindesnaan ft Sow war the
lowest Udders for the, contract for
John Vogelseajrer's proposed new
building aad they were awarded the
contract '
The raia that fell to-day about
Bvoa was the hardest rainfall we have
had here for a anmber of years. For
half an hour the street i were flooded
so that footmen could not cross
The tola at Beaton b mow run
Blag day (and Bight Thb shows that
afl tha tarsasrs of Scott eoaaty are
BMsbippiai their wheat toBt Louis.
-4avaar Aberaarhr, with bn
whip hi hand, Beared a eoppar efliorew
professional darkey to badly thb
atoning that the fellow turned as
white as a sheet The tellow begged
like a whipped ear and Aberaathy
spared the whip;
After having cast eleven hundred
and twenty ballots the Judicial con
vention at Blodgett adjourned last
aight to meet agsia this morning.
The convention b a sure enough
deadlock. The delegates are rbnnlbg
short of money aad they will either
nominate to-day or quit and go hornet
Pete Carroll has jast completed
as fine a job of plastering as has beed
done in thb city tor several years.
The work b in John St Avlt's house
np on Morgan Oak street
We received a communication
this morning which we would like to
publish but we cannot give it room
In our columns because the writer
failed to sign his name to the docu
ment. Heury Biuihl, of Oak Ridge, is,
we understand, a candidate for Coun
ty Judge. Mr. Bruihl k a good man,
but it seems to us that he b a little
too far advanced on the shady side of
life to stand the worry uf offioe-bold-tag.
Megrimlne is the only guaranteed
permencnt cure for headache and
neuralgia. Relieves in 20 lo SO fnin
utcs. A great blood cleanser and
stimulant that in time positively cures.
Sample bottle tree. The Dr.AVhithidl
Megrimiue Co, South Bend, lud.
Sold by diuggb!.
John Jones b confined to his bed.
Presiding over the Democratic town
ship convention hut Saturday was
too much for him and he b now par
ing the penalty for undertaking a job
too bborious lor a man. of his size
and age.
Some of onr mechanics predict
that this year will end the building
boom in this city for several years to
come. We do not know upon what
thry bene their predictions. There b
more building going on this year
thaa there were last year and we
hope next year will bring ns still
more prosperity in every way.
The St Charles Hotel, under Its
new manage meat, is doing a good
business. Mr. Lucas b a clever man
and he knows how to run a hotel too.
Otto nanny dropped a bunch of
keys through the grate over the cel
lar door ta front of Joe Jaeger's
saloon this afteraooa. The cellar has
about three feet of water ia it ami it
will be no easy job to recover the
raMle Mprafclag.
Major William Warner, tho Re
publican nominee lor Governor will
address the people of this county at
Jackson on Thursday, September 8th.
at 3 o'clock p, and this city at 7 p. in.
Mnjor Warner U one of the ablest,
oral org in the State, and everybody
should tum out and hear him.
Klvelrtti users.
This remedy is becoming so well
known and so popular as to need no
specbl mention. All who bavo used
Electric Bitters sing the same 'song
of praise a purer medicine does not
exist and it b guaranteed to do all
that Is claimed. Electric Bitters will
cure all diseases of tho Liver and
Kidneys, will remove Pimples, Boils,
Salt Rbeum aad other affections
caused by Impure blood. Wilt drive
Malaria from the system and prevent
as well as cure all Malaria fevers. For
enre of Headache, Consumption and
Indigestion try Electric Bitters. En
tire satisfaction guaranteed, or money
refunded. Price 60 cents and 91.00
per bottle at Wilson's Drug Store.
BmslalMH r Cap tltottfeaa -
T ara- InUtaM.
Be it Brntlctik
1st That we, the Public School
teachers assembled in the Capo Gir
ardeau County Institute, do heartily
endorse the main features ot Supt
Wolf's educational policy; for we
believe it will bring about better
teaching and will greatly elevate the
standard ot the schools throughout
the State.
2nd. That we feel that our work
in the Institute has developed a more
protessioaal spirit among our teachers
aad that it will result la better teach
ing ia the schools throughout the
county ta the issuing year.
Srd. That we extend our warmest
thanks to Prots. Bernard; and; Lusk
for their able aad efficient mauage
mentot the Institute, -
4th. That we herewith express
oar sincere appreciation of the uni
form courtesy shown at by the
citizens of Jackson during our stay
with them; aad especially thank them
for the elegant hospitality extended
to as at the reception given ta our
6th. That a copy of these resola
tioae ha furnished tho papers of the
county for publication.
CobaBban, )
D. A. Dbum, J. Com.
Bbu. G
August 6 th, 182.
a. LmM rwaswBi Mail war
Wa are making low individual and
party excursion rates from all station)
am anr Run to Creal Sorian aad re-
Urn, with thirty-day limit Very low
rates to schools and other large parties
desirous of visiting the springs for a
day's curing. Creal Springs as a
health and pleasure resort b the pride
of Egypt. - Geo. E. Labt,
eeptl Gen. Pass. Agt
A B)air a 1,
Sunday morning opened up will a
dear sky aad every Indication or it
nice rbaerat day, aad when the ana
stood ahoat three hars tUgh hi the
Ma wa gathered our talk) aid
bats together aad net
eoaaty seat wUh the expectation of
pbytag a match game of bate ball
With the Jacksoa nine, all arrange
ments having been made with that
club lor a game on Sunday after
aooa. We arrived 1a that little village
about 10 o'clock, aad after having our
rigs attended to, aad making arrange
ment! for our diaaers, we set oat for
the ball grounds to have a lew hoars
ot practice. After spending about
one hoar and a half ta practicing we
returned to the hotel and did justice
to the meat which was awaiting us.
Alter dinner we again returned to
the ball ground, ready to begin the
game. Arriving there we expected
te see oar opponents upon the ground
awaiting us, but in thb we were dis
appointed, as we also were at not re
ceiving any reception upon arriving
in their city. Not one member of
the Jackson club was on band to
welcome us, not one courtesy was ex
tended to us.
We stayed on the bsll ground until
two o'clock, and as none of the Jack
son club put in an appearance and
storm was coining up, we rilired to
the city for shelter. After a hard
steady rain for about ono hour, and
still seeing none of the Jackson boys,
we began making preparations to re
turn home. We got in our rigs and
started tor the Cape. As we were
leaving town tho captain of the Jack
son club put in an appearance and
said, Tm sorry boys that we can't
accommodate you." Such is the hoe
patality that was shown us by the
Jackson club.
we need not say that they were
afraid to meet ns as every one could
see that for themselves. But ta con
clusion we must say that we bear
them no ill will for the reception they
tendered us, as it was possibly due to
their ignorance, and we hope that
their life may be a long and happy
one, and their path strewn with roses.
A Mehtbbk
Tbw Vaaiaeswls
The Democrats of Cape Girardeau
township met in convention at the
court houw last Saturday. John
Jones was elected chairman of the
convention and Ed. Jnden and J.
Maple Wilson secretaries. The chair
man appointed a committee ot flvei
to select twenty-two delegates to thai
county convention. When the corny
mittce reported the list of names ft
had selected the convention proceed
ed to elect the gentlemen named one
by one.
The delegates choeea were then in
structed to vote for Erast Hobb for
Sheriff", Charley Mluton for Prosecut
Ins Attorney and Chas. G. Lewis for
On motion of W. V. Leech, second
ed by Dr. S. S. Harris, Stin Miller was
pnt in nomination for constaole of
Capo Girardenn township, but said
motion was declared out of order.
The Idea of nominating a "nigger"
didn't go with the chairman and he
voiced the sentiment of the conven
tion when he declared Mr. Leech's
motion out of order.
Is Mhmld e la Every llsaae.
J. B. Wilson, 371 Clay St, Sharps
burg, Pa, nays he win not be without
Dr. King's New Discovery forCon
SumptioDjCougtifand Colds, that it
cured Ml wiforwho was threatened
with Pneumonia after an attack of
La Grippe," when various other
remedies and several physicians bad
done her no good. Robert Barber,
of Cooktrfort, ra., elslmes Dr. King's
New Discovery has done him more
good than anythiug he ever used for
Lung Trouble. Nothing like it. Try
it. Free Trial Bottles at Wilson's
Drug Store. Large bottles 60c and
The lred Maaans.
Harmony Lodge No. 40, A. F. and
A. M. met last Monday night and
made arrangements to make an effort
to secure the annual meeting of the
Grand Lodge in this city. The meet
ing will be held on the 16th of
August, 1893, and our colored citizens
will do everything in their power lo
have the meeting held ta thb city.
The G rand Lodge comprises Missouri,
Nebraska and the Indian Territory,
and the representative colored men
of all the lodges In thb jurisdiction
will attend thb aunnal meeting and
thoy will number some four hundred
men. The meeting will last a week
aad the delegates will leave quite a
large sum of money ta the city that
secures the meeting. Mr. Heury
Rowan mat Grand Master Joseph II.
Peilum at Sedalih last week and he
promised to use his influence to have
the meeting held ta thb city. A
delegation from Harmony Lodge will
leaya here next Saturday evening to
attead a meeting of the Grand Lodge
which will be held ta St Louis next
Tuesday and the local ioa for the
annual meeting will be chosen at tab
Thb Bbct Salvb hi the world for
Cuts, Braises, florae, Ulcers, Salt
Rbeuja, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped
bands, Odlbiataa, Come, aad all 8kta
gnpttoaa, aad psssUvaly euros Fibs,
or no pay required. It b gaaraateed
to give aatbbfUon, or money refunded.
Price 36 cents per box. For tale at
Wilsons Drug Store
BrtBC aw Ymv War.
The Steam Laundry will be ready
for work on Monday, August 16th.
Parties having work to be done WiS
please notify me.
J. A. IlAWKIXfi,
: feaWnsaawabtarlat tow- &s , The.YwbMg stats baa Wsnnhsfabi V
Pantos italss wants in ft jaai fa hwaOfc ! ty afiHubd of lata, : U b reported thaw ssttsr oa --v
nssd hiimii Ins and waste linen. trash, isew aatoV t sjaeae, wished, . , , , 7L
kfaajjfer token gyalsilata.aaw to peak Maiming, of the atnem thak won A-iZQ
particles of
who be die-
tdaaaaya to
thargsd trota ptosn aad eUsaasys
aettb to a sort of ebony anow-etomt
over the edjnesa neighborhood.
eaaght aad retained la a body of water,
into aad through whfah the amoks-daeta
Eaeh furnace or factory wring
oat Ibatead of discharging Ha
into the free alt, would be con
nected with a huge central pipe, raa
nlng underground. aodgWea a power
ful draught by means at aa evhaust e
gioe. This pipe would connect with a
central eondecsing station outside of
the dty limits, where the eauke woald
be received and passed through a body
of water which would retain the solid
particles ami many of the gsentts prod-
acta of combostkm. The materials so
collected might readily be recovered
from the Water and used in many profit -
able ways. It is supposed that such
nwduula would nwre than pay the east
of the duct system. Such a system
would render clean linen possible ia
towns where a white tablecloth or aa
unsullied shirt-front has hitherto been
flea In Education.
Sir James Crichton l!rotroe protests
against overwork for women, which, aa
he maintained, ia ranch more likely and
more dangerona than overwork for men.
De says the female brain weighs lees tn
proportion to the weight of the body:
that the specific gravity of the gray
matter of the female brain Is less than
that of the male brain; and that the
blood supply, which te directed In the
male brain more toward the organs of
volition and cognition, ia directed ta
the female brain toward the organs con
trolling the sensory system.
AU this may be true, eays the London
Spectator, and tt is no doubt true that
young women ahow the bad results of
hard brain work moch more visibly
than young men of the some age, and
that they want more holding back from
brerexertkm. Rut it dors not follow
that they have not immensely bene
fited by the high-erbool work bene
fited physically as well aa mentally
rather than suffered. The truth is that
for generations back thry have been
ander-edneated, and, though the mod
em fault b hi the opposite direction,
their brains are not leas active. Indeed
perhaps more active, though possibly
not so energetle and so capable of sas
taiard work as those of men. Mr. Oal
toa showed that even among mea the
most arttve beams arc usually not found
Lfai thalargeat beads.
OoumtDO b usually thought of only
as a arming state, but with the entries
and spread of irrigation she b pushing
to the Croat aa a frnlfrpenduclng state.
A vary large crop of the most tascions
sf unions In the country fa raised In
Colorado, and the product fa of sneh hw
portaaee that watermelon day fa a spe
dai holiday all over the eastern portion
of the atate: the governor asuaUy at
tends the festivities at the watermelon
growing center, and cxeunrionista atr
tend In thoimnds. This ytr Colorado
haa produced two million two hundred
thousand quarts of strawberries.
Tbxbb are twelve memorial kinder
gartens at work in Sen Francisco, and
sis of them were started by Mrs. Leland
Stanford. To put them on a permanent
basia she has nor set atlde ono hun
dred thousand dollars aa an endowment
fund. She had given sixty thousand
dollars for these sehoola previously.
The one opened In 141 by Mrs. Stan
ford was the first cegorlal kinderger.
tea in the world, H is said. Ka grand
er monument to the braerotaise of
a good woinaa eceld be erected.
A RATliKH tall atory ia told by a resi
dent of Havana, IU-, who afiinns that
about two years ago he waa walking
across a bridge in that town idly earr
ing his utrae and address on a board
about a foot and a half long, and when
near the center pier he thoughtlessly
tossed It into the river. A few weeks
sgo friends from Liverpool. England,
wrote him and told him the board had
floated over tiicre.
Tnv. fruit Industry in the west fa on
the boom this season. One canning
company in Salem, Ore., has canned
fifty thousand pounds of strawberries
this season. The value of the fruit fa
about two thousand dollars. Half a
doxen other canneries at different
points have been preserving nearly the
amount ev?h.
Ia Eeatschy the public achool-teach-ers
are not paid a fixed salary, but re
ceive so much for each papIL This
plan has one good effect that of stimu
lating teachers to securo scholars, and
thus extend the benefits of education;
but some have been found making false
Tra sweets of power must be more
jf an attraction than the spoils of office
In some places In Missouri The mayor
of Sweet Springs, in that state, it fa
said, receives a salary of sixty dollars a
A jrcwspAran foreman haa Invented a
device by which compositors are en
abled to set type with both hands at
It seems that the mea are hi a fair
way to be outstripped la the race for
collegia te honors by women. Sixteen
rat artxea for theses oa tow, pollttrs
aad philosophy hare been awarded to
the wueu tn various American Instlta
llooaof learning during the past two
aad the flrat prises In the Cam-
Tan Cotaabba expodtica authorities
auuvuee fated one hundred and
seventy-five thousand aoQara for the
purpose of providing aexbtetia mails
tor toe world's fair. They also set apart
waive tli J sua I wee hundred dollars
f i 11 1 mliilslnnnl of dfatfagubhed
composers and mhustrs leaders who
have been Invited. .
Btkakxrs are safe iu proportion to
their dze and the depth of water In
which they sad. The number of pas
sengers on ocean strxmera who loee their
Uvea fa very small, but a large propor
tion of those, who embark in little
pleasure strainers navigating small
rivers and lakes meet death in the
eter. ......
aaanaa tineas, wnaoy um partsaea or -ruaay. wnnae oasos asnasss w ss7 xte writer as a titatto f snfalm and I
' rid day, bat at before anna
suddenly darkened, aad, a
arista-, brought ap bene the
'quarter ot tk sky a great eamd,
aisle noli awl
looking. lUpeak, ea.deaerihed fcyta
New York Son, edrVed into the north
west, earioualg taipeaded and a rift ta
it, whoso aldea gleamed with tad sun
set rays, gave tt the look of a ttoa'a
head, whh yawatag. blrlnd island
jaws. For two hoata the sky Waned
wiU pink and bluish rotored flaamaad
the earth trembled with thwadarholta.
Rata fell to tcsreata, aad the gbreof
Hgntnlng was Minding-and alaseatenw
t inaoua as the thunderbolts vknehettol
across the welkin just above the earth.
! One bnlt dlvod Into the grcmnd sta tost
' deep, and waked ens bandied Sset of
jlreo dty water pipe onto hahodtaa
; twinkling. In neighboring ouatdiy
places fences Were blown to pieeea, aad
trees and telegraph aad tulephone
poles riddled with ctaetrfa botta. Ia
all parts of the state nsmage waa
wrought If this strange thing had oc
curred tn Sew Jersey It would not have
been thought so ranch of.
Decreasing Families. '
The decrease ia the abe of families fa
a subject which causes some alarm.
Taking the United States aa a whole, it
fa found by the ecesns figures that to
ISM) ths average family consisted of
S.S5 persona. There has been a gradual
decrease. It being in ISSO (.S3. In WTO
5.09. in 1889 V04, and In 1800 4.94. Look
ing at the different geographical di
vtbione, it Is found that thia rale holds
true eset-pt in the ueateia division,
where the average sise of the family
has risen trrm 4.18 ta 1850 to 4.88 la
1800, the Inereese having been steady
throngb the intermediate deeadea,
This result according to Carroll tX
Wright In IVpular Sdeaee Monthly,
would have teen expected, of coarse, oa
account of the settlement of the west
In the last few years, the poputatioa
having increased rapidly and being
more aad more brought to the family
basia Instead of that of single indhrid-
uals or young families settling ta
ern territories. The small average
of the family ia Oklahoma,
tory Just opened for sittlsmsat, shows
the influence of new
the size of the family, fa
the size of the family will
tn population huuniue fairly
when h will follow the rale of oidar
eommunitfaa and liitusss. Whoa pop
alatkm becomes more or baa urban to
character the maximum is reached, and
after that a constantly receding
age win probably be ami an at
snneeedlng tenssav
Oxx of the aaost noticeable' ftaliss
abont the export trade of Boston for the
month of May. fast was tho uieriaas to
oatmeal sent abroad. There wasagato
of mora thaa two hundred thuuaas
pounds hi this hem as eceapared with a
year ago. ' Johnson deecrtbed oata aa aa
article which Englishmen fed to thatr
horses and Scotchmen to themselves.
But evidently, from the way In which
the oatmeal trade b growing, the
Scotchmen are converting the world to
their way of eating, if not to their way
of thinking.
Sin. Gladstone waa so mneh annoyed
by the qncationa of an opponent while
speaking, the other day, that he tamed
npou him and said: "I am not respond
ble for your understanding. I am re
spondble for the understanding the Al
mighty has lodged In this skull of mine,
but not for the understanding lodged
In your alrnU. I will not enter into a
conflict of lungs with yon, auT The
cheering might have been heard several
Tmnuc fa a woman In Key West, Fhv,
not yet forty yean old, who fa a greet-pTrnt-graudmot
her. She fa a Cuban,
and her name fa Oorteasio. Whea but
thirteen years old her first child wi
a dnnghtcr. When fourteen
old this daughter gave birth to a daugh
ter, and the latter haa discounted the
performance of her ancestors by be
coming the mother of a lusty spa at the
tender sgc of twelve.
A mm feature of New York's ex
hibit ct the world's fair will be an im
mense topographical map of that state,
which will be spread out in a depressed
area Just bock of ths state building.
It will be thirty-six feet long aad twenty-six
wide, and will show the moun
tains, forcrts, rivers, towns and all of
the great natural and artificial features
of state scenery.
Tux aim of the TJnrrcrrity Settlement
society of New York fa to aid the etoV
aena of a neighborhood "without in
fringing on their self-respect,'' and no
patronizing airs are assumed, Recently
an exhibition of pkituiea representtBg a
value of over one bandred thousand
dollars was held as a means of educal
tag public taste.
ADvximsKXKXT writing fa a seeming
a regular branch of literature to toe
Dnlted States, Soma of the Brst-dasa
writers commsad solarise of 110,001 a
year, and now yotug mea asa ng-ulerty
training tor the work and going to cot
lege to preparation.
amen interested to ssslrfng aa
of their horses at the world's fab that
they have soeffbt to sttaralate sompsM
tkm, and than eeeura the bestrasalta,
fcy O-ataatflaf M pftM ft assfaflanssMCW
hroaseststaeof atypical Ft aura trot
ter. This statue fa to be soodeled from
life by M. Isadora Boahsar. aad ha
awarded to tlasbsaaeonectloa of trot-arae-hibitedrttlstsapBssttusw
Tawotd axiom that light-tag doss
not strike the same ptoee fartea woald
esasBtoee falHsay Into nan ay sis,- On
a farm near Carthage, DL,aa the Ant-
aba tree whssh
twice straek by UgMntof
gradually died.
storm the old tree
I breaking the top aad leveling the
trunk to the ground, . . ,.
Cwasaao hat a population of 1,438.S8.
Tjesearataa flgures sent to the board
as edusetlea) by Superintendent Free k
land. Subject to a slight revision be
rays thry will heioaad absolutely cor :
Mb sent ansa It fa
The writer has a tight to
of It,
he ana
of thsaaak-
fsesa which H was
writer f H.. Bvoa
after she
arrived at theomee
whfah tabs
to thapssaea. to)
whom tt t-Wrssaad. b may be
by the writer by telegraph
that, the
to withdraw tta bttor fa really theeaa
whole entitled to do so, aadtte pes
nssaterfareapoaaiblefor kfa error if he
delrrersthe letter te aa liuusOsi er aa
Bxewrthorfasd person. The Vital prto
eiple ta oca- aoB-oal sj itisa Has at the
bottom of tafaamttsr. la thfa soemtry
the stats fa the servant or agent e the
dttaraaot hfa master. It
naerety his agent throughout the
lut a of a bttor. The atot
prescribe ragnlstWis wader watok Its
owa ear saule may carry a nasssaga tor
thedtisen, but Keannot shirk tta re-
poa-fbiUty to him.
A Noted WeB.
The town of Waeo, ta Temis, elabna
ths distinction of having tbatargest
well ta the United States, aad with few
rbab to the world, ft fa bored with a
diameter of ten inches to the depth of
L890 feet, sJl the artedaa wells of this
town finding their supply atabowttisst
depth. The Samson well, which hasbe-
aoted. Oil u ws up about caw
sad a half million gallons dafly of hot
but perfeetlypureandi i slatllie wslei,
at a temperature of lot dtyiess which
lathe highest tasaperatara of say ar-
T4 VJsWsxrVBttaatvm1Wsraam ft
of sixty poumde to the tosh.
and tt wm rise ta the stsurtytas to the
height of 1M feet from
The snpply, too, appears to be
haaatlbia, no diminution of
having so far barn felt at other
plpsu are iepottod-sspeetraly eighty
by twenty tost aad elgbtj eight by
twenty which not only annate fhfa
towa whh para
batafaefcr hot, ewimsatag
of the pfaeefa the hast
that these wells supply h, ta sddHioa,
wttoasacdrainwerwkieh eea be an
te an ktada of
Tn nitadetohfa gbb have
ered a new dodge, or at least Musis aad
Drama ot that etty thlaka they have,
for it pate thfa Httta
thessoeth of can of
"Oh, bo, H Isn't untied, tfa a fad to
haeothasa that way," she said, with a
smile aa ha oAVred to tie thehnueof
her aeat little few shoes. You an the
girls Uke te have the men aottea their
feet If they are ahapdy and email,
gvowma otmadsndJal
her skrtera, thought of the
now whea you pass ns oa the street
you take the second look when you and
our shoe bees are trailing oa the
B-H.W1T officers in Delaware aad
Maryland estlniato the peach crop of the
peninsula at four hundred thousand
baskets, or about one sixth of aa av
erage crop. Orchards la middle aad
northern Delaware that
with bjsdous fruit
nearly bare of fruit thfa yeaa, aad ate
marked In every part with "the yel
lows." The failure of the crap thb
rear fa likoiy to be followed by the aa
rooting of many thousand tress. Ex
perts to peach lore are eusnrtoesd taut
peach growing fa doomed ia
Aa Indiana paper found It
the other day to publish the foflovrlag
eorreetioa: "For OJurglar feeting In
the heading of the article to our bat to
sue relating to the proeeedlnga of the
towueonncil read 'Regular Meeting."'
town council meettoga might
fitly come under the head of
"burglar" meetings.
NooaW-T county. Mo- has a
seventy-nine years old who plowed hfa
rg Und fast spring with a hone
twenty-nine years old which wan bora
the saao fane aad baa waked
on it with the old man over atnea. It
seems as if it were high time for both
in and hone to retire from tabor.
Tmt ftwitwnyiaroldaoBof
or Livingston, of Oregon, raeeatly
died near Pomona, CaL, from dgarstto
smoking. Be smoked Asty-traekrar-
ettes daily, sad anneHuw
& Aad still they a
AocoBDura to a published guide to
the railroads of the United States, then
are, or lately were, seven isan nlflatsai
gaagea ia the country, varying from
two feet to five tost seven toshes to
an a
Thb daily asiai.snr tho fab eaaj b
pleased to can bathing. Ho oaa ever
iliimma uf eoatrsDottog her, thsngh
rea the email boy wlssfasaarreasrd to
toe task of efmetog IsaanaW wi saowy
saad eaatslt yew that the sesmVne
etoCMng fa dVyer1 after- her alleged
bath thaa the paraea tarns. ja
mrnite-nosed man - who' b sleeping
aeefully to the thdie of tl pfaB, r
regata! ii .an.
move, to tea ittlerartina
sasstorat theafnse
seat, that WnBeaisi
tngosnew. Tan ragalasione af tM
afi ease shall be taken by
miusitil oa hfa own farm tor lagiaasy
ml iii.11 r i r'fi'ngiiag Hfa arrest
wascaaasd by hfa ihUdMay who had
token. Im of hfa.iajmij.
tones sBghtly eyalml sorlbe hsaasfady
who aeradea her ssaat had eostty
fatonmtoB tho sanda of the faahtoaahto
watering placenta thafoOuahag terse
"It fa very mashig to watok a beaeh
bene aoasdoos of the sAVet her gar
gooun Sm Bmfted eostmna b pew
of ambtin does not approaHi IK
rata aotat, and therefore prosAe-. (Wf
following day to be f aev ' -
eaOmga at at aw stove rtw7
wWstssss sty "serose. irraw estsar
araHst. atasfeatles a vrittfa Ban) asjrs
usw wm tossstts ass toaf hmijMm st
CM?, , qotsaix,
Kew is vowr caaarel OBehaedren
CTettbarT and HaTrbaa CsTtfeeMrrol
to-dat. . A am et Ut ovary purr
ehaser.ao matter what fjft anrowef
Donrura Hat BtojuL
A Hfa-rt i to atom afeste
The laie corn Moat ow grouml
floor of Operii HoaW h tat fenit
Any ou wHdtf totftai NstaWranti
fee' ereiM andeTster partof, ergs? aadt
frnlf afi-d; fi( ba at time tor thd
tbeatrfcal eeasoa about to ope.
Raw low. Forforther partieulare
HAirjcrmt urmu uoitsb.
Toaag Men's Wafwar Club
ta regubr session at the
next 8atarday, Aegast
lath. AH meatheri are reqaested to
to present as lapurtant bndasss wilt
come before tho nreettag.
. &. F. BenaVsUBOT, Pres.
J. C. Hjrjrv, 8eer.
bat I eoeldnt help It Iverything
wrong with ma, aad I thought
I hadn't a friend to tise world; dys
pepsia caaaed thfa, aad for moaths I
eoabbrt oat aaythlag, and last suffer
sdtaniberytiU I used Balphor Bitters.
Three beitiee eared wD Zewis, SS
CountxiA,BceinCQtrirrT Mo, 1
T Wlnbai Par Cbrk of the County
Court of Cap Glrardeaa Coonty,
8ae It b ary date to toform yoa
that, aader the nrovbbasj of seetloa
87U Bevised Statatea of Mbsouri,
188. roar eewaty is entitled to send
to the departments of the State Cni-
verstty tn Cohimbb and Bella, darby
the year endlag Juae i, lewa, tbirtaaa
students, betweea the ages of aixtoam
and Twentr-tve years.
Cader the rules adopted by to
sera ag Caxutora,
shall nass a satbfaetory
ta arithBMtle aad the prl net plea of
Kaglish grsmmar aad a ill ton eont
poaitloa, aad arust pay the prescribed
foes, to-wlfc Ob ssatrieulattag ta the
Arademte aepartment, aa entrance
foe of ten dollars, aad contingent fa
of five dollars; aad a Uka coatiageat
fee at the beginning of tho secoad
half yeer, aasktag the whose aanasl
charge tweaty dollara. For the school
of Medictao tweaty dollars for tho
trat year and Ifty douars for sabse-
qaoat year. Far the Beheol of Ea-
twea'dollaew Bird and fourth years
forty dollars. For the Law School
fifty doUera for Ant year itodaab aael
tarty doflart for secoad year i
ForthoColbtw of Airkejltaral
Mechanb Art tea doUars. I
tioas for admisskm wiU be givea by
the Kagflah aad BMlheamtloil depart.
meats on Thursday. Friday. Saturday
and Monday, September S, , 10 aad
it, preceding tfea opealag of the
Udverdtv. The smiioas of aU the
depart meats will begta oa the secoad
Tuesday, 1Kb of September, aad will
eoatlaae until the first Tharsday of
June, 189 except that of the School
of Mines aad MetaUanry at Bulla,
which will begta aad aad oae week
too Law Boaoot wblca
opens on October 4 1893.
iu Missouri Mate Military ecaoot
b sow a department ot the State
University. (Missouri Bar. Stat 1889,
sece. 17741). Eaeh Senator aad
Uepresentative ta the General Assem
bly b expected to appoint oaa eadet
from bb district daring tho. njoath
of As gad. These eadets after pass
ing the required ex am la at fanes win
be admitted to tho academle depart
ts of the University tree of tuiuoe.
Two complete anitorsss win bo Inrn
ished by the State to eaeh cadet. The
College of Agrfeoltare aad Meehaaio
Arts, has bona re-organised with ad
ditional teaching force aad greater
Anrpto provbbai k
for the edacatioa aad earn at young
ta all the classes of the
See catalog 1891, page U.
aad ssodern WMidlagear
eMetrBjetad to twobea tho
old mala banding which was asdroy
ed by fira oa Jaaaary t, 1893.
I beg to eafl your attsjdtoa to tha
amaaded estnat froat the law m
tab aabjeot
Tern will alma, after gtrtef two
weak MblbBttaa to thb certificate,
traasaut to asa, oa or before Septem
ber 1st, a ft e tha aaaBee of aU tha
youths of yew eoaaty who tatond to
make appibatioB for eaMaaea tato
thoUBtvardty atthe swasaaaaeeaaait
of the aaxt wsslBa.
Usaeh a fist b wet trnBomWed,
dadeate frean other naallii wttba
altowed to eator ta Itoa ed theeato
Which j eai esaaty b BBOriafi,
Board obb aa haa fan uarvwrawy
to pri-
aBAawtefi4Ja. -
tioa toast oat
189. - - ' '
rstilewBeef theTJnivojsfli atabe
had oa snpBcatioa to tha fMoanay
Lararbn,Otbwbta, Ma.
WIUIaBj nuut
Clerk Cwtmty Court, Cape Clrer-
j Coontv, Mbfouri.
BasnsMftf 1 T M yJ
AagsstSm, MBt. ' '
swatts -Hmmtrnmrnm
WBBeUsSss -taaiaaes .
LBkafaT Bsanls atsaiaf
Msnnsfwatti y. fcss4st
rm..Bi iSffmT"i i TT
0aivurstry at OataaaUa e bb, are
aavmbad to Bsaka kasa a tbsar toton-

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