OCR Interpretation

The Cape Girardeau Democrat. (Cape Girardeau, Mo.) 1876-1909, October 08, 1892, Image 1

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn89066818/1892-10-08/ed-1/seq-1/

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BES H. ADAMS, Publisher.
VOL. XVII.-NO. 18.
. v
AX tiw
city recorder
OSoe mt Mot od Harmony StrsssI,
Physician and Surgeon
Offloe fa ier of Trtckefi Drar Stora, wtm
JJ lndepfrolnre ud Spanish Street. Cp
rae.ilaij BnMlBf aad Loan aieeeHtlaa.
fswetary Soutneastern District aiilaas)
astral oeMty. Oatoa. Court-haw.
Do Your Insurance Business
la a company wboia record In tha pan a)
LEO DOTL3, Ag-ont,
Ko. K Nona Mala Street Cap. Girardeau.
Missouri, apla.
Oapa Girardeau, - Ma
Agent for the following
Reliable Companies :
Trnnkl'n Mutual, of St. Louii.
Citizens' Itwarsnoe Company, St Lonlft.
Spr.n-ftel.l loiuruioe Compftar. tipiina-
tafllli. Miwa.
Tltt-. an fhrec of the bnstaad aoat rellaeta
romj ... in tbe country. deo.a,
Daalac to
Mi- ptkxIs recrlwi weeklv, Orocerlea h
wny r.e.l. .stoe comer of Fountain acd
(1 Ai ioony Sirecta. noT.8.
Shop oa Main strret, one door aootta of tb
Prrscott House.
AH kinds or fresh Meats and Sausage at
trays on band. Delivery wairon run everf
morn lug. IJu)yJ&.
Dealer In
Millinery, Dry Goofls
No. Mo Baraionj Street,
Daalan In
anil Ti
In4epanana Street.
Cape Girardean,
Entire new atook. the latest Improred an
bert t'ooklng' an4 llea'inr Stores to tbe mar
ket. All kinds or Job Work don in tbe boat
manner and at moderate prio?e.
A specialty and work f uaranteed flrst-claaa.
Mechanical and Surgical
woes ail kinds of work la bis Una, and
. anrees ai work dona.
Offioa at residence, corner Harmeay u4
Lorlmier St ret s.
Dealers tav
Iron and Steel,
ilricDlloral Implemsnts, Etc, EIcl
Agents of tfca
Dealan supplied at Who!.. Prices.
37 and 39 Mala Street,
North Main Strret.
enU sast awaalaw Una at
Drags, PMut Medicine,
Pertomcrr, Toilet Arttle
SUbUonery, Vtfat, Eta
Thc mines of New Zealand bare
alone produced $3.V),030,000 worth of
TllE last census shows that while
33, ICS lawyers received ?;!.", 000, 000
every rear in fees, 37,000 mini&lera got
only 38,000.000.
Hkre is a new definition of the word
straw. An observing younjsr woman
says it is a hollow thiug with s ten
cent young man at one end of it and a
fifteen-cent drink at the other.
A Xrw Yokkkb has made a clock
from 34,000 pieces of wood, comprising
over 300 varieties. For sixteen years
he has had sailors bringing liitn rare
woods from every quarter of the globe.
Thr following is a copy of a bill
posted on the wall of a country village:
"A lecture on total abstinence will be
delivered in the open air, and a collec
tion will be taken at thc door to de
fray expenses.'
Qukes VictoBia's HuuToostanee dors
not come to her without hard digging.
She has a Hindoo secretary, a fact un
known to her American admirers. Hi
name is Hnnshi Hafir Abdul Karim.
and if his pnpil were not a queen he
would be called a tutor.
A wealtbv Scotch gentleman who
had intended to give each of his daugh
ters a legacy of her weight in 1 bank
notes had an ofiiuial of the bank of
Scotland to figure on the matter for
him. It was found that the lirctr
would get as her share io.344 and thc
slimmer 51.200.
Tire free lunch eaters of Xew York
city consume daily two tons of potato
salad, a ton and a half of lieans '-"0
gallons of beef stew and a hundred
weight of caviara, not to im-ntion the
large quantities of cheese. Frankfur
ter sausage, pickles, olives, cornr: beef,
macaroni, etc
The use of the camera in hospital?
for photographing different phases ol
disease has been productive of valuable
results abroad- Pictures are tnken of
patients at various stages of disease
and a comparison of those with photo
graphs of others simi arlv aflheted dis
closes phenomena of great interest and
value to medical science.
C. E. Si'aosoi.ktti, snid to lie the
father of railway telegraphy ami the in-
ventor of numerous electrical appii'
anees for working the block system on
many home and foreign railways, re
eently resigned the appointment which
lie had held for over thirty-fire years
as chief electrician and telegraph cu-
eineer of the Great Western llaihvav
Ccmpanyof Eng-land.
Mi.le. ViWiiMK Mkxviis, who died
recently at Nancy, aged ttt. was the
oldest schoolmistress in France. She
was not allowed to learn to read till
she was 18 years of age. Her own
schools a few years later, were de
clared by the government to he "nor
mal and model schools Mile. Men-
vius gave 40.000 francs for the erec
tion of a hospital at Nancy.
A fiuf.M) of the late Gideon Wells of
Maine, who was known as the cattle
king of that state, estimates that dur
ing his long life he paid thc farmers
for horses cattle, sheep, hav and wool
upwards of Sr.o.000.000; and yet, so ex
act was he in his dealings that,
although he was uneducated and trusted
largely to his memory, he never figured
in a lawsuit cither as plaintiff or de
fendant Yorxo and diflident orators will take
fresh heart when they learn, if they do
not know it ulrcady, that so accom
plished and self-possessed a speaker as
George William Curtis suffered greatly
from stage fright on the occasion of his
first lecture, and began by saying:
I.adies and gentlemen, the pitomless
bott," with a solemnity which was
changed to confusion when he per
ceived his error. Of course, he had
meant to make an allusion to the but
toraless pit.
Ilrsixr.Hs "gets down fine" in certain
localities in Chicago. Not a great dis
tance from the 1'olk street depot nn
Italian stands ltehmd a glass case on
the sidewalk and dispenses thin slices
of watermelon at one cent apiece. The
classof customers is varied and curious
There are the children of the neighbor
hood, many of them colored, an occa
sional trampish-looking person and an
occasional woman who seems to be
buying the thin slice of watery sweet
ness for some one else. It is all odd.
The Paragraph clnb of Newark, N.
J., is unique in the collection of wom
en's clubs It has neither president,
vice president, secretary, nor treasurer;
at its meeting no chairman presides
and no gavtl falls The members
gather, and presently some one says:
"It is time to begin," and that is the
beginning. It is decided at one meet
ing what will be the subject discussed
at the next, and every memler comes
prepared to contribute at least a para
graph to the general fund of talk, which
obligation explains the name. The
elub has a numerous membership, and
includes some very bright women.
One of the most remarkable phenom
ena exhibited in the United Kingdom
is the growth of wealth in Scotland
dnring the very period that Ireland has
been declining. Its population is in
creasing, though great numbers are
constantly moving to the United States
and Canada. Wealth is increasing
faster than population and the manner
of living is improving. The people are
better housed and clad than they were
ten years ago. It is reported in every
county that houses are being erected or
enlarged But in Scotland, as in this
country, there is a tendency to move
from the rural districts to large towns
No si'tciVE has been committed in
Montenegro for fifty years, the people
regarding it as a cowardly act and evi
dence that the victim had led an un
worthy life or had been implicated in
some crime. Recently a merchant who
had been harassed by his creditors at
tempted to end his career with a revol
ver, but the bullet did not kill him.
Prince Nikito called to see him and re
buked him for his unmanly net. On
his recovery the prince paid his debts,
but banished the offender He then is
sued a decree that tbe dead body of any
uicide should be exposed to public gaze
on the gallows for twenty-four hours
The first woman admitted to the bar
in America was Arabella Mansfield, of
Iowa, in 1869. Now there are seven
women lawyers practicing before the
United States supreme court, and
large number have been admitted to
general practice.
Epitome of the Week.
IX tha 'Jnitcd Stale.t and Canada the
risible supply of wheat increased 3.SMV
000 bushels during the week ended oa
the 24th and oats 6.18.000 bushels, but
corn decreased 69,000 bnshe.S;
Thomas J. Motto ax, commissioner of
Indian affairs, in his annual report
notes a continuance of tbe policy of al
lotting lands to the Indians as individ
uals and treating them as future citi
zens of the L nited States Eventually,
the commissioner thinks the agency
system will be destroyed and also the
Indian bureau.
lit ri.no the week ended on thc SOth
nlu the exchanges at the leading clear
ing bouses in the United States aggre
gated Sl.057,541,070, against SI, 191,
400,182 the previous week. The de
crease as compared with the correspond
ing week of -1891 was 18.9. m
I TBX.kutass failures in thtUWted
States during the seven dilfs cuded on
the :10th ult. nuralered 208, against 211
the preceding week and 230 for the
corresponding time last year.
Johx Gkiffin knocked out .lames
Lynch in five rounds in a fight at Coney
Island. N. Y., and was declared light
weight champion of the world.
In Philadelphia the McCahan Sugar
Kenning Company, which is opposed to
the sugar trust, was organized with a
capital stock of f2.000,OCO.
Notices have been posted at Stoning
ton. Conn., under the old "bine law,"
sayiug that "the using of profane or
obscene language, also shouting, brawl
ing and quarreling" are in violation of
the law, and that, hereafter that law
will lie rigidly enforced.
Ix state convention in ivoston. Mass
aclusc:ts democrats renominated Wil
liam K. Iiussc 1 for governor.
Aftfk being in btininess eighty years
the Knickerbocker Fire In-urance
Company of New York will close up its
Fot: no cause known Frederick Mil
lenhurg murdered his wife and fatally
wounded hi.- daughter in Paterson, N.
J., and then committed suicide.
At ltord'!itown. X. .1.. Lena Schmitt.
a German woman, while insane murk-red
three small children by choking
them to death.
Thk large works of the Sinjfer Manu
facturing Company at Elizaliethport,
N. .1.. wre partially destroyed by lire,
the loss U-ing J1 IS .0) I.
Savi.i: .t .Ikxks' woolen mill at
Warren. Mass, was destroyed by fire,
the In s being Wua.omi.
Okii. Swf.f.t. Charles Keiehmn and
Pharles Smith, your.g men. were stmek
by a train at Northeast. Pa . and killed.
Thk world's .Vmile bieye'e record
was lowered by W. W. iadle at
Springfield. M;is., he maUing thc full
distance in 11 minutes 41 seconds.
A msrATrii received at llanvers
Mass.. tells of the murder of Capt. G. P.
llnck!ey and his wife by sailors on his
KKroirrs from the detained steam
ships at the upper and lower qiiarah--tine
stations in New York were favor
able, and. with Fire island and Camp
Iow depopulated, the cholera may 1m
said to be stamped out.
At New liaren. tonn.. Tale univer
sity celebrated the 19.".d vear tf its ex
Official figures of the guliern.ttorial
vote at the recent election in Maine
jrive Cleaves (rep.), OT.-'.s.'i: Johnson
Idem.). .V..07S: Massey (pro). ::,7si;
Knowlton (labor). I.siio; ila'.eman (peo
ple's). 3.0!".-,: scattering. IT: total, 12:i.-
i21: i leaves plurality, 12..I2.
Ix a bniidinj in New York occr.pied
by Otheman. liver A Smthwick. deal
ers in woolen goods names- a used a
loss of f i(in,003.
Is session at Pittsburgh the supreme
conrt of Pennsylvania issued warrants
for the arrest of thc members of thc
advisory committee of the Homestead
strikers on the charge of treason for
setting up in defiance of the consti
tuted authority of the state a traitor
ous and reliellious government of its
3wn in Homestead in uly la-.t.
Ix their weekly review K. G. Dun &.
Co. sav that "business continues larger
than ever at this time of the year and
the commercial sky is without a cloud.
Monev is everywhere in ample snppiy
and collections have rarely been more
generally sat isf actory."
The explosion of a locomotive boiler
near Grove Summit, N. Y.. killed Levi
Wise and Charles Flynn, engineer and
Ix San Francisco Jacob Breitenstein,
whose wife had sned him for divorce,
shot her fatally and then inflicted a
mortal wound upon himself.
CoxfiRKSstoxAL. noimnations were
made as follows: Illinois Second dis
trict, E B. Smith (dem.): Wisconsin,
Second district, Lucien B. Caswell
(rep.); Michigan. Second district, J. h.
Gorman (dem.).
Federal officers captured five of thc
notorious Jackson gang of moonshiners
at their illicit distillery in the Tennes
see mountains
The Michigan republicans in state
convention at Grand Rapids nominated
Frank A. Hooker, of Charlotte, for
justice of the supreme conrt-
Tiie death of William Dwigan. small
est member of the masonic fraternity
known, being only 40 inches high, oc
curred suddenly at his home in Shells
burg, la.
The supreme court has declared un
constitutional the reapportionment act
passed by the special session of the
Wisconsin legislature.
Charges were made by a woman
named Montrose that within a period
of ten months forty new-born infants
were murdered by Dr. H. C. Beale at
his hospital in San Francisco.
Ix a fit of jealousy Steffen .echa, of
Lake Elmo. Minn., killed Mary Mend-
lick, his sweetheart, and then took his
own life.
Flames swept away the finest resi
dence portion of Fort Bragg, Cal.
Ox the Western Uailwav ot Alabama
near Opelika. Lon and Tom Hillis the
engineer and fireman, were killed in a
collision, and six persons were serious
ly injured.
Fred wi-ersteb. ana ixmis nunu
while "crossing the Erie railroad in a
wagon at Kent, O., were struck by s
train and instantly killed.
Saxct Haxks lowered the world's
record for the light harness horse,
either trotting or pacing, at Terre
Haute, Ind.. by trotting s mile in 4:04.
Flames swept away the entire busi
ness portion of the coal mining town
of Runnells la., r.8 buildinfs being de
stroyed. Ix a wreck on the Vandalia line
near Greenville, IlL, three men were
killed and three seriously injured.
The bouse of Samuel Adkinson at
Telcnp, Kan., was struck by lightning
and Mr. and Mrs. Adkinson and their
two children were billed.
TdiRtt-oxk small cottages in New
Orleans were bnrned. .' .
The people's party of Michigan In
state convention at Lansing nominated
William Newton, of Flint, for associate
justice of the supreme court.
IX Chicago a grand jury voted to in
dict Michael C. McDonald for attempt
ing to bribe Justice Woodman.
Fire destroyed the car works at
Lima, O.. and 210 cars were consumed.
Loss $100,000.
John u. Wilson, of La Crosse, Wis.,
was elected grand chief in place of
Frank Sweeney at thc annual meeting?
In Dallas, Tex., of the Switchmen's
Mutual Aid association.
The people's party in Wisconsin has
nominated Marcellus Audier for con
gress in the Fifth district
To settle an old grudire Mrs. James
Pike shot andlcilled the 8 and 10-year-old
daughters "ol.ClwirJes Billnpsnear
Huntington, W. Va.-'--
Mascot lowered the world's pacing
record to 2:04 in the free-for-all pace at
Terre II ante, Ind.
Br a cave-in in a shaft in the Norrie
mine at Ironwoo-L Mich., eleven miners
were imprisoned. A rescuing party
was working, but with little prospect
of success before the men suffocated or
ON the Cherokee strip in Oklahoma
boomers set fire to the grass and thou
sands of acres were burned over, caus
ing the loss of many cattle.
At Mrs. Anna Vorpahl's boarding
house in Kausas Citv seven persons
were poisoned. Magvie Moore, a vin
dictive dining-room girl, has fled and
she was suspeeteL
I x .Michigan over 50,000 acres of gov
ernment bind were sold at prices rang
ing from Si to $12.50 per acre.
At Brandon, Miss, James Scott, a
negro, was hanged for the murder of
his wife.
Fire destroyed thirteen building",
including the opera house, the bank,
post oniee and Star oftiec at North
llend. Neb.
Tin: whaling steamer Mary G. Hume
arrived in San Francisco after a cruise
of over two yeai"s and six months Her
catch for the cruise was thirty-eight
whales whose lione and oil repre
sented a value of S4lKl.H'l.
At Redding, Cal., J. W. Smith killed
his wife and child and was soon after
lynched bv a mob.
Fi.a::s destroyed fifty freight care
nndtlietraiisfvrshedsof the New York,
Chicago & St. Louis railway i" Chi
cago, the lo-s being Sloo.OJ.I.
Pf.tf.k IIki.dt's six children all died
of diphtheria within two weeks at I!a
cine. Wis
Ix Kansas the demcrats opposed to
fusion will hold n state convention at
Topcka on the 7lh iust.
Fihk ruined the famous signal sta
tion building at thc summit of Pike's
Peak itl Colorado.
At thc Union stock yards in South
Omaha. Neb., Kit destroyed S10.003
worth of sheds and burned or smi-th-
ered VM head of sheep.
The noted English forger. Lord Wal
f?r'S. Iteresford, alias Sidney Laseelles
was sentenced at Koine. Ga.. to six
years hard laUir in the penitentiary in
"that st it e
A FoliTt'XF. of .OOO.OOO has fallen to
Anton Pilper, a farmer living near Co
lumbus o.
Mm iiioax prohibitionists hare nomi
nated P. T. Butler for congress iu the
Third district.
At Anironleme. France, twelve per
sons died from the effects of eating
what they sup)oscd to Ite mushrooms
Emi'ERor William, of Germany, in
honor of the birth of his daughter, will
pardon all female prisoners serving
terms for first offenses committed w hile
in distress or in fits of aner.
The schooner J. W. Dean, a Nova
Scotia boat, with a crew of fourteen
men, was reported lost.
Later reports irom the tvphoou in
Japan show that 2,000 houses were
wrecked in the prefecture of Toku-
shima and 400 persons were killed.
The last surviving German ofliccr
who took part in the battle of Water
loo. Gen. Carl Miller, died in Hanover,
Germany, aged 99 years
LATiR N?;3.
TvM'AI.i: Pai.mf.k. a b-rmer newspa
per man, w ho was sent to Brazil by
the Aur Incandescent Light Co. of
Phllndelnliia. lo sell the natent riirhU
of the company in that country, ne
gotiated the sale, in connection wmi one
Freitas of Kio Janerio, for ST.lO.noo.
but reported it as having been made
for fvo.oOO, on which they chu.'ged the
company a commission of $10,000. thus
realizing a total on the dishonest
transaction of J440.000.
MiiK. T. .1. Capeu in a card pub
lished in Cincinnati, denies the state
ments about his marriage, his fondness
for fast horses and his estrangement
from Rome, and asserts that he is still
a priest. He says he is not rich, bnt
poor, and that Rome never paid him
anything for his services
The gale which swept over southern
and central Japan last month devas
tated the Rinkin islands and inflicted
terrible damage. Over '2.000 dwellings
were destroyed or greatly damaged,
and about 500 persons were killed.
RrssiAX immigrants who have been
refused entrance into America are not
allowed tore-enter Prussia. Some who
have ret urned are reported to be in a
miserable condition.
Dr. John H. Docolars who attended
Gen. Grant in his last illness and was
for many years the family physician,
died in Washington on the 2d. He was
69 years old.
The well-known jockqf, llolloway.
has been expeled from -all German
tracks, on the ground of disgraceful
conduct at the Hoppgarten in Berlin.
The Minneapolis woman's auxiliary
to the World's fair have voted that the
fair be kept open on Sunday. This ac
tion elicited a storm of criticism.
A fire occurred at Taner, near
Steinean, Germany, on the 2d, which
dnstroved eighteen dwellings Three
persons perished in the flames
THE tmm noiei, ai csmervuie, la.,
wat destroyed by fire on the night of
tha 1st. J. M. Brennan. one ot the
guests, was bnrned to death.
Preparations are oeing made in
m,;i; the celebration of Colutnbna
day, which the government has de
clared a puDiic nonaay.
The next meeting of the Pan-Presbyterian
council will be held in Glasgow,
'a September, 1896.
Four miners were killed in tbe Ernst
nit near Eisleben. Prussia, on the Sd,
by a fall of rock.
Twxntt-four new cases oi cnoiera
were reported in Berlin on thed.
Five persons died in Buda-Festh, on
the 3d, of cholera
th9 ImprUaned Csm Cotmty Judge.
There Was an attempt at compromise
the other day by the Cara county judges
' with the contestinjboudbolders before
Judge Philips, at Kansas City.
tli. thre. comity jodgf Lanp, T'nr ntA
Allen who for tin pt six month h.v h .u
lying In tin ronnty Jail, wrre premnt in tbeir
best clothes and c'eaaent llnan. Tney bad not
tbe appennnep of bavin- bea confined la JH
for a half yar. Jn-1g Philips at a former
hearini-. erderM th county to nay the
bondholders nventv -five rents on th? dol
lar. Tbie la a recent election the nopM of
. Caen relnaed to te. an't tbe poor Judges
of tbe ronnty court bad to nfi'-'r Inrarrera
tlon. Bnt ther fe t ths rhrlnjr influence of a
rirllt rauae and suffered nnromplainincrly. Tha
rnrnitr, in a recent petition sent to Judff
Phillips whdi he was hi Colorado, off-red to
compromise with th- bondholders at Bixtv-firo
Cents on the dollar, and tha Juige, on his
return, called a conference of representa
tives of the bondholders and the eountr.
Philips asked the parties to decide on tbe com
promise by themselves if possible, and an ef
fort at settling the controversy was made.
Tbe bondholders wer? obdurate, however, and
refnset the affersdeomnromise. Judge Philirs
will now take the matter nnder consideration,
and if he decides that the amount offers 1 ts a
reafoasble one he will compel th. bondholders
to enmpromie, and will rel -a so tbe imprisoned
Missouri Crop Report.
Weather-crop bulletin of Missouri
weather service of the state board of
agriculture for the week ended Septem
ber 24:
This bss been a week of excessive heat and
eUTfehtne, snd the dsily temperntnre excess
ranged ss follows st the weather lmresn sta
tions: Cslro (111.), S4: Rprinsfl-1 1. 7.1: St.
Lonts. 1.3: Kansas City. 104: Keokuk, in. and
northwest section. 10 to IS degree. Ho little
rain hss fsllen that drought centers mar be
said to have prevailed, and were detrimental,
prinrlrally to pastures stork and prompt
germination of early-sown wheat. Under
the above-nsmed condttions corn made
rapid advancement toward maturing;
the greater part of the plant is now
beyond damage bv froit. and ratting Is general
In southern counties. Much of tbe wheat sere
age has been sown, and mnch of what has com.
np is bMng seriously injured by grasshoppers.
Hulling clover, mating strop, picking cotton,
digging potatoes and harvesting tohscm snd
pirkle crop is progressing favrrahly, and all are
reported as below tbe average. A few sections
report the ground in good condition, t.nt gen
erally a good rsln is needed: to facilitate plow
ing and terminate favorably wheat sowing snd
seeding. Psstnres are so bsdlv dried np that
feeding stork has alreadv begnn in some local
ities. Prohibition State Ticket Filed.
The prohibition state ticket was filed
with Secretary of State Lesneur on the
It wis file! by Secretary D. W. King of th.
prohibition central ctmimittee. and was aerom
rsnied hv a pstftfon containing 1..1fnnaraes ask
ing that tho names of the prohibition stats
randidstes be printed noon the ticket. Thl-i
petition fnlfllls tbe law. and the ticket was
aecept-d by the eerretarv. This was the first
ststetiek-.t filed. Tbe time for filing expires
October IS.
Want Water.
The Marmaton river, from which Ne
vada gets its water supply, is lower
than ever known. Several large ponds
have been drained into the river, and
if it shonld not rain in a few days a
water-famine is certain. Receiver
Strohm of the water works has issued
orders to consumers to use as little
water as possible during the dry spell.
Kxpenelve Fnu."
The death of T. R. Vincent by an
electric shock at Kansas City, proves to
have leen the result of a practical joke
by fellow employes L H. Pollmyerand
Peter Walters who ran a live wire to
Vincent's desk for fun. The shock
killed him instantly.
Twelve People Poisoned.
Out of twelve people who took break
fast at the boarding-house of Miss
Anna Vorpahl, Kansas City, the other
dav, seven are very sick from the
effects of poison which was admini
stered in the food.
Will he Tried.
Sheriff Garrett of Barton county took
John Reames a former county school
commissioner, from the asylnm back to
Lamar. He is held to answer the
charge of forgery to the amount of 1,
600. Crushed with a Large Stone.
While Richard Warf, 40 years old,
was at work on a derrick at the new
high school building in St Louisa large
stone which .was beinir hoisted fell on
his head, instantly killing him.
Pled While on a Visit.
Attorney H. C. Sinnctt. a prominent
lawyer of Sedalia, died at Granville. O.,
where he was on a visit to relatives
Mr. Sinnctt practiced law in Sednlii
for twenty-five years
Not Kztrndltshle.
II. W. L. Russell, the defaulting
treasurer of the Lombard Investment
Co.. at Kansas City, has been released
by Mexican officials as his crime is not
an extraditable one.
Free Fassag.e for Militiamen.
The Frisco Railway Co. hasannonnced
that it will take a 'J memliers of the
Missouri national guard on its line as
far as St Louis to the World's fair
Cint Itlseonrngrd.
John Hanson, a blacksmith, commit
ted suicide in St. Louis a few diys ago.
H is act was reported to be from despond
ency, produced by family troubles
slim fontinlngs" at Liberty.
Fred Witrock.alias "Jim Cummings"
the noted train robber, has completed
his term in the Jefferson City peniten
t iary, and has been released.
Over a Woman live.
At Kansas City Joseph Paxton and
Billy Tankersley fought a duel with
knives over a woman's love. Tanke"sley
may die and Paxton is in jail.
Fatally Kicked bv a Horse.
- Miss Mattie Lee Patton. of Spring
field, was fatally kicked by a runaway
horse, and died in a few hours She
was out riding with her mother.
Flooded with Counterfeits.
nnrrison and Mercer counties are
flooded with counterfeit money. J. J.
Derry was arrested at Princeton and a
quantity of coin secured.
Declined a rail
Rev. J. S. Myers, pastor of the Chris
tian church of Sedalia. has declined a
call to the First Christian church of
Memphis Tenn.
Bitten by a Mad Dor
Mra. Sarah Bnsby, of Barton county,
was bitten by mad dog. She was
taken to Nevada, where a madstone
was applied.
Wont On te Agali-.
Tn St Louis a few days jjg-. a man
was fined tlOO and costs for cruelly kill
ing a dog. He brained it against a
table. '
A Kind Benusnbranee.
J. A. Leach, of Sedalia, fonnderof the
Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen,
has been presented with r3,W0 by the
fbe Twenty-SeeonSl Anneal a alow of tbe
southwestern ' Mtsswwrl Confer.-, ml
th St. Ki Church,' -.th Tb As-fMsksU
tafcatai f
the twenty -teenod annual sMaiok of th.
southwestern tSTOfereaee ot tbe if.. K. church,
ebnth, waa held at tndependenee. Tbe rvport
of th. rcmmltte. on publication ssosod eonid
ersbl. disensa'oa. Tan enJnmitte. reported
that while the editors srere excellent men. It
condemned them for falling to pi-opsrly ex
press th. mind of theehtrreu ind endeaiuing
tn lead where ths ehnrch could not follow. Ir.
tbedisenssloa which followed it ap?ers that la
th. Advocate certain articles oa aanctt
ftcstion rhd organic Union had bsrt
published. Various opinjrns Were x
pressed, showing a renidder-lbfs ditf weoea
among th. brethem. some li favor of and some
ooprassd to the doctrine. One brother charged
the organ with editorially sanctioning th- sec
ond blessing. Bishop O.-dloWsy cautiously
warned them against making a discussion hi
public, and thst part of the report rebuking th.
editors was stricken off and the report adopt
ed Tbe general sentiment seemed to b In fa
vor of ailowmg tbe editor, of that popular
church organ to freely express then- opinions
notwithstanding the different-M of opinion of
tbe brethren. The report further rmmmsad.
e l the re-election of W. B. Psrimore as editor
of the advocate, and W. J. Carpenter and W.
T. HcCine as members of tbe committee from
this conference. The rep-irt of the board of
education was read and adopt -d. It proytdea
that Cotley college, of N'Vads Mo., be tsken
nnder tbe care of the conference without ha
bdity as to debt Trie eo)fer3-te 9-deetei ss sn
advisory board for this college C. H. Brigsrs.W.
T. McClne, W. B. Cobb, Joseph King. W. M.
Prottsman, W. F. Bryan. John T. Bird. Dr. J.
w. Ammerman snd J. 8. Clack. Boonville was
rbntvn as th- meeting place of th. next confer
enes by mcclainatiox W. R. Lamlmth. nil i
sionary secretary, presnutel an acconnf of the
riinrcb mlsslot. debt, amounting to f HS.iTr). of
wtvrh thi share of this conference was S3.3TS.
This amnnnt was rledged by Individuals.
Nearly SI. (To was raised within twenty rain
nt . Tbe la-eet amount given by any one m
dividnal was ?.V0 from VT. B Psrimore. of the
St. Louts Advocatft He made tbe donation
after sn address tn which he stated, with tears
in bia eye, that l istea-1 of following tbe old
J-wi-.hw.iy of giving one-tenth to th? Irl
and keeping nine-tenths he is now living on
one-tenth and giving nine-tenths
The following appointments w-re male:
Karen City District J. E. Oil-hey. presid
ing el ler. Walnnt Street and South Side. J.
J. Tigert: Cent-nary. W. T. MeClnre: Wssb
Ington Street. D M. Litakrr; Campbell Street
and Garland Avenue, o. W. Moore: Brooklyn
Avenue. L. P. Norneet: Me'rose. C. M. Bibop:
Warfl-dd chapd. L. B. Noland; In lependenee
station, C. M. Hawkins: Westnort circuit J.
W. Pnrcell; Le's Snn-mit and Point Pleas-tnt.
J. l Coss: Bine Spring cirenrt. J. W. E-tell:
Plnkhsm eircnit. J. A. Swift: Oak Grove cir
cuit. W. T Eastwood; Lon- Jack circuit. Jf.
A. Anld: Pleasant Hill station. C. Pughl-.y;
Helton an 1 Martin City, J. M. Clark: Harrisnn
ville station. S. J. Brown: Peculiar ri-cu:t. W.
T. Olll: Gnnn llty eircnit. L M. Phillip. A
sistsnt editor St. Louis Chrl'tian Advocate, W.
B. Palmr.
Ic-xington Dis'rict J. King. presidin-T elder.
Lexington station. W. J. Carpenter: Welling
ton eircnit. T. I. Haher: Odessa and Marvin
rhapel. T. M. Homar: Montsrrst eircnit. C.
Brnner; Columbus eircnit. N. M. Dowdr: Hlg
ginsville ststion, J. JfcCrary: Wsrren.bnrg
station. B. V. Alton: Lamonteand Dresden. B
W. J. Snow: Hemdon and nonnstonia. C. A.
Kmmnns: Sweet Spring and BHekwatcr. L. n.
Vandiver: Elmworslcirrnit. X R. Stone: Lonx
wmrd and High Point. W. B. Chh: Miami and
Montit Carmel. E. T. Ginn: Malta Bend and
Orand Pass V. M. CmUlne-; Waverlv station,
T. P. Col.I.; Dover eircnit. C. T. Waller-;
Corder an 1 Blarkhurn. A- B. Donaldson. Agent
of eolportag. P. L. Anderson.
Boonville District Clinton Clennv. presiding
eider. Boonrl'le station. J. M. Boone: Pilot
Grove and Bellair. J. W. Wood: ftonnvill-. m'a
sion. to lie snprlied: Nelson eircnit. Lalian
Anerson: Arrow Rock and Smith chapel. J. S.
Rnssell; Marshall ststion. A. R. Paris; Orear
ville and Shiloh, J. L Snllen; Saline City and
Walnnt Grove. R O. Enstace: Sister station
W. D. Matthews; Gillism snd Cambridge. J. J.
Hill: Bnnceton circuit. W. F. Waggoner:
Prairie Home circuit B H. St-ele:" California,
circuit W. 8. Woodard: Latham misdon. J. W.
Bond: Rnssell ville eircnit. Simnil Lnpes:
Jefferson City station, W. B. North: Chsmnts
eircnit. Perry Long. Agnt Central college. C
H. Briggs.
Clinton DWrict R S. H mater, presiding
elder. Clinton station. J. G. Given: Mnntros
eircnit. A. B. Appleby; I.ucsi e:rcnit W. P
Barrett: Lowrv City circuit. H. C AUen: Lin
coln eircnit. J. H. DMlny: Drssjeand Brmangh,
W. G. Pike; Windmr station. L. R Downing:
Windsor circuit, J. F. Hogan: Green Ri ice cir
cuit A L. Houston: S talis station. E. P. Rv
land: Knobnoster circuit, to besupnlied: Ot
tcrville eircnit. R G. Flummer: Gl?ntead cir
cuit, W. K. White, one to b supplied: Ver
sailles station. A. L Bnms; Chilhowce circuit.
T. B. Harri: Appleton City and Sprue. O. !
Tavlor: Oarlon Itr circuit. J. H. Dviny.
N-vada District M. M Pugh. presiding elder.
Nevada station. J. W. How dl; Neva la mission.
W.C. Hill: Monndvill circuit. W. M MrTal
lester: D-erfleld eircnit. J. K. Spr: Rich Hill
ststion. Wm. Brtwley; Spragn- circuit M. T.
Fnlcberand I. W. Rothereock: Hnms circu't,
F. C. Puck-tt: Bntler station. L. W. Pearee;
Everett eircnit C. G. Hamilton; Papinsville
eircnit J. F. P.ke; Walker eircnit. C. C. How
ard; Monteville circuit S. G. Welborn; Shel
don eircnit J- F. Robb; Lamar station, 8. P.
Carton; Kenoma HreuK. W. H Hon; El Dormdo
Spring station. J. P. Caldwell; Roscoe mission,
tnippllel be W. B. Carry.
Neoho Dttrlct W. C. Brewer, presiding
elder: Neosho station, to be suppli-1; Seneca
circuit, suppli. 1 hr K. K. W-tol; Sonthweat
City eircnit. J. M. Re-d: Pln-rflle eircnit. A.
N Hnnd'rson: Newtonia . eircnit, J. A.Mat-th-ws.
Exr-ter circuit, J. A. Kenner: Pierce
City ststion. B. H. Orecg: Mon-tte and Sar
cox;e. J. A. Jsred: Red Oik eircnit. J. R Har
gis: Csrthsga station. Wm. M Wsinwright:
Wehl. City tstton. H C. Me-elith: Cartervillo
sts:i-in. -I. Y. Bnsby; Jasper circuit. M. L.
Dslliy: Monnt Vernon circuit, snppded by J.
F. Cay--nar: Lasrrene.bnrg circuit. J. M. CLsy
to i : Joplin statins. R F. CamnbelL
Springlldd Ditrict J. N. Hnggins presu
me eld-r. Spri-gfl-ld. St Pan!"-. J. H. rV-rnggs:
Springfl-ld. Cimpbell Street W. H. Swen:on:
SprinjdeM. Dale sn 1 Gnv str-ets to be sup
plied; Willart circuit. Jacob Shook: Morris
ville station. J. J. Heed: Bolivar circuit. J K.
McDonald: Jerico circuit. A. O. Moore; Green
field circuit. J. J. Ellsr: Ash Grove and Phos
nix. C. N. Scrivener: Bois d'Arc eircnit W. F.
Briggs: Ozark circuit, J. F. Shares: H'ndersna
ct'Cnit. to b- snpphd: Marshfleld station. J.
L. Hagler; Marshfl-dd eircnit W. R. Morgan;
Ebenessr ctrcuit, W, L Maguire, one to he
anppiwi: Tburmarsvlll. eircnit J. I Ssran
aon, one to be supplied .
Lebanon District M. Atkinson, presiding
elder. L-bsnon station. J. R. Strong; Lbsnoa
circuit. W. H. So Math: Richland and Dixon.
Tbnsv Clark: Rtchlsnd circuit. B. F. Alsup:
Ilveris eircnit supplied by J. W. Parker;
Wayneavili. eircnit, anpplied by J. A. Hawkins
Vienna circuit. J. E. Hsrny; Buffalo ami Fair
view. L D. Davis: Bnffslo circuit, suppli-d bv
J I Logsn: Cross Timbers circuit. J. R
Hedges: Crliana circuit, supplied by J. L. Lo
gan: Mmafield eircnit. snppliM by A. Haw
kins; Tdonnrsln Oroy sn1 Cabnol. B. P. Sear
rev: P sto circuit. G. H. fir.-en: Bain circuit
R F. Fid-len: Crocker eircnit. snnp'lel by J.
V. Barlow; Climsx eircnit, R E. Xil.b'ack.
An Attack All Along tho l ine.
In St Louis the Presbyterian. Meth
odist. Reformed Episcopal. Baptist,
Christian. Lntheran and Congrega
tional churches are in favor of united
evangelistic work in the city. It has
been recommended that the date for
beginnin g the work be fixed upon Jan
nary I. 193, and that union service,
continue at least one month: that thc
plan of work be to hold a daily central
meeting in the morning of each day
where all the workers can meet: thai
the city be divided into five sections or
districts in which the pastors shall co
operate and arrange the work.
A Consistent rbrtatla
P. S. Gllmore, the bandmaster, whe
died at St, Louis a few days ago, would
allow his band to play only sacred
music, or something near akin to it, on
the Sabbath. It is said that he refused
to earn many a dollar by allowing his
band to play at Sunday gathering
Such pieces as 'Nearer. My Goo, to
Thee,'' as played by Gilmore'a band,
was worth going miles to hear. There
Is universal sorro among the good
people of St Louis because of Mr. 011
more's death. Hi music contributed
much to make the exposition of thst
jjtv the auoeeaa It fa
ft G. Tina Co.. Wesddy Review mt the
racaatltios sat TraOe. Thrattgarowt aa
Caraatty Rtaranessa lmrlly Aetlvw,
Slowey In Ample Snppiy nnst C.lle.tlossl
SatisTactot-y A Itetter Feeling la thst
Boat a Caaeed by a Might Advaarsw as
Cottoa" ttnalaesn Fsllai-ss, Etc..
fcr.w VbRtt. Oct. L R. G. Don k.
Co.. Wccklf redriew of trade says:
Bnsiaesa coutnines larger than ever at Ibis
time of tbe year, and tha commercial sky at
without a rioad. WbUatb. season brings tb.
assuU shrinkage tn distribution of texriie goods
tb. as ills sr. neyerib-leas crowded with or
ders, and ths demsnd forth prolnct. af troa
sad steel aad leather has hnrr'ved. Mooey la
fat ample anpply and collection have v -ry
rarely been more genemily satisfactory; so
thst ths demsnd for commercial loans is mi
ksaally hght for the ts-aaun. The wntgo. of
money from Western caters foyssarcbs-es la
the country hi birger than asuali snd yt then
1 so emhsriseiiasiiit t rap i i-'iiisa. an anl
fornuUly favorable aad th. insamsai is dis
tinctly better than It was a f.wjreeks ago. At
the south trad la awvertbslsai aa-eh enconr
sged by some advance, ip tb. price of cotton,
and is therefor more acVivw. In g-ncral. estst
nsws Is not eery Urge aad reatarkabiy haaltby,
bat ta. owriook for tho earning -raw-it ir is
tHu.i regardsxt srsrk tas amoasvOBisV-
At Boston dry good, an active, and the nail's
vary basy with the demand, auch. in eocte
lines, that they cannot pro-lues . goods fast
enough. Collections sn excellent and all aec
Honasasim to ban money .oooga for payment
of bills. Tb. boot and shoe trad hi very satis
factory At Philadelphia Iron Improves with hu-ga
sales, and hardware, recently unlet is now
more active. The liquor ant tobacco trades
an busy, and also the mane'sctare of cigars.
The Jewelry trad, improve, with trad, la oil
snd -naval stores. Dry goods an moving
steadily, and trad, hi groceries snd giaessran
is very busy. Iroa la in better dVmand at
Pittsburg, and tha glass bnalnesa good. At
Cleveland trad, is Improving and larger than
last year, and at Cincinnati the clothing
trad. Is better than prsyiou years, though a
slight decline i. swan st the aontb. for tbs
western trade largely exceeds previous rec
ord s.
ChleaEO reports tnerrhsndia. sale, greater
than last year, tbe harvest progressing well,
money active, with much larg T onrgoes to too
interior than last year, and all conditions favor
able. Receipts of prod nets show increase hi
everything except rye. moderate la flour, pork,
cheese, wool and hides, a quarter in barley,
seed, bogs and sheep, two-thirds In butter,
twofold in dressed beef, cured meats, lard and
broomcora, and threefold in wheat, corn and
At St Loom bnsineas is distinctly better la
dry goode, shoes, hats and rail way supplies
and collections prompt At St. Panl buiness
is Larger than a year ago. at Omaha very active,
with Increase over last year in many lines. At
Kansas City good. Business at Denver is
moderate, the weather being warm and collec
tions slow. At the south gene rally Improving,
though caution prevail, at Memphis. B -Iter
price, for cotton bring larger trad, at Mont
gomery, and though business is only fair at
New Orleans sugar Is strong sad active and
money In good demand.
Speculation In breadstuff ts lowar with
small transactions. Wheat and oats are nearly
a cent, and corn 1 cent lower, and receipts of
wheat st western points ban born .3U.SB6
bushels tn four days against exports of only
650,116 bushels. Speculation in cotton has been
.normons sales reaching l.iWM 00 bales, with
an advance of a quarter during tbe week, la
pita of better receipts and more favorable
crop reports. Pork product an higher, pork
75 cent per barrel, lard St and hogs rente per
100 pounds, Coffe. Is aa .ighth stronger, bnt
oilabonttwo cent, lower. Western receipts
of cattle an 17S.0O( head, against 145 000 the
same week last year. Coal is more active, bnt
at rat rates deliveries having been tbls month
at May prices and agents decline to make an
other nominal advance.
The Hebrew holiday, cans, the nsaxl de
crease la sale, of textile goods the cholera
scan has diverted many buyers from N.w
York, and It is between seasons for wool-n,
but dealings are still large. Th. outlook la
woolens Is excellent and sales of wool improve
ben and at Philadelphia, when the consump
tion ts greater than la any other year, though
eome concession e on tern tori-, and Ohio delaina
an seen at Boston. At til? three msrk-ts JU.
KTi.oro pounds ban been sold this year against
IrV.OOn.m) last year to date. Cottons an less
active and tarn ginghams a shade tower.
Trade in knit goods Is hesitating anl
production a little below last year',
hut stocks of woolens an am-ill, and
trad, la carpets Is active. Boot and shoa works
an pressed to meat their orders and tb. ship
ments from Boston for tbe year thus far show
an increase of 6.3 per cent over last yean, and
S per cent, over those of tea years ago.
Large sales of pig Iron an reported, especially
at Cincinnati, and some a Iranee in pric3s Is ex
pected. All works making structural Iron an
very busy and tbe outlook improving, though
bar iron is still weak. Copp?r is unchanged at
one-fourteenth cents tin liesitating at fi.SS
and lead dnll at 470i Thongs exports from
New York for four weeks ban hewn S3 per cent
smaller In value than a year ago. tney exe-ed
last week. Foreign exchange has ris-n slight
ly, snd money has advanced to ft per c?nt.. bnt
Do anxiety la'felt and stocks an a shad,
stronger than a week ago. Toe treasury ha.
paid oottMOAOmon notes against as much
mora silver added, and has taksa in K.nn.OOO
mon gold during tha week, bnt tbe demand
for money at tha west and south continue,
smaller thaa ssraaL
Tbe baaunass failures occurring taronghont
tbe country during tbe last seven dan number,
for tbe United States r. 7. and for Canada Jl: or
a total of ans, an compared witn 211 last
sreek. and Its for tbe week previous to the last
and 230 for tbe corresponding sreek of last year.
Canadlaa Boslne. oatlook.
Saw Tons. Oct l.-Sp-cial telegrams to
Bradstreet's indicate that general trade bss
fallen oil somewhat in tn. proviocs of Qn slier,
bnt the volnms is Increasing. Dry goods and
hardware merchants ban mads large sales
In Ontario a very fair trad, is reported in
staple lines with excdlent prospects. Spick,
of wheat at every country elevator are inenns
Ing. Export st isra rates to Enron from Mon
treal an low.
Th. Klght of Faemptloa from Taxation
Aarrendered by Two Souther. Kail
roads. Rai.hoh, N. C. Oct 1. The State
Chronicle will announce to-morrow
that a compromise has been effected
whereby the Seaboard t Rnoke and
Raleigh & Gaston railways agree to
pay taxes to this state for three years
past and to surrender the right ot ex
emption from taxation conferred to the
roads by their charters The state re
cently secured judgment in the federal
conrt against the Seaboard 4 Roanoke
road for back taxes from 166 to the
present, and in the state court against
the Raleigh A Gaston road.
These mads now abandon their ap
peals to the supreme court
Demand aa Inveatlgatlon.
Omaha. Neb., Oct 1. Gov. Boyd has
uldressed a communication to the chair
man of the board of public lands and
public buildings, in which he urges the
board to give a thorough investigation
to the charges of corruption in the in
sane asylnm management Got.
Boyd calls attention to the public
charges, and asserts that facts have
come to his knowledge which makes
the investigation imp-rative. Land
Commissioner Humphrey, chairman of
the board of public lands and build
ings will at once begin an investiga
tion. Farced to Cancel All Dates.
Omaha, Neb., Oct 1. Lorenzo
Cronnx, republican candidate for gor
emae baa hewn fncr-pd to cancel all
dates and places. A few days ago one
of nut eye oegsn paining mm, out n
particular attention waa paid to it.
Last night, however, the pain waa in
tense, and this morning he consulted
sn oculist It developed thst sn nicer
had formed on the ball of one eye, and
that the other eye is sympathetically
affected. Judge Crounx hopes to be
able to begin work by October 15, bat
bis physicist) srs It is not Pl- ths
Csasdawrtan-S who Ksnst Cw Big? Bl.sfcS
BaUsUaaj east Laaua sweat aw lssggsar
. ly Salartas Haw Tbay loaaagwd It Flor-
any Dsassvad ATtac Setsna Slsarw Pat.a
trn Wssrh.
. .
' Cixcixxatj, Oct. t. A few v-eek
o the Cincinnati at Covington Street
Rallsvay Co. reduced tbe fare from tern
to seven cents and travel was greatly
increased, but strangely enough th
revenue wss largely depressed. Tha
company empjbqyed Detective B. A.
Miller, of Cleveland, to dsiooeer th
cause, if possible. Miller came lvare
snd began running s car. He was af
fable snd soon bad s staunch friend in
every conductor on the road. On
night about a week ago when he had.
made his last trip a conductor said to
him: --...-
"Are yon short to-night?"
seres," said Miller.
The conductor then handed Miller a -lot
of punched tickets. He took them
to his room and made a careful exam
ination of them. He found that one of
them had been scorched. He at one
inquired from headquarters what was
done with punched tickets after they
were returned by the conductors and
was informed thst they were placed in
a sack and bnrned in the power house
furnace. He watched the operation
from a place of secrecy and the leak
was discovered. A clerk threw a largo
sack of punched tickets . on the edgs of
the fire and left the room. The fireman
hastily took np a rake and withdrew
the bag of tickets, stamping out tha
fire. These tickets were sold to the
conductors 100 for $3. The company
then tried several plans to catch tho
conductors who were using them, and
were at last successful in locating i.f.
of them, and estimate that tbe wf "
of money stolen will range saywber
from $50,000 to 100,000, and say tho
stealings have been going on -for five
years One conductor, on a salary of
1 19 a week, has been carrying twenty
five shsres in a building sssociation.
The scheme wss a new one and hard to
Pattest States Ttssopa Ordered to Tf.ar
Torsi aad Chicago ts Partlelpat. hi tbe
Cereanoales Attendlaar the Colusa bsss
Celebratlow and the Dedication of the
Word's Fair Bnlldlags.
Washtkotosi, Oct S. An order has
been issued st the war department di
recting Gen. Howard, commanding th
department of the east, to concentrate
troops in New York city on the Slst
inst, to participate in the Columbus
celebration there on that date. Troops
will be sent from Fort Porter, Fort
Ontario, Plattsburg barracks and
all posts in New York harbor. Tho
superintendent of the West Point mili
tary academy has been directed to
send the cadet corps of the academy
and a battalion of engineers. Tha
four troops of the Seventh cavalry,
stationed at Ft Meyer, Vs., were to
have attended, but Gen. Schofleld de
cided to omit them on account of th
unusual number of sick at this point
The troops ordered to New York will
aggregate several thousands, snd will
be a fair representation of the United
States army.
The war department has also decided
to have the army well represented at
the dedication of the World's fate
buildings at Chicago, and Gen. Miles,
commanding the department of tha
Missouri, has been instructed to have
troops there on the Slst and S2d in
stant The troops thst will take part
in the ceremonies at Chicago will eon
sistof the cavalry and infantry from
posts in the department of th
Platte and Dakota; cavalry and arUUery
from Fort Riley. Kas, Fort Reno, L
T-, Forts Omaha, Robinson, Niobrara,
Neb., and Fort Custer, Mont, ag
gregating nearly 3,000 men, who, witn
the troops of Fort Wayne, Mich., and
Fort Sheridan, 111., will make a band
some display. The cavalry and artillery
will take their own horses and equip
ments. Troops B snd K. Seventh cavalry,
from Fort Riley, will probably re
main at Fort Sheridan permanently, as
quarters there have been completed
snd it wss the intention of the depart
ment to make the transfer as soon a
quarters were provided.
Tbe Fight mt tha Health o Wears at Nava
Tor ayith the Advaaetag Caolars, Has
Ap.ara.tiy Ciowaed wit Sauawaa We
Now Caae Deyelopiag snd the Sack a
Quarantine All Getting Walk
njABAirTTWK, Staten Island, Oct, 3.
Dr. Jenkins visited the Bohemia and
Hoffman island yesterday and when he
returned last evening he stated thst
everything was in good shape in tha
lower bay. No new cases of cholera
bad appeared, and he said that he did
not expect any among the passengers
now detained, as it was now five days
since the last esses were discovered.
All but two or three people who are
sick with measles have been removed
from the Bohemia and the ship was dis
infected yesterday. There are only
three cholera patients in the hospital
on Swinburne island, and they are in a
fair way of recovery.!
Dr. Jenkins snd his assistants now
consider the end in sight, snd are jubi
lant over the success of their efforts
for the past four weeks. The Polaris,
Gothla, Moravia, Nevada, Slavonia,
Massllia and Indiana are still off tho
upper quarantine station, but all are
well on these ships snd most of them
will be released within a few days.
La Gsscogne arrived yesterday with all
well on board and proceeded to her
Fast Flying Virginia."
HtrjrnHOTOS, W. Vs. Oct . The
"fast flying Virginian' was derailed
here yesterday morning at 4:25 o'clock.
The train of seven ears was coming
into the city at twenty miles sn hour,
snd left the track at the eixteenth
street crossing, caused by a split
switch. The engine, mail, baggage
and two coaches left the track and ran
a hundred yards on the ties. Fortun
ately no one was hurt, though aU th
psjisengers were badly shaken up. Th
train was crowded with exenrsionist
returning from Washlngton.
hsrssM Jastlo. ftasaerby a Sterna
of ladlgaatlsss
Clitvilaxd, 0., Oct. X Supreme Jus
tice Somerby, of the Iron Hall, was
given a warm reception at Army and
Navy hall Saturday night Ho ad
dressed a large aadieneeof members of
the order, defending his course a chief
officer, and In concluding said that he
would not answer any questions in
nnblie, bnt would meet la the ante
room aU who desired to question
him. The statement raised a storm
of indignation, and the chair
man, who waa friendly to Sonstr-
. . . - " J a
py, aetuartni vim i- - -
'I '
.1 s

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