Newspaper Page Text
THE CAPE GIRARDEAU DEMOCRAT. BEN II. ADAMS, Publisher. CAPJi tHiURDEAU, MISSOURI, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY '11, 1893. VOL. XVII. NO. 36. sal tu aoa. I. & KNGELHAKS. .ATTORNEY AT LAW Am 'CITY" RECORDER Ofllee m (ton m Ihraony dtrMt, AAPB OIRA.IIDCAU. . MO. & & HARRIS. Physician and Surgeon OSBr. la tear of Trick j. Drag Stars, wtmi l Independence and Spanlsb Street. Oaat tfKpectal stMatloe flrae M aiunrer) utl biteue. of Vtaalea. H. A. ASTHOLZ. isaielaij BaiMlngaaA Loaa NOTARY PUBLIC. Bacretary 8outSsaera Mstrtot ftjl Iwl -saral Boomxw. Uitcw, Covrt-koaM. Jea.a. Do Your Insurance Business In a c.mpi whos, record la th. past sj a mW" fof ta, I mum. ln.ui.ialB. HOME. OP SEW TORE. LEO DOYLB, Agont, No to Nona Mala Stmt, Cap O tram Ma. xlipeiuil. apia. Jf. WICIITERICn, Gape Girardeau, Mo. A cent (or Ike rallowlnf Re!iab.s Companies : Praoklta Mutual, of St. Loula. Otltaena' ineuranc Corapanr. flc Loots iTnnoi'i insurance impaar, apriag- Thcae are three of the beat and aompanlc. In the country. I rellaM deo a. CONRAD KEMPE, Doalar la DRY GOODS AND (GROCERIES, 17 ti a-noda received weekly. Groceries 'ways fre4. ttore censer Of Fountain ami lUaxniuuy Street. dot J. CHRIST. KRUECER, BUTCHER. hof on "Main street, one door sonth of tbt rSrfott 1 1 oust. All it i nil ft of Iresb Meats and Satiaaa-e ml warn on band. ix-llvery wagon run everf, tnorn lug. J July O. ENGEL3IAM, Dealer la MiUiiBry, Dry GoqlIs AND GEOCERIES. No. Ku Hsrnonr Straw, CAFE GIRARDEAU. MISSOURI r. W. VOGT, Daator la Stes anil Tinware, Independence Street Cape Girardeau, Mo. Entire new "took, the latest Improved an jest Cooktnff and HeaMnjr Move In the mar ket. All kind of Job Work done In the beet asanner and at moderate prioaa. ROOFING AND CUTTERINC JL ipKialt and work guaranteed orat-class. ADOLPH LIST, Mschsnlml sod Sarftcai Yvoet ail klnda of work la his line, aad caaa antfws ail work done. Ofllce at residence, eorner Harmony aod Corlmier Streets. EDW.S. LILLY -Daalen aa HARDWARE, Iron and Steel, Asjicnllnral Impleincnls, Etc, Etc Amenta of U. HAZARD POWDER COMPANY. Deal.n supplied at WholMi Prleat. 37 and 39 Main Street, OAPB OIR ARD3 ATT, MO. RIDER 1 W1CHTERICH, DRUGGISTS ! North Main StrreU A fan aid aosapiste tloe of prngBf Ptnt Medlclnetj, PcrtumoiTs Tollee ArUelea, titaUonerjf VottftBflt EUi DEKTTIST XRRo comes from an Arabic frdrd sig- ! nifving nothing. Ti", .loewi't do it justice. If it;es to that it's worse tnan noting. Somkiuhiv asked Tin. Campbell what Ph. 1. meant. It is said that Congress man Tim ans-.vered without a mo ment's hesitation: "It's litin ft. l'hnafs la'.7" i.vs. in had a neat little Saw practice, which was north o,OOS a year. From otlwr araii-cc?., incltm'ng his 1 tinting factory, be raaeje prM! biy as much mo-e. Si.vtk the C diamond fields were discovered !n 1M, .VMHHMm) ratals of htnno, rained at StiO.OO ,0C. have been exported. Thesfc would load up two big coal trains. TllR Chinese are tihown by statistics to be longer-lived thu any other na tion, which f:ie. fc attribute.) to Ihcir &bstcmir5 habits and tiieir remarks'-' freedom from phthisis or pul monary consumption. The average duration of lives in the United State 141.8 for storekeepers 43 5 years for teamsters. 44 6 for sea men, 4t.:, years for mechanics, 4S.4 years for merchants, .Yin for lawyers, anil G4.2 years for farmer. Ikknos and Amen Klton. f Vinelnin!, N. .1., celebrated their diuimtnd nod diup the fdher day, having- Iveta jrtnr lied sevcnty-fin rrarst l'hey aiV airvd lespertively UN and years and retain pTsr-shitKi of nil their families. JfcSNv t.ixo was Irtn? aHprfi:efi o have left the st;if lieausr f eertain regions se-nt!rs; but this, it is nmv said, t.? nut the reasin. She eaivd wiriinf for the jjlitter f tlie footlights nnd sue loved Iter home. That was ail there ias to it. Thk efuiiet. w ' was tlie cause of h iuMh Hteinent in Novemler last i Mii! visible. It had been "row raptdly fainter since its disci Tery until Monday. January Ifi. nhen it suddenly (Tiew hripfhter in the most astonishing manner. It may safely be said tliat the suildemiess and extent .f t Lis in crease of brightness arr nitlioiit r edent in the history of nstronomv. It crisis n.nmt 51 2.0 m t tfei the votes of the electoral tull brought to Washitifrtoti the forty-four states. When rreeired the returns are Im-lit-d in a steel safe in the ti esidi-nfs hhhii. The Mife ms Uen sierially pmrided w ith ueteetiveelei-tric appara t. l'he dav of the count, bv congress the returns are carried to the house in a pairof velf-htckcU cherry wim id U.ev A M AAcin sKrrs court 'n eMtene of a bmjrtar to half a rinttlry impris onment is not an hard as it seems, for in all probability the man will never serve half of his sentence. A much harder sentence prouonnecd npon a murderer recently by a court fourteen years at hard labor. a;M at the end of that time to b-? executed. In (ermany murderer? are rjA-Iy pr h'tied. . Tn k M e x it a n of Santa llo. al ie eharp-e the .Mormon colonists of that vicinity with openly prm-tw'inr polyga my iu violation of the terns upin which they were permitted settlement in that -m.try. For this reason the Mexican storekeepers refused to sU them jroocls, and they have suffered some pi ivations bi ct-nscc-nen :e. i!'.it they have now rMahlished h'.c:-:-; of their own. Kkoh the oHieial financial staleinrr.t of the dominion poverunient as pulr lished in the Ottawa JVess. it aprvar-, that the total expenditure in I'.:! was f42.:T"J.34S while the total levenun was only -SW.!1Jl.s7!, an excess of ex penditures over receipts of f.,4."i0.4,"V. 'J he jrross debt cn June hist was Ky:.:;:e:i.too, and the m-t debt : 4::4 'Ihenet increase In the dbt r the vear was S;..Ii.4'3. Xo mhjnki: hare KnniH-an aeronnnls tliair balloons almost to the point of perfection for military uses than alon comes a KusMnn scientist with an apparatus which captures the rayaof the sun and employs them to burn the balloons, somewhat on the principle by which Archimedes planned to destroy entire navies. We have not seen a detailed explanation of the modus operandi, but a Knssian paper states that the balloons can le burned when at a distance of live kilometers from the person handling the appar atus. Thkrr sill remain in the state of New York forty-one schoolhouses built of los. This is a decrease of fourteen within the last live years. The numlier of frame schoolhouses diir;nf the same period has decreased but one, the total number Ijeinjr KM"iT, while the brick structures have increased ll'i, tn a to tal of 1,5-2::. The stone schoolhouse;; numlicr 317, a decrease of for ty -six in five years. The total number of pupils enrolled last year in the public schools of both cities and towns was 1.07:!,0.M, the services of'5 teachers were lenuired. of whom but .V-'T.I were men. During the last year there was ex pended for teachers" trapes f 11. Oil 0.V1. At a jubilee meeting in the m-ssion rooms in liridgeport. Conn.. Neils Olsen, a thriving jeweler, arose and said that in answer to long and contin uous prayer the Lord had fully re stored his eyesight. To prove his words. Olsen took np a llible printed in line type and read a chapte.- without glasses and with no difficulty. For years he has not liecn able to read or do line work without the aid of fine lenses. He felt his vision gradually be coming weaker, and tielieving that the Lord sometimes performs miracles in the present day lie prayed for bettereye sight with faith that relief would come. Ex-1'RKsinF.NT I1vej did not carry a watch, the reat-on for which illustrates one of the traits of his character. It ap pears that in his younger days the watch he then carried was the cause of sending two men to the penitentiary. It was stolen from his pocket; the thief was captured, tried, convicted and sent to prison for a term of years. Mr. llayes recovered his watch, and m sec ond time it was stolen. The thief turned out lo be a poor man with a large family, and after he had been sent to the penitentiary Mr. llayes con cluded tb it he wonld get rid of the cause of so much trouble to bis fellowmen. Sas Fbascisco is '"suffering from a girl famine," says a newspaper of that city, while in Philadelphia the condi tion is reversed, tbere being 23.0U0 more girls than boys. It lias been sug gested that Jiere is a chance for recr pruuity. Epitome of the Week. INTERESTING NEWS COMPILATION. FIFTY-SECOND CONGRtSS. Sreuad Ne.tuaa TtJR.nAv. Jan 31. In the senate lite I Unli-option bill ocenpled almost the en- , lire day. The Mil W as passed by a Vote ; f 41 to 29. 1 he credentials of Keraof Mills as senator fi cxas were r'-2- fceived fcttd bWx& on ftle. The bill for VSfc cV.l'iStruet:on of a wagon bridge across the Missouri river at Moux City, fa.; was passed, antl the senate ad journed. In the house the sundry civil uill occupied the attention of the house during the entire dav. Wkd.xrsdat. Feb. t-The fortifi'ca- States; gives the total Catholic popula tion and nrmy appropriation bilk were Hon in this country at 8.stM1.03.'. The vtjtsseil in the senate, and the district i 3f Columbia bill was considered. In the house the t me was occupied in :liscussing the sundry civil appropria- j lion bill, but no action was taken. j Tm-BsiiAT. Feb. 2. The District of ; Coiumbia apprortriatkm bill was ' passed in the senate and the resolu-! lirn for the annexation of Hawaii was referred lo the committee on foreign relations. The nomination of Howell tt Jackson, of Tennessee, to be nssif 1 cinte Justice of the Fntted Mates sip ' 1 n lire in Alfred Ilurgersotfs hnn-se p!-e:ne court, rice t, t. I'. LamaiS tie- I in Chieagit Mrs. iturgersod and he' reascd. Was reeelved frttnt llw1 prel- baby were fatally burned: lent In the hituse Ihe sundry civil Is Oskal'onsa, la:, Mrs. t"atheride 11 I was passed with an aniendinenl to Robinson died at the age of 102 years .Vil away with federal officers at elec- j and 1 1 months lions A bill was intrOjud-d tit revise Trie failure of the Chicago Milk ihe pension list. Shippers association, with a member- r'ltirtAV, Feb. it The Vnicstl'on Hf j ship of 2,20), for 510U.O:):i, was an Ihe repeal of tiie Sherman act, or at 1 noiioml. fciist'of the suspension of the silver The execution of Sam Smith, a 19-l-ullion purchase provision of it. was i ycarold negro, took place at r.irming :liscussed in the senate, after which i ham, Ala., for the murder of Isaac lilting tributes were made to the mem-: Unrger nine months atr i. orv of the late Senator Harbour, of ! Anvir-Ks from Alaska are to the ef Virginia. In the bouse the anti-option feet that the citizens of ".hat territory bill was referred to the committee on i a"-"' earnestly working for home rule, airriculttirc. the defk- cnev anpronria-i Kkit.kskxtative intro- tion bill was nasv.l an. I the Indian an- ' propriation bill was reported. FROM WASHINGTON. Thf. statement of the public debt Is sued on the 1st showed that the inter est ami non-interest Iteming lf lit in - rrcased $:l. 1U.V1 li tiurlttg the inonlh hf : Iinnary. The rah it the trt'asury ; and the fall broke his lleek. wa fiit.lKM.'1-irf. The total debt, less I l!v the upsetting of n lat I'anlinf lilt cash I aluiiee ill the treasury: I Neweoiul c; ag -d ail MVillard V.od ainotints to fs:;M.ft:;;.0fi.T Siiiec Mareit : wirtli; an l;g.ig"d t-oiipie; were I. l-s.l; "'ue I einn.n t.f Ihe Jireseiit drim ned at Marysville; t al. nllmiiiist' atioh. the bonded indebted- TllK Mipreme court of Michigan hess of the country has decreased S2.V.I.- j handed down a decision in the contested 972..V.). . ; election case iu the Fifth congressional Ix his annual report to congri ss the . ilistrict, seating Charles K. llclknap, commissioner of patents shows that the ! tli,. icpubliean t-:indidate. net receipts of the ofliee during the last ; Natiiiai. gas exploded in the home calendar year were l,2si',.:t:;i.s:;. and : of John l. Shoflall at Crbana. O., Ihe cxiH'iiditures SI,Iln.7::i 24. making j killing his daughter, aged 2:1, and Mrs. the receipts over expenditures S7.",.v.J.- ; t lark, aged fis years. V.I. There were 21.427 patents issued j Ixstiu i Tloxs were issued by liov. citizens of the I'nite I States during ,gg to the sheriff of I.auiar eoanty to the year and 2,11.11 to foreigners j arret every person implicated in the Hvt.HNM::sr receipts in January burning of the negro Smith at faris amounted to f :'..". 21 i.!i72, the largest in j Tex ;mv one month for two vcar nnd i moiv than in January. IHii. FOR'iGN INTELLIGENCE TliK prcsi.l-tit sent to congress a ! IS a mine near iraiz. Syria, live message dealing w ith the subject of j miners were killed and ten injured by 'he Impoi latioh of foi-eign grlK into ; an explosion. Ihe t nited Stat-s acr.ji, the Canadian I auk English parliament convene. I on border under cohsiilar s.-at in whi. ii he 1 H'e Hist lilt., the fjiu-en's speech being t 1 avs that the nresent svsteni shows fuvoritisin to Canadian transportation routes and seaports against those of ur own country. Ix the I'nited States exchanges amounting to $l.::tly.l.1.7ss were re ported by the leading clearing Louses during the seven days ended on the 3.1, against M.:'.7:!.s2;i.r.:i3 the previous sev en davs. As compared ilh the corre- sponding week of IV.C! the increase was 'V1s '"SI j u A fiki.I'AMP explosion in a coal pit at !n:ix the seven da s ended on the Keeklinghausen. Oermany. killed in the I nited eighteen uiners and Mrcnteen other.. States numbered S.l. against 2U1 the I "'r- injured. previons week an 1 2!it for the corre- Tiik death of Ira Muloek. president -ponding lime last vear. ' defunct bank of Florence, t id.. Is the fnited states and Canada the oeeurred in Mexico, where he had 1-een fire losses for January amounted to i filed for several years to escape enm sit 11-.- n.i ,vio..i. u . lm.r ' ina! nn .-caution. f.e that month in u,7r velie tssi t7ik money circulation of the conn- Irv on the 1st was placed at $.IM7..1S- 4:W. or a per enpita of S..4.2:: against $I.W:!,s.11, l-'s at the same time in 1S9J. THE EAST. Or.x. Ilt Ti.Kn's will was filed in the Middlesex probate court at Fast Cam bridge, it bears the date of 1S.14. with a codicil added in 1S2 All his estate is left to relatives including a wife and mot her. since deceased. Tiif. residence of James Addison at West Newbnry. Mass., was destroyed by tire and Mrs. Addison, aged 40. and his son William, aged Hi, perished in the flames Tiik plant of the Warner Portland Cement company, hn-ated at Warner. N. Y., was entirely destroyed by tire. Loss S17.1.0C0. It was said that the liabilities of the Erie car works at Erie. Pa., whose failure was recently announced, would reach S1.000.0UO. Firk destroyed several buildings in cluding the Hotel Ifockton. Orand Cen tral hotel and the Metropolitan block at Little Falls X- V-. the loss being (2 :0.000. Ix the Wyoming and Lackawanna valleys in Pennsylvania the 13.000 luiners w ill hereafter work eight hours a day. Ix the case of Robert J. lteatty. charged with poisoning the nonunion workmen at Homestead, Pa., a verdict of guilty was rendered. Ix Brooklyn Mrs Jacob Plimler, a handsome woman of 3n years of age, after a brief quarrel with her husband shot him fatally and then shot herself dead. Ix the state of New York the total number of deaths reported for the year i;t2 was i:M,7.10. This makes the death rate for the year 20. 7S per 1.000 popu lation. Is the Conygham shaft near Wilkes barre. Pa, an explosion burned nine men, two of them fatally. At Springfield. Mass., Wallace Holmes was hanged for the murder of his wife on election day in November, 189L Is a tenement house in New York flames caused the deaths of Morris Cohen and his wife and little girl. WEST AND SOUTH. True official trials at Port Royal. S.C, 3f the pneumatic guns of the dynamite cruiser Vesuvius were a success I Chicago counterfeit silver dollars halves quarters and dimes of the issue of 1892 were in circulation. At Aspen, Col., snowslides killed three, men. and at Carbondale one man lost his life in the same manner. The doors of the First national bank of Little Rock. Ark., were closed. The death of Joseph William Bert n 1 1 . . 1 . . t. .. 1 UUKiru, uriicr Kuonu w lire wui urn- istic nrofeon a Phocion Howard. 00 curred at hi, fcome in Dandle. I1L. ot (teitrt fuiiure. aged nearly 00 year. AT Kichlnnds, Vi, four negroes who murdered and ri'hbed two white men nanfed Katciiffe and Shortt idge were I lynched by a mob. J A lion captured Henry Smith, a ne I gro who murdered 4-ycar-old Myrtle Vamw at I'arts. T-.x.. tortured him with red-hot brands ard Anally satn fated him withroal xil nud birned him lo deallV !.Ar.s almost wiped but the lowr! of billctlc, Wyd., causing a loss df fioo.ofta , Tiif. remains of. Jeff-.-rsou Davis will be removed from New Orleans to Rich mond for interment on May 30. . AbvAXt'B sheets of Hoffman's Ho d'revtorV, the official publication of Ihe Catholic church iri the t'nited total number ox priests is chil dren attending parochial schools, 733. StW, and children in orphan asylums 30.533. There are -!7 Catholic colleges (UVi academics 3.597 parix-hial silsools 41 charitable institutions and ,477 churches Topelta, Kan., James Mitchell and bis wife and child were frozen to death in their house. litis destroyed live weekly Hewi paper i flUes in Toin-liai Kan. duced a bill in the Minnesot-i legisla ture to prohibit the manufacture of h opskirts within the borders of the state. Ix the ring at New Orleans Ceorge fbxxlriell, a eiilored middle w.-ight, rt as ilistantly killed by his opponent, .loe tireen. Ibuxirieh was kiinvkcd dotvii. it-ao TllllKP. sailors, survivors of the wreeked Norwegian ship Thekla, ar rived at Hamburg. Oermaiiy, anil ie port terrible stiffering. For sixteen davs they subsisteil upon human Hesh. the three strangling a fourth com panion. Ni:ai:i.v -I'M bouses were destroyed by lire at Sliibtishi. Japan, and many ! At I'.uctios Ayres the Ham-xle Hoinay I In Plata suspended payment in eonse- 'lenee of the loss of. si.OiW.iWl in gold ! eause ! by t:ie spc-ulation of the mana- me concern. Ax article in a newspaper at Ilogota alleging widespread ignorance among the iaboring clase caused a riot and !00 men were killed and 500 wounded. I-A.TE3 NZVVS. Ix the senate, on the 4th. the prest. denfs message was apportioned among several committees. A number of house bills were pass-d. The confer ences report on the bill con -crning tes timony in criminal eases under the interstate commerce laws was agreed to. The senate sulistitnte for house bill to ratify an agreement with the Cherokee nation was amended and passed In the house an unusual scene was presented in the speeches, in committee of the whole, in eulogy of Mr. P.lonnt. chairman of the commit tee on foreign affairs who ends a service of twenty years to accept a federal appointment. The military academy bill was passed without divi sion, and business war. suspended to pay tribute to memory of the late J. X Kendall, of Kentucky. Loris IL Lew. of New York, former nnu..;.l..n ,.r llii. Life I'mon ltenefit asso- ciation and another assessment insur- anee companr, has heen arresieu and held in default of 10.000 bail on a charge of misappropriating $10, 141 of the funds of the Life Tuion. Fismxo in any manner whatever in the waters of the Mississippi river dur Inff the months of March, April and Maj of each year is made unlawful tin der a bill introduced by Senator Stock bridge, chairman of the fisheries com mittee. Tiik Manufacturers Record of Balti more, Md., shows that the progress of the southern states in industrial mat ters is not only kecpinsr step with pre vious efforts, but a gradual increase in the number of new enterprises is no ticeable. Tiik first interview between Secretary of State Foster and the llawaiien an nexation commissioners was held in the diplomatic parlor of the state depart ment, on the morning of the 4th, and lasted half an hour. A telegram from Fergus Falls, Minn.. says the Northern Pacific passenger train, west-bound, was wrecked, on the 4th, near Vining station. Seven pas sengers are reported as seriously in- luretL Mrs. WiujamC WrnTNrr, wifeof tha ex-secretary of the navy, died at her home in New York city, at S o'clock 00 the morning of the 5tb, of heart dis ease. A investigation into the Whisky trust has been began by the subcom mittee of the house judiciary com mi t- i - , . . . . , 'iu DeLand chem nljvorks at F au V Y" n d?ieoI OB M1SSOURI STATE NCWS. Mr. Vnt'i Lrltrr. Th-i following self-explanatory letter was read in the lower house of the legis lature, on the 1st, during the deUtteto iudorse Mr. Vest' vet 00 the antb.p tinn bill; t I nit -4 thin r-trtt Unity nt epf?i-if -t fprbyr-i thaJ ihej& ft.nh 01 tlwMiiri bouse of rppresetQfutiTes h"v inliV"jl ;Hf aitl-yptw-i bill. Exrrpt I be forrebill. tta it tba worst measnra tbit ba com bafore eoa rcss darinfr my rvu3e ben. Th Mil t.iROuixa the doctrine of state rirhti and v o a,tei tbj on5titii!ta openly a id L-nl-nablv. ,It pretenl-t to, b a revno; m-aMn When; io f.trt; it U vlpr sii e4rriji of Ifo policj pniror ij crncr5n la tba respective sUt-rs aa to traaYSctiua batwnn HtizMM of thus?aUtes snl to enmmvditi3S.wtiirh are not Intend; t'i c W. ot tbe state. If congrasa bast be pterer to puilhit bill, it can rerriie every rrre 1 p wcr eiren by tbo contiitn tkn to the reup ?ctiTe stat ipv rnn.-nt. I mo nndertand rov a ivtmhliraa eoali voe for nh a bill, bat it is impossible for me to mq how any ftemccrat can tive it bis sapport. Aa for myself, I won't! not rot for it under any rirrnra stances, bat wouli ratber qnit pob'lc lit forever. " Yoar frien I, O. O. Yett. The letter, it seems, was addressed to Representative Patrick, of Jackson county. t.oaiinft Stuff l'ttndfl fti(ts were received ty the state trenft hrer np to (o'clock of the ist for Uie loaning of the surplus innd df the stiite- Tberj is daw i lat tLRAODJ fnrplas in the trrasnry. I'mlr tho liwthrt surp!n? it divi tea int-i twenti-th. NobiJii r-caivinl fora lrM't aioouDt. Th- nt of interest for oyof the imm -y is tasd on daily halanfes, Eihtf-gi bills were r cive l. and th award was made to oiht bank Tor tb amounts and ratM.o'f in tnrent specifltfil i Franklin bank, of St. Lnui, 3-3) at 1 p-r cent; Franklin bnk. of St. Ix. ui-, 6-111 at 1 TTH-; Ki.i City fitatf bank, Kinsai City. h-Sn 1.41; Union nation al bank. Kmus City, 3-31 at l.&l; Callaway County Saving bank. Faltoa, I at 1.5": Cent rat national bink. Boonrilia, 1-3(1 at 1 -VJ; First national batik J-ffvrson City. at 140: Eichanjte bank. Jeffersia City. 1-30 at 1 40. The avraffo rate under the old rimtncts wa I..H pr cent., and nn ier the Ufwitwill lark a sm.ill fraction or 1.44. Tne aw.-tnli wre approved by the boar-1 of fond romnr lon !- Tb" urate ts secured in these lan- by d-p sit of Rovernninnt, state and enunly ftiu iod bnn Is, wbieli are held by thi st.t- treasnrer as a iraarantea a-lnst any loStes. Mr: Tntnnl omstnlb Fltiainf:ls. Following cnlleil from a ileffersore ( ity special to the tllobe-IVmocrat; dated February i: tifpt-rsentatie Tatnm, of ibs bnlise apro priaiions committee; ha lu roakinir ai ei mi nation of tb state's He snysth-y are in most rirellnt c-n ltli'n. an 1 that in tad of mer'y SSfth.tOi for ilie sinkina: fnnt. a.- r.-qutred ly tbe eontitntioii; tht h hlal in tbu fund Sl."H.'!f. which will Htj nd to retire bnnd which by contract the stita can par at any time and so stop int-n-s. H siy that the anditor's esti mates bay.' ben vtry rarral'y ma te an I cin serrativ a t tb- r.cpi;t. which wil!. un l.nttilly. exs.ed iar;ply the neeiry and lr-rat ti mates of expnditnres: that th talk of a d H'-iwnry i- all hsh. that thrv is n nc riHi:ty for iucr.nsd taxation in any dirtetio 1, and that lit has ttm authority f the anlttor bitii r that th'r. will e no dflci-nry on!p III- 1-icUiatur.' makHt extrjr.iinary appropria-t-ons not antii-ipat -d by the aniitor's esti nmti's. lroler aine and Klsll. V. V. Kllis. manager of the Slisiiiri State linme Phdectite assrv ci:ititm, is working in the interest of fish and tmnvv He U endmr-TTinz to have a Wli passM by th kifi-liturp tr the lettr ptote-tion of ame and ft-ih. nnd b- n-c in!ly carrd td J. iTitwii t'iya lr.rir- pflition nud the indorsement of ri-pr?-MntatiVt ritizms clearly hhowinic that inimMint srti m is nrv to save what Ca n nd fih that are l-f t. Mr. Ellis, on bis t ip a f w w k since to the Hoiliue; Spriii(ps on th (asconnd. to ftemre sp-cimeiis i.f fl-h knitnn to inhabit the wit r of the state for rx'nl it at tb World's fair, was Informed that a fw davs pr-vin-t to bis romina parlies had dynamite, t!:e spritia:s and secured a warm load of ifam t fi-ti to ship to market The State Protective aswiatifm will beRTin in St. Louis, and pun1 to pro-wnU? thoe who. in de flaii of the present jftime laws, persist in sell iiiR g.tmc out of season A IVr IMrm iirsilnn Settled. The nttorneygeneral has rendered a W ritten opinio)! on the tjueMmn of the per diem of the speaker nnil speaker pro tern of the house. It is the opinion of the attorney-general that the pfe sidingoflicer if entitled to seven dollars pir day for every day actually presid ing, and the same applis to the speak er pro tern, when he presidis. Killed While Consting. Willie Dele van, 10 j-ears old, who lived at the corner of Twenty-fonrth and Holly streets Kansas City, was e.asting on Holly street at 4 ocukmc on the afternoon of the M when he ran under a hcavilv-loaded hay wagon. The wheels passed over hisfcead, crush ing his skull. He lived only twenty minutes. Chntplalii of the Penitentiary. Warden Pace announced on the night of the :id that he had selected Kev. W W. Warren, of El Dorado Springs, as chaplain of the penitentiary. Mr. War ren ivelonirs to the i liristian ueno mi- nation. The salary is 1,000 per year. and he will assume his new duties March 1. Missouri and the World's Fair. The Missouri World's fair commission met in St. I-ouis the other day. Gov. 8ton was present for tbe first time. Ths executive committee n-ported that actire preparations ar. bina; made to ship the articles now in tbe warehouse lor ex n ton ion at 1 nica gn. The mineral exhibit has b?en shifped and Is to be Installed at once. Ilaa tenters off the Confederacy. The state organization of the Dangh ters of the Confederacy have ftl.OtH) in the treasury. They have paM $12.000 of the 2 t,7.rtb that the home at Higsrins- ville cost. Conirressmatt Norton Returns. Representative Dick Norton, of Mis souri, says a Washington special of the 3d, has returned to Washington after being absent since last August. St. Joseph I tanks. Nearlv all the St Joseph banks own real estate, the value of which runs np into the hundreds of thousands of dol lars, as the assessor's books show. Dropped Itomd. Mrs. L. Borhner. the wife of Paul llorhner, a traveling salesman, drop pari dead in a St Louis dry goods store. She had been in bad health. Remembered Thomas Falae. The St Louis Spiritualistic society celebrated the one hundred and nfty sixth anniversary of the death of Thomas Paine on the 39th. Feared Mntal Derm na;e sue :it. A. Ahrenthal, an insurance agent. committed suicide at Wright City. II e left letters stating that he feared he would become deranged. Warned Oat mod Shot. Near St Joseph the residence of Louis Tindall was destroyey by fire. The heat discharged a rifle, and Mr. Tin dall was shot In the leg. Failed to In dirt. The grand jury failed to return an indictment against Alex. Vols, arrested In St Louis for the murder of Jcni Rimmoos last October. THi MISSOURI LEGISLATURE SATrrAT, jaxuaet. & FJov Tb'loia; was t only branch of the ia-is .itarj in asion to-day. and Its rn aioo wa -t cmti in;tion of Friday' lcrlltiv day. No:bie f i npvrta K5 wai traaiaetad. MOaDAT, XANCaJtT SOL CTit A auhfr nf ptitkms were pre sentftl irrrm V il a tHfts of tM rstaasaia f' f IB enS t nent of laws fof tb? mte8tkra of ffeH. Sr. Tnuh-il'a If'" i AiNlmrtt itf tbe adjutant ot all p;iwseYTiii b ttate militia duria th iv as refr: BTcssment. Ti jnt rJso u'tlou for tbe ap , point men t of a c unmittee to invstigute the (.olopcd bureau wa. in led litelv pjstpoaed1. Amvg t30 new mr-asures introd ici was one hf ?tr. p.iua.p-or(ttu'zfof a constitutional ftiueu-tmCnt ant jonrinx n it1 cjurta in cou'n ties cf iKS tli IWOU) inbabitauts t le V zenti on tbe Sl'O va u t on for roa 1 i ur,oa9. Horss-Mr. Kc-qaaN res-lull.ri, loft p-ndinpf from tb-s srtii. to tb) clf-ct ttiat tho hou cease in-tiu tine; conc:rcs!unctt how p vot-, wa Ukcj up and cdpted y-.-a-s 64; .mjv54 Bills were riipos d of as follows: rruvidtnz that where tb.-re is no Jmtkrj of the poaca in a township mti caa b brmffit la aujolaing townshiiw. I'ssL lla'itaK b maximum punihnteat for abduc-ine a child under IS years twt-nty years imprisonment in tbe peni tentiary. F.vsed. Kepealine Ihe law unuer which a bou'itr la paid for woir scalps. Lost. For fuin.sliirir criniiu-d curta with copies of laws Pastel. Au'horixina Interested parties o e'ect in what papers Infal aoiee shall In puisbe.l. I. -it. M ikintf It fr'.Onf for a jnde br l etk if so eWetlfm to il Inclose iww ttu elector t-oths. L:t--easf ; nays. tcesdav. jsrir'ihir Ftc:?Tf Mr. Lrmaa prea ctsd profVs'iU ?roi2 the !a!fir nnion- ot Kansas City afnint tbe passatf.. of tbr.-tii! irrotvra bill. The com mittp oa militia :r.s';'ntetf a abstltu'te' fbV tho irea-ral mtlitii iaw preparetl by CoL Miiloa M-vr.-; The snbstttut. piacd th adjn?ant- feenefaPs salar at S.,'""' per, and proposes to I -live tbe eiiUtnjff laiw-i wit boot material cliannff. Tite rep -rt proVoke!. a' l.nethy 4- bi e, wh'rh rontiuuad Ions; past tbe noon noiyr; and the s n it3 atljonrussl uu 1 r tad rules with tlie matt t nti'l pcndin,. Hn-n Committee on Mmt reported ad- ve s-My Mr. Koby:i's bill makinft eight hours a legal Jay's work. Th-bill wasorderel printed, however, hill dduc:lneT SO per cnt. of In- d bt-lness fi u ass-Ssmoat lits was rerorted unfavoraldv by I ho ways ami means commit tee. 3!r. lttise!i"s bill ir-v-ntin' a plea of defray for earryiua: roue a!e-l weapons was rfp.rled favorably ly criminal jurispru 1-nce committee. Committee 0:1 mines and mining reiortci favorably bill for appointment of two state mine inspectors, t nmmai judiciary com mittee reported a snbdltnt b.U in relation to ehanKs of veuue la Crim dal Cas s, lltprovidea lliat When An a up: teat ton fof rti insfof wait is le tha i'llRS sba I hear eeKWOC a to whether or not tbe cha-iuo shnil be aJradteM. II. . mrtiilrin Infiratut hittt-ar tn hn rfl - ore J pink was lakea dp and ordered eucrofsed wEoxiwDtt'. rmfaf rv t. Fiixate- P -tition were preente'l fsofirisf tte nsh l II. the procr- e;.irni-hnient law and 11m Satiir lay half holiday bill. Wars and msans roinmittei reported favorably for the taxatioi of t per cnt on tbe eros4 earuinir4 of express companies. Aa em-ravnry claase v offeird as an anten na nt nd ailojited. Committee on aTrimlture reported favorably th ; bill to pndilb t tho sate of adulterated fertilix-rs. Commit ten on m- rnal improvements reported favorab-y Mr. C-K-btan s bill for tbe rrxnlation f express rates. A numlwr of amendments were cff--red. a lively dt'liate ensu-d, whic:i lasted until noon. Ihe amendments it-to ay rcj x;e l. IlociK-Mr. Forel intnrluced a relution expressing court lew in S-naNr Ve-.t, not- ithfttndinir his vote aea nt the itatrn antt- i!ition bill. Amendment neri idiM-ed Includ ing the names or Senator t oeurei. and 1 oa trr -sman Il.-ttch. Aft r ro:i-id arable ri tau. and motions to pontpo:ie and a 1 j urn were TottM down, the rsomti n was pnt and lost yeas. II; nays,HL Several bills werjintroddced nud p:tS'M. mrusPAV. raanrasT S. Sexatb Petitions were presented fivoino; th9 enact m-nt of a law to protect A h front destntct.0.1 by unlawful m -thoJs; also. p-ti- ttius farorhir the I nrg of tbe retail fjricers mrui-ib tnent la. Crimical jarispi udenca com n: it ee sumitte4 an u:if iVoraidi re port 0:1 Mr. Newberry's bill learns; it optional with jurie returninc verdicta In capit d S ns s whether the death pen- lty r I110 lmpiTon::;eut is lm ponel. Tb- bill wa a"trwarls indefinitely postponl. Sam9comm tte r-portd favnra' blv a bill amandin the "Ston pool law"' so as to autuor:2T stale racing as-ociiti ns to sell p'rol-; oa east -rn ev nts while the sams are la prores. Mr C x-brau a bill proniunins ror porati -ras fmm interfering with employes join liiff laloronraiiiatious w.n debated briefly and onlend enxros-ed. Horsii Mr. Dtvis (of Henry 1 off ;re 1 ft reso lution recttiuz that th defeat of a resolution on tb- 1st co icmina: Senator Yt's Vote on the anti -option bill could prolably be con- strnd to mean a iwur. of Mr. Vs. aid ex- priMd i-j. a th op:ai 1 1 of ti bntHit n c-iiH-ire H litn iel; alo. that Ci - in lorsmsnt of th" Hitch bill w is mereir in tb- nitnre of rt-qant. Mr. Coit'ts attire 1 a snbaitnt climiuatiri(all relerrfuci to tb aiti-op:ion bi 1 and exprsunar confllen?) ia th t abttity aad motives of Mr. Vest. The subititnte a-c pt-l, and atrwarl aloptel-yxs, !2; uays. 41. Mr. Smith (or Rail) off r?d a resolu tion pl"df?ine the hou .0 to ia the f ntnra reTu e toroa-ilT r'nions not prtaiam t-tb bu-tnessof tbe houv: al-o. that tb) h n f 'a heartily a-bsmlof its df for ttf past profl urate m-fnuer in wiiirb it bai wast I time. Sir. Mill- man moved to tabl3 the resolution, whica was carried yea , W; rays, 61 nip at. rxBarAttva. Ss.aTf Petitl ns were pres-nted from vari ous portions of tha a ate favorlnif the retail groc-T bill. Favor b! com itte reports w re snl mitted on tbe bills ama idina' the me e'ianir's lien law a 1 as to exclnde persons who furuinh material therefor from benefits of liens after house are completed, an 1 making H-iturdsy a le(ral naif Lo iday ii relation to ns pita'tl' papr. L'nder a suspension of tbe rulK Mr. Walker introdnc-d a mil for esta lishitit; levne districts in New M idril, Dan 1 1 in and St. Fraticoi coantijs. Adj mrnel till t p. m. of tb 9 6-ti. HorsK P?ti!k i9 were presente i in f avor of the ret a:! grocers' law. The bill io trod need bv Mr. Moor (or Ivudele) for the reluct ion nd reicnlation ot stoe'e yari . harnes, was taken np for third reeling. A lona; debate followed. Finally, a motion to postpone further eon aideration of th bill until 4 n- m. of the 7th prf vailed. Tbe bente resolred itself Into comm.'t tes of the whole. w:tb Mr. Davidson (of Marion) presiding;, to considnr atpropiation bills. Tbe bills appropriating iioneyfor tbe assessment and colrection of lh reveana and coating -nt eipn-es of tbe sUte board o! eqoalisation. lor supporting the public schools, for tbe ainking fund, and for the payment of Interest on the public debt were considered an I recommended for passage. Adjourned tul 10 a. m. of tbe 4th. Midgley Did the architect carry ont yonr last plans? I tar ton "I sup pose he mnst have for I don't see any thing of them about the house." Inter-Ocean. SCHOOL AND CHURCH. Kexttckt leads all the southern states in the number of her women school commissioners. Mr. J. Fosteji TrcKER, of Hoston, has received the appointment of in structor in oratory and physical culture In Colorado college. Tiif parsonage of Calvary Presbyte rian church at SpnngneUt whicti is occupied by Ucr. T. IL Cleland and family, burned np the other day, but be fore the ashes were done smoking a new fiome and a complete supply of new furniture was provided. TnE various missionary societies sus-. tained by members of the Church of England make use of versions of the Scriptures in 107 languages, and by far the larger portion arc supplied, or tea free of charge, always below cost price. by the British and Foreign Bible so ciety. Tn hotel proprietors of Tokio hare ceased advertising toeir houses "earthquake proof." It frightened trav elers and hurt business, tarthquaues. tbe hotel men have found ont, are things about which tbe less said In pubyo the btur. JEFFERSO.J TY GOSSIP. A BUI V :tr Cm aiders tloa It the ftwtwU mi Km WrnsAt I np rta-e te Mervhemto and Mauiafatrtarer ftteveame sad Ta vat low mf I'ropertr-A HIU tm Kavwek Ont Ughvnlug K04I Kwladtrra. JtrrKRsO!f Crrr, Ma. Feb. 6. The senate has under consideration a bill that Is of no small importance to nWf e hsntri and tcaDnfactarera. It was in troduced some time ago by Senator HVmttef, ftf Knox eoanty, and seeks to repeal i 611 tc!tpf o law under hich notes afid aeeou'nts Helel by merchants and mah'ufncfmvrS are exempt from taxation under certain provisions. As the law now stands merchants a Ml Manufacturers make a report of the greatest rtmorrtft of stock they have on handtft any tirift? iwecn March I and June t of each year to tee county clerks and on this they pay a tax. The law Mf. Bonner desires to repeal 'provides that notei. 4tw bills, etc., held by such parties shall not lie listed for taxation for one year after given. The theory of this provision, is that the entire value of thestovk has been returned for assessment In the statement fllrd with the county clerk, and that tb nots and due bills lidd represent stock !oU which has iW?( tffrfitttr faxed, in oth- words; that .to ftcscs;? such evidences 6T indebtedness' 'onlif resnlt in douole a Nation. Mr. Ronnorth'nlis hat the exemption laws refcrreil t- are uneonstitutiorinf. bin owners differ with Kim. and his bili has bn vior- cosly attacked in the senate. He stated some weeks ago thM 11 ineex emntionsare renealrl several millions of ddlarsof property wili tft addeil to the taxable values of the state, ana no doubt this is correct The merchants do not seem to be aware that such legis lation is contemplated; at all events, its passage has not b?en protested outside of the senate. Two years ago a bill requiring merchants to list all snch property, and even goods in their ctiModv or consigned to them. pas-Hl both houses befre its existence was discovered ht the Tcrv class o men it wit lilti'r lei! to effect Before the bill hat re.ncttef tile" pVsMeiit of the sen ate'; nowevVr, StfeH d sirtrng pYotest was m:ide that he rfrfeI Uf siffit it. and. lieing indorse! bv the scr-xte (if sftch acfiorf. the measnre f.iile I. Mr. Itouner's bill is now pending in the sen ate as a special order", and may be taken up at any tune. A sub-committee of the house wnvs mil means committee has tecnat work for ten days or more endeavoring to frame a general law out of the numer ous bills pending alTectinjf iff fne direc tion or another the revenue and th taxation of property. For two years efforts hare been made to enact a law reoniring assessors to stamp notes and obligations listed for taxation, and ren der non-co! Ice table and non-negotiable all evidences of Indebtedness not stamped The committee Is opposed to thii measure" artd so reported the ntHcr" day. There f numerous fhcasures of a soir?w'hdt simi hir character, and the commit tee firts iitt been able to agree on a sub stitute ethbodfiri? Unv of the ideas. A bill providing an indirect manner of taxing mortgages by apptyinjf a pro rata of the tax paid on mortgaged property on the interest and principal nf indebtedness has been discussed by the committee at great length without a satisfactory conclusion beinir reached, snd it will doubtless be returned to the house without recommendation. The impression prevails that a very large per cent of personal property, uch an notes, nonets, mortgages, etc. rcapcs taxation, but the committee in averse to tearing np the revenue laws and perhaps be the means of causing worse evils than now exist In fact the subcommittee has not been able to accomplish milch. . as llw radical changes prop scd are considered iangerous. The general changes of importance contemplated by the committee relate to ad increase in the state dramshop license from -"0 to 100 per year, and possibly the imposi tion of a state tax of a fraction of one cent per gallon on beer. While some have considered this latter suggestion in the light of a joke, it is not so re garded by the committee, and thestate- mei t comes directly therefrom that in all probability the tax will be recom mend d. The house as a committee of the whole has passed favorably upon four appropriation bills, disposing of about fcVo" 000 of Ihe state revenue tor the years lHtKMt4. the school appropria tion being estimated on the auditors igures. This sum is, accordinirly, di vided as follows: Purchase of bonds. 1.000,000; pnblle schools, H.moOO; as- sessingand collecting rereuues.t.1tO,000; Interest on cm era 1 debt, ?-V,000: Inter est on consolidated bonds t41.0H0; in terest on ft percent Imnds.ti81,00): inter est on 6 per cent bonds, iM.fMO; in terest on 5 per cent certificate.!, ?M; interest on Rollins fund. foOO; interest on seminary fund, rTJI.304; Interest on trust fund, While the appropria tion for the public schools was pending Mr. Tnbba secured the adoption of an amendment providing th:it all fees turned over to the stat; treasurer from inspection of oils shall become a part of the public school fund. This amend tnent may 1e rejected later on, but in oy event it will be of no valne unless the bill placing coal oil inspectors on salary passes. Mr. Russell, of Crawford county, has introduced a bill in the house to pro tect the traveling public from injury to trunks and grips by baggage smash ers. It makes the destruction or in jury of such property by any railway eomp ny or agent a misdemeanor, am. in addition renders the company liabi for double damage. Mr. Russell thinks the misdemeanor oJause will tend to cause agents who handleobaggage to use more care in the future, and that the doable damage provision will re sult in the railroads holding employes to greater personal responsibility. It is understood that several states have laws governing thts matter. The house has passed an ironclad bill to protect larmers ana ine poor in ireneral from swindlers who obtai orders for wares nnder a species of false pretenses which leaves them suffi cient room to keen ont of the peniten tiary. The act renders any note or duo bill obtained by false pretenses non ollee table and non-negotiable, even in the bands of a purchaser, and the failure of any contract given oy an gent to have specified the quantity and descriDtkra of the article joid, bt made a felony, punishable from two t live years' Imprisonment in thepeni tentlsrv. It la believed that this meas. are will make Missouri tooaucomfvrta. til for lightning; rod. swindler MRS. WML CL WHITNEY Detb f tho WUt ot ftW Kwemtsrv mf tho Nary-ller Defeats Beeelt Mewrt Trwwblo A err T veieaw W KebU Ufa A Fatel VOlana vmVmw Fdfa 4 Mrs William (X Whitnev-wifo of the ex-secretary of . t . . ... he narv, die-i at her Dome, no. 3 n l"iri.--pTith street, at S o'clock Tes ter Jay lO"mlnr of heart diaesse. On'y Mr. WnitneT ana ino iranra hoattcDcled her daring her illneM were qrcsent at the death hed, the end coming nacxpactedly. Dr. J. Wood Mclane who, wiitt ur. vnr m- nnnirr,' mm .wa - hitnry.lefbrtIl:SO o'clock Bat nnl!y iriffht. Prv- MeBnrney haTinf; left aerersl hoaraearner. When Dr. McLane left i the Tento K was thooKht tfcat Mrs. Wbltaey'a Ul- wonld not take a aerfcnaa tor he- t Whitn- aait am on til S o'cliK-'ltf aflwrwanl h reKred and the room wa rKmed. Aoont f nVl.wtr nn. nf th. II.MM haatiW glim. mnnnl him, and he ho-rled to Mrs. AVhitnejr S room, reaching there jnt in time lo ce her .spire. So nnejtpcct edlT did death come that there was mot even time to anmmod her father, brother and aister, who were in the hnnv. hnrinor heen called there when Mrs. Whitney's condition was slid to be nerioti Th. Aih nt Vn AVhitnev awakened widespread aTmpatby throighont the eonntry. and ail flay teiefrrams oi con dolence w?ro receircil Dy ine lamiiy. AiiuAt.H ff. wMatfwi of eondolenee were kepi strictly prirate. It b said by friends of the family ma amour me firs ttflejrtanB toarrire were those from President-elect and Mrs. Chrreland. Si. inlinn ranncTfote. the British minister at Washington, arid representatites of Oilier lor.-iun legations also sent mes-5art-s. Trleafrains were received from a nnmherol sanators and congressmen, l - lYhi4nT. mllea trues m Blr. Clereland's cabinet od from the mem bers of Mr. Harrison sea olnet Many of the immediate friends of the family called dnring the day. r or years Mrs. nuney nas encccu symptoms of heart trouble. Slight atr tncksof illncsa from this canse hare frequently startled her and occasioned her family grave anxiety. For three cw.1., i L notl.nt hmt been arnarded from distnrbing mfloences and almosl entirely cwnflned to ner oeo. ine niirht inn Ihe ntt.-ek that was the beginning of beT last illness Mrs. Whit ney gare one of tlte dinner-dances that are the fashionable- fad of the present sejsmi. She was in a weak condition at the ttirJ-, and the excitement and strain consequent npon the entertain ment of her large, party is supposed tc hare snperinduced the attack. The funeral will take place at io o'elnck Tnewlav forenoon from SL Bar tholomew's church. Madison avenue. The serriccs will be conducted by Her. Dr. David B. Ureer. Tne interment will be at Woodlawn cemetery, where tbe danghter, who died in 188 S, b banc. I. GOOD INDIANS, ALL. J fhe Plu. Ride. Tro.b. Th Mwt- drrrra ef th. Cawboya Ule M TB.U Mnreaalna. ItrsHTii.i.l!. Ifeb.. Feb. 5 Word has been received here of the murder of four cowboys belonging to the Hum- thn-v ranch on the White river Tues day night, north of Tine Ridge agency. by two striker, one of whom was one of the leaders of the troubles at Pine Ridge two years ago. A party of cow boys have started in pursuit of the marauders and a bloody conflict la ex-peet-fL RArm City, a D., Feb. C Late in formation eoes to show that the mur ders of Friday were the work of a band of Indiao cattle thieves, and not the onteoure of any ill-feeling or discontent among the redskins. Messages by tele phone from Fort Meade state that the company of Indian scouts did not leave White river, and that no troops will ne sent to the agency. Everything is qnlet once more. Charlea f ord, a eownoy empioyea npon one of the White river cattle rang., brought tlie news ot tne mur der to Buffalo Gap. Ford had gone to the Humphrey A Stringer beef camp to visit his friends who were in charge of the cattle. He found them murdered and terribly mutilated. Ford was un armed and did not dare to remain in the vicinity, but at once mounted and rode to Buffalo Gap. The murdered men were well known in this region. Their names were Ed Calkins, foreman for the Humphrey camp: Rodney. Royce, Cook and two men named Hathaway and Ben nett . It is now supposed the Indians killed Calkins and his associates, in revenge for their reporting to Agent Brown the theft of a steer from their herd earlier in the week. SergL Joe Bush and his men fonnd the four Indians who bad killed Ihe cowboys on White river in the vicinity of the beef camp, and as thev wonld not surrender, made there all "good Indians." Their names were White-Face-Uorse, Two-Sticks snd two of his sons. I-aiea ml a VlklnK Rale. CiinisTiAXA, Feb. 5. The viking ship intended for the World's fair was lannched yesterday amid great enthus iasm. Admirable Karem. commander of the Norwegian navy, and numerous naval officers were present, as well as a multitude of other spectators. The snn shone brightly, the sea waa calm and the viking ship rode boldly into tbe waves at Sandefiord. Th Crest Wlartow Obvai aad Jabbers CsaMaatlaa. PiTTsnraoB, Pa., Feb. . The Pitta bnrgh representatives in the great win dow glass and Jobbers combination formed in Milwaukee last week have returned. They say fully 9S per cent, of the manufacturers and jobbers are represented in the combination, and those on the outside will soon see the advantages offered and apply for admission. The cutting of prices has been stopped and a uniform list adopted, which, it is said, put prices 10 per cent higher. The capital repre sented will exceed KO.OQO.OOO. A KMlhena raeln. Dop-t ta th. Bases of a Mob .f Saw intLEASS, Feb. 8. The Plea yune'a Houston (Tex.) special says: United States Deputy Marshal There net last night received a telegram from Stafford's Point, in Fort Bend county, asking for assistance, and stating that the Southern Pacific depot waa in the hands of a mob ot negroes which was going to lynch tbe agent .The South ern Pacific officials wired the pasaenger train that on arrival at Richmond tha engine should be eat loose and placed at tbe dliposal ot the pose of offloeri y protect tb deoot