Newspaper Page Text
Ic. 4 - - J I.-. tl ft 1 Ci V 5 r. h r A. r THE DEMOCRAT Jhb J'EOPLE'S Afer QamlCrfaiBiasTai-Payaifc U?S OIPAMEAU... ...... .110. 6AYl'R!A Y. FEBKfARY 11, 1893. AHNOtTNCEMEHTS. kor coi-vrr comuiksioxer. W (t anthorlzpd to annennca A. E. Raxdol Ai B ranrlMair forth office ot Count 7 School We arc anthorizrd to aiwUTC B. Y. I.r, A a candidate for re-etretloa to the offlee of bounty Reboot CommisaiomT. Gov. Boies, of Iowa, lias ilccliued Mr. Cleveland's invitation to become Secretary of Agriculture. Oue ol the other boys will take it. Where is Jml?e Harry O'Bryan; TVe liaye not heard the mcllodious niasic of bis voice idnce the adjourn ment of the Judicial ctnveuttou. la it possible that the Judge has talked himself to death? Our Democratic Legislature is working hard to make the people pay a higher rate of taxation. They want big pile of money in the treasury to look at, and they propose to have it there if it is possible to raise it by laxatfou. Boston University has lived tip to Boston traditions. The liberal arts department has appointed Thomas X. Uakcr, a colored boy, of EastviMe, Vn.. to the highest commencement honor in June, that ot speaker. Texas pa per please copy. Uncle Sam. according to the best statistics, has 92 per cent of the trade tjflhe Saudwirh Island. England lias not much to lose in the absorp tion ot the islands by the ITuited States. (Hie thing is very sure neither Eugland nor any other European power will be allowed to take possession ot the islaud. Speaking of the numerous deaths of great men, (he Baltimore American says: -But Gladstoue holds his own and works right along, lie knows liow to work without ruining his health, and be has a sensible wife, who undcrsiauds her husband better than anybody else in the world." MM- What is moro appropriate for war than "scrap'' iron? Yet the criticism 'ef the Canadian militia commander that Canada is defenseless and that her arms and equipment should be sold as such has raised a storm in our little sister's military circles. Has England left the damsel unprotected.' It looks so. Uncle Sam would treat yon better, young woman. "Norway and Sweden are threaten ing a Cabinet crisis because Kiug )-car retuses a separate consular ser vice for Xorway. It is a good deal of a Siamese twin squabble; neither can get away from the other. They know that separation is death, and the Russian Bear cau growl to his heart's content, for neither will open the door to him. - - - .fc- M . Cincinnati, once 'the hog metropo lis, is again wakiug up. and proposes to erect st-.'.WHUHH) stock yards aud a ; iiuguificent hotel. The (Jiiocu City has ltirge wealth, aud is geographic ally located to control a great trade, with the South just now arousing to a new life. Hie has a wide aud promising field, aud Chicago will wish her prosperity. Tho Hon. William Walter Phelps is the liakie.-t man in politics. When he leaves the Uuitcd States mission in Berlin be can come dircctlv home to become a lay Judge iu Xcw Jersey under a Democratic Governor. lie lias alrerdy been appointed by Gov ernor Werts. His salary will be mall aud his duties light, but Mr. Phelps is repined lo be worth $10.- 000,000, and he need not worrv about tho salarv. lion. Marshall Arnold represents the largest Congressional District iu the Stale ot Missouri, and he has re ceived a greater number of letters than any other man iu Congress since Ilie firs! of December last. His con stituents are hungry lor o'Hce aud they are making life a burden for their representative iu Cougress. Mr. Arnold has our sympathy. The Patent office last year issued 21,427 patents f o citizens of the I'uitcd States and 2,051 to foreigners. The surplus for the year amounted to $l75..r.9L'.49. This is oue of the few government offices which arc self supporting, (special attention is call ed to the fact that this rouufry is most liberal iu her trcctincut of lorcigu inventors, and that her own inventors arc often treated in a very iucquitable way by other countries. Surely in this wc can adord to protect ourselves. Let there be reciprocity. The Yankee inventor Is too great a factor iu our development to be slight ed. According to a late ceusus bulletin the Protestant Episcopal Church has made rapid progress in the L'uifcd 8laics during tbe past halt century. Tits first clergyman of the denomin ation to set foot in America came over with Sir Walter Raliegb in 18.r7. Down to the Involution the church made steady progrea. aud had many parishes aud clergymen throughout KewYork, Jiew Jersey, Peuusyl- vania.Marylaud aud Virginia, but it was almost crushed out in the struggle for -independence. It was slow in regaining it lost ground, but is now in s flo'.n ishing anil growing condi tion. It has f' "2,051 communicants, divided into 4,019 organizations, with uwcb fur each. Congreswiiisa Cumtmrigs has intro duced a !.i!l la provide for aud fseili- tate coiiuncrcinl and political uuiu between Canada and the United States. It ocitaius provisions fori the admission vf Hie Cnuadinn pruv-'cau do is to give up aetivs bu.ue$ ine a States, and tor commercial) pursuits. A busy niiuJ is never union until the terms ct admission are agreed upon. This bill is in ac cord with manifest destiny. - Ben Deering got possession of the Legislative hall at Jefferson City one night last week and delivered a lecture on hell. The Democratic members of the House and Senate say they never beard a better lecture. They liked the lecture because it was on a subject they are interested in. The Democratic members of our Lecture Bureau will now be after securing Bro. Deering to lecture on the same subject in this city. Deering is well kuowu iu this city and knuu 11. too, to be a h ! of a fellow. The coldest winter the worl.i ever kuew, according to chronic lers, occn red during tin.- year H'". The season was not only intense';" cold, but lasted uuusallv lou". In n large portion of Middle and Western Germany the frot was so sever! dur ing the month of Miy tint skiter- braved the ice without the lea-t danger, aud on Miy 12 sk itos r--generally used. St. Jo!m' u:iy. June 21, the windows were frozen aud not a vestige ot rcgci.uion w.i to be seen anywherr. Spriu '.va Ushered ia with the last day of Juue. The statement at a mvcl'iij oflhe Chamber of Commerce by tin: acting president, Mr Alexander 11 Orr. 1:1 regard to the amount ot silver pur chased by the government and tin loss ou it, shows that the tot il ainount of silver purchased by 1 he govern ment nuder the law of 178 aud un der the Sherman Silver hv.v up !o the 3d of December, 1832. was ounces, and the cost $l.iJ.:l7'J.'J07. The value of tli'n silver at present prices is if3.'l,4.'.2.17. The loss to the government has been its().9ii,ri.",o. Theso figures need no comment. 1 lie Keptiblic of Colombia may a$ well dismiss any idea thai the United States lias designs upon the l'nnaiiia Cauitl. Americans are w illing to take the Freueh at their word, when they declare that the Panama Cnnal is at) ilii;osibIc undertaking. Anierican are not ncen.-loined to deal iu im )oj.ihiliiies. and they have in the Nicaragua Cnnal an undertaking that is not only possible but readily lea.-i-ble. The American people have no uc for the ditch which has provc l the grave of so many French rep'.ita- fi.tnc am! u-hifli li m c uunlLiivil i!Ti , Ii,KIncn- An enterprising New York caterer for the family tabic read somewhere last summer that a watermelon can be kepf iudetiuitely by varnishing ils surface. Accordingly a line melon was bought aud varnished before be ing laid away as a great l'ea-t for Christmas. Ou that occasion it wa cut and duly tasted. The result ws disappointment, although the frui: sienied excellently preserved AO- body was ready with a reason for this at lirst. At length what must l.e the real cause of the fuilurc was sug gested. A melon is solely a hot- weather food, aud at a niid.ri.iln feast ils chilliness and waleriuess ofieuds the palate iu a pccuii ir way. m m - A Mugwump organ says unless thi Silver Kepeal bill is passed thr. llr.-l art of Clcichuid's aduiiuisl ration ma;, be the issue of .SfOO.OOO.OUO or SJOO. 000,000 of gold bonds ou suih icrm as the market requires to j.eriiiaiienili establish the inflexible p.irpose ami ample ability of the country fo n.hiu taiu its currency at par with gold, aud that this will put an cud com pletely to all hope of any furlhci compromises, concessions, experi ments or dea's on the silver ijuestiou This is a bold and vigorous policy, but it will require the support o: Cougress to carry it out a Cmigres Iargcly committed to free silver as well as free trade. It seems to be the irony of fale tha' the most undeserving of men shouli. get the most faithful of wives. Koss Uaymouds wife, whom he left to struggle and cam her living as best she could, is in'Xew York bringing every influence she call lo bear upoi the Home "secretary of Kiial.tnd t secure I'aymond's release from flu Knglish jail, where he is now serviu out a term for swiudliug. She ha already secured a host of tellers to that effect. VWiat a pictiirrsqui character IZaymond was. With ability sufficient to make a desirable acquisi tion to any newspaper aud e-ood fel lowship lo attract auy one he choose the career of a twiudlcr aud confi dence man. The country is lefl hopelessly in the dark as regards the inuiive which inspired the legislative genius who has iutroduced iu the Minnesota House a bill making the inanufacl lire.! sale or use of the hoopskirt a penal wIj ether the rriuoliue or iu teiuiniuo population inut o. The hunt of Iguanas Duiiurily is proverbial fur its occasional wiuiUtorins. aud $huu!ci atiy of iu l.nirer oViiizcus be rntiohl by one of these atmospheric outburst while clad in a rrinuliue the gir! latniue in North D&kolaatid Mauiluba would be instautly arretted nud Miu- uesota bo bereft of (be redeeruiug portion of its population. From this poiut of view tho bill against the hoop&kirt is all right, and its author a ' far i'htc4 stMtesiuaui. sale or use otitic fioopskirt a penal skics lurliier swell the list ol ia. ofl'tnse. It is possible thai the que-! ""' applications. 'I lie unselii, : ...i : i. .- ai- . i dis'Hi.-iiicu ot women is again not tion which confronts Minnesota is ' i i .. .- f raved bv their luvcn live atleulion There is foo.l f'-..r n-lte?ii n in the declaration of the milliouaii'o suL-ide, E. II. M. Jest, that a man should al ways liava soiiietliirr to orciitiv his miinl and that tho worst thing a man morbid. All about us are thousand who hunger in the midst of plenty. They come not out to sec how great are the blessings prepared for all anil wc are apt lo allow our ea-e or our selfish ness to keep us from goiug to them with messages of peaeef.iiiies and plenty. AVhat beauties would appear if they would only look for ihein aud cease to complain that nothing is f :ir aud good. Why, my dear f."ie:i.I. this is not just a tolerable world: it is a great, jrrrsud world, wi:h boundless pitssiiijliies and resources !T ;;ood. If we look abut;! us. every iVatiii".' of naliire ij a el::isie and jio-.i er:'t.l pt- iii.iii. rorriiTited o:i"y s ! i"-:or-1 sure a-id Ufsiicsj may !eiiri! il. Woman' ll'o. l,!. Fonr-lif:lis of ilie ( :;;: !iau pefipie ! arc nalii'i's f ilii i ou::.ieiit. Olil ei dieu-liorn the most ini!ii-roii are I natives of the United Kingdom. This -iiows tiic prceiifp iu liie pojuil.tti.-n .if CMi xl.t of a homoiieiiei lis eienienl , exceeding proporliotnliy il;iit 1:1 our i ow n popii!:i!io:i. if we iiiijuire into i .acii! origin (i:id IIIOI f ::i:i a i :i:!!imi:i r reni n, less Ibr.u a iin:ni.ii j rr.'in h. less th-ui a miiiiou Kngli-h. ; less lha-i a ini'lion !ri-h. a lit lit- inorej enji.m, aim Uie : t I Milcli. :u :ia;i. ! African. Dani-ii. lecl.tinii-.-. Ii::li!.:i. J iiiis-ian, ?ii":i!td:naviiin. Welsh. Swi--. -:...: i. n,....,.... i i ... . . (.....i-.i, iuMiii.ui-., . ! .!n-le litai r- a Is vcrv like Mie ciliiii-il tfory of :he popwluion ot t!ie l"tiit.-d stairs lit !!lg I Canada we would add In oi:r own demru! drawn from txadly the same fo'.uilain- as Ihosj whence our own have come. la here Ilcla aw .Vtir.Hi. j A man troui one of the back cmni-; lies of the Upper IVninsula was lean- ' ing ou the counter talking to Ihej clerk at the Riism-11 llo-isc. j "Fine hotel voti've got here." he . i said, shaking a hayseed out of his . whiskers. "I keep a hold 'myself, but "iailit nolhiu !i':e this' The clerk smiled aud'uoddfd coin- plaren'ly. -.1 list 1 h:-same it takes brains to i rot: it," he ttent ou. -Man iu this . btl-iuess cau'lknow too much.' j Tlic puldic fays" w c hod l clerks j d-i," returned liie clerk, mod-sily. j -Yes. I know: but IhalV pokin fun af you. 1 say you can't much. Ki'yislauco in :uy kiiivv : rnse now. I 1.11 r it a rami -. and registered hiis"If as a l mien L. v ,. ;. t i..,.l,.-t It 1 il -.1 t.- i;.. ' an ..- i-. - . llliv nu:: lllli'licr o. a .-cij;i;im. i; would a got lefl. I. ill f was postc-.i aiiif 1 tliroweit 1 lie house open liim: sent drinks iij rocklails every in iruiu;; give hi:i! the 1 run tif t in l.tir ! -iriii t'lii iln sil ..tit .t - . , t. i.t . : 1. . i I l"tC Cl"ni. lUUK ll:.;i Ull ill ii. ir.-.,i IIVIT1 nt IV MT llll- 111 11 i'UU l.l. " chance ilie gi;Vi riiiiiciil !:! im- ,llll1lll 11.11 IIH'I MM. j;iUI n - .lj.iliJ - j .... lic hiiiKliu . ami kept liim II. etc ou ilie fat of the laud for dsv iti! never said a word about pay. If I'd been i''i;i.r:inl I'd as like ':. no spi'--d ilie whule. bu.siues. bid 1 v. a-n'l. you see. "What Stale was She Senator IniMr" inquired th" clerk. -Arizuny. The clerk ijagged ami got red in he fate. -Aiizona'r" he repeated. -Yes, Arizony: don't you know where timt i-?" 'Of course, of course. replied the clerk: '"but Arizona is no Stale. It's a Territory aud doesn't have any Sen ators at all " "iVha whs whalr gasped the visiting hotel keeper, and the clerk explained and then got down a book mil proved it lo him and the I'pper l'cniasnliite tore up and donu the ii'licc a while aud finally went away ami ilrowned his sorrow iu the flow ing 1ki".t1. Ifcli oit Frix 'ta. Woman's Inteut. Nearly -fiKI .ippln-auts for patent? .vcre made last year by members ol the fair sex. The greatest propor- ioti of them have referencelo clniui- cd improvements ia connection with furniture, invalid appliances, rooking ind education. Several applications, however, relate to general industries, such as stationery, textile manufact ure?.! led rical and railway appliances, pumps and typewriters. Koremosi among feauinlr inventions are certain ly those appertaining to their own personal adornment or that of llieir homes. Many devices have been patented f..r raising the skirt when crossing a muddy road, a problem essentially for the fair ones. Appli ances fur the sick have also engrossed considerable attention, anil these ma be supplemented by novelties in faue work, puzzles and games. New sky sigus. advertising devices. fire escpcs. caiseras, balloons and skates lurliier swell the list ofi.isl h por- iii r luvcuiivc atteulions lo liie opposite sex, in such nutters as improved braces, "trouer-splas!i preventers." buttonhole flower hold ers, self-K'.iachiug ucckties. sleeve i:iii'. anil means ot sccurm:; men s collars aud ctitfa. From Juvtulion. For Kix t rnm we will scud yon Dr. KnuITiiiniiu great Modical Work; 100 pag.'s, color ed plates from lite. The most valuable adviser ever published. To any ad dress on receipt of three 2-cetit stamps to nay postage. Address A. P. Ord- wy & Co., Boston, Mas. 6 9 Q ? 5 o ? Q 5 ft g. A3 avjr., c--f r!l."i4!CKc3S03'. rii t; 1 iMrt HAT. 1 . They CTC tlie best Hats for t':e money. 2. They ere made ia every dirabhs;iipc to suit every Wis. 3. Tbcy are the only hats gnaraitwti by tiic iaauclicrt.'.r ers to be unexcelled for dnisbility. 4-. Soinatiy are daily sot i th'tt the Eaucfcctnicn; caa afford to nso nothinc bat the best nif.'.er;rs. o; C y.oue Genuiuo vrilhoi'i Gi Manufactured onl, by HL'?SiCX 40 3 i f e 1n:i!)rm Tll Vl.lrur. tJov. Ilwas. of Tex ;s in a iiiessan t-. :!ie !.e"Wi;:r.-(,ri!i it Siatc o:i Hie : reeenl lytirl.isi a! I'.irN. ly-t -To ai.i n .ii;;-rfs.":-r mob violeiire j i:i lliis .'M il I r.-teei fully Mi;jj;ei a J law i!i'K..lyiiiif iho r.ture: 1. I.;nl nli. ii it:iy .i rsoii, t;e;n;r a pri-oiier in j :ii or o!l.-r i.!:tee o! coiiliiieiiieiit, or n:i ler i.i rest, or i;i o(!ic:al i-ulodv or re-:rai:it. or is held by or ua.ler l!i:; a:i-ii-ri:y of any county, ctiy or S ale o.i: r.M". o: ir re- siraiaeil by viriue ol ny legal pro res. sliail be taken Ipuji r-uch place or atitiioi'i! v ia !fj!.-i:i..'i of law :n:il l lilli I.. d:'a:ll. loe lilli V Villillil wiiich so. h p.Tniu ns h'. id or coii &ted. ati.i rr-im u Im ii iliev inav have en s . taken. lia!l lie li..!!; to pay i a sveclie:! -vm t: l!ie surviving !:i!!ren a:id pareiiis :. s:i ih s; .su'.'Vr v.iic. .!:! ! of said person u j tiealil. Maki 1'ie ci ' !o lialile for i ihiii.nges v. !n n anv person not being a pris iuer t hi : Icr :;d dun-is i uiolr.ii'd l.y I .'." nr more persons, and dd rrimi.s.i!-. lie nt witidu a s'ipt liien ii -lit- !;i !i'. t: .! i;mi jiroscecli! eit tor !hi i." crime. :!. Makt; each p rs:"ii or corpora- lion alo liable lor d images who lakes p?irt in or aids by ai ls, or iu any way abels in mobbing of a person. -!. (iive the MirCn ing relatives nu action in the DNiricl Court of any r.:m:i!v where lh.r rii'irdcr wa co;u- tnitled. or in any co'!:ily wle-re eilhi r or all plr.ut'dN m iy reside w hen the "nioii is i:i-!u:e.!. .. liender the S'ii;Ti:T ineligible to bold hiso:!ic. and provide for liis -re- mv:i!. u lic.i a pri-oiier is taken from t!ie j ill or fr.mi hi n-elf. ur from any olln er or lawful a:i;!ioriiT in hi- pies- e-i.-e. and is p::t iu il.-.t(ii by a neib. (. I'.ovi.le for a clung:; of v ie. eiilier before or a!i r indicimeiit, in ,i!! ca- . ot mull v o.cnce. S. I!. ( ii.i ir.l. Aetv ( a-sel. is. was tr m!iTi.l wi'li Neuralgia ai:d . !i;s .s-iimtai h wjis i!: ; H'-ii'-sl . r,i,.r.-.l. I,! i.ivcr nr.s .".iTci-led lo r.u rrcc. r.jipftile tell aiay. terrih'v reduced in llcli , . , ! j . :ili:l s!r. ! li. 'ntrr'f it.ii i I.-s nf illi-i-- Ii;i:i. IM 1S "; l ! ! )'.- Kdtij ii'! u.-r-:. ruiui::g ilanisl : c.:i hi- 'lhad a , . . . . ,. . ' eiwlil ear- simirlMiix. I -e t Ii r .. . ... M . lies ol . rur cillcr - aii-l veil box- I f I'm ' . i. ., ' ' i- . iuii'ii'. and ve!l. J.iitu Speaker. 1 Catawba. ), had live l-.rge Kevi r s.ti-.-s on his liv-:.irs s.ii.l In? ua- j incurable. j !l ' "'"' Ith; Heclrii: liil- ,.ii.c.i alvr ! ml ciiinly. sou. druggist Si 1.1 by ,t. Maple Wi fnnr.inf cell C lire. Wc a:ii!i"i !; iv.w adwriisfd tli-Mrj-li1 In s-. l! !:. King'- New Iisctvi-ry !'..r Consumption. Coughs and Colds. :i; ti:i I':;- "nditioii. If you are iiiclctl villi a Cough. Cold or nay I.ung, Thro.'.t or Chest trouble, anil will use this remedy i.s directe d. giv ing it fair tr:!.!. and experinir no heni-lii, you may return the bo:i!eai!'i have your money refunded. Wc rould not make this offer did we not know'r. King's Xe".v Disi overy coul.I be relied on. It never disrtji ji'iiuls. Trial hollies free at Wilson's; Drug Store. I-arge size 50c. aud $ IM I.lthosr.iplilr for Itip Whole ltorlli. The MiirphvslKirj Era liiib'.ishes the following cjinvrniiig I lit; discovery ! i.n immense bed of lithographic to:ie near Thebes, Illinois: Fc.v ol" our reader know (hat a Vast dcpc-sit of lilb it-r-iiiliie stoiii has been discovered iu H is section and that litis will probably be the main supply for this purpose for many years to come. This stone is very scarce ami Mr. O'Neill, the discoverer. feels that In; has secured something! which iv ill yield great returns. The; deposit is at Thebes, iu Alexander county. Iu an interview with a fiiofic-DchvKivit reporler. he says; "The tract contains lri5 acres, all of which appears to be iiuderlcid with I have drilled through it, j aud find that it is 300 feet deep.' There ii eiiou.'h lithorranhic stoue I there to supply the world for the i W11. V nt 500 year,, I have taken out i lifV. prrlwps twenty tons of stone, all ofian,ll A:"v rayx;r rtheo.oiit.-of Ca,ir; winch has been used iu nitkiii ti-ts ' ut tt. it.H th h.' .inv or .Marrii, . . . . : fiht.-.! bn lr,l ami ri--Mv thrr, al nr.rl- ot its merits as I was unwilling toj t'" K""r.iT'H oinci"- t)f titt i" i ;t uf ii t'np iiranleaa. in l Hk 4 ct l-i-'r "l"?t. erect a cjiiarry ami Hretsmg plant i;..a :i c.vevj n tro-t t. Thon.. m. 'i nn I was assured beyoua a doubt that it Ua nil rihr I will nrr.nnlilv ' iiKu 11 i..i .111 niii. i w in prouaiiiy nt Ia i.r- ...i ..! t '.,... T 1. . , i Mfmciu Ihe market until the middic ol the . 'l!llliei. Hie property 15 now m the control e u v.: 1 t c. i ..iu- ..i.iuiiii: i.iiimgmpuic loiie : t'.irr,:.:ni- uilTi Af- rtht irv..;il ..r..: leut. and JaillCn ISanuernian 4rnfMrv 1 and Trt-aM.rer. Khvard A. Drauu. : Iithogrrtlh artist of St. Loui. is new cng:i jed iu engraving a large stone I fr,. tl.;a .L.r-n' .1 I r '"roi ' au aclrcs., to be exhibited at the!.?' takiug an iu tercet in the matter Of' ,M riarius w cxUibU for the Fair. i World's Fair. Prof. Li ml a !i I of' t r.iwaTi, f"-U"Ka:d dernhod r-alf.-tate at ! ral Phtate, at pnhlir Tei.dne. to the highest '.r.Ti;..t1l III s;tofa . . :pub eei.dnetoth.hitbi'i-l'. for cash in I Id'lder. for earn m hand, to satisfy aaid note feprillgJOta, ill., &tate UeolOfflst. is;!,,, ti.i;urv rf'ht .-.a i, t.r..t -r,.. t anU. t(re.t. tosether with the wta and ex- O S f.i e' 3 O O f i rfjj w it HAT. above Trntlo Hiixk. ST. LOUS, 880. ! A Ctl9atlr Inrldrnt. , w... wtucon six a.j ft.v. a o'eloek j., ,0 cve:ii:iL' ami cir umnlier Iim ruco t!:m: i.'riii-r do-.v.i Sjii-.t-i.-It " ttPy,.- 1,-iarde l li-r lo li lelioluc rnteriii tlie eir I fmiad it to lie ! enwded. A good many of the ia.-- sender-were vorkiii.':iie:i. mid lliose ,.!., were f..;;i:iiale e:ioiii;li to l, a tent, even n it was eem"d to lo ise half i srniir one liicasiiro of if ; ll ovrrv lime in watching the door the ear stopped. It reach'-d 1'road wnv. I.owever. w iii.ont .u: irn'fis:o7i of the fair m-x. Then live or x of them HUKiCKE LTZt not i li-ird 1'ie uiaioritv of iti wit.iio to r?r rro:atn.ini-or itrroi " 3 Mention of t!:is :Kitice tiitv -x I l-e fiTrnThar- Ihc new comers were voung aud nsl Jiiix VANUKVfx. , , ", jar.iS'j"!! EM:ur. preliy and of that type who setmloj make a si-ecial stiidv .f liie bert Valasble rina and Tlnbir laa far ,i.l.iU! for umLniir i', i,nl iIrmis o sirret ears tee! i.neasy il they hap- pen lo lie vitiivg. One of the ar- rivals. however, wns a moiheriv-look- mg woman. every f''" indicated l!nt .-he had a will ot her ,:.,!,! I,.,v-o I. .on l.lnn oil " first sight be a prominent member i.t a woman's rights socielv. lint those !l0 rr. opinio:, of iter when s!i? entered the r ir fell ohai::ed ot lln'inselvcs a few iniiiiifrs Itiier. I Severtl cf till yoiiTia girU hail c.!i ot o.l ll.o l' i-v loioii-.t t.i Iipve v.heu thev had oirled llieir oreseut ' . occupants out -f them, and a tiroti , , , I)::M-i HAr retiortrr wlio U::cv l.e was tt vit ii'.n. h'.ii uhi Lot want to ;ive up iln l:iit!i'. a-riiii'tl to aut T:ii:si raliser ihu'i n: !;uo h'ttc his i!. iMt. I t.'ii'relort- r.i(.;iliii pi-.m-iV ol:rmt li;v sval lo iiio:iier.v-itnix- in v.oinn;:. In-t uf ilrniiptnir in to iii T.ii-n!iey a- is nsiinlly the rs-r. "No. thniik you. I am a- wcil ati" to Mi.t:l :;s yo;i art: vo:i h-i!? 1m1-l.'i- ko ..:.- -mi." !::' ! :U:: :i 1:)!i.l 1' :r vcrytji.ti- 1; I nnir '.leak ci li: re i- a :: t l!T!! JI. I.:- liii r.-:H;rr'-. l::i lit;:- .-I an I. 'i have r !iii! it' ,i uiiT u ir.i I, l : I v. iiTlt . a r,..t in :!i.-;r ua are s';i:i-cvl to give !.:::nc. i :il l!icy ;: t'li'ii- il - til ' l"t "' yo'i-'-' ;l 'ris a 'i hire u-i'hiii'i ! io '-ii- ! sa'irrcr ihroti:;.! t!i : sior.-s til i Ir. I vm. an '. ;ml iiir-- s ..'lit CM' i.'i ! ; Ii . Si-i'n.-i: '.hi- car.- In cur;:! i r.i.-. r;c-!. 1 ii.i'ik il is s. !!;' !Vt'icii!i::.-. It a ". i- 1 !::. s lice I li.- n oi r. .tr:''t .: ti::. t.!ii' oi'lh'1 tl.iv. i (;:':".i.i- o ;'.: a- 1 ai.i t-T:!i-:'!..!. !o i.' ivc :;;,:.:. .1 i t'lii-- v.hj.'itvj lii.- ":.-: :u:ii ;) till-Ill. i -i T: 1 1 II:e l'.:!:llii--- Iln- male -n.-.c !.id;c! up i i ; ; r:Mr:. ked 1 Lih- I'le ; .iiint;' gi.-ls ; . n it !;:n'. : mr ' i"' t eac ..r , 1 '' !" .; . "' ' p it:', lint siv:;:4 ; i;rl! Or -tl iliiitll t:il' ' tlte ni.tie pn.-.- y. r-. tin y t".:s;.-.! ;! s;r.:ps in the car with reiiewi d vicr I Hid licit .11 talUi'i .-" aii'Mit l!,c rid vcatiiiT. I!" this t' the car ir::! j reach 'd my geftiug-iii! -i '.-i"" and as I ! -Icpped lrinii the car 1 bail n m:l ! ipiin iny face which was ii:n':m:r:ei!ly j ni.iiced bv Ihose fair dam-cN. 1.3 rv Rc'-cKeachacnc? reliwa'.! too trouble inct ttfut to abiltiQ3 c.itPot tho cyst'-n.Eueli tft Da-lao, Kuss lTcnrslric. ltrrM ails tu!:ir. Ilium thm PJdo, "h:Io lli-tr rr.xi4 y.orfcn. A, s 1 tfrrr in i".-'rj ffcijartia. yrt Oirtor'a L'.tllo Utoi P3M rJ tiiisan:ioy:ntfit'la:ai.;..i:.j tbi-y alia correct all ilirror i: i..":-..s,ijM-?i4)ll:n-ilr.t3:'n Jiv tr and realst? the-1 ': . I Kn if utj uulj CS1 A:3toeywrjr.Mlfc!mM.prle!'qiloarn.wo Dull jr iroat thin dL-trcsii.g complaint; but t orlo-SL.t!ytLcirgHrlDsasdTr8ii'4-iiih"r5.aniltfc:sa vrhoencetry them will ini ihist little pitl3al!X. r.bialnwmaDyaystbatlhc7 -sill not bo c-il-leUnluviUioatUcQ. 3utairuiaiiulk4 XBtbaT--zaoof (ton.uiyllm that hcr9b!CT9 -WQcat our great bout. CarpUlac.iroitvkiia CzTter'B Littla Iivr? Till or very small and Trry r?sy to Uj". Cioorl.wopill9inikoaiJKLA. Ihy aro ctrictiy ve r tala and Uo not grip or jiar-rrt, Lnt l-y ti,p;r srentlo action plraaoall who u-tetberu. InT.siiat 2So?nta: fivftlcr$L &Id fcy uru.TTtaU eve7?wra. or sent by nuiii. CARrCk IfiEn.ClHiS CO., New Yo?A. SHALL PiLL, SiiALL CGSE. SHALL KlICE Trustee Sals of Heal Sst3t9. pr.-mNes. Pitnat.-if lvi -z a-.d ) inir in the j -'fnty of aic GirarUoja -id bUtc of Mis- t0iin.towit: ( Tlw tinrthwntit .i.irta- f. nftfio unit hire. 4n,art.Ti'4ai(i':(-oonth lia!f f'.jotiot i.iim j r lvn (- r !,f- nrt!mt iiftrtr (' oi mv!,o:i evr-n (Tj in U'trtiUiip thinv-r. tM) ( north of r:i fonrtct-n (14) et. cont.iltii. jr i the pa-.m- toi thetiotciiecriiwuiaiaiJdLv.i i - " tr-i.-i. a;i. Wtoj-waidnotehaii be-m-dne pav.-iijie arcPlr-c t!ie trtio t.anr. and r-Tc t of ail :oto a d tvi-hiIim- ntipa-.l a...i pav.iliic arorli -c 1 the tmo tanr. ani i-:i N tiim-fur. Potir.-!? Ueu n r xsn that I. ' l?al ii Urol ?n.d 1 a d by tirtne of the t roviMof aof saiddecuo. tnibti rfitl.oa W HIP Monday, the .Sixth Day of March lfen the honTH ofteTi oV.-x in be fo-v- ;,Md fireo clork in the aftvn, of that of - st :-tcct'urt r ;n-e.ioor i.i iheeitTorrata,a in cote' toother nitli coats aiide-Koeuaes i ""ZL, x. iit. Tr,a.e. i . PtfSI ia til- ..:e of V.o-:j A !. i. dc-sr2. tiiai ihm uh-t. tin;. '1 lite Tal'l e AJuu:ii.tritor hud i i&:tnrh r,.Ti; r tbCT cf 'til MUtP ir.te ds to ! D;1l".?J Mftn :. f b-bcli at tlie roart -:ti:.o i:ttt9 r of Jac-.i MociT,- F-Mrtiarr 1st! H;tI)i !.Ii!i H. WKLTKI KK. jmrrjlr.rj i.aic lnMic Adraii f-rat er. iiioirater. ' TLMNAL 8ETTLKMKNT -Ntrtira is hwhT t ' A eivmt to nil crti:toT wi thTt iotrft.Hi ; in the estate of NimtA. PattMWi, dcrear.l, j i tlwt thte QiidcTbiKned Isie Pnblir Adminitrtor i mi.l as hup! i .Wr.ti to ntk.t final i tbfmof Bt the KMt t-rm of the Probate Oort ! : cf t s;.f GiranlMia ctar ty . Miunnri. to be h!d th ffltir mint i.i th ntv of Jacison OB Monday Femvr 1 -!, lifts. rKivlJ.ICltn. II- nr.Lir,tlEi, Late PuliHc Adnauietrator. 1?ilAL. SETTI.KSir.ST Nftiv-e 1. - rirc i to all crt-litors ard oth.T inWreslrd jinthr-tat of FivltTirk Uistiif. detuwM. i that th tti:iMf.-i!"i:l pxwator m taid f'.Me in I teufh to nnkr anal Fettlicient thnor at the A"na roii'.tT, Mifpftnri. to W hphi at thV rcrt next trrnt ol tf I'r-' t onrt ot l ar1 uirar- h::usc iu tK? city of -laekaoa ou Monday, Kebm- ary l.ali, IS':. luuisTiiS n. coKGKEr.n. IMIINISTPATtltrS NOTICE - tifvl-.v tiva tl'at IHtrrs -r alnii!::itTJitioii :r,toi: tht rtat. of l.::ri:!a Hfnly. neaHiil. I lil- vf i?Ta:tllMl to t'Mi n iiW-ii'.iHi 1'fto t : :.,-rV ..: -"-.' "".1"'..; I'".."";- :,:u:i :jj J ""-" ! t.-r. Ii;i:'f r'si?.n a-j'i'isi ni lf-tnis r.. , u, mrl,Wi tk-t, to ii'm for !'.. ni-re wtth;..i :.f var :'n-a Oidatn or s.:. I - ; - t-r& i;r nir.y b. oii.;i i '-1 rr- a-y ip:lt l rnc. "! u -cia.TM MV'T VItHliPh.i t il t. d.'caf.. d.' hate ' jxra tt-! t t'w ii:il'T..;rr:t-i ity i:v fit r' i.r th t i;ir-.ra.i wwnv, M.stmri, btfarl.ia. t:.- l;itt .lar r .Innsr-.- IStt. A'l iT.-t:p har'r -r!a:n aaii''?t f-fa.? are THj'iin-! to tS!in lo Mns f.r r!!otr- j "'Sr. .IS!, Hut. j T:,oS5,h 'hs,ro;i!l, Notta , ,'; , t;,e West naif of t: Southeast ijnrttrorsc- ! Is- Townthip t. IU-.s li ItiO arrr-s. I Tho X?lhrai.t naartiT of the Sonth.a.t 0r?crtic.i 15, Towhi? a. Ka. jc H ' Eott. M I : inf .MUimot .HKOT. Ijira. i lli .-" qa..rtrr, s.-io.i 1. Tow.thip Kaajri;. Es.t oa :otto;ibit R n a::d t ap U . I.. 4 E. S tt. K. Capa Oirardeaa u:'tv- MiMwi- 1 clnrttil rirni Land For Mnl. ,ir:i tot.-!, liottrrm !a:vl. one rl.-ar aril nn- - TiV.!?i?.. Ai-.icoln. o . t:-o iotton Holt 1 nilroa'l ami tlirce 'f a loile Inon tin- ItifinitM-irt a-1 Poii- i far BMiTBrawh Kniir a l ii.-i :s .wijo.i si i ii ..1 i i. t.ivvcs!::" li, 1'a.iKC 11, 111 MtlilatU ; tv. art. I Kli i & A l mix. Heal E-talo A "":. I tatw i.irini-iia. Mo I Probate Docket. Utc.f F.xrrawrs. .VlmlcMratiira, rat.0? liiirn'o- who rrp ri':ur.i uy law to iuti .!t-ir ; ou: ;., u.t ii.irn.n i on mr :ay , ;. 4.r nt i ..:;. : 1. . 1-- ;. r nt i r.n rfm ti ai l h.-li! st tie :t : .:.-iro . (.iiT t.iirir- tiny, b'v dmiday. First I lay Feb. l:th, 1SU:1. xnu'r: til: .:i"x n.licS LsfAiS i M I. l-i I: I. Sri-:. 11.1 ii.nA..C li.l i Ii. l,.-rt I: li-n ti l . l' !-a : h',r li-l.i A:uil-r ll:trra . I .- . -i-.-- li-. f:ii . i: :i - l. a-: r.i:.f? ..; r i" Vi.ri -.ra'. l;:.i--i.s -:.M"s i-tia:. It :-"'r Hstr.r Itc-tie t fc VV.i.ircl l-.'r '. :.r V it; -1 -. ;- i nr-'- A-'.-i 1--. tl! -:: "3 rTI '.V .:! , A ira n : 1 v .; rr:. W (i!.i :-.-.-: i '.. 1 l'i- l: . rT. :7i i.51.1 f . t.. i -'..Ii . V. i ih !::v. !s" m!:;I !a It'iV: - l:'i:- " Hr:: - il.- r. I : -. !". r .n3 :il t. ?-;i-. ;. r: .1 A i'j ' :;!.:.. livr.- :'...! .l-.1i : if A-lrn lli'Tltu ri' K..-.1...UI- Ii . ...'a .1 It 1 ! i-",i 1.-. '.r-r.ri HI- t. tfil ..-t.::l t;-..-r- t1 " . :i: i A-!'.. r Ki : r i .i Ji .-i- M Tsiria a !'.-.,ln K-iT i A ' : ' r. I ii I-. l'-s '-it.: i- I.I .f 'V. ;.:,: !:., I1 t: i:i..;it l!sr.- - -1.I.-.S A :.! . Wni II :'.: -'-i-i: I. at; I". ".- A-l' (M:.-in i Hurt 1!: .!.:. I. -j!. !. Ail". Hart A tii- H til .-e:'-i :t A i K.l.-.iv I t : I-l!! II. -.r. "-.- '.tiiiia-a K-. r U- t. it Hli.-u'-r. i e !-cs lyy.T!.; J !:iV l'i 1".. .l:n ilrrr!! !,:i- 1. I -- ' - J--': VI.: l-.i.i I.':.: "j .VI u -T - a ii i I. !!; . I i .li.aci :.- : llsrv h... ii-r ry K.i t Ur !-. I f. i:rr.- I'.---' ".."I; I.-.l l. :x .'l iJi A Vi .!.. t 't ii- n I.--. , : : !'.: r:-.ll l:c-Vt 1 'r ' i.rr -..a.: sr-t:!!: I" 1 ll' 7 !-.ITir i I. ! : I : ivir i ih;l iri.1 . I.: ll;.rrv T Ki't I li i TSl'1l!1lif:: A-I-.i MsiIr'1 Ma--i.ivoj liit.i i'lia::- 1 K.i'T i.i t- .1 ! M:!!i r .t- :r I-..- inti.'J :-. .- n l-ria U -r K -. . M..--.a al.l:. I Viihict. Thi:r.-duv. I'lmrtii liay Feb. 11!. IW-. MtlUr Wii t rf f HH" !TM-: t I :ir;ti".n Tt I'sith.s .n ;ti .v I; .i.t-i Mmiii H i m H iir Vi!;.a:i; X !;v!.'.t-r Mary .!ia j F U i.-i. t :i i r- W 1. ije. n .! ii Vi!hI";' oln!,rk t Ohrr.)k :t!i) V K MTiti hir'.Ti '..!: "tarv It (rst ; Ii. (it;! I.rutd Atlm iri.'ii r'nnr J-.hTi s i;.v ! KI a t . !:! A i ii K:sti .; ::.vlr y.xrx Ilci.rr F K-rlit T FrMny, Fifth Day IVb. lTlh. S-ltriti ll I. ni A ;AHrt V" Al-r s.-lil't.r.t.iJrvw tl .Vim Vir,ri.. Vlf r-Aiu li'l.i - rr'u!rr.K! t'-.-hpir- thi,. 1 ti l-i Ifvi.rv l.a pte h.'if.i f-am.' i-i It A .1 Maudlin ln-iro n iJaTi'l :t v. E --ri-iJ-nru heirs Mnrif.j U i lt-n.i-t oitthar. Tiwitii i;-i.r-f! t; Ii William M.lo'.b 1-tiTp .re . N ;-lu .rarAC"K llu; V-mAinS.irvh .liihTi Aii.u Kachr-'. t" x Wills t iil'.niMn A u i t A Miner ii-n v."fik;-r lan:m A A'i'x ti'-rt- Y elkr W-dtvi.intl 1 iiarl e O'U Allxrt J ilnne Saturday, Sixth Day Feb. lMth, 181 WiPitins !? H Wil .M IN'1- rt P wt it -ci f t a fliMli- bH.r.ft t-ani' Wht.!..U".Taii)rii P I Ki ln IrciK Tt WiMinr.14 I-anc W IIoMr hrir? Aiitn i r,iit A avi i !A"lni SIfcrv Ann a'Neelv Al.u 1.:"!ies4 !an Ai::i t'.in'uMi tai Aiiii Nn ,f? A Tut'crtOJ .Vim Marv a llrcwn Atit Iliraru W K illi Am'U J A WbitUil-re heir JO.-?hlMI KOKHT.FTI, ln1jo of I'roiiate. Trusteo's Sale of Ecal Estate. WHKKKXS. I'ani! hrlimiU a. t A.lf.liKt rl.iitii. Itis Hf r th" rni:tT r ' Mr iirarfiau. sutt of nif,uri tor tlirir cTtan tit trust ilatMl tlie nifiitifi.trt (.) a? ot tI)r. aT'. rirrliti-rt. h::n-lr: J c il Tti.ty-ftpl.t, rtrciil.l i:. the liVcr r's ftfrrf T inn eou: l of ! ? Cirtniraa i:i botl it. o trn-t8 m: ninrij-i'-', at tT- ts hu'iirr-l a. i thirty-twc 'S2i. cti.vr.l t tue ui-tler!ii;..rl trtiMaf tiir r.lio tilx ileMTilrrl nut ertir, niinaTf. I; i. p ai.d l;ei c inthcrun' t ol tairaxjpaa ami Mtr of MtfHjari, to-witr AA t"al H.r.iu of ia:l Itii.jz wit of Flore CTt-t iti v - rrK to t;c ur n:i) lo ro. iain ftixi (.) n-fi-., lw ttir !rnr more cr ont ol tarvv r.O!iitjr tno thotiHaii'Mwo han.IrM I.t ilf-l rtor!el ! the KMNiM-r a oce I lap iiiraricau coci-ty inKnk F. twelT tliree fi'.j roi.nnnctl to Johez usher, ror.taic inir tri hoiii:r(l a.:il fcivt .! ilf.) 8Tt-B Ilirf or lt Ir. iRiI :lT. (t brit.F tlie atnf la'rf artpitr l l v hr:- !.u;icl hcimit: an p-r iie trra-T'l K I.n ill ai d wife 'lat-I t? lltii .lav f Kfl'Ttarr A t O-r tDf.aa;if1 rirht hua- dr. rt a; Hy-iht. whirl, !;. co-Tera h ait iiid iu tni-t t'. secure me pay met:; ir i j .Tm;Mry notaa fully Ueacrtb! ia aaiJ deed of tr -t. .... . , , Aui isii uoUe havf loir rir M.mriu D.bU'. acCOrlill Utt trie tTOf U-i ordam aa eect of s.d lou -t.U rcmaii. a iaid: at.d. .,..., aJ Wtieras. said lii:el SchiLlli ml Alelhelt Sitrim.U tint- tT:eJ t! ovr m:e DHi' ins a-.-1 Mi-'a tu -i in-1 iiyiroriiwuirB ntir also faiid to i ar thr "a:t 4 Now. th-reftr. kMipp Is bfrt by ;riv?n that I. thr uinlr-iift-ed tru at trie n,uet of iht i. mi hoMer pai 1 (te. :! ir arrorJa:'re wii the uruvinioi. or sni-l dwd of tru:t aiii to v(rute a:.i nuthorltyia iue Ter.Ud by said deed t . .. FioUoMilh Dar ftt ' February, 1893. M ,hf boiIf(v door !n th. city of Cape g:t- ar-leaii. eouutv of taM' Girarlraa. aLd Siate Misiri. betwrw tap nw oi iatie o-eioet i:. t f.-retioon ami flveo'clork 1 1 the tttcn-oon penaeaof f m tb:i Jm E.SEiifCUT tBlF.V. XriuW. i nt that ,ijtv nrore.1 tu erii lue acore iief-rribr-l txccatiiiie tb:s d d of tniet. 2JRS. ELIZABETH H0TH. 3IID-WIFE, . ! Ketidenw comer HanBony Middle tirea. QUJtDt'ATK OF TOE St. Louis School of Mid-TVives. Twenty Brv van jerieiTW. tAll CJ JJ-Ali c&lU prompUv attcuded hjc lOSma Peter Maul's Saloon (lO:t0t TO MATT TOOHU.) v K. ('or. Good Hope and Sprijfg St. 1 i co 1 DeattT in fine Brnnda of IJqnorsneh as O. F. ... laviur. imnnijii, i j '. ImpoKcd and Domoiti Wiuea. fi-Spccial attention given to jng I Mla ALWAYS OX DRAI'CIIT. f:od C. LIXDE5IANa DEALER IX i - " - - - OK ALL KINDS. o,k wi ,. t. ai. iKI.,,Ti, a?,.l all Wil-lt I.::ni' rr ..r.t... m1 I tMTC!i.g i --wir.low a-t Poor rramw; all slt oi3t,- to or.ltTna snort otirt. . limit. 1 " ST. CHAELS3 mCM se iiki:m.x I!!:xxkukk l'HOl'iJirron, Corner Main and Themis Streets, under t t. Charles Hotel. The P.est of wixks, i.Kjroiw Axn ck;aik always on hand. Sole Agent for Iht- CtiebraJed BLAKS1;CR3VHI3JIE7. The best whiskey ::i the world, and go pronounced hy all runipe teiil jii l;;es of good liipiors. frnt j;cor on nI, ajl the time, ; " . H. STEUTBACH, ji-xt FAC irnttt or HARNESS, ADULKSAXD COLI-AKS. AL h7ALER IX BUGGIES, CARTS And all oilier vehicles. I jfiiaranti- alt "'T wcrk (lrst-c!af ani : price a-3 low a: a.v hoGv In the city. I how th- lnr;:-st a-id ls:st Icic nt HI ti,I ami CA'ITS la town. r. nl (.usTniiti-enrerj thinj Mil'l oyarla that !!.. t'-fore iiarchanp in mj ; .. -ivc nu-.t call ft:.Ico:iTii.rp "lonraCir. i c,T.r Harmo-.Y a: 1 jiri at---ta. CHEAP GROCERIES,! -SITH A j 1 pa mm ft) noons. v.'Ai!""-s. i::;!v;; tucp i-t:ni'l ( L AX! a Gtr Mt ; .Ni:V's IV.ilMH. We seM at prices that 13ciy (m priirion. cam. axi '..i: i s. :..... i..i:WAURKX i5: SOX.! P. xiTJii'J?', CAI K. Anirl-ir.: :..: ai:;-.kai'. mo. . .1.1 Sii-.r r i.r vn!ca-i't !. t-. :. II..1 s.-t Pim: : s I StU.rii 1 I T. ... iiuu i. . ,. - t- ,r ,.,i. t. - i"! I'liTn 1 1...-; ! .Isllvclf lia-- r.-T I':- si li-s itrr.c:i..:i :!t Ail v.t-r arT:i t..l ! -::vi tii.t:iar l li:ir,.-. r -rl-ii. n'.N. Tiiti"'.! i-ar it u: i':.. r- t. '-i' "' i .illi-l -y li-i:. c,;x -it l'.n.:;Jv. a a .tl l;u..iitr. t-l. Caps City Rcilsr ISIiS. Latest teTcJ EorfrPrm e ! ;.- ;h t'Ur Pr.rji, we nr on ;iif trt t-i :..i!a fi, l t'r.v .U-r.t iTTn-ffs trial .r o:t It .ll r lr..: ( YUuiT nil con viuc: m tiiat it is b-tiT- Hour !.'. him: r a T2tri- GftQS., Prop'rs CAPE GIKAKDEAl. MISSOURI lilU BAUIi.M.NS AT II. A. LKIIER'S toves'Tiriwaro LAntirSTntork and cheapest house Id South east MirsoDri. faafina and Guttering II.RMONT STUEET, t:rc Gii(Ai:iK.i'. Missorni KXSIONS, 1 OUN. MtX, SI P. 0. COOTU1S, ATT0E1TSY, An-adc Iinililing, Main Street. APE GiUAKl)EAlr, MISSOCIM Pfnioni, IiieTra.e I'mkiona. Bonrtim f m- inn tat ion of liations, Ind a.;d Ilomrott-ad acd lre-Emptif . Claims, ind all ind3 uv wal CLAIMh t-IVF.V ritOJOT AIIIXIIOX. BkPFCHCNcE: UilHrer:t atteatioo to bualnesr Pi lnt it mm, V t T Y T T ' 112 Vine S'rfrt. St. Iuis, Mo. Oil. tiirardaaa If ratf .aartra Strtmer Landing at loot oi street. V J aSIIJUS,Mar Railway Time-Tab ST. LOCIS A PADCCAH KATT.WAT. St. LOCIS CAIRO SHORT U.NS, (8T. L. A. T. H.R. R. CO.) KOKTBDOrX9. I.v. rirtwiJl : . - I.I. SlfiTOpoH" 4 1" a- . It. FokaCHf ...... :K a. n. I.v. Carhondaiii 7:1 A. u. At. Harrison H a. M. At. Mkrphnboro 1S . Lt. IMrrion $:25 a. if. Ar: Pii.rkMTrtlle.. . :lsa. w. Ar. Coultrrvilte : a. Ar. St. Looia U M a. a. ntn aov5D. I.T. St. T-entl 7:3 A. . 11:10 A. 11:01 r. M. 1 30 r. i :x r. it. t:ll r. a. t il r. u. S:V r. a; 4:30 r. a." 4 to r. a. :30 r. a. 4:9 p. a. f M r. a. 7:5 P. Hi as r. v. I:U r. a. n r. a. 8: r. a. 10:1 r. a. II M r. m. Lt. Coaltertill a. n. 4 I w ItiMknnrill. 1A-M A. H. I Ar Harrloo 11 :15 a. a. a, "wW --- " J; Ar. ;nTDonaai....M ii:ox a. if Wrfciar I'ltv l p. . i Ar. Metropolia 3 '4 r. Ar. ratincoB. ........ w . lt a. a. ThiiiinaitAwiiui'M diffft eoarcii witH G.T. 4 C. trains Irarioc Capo Oirartaa at 6:00 m . amTiD(t at St. Loiiia at Jt a m. Bftorainfr. leava St. Loafa at 7 :5ft ft. m. arxiv- I at fina i-,Tr,lwi at 9 -f ft ft fM. Oao. K. I.AftT, Urn. Paaa. Art. 8 . tm. JOHN SI, AVIT, Wtutili Htm. t"Ot Iron Tndipaai e CkMpaw at :k aKr lew n, I rUeoutqra And mm pay lb Ia.'-.odC ICaika Frlaa tm COUtSTiTf FSJODUCS. B. a ki a B.r ol pabli aatnoair. 04 FLAimiS' MILLS Kite- Adoatoa tk NEW iPKOCES8 Aad -M ne wiat-lpv Roar 0at aaa Bat tM Tcaued Ur aoj uiM tn Ik ofcotry- A toia4) ot ia? MoiMr KriK-wa fhir will eoarlooa yuljr r ttuur bat a Mauaarlor M aaa VMtufoctoiiA. IT A TRIAL P. BZ? Proprlet-a GlLBErHriViLSON, (SlCCM-Oa TO IIaITOX tt Skiukt.) ON THE LfcVfcK, CAPE G!KAlSiKAlr. 3IISS0URL- KEEPS A KI LL LINE OF Staple and Fancy GBOOERIES. GiveIsrticntaT ttwthm tft the rMpvinfT ami rt-ri!. in; r m ipl t rick or ail kuwia. liin !cr'val jt-ar t . i-iTi:ce i tbia bnts'nn8 will ?iia:i liim U jtItc tattRfactlw to all patrons, llf alt-o kH a jto -frtmcnt irniai atvl 4ith(r tiehi IO imileitit and Hf ; fttHiravcrto tnerit tlw liWral patnMatw of this cuiuiuumi,. I. I. Wolrord. Robert Saekman' x Soi-ru fi.Kiq I'mikk S. :n.Ri.Ks floral.. C.i;o t'irardray Mo. riSS X.I-iTJ0SS A srSJCIALTT.- f:-:tr K'?ue l.unch every Saturday flight. t-'.liig lliifiu.-s? a S!iecialty.j V7. TBAVI, i J-a?K. l'i dice dentistry la all ii branch- is. Itales rc:s -oiiahle.- All work !iine in I he liest iii'inner and r".iar- J riiced. X extra i-I.trifrs ailcr tin" I .v.irk is i-iuirde tel. lielen'iicc: To" ie i. -irjilc hii:n 1 li.ive liieit nmonif i ""'' pr iciici ti lor over i'.vcn;y-iiiy i i ,rs t ;!-. tl I in. nl.l to?,. I 1 1..V i ., , .. .. .. ... i ti-tiiii'. i iiiluilrg, roruer j:ai:i ff-tilncy irniltliitg, Uroadv ay. am! Cll l-'Ji UNION MILLS.- holler rsocsss. CAPE GIRARDEAU. MO. I- W-FOTT. Frcpr. r.TS. at t! time, tile hi-rhrst marlirt jiilr. fur Wjfai. anr White l orn Maiafactiir' ami Frllsat wiiolialn a?:-! rMail. ostler full' Karat'tr. thu uf Floor: s.'KX f.'A-lE ff , : : I-aT.!T. IKMI:a.N. I.II.Y r thk V.VM.EY. Exiha Fkct. QI KKN of TDK CAI'K. I X I. : : : : : Faxct. tF.KEm.A. : : : : Choice Frph T.-iim) Corn Vr-til for aale ar f xcharra alao alt kiaila of mill fpnl NEW STOREl For the ortiveriieucp of Jiormf Students we bare eilablithed THE G-EIv Store off HroHdway, botwtpn Middls ami Frederick streets where rfc students will find a full supply of STATIONERY, IXXCH-UASKETS, COXFKtTIOXERY, AC. We also keep a full snnnlv of flrst- class frrooerics; dl ol which we sell at a low profit for cash. Come and ee us, we will treat you clever. THE GEM. 'ARE You a Isyonrrrinetlilci, ar..l suflerins colored? Don't waitl from the ex- 9 Vour KIDNEY8 are eesses of abeinir ruined. Use youth? If so, B Sulphur Bitter. sulphur Uit- n one bottle of Sul. ! tcri wm cure I nltnr Bitters wifl H T01J- you more good than w ua.aAisasrail tha I,.;. w i eriptio.u of d nigs aud mineral col. W sons which will remain In your ays- P "2 U:u, dcitroy your bones, and make BT l "vr, wan, ana oroken down Iff A Ir.ran.l. No person can remain Ion P A ficit wso uaa bult.hur BiUera. If J YOpS DAUCHTE!t3 FACg t: cotc'H with ct1t sores, aiuf feat. eriag ritapl.s, give her Sulphur fe ii'tcij. x-suiea hi oeiicaia bM ih. jrlio are all roa down, should ua ijuj.:ur patera, xiono oeuer. Try Suliilinr Bit ters TO-NIGHT, and you will sleep will and feel better for it. Sulphur BIttersIhealth? will make your blood S phur Bitten pare, rich and strong end your flesh hard. Get a bottle hot. I of too. R--I.ll a ? r-m l.t-iiinw tn 1 P IMmA P. &nl.ji,Miaa,?c- tiiii:-.-!., i 1 H 1 i I: V ......... . . ...