BEX II. ADAMS, Publisher.
VOL. XVII. NO. 37.
. mj but.
r Offioa t Mora on Ranconr Str
Physician 2nd Surgeon
Offlee in tear of Trlckfi Dntf Store, otmi
rr Independence and Spanish Streets. Cap
'Qirardeau. (jifpecial atttntioa flraa H
'Siu-Kerj and Uaeaaes of ffVaalea.
servtarr BuiMhtcaad Lou itMrtttlam.
""sjcretary Southeastern nistrlot AcrM
arai Sooletr. OOo. Court-boas.
Do Your Insurance Business
In employ whose raoord In th past ii a
guarantee (or th future. Insur la Ik.
No as Wort Mala Btrest, Cap esrardssm
Missouri. epM.
Oaps Qlrerdeaa, Mo.
A rent for th fallowing
Sellable Companies :
Tranklts Mutual of Btw Loalfl.
Citizona' loauranoe Company, St Lcrala.
Bpr-nnel-l Inaurmooa Coiapaa, 8piiaa
Mid. Moaa.
The are throe of the bsataftd i
omi-aoleo Id the oountry.
t rellaolo
Dollar la
jnrr goods
Jftii irooda reoelrod weekly, Oroceriea
wi treb. fetors corner of Fountain aod
UaraQony Streeta. nor J.
hoP oi Main street, one door south of tht
KrpfOtt House.
AH km-ls ot Fresh Meats an Pansape at
tray-i ou band. ieltvery wagon run evert
morn lug. July 28.
Dollar to
fleiy, Dry GooQs
GROCERIES. Harmony Street,
Dealrg la
Indep-rndecco StroM,
Cape Girardeau.
Fntlre new nook, the latest Improved ana
"beet Jonking nd Heating stoves In tba mar
eat- All kinds of Job Work dona la Uie bad
manner and at moderate price.
A paolalty and work guaranteed nrat-clsas.
Haobanloal and Snrnloal
tooe. all kinds of work In hta Una, and guar
ftntees ail work dona.
Office at residence, comer Harmony an 4
Lorimier Street a
Dailera la
Iron and Steel,
ipnM Implemenls, It, It
Agents ot tb.
Soalan lupplled at Whole- .e Priooe.
87 and 39 Main Street,
North Main Strret
A tuXt as seAlet Una of
Prog, Pnt Medicine,
Perfumery, Toilet Article,
. tt!tnt7, . Kto
y. r AT..oJlIAAI,Il.lli t,,e amom
"""" "n mlsi,Hry. has brought out
after twenty Tt, of ,.lbor aii
UasMan diction- containing 11.60S
7'':" '.".Ptly presented to
"7 ""y Mfnrnia for ail i
worth a million dolL
uov. McrnEARV, Kentucky-, has
the proud saUsfactSi f I)oi ot
oniy me iirncsi roan lhc Btate. 1)Ut
of having kibsc.1 rerilb ,vilh:rt ,;s
bonier. hat . fur him ,
live jorr
t., . i ti , r
.-.u .u .unnn ,ourn ,e
death of hdvarI i. Ca u was he
who originated tlf llli1M!,H,k
annualiy tells eat of tt four nlm.
drcd where the o,er t!l hll0Jrcd
aaa ninci.v-nine nrlt
' e
LAST year frenerly per
sona iu the t n.ted latex -r.i,;i...... .
in suins of S10.09J an, pn ars m ,,ss
than M9.Wil.9J7 for lp, , e.ln.,
tion, charity and .iar e tertain.
ment in famous form)
: r -.
An association forpyenting le im
migration of destitutfeiiens isvir.
ously at work in Knffls t nuj,.,
several M. l'samou? 4ni.Inieri ,,,
at a recent meeting ltU, a;frt(d ,
make special efforts to iU.nve
mcnt, thronph caeh mi-n.r irnlivir-l-ly.
to take prompt lerjlt;rtf acli"0l
dealing with the evil oLIllwr immi
prat ion.
Kev. Asa Dai.ton. I).
St. Stephen's Kpiscopal
land. Me., has just coin
years of service in one
His church is the strong'
nomination in the whole
state. He may be found is pupj
fifty-two Sundays a year, summer
vacations being spent at I'qinUh so
near that he can return tolwn 'for
service evcrv wceK.
The most general puiu.snt fnt
criminals condemned to den'
eighteenth century was tit ppi.
The victim was laid out and poi 0
a large wheel, the execution o
iog the iKines of Lis armsleV,i
thighs with a heavy iron bar. 'his
irons njaiiipu'auoa 01 wuici was
ways applauded by the crowd.
recompense for this unthankful tau
he received a fee of twenty-lire livrir,
I rector of
'h in I'jirt.
led thirtv
l of htfv
!k the lim
ine Tree
A cor.KKsroxDEXT writing from Xia;rrPrnP''':itirtn bill was discussed, but
ra says the land lnom create! bv thc a,lio:i W1,s taken. At the even in ;r ,
prosiectivc inlltix of manufaeturin
concerns continues unabated. About
a thousand dollars an acre is the ruling
price for entire farms antl some tran
fcrs of lare blocks hare leen made, a
mile or more away from the city, at
l.COO to SJ.500 an acre. Alonr tlio
1 i ne of t he e loct ric st ree t ra i ! w ay
fsonie property is held at 5"-0,(3 per
Somk one with patienre for investi
gation has discovered that anions the
(Treat men of the world blue eyes have
a' ways predominated. Socrates, Shake
speare. Locke, Ilaeon, Milton, (ioethe.
Franklin, Napoleon and Kenan all had
blue eyes. The eyes of Uismarck,
;iadstom II us ley, Virehow and l!uch are also of this color, and all the
presilents of the I'nited States, cxcejit
Uen. IIarrisn, enjoyed the same ceru
lean color us to their optics.
Frances Wii.i.ahii ilee'.ares that the
total amount of force used at any piven
moment to compress the waits of
women by artificial means would turn
all the mills letween Minneapolis and
the M err i mac, while the condensed
force of their ti;rht shoes if it could le
applied, would run any number of
trains. The amount nf energy yearly
wasted in attempts to make women not
follow the fashion for health's sake,
would, if it could lw concentrated, not
inly run all the mills, but all the trains
in the new world.
Last ..Ian nary was a fatal month to
eminent persons. Its death list includes
lrof. KIm'h L. Horsford. of Harvard eid
ejre; Charles A. Cappa, the well-known
New York band master; Henj;imin F.
J hitler, Frances Anna Kemble, the old
school Knlish actress; ex-lresident IL
R Hayes lulitis Lichburfr the Uston
composer and music teacher; Justice 1.
Q. C. Lamar; l.ishop I'hillips ItrtMjks
James;, ltlaine. ien. Abner iNmblc
day, the hero of Sumter; Senator John
K. Kenna; Mrs. Martha J. Lamb, the
historical writer; and Jmlre James
Campbell, postmaster general in the
Tierce cabinet.
Mrs Tkaky, who shares the fame of
her husband. Lieut. IVary, the famous
explorer of (ireenland, said in conver
sation a few days ago that she thought
she felt the cold more here during o:ir
recent siege of severe weather than she
did last year up where zero tempera
ture is considered moderate. She at
tributed her discomfort to the fact that
in Greenland she was perfectly pro
tected from the weather by her dress,
a fur case that had no gaps to let the
body heat escape. The outside tem
perature is not of so much account if
the problem of preserving the inside
heat is solved.
It is a singular fact that three noted
men have died within the last few
weeks whose names are inseparably
connected with one of the most excit
ing episodes in congress when John
Young lErown was censured for having
given free rein to bis tongue in defin
ing what he conceived to be llutlerism.
lien, llutler demanded that Brown be
punished. Mr. Lamar opposed the mo
tion, and Mr. Blaine, who was then the
speaker, was called npon to administer
the censure, which he did in such a
low tone that nobody could hear him,
out of consideration for the feelings of
the disgraced member.
Enkhalps are said to be steadily dis
appearing. In the '50s and "GOs emer
alds were the favorite jewels and were
worn strung on a thread like pearls
Such a string of emeralds was exhib
ited in a jeweler's window in Untcr
den Linden, and was estimated to be
worth 12,000 marks Now emeralds
are polished like diamonds. Fault
less stones of a deep color have
always been as valuable as diamonds.
The reason of the scarcity of emeralds
is the decrease in production in the
Ural mountains. Emeralds were first
discovered on the right bank of the To
kowolcr, near Katherineburg, in 1830.
Tiir queen of the Sandwich islands
has something of a name herself, bat
it is short and . sweet in comparison
with that of her daughter, IV in cess
Victoria Kawekin Kaiulani Lunaliio
KalaniuuiahilapabAo;. Think of an
nex my that,
Epitome of the Week.
te.oud KeMlon.
Ti-esiiav, Keb. T. In the senate
the bill for the relief of the as
signees or legal representatives of
John Itoneh, deeensedi l r)ay al
ance due ch thfe t'nited States sinp
Dolphin, ?r.S,KW, was taken from the
calendar and passed. Thfe substitute i
bill for automatic couplers aud con- j
tinii'ius brakes was taken up and de-'
bated. Xo vote was reached and the j
senate adjourned. In the house the
entire time was taken up ia the dis- !
' l,,e "-S'siauve appropriauon Hst August and sent to prison for
'. . ! terms ranging from ten davs to two
W KDSEsnAT, Feb. 8. In the senate ! years,
the following hills wftrc taken from the j ,Uins It. Rovstkb tcidoredi.who mur
calendar and passed; For the relief of j dered John P. Eppes July i'J. 1SJ1, was
certain settlers on public land in the j executed at Norfolk. Va.
Tucson district, Arizona; to amend the
act establishing a court of private land
claims: for the examination and allow
ance of certain awards made by the
hoard of claims to certain citizens of
Jefferson coun'y, Ky.; to exempt vet
erans from competitive examination in
the classitied service of the I'nitod
Stales The senate then went to the
hall of the house of representatives, to
count the presidential vole, after which
t resumed consideration of the car-
coupler bill. In the house, after a joint
count of the electoral vote with the ; members of a gang of negro inceniii
senate, consideration of the legislative j arics who have been a terror to the
appropriation bill was taken up and ; iteonle of liicken- Miss., were U nel.e.l
Tih rmiat. Fell. 3 The whole ses- I
sum of the senate was devoted to a I
discussion of the railway automatic !
car-coupler bill. Ity a vote of 152 to;
14:; the honse decided that it would not ;
t.ike up and pass .i bill for the repeal
of the Sherman silver law. The lej.'is
latire appropriation hill was favorably j
reported with an amendment providing '
that herenfior no i-ublic building shall
be draped in moiirmnr; that executive
departments shall nut c eloso.l out of
resnect to deceased officials and pro-;
inii'linif the use of public funds for that there were at least IIO.OOO inhab
funeml expenses of government olii- ' itanls.
cutis or empl'iycs.
Fmpav, IVIl 10. In the senate
the house bill to provide for sundry
I ig-hii louses and oilier aids to navi;i-
n was fashed, as was also a bill
prohibiting the tran.-(Mrt:ttion of mer-
taniiise from cue American rort to !
another American jort through a for
eign port. In the house tha pension
Mon several private pension bills:
re pas-ied. i
MK secretary of the treasury esti
'Sd the probable amount required
,'e sugar bounties during the co:ii
"Var at .S,0.m.(M . The amount
Pa,b far this year was S:;.:o.(!)0.
.nuinlKT of mititiameti in the
States according to the latest'
ret u
is l-'J.4'.h. Kvery state and ter- '
"""Aith the exception of I'tah,
an,,orzel militia force.
bus '
. ; ceremonies incident
to the
nting of the electoral vote
tMik pi.
in the house of represent-
nt res r. ... '
irt.Uv? Pram's oi incsenateana j t
o ..... " ed !?a,k,'rM3 and a crowded i
It was , ,W.JU
Jndge Wa.g ;riam (nil("le the
secretary in Mr rIcTC,amrs
Tiik pres. i
i t i. :.,
. . i. assiM-u "v i ne mem'
..- yi "".binet and other
nnguiMieti p
ns will on Februarv
rais Amcr.
Hag's upon the Inman
1 illA 4.tatn tTlOfC
t New York and
ae the follow
isov sent the
scn" !
nominations to
I'nited States co,
Henry G. Krc
of Wiseonsin, at ..
of Massachnsetts'v i stone.
DrViNo the .pv , jr" '
10th the business P '"n i""-! 1
M-iles numliered V'os m lnc 1 u,tod '.
inst :un the
previous week
for the corre-
smuiding time last y
Ix the United
es exchanges
ainonnting to
- .i i i:.l"
were re-
" ' ",c ""'"-nring houses
dunngthe seven days e. , ,
against. f l.:.s.r..7sS 1 1 ions
eil tiays. ts comniircu.
spondiug week of IWJtf
rcasa was
The legislature of Tenl .
bill to prohibit
factnre and sale of cigard
the eoramonwealth.
A was adoptef,,e
islature of JIaine reqnestinS.
nm.i. f i .iiTritiinnii.:il.. wit h t
. . laine,
as to the remterment of the r;ns oj
her husband in that state.
Six business firms were bur ,
in me snoe qisiticl ai jhjsiou, ci-
a loss of f:;tX).000.
Ilifin wnt.r tr cansiniv
amonnt of damage along the if
, - ' . i
gahela river
many towns
in Pennsylvania,
were under water.
i. . .i-. . j
Jack Clifforh, the Homestead sty
leader charged with the unlawful ll
ingof P. J. Connors during the bai
battle on July 6, was acquitted
The death of Samuel L. Avhite
curred at the f.verett nou, .c
York, aged 711 years. He en j.ved the
dintinetion of having been in th hotel
business longer than any man'n this
Hkxrt IEai er and Carl Xold. chrged
with lining accessories to ltergma, the
anarchist, in the attempted killig 0f
H. C. Frick last July, were found gjlty
at 1'ittsbnrgh, l a.
Flames destroyed the county t-m
insane asylum 4 miles from Doverfc'.
II.. and forty-fonr of the inmates f..
ished in the flames.
The firm of Cooling, Weed t O
lumber manufacturers and dealers t
Bonesdale, Pa., failed for SlOO.uOU.
Assembi.tmax Peak has introduced
bill in the Kentucky legislature en
titled "An act to prevent the sale.
loan and wearing of hoop skirts."
Information received at Memphis,
Tenn., to the effect that nearly 4.000
people in Catahoula and Concordia
parishes, in Louisiana, in the northern
part of that stale were on the verge of
starvation. F'ailnre of crops last sum
mer was said to be the eanse.
A logger named McGillvary was in
stantly killed in the woods near Wau
cedah, Mich., by a falling limb.
Flames destroyed St Felix's Catholic
church at Wabasha, Minn.
Depi-tt Marshals Hbi ner. Rusk and
Knight were shot and killed near
Tahlequah. L T., by Kill Pigeon, an
Indian desperado, whom they were at
tempting to arrest.
The malleable iron works at Mcline,
III., were destroyed by tire, throwing
100 men oat of emDlorment,
Eight men were badly injured and
four of them will die by a rear-end col
lision of stuck trains near Ilrush star
tion, la.
Flint at the Echlyville (Ky.) peniten
tiary destroyed the main portion of tha
hospital building.
The Contract for the selling of beeY
On the world's fair grounds has beed
awarded to the I'apst Irewing com
tuny of Milwaukee. The firm expects
to sell about 5.00J barrels daily. Tha
contract was Said to liti the largest
ever closed in this country.
Is a snow slide on the Virginiiis rnrcl
near Ouray, Col., four men were killed:
Is Clinton, Tenn., eighty-one mcii
were convicted of aiding antl nlictting
in the riots of Coat Creek and Olivers
Fire destroyed the Continental hotel
at Centerville. Ia., and Samuel Lewis,
a merchant, and Mrs. .MelCee, the land
lady, were burned todeatll.'
is Cincinnati lleider's hotel was
destroyed by fire, and four persons,
employes of the hotel, were burned to
Dt'Rixn a factional fight in (Jreene
county, Tenn., E. K. Johnson and his
wife and Thomas Ilixon were shot
WILLIE Fei.IER and Frank Ilarrel-
Iki mob. Ilitowx shot and killed his
wife and Dick Sly at Jackson. Mich.
Jealousy was tiie cauc.
Tub Minnesota legislature passed a
hill makinir the smok inrr iiifl nu nf
ctnrrttos in the state a misdemeanor
punishnldc by a fine of from to $.0
or hy impris mment fr thirty days.
The discovery was made by William
Condon, an experienced prospector of
an old Aztec city miles northwest of
Pluenix, A. T., different from anv be-
fore discovered. The indications showed
Almost the entire town of IScleher-
ville. Tex . was swept awav hr an in-
cendiar3' tire.
Ix the western part of Fremont coun
ty, lob, a heavy earthquake sh(xk oc
curred. A men vein of stiver has 1ccn found
near, lud.
A .ii iiy at IVm, Ind., "avc Fred
Snyder a sentence of seven years for
Ix - ating his wife in a brutal manner.
In a rear-end collision near Manton.
Mieh., on the Grand Kapids it Indiana
road two men were killed and one was
fatally injured.
Tiirs farthe total expenditures of the
world's fair amount to ?15,()J'.i,.V;'J; total
receipts. S15.t;o:..4l9.
Two mux were killed and three seri
ously injured by falling walls at the
ruins of a tire at Montreal. Can.
Fori; passengers and thirty-srven of
the crew were lost in the wreck of the
British steamship Trinaeria oil Cape
,w ...... ........... ..s. .
rmv foP tilC championship of Amer-
va am 1,000 a side at Toronto on
.M. I ki:iixam in: lkskis was sn
teneeil in luris to be imprisoned foi
live years and to pay a hue of .,0:H)
"rancs ins son . uaries must go to
prison for live years and pay a fine of
:;.7."i0 francs M. Mariiis Fontaine and
M. Cottu two yean each and pay a fine
of :V,"0 francs eich, and M. LilTel two
years and to pay a line of 20.000 francs.
The defendants were found guilt y of
swindling and breach of trust in the
Panama canal case.
It was estimated that the total dam-
a(je tlonc Xty tlC nM.,.t llooil in ueens-
,an( reach $1..000,000.
U(lt advitVS htte Il,al Vn'
States Minister Stevens has established
protectorate over Hawaii pending
and subject to the negotiations at
I'.l thick Sri.I.ivAss home was
burned at Chapel Cove. X. 1'., and he
and four of his children perished in the
A Moslem mob burned the American
Girls' college in Mnrsovan. Turkey.
Is th.e senate, on tne lull, the sub
stitute for the house automatic coupler
bill was passed. The only other nn
portant pieces of legislation was the
agreeing to the conference report on
the fortifications bill, and making the
Nicar.-gna iranal bill unfinished busi
ness. In the house the day was
without result. The attempt of the
democrats to limit the time for debate
on the pension appropriation bill was
hrmly resisted by the republicans, and
the strong minority came out victori
ous. The result was that without
termination of general debate the
house adjourned.
Sheriff (lon.n of New Castle codn-
ty, I)cl., whippedannmberof prisoners
in the jail j
nth, for lai
yard at New Castle, on the
larceny. One, for highway
robbery, stood one hour in the pillory
and received forty lashes and another,
or attempted wife murder, stood one
ocnnr in the pillory and received three
- rars in jail.
Official advices received at the Chi-
lie legation in Washington confirm
appointment of Mr. lang l u as
tvse minister to the I'nited States
Scceed Minister Tsui Kwo Yin, who
'crved longer than the allotted terra
"-uryears, and is to be retired from
th.nfomalie service.
.he 11th, Mr. Sherman gavenotica
10 senate of a proposed amendment
' appropriation bill authoriz'ng
",e 'retary of the treasury to sell 3
P" ct. bonds, redeemable after five
years, maintain specie payments.
Hal, an( old, the anarchists
chargin.;tu heinir accessories, before
.th"facn the shooting of II. C. Frick,
A" -''ttsTgh, during the gn at strike
- v " ""teaa. ra.. were, on tne lit n,
nnil Clr indieljnl
M. P . J nR1Si Chilian consul at Van
fiver, lie., lias received word that
inula vrar ship Imperial leaves
paraisoshortly for San Francisco
S exhibit for thn World's fair.
E total xports of gold from Xew
. for isa'amounted. on the 11th,
S50,ifta The steamer La Hre
j which ailed on that date, car-
,i(!Ti.vo tbs Eclair and the Repnb
."ancais, ot one Parisian jonr
nal . . . -v . . j
e i-anaoa directors and M.
et of the late Caited States
Ige C G. Foster is said to be
Sg in the Atchison county
. . house.
nse -re'ji of silver and zjnq
ere " stroCk near Brwil. Ind.
1X 1
A th. IIobm Smn It. ,
The lower house of ths legislators,
acting as a committee of the whole,
agreed to the following
tor the srtppnrt of the civil olH.-ers of
the state for the ensuing two year
EaJ.ry of anvernnr.; lieatensnt-an.-emor,
82,l); RoTrnor's -eri-ta-r. f.;
ao-rarnor's KteDojrrjtpher, fJ.ttH: sa.iir-r nerea
30:1';. ol supreme coirt, Slil.OIIO; offl-ial rs
prlr aiiprenie conrt. 3.1: )ii'lg. St. Looli
court of appil., S3 l ull; m-i; roporlor court
of a; pnls. $(.(). Jntf;m R xnaam City conrt df
app-als. tii.0 0: oSi-ial r-nortir eoart of !W
Pala, lam I; salary of lhir;r-eiJt circalt
jadeos, HiiOD; JtiJe, St. L rais crl nlnrU
conrt, KH: Judin Kanu. 1tj crlmHal
eoort. M.iui; jalg St. Joseph rrim
ical conrt. U.aiD; talgj 8iriarn!d eriiatnal
coart, U.aO; jotiri Fiflo-nth circait criailnrd
cotirt. S1.KK); Jnriire Cap. Olrard-an court
K.HO: salary attorney-n:ral. r.M: asl
srjrcl.rk of attorner -K 'nsral. H.0H): ateaz
raphr attome j-gmrl. tl,m; stats hbririan.
11. MU; anlitant libra rfau. ); Meretarv of
.tat-. fUnO; chief clrt to a-ererarjr, $i.B;
al-Uot eterki Si 00 1; Ireastirer.; chlif
clerk and boak k ieprK.SII).uirJ: stenog-rpb.,
$I.Sft); state an litor. 88.0 W; c!erki an I at n97
raplier, $a).SI10; nierint9nlnt pablic acaoots,
S-i.OI); clerks and atenotrraphsr. SI.SOJ; rail
road commiwioacra, $18.UUJ; a?cretary of eo-n-miislon.
Tina illsposea of S)tn,ll, and there It yet SUV
0U to appropriate.
Th. School-Hook Law V.ll-L
Chief Justice lllack of the supreme
court rendered an opinion on the Oth in
an important case.
It was the case of tho Slate ex rel. Wolfe,
state superintendent of pnbllr schools, against
IraT. Branson and others compo.inff the Se
dalta school hoar.L Tula noit catted into q na
tion tb. raliditr of the srho-jl-book law. Ths
Kedalia arhool biard did not put into u tb.i
llt of school text -book- adopted by lh Imk1
book commission in April, 1W11, and the etato
sniicriutendent proceedeil. hi the name of the
etiite, to compel the school board to do .10. Ths
school lmard belli the act to l-e nncoiiatitn
tional because the title of ths bill rontMned
more than ons snbject. After commenting oa
the anbjcl, and making references to aectisna
ROTeming ths taar (ic. 18, art. 4 of constipa
tion), the cbtcf - jOHtico concludes: "What w.
now held is that the present relator ha ths
right to prosecute these proceeding, that tbs
actcf April 4, I constitutional ant ma-4t
be obeyed.' Judge Barclay dissented froai th.
opinion, and holds tliat th; title of the act vio
lates the cr.nstitnlioRal provision referrcl to
1-y Jndgs Black. Jndgo Barclay. In conclnding
bis opinion, says: "It affords a p'ain illustra
tion of the very .Til which the constitnti-mal
prorislon was designed to prevent."
If theSednlia school board desires to rotittnns
the case the rntire iiroccedings can now ha
transferred to the conrt in banc, as Judge 3ar
clay 'a dissent warrants sn-h transfer.
The fiarnishment Kill Killed.
The senate, on the 10th, indefinitely
postponed the exemption law, and the
house did a like service for the garnish
ment bill.
There was const lerable discu-oiion in the
house, which was lirongbt to au pn-lAf Mr.
Ilavis, of Bnchanan. moving that the entire
matter bj indcfinitelr postiioaei; carirvj
yeas, al; nays, SIl
Niya Messrs. Amelnng. Bolsseen, Rnl?a,
Carter. Cools. Divelson. Davis lof Tan .yl.
llrahelle. Fogel. Hacknev. Harper, Havs. Hi--lrn.
Ilillr-r. lhTvri- "tfKuh,.rt Me.llev
Mnrrav, Newloo. I'aclial. P-tn.-k. I-axton,
Powell. Smart. Smith (of Pik.l. Stsff-.d.
sricU-nev. Stnitner. Tatum. YonngbloiKl, an:l
The senate garnishment lull Is yet an re. It
provides for snljsrtion of nne-fourtb of wag.i
o ga-nishmcnt when the eirninirs ar. a)ove
ftill Iter mouth, the snridus over isl aleu. Le
Inir e-ibjHTt to garnishment.
Casa C'omitT Judges lleleaseft.
The three judges of Cass county
who have been in jail in Kansas City
for nearly a year for contempt of conrt,
in refusing to order a tax levy, ap
peared W fore Judge Philips, of the
I'nited States district conrt. the other
morning, and reported the adoption, hy
over 2,000 majority, of the 70 cent
liond compromise proposition snggested
by Judge Philips. He accordingly re
mitted the ?.VI0 fine imposed npon each
and discharged them. If the bondhold
ers accept the proposition new bonds
will be issued.
A I'recedeot.
The Jefferson City correspondent of
the ('lobe-Democrat, under date of Feb
ruary 7, says:
In determining tho light of John E. Swanger,
of SulliTan connty. to retain his seat in the
bouse, by almost a'minnlmons Tote, the honss
established a precedent and settled a legal ques
tion at the same tim-. 4lr. fwatiger's seat was
contested on tae sole gronnd that he had not
paid taxes on real estate or personal properly
In SulliTan connty for th year prece llng his
election. He had. however, paid taxes in Mer
cer fcoonty. The cemmittee determined that
his dtizensnip being in Ha'livau county it mat
tered not in what part of the state h. paid
taxes, and this view was adopted by th. boaae.
Wants asollne Inspected.
Mr. Adkins, of St. Joseph, has intro
duced a bill in the lower house of the
legislature requiring an inspection of
Tho inspection. If th bill passes, will Its
made ur:der the same law regnlnting tho in
ajioct'oa of illnrainatin- oils hy the same in
spector. Tho price of inspection is flxe 1 at
12? cents per barrel hy the act. Mr. Adkins,
who vras formerly coal oil inspector of St. Jo
seph, says that there are arcnt IOI.IHP barrels
of gasoline sold annually in this state, and that
in an Imperfect atat it ia the cause of ir,a-iy
fatal accidents, most of which can be obviated
la ths future by a careful inspection.
Foar Negro. Ilnrned to lealh.
Mrs. Stephen James, Emma James. 11
years old; Arthur James " years old,
and Joe Mitchell, ri years old, were
burned to death on the morning of the
Hth in a fire which destroyed the cabin
of Stephen James, at 1210 West Eighth
street, Kansas City. All the victims
were colored. The fire caught frcm an
overheated stove, and while all the oc
cupants of the honse were asleep.
Th. ITopoeitton Accepted.
The citizens of Joplin have accepted
the proposition of the Kansas City.
Pittsburgh t Gulf Railway Co. to build
its line to Joplin.
Bnhscription lists were opened on the fth.
and the amonnt require I by tbscompiny was
anbscrilMJ. Joplin will cit. a right of way
through th. city to the Kansas line and deed
fifteen acres of ground for terminals. The road
will be complet-d to Joplin by mid- 6ammor.
Captared In Oregon.
Charles K. Carter, who broke jail in
Lawrence county lastsnmmer,has been
captured in Portland, Ore., and re
turned to the Lawrence county jatl.
Shot Her Mother.
At Nevada, on the 4t!i, the 4-vcar-old
danghterof Mrs. John Robinson picked
np a revolver, saying, "I'll shoot, mam
ma, fired, inflicting a bad woun-L
ltft the Gas Tamed On.
Frank M. Marsh, .15 years old, was
found unconscious in his room at Kan
sas City, the other day, and may die.
lie had left the gas turned on.
Mr. Jackson's Idea. (
Representative Jackson, of Xew Mad
rid, has introdncetl a bill requiring
druggists who desire to sell liquor to
take out dramshop licenses.
Lived la St. Loals Over Fifty Tears.
John Francis, colored, 89 years of age.
and a resident of St. Louis for mora
than fifty yean, died the other day. Ha
wa&ft mason of high rank.
A Uad-Dor Chase.
In St. Louis, on the 4th, a mail doa
bit a boy and was chased over 3 miles
by a poliaemtti) before being corae-ratj
tad bgt
Sbst ats The senate was not m aaastoa.
HocaaMr. Bondsbitl to regulate tel-phooea
and eslab!ii maximum charges at 19) a year
was taken up for engrossment ander a soa -peuaion
of th. rales. Hr. Fogel off.rad aa
amendment filing the pries at 140 per year.
ad zlt. Davidaoa Went 00ft better with aa
amendment to tb. auienimeut making Sss tba
maximum chargs. This latter amendment
was. howcTea) withdrawn after a short debate.
Mr. Fcgel's ameadnwnt was adopted and tba
bul or tend engrossed by a burg, majority.
Sar-ATB Petition war. presented from every
district iu I be state asking for the enactment
or the retail merchants garnishment law. Ban-
ale bill reqoirinz aa eqnlrabl. disttibutloa of
reTenne to mnnidpalirwa I roia tb. rolling atock
of railroads waa read the third 11ms and paissd;
Mr. Cochran's bill for t h. regulation of expi
charges by tb. railroad commissioners waa or
dered engrossed.
Hou.a-Whea ths bona, convened at i
o'clock there was not a quorum present, bat la
the course or an boar the requisite seventy
one wer. In tbeir seats- A Urge Bomber of
petit ions were preseated ia favor of tile enact
ment of tbs retail grocers' biU. The ep-sxker
presented a communication In the aatur of a
resolution from th. legislature of Indiana ask
ing tho co-operation of other leglslaturas In
urging congress to enact a law adding a sec
tary of labor to ths preiri.ntB cabinet, which
was referred to the eommitte. on federal rela
tions. Bills passed: House bill requiring a
classification of assets of deceased persons, rs
qniring notari. to keep a record of official
business; bonse bill fixing weight of encumbers
at 48 pounds and tomatoes at 45 pounds per
bushel; bonss bill authorising the establish
ment of libraries la towns and cities of lh
fonrlh class
Sr-satk Toe commit tee on labor, mine, aai
mining reported farorably Senator Cochran's
bill lor the establishm-nt of free labor employ
ment bureaus in St. Ismis. Kansas City and St.
Joseph. Mr. 7t eater offered an amendment in
cluding Sxialia ant appropriating 913,000 to
carry lbs act into etrct. which was adopted.
Then amendments cam. fast Springfield.
Hannibal and Moberly St ere included
within tbo scop, of tbs bill by
amendments Mr. Morrison then offend
an amendment to strike ont St. Lonii and 1a-
s-rt Jefferson City, which was rejected. Mors
deliate followed, and flnallv the bill was laid
ov.r informally. Senator Btone's bill repeal
ing the per cent improvement tax In St.
Louis was passed. Mr. Sebree'a bill, prevent
ing persons from keeping honey bes. la citis.
within lm feet of any strct, was reported fa-
Torabiy by tho committe. on cities, towns and
villsgea. SeTeral remonstrances were pre
sent -d against the paasag of tbs retail gro
cers' bUL
Horsa Th. commute, oa criminal inrts-
rrndenc reported favorably tb. dramshop
b:gh.iceue law. and 50J copies wer. ordered
priuted- Th. committee on election, sub
mitted a long report on the Swanger-C'ronch
Contest from Sullivan county. In brief, th.
committee fonod that Mr. Swanger bad re
relved a clear majority ot votes, and that b.
bai not paid real estate or property tax ia Sal
livan county for th. year preceding hi. .lec
tion, but bad paid th. same in Mercer county,
and that on this Issue Mr. Crouch based hia
contest. Tho committee, with a single excep
tion, reported in favor of Mr. Swanger retain
ing his seat. After some preliminary akirmiah
ing Mr. Ferguson moved that ths report bo
sent to th. committee on judiciary. The mo
tion was lust, and Mr. Amelnng moved
that the report of ths committee be adopted,
which was Carrie 1 by practically unanimous
vote. Tiie bonte idll providing that imitation
batter offered for sale must be colored piak
was called np for third reading and passage as
a ftpecial order. Tj. bill was ordered to third
reading without debate and was defeated
yeas. ; nays, Kt At tb. afternoon session
the bill reducing stock-yard charges waa takea
np as a special order. A d-liate lasting OTor
two honrs followed, when tb. previous ques
tion was ord-jred. The bill was dsfeated. Yeas,
fll; nays, 61.
Pksatk Tho S'liate dist-nsaod various im
portant measures, bnt reached ao conclusion
on anything of Importance.
Hocsb Tho bill regulating th. toll of ex
change milla in th. matter of grinding flonr
was passed; yeas. 71: nays, 4L Mr. Davis
(of Knrhanan! moved to table ths vote to
reconsider Ins idll regulating stock-yard
charges, which was defeated on ths 7ta.
The motion was carried. Tbo bill Is bow
dead, and can not bo called no again Hons
bill amrnding the proliate laws so aa to exelndo
the collection of accounts against estate if not
presented within on. year after tb. granting
of letters was read third time and passed.
The bill providing for tho weighing of grain
under supervision cf the grain insperttou de
puitmnut was engrossed. Mr. Gomez 's bill
snthorizing boxing and sparring matches un
der the auspices of athletic clubs was rsf nsed
engrossment. It received 33 Tote.
Sav ats Mr. Bradly's bill to Increase tba
state dramshop license to $100 per year waa
liassed. S?nate sntistirnto bid prohibiting cor
porations fiom Interfering with employe be
longing to labor organization, was passed with
tl:re; dissenting Totes. Senate bill giTing jus
tices of the peace jurisdiction over preliminary
proceedings for riolstions ot the liquor laws
was passed. Hons, jiint resolution Inviting
Henry George to deliver an address oa taxa
tion was deeato-l.
Horsa Mr. Eaton Introduced a resolution
referring to the rumor that State Superintend
ent L. E. Wolfe withheld a part of tho wage
dr.e Miss Sne O'Bannon. a former clerk la bia
offic., and converted ths same to bis own nse,
and asking for 1 hs appointment of a committe.
of Ave to investigate the charge and report to
the house. Adopt. I. Mr. Adkins, of Buchanan,
offersd a resolution, which was adopted, re
turning thanks to those who contributed to the
purchase and maioteuauca of tb. eontsdsrat
bom. at HigginsTille.
Bk-satt The committee oa judiciary re
ported th. retail merchants' .xemottoa law
nnfsTorably, and It was indefinitely postponed.
Berate bill taxing eiprees companies I par
cent, oa tbeir gross earnings was taksa ap and
passed. Tbe president annonncsd the follow
ing committee to go to St. Louis and investl
gl tbe andeig-ound wire matter and tha
blind asylum: Messrs. Tester. Barks. New
berry. Stephens, Basket and Ssbrse. Ad joaraoa
till 2 p. m. of ths 13.b-
Horsa Tbs committe. on judiciary submit
ted a substitute for tbe retatl merchants' gar
nishment bit), fixing tbe amount of wags sub
ject to ga rnishment at one-fourth. A minority
report was submitted signed by Messrs. Haw
kins, Bond and Meiners. Debate on tb re
ports opened op at one. and continued till
noon, whea both reports ware indefinitely post -ponsd
yeas. 84; nays. 301 There was a pro
tracted dsbate over th. engrossment of a bill
prohibiting the boating of dear with dog at
any season of tbs Tear. Effort to amad wsra
detested and tb. bill waa ordered engrossed
yeas. M; unstt Ad joaraed till 10 a. as. of
tbs 11th.
Lost, yesterday, somewhere be
tween snnrise and sunset, two golden
hours, each set with sixty diamond
minutes. No reward is offered, for
Ihcy are gone forever. Horace Mann.
That to be great is to be mlsunder-.
That ladies pay no attention to the
That a warm heart is better than all
That a poet cannot appreciate a lob-i
That Vassar students never think of
matrimony. That rhubarb Is never eaten by the
elect of men.
That the free-ranch fiend does not,
pay for his fun.
That lovers of the beautiful never
wear false teeth.
That pink finger-nails are indicative
of good breeding.
That the tramp doesn't enjoy hia
sleep in the open air.
That a millionaire isn't bothered
when he has the toothache.
That near-sighted men never know
when a pretty girl passes them.
That the back-fence cat has mora
tribulations than my lady's lap-dog.
That the trombone-player, in tbe or
chestra is not as earnest as he appear
o be. Jad4T-e.
wetT la th Basins r.lttssl
of llext.r. Mo.. n.H.ys by rir. Iv
votvlng a Loa EaUasateal at rally Slaty
Thousand Itollars. Half C.rerstd hy Ia Th. l.dividaaU I-osses asve In
Dexter. Mo.. Feb. Mi Fire broke
at in the frame building occupied by
Thomas X. Doherty as a dry-fVods
store between 1 and t oVock thismortB?
ing, and before it eonld be stopped had
destroyed twelve buildings, taking tha
entire south half of tha block, which
was almost entirely occupied by busi
ness hotlse. In addition to the twelve
boasm burned, a doted mora are badly
damaged, and the destruction of s
score of more of buildings waa pre
rented by a acratch, and required
the united efforts of the citizens
of the place. Had it not been that
light rain had fallen during the day,
from which the roofs of the honaea
were yet damp, there ia no telling
where the end would have been, as
there was a stiff gale blowing from the
west at the time.
The origin of the fire is shrouded in
mystery. It was well nnder way when
discovered. The bnildinga destroyed
were all frame ones. Several of the
firms burned oat were among the
largest of tbe town. They will all
probably resume business as soon
aa their losses are adjusted and
they can secure buildings in which
to open np. The losses are esti
mated at KM), 00", and very little over
half that amount ia covered by insur
ance. This is Dexter'e third fire with
in a year, and in amonnt of losses haa
been exceeded in bnt one instance, that
of March 5, last year. Tbe losaes are:
T. X. Doherty, stock of merchandise,
7,000; insured for $4,000.
J. A. Dowdy & Co., stock of merchan
dise, $10,000; partly saved; insured for
J. A. Dowdy 4 Co.. building, $1,S00;
insured for $1,000.
J. A. Dowdy, household goods, $150.
Josiah Dowdy, household goods. JISO.
Miller Bros., damage to building,
$i0; insured.
Buchanan A Staats, damage to build
in T. f.100: insured.
Weil & Sachs, stock damaged by
water, $1,000.
Haskell, representing Chicago cloth
ing honse, fire cases samples, fi.300.
Mrs Eva Walker, business house, $1,
."00; insured for $1,000.
Same, household goods, $300; no in
surance. Edward Weber, three houses, $1,900;
insured for $1,000.
T. J. .t S. I'lcn, stock of hardware
and implements. $13,000; insured for
George Honck, frame buildings, $5,000;
insured for fvl.-DO.
II. J. Garrison, part stock of jewelry.
PVtO; insured for 1100.
J. X. Miller, damages to paint and
front of building. $600; insured.
J. II. Cnmminga. two buildings,
bakery and stock, $2,500; insured for
$l,n00. Also several small losses rang
ing from $eV to $100 each.
K. L. Ladd & Co., atock of general
merchandise, $5,500; insured for $3,700.
Moore A Stuart, damage to buildings,
$150; insured.
Bracken t Fuller, atock of liquors,
$l.i00; no insurance.
Black & Miller, damages to stock,
$2(10; insured.
. J. F. Rsnry, damages to bnilding,
$400; insured.
J. F. Raney, damages to stock, $100;
C. O. Biggs, stock of furniture and
household goods, $4,000; insured for $.,-
Mrs. Eva Walker, damages to build
ing, $500; insured
The losses are covered by and divided
among the following named insurance
i-no-mlx. of Brooklyn fl eOO
ticrman-American. New York avj
Lon Ion. Liverpool and Glob. 1.7IU
North British and Mercantu. 50
Hartford, of Connecticut 10
X jgara. New York J im
American Central I.Ol
Connecticut ... 4.H
Continental 2 SS
North America Z."K
H.uosvlvania S.Tfit
Springfl.ld, Ma. LU
Tha St. Clair Coa.ty (Jfo.) Jodgwa Ret.r.
to th Jackson County Jsll Tlse
laaghtr of Jadg. Cohnhavw a Having
Man Use a a Iteaalt of Her Father, laa
prleowssetit Exercise Hoar C.rtollesL
Kansas Citt, Ma, Feb. IL Connty
Judges It- F. Cohnhaver and Thomas
Xevitt, of St. Clair connty, who are an
der sentence of confinement In the
Jackson county jail for contempt of the
United States court, on refusing to or
der a tax levy to pay outstanding bonds
of the county, returned to their quar
ters in jail Thursday night They had
been borne on ft furlough with the
consent of Judge Phillips. It was a
sad mission that took Judge Cohnhaver
temporarily from jail to his home, flit
daughter Caroline, aged 22, had be
come a raving maniac, and it was to
send her to an asylam that the judges
visited St Clair. The young wom
an a reason began falling eight
years sgo when her fsther was
Jefferson City, imprisoned by
order of the late Judge Krekel for
exactly tbe same thing for which Judge
Phillips hss eut off bis liberty at pres
ent Judge Phillips haa ordered Mar
shal Stewart to give the prisoners only
two honrs exercise a week, instead of
the four they have been getting. He
also gave orders that they were not to
be allowed to go to the government
building to see him.
Two Mora mt tho Plow Rldga Malawi at
Washiiiotox, Feb. 11. The secretary
of the interior haa received a telegram
from Inspector Cisney at Pine Ridge,
stating that Young-Man-Afraid-for-
His-Horsrs, with bis people, bad
captured two of the murderers of tbe
cowboys and bad turned them over to
Capt Brown, the agent who will de
liver them to the United States mar
shal. These, with the two who were
killed, and Two Sticks, who was
wounded, are all who are positively
known to have participated in the mur
Serioa Blockade of Rati roods by less.
Siorz Citt Is.,, Feb. IL The worst
blizzard in years raged here Thursday
night and reports at tbe railroad
officea are to the effect that ib. h? gen
eral throughout the northwest Th
Illinois Central -road is blockaded east
from this city across the entire
state. Several trains are In the snow
and both the local and Chicago express
trains are abandoned here while not a
train is moving on tbe Una. A general
blockade prevails over tbe Milwaukee
eompeny'a system in Soath Dakota and
tb Northwestern to sharing the s-a
Wvoti M est IssttaaUy KUtasl awst a Xaos-r
her iBjarwd by Use Fall mt mm laaaseosar
Mas mt m... la th. Tsiasa.t BlarWsv
Cv"s Qsaury at West KaUsuso. Tt-SoassV
of th. Ttanlswa Crwahid Beyond
Brn.AXD,.Tt, Feb, IS. One of tha
trorst disasters in the history of maibla
quarrying occurred at West Rutland
a little after 1 o'clock yesterday after
noon In a quarry operated by the Ver
mont Sfas-bla Co., with which Senator
Proctor is conaectcd. A great mass of
stone fell Into the 'quarry, and seven
men were instantly kiltad, and a num
ber of other Injured. The victiins
worm crushed ao that soma could not be
As soon as tha accident bappaaed
work everywhere waa "stopped at tm
AU the doctors in West Rutland and
Rutland were called by telephone and
responded quickly. Scores of men
were also sent down into the quarry.
When the news reached theatreeta hun
dreds of . men, women and chUdren
hurried to the quarry. The killed and
some of the injured were burled under
tons of rock and the work of rescue
waa necessarily difficult but acorea of
men went at it with a wHL
Tbe loose piles of atones were re
moved and blasts pat in to remove the
larger pieces, some of which weighed
many tons. Soon one dead body waa
found which con Id not be recognised,
being horribly mutilated. Then in a.
short time the aeeond body was extri
cated and taken up. It too, was so
horribly mutilated that it eonld not be
recognised. Tbe cheat waa crushed
terribly, the back of the head eat open
so that the brains were visible and tha
legs jammed.
Another dead body waa found and a
large mass of rocks had to be blasted
away, which took some time. Then
were found the bodies of two men so
closely jammed together that they
looked like one. Neither body could
be recognised, both being moat horrl
j bly mutilated. The fifth body recov
ered was that of Alex. Bin inquest a
Swede, who had been in this country
but two weeks. The body was horri
bly mutilated.
The cause of the caving in of quarry
is not positively known. The mass of
stone which covered the men who were
at work close by was, as near as can be
estimated, aixty feet in length and
twenty feet wide. It fell without the
least warning, and all who were at work
there were crushed.
Doath or th President of the Westorm
ttaloa Telegraph Co. at HI Hons, la
LoaUvill., Ky.
LovisviLLC. Ky., Feb. IS. Nca-vin
dreen, president of the Western Union
Telegraph Co., died at his home in this
city at 7:30 o'clock yesterday morning.
Ilia death was caused by diarrbea, from
which he had been an acute sufferer foe
just one week.
Dr. Green, as he waa known by tha
people of this eity. his home, had not
been well for several years. Six weeks
ago he sought rest in the seclusion of
Dr. A'orrim Crvea.
hia Louisville home. One week ago
yesterday he waa taken suddenly ill
with the malady which carried him off.
and failed steadily, hia death occurring
yesterday morning at the hour stated
Norvin Green waa born in New Al
bany, Ind., jnst across the Ohio river
from Louisville, April 17, 181s. He re
ceived a country school education,
graduated from the University of Lou
isville with the degree of M.D., in 1840,
and married Miss Martha English, of
Carroll county, in the following year.
He had hardly attained his majority
At this time. He gained some political
influence, and. in 185.1, was appointed
lisburaing agent for the custom bouse,
then in process of erection here. His
interest in telegraph matters began a
year later, when he formed a syndicate
to purchase the almost bankrupt Peo
die's. New Orleans A Cincinnati Co. 'a
-telegraph line. His fine organizing
ibility was soon shown by the payment
if dividends, the first ever declared in
the telegraph business.
He directed the Western Union deal
which merged every American line
In that company. Upon the death of
President William Orton, KorvinOreen
was chosen unanimously to saeeeed
aim. and ever since that time, 1877, ha
bad continued to fill the position. He
leaves a widow and six children.
The funeral will take place here
Thursday. Vice-President John Van
Horn. - General Manager Gen. T. T.
Eckart and the board of directors of
the telegraph company, thirty in num
ber, will be present The interment
will be in the family Jot in Cave UllL
this city.
. M testae Ralll Mora.
New Yore. Feb, 12. Sallie J. Moore,
the pretty Kentucky girl, who myste
riously disappeared from thia eity al
most a month ago, waa located by de
tective In Philadelphia last week.
Miss Moore, it is said, was acting as a
govern es when discovered. While tha
detectives were debating whether they
had a right to arrest her she got away.
A oat her Big eaahor Addoe to the Ohio
Oil Field.
Toledo, a, Feb 13. There was con
siderable excitement tn the oil Held
last night ever another big gusher
which was drilled in to yesterday after
noon in what was supposed to be dry
territory; The well is on tbe Hoagland
farm, in Mlddletown township, twenty.
miles south of Toledo. It is flo-nwg
over 1,000 barrel a day. and es-atmot bo
shut in. ThaoU bm-vBg all over tha
country. Theasreasur-B isso stroog that
nothing oon be done to sav it No
tankage had bean placed, as the proa.
vJfectors did not expect much of a welL
Floaty of OeU la tho TasUte at aa Timw
Saw FBAciao, Feb. 11 The scare,
tty of gold Nw York I not affect
ing this coast in tbe least" aaid Aa
aiatant United Btate Treasurer Jack
son yesterday. "Instead of losing
gold at the teasnr-r acre we
have been aeeamutating It Several
asonths ago wa shipped fcaXOOMO aaat
and that radtsccd tha amount in tba
vaults to tttl.OOO.OOO. Sine the 4W,
OOO.SOO in gold Baa enco ia and tba
amount now pa band ia about tB7,a,
600, Tba B-arry ia Kew York haq
.i V
'ilr- f."
- :rr-' ry V-".
fV-ier-'r :t-lJ!.