Newspaper Page Text
r - ?: - N'' i .- 1U. IS V I 1 r 1 I:. v i ' r THE DEMOCRAT TSamfl Crsa bI ae Tai-Paysn- The posil ility of John Quincy ound that between 100,000,000 and Adams in the Cleveland Csbiuet is an j 200,000,000 years ago the earth first indication that the Democratic party , began to be crusted over by solid film . . - .. ' I-... 1. I n I lllH Snnt-L, In nas cnaugea iront ou tue grauaiatncr in politic!. . (JAMS GIRA.aDSAP... MO. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18, IS93. mji . Tsasssa AKNOTJHCEMEHTS. fob cournr coumissiokeb. We an authorized to anuoanc -B. Raxdol At candidate for Uw offiea al Coantv School Onuuiaalooer. We are a&thorizrd to b. r. At a candidal (or n-elretion to the offloe of Coouty School CommlMloiier. Tlie Alabama Legislature has law prohibit iug the nse or sale of cigarettes. There were too many rotes behind the old corncob to at tempt to abolish that There are four States in the Union that represent the life experience of a, good many people. Virginia, first families; Florida, orange blissouis: Montana, storms; Illinois, divorces. It is said that Mr Bayard and sev. cral other Cabinet cligibles have re fused to accept portfolios trom Mr. Cleveland because the salary is too email. Tammany cau supply all the men that Mr. Cleveland wants salary no object, "pickings" sufficient reman ration. The Boston Herald declare that half of the present pension payments are "iniquitous" and "quite a part" of the rest are unnecessary. The Boston Herald proposes to have "free trade rat'orai" if everv old veteran has to go to the poor house. Ouo thiug is certain the old veterans would hare plenty of company in such an event At a meeting of the Fair Trade Clut in Loudon last week Howard Vincent declared that tho McKiuley tanff bad, in 1892, increased the ex ports of United Slates by 5-1,000,000 and the imports bv 40,000,000. In the same time Euglaud'o exports had fallen off 36,000,000. This U a mag nificent presentation of the effects of the McKiuley law. It is estimated that 400,000,000 feet ofsanlogs will be exported during the coming season from Canada to be worked iuto lumber by American labor in American sawmills. When the Democrats repeal the McKiuley law Canada will rciiupose the export duly ou logs, and this timber will be manufactured into lumber by Caua- liun mills. Not very ago Judge Greshntn was a caudidatc for the Republican nomination ior I'rcsident. Ijist sum mer bis views were such that the Topulist wanted him for their national standard bearer. Now the Boston Herald declares that "he is fully in sympathy Prcsideut Cleveland."" Judge Greslitin is a gentleman of versatile accomplishments. The. Pension Appropriation bill now before Congress appropriates $1G6,000,000, the largest sum ever carried in an appropriation measure. This enormous total is due to Demo cratic efforts to destroy the Union, aud the Democratic parly is responsi ble for everv dollar ot it. The Missouri legislature is htt be cause Cleveland has appointed Greshatn secretary of State. That shows that the legislature did not know what it was talking about be fore the election. A colored man introduced a reso lution in the Oklahoma legislature the other day condemning lynching. but it was overwhelmingly defeated. How a colored man Imiipiued to be in such a bodr is not stated. ot rocks tbat 10,000,000 years later it was still so hot that the temperature would have increased 2 degrees Fahrenheit lor every foot vertically descended below the zone of constant temperature. The present rate of in ereaie averages about 1.51 of a degree for every foot. Although Lincoln was universally regarded as one of the most amiable of men and was ssarcelv ever kuown to show anger, those acquainted with him in his youthful aud obscure years have declared that be had naturally a bery temper, which lie i i, understood that when the Hoc struggled against until he mastered jM iuscy Gray of Imliaua heard ot j( completely, vuer Having oecomc ) s pronuuent figure in the councils of nation, he was a pattern of self con trol. Ono ot his favorite sayings, A bill now before the Kausa.- Senate provides that offices be put u at auction aud sold to the lowerl bidder. Nothiug new about that. The system has been in operation in New York city for years. The appropriations of the preseul Congress will probably reach $1,038. 000,000. Those of the famous-billion dollar" Congress footed up oul; $988,000,000. The present Congress is entitled to the souhiiquet. The Texas Legislature Ins killed a bill making au appropriation lor an exhibit at the World's Fair. T:ie re cent roasting of a Xegro at I'aris. Tex, was sufficient exhibition of that State's peculiarities to satisfy the rest of the word. The Atlanta L'onttitutiun grow uneasy over the prospects for -taritl reform," aud declares: "We con lew that we do not understand the mean ing of the symptoms of dodging and delay that have been manifested.' That's because you don't undcr-tsui the character of the Democratic party The Boston Post savs that "Mr, Cleveland hauded over to the Han i son administration a surplus $100,000,000, all available. Mr. llarri sou back nothing." But the Post for gets that over 00,000,000 of the uatienal debt has been paid und..- President Harrison. There is touch of pathos ill the re mark of Mine. De Ia seps; ! do not need consolation, for I Lave reached the end ot my Calvarv. Nevertheless there is one thiug above all I cannot forgive, aud that is that before strik ing at such a man they waited until physical infirmity had rendered it im possible for him to deleud himself." However opinions may differ respect ing the culpability of Fcrdimud De Lesseps. Ihuiv will he naught but un stinted prais.- lor lhe br-ivery and de votion his wife has sliowu aud the liveliest sympathy for her in her sore distress. If the Brooklyn Eogle is right in its statement that "Judge (in-sham made Ids support of Cleveland Inst fall conditional of the proof tint Clevelaud delied aud rejoi-tcil tin Tammany men." This seems U establish the fact that opposition t Tamuiany is the price of a Cleveland portfolio. Economy is wealth, especially Pennsylvania, where a quarrel be tween the surviviug members of tht rich mid peculiar Economite societj based on the allegation that our action has squandered .$4,000,000. has been followed by a proposal tha the State step in and take the n inaindcr of the property of the society. which would give color to this belief, was, "The most important victory a man can gam is the victory over himself." The selection of Judge Grcsham as member of Mr. Cleveland's Cabinet would not strengthen the iucoming Administration. Gresharu is a rene gade Republican, who left the Repub lican party because of personal disappointments, and who only de cided to refuse the Presideulial nomi nation of the Populists last full after a prolonged period of indecision and vacillation. He is the representative of no political party, and stands for no fixed principles of politics or statesmanship. Gresham in the Cabi net would be a wretched substitute for statesman ot the patriotism aud ineutal caliber of James G. Blaine. The Berculosis victims in the United States number 163,S0O annually. Of these 141,000 are charged to con sumption, 12,000 to tubercular men ingitis and 10,500 to scrofula. Each death is asserted to represent two years of sickness. That means that there are now 327,000 persons in the United States djiug of tuberculosis. The money cost of this enemy of life is estimated to bo greatly in excess ol $100,000,000. Statistics show that tbo ravages of tubercular diseases are beiug slowly reduced, and scientists ore not altogether without hope of discovering a preventive or a remedy f.r a class of diseases whose victims re -more numerous than those of war. the selection of the Hon. Walter (j. Gresham, also of Indiana, as a mem ber of Mr. Cleveland's Cabinet, the Hon. Isaac Pusey Gray uttered oner more, aud with cveu inure feeling than on auy previous occasion, tin ncmoriable aud profoundly phi! osophical apophthegm: "It is better to be sure than be sorrv. The bill before the Senate provid- iig that locomotives aud ears on Whvthis Democratic outcrv agaiut the duty on metallic tin about to take effect July 1? Democrats maintain that American tin mines arc purel; mythical, aud that we cau never pro duce it in appreciable quantities. I! this is true, then tin is specially lifted to bear a tarill for revenue which would be strictly in line with- the Chicago platform. A more powerful argument is the need of revenue created by Democratic extravgance in making appropriations. Demo crats should stand foremost in the de fense ol the tiu tariff if they believe their own argument. A valuable contribution to the evi dences of Christianity is the volume ou Primary Convictions, by the Bishop of Dcrry and Raphoe, which Harper & Brothers have publish ed. It comprises a series of dis cussions on the true characteristics of the Christian Creed ou the belief in the Father Almighty, in the biennis tion of the Sou, in the Holy Ghot-t as speaking by Dec prophets, in th,i resurrection of the body, etc. each of which is stated in its divine sim plicity apart from all particular theories on thesubject. This volume will be appropriate lor Lcmin read ing. It is rare that '.he tidings of tin death of any person i received wiili joy by a-iy large class of people; but certaiuly tliusc American who cherish a warm regard for Genera! Grant, and his pretty cla'igbter Nellie, rejoice in the news ! the death of Algernon Charles Sartoris the vort' ls and brutal E luiisHuriu n ho in r ried her. The whole nation rt-uiciii-hers the brilliant wedding nt the White II use. XidiieGrmt nnrrie.l a coarse, stupid alien, rxpatrii ated herself, ail receL'cd uothi.igin re turn. Her life has been a very sail oue. Sa'toris aboisdoued her sereril years ag, and died at Capri on Feb ruary 3. Site has three heantifn! little girls, who are the only bright ness in her wrecked and ruined lite, lad devotes liersel! entirely i them and their education. Poor Nellie Grant! e w A O O C t 9 6 9 8 . - g ii 8 FOR THE UNEXCELLED They n T.rttfvr iht mow. tnc Trade Mark. HunicxeBro BULLl'JH" HAT. OR TK5 KunickeGro! HAT. MANLTAC7URED SOLELY BY Siy?:iKE ERCS., ST. LGU!S, UQ St a o a a o o cs w iO p 3 $ $ C d 0 & $ ltf IMSTkATOK'tt NOTICE. Sotic Is . tarrvbv kiwu that Ifittrn of avlministrntion I Ark m Ajm vVJJ LJltji , noon tn retai or Lneiipia ktiv, fct?asoi, ! rj . j i Plea of Car- GirardL-aa roairtT, Atitsoin, Wnnld mp?ctftillT Inform the public tW0" ( dated tht? -iist day of J.iuai-, JG. ' urepared to do all kinds or work in h if thkt in tlM tnlUM h mill fttluw no rrw'-a All in rMw havinjr rial ma ayfot attd sUte tbat in the fntnre he will allow no ci ' arrf.tuirud to exatbit then to him for allow ' ti. ee within on Tear from the date of said let- "ti or th'-y may'lM lnvcindiHl from any bent flt i of Midi ftatj; aitd if sard flaimi ba not ex : bilitfd witliiti two years from tha date of the i pnhliratioa of this notic thev will be forever banvd. JLULS MKYKR, JK , ja-iSnW Administrator. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Notice is horeby Kivsn that ltiprs tedTinnotnry upon the estntpof Wjilhelm Oh-t. dpesftt-d, have be-n irHi.t-il tn thtt n:.rf.Ts!?i)Ml hv thit rlfrk of tht t'ape t;irurdi'aa Court of Common Pleas of afr uunririiu rjuuir, ihibsvuii, uvwiug mbh tin l:th dT of Jan Hi; rv. AM r-o:tr havnif: rlairrts asanst saia exate F. A. KAGN :-Notarv Public-: aii r.-(:iir.-U to -hihit thm tn him for Jlow- offlre at the Star SUble. Sisnl6'"' C' -r within owyt-ar from the rtltsor Mirt lt- ! XJJil,"n , vorkniftn to ndcrbid him. Brooks & Quint COMPLETE ABSTRACTS CtfTTLE Jackson, M trrs orthrT maT N prprlo-liil from any bcnitt i L- of sm-Ii -Htte: at.d if said claims b not exhib- " TftTlT ' itJ within two year frm tht date of tte i.ab- , ?,TRS ELlZ A5Jr H i ! lit atio.i of this loIic tiit-T will rnrrtr oar- , Railway Time-Tab! ST. LOCI3 PADUCAH KAILWAT, 8f . LOUIS ft CAIBO SHORT 1LXI. (ST. I. A. ft T. H.B. K. CO.) T.T. Psdartb l.T. Metmpoltfl Li. PmrkerCitT l.T. Carbomlale Ar. HRrrifoa At. Mnrphybboro. . Lt. Uurtsoa Ar. PinckneTtlle.. Ar. Conlterrtlie Ar. St. Loui , The SIrhoAlhonve Vrnn thentAb. The iloiu:ii;i:it trhiteH ot the South connot cvn.le lhe rijMJii.sib'!lity for uui-h ol'tli.-it iiiorausi! and brutality Here it i Enfaten Abroml. ja:iiSn- Jons VAsriKvm. ,i Middle itmti, I . 1 E m iM Tli. hmw i far ' ti llrilT OOTueT tT0TniOn" ttalr. I oi:.ri-ATi o'" K-rJ 4 A.tholz Rest Estate ASnt. j St. LottU School fV.ldA 1VC8. jrj-Ali ca:isproiui)ij air Inqmrer, JHoO.,.tici;l, Mo, a-kg US the Wert n&tr oTtheSwlheaH tjuarter of Sue- h question which oilcn comt up. ; tift:1 . TownaHip Ka- 12 lxa. I quarter ofSctia 1J, Tjwnelii , Kitje It Lincoln a m 1 vr-j:lfr. T. J. McMu:iu.of tanAiit-iiiio. Til , 3v: An old fiii nil of miiio iiiiiiipiI (,'!ibtiis recently toh! tue that Abra ham Lincoln worked for his I. it her in :n.i.. At tnst tunc a prest rie nr- eurcil in the Sih'iiiikmi Iliver. ami a steamboat, t.-iUin' ailva:!!:i;c of the hijfb writer, c.-niie up thcMrcjini. My fricnil was then a t!.i!l :i-l the whistling of the bo:it frightened hitu. Lincoln, then a tall, auul.-ir yonu man. took him in Win arm and car ricil him aboard the b'.it. Aiter the departure of tho boat wrote rhymes ab ml the incident. o:ie ver-e of which the C'.i':iiii"- family pre served. It runs iliu: Thi IMine n -Sit, jc-tt-i a nt mt, t'o!t-twi ttu tht- sanaaiaw T. ie- a h-jat up str:-i:n; Tiipt sur-iy tlit.i::;!it it ii.a tlr.-a.ii. Kor this tlojrfren-1 he invented s melody, and hu aud oihers au it. The song never tonti-1 its tvny inti print. The cider ("abaiiiss ahv.iv. told hi? children that the r.m'mlb' Lincoln would develop into a great mau.'' (tir nolrrcZ 'itre. We aiithoric our advertised dni! !ist to sell I r. Kins's Xcw I )icovcry for Consumption, ('oi'jrhs and (.'old?, upon this condition, li'you re a! flicted with a Coii'h. ("old or 11:11 Luii" or (het tr.iuiile. and will usa this remedy is dim led. riv inj it fiir trial, and experience 1:. bcuciit, you may return Hie bottle am have your money refmid.-d. V.'i could not make Ihi;- o'.l'er did we not know that l)r. Kimj'.s New lii-over could be relied on. It never tlisap- poiutA. Trial hot 1 lt-s free at Wil-.'in' Drug store. Iir-o size .Otic, and $1.1 which ihev cl tiiii to bu itihereut in 1 -How can auy one lin.l whether . Eact. lh; colored popuh'ion. As a matter: there is proprrtv i-i.;.ii:iS to them in i AtoI.tsrtheNorthr.,tar Lot J of .if fact, the asser.i-iii that the colored ( the coiintr? I believe there is Kanji-jj. Kast 0.1 Coitat r it K Bad peip!ei.f the Sm'.h are as a rule ; such, yet ilo not !;i;ow the luin-e of j rap G. . L. ft r. s. B. H. ci ii:raaia either i.-!,r-!iit or brut:d U not true. any ouo to write to ahoiit it. Is there They are a patient, indu-iriotis, law 1 any place to write to where one can ibiilin raee. developing in iutellect tind out if an,' etates are left to their and ability iu fu!! proportion to the names? Perio io haTC 11 ade inquiry Notice, o, hr.r-Oio: of th? Cape Glrar.lf aa Itui 'i".--,,t '.s A--.v.;5:or. V..ti t. h..rr.hv i?irtn tA all fttftolthotileril Of opportunities atTord-d them for mm- ' for my parents' 1 ame,. but we have 'TifeJ: tal iiniirovcment II t her not dcre lop-' in ver known whr, though they were , h4.iier will iwta 1 M.'tay - tho i;th .taj or 1 1 ; t April. ls.n, !roiii'.l rl.tct A. M. to M., at e.l more rs'ddlv tbe rr-tiousibilitr ' dean niauv years am. j t:u viG'- 01 tue scr.:ary. cwr Main aud " ' .... ." , ... lin-nii-. ittv:1. In t c;'.v of l ric Gir-mleaa. t.e!o:i"s to those who suio'lit tori"-; lhereiuo place to write to ascer-1 io iir imu.i' ' . !!.:!; a h.thr the due th': colored raee. generation af-t- r cencratioii. to t!it: level of an ; rr.-3!..' l ipia$;-. ta;n. rro;i.T(r does not he idle. awaiting owners. an iii .!. w ho pasM-d laws forli.ddnisr more than it (iocs here. Il'vou hare p-r st.are. t'lfiu ! Ici.rn to reail and write, anil Hny i'ood rtaxuisto think that you iis iLiijrit a rrim.; for any one to have property rijrlits? in fcomc foreitfii teach tho.-tt- ae.piiri.!n:'u!.s. and who country, ci'.ht r go yourself, or hire -..iti.Sht in every way to dim humau oino lawyer ill whom you have full and iiivesliir-iie the matter. a:iall be 1:1- livi J.-.l l-i sliarisi to li4t,tlJil l tli itfir Vnl:l. rtf o,-l.M..r J. II ICtncir. Im.iilent. r A. Asm-M-iE. fSe-rrtarr niriena. Mo.. Jaaurv i'tnl. lsw. G. Vv. TSAVI?, 1 i:i!e?::ae:iee and stunt the growth ol j lailh, tlie mind in thoae vvl.oin they regard-. Don't write to any American minister 1 or cousid. Their oliicial duties do ed and treated as clultcls. Loo!:n:;.' !iaek 1:1 l.;e al, it is use-! not require them to act as attorney.; h-s. therefor-. f-r the while Dcmo-j : hunt up such things for private rraey of t!ie Soiitli to attempt to ! citizen. liirow npn tlie eo!-,red man all the blame tor the rc-u!l ot a:i unnatural course which the whites thcinscle dclipcraiely adopted ami pursued, (.'rime and ignorance ;oii and in hand, and lien (lie den-e ignorance in w'nii h the colored race was kept, and from kteli i! has only bejrnn to pii.erjfP, is cou-idercd i; is not stran-re that in oc-.-i-ioiisi instances men who have been slaves or of slave decent .li-iu-d p,v.; to be the brutes their former owners spared uo efforts to make tiiem. Happily in a laro portion of the Si:i!h reai!v earnc-t :ttleni:ts ate to edaialo ihn rolnri-il i- .- to rectify the l"r mu-h ct.i ner. Who', that. Iliraii: Rnrklea'a rlMlvr. Tiik IJit tAl.VK in the world for Cuts ltruises, bores, l'kcr Salt Uheu'ii, Fever .Sores, Tetter, Chapped hands. Chilblains, Corns, and rdl Skin Kruptions, and positively cures i'iles. or 110 pay required. It is irii.iranteed to irivesatistaftion.or money refunded. 1'riee 2r cents per box. For w:ic at Wilson's Dru;; Store 11 ia 'r.k.lnt:al. I A certain Conrcs.-mann. famous j principally for hi ; untidiness. n iu j one of the small iuwus ui' hi, t'ti:riet ! uia!.l:i'' a sncei h. D.irin the dr.v a IiKpiired the him.' m rrc -. cid in tli: res ' :s ol t!ie i!. In ('l lor it,. .-..!.. -.,1 i.. 1 ' l'-':s iutcre.-iea iu al hroti:ht toa fa:r.-.t iii l.;rd ofeilieiencv a:nl r -.-eive a reaon.-ihie ebare of the ' puiiiic funds and ut tiic public care. It is worth noMiin thai in lieoiiri:: 1 and olher statra where the cob-red: people .-ire reeriv ni-. in an cdiicttiomi! 'f not iii a poii.ii-..! way, f.iir oppor tiitii'es for tiiiifihtenmetit and a! i raiirei'.ieiit, honors sueli as iho-.c which hav? rt-eeiitly sl.o ked I h t eivil':-d world are mih.-ard of. Afier a while oth -r Soiiiheru r:iiiinn:ii:' I ...ic sights. -Whv. Marthv." I -don't oii k:iuw Co:isrc:.innn. "I'll!" siic e:;'-!:i!ined uppi we::r.s a povveriu! liirty ?.::-!." 'In e.nir-.e. in i" s:.i,l in r luisliani!; -l.ut. Marthy. he's pot to !o soMietliiu' to show hi 'a a Co::'rcs.-- ti:e reply, lie's our i!ii!i!v. "he liirs Ln 11 t alnable arm Land Tar Hair. SW arres bottom oje hair clear awl tin der cultivation HuMi-uit water, two s.nuis tliat never net drv . '.w a tmtf ir.ilo froiu Antisila, oa itif O.ttn-i lli'lt Kaitr.a:i and thr.-e luarler- 01' a mite fr-m lhe lU.mmlli-!'! nrd l'i-l-lar It'aT llraneii lisiilroa.l IVui; S.-tioa 21 and l. Tras!ii -T. 1U ico 11, ia ftod laid Cou.-tv. WiEfitrjri. Una ft Asrc.IJ!, Iteal Kstate Ageuta, Ca; oirAideau, Mo TrnBtoo Sala of Seal Estate. WTi.;tK.S. U-lera liraTes. widow, Virffl Stewart lirav... 1 idiiuilin 1. Oravea a. .1 I'aritl s- (iir.r. liis w-fe. All"-rt It. tiraven a .d K-t,a'iiia lirvee. liii wile. Ialiica Marion a ..I A.mie i:rr.vo.. .irt'ie t''a-it or faj.- tiir- nrlail. State uf Missouri, hf tlltr Certain ile.1 o:' trust. I:ttmi the wve-ith dnv of Alareh. -iK;itis.ii hn ..lri-t a-id riiriiiv t!r.e. and rxfr.t-e-l in k') otrtre of tlie Cnnnty or i ? e tjiriiTli aa. inlMtek.1 at ea-es Itis. n il. i.xand 1T1. ponvevil in trust to Tllomaa M. Itut-y. tlie foltowinif described real estate a.:d t rfiniscr. sitaa:e.t. Ivi iff and iM'injr in the (ont.ty of I'aiK! irErd.aa and Mateor Mis sourito r'.t: 'Itie r.-tleet nnarteTf',) orthe sf.nlliw.s.t urartt-r I'. a- d th--..i:tlt half of let inm i..r two t'i t t:ie i.orthne.t quar:-r t'i) of ..(i-t-o.i vv.' 1 i.'i in t'-w.-sliiji tiiirtv-rte (:".i -...nil ol ra .e r.iirtfs..i lit) ensi. ro tai;.i..t;. (7Tl- aere. !:nn'or 1. tn -:.Tr tli" !a HI.-..1 ol tli--note ileseri!H-.t ia sai I - :--i of mit. a.i.l. W.M-rca. -aid r.o.. I:ai t .2 si ;ee liec.mie due cii-lt-iu .! a-e..r l::i l- t'i t-.-.r. ditt i, 1! ...i".-.-: I - a: 1 tn- a -.1 .: ni t. th.-r .f..r-'. i.-.ti.-t-is iier.-o. jcie.i tiiat I the u ! r-i - I tru .; . at tin r.san.t ttse 1,-nl i..!.i.-r.d se. .1 t.'.'e. n :d bvtirti! er thr a-ttiiarit. i-i in-re n-.l a. d i :r-aa. er t'.ie ..-..VLi,.;.r .dtrUs'., Will. O-l Ihi-.-sixlii D iyofM ireli ndav. - t' . 1 ti. 1: t : M. i.oe.T ort 1 o: .V1 i . X W : .art hn;is. .l...r i nt v o. 1 na.- tiir. r.l'.an e- : ..:t. :. sei!'-e-.-t d -en'-i: t r-tlisttt- a' lue f. I':. - fc! : ! ' l.r. lor a -h , ..a id. tn .-...' sa: ! .I.-:.'. J- I : t'OV ' e-t it .!!;.' n'.t t.r. liir w itti e a.Lr a tt.-x;"-..f v's-.t;i.- lit.b tra-t. v!,m -i; Tin.:-1. t. It; ! v. Vrj .: 1 as lof Eslo Of P.2i'i Eitntot Trust eo's i ThsCettist, Traclicea entistryn all its branch es Hates reai.oa:,e. All work done in the best miner ami guar anteed. N extra aru'es otter the work is cuitpb'teil lb fernre: To the people hosn lived amontr and praeued for fT twenty-three venrs ( !!:ee rt old stand iu the UodnevauilJing, ' Broadway. ( "1.11-92 uNK)'jprrLLs. CAPE GIifL)HAU. MO T. T.'. fi'T. Frcp'r. Ij.ys a mjf (:Jthe highest marlet rrte. 'tor Wheat anrl'dt Ijora Jlai-araetiire. and -ells at who"- - ""J.J" guarantee, the fol'" oreada or rionr: ;:kx ca-i-k-I. iate.h PKI.1CAX. " -r Tint :LI K , ixTB Faxcj QI KKN oftiAI'E, -1 L. : -1 : : : Fcr CKKKOI.A.A : : : Choici rreh rronndf",; Meal foraaleoreichaafa. al.oallkitdae""fw' J. mJIOKRISOxX Idea t.Kit is & Alii KIDS, -,r.n;trri;?. 'ape (tiranlpaii, M I j.'h tjne TtiMf a n! all ricvh himl- r 'Xt,Mk- a- y tire i i tup liniil ' -1' .'! eili ..ccM-atsT -r hoUii V ' I -.' hiiT n..t.l you Xrl my ptirtt 1 'yaarruiM-rno tlrtvajte mr Ut.iii.rr. i 'STEllTBACH, wasi rAfTrhiii: sr J-.T -A. 3?tV r ID S S , ft. D D Ll'.S AXD Ctll.LAl!; A1.SH liCVLKa IN I2UGG1KK, CARTS -Am! nil other vehii Irs. I saara -tic all n:y wr.rt frst-ele.p. a. si as lor a-t I? ce in Hie rit;. . . hoar t'.ie la c.ii'. Lefct line or liriiMfls at; noEOiom. trt a. . n-.n A. M. : a. m. 1S:0I r. at. S-Vt a. M. 1 r. M, a. at. t-M r. . 1 A. . 1:11 r. M. 8:15 A. M. ttl T. M. A. M. r. M. t 15 a. h. r. at. : A. . 4 CO r. M. HUB a. v. tM T. at. OtiTBBOinCD. - I.t. Ht. Lonla 7: a. ar. 4 r. . Lt. t'onllerrllle I a. at. 34 r. a. L. Ploekoejillto ... tOJO a. n. 7 16 r. au Ar. Harrison 11:15 a. at. 1:05 r. at. Ar. MurpbTatram ... 11 a. i. 1:15 r. at. L. Harriaba II JS a. M. r. m. Ar. rboeda!.... 11:51 A. a. 0:50 p. a. Ar. Parker (ItT 1:30 p. a. 10:10 p. a. Ar. MetTopotia 1 1 r. a. II 4 p. a. Ar. Padoeaa Illr.i. llitJ.a. Tbia Hm mw make direct eooaeetloo witlt G.T. C. tralna tearing Capo Uirarteaa a a ooa n , aniTlDf at St Lotus at 11.50 a ni. RetoraiiiK. leare su Loots at :W a. a. arny 1d at Capo tiirardoan at 2:C0 p. am - lino, if Last, iea. Pasa. Aft. 9.. f-rals. Oao. W. Paaan. eo. Maoaxor, St. LoaU. JOHN ST. AVIT, Bpaalab Stawt. aoeocil iaor tram IoAopa Ooca. UaaapOM aloiaw aa tao lattr tat GROCERIES, And arllt ft tim HiaUal Kaxket Pnsa tm COUf4TfT EftOOUC& Ho lotlciU akari af iiAiir patraaajre. aufi. PLA4Pi1, SILLS BavaxAiiopteatko NEH7. PJROCESS And it now taftaafjtf Fhmr tlMt mtm not :bm eYieti b ivllli ra nntxy. A rim& uf the K-it.t-r ir-vt- il -ur wiU ootim9 nf -mk or Ueod k'u ttr Uva il H stipertor M toy V&uufdTtdreJ. CSVS Vt A TRIAL P. V. P&t, Proprirtsa tTr,'Itr";. I'ai.i.l SW.niiit -.:.t A-ltj' I.. tie. vi : -. t.i t:i .Tl ,t o.': iir;.-.': .in -s;. 1.: Mi:.i.rt i-v I'-i-ir 1 (. .ill trn-t! tt.e i.l Tie tl. lis) .J.' K-l r.;-.-. . i.-M.-e:. '. 1:10" r.- I a d ' a -tvi. 1. e..ri..i i , tie- ll :i r'i i-r,.iv :f tin-, ",; f I : .n: in m.-tv - i:ieliii " l 10 eotisi'ler wtn-tiier lie M-tei,ii:iu:iv.-is not iiiire Ciris!i-iri- b-rt:i.ii:i ir.ui. an I whether the Llrr:r'.r tiillrr. This reim-iiv is iH-remi: ;i:own r.mJ so popular as to spec: A Kentucky Solon, envioii3 of the newspaper notoriety achieved by the railways enjriipdin interstate com-i Minucsotiau who introduced iu the mcrce shall be cquippc I with aotomntic couplers ami continuous brakes is a humane measure for the better protection of railway cm jdoyeea. The number of shocking accidents and fatilitlca which, owing to the absence ot the precautions de manded by this bill, occur cvetj rear, is appalling. It is estimated that in eight years as many men em ployed on the railroads of thecouutry have been injured and killed as were iu service in any one year. This is a ; startling ! statement The proposed law is ill line with the recommenda tions made by President Harrison in regard to the subject It has been prepared with, great care and is well calculated to reduce to the lowest practicable minimum the evil against. ..aklcB it-is aitw-d. . .- ; " t legis a:nre ot that state a nut against hoopskirts, has followed his example, aud introduced in the House at Franktort a bill "to prevent the sale, loan or wearing of hoopskirts iu this commonwealth." It was referred by tho Speaker to the committee on -iigiou and Morals. Ami now the 7!frjfimof Kcnluckyare asking for a diagram of that reference! The age of the earth is estimated from the increment in the temperature as we peuetrate its crust. The rate at which it cools, however, can only be approximately deteruiiued, owing to the confessedly imperfect data which mast be used, there being nothiug on which to base calculations. From a caretul analysis of the data at hand jtjr Williim Thompson has Narlsr, SnrtnrW. Algernon Sartoris seems tr hie been in morals what hi.-, name signim. iu Latin a botcher, a mender ol oh! garments. His desertion of his own wife (nei N'cliie (iraut) and children, and his srlf-abandonmcnt to adultery, ailib iiiior aud diinkiiiL', have finally etil niuated in an early death, nhieh. ven iu this world, is a judicial retribution lor misdeeds. Ilo hail loving and wealthy parents. who were wi!linr and able to girr Mm every blesein;; which this world ilfords; sud his career illustrate him utterly lulile is everv earthly good, in forming the individual character. America, on necount of her love ol the Graut family, would be delighted to chronicle the history of Mr. Sartoris as that of a splendid fellow who inaile the best use of all bis tifts ami irivebges. who was au ajTectionate nisbnnd. a model parent, a useful cilien aud ati honor to two counircs to Lnlaiid by birth, and to America bv marriage. America will be glad uow to have Mrs. Ninons return to her native laini; lor here sue will lie received with the same respectful nll -iiion which has always beeu aceorded to lier. and she aud her children cau enjoy the blessings of the government presented by the sword of her father. the great I lysses. aire I and : Ac- 1'.., .' Kleelric Iiiltcr.- MM!! tie SO Wel ::ei d ii;, ve iis '-t s-im- "iii't:u ... 1 v. -i.ii iiii-is 11 in- i-ssii: j o loi iiire :t:id burn its enniinais is i "' 1'faise a purer doi - 1:0: 101 p .; 111 too iiiuii a prii-e lor race and it is giiitranlec;! to do all rpi-liuird ig:i.r:iA'. ; that i- clsimr.l. K-eetrie I'.iiler.s i:I I cure all diseases 01' tl:.: Liter and s;i-i ii.ieo 1 aaes. K dtitys. will remove i'inipl-s, IPdls. S. II. C.iii.u-.l. New Ciissel. Wis. j Salt Itlieum and other ali'eeiions was troubled wish Xenraiia am! ! caused by impure blood. Will drive, bis Stomal h di- Malaria Irom tiie sy.-lem and prevrat ordered, his Liver was Kifeeled to an as weli as cure all Mjiiiiia f-ver. Kor alarming degree, appetite fi ll away, j em e ol Hcadac'ie. Consumption and and he was terribly reduced in I'esh Indigestion try Klectric Hitlers. Ln .ii:d etrenglh. Thivr bottk-.s of Klcc-1 tire atisfaciio:i guaranteed, or money trie Hitters cured him. i re'iiiided. Trice .IO cents cad $1.00 Kdtvaid .s!iepherd. liarriehiirg. 111. j per bottle at Wilson's Drug ?sil(re. !i::d a running sore ..i..i. 1..... n... . 1 - 1...... t ... i 1 . tini !i,iuiiiiiu. t i-e nine out-1 , A tKtrmtn lies ot Llei-.ric biitt-rs aud seven box-j 'J es of liiiekleus Arnica tsaivc. aiid his leg is sound an 1 well. John Speaker. Catawba, .. had live large Fever sores on his leg: doctors ski I he was iiielirnble I 1ii. liDtl!f I.l..rii. Itil- era and one box Anica Salve cured ! siiJiiiti'. him entirely. Sold bv J. Maple Wil-; sou, druggist !t . e a.--. i- :i: f. t-d tni- e lefi-irsla d .:ii' t-i- ,-:. estate. ;-:)' .;i i:.- 1 si- t.iri-Y ur.- t :!.,s. o'.. -Vl!":. All tbat )....!..:! -I I-- i IT WM.. rin-U i..n- "ri-.-'i: e t it- le.t-: to c Y.,,j ,;r .1.1 trr.s. I.s tie -.lute Heir- i.r w -I.-. .. trt'i ia lii- ICi-e-rt.-. i-- : on. F ee A.-'lr- n:n- Is ive a. ee 'nin. it ol tvin I deed on his 1, 1 ' We Should TCot lely To Look. The present week should see some definite action by Congress iu regard to Hawaii. The Hawaiian Commis sioners hare been formally received by the I'ressdcnt iu their oliicial rapacity. I heir right to speak with authority for the provisional (iovcrn- incut and the people ot Hawaii has been conclusively demonstrated. The fids with respect to the present mmWi Pick Uwizch r and Telieroall tbetronbTw tneV icnt to a bilious Btatoof tho Bjotrm. Booh as) Dizzii-fxs, Kauaca. Drotraiacca. IitreM SUt eating. I'a:n Id tho Pltlo, ko. TThilo their mat ytmaritaho eucce3ti baa been shown im euxiiig E.vb!S yrt barter's Llitio Llvw PflT wn xt'.Lally TAlcUeinu.'tiuion,cuno;aLMl prt Tejitiig tUi-ianrcjlA- TtrorjliintwLllo Uio-jruJu rct tt.-u situation are HI the possession Ol the AclifhertrtmMboata:octTTte?lcsn!onioorrM . lv . , ,. . . i n.'trfromthisdiiitrciisilijcouinliat;lotr?rtu- Malc Department. I ublic opinion 1 luteijiBeirr-sc-dascj -,D,t;jui1.r,,11.,),-3M . . , . . , . vnoonceu7Ut-mT7iiiDnattaeutuopllt?Tal3. . tm- i-.-.'! !:.. :l 1 it- e.e :-r: ';i to -a. -1 '. -. r lur.. 1. 11 ,.!rr 1 l il .it:-.-l 1 . 1 -: I- ss.,1 .HT-...V. it ll ' I ,. ,w i.iM e. .IV. - t La. i 1! ,i. !It!) J.-l I: .:r.-.d..i a...t l-i.-l t lui.i- :ln- i: rel. I'l'.r A o o -i- tr.'d a- d s ve. tr.t-i;lit. wl t. r; : M. ;..!.. I.l tr'.l .t t.l H eilT.- !!l i.r..iii....;-..ry in:ieiu..j .i.--i-ti t-u-t. ,.E iw.. .11. 1 witrrea. ' "t -s ntj. , .(,, tr H-1-...0 -i" 7."..-. r.- -i r.raai., :e ..r dr.:. n d or fa. 1 a ! aid: a d. r aa. Adelbeit li.r. a. i.aid la:e Se uvrf l-n i- n ut na.- !. .are.t nw.,t6tie have mo..!, s airo o-.o no ir i.- i! .. luted l.r tin, , v ev,n tbat I. Now. tie r, f .r-. i . ti.-..,, . nsinesl ertb Ilie.i. di r.'K-.e l trustee . ju ' r(lo: .-)te.. ho' I. rs or sen! ..if,.,, r . ,, lT w.l.itl.. bluviKV t irtrtl D, ,i.;i ir.ite a-' n'jit.'.r.iv l.i of trast will, o.i . . :. !tT-i i.i town, a id .-.i.ira -tti CTerthi.'X ttl .- mei.i t'n'.t Ii. .iireiiasi:iy in c. :n- .e i.i.-.s. a..d i jfjiirutlr. Oir.ii-r iir.r:.-Mii.v ai.d sri,.- hirefs (i!f ; itruuty;i - j ' o j. JL...", -T-ffll At,- CAN'MED GCODS. .Ti?r;3,To,.:f : Fiie Cardie AFT! F.aCTTS. .s.!:"M:. tteiNi; ror; fru'-rrit an I.LI Vul'K M.i.M.V'.s ffiitmt. G1LBEKT H. WILSON, (Scccrasoa to. Hattox Ji Skuket.) ' IN TIIE LEVEE, CAI'E GIRARDEAU, MISSOURI, KEEPS A FULL LINE OF Staple and Fancy GEiOGSTIIES. ii'iwm particular attentioa to tb blppln asil TtfiVMiir ol trtijiht a::i kh! of all kinds. sv(7al Trrs evifiiencoi in this baiuws will euaMe him to rit tatinrsction to all paitrons. II slw krtps a food avnrtment i t irrrass a1 other flelii II soltcrtu and will emlraTor to mfrit lhe liberal pairaoair of thia oommauitT. ktut. 4 L I. Wot fold. o Bobert 9ackmaa -I'R'rKtCTor II lsjj. .Saturday, the Fehrty ji t!i- rite of C' ;?r Vt thee.s-.irt bo;r.e.l,;irtr.i,V.u ,.., s;atl. ar.!.'an, e.m.:ty nt I hi.urs .r .elm's ..1 Mi .si.nn. I..twis, , ., k i-. ttl i.:t t..mi. in ti.e fi.r-"ic.i.i; lm. fciltn., ,;rriiM-I .if tbat day . l'-'e.v,.i.d:1e. to the liilK ul reel ia-..-. Kt t ,VefT l aid li-tes ler ra-in Wj;h the ensU and el-a-id u.lcitent. toj, tl T, ,- ,nl.t ienres: exi-eutN1iLt oil ADKV. i Traateo. i7T?S : SCHEADTE, 'ii)-WIFE. . itb bonore. or the St. TmI A Graduar,.. Il. n..t .-er.ln.. Setiool ..f ,,,, (JirnLica,,. Itrldel.e or alld-wile Uwn tl.wiT.teai. uf S'lTiirir triMit. Vie seU at prices lua lDofy Ooirspr-tHion. CALL AN!) SI'.K U.S. WA1JREN& SON. Opposite Sturdivant Tank. Us J. J VilJ llv.iul ..illiOs LalEl Isnro7t1 F.c!:crPrce:i Hnvlnr miot't. ih H .llr rrnrt'sj. w ar- now ;.n-rt '! to mntf- tout or tho aur- T ir. a tr:a. r iut KaiK-r rnx.w wnl coo rtiKf ou inci it i tito torn ftiocrmaale. aIY5: IS A TtilAL ST&iPi Biros., Proa'rs. HAE10KY CT. CA PE GIRARDKAU. MISSOURI V1U BAKUAINS AT II. A. LEIIER'S Sui tm Rieia I'siiau St. TaaaLKS iloraz.. Capo (iirxrdeau, ilo. iIITS X.lQrjJiI3 A SPBCIATjTT. ilxira Kinc LiineH eTery Saturday niciil. i.Ieg Riisinrssa Specialty.-a JiT. CHARLES iu.;:ma- irnxxicKf; vi:i-i.ti.-r.n. Corner Main and Themis s-treets. ?Jni;r St. Chirles Hotel. The Rest uf vixk. r.if;ui:.- axd c;ar& rI ays on hand. Sole Agent for the Celebrated 'he best whi.s ry in the world, aui so prononnced by ail compe tent judges of good liijuers. Kresh Heer on tap all the time. U. LINDEHIANN HEAI.EIt IS OF ALL KINDS. White an'l Yl!.- Fii-v r-e-M. Oak. iiain. WiIihil Ash and 4 koVr- i rlottriiitr ant OiMnc all rrsdM h.'iAo'hi,. LiinilMT. Ia'.hsi. Snitttt. uri...ul. a1VC l SAB 1 1 K r?"Vinrow ant looT rnmM nirif to onl?r on siioit noUcf . all size DrllTmd fciywhrrt Inpi-ie of city limit. Spanish Street, t'ajie (.irardeau. Mo toves Tinware. LARCiESTstvk and cheapest house in Sooth eabt Uissouri. S7IIAI.RIS psy,an and Surgeon oroi 1 1 1. i. i. mi; - mi , cwrner ' , J-"ce a. id sj.a .isli streets. Laji. til- or li.lej-.ijj.,! ... "I.?' id Femalei teutiou giveu tosorxelj Ulennlaia or the Ward Hriltier. The legal meaning of the word either" has been gravely argued iu au Kugiish court of record. A certain lostator had left property, the dispo sition of which was ellectrd by the death of chlior" or two persons. One lawyer insisted that -either'' meant both, and iu support ot his views he ipmlcd Richardson, Webster. Chaucer, Cryden, Southcy, the story of the crucilixion. and a passage from Revelations. The Judge suggested that there was a soug in fc'i"he Reg gar's Opera" which took another view: 'How happy I couid be with either, were t'other dear charmer away." In pronouncing judgement the Court ruled that "either" mcaut one of two, and did not mean both; be said that it might have that meaning occasionally in poetry, but never iu an Knglisb coin ot record. in terms that cannot be mistaken for the annexation of the key of the Pacific to the United Mates. Finally, the American Minister at Hawaii, in re sponse to the request ot the Pro visional (iovemment. has hoisted the: ting of this country at Honolulu, and ! idaecd the island under Americau ; protection. KblofanomaoTWaTatb-ktftieT will cot bo wit. iicgtodowithoattbera. BntaftaraUnickiieMl 'IS Xstbefeecaof ronicy Hrai that her la vher 9 Eike our great boast. Our pilia cure it wall Cartel's Little IItct VHU tre rpry snail a; very saeiy to u!:e. ODOortwopilUmakcado Itfj aio strictly vecetsble and do not gnpo pnrr bat by their gentle action plcasa all tiftotbein. lnTtalat i5cntoi; rtrofor $U I? tim'istj osrarTiflM-n, or sent by miL CARTER WF0!C!?!E CO., New Ycr vr. C. ISeniiett. -ofitracto" and B ilder. blop on Broadway. Ycir patronage Solicitsil nsd I WE TELL YOf The d ig thai floats over Honolulu iariLL. S&'.rJ. DL'SE. StfaLLPtC eani ot be lowered with honor. The ' Presidcu'ts lerthcoming message to! Congress should be followed by the prompt acceptance of the offer made iu good faith by the intelligent citizens' aud tax payers of Hawaii. A measure ' ' P?r"5' 1 tn a iM-riiianeut. most liealthv and ij.a4t biisi proviuiuv ior ine uum-aauou ui iii.b ir'u,, eium i..r every Pneitie strunirliiihl should be carried U imrli ilms lm. m n:it. mm.- without auy unnecessary delay. The laiiiiintk the nnkiniroi ami"-. sooner Ilavraii is permanently and JStnttSto rV"-''" .:.t- nnthwl tn ll.ia enuntev tl.o tan e no .lueslinii aleKlt It: oilier. w at w.i 1 - are doln t;. and Too, reader, eaa d tue ! better it will be for the interests of 'T bo.ioes. thi jon w , erer bad Hie eiianee to peenre. 1 its HI vo tt both parties. prare mi-itake it you fail to five it arisl a. c It lotiariisp the .ituation, and aciuiclilV 1 "HI dlnetlr find yourself in a met lr"IJ I or MIX leala bi.lii.-. at whirli Km eaa surely sake aii we will send yon Dr. Kauffmann'oj great Medical Work; 100 pages, ,lor cd plates from lite. Tho most valuable ""rt u" M ""T I capeneoeeor capital neeessarv. IV.e -(( adviser ever published. To anv ad-. f r s reirarovd. wh not wre t . ... . - , ; I 'all partKulars, Iree ? E C. AI.I.H Me. UU IClClJll ui luicn .-vein aiaillIBI DOl AO aw, AB- to pay postage. Address A. P. Ord way t Co, ISotton, Mass. Petf haul's Saloon (IC4-XSSOK TO UATT THOMAS.) y E T. (iooil Hope and Sprigg Si DwcV fine Itratid of snch aa O F. j. -ar. sieoray.-r. iu i.jiteu Kje. etc Imnert "" jwpecial attention given to jug tradt peSI-t CAPE LA.GERJ .I.WAY-S ON DKAIGHT. f.(. L. P. EUFF, gSfeicleiit Dentist. CAPE GIRARDEAU, MO. ArtiffriaJ To1h on Gold, Sllrer or Vnlcamte oHefriii o:e toftth to a f-ill et. PiTt; teiHh ooM. .SilcT aiii Porerlam toirn, uoantei on the rant's of natnrnl tth Pure l,!Bi4 MtrjRft Oxi'le jShs ror the psinleM extraction of teeth AU work warranu-d to s-ire satibfso tioo. Charges reawviible. Fifteen Tears practical rfierienco. Oflica ntairs i r. Rooney iiiuidix, oorna; Broadway az.d Mainatnei. iE STORE. For the convenience of Konnal students we have established TlESsE OEM tore on H road way, betweea Viddlaa .in! t. . I.. . . i- ... . . i iiocTing and Guttsring. ,,t,,lcnls''niud"rulUupprf CTiTinvt'llv I even .. .- CDXFECTIOXEUY, iC. We also keep a fall auotilv ot flra. elass groceries: all ot which we sell at a low profit for cash. Come and see us, we will treat yon clever. TUE GEM. lIAKSiOXT 8TCKET, CAPE GIliABl'KAL'. HISSOCU PKXSION8, UOUX.jiCS, ii I". C. COOTER, ATT0E1TEY, An-ade r.uiltlinjr. Main Street. CAPE GIRAROEAT, MISSOURI. PmiBions, Trrroaw Pension. Roan tie Com- mntatio:) of Batioi.s, Lantl a:i Jlomcetrad and rre-Emtiost Claiira, and all kinds or wr lUtM-l MVKX rttrMlIT ATTKN 1IOX . HKVPEsexf.K: UiUiieeiitaUebtioatobnBlnear 112 Vine .Street. St. Louis, Mo. I EL. 3 Tho Vitiated I I B.ood I cSa3, . Ca ilrareaat Co. Heaalajaiarlera I Cleanso Tho Vitiated Blood When you see Its impurities Bursting through? The Skin In Pimples, BIntrhf r And Sores. Rely on Sulphur Bit- E ters and Health will follow. Steamer Landing at loot of street. riLZSS2 !k&i!4 'i 1 -4 "I