Newspaper Page Text
THE CAPE eiRARBEAW VOL. XVII.-NO. 38. HEX n. ADAMS, Publisher. CAPE GIRARDEAU MISSOURI, SATURDAY, f EBRtJARY 25, 1893. 1 T I H 1 - I. ZHOCUCARK. Attorney at law ajto CITY RECORDER t OfSee at Mgn oa Harmony street, BAPK OIRARDEAU. MO. & 8. HARRIS. Physician and Surgeon Ofllee la i ear at Trickey". Dnf store. MM OM af tadiiaaaaaiince and Spanish Biracrteaa. tar-special S4MV aa tsi given tt a Diseases of Feaeaiea. S. A. ASTHOL& . aerator BmMla(aa4lMa AiHiaHBia. NOTARY PUBLIC. toereUrr 8ootttstm Pifftitot Afflwl Do Tour Insurance Business ta a eetnpany whoa, record la tha putt). anusutM far the future. Insure lathe HOME. OF NEW YORK. UK) tOTLB, Agent, Fo as Monk Vila Street Oase Olnrsaam MlassurL eel. N. WICHTERICH, Caps Glrardoao, - Ho. Agent for th. feuewlag Reliable Companies : TraaMla Mutual, of St. Lowta. CIUmo.' Insuranoo Company, St. Louts. Springfield lonuaoo. OooipaaT. ftprlaa aWld. Haas. Tneee are three of tbe be east l eomueoles la the country. tnttaMa CONRAD KEMPE, Dealer la t)RY GOODS AND GROCERIES, Wow rood, reeelvad weekly. Orooerte. el wars fresh. Store earner of Fountain and li armour Street. matA. CHRIST. KRUECER, BUTCHER. Shop on Main street, on. door south of th frescort House. Alt kinds of Fresh Meats and Sanaa, al ways ou band. Delivery wagon ran avert auoralng. U"'J- E. 1). ENGELJIAHN, illinery, Dry AND- GROCERIES. Ha. (09 Hanaoar Street CAFE GIRARDEAU, MISSOURI. r. W. VOGT. Dealers fat Stores aid Tinware, Iadapeoaena. Street, Cape Oirrden, Mo. Entire new stock, the latest hn proved and hMt (VMtktnv and HeaMliig beovee in the mar ket. AD kinds of Job Work dons In lbs bast spanner and al moasrata pnsea. ROOFING AND C UTTERING A spaoiattv and work guaranteed Brat-class, ADOLPH LIST, Moehanteal and Surfteal wom aliunde of work ta his Una, and raa an'eea ail work done. Office at residenoe, eoraer Harmony eel Lorimier Streets. - EDW. S.LILLY Dash HAEDWAEE, Iron and Steel, iSjicM ImpM Itc, It Aantaaf tat HAZARD POWDER COMPANY. Dsalari aop Us at waehMi.. Wat, 87 and 39 Mala Street, OAPH OIR ARDgATJ, MO. RIDER i WlCHTERlCtt. DRUGGISTS ! North Main Strret. AaBasji iKaasf progs. Peteat MetUtdaes. rertiitnet7, IBe Artaalea, Eta tattetMiT. a t Epitome of the Week. INTSREStlKO NEWS COMPILATION. FIFTY-SECOND CONGRESS. TrnnAT, Feb. 14. In the senate the Nicaragua canal bill and the sundry riril appropriation bill were dis cussed and Ihsj hinoe bill incorporating the American university at Washing ton was passed. In the house Mr. tlcrtick (O. ) introduced a resolution per mitting the world's fair (rates to be opened on Sunday after 14 o'clock me ridian. The invalid pension bill was considered, but no action was taken. Wedkesdat, Feb. 15. The diplomat ic and consular and the military acad emy appropriation bills were reported to the senate and a favorable re port was made appropriating i!,024, 000 for the world's fair. In executive session the president's message favor ing the annexation of Hawaii Was con sidered. In the honse the senate bill giving Den. boubleriay's widow $50 a month pension was passed and the pen sion appropriation bill was further dis cussed. TntBSDAT, Feb. IS. The session of the senate was occupied in the con sideration of the sundry civil appro priation bill. An amendment involv ing the continuance of the office o supervisor of elections rave rise to a long and heated political discussion. In the bouse the pension appropriation bill was further considered, and pro posed amendments relative to the transfer of the pension bureau to the war department, to rerating upon the basis of ability to earn a living, to the limitation of persons receiving an in come of less than JoOO, and to soldiers' widows were overruled. During the debate a personal collision between Turpin, of Alabama, and Waugh, of Indiana, was prevented by friends. FmnAr, Feb. 17. The sundry civil appropriation bill occupied the exclu sive attention of the senate. The amendment to continue in force the law for federal supervision of elections was carried by a party vote. In the house the pension bill appropriating $166, 400.030 was passed withont amend ment. The post office appropriation bill was considered without final ac tion. The senate bill extending to the North Pacific ocean the provisions of the statutes for the protecting of fur seals was passed. FROM WASHINGTON. Tnn visible supply of grain in the United States on the 14th nit, was: Wheat, 8:).994.CO0 bushels; corn, 14, 152,000 bushels; oats, 5.822,009 bushels; rye. 193,000 bus fie Is; Darley, x,so,Wi bushe'a. The president has approved the quar antine bill, officially known as "an act granting additional quarantine power antl imposing additional duties upon the marine hospital service." The prrsident has issued a proclama tion creating the Sierra forest reserve, comprising 6.0J0 square miles in the counties of Mercer, Fresno, Tulare and Kern, California. The business failures in the United States daring the seven da s ended on the 17th numbered against 2ii'i the previous week and 29 for the corre sponding time last year. The exchanges during the week end ed on the 17th at the leading clearing honses in the United S'ates nggrcgatod Sl,2aS,S52.l!97, against Sl,a70.SOS.USl the previous week. Tne increase as com pared with the corresponding week of 1892 was 2.7. THE EAST. The deaths of William Wilkinson, one of the best known men in Pitts burgh, Pa., and his wife ooturred with in four hours of each other. Iloth took sick the same day and both lay on the same bed nntil claimed by death. Urovek Cleveland has officially an nounced the names of four members of his cabinet as follows: Walter Q. Uresham, of Illinois, secretary of state; John O. Carlisle, of Kentucky, secre tary -of the treasury; Daniel S. Lamont, of New York, secretary of wan Wilson S. Itissel, of Buffalo, postmaster gen eral. The remains of Henry C DeMille, the well-known playwright, were cremated near Maspeth, L. L Bt the will of Flora Payne Whitney, wife of ex-Secretary of the Navy Wil liam C. Whitney, of New York, over 3,000,000 is left to Mr. Whitney. At her home in Rochester, N. Y., Susan li. Anthony celebrated her 73d birthday. The name of the fifth member of Mr. Cleveland's cabinet was announced. It is that of Hoke Smith, of Georgia, for secretary of the interior. Ix the cellar of an old honse at Pitts burgh, Pa., David Canway, aged 75, died from starvation. The amateur champion skater, Joe Donoghne, was defeated in a 5-mile race at Red Bank, N. J., by John S. Johnson, of Minneapolis. Johnson's time was IS minutes and seconds. Neiourors found Gen. Abram Dally, aged ON, the oldest survivor of the war of 1813 with England, dead in a cottage in Williamsburg, N. Y., where he had a room. Ix South Gardiner. Me., the sulphite pulp mill owned by the Richards Paper ompany was burned, the loss being R0U.00G; insurance, 180,OO0. Ix annual session in New lork the American Newspaper Publishers' asso ciation elected officers as follows: James W. Scott, of the Chicago Herald, president; E. U. Woods, Boston Herald, vice president: W. C Bryant, Brooklyn Times, secretary; J. S. Seymour, New York Post treasurer. A colored man named Nicholas Bo Kart, who had served the late Secre tary of State Seward lor over forty years and was cared for in his old age by the Seward family, died in Auourn, N. Y., aged 100 year. A denial is made of the report that Edwin Booth would return to the stage, maling a farewell tour next fall Ma Cleveland baa chosen J. Ster ling Morton, of Nebraska, for the cab inet position of secretary of agricul ture- WEST AND SOUTH. Ik Duluth. Minn., a. miller's trust was organized which includes nearly every firm in the business front J.orth Dakota and Duluth to the east So ie fifty of the democratic editors of Michigan met at Grand Rapids and organized the Democratic Press asso ciation, with A. McMillan, of Bay City, aa president The republican house at Topeka; Kan., barred out by armed populists from the hall of representatives, took forcible posaeasiou, the doors being battered down with a sledgehammer Gov. Lewelling had called out the mili tia and Speaker Douglas for the repub licans had issued sn appeal for aid to resist "anarchy and revolution," Troon were hurrying to the capital to rein force both warring parties. IX northwestern Nebraska, southern South Dakota and eastern Wyoming earthquake shocks were felt At Portland, Ore., J. O. Dennis, aged to; Bertram Dennis, his son, aged 8, and '3. T. Johnson 'were instantly tilled and Jamea McFee was fatally injured and twenty-five others were seriously hurt by the wrecking of an electric car. Coal gas exploded in a mine at Cedar, la.,' causing the death of Joseph Galla gher and the severe injury of twenty four other men. The f xecuticn of William McCoy. neffro who murdered his mistress, Mol ly Mcliruder, in Kansas City; on the night of April o, 1891, look place at Lexington, Mr. The botise of representatives bf Indi ana voted down it a bill providing for ftn appropriation bf SM.Ood to be ex pended in entertaining visitors at the grand army encampment to be held in Indianapolis next September. At Topeka, Kan., the republicans seem to have won the battle. Gov. Lewelling having given them posses sion of the legislative hall, withdraw ing the militia and sending the popu lists to another room. The deputy marshals were also withdrawn. This action of the governor was to afford a temporary settlement of the difficulty or until the courts could decide it Johx Ewixo and Scheeler Qnillan, railroad laborers, fought with pistols over a girl near Catlettsburg, Ky., and both were killed. Flames ruined Buckstaffs vitrified paving brick works at Lincoln, Neb. The plant was valued at (200,000. The death of Miss Elisabeth Apple man, familiarly known as "Aunt Betsy," who celebrated her 101st birth day December 11, occurred at her home in Middletown, Md. IX Kansas the legislative straggle has come to an end, the republican house having accepted the terms pro posed by Gov. Lewelling which leave the republicans in possession of the house, leave the populists in possession of their hired hall downtown, send the militia home, stop those en route, dis perse the thousand deputies and leave the situation as to the legality of each honse in the courts. The failure was announced of Robert L. Walker, a prominent banker and capitalist at Youngs town, O., with lia bilities of $200,000 and assets of C100.- 000. The assignment involves Gov. McKinley.who indorsed Walker's notes, and the indications were that every dollar of property owned by the gov ernor would be swept away. Ix a railway wreck near Brazil, Intl., seven persons were injured, three fa tally. The death of Ex-Congressman Barks- dale, of Mississippi, aged 70 years, of heart fail nre, occurred on his lazoo county plantation. Ox Newton II. Huston s farm in Cal houn county. Mich., gold was said to have been found. FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. CltARLES Watshop, six times chosen mayor of Bristol, England, dropped dead while addressing the Bristol mu nicipal council. At a carnival dance at Deutsche Poreg, Hungary, a cry of fire caused a panic and seventeen persons were burned to death and twelve others were badly burned. Flames in the county lunatic asylum in Ireland, caused a panic among the inmates and twelve were probably fatally injured. Otf the Noll of Galway, Ireland, the bark Catalina, owned at Bremen, was wrecked, and the captain and seven of the crew drowned. Reports from China say that this has been an unusually severe winter there. In Canton alone 300 beggars died in jail frrm exposure to the cold. Br the noxious fumes in the Impen sada lead mines near Carta genia, Spain, twenty-seven persons were killed. The island of Nofou of the Samoan group was swept by a hurricane, and thousands of trees were leveled to the ground, the old Wesleyan church was swept away and many houses were de stroyed. Fi.a Jir.s swept away 10,000 houses In Peking, China, and a great number of lives were lost LATER NEWS. Ix the senate, on the IMh. five or six hours were consumed in the debate on the 3 per cent bond issue amendment to the sundry civil appropriations bill. The Sherman amendment was agreed to and the bill went over without Hnal action..... In the house consideration of the post office appropriation bill pro irressed auietlv nntil the item of S190.- 000 for special facilities on the trunk lines from Springfield, Mass., to New Orleans was reached, and the debate on this item was interrupted, the house nroceedins- to oav tribute of respect tc the memory of Representative John C. Warwick, of Ohio. n tb 18th. Senator Stewart sub mitted an exhaustive report from the senate committee on mines and mining relative to the cost of production ol gold and silver. The conclusions drawn are that the cost of produc tion of silver and gold is about equal to the established ratio of 35 8-10 cnins of Mid to 413 1-2 grains of silver and that in both cases the cost of pro duction, making account of all legit- mate investments, is muen greater than the coinage value. The striking cotton-spinners In Lan cashirc, England, who had been idle for months, agreed, on tno istn, io ac cept a 2K-Per-cent, reduction in weir wages. The master coiion-spinucrs will hold a meetingtoconsider whether they will reopen their mills at the re duction. The strike, it will be recalled. was against one of the masters redoc- inir wages 5 per cent The Wyoming legislature adjourned sine die. on the 18th, without having made choice of a United States senator. This leaves the selection of a senator tn tha o-nvernor. providing it can be . , .! ill 1 1 shown tnat sucn an ku iraL If the governor can appoint, John C Thompson wui prouAuyr uo o- lected. Mes. J. H. Hiltox, aged 30, met wun a borriDie aeam: si avr uwuc, Shawnee, O., on the 18th. She was anbiect to fits, and having one during the absence of uer nusoauu. icn 8i the srate, where her clothes caught . . . . , . i i : - . . . , i -.1 : . fire, and she slowiy ourneu w uiu u the presence of two Helpless cnuuren. C. Goodwix, for many years the captain of the Cleveland (O.) lite nvinir station, and who has been in strumental in saving a number of lives off that port, cied suddenly, on tne isth. of heart failure. A SBBDts of earthquakes have been felt In the Yellowstone national park during the last few weeks, one of which was of the most terrino iorce, - MISSOURI STATE NEWS. I Tl.a Hlrh.JMiiH Bill Kill. Hie following is the vote hi the lower nouse of the legislature, on the 13th. on the motion (by Mr. Fogle) ti table the gh license dramshop bill : Tf-Alkin, A-nc-Inn-. Atitn. Burts (of Franroto). Bints (of Sallie). B'ack, Boa I, Bnh lts. Cep Chilfeit, CMlton. Cboite, Coff mrn. Colln. Divinlt. Divia (of Baeh-na il, favie (it Tanejr). Djurhirtr. Prahell), Biton, lwsrJs, r.-rffaion. Fo-el, Qirnsx, unma. Grllr, nekn-y. Hiwklne, Hivs. HotdMTi, Killer. HolHmxn. Iiherwond. Jai-keoa, Jon-s (of Morgan), Ksllife'l. Bisey. K-nler. Killttrd. Knipnenbarg, liibr. brnh; M.h-m. M-rilo (of Franklin). Martin, (of Phelps), ll.-tia (at St. Lonis); MatbeSrej auti. H-dlr. Mftnera. Mem-rether, MUl-r lot Lifarettel. Koore (of Miellppi). Nas- lon. Norman. PieUsIL Ponntaln. Prig-mire, Reani. Robvn. Ra-t, Sawyer, B'joppenbont; Bcott. Sbrarlock, Smith (of Atchison). Balder, gtafforJ, Talnin. Tnubs, Ward (of Jackson), Weta-Mld. Williams (of Cbailton), Wllion, Wm-ibory-r T5 Nave Anderaon. Amet Balrh, Boimead, Bran!o3. Brock, Brown. Bulla. Cirter. Costa, I'rabh. Danlson, Divie (of Hiirr). D ekm eoo, Diekno.i. Run e, Gritt GruV, Games, Harper. Hsirell, Hack3r. Jonoa ( if Polk), Kerr. Linlrnm. Lane, Ml lor (of Worth) . Moore (of B:on-), Hnmr. Pax ton, Penland, Petlit'bn, Pott". Powell. Raiiell. Self, Baer- rill. Mmailwood, Smart. Smith (of Pike), Smith (of Bil e). Fmoit. Smart (of Buchanan), Btea- (if Pnlasai). Bt eVnev. Bainmr, Tate, Trim. Uu-lrrwootl. Ward (of StoldarJ), WU- Uama (of D Kalb). Mr. Speaker SI This effectually killed the bilL ITbe bill in onntloa was a substitute for fonrtera bills relating to tha rrgnlatioa of dramsbons and affertlne tha license Question, and ccnerorentlr Its dt-feat carries all the other measnras with It and leaves notbintf prodine except a adnata bill to increase tb. tat. tax on riramsbopi from t50 to SinOper rear. This latter bill. It seems, says the JelXar- aon City eorresiionlentox tb9 Uione- uemoerat. will pass byon l donbt. but the prospects of any other kfti.-lation aCacttnc tb. llcnsa qnea- tion bein made I Is not retrarlM aa even rrobabli. It i eviJent now tbat tha nih licenee pcoplo nn-lertook too mnch and per manently injnted their chance, of ascnrlac leaisUtioa at this time.) An Important Measnra. The lower house of the legislature on the 17th took up and passed a bill of considerable importance to grain pro- lieers and dealer The bill makes it thednty ot tbe chief grain In i-e!or to recommend to tbe railroad and warehouse commissioners suiL-ible psiaons to act aa weightrastcrs at all pofats in the Stat. where grain is insnmrted. Tha welghmaster shall sonerri. the weighing of all grain he fore removing from the car. Tbe railroad and warehouse commlesionera shall fix tbe fee. to he paid fur tha weighing of grain, which shall be paid by the warehouse man and may he addcl to tbe iiarges for storag . Provisions are made for the we'ghing tif te grain, compensation, etc. Any pirson, firm or corporation, or any weigh master, who aba!! knowingly cheat or falsely We:gjany tthat or other agricnltural prod uct, shall be deemed guilty of n misdemeanor and flaed not less than S.V10 nor more than 1,(U0. -it ana'.l be imprisoned In Jail not less than six nor more than twelve months, or both snch fine and imprisonment in tb. discretion nf tbe court. Th. VVIckham Inveatlgatlon. The investigation of charges against Adjt-Gen. Wickhain will proceed with out delay, says a dispatch sent from Jef ferson City on the 14th. Th:- sp?cial committee s?lectd by the ap?ak or is compose! of lbs following members: JI.-i.-r-. Coots, of Platte: Knst. ot Kansas hit; llaridson. of Marion: ConVnan, of Kcott. and Rnsselt. of Crawf.irJ. Gen. Wk-kham s de mand for an investigation Is generally regarded as a wise move on bis ptrt. Gov. Stone Is re port d to be desiroa o? baving a mist thorongh examination ot witnesses under oath. The cbarg-s. as proferre I by ex-rhf Clerk Snell aod road forth e-lmration or th? bones, auegs that G-n. Wickham ml-nwd funds appropriat ed fir his ofn bv pavinv too mnch for clerical tire and statioiery supplies, aod also charged the state mi!oa?.oa an ..racial trip to waih lugtun wh?n be traveled on a pass Investigation of Mr. Wolfe. A dispatch to the Glolie-Democrat from .IcITcrson City, dated the 15th, stated: The investigation of Ktat. Snpsrlntendent Wolfe en led lo-nigbt with tb. examination of Howard A. Gos, ex-chief clerk in the office ol Mr. Wo'fe. Th. committer will submit s re port In ths morning to the effect that while Mr. Wolfe was gttMty of Indiscretion naa nnousi- ness-like methods, y -t be committed noserions offens. The tadiscretion and nnbnsineas-llke metbods referred to consist ot taking about $a0 of money draws on warrants by one of his clerks. Misi Sne O'Bannon. and using It for other purposes than indicate! by ths vouchers filed with tbe state auditor. Ths preponderance of evi lenco went to show that Mr. Wolf, did not convert ths money to hla own uss, but for paying cl irical hire. Stat, drain Inspectors Defeated. Jndsrc Gantt filed an opinion in the su preme court in banc, at Kansas City, on the 14th. which is quite a defeat for tne state grain inspection department Tbe Commercial exchange of Kansas City ap- p-nnted three grain Inspectors, who assumed th? (unctions and aaioinnMnts oi tne .mm rain insnectora. The latter instituted pro- co.-diugs In the nam. of tbe state to oust tha local inspectors. The court denies I tie vni of ouster and gives Judgment against ina state inspectors. The Kansas City men elaimed that their warehouses. WItB two exceptions, did not come witbin the aeop. of tb. law. aa they retnwd to store grain tor tbe pnblic. The court holds this position well taken. Archbishop Kenrlclc For some time disquieting stories about the decay of Archbishop Peter Richard Kenrick's faculties have been discussed in St Louts. Michael Fischer, sacristan at St John's church, has for years been the private messenger for his grace, and t ischer has been malt ing two trips daily to the archi- episcopal residence, A few days ago, it is stated, the archbishop said to Fischer: "Do take me out to my house." As the archbishop has not left his room for weeks, his mind was probably disordered at the time. A at. I.oat Lady Drops Dead. New York. Feb. 18. Mrs. A. H. Ahl- era. 75 years old. arrived in Jersey City yesterday from t Louis and went to the Red Star steamship pier to take a steamer for Hamburg. She was on her way home to spend the remainder of her da. vs. Just as she was about to go on board she fell dead with heart dis ease. She had f430 and a ticket for Hamburg in her possession. Three Bad Tailors. Frank Kaste, August G rosso ' and Martin Alt tailors, were arrested in Bt Louis for receiving stolen goods. and f5,000 worth were recovered. Given Twelve Hundred. Miss J. F. Moore has secured a ver dict for 1,200 against the city of Ne vada for damages received on a poorly- constructed street in that city. Snow and Bain. Heavy snow fell in many portions of northern Missouri on the 17th, being of irreat benefit to wheat In southern Missouri a heavy rain fell. What sir. Maaaor Waata. A Washinp-ton dispatch, dated Feb ruary 15, saya that Representative Man sur wants to be appointed commissioner of the public land office: Another Bridge for St. Lasria, A bill has been introduced in con gress authorizing tne construction of another bridge across tne river as ot Louts. Ma be Bishop Brooks" Rev. R. A. Holland, ot St Louis, is meit'iined as the probable sneeessor of the late Bishop Phillips Brooks of Bos ton. THE MISSOURI LEGISLATURE I bXaaTS Tha senate kaaC3ttn HoOsa -Bills were disponed of Al foiloVdi To prevent th. imposition by awmdliaa- oa fruit giowera by rea- dM-taa- aoca. eontraeta void. Passed. Amending the law la rolatloa to th. manner of snakinc petttl-aa for tha opening of peb- nc roads, and Konlnng same to contain tha names of all residents throngh whosa land the road la to run, with aaBoant of damage, if any. claimed by each. Paaa jd. To Retrain goats from running at large in townabips having adopted tha eiock law. Lost Beonlring to. railroad and ware boat eommieiooera to ea- tabliab and enforce a fast arhedul) nf ratal to h. ebaraed bv exnreas eomnaniea. Passed yea. 98, nars voaxtAV, raaarABV 1A Bbwats Y.ry Uttl. bnsineaa was transacted beyond th. engroaamant of anveral vnimpor- tantbUs, Hocss-Sevaral hols ware In trod need, and ti- fiiiinMin- n.iir inHMMtin. ainnn.l tbe following passed: Appropriating 11.000, 000 for tha pnrehaa. of state .bonds. Appro priat log on.- third of tb. etata revrnn. to the pnblic acboola. Appropriating money for as sessing and collecting tha revnnne lor the years 18M-M. TuasDAT, rasauAav 141 8srATB-Tbe retail merchants' garnishment Mil was called np by Mr. Wnrdenman, and aa amendment adopted exempting frosa garnish ment wagea ot 11.60 per day or less paid to the beads of families. Inthis shape th. bill was ordered en groaned. Tb. following bills ware passed: Bona, bill adding And rain county to tbe 8t Lonis court of appeals district Senate bill ta prevent tb. eale ot intoxicanta to In diana or intoxicated persona. Authorial ng county echool district, to levy S) casta oa the S 100 valuntlon for road pttrpoasa. ttetrsa House bills Were taken up for third reading and passage and disposed of a. follows: Keunirlng applicanta for marnare license to file a Joint affidavit that they are of legal ags Sud that their marriag. is not prohibited by law In any respect Passed. Enlarging the scope of authority of cities of tne xouru rises in regard to improving streets. Passed. The substitute bills amending I he flsh law were ordered engrossed. Honse bill providing for tbe annual assess- ment of real aetata was debated briefly and bud over informally. Mr. Bond's bill, regulat ing tbe charge, ot telephones, waa paased yeaa, S3; naya. IS. Bonsa bill providing for the appointment of nine medical examiners to nana nnon annlicanta for Hennas to practice medicine and surgery In the atate, was tabled after a long debate yeaa, (B; naya, an. Hons, ioint and concurrent resolution ask ing congress to pass a law to prevent tbe gerrymandering of congressional oisincts was tabled withont debate yeas, 71; naya, 44. wapif gspAV. rgaattABY 15. SaatATS Mr. Tester's bill requiring probata Judges to furnish tb. assessor annually with a list of personal property ot estates lor taxation was taken Up and passed- Mr. Sebm's annate bill to prevent persons living in citla and towns from keeping honey bees within 10) feet of a street waa eallsd np. and afforded the senators of a humorous disposition a subject of mnch levity. The bill was defeated. Mr. Bonner s bill for the taxation of notes held ny merchants for goods sold was taken np for en grossment and, pen llig discussion, a recess waa taken. At tbs afternoon session of the senate Mr. Bonner's bill to tax merchants ae counts was engrossed with a number of amendments. Senate bill giving Jurors in at tendance at Justice courts one dollar per day defeated. House Tb. committee on constitutional amendments reported unfavorably a proposed constitutional amendment giving women tna right to rote at school and municipal .lections. A minority favorabl. rport was also solium ted. On motion of Mr. Fogle the maaanre was tn-lednitely postponed ysas. 65; naya,. Tha committee on labor reported Mr. Kalbfell bill making tbe first Monday In Septemn-.r a legal holiday. Tba bill repealing t ie acaool-l.aca-era' institute law was called op out ot order for engrossment and a debate followed lasting hour. A motion to table tbe bill Was lost veaa. Sft: navs. M. Tb. bill was then ma to a apacial order for Tuesday liist) at lo clock. Under a anspenston of tn. rnie. air. new- kins introduced a bill appropriating SliO.OOO for the erection of new buildingsilu connection with the state university, lb. Sams to be ex pended dnriog the years of islaad U9L Hons J bi:i prohibiting any parson irons oeing a uirec tor in a bank against whom the bask holds I Jn Jgment was read a thirl time and passai. TUrSSPAT, PEBBrABT 16. fisSATa The com mittee on m'nea, minmt and labor aubmilted a majority and minority report on tb. "fellow-servant law. The ma- ioritr report recommended a substitute, which include, miners within tbe benefits of tbe act and tbs minority report recommended that only railroad employee bo inclndsd. There was a somewhat lenntbv debate ovr receiving ins two reports, but tbey were finally lail before th. sonata. The reports were g-vea preeedenca in printing, and Mr. Sebree m--ved to make ths entire matter a special order for Tn?aday (th. list) at 10 o'clock: lost yeas, 16: nays, 13: it requiring a two-thirds affirmative. vote to make a special order. House The speaker submitted a communica tion from Senator Cockrell, addresasd to ths chief clerk, in which Mr. Cockrell returned bis sincere thanks to the assembly ror ro-electtng him to tba United Bute, senate. The Judiciary committee reported about two dosen ti ls un favorably, among them being a measure ra- ouiring toe supreme court to examine all ap plication, for I Ice net to practice law: also a bill making ( per cent tbe legal rat. of Interest. Tbe high liens, dramshop su Demote then taken up as a special ordar for engrosa- mnt Several amendment, were offsrad, an 1 pending consideration of th. aama Mr. Fog.! moved to la Die tne panning amen imeuv ami the bill, which waa carried ysas, 7i; naya, OA Bills passed : Ex-mptlng money received un der accident policies from attachment; giving holders ot obligation, th. right to Join as defendant, lndorsera of such cotes: amending the snrety law relating to bonds so aa not to require a snrety to be a freeholder; authorizing tb. .mployment of est teacher for every seventeen pupils and traction over nine la the stats Institution tor to. deaf and dumb: repealing tbe law undet which autnmone are tasned tor witnesses la ot Louis every tun. a case is callei. ratOAV. rxaauABT 17. BantAia Tha committee on elections report d favorably two bills introluced by Mr. Tea- tor. One pro rides tbat no election precinct shall contain ovor BOO votara, and tbo other re peals that part of tha Australia! ballot law which require, a political party to represent Spar cent of tha voters nerore oeing omciauy recovnixed. Senate bill prohibiting persons In ctt! s from keeping honeybees within M0 feet ofa highway waa leconstdered aod passed. Ad journed till the h. Horaa Birta nassed: Providing for th. weighing of all grain consigned to pnblic ware houses bv the atate grain inspection depart RoTOaling township organ txatton taw. Providing that ha tba redempttoa ot tree or nu borrowed building and loan aaaoeaatioa abarei mora than tba face value and premium ahallbepaid. Providing that wbea unpledged building and loan association snare, reacn ma turity all payment of dues ahali A watchful soul is a soul upon tbe wing a soul out of gunshot a soul abov. the clouds. Phuups Brooks. FOR RECRUIT OR VETERAN. Gex. Wixpteld Hahcock was known a "Hancock the Superb," name given him bv Gen. Meade alter the magnifi cent manner in wntcn ne repruacu lamuj- ctivct nt GettvsbliriT. A ronnxspoxDKST of the Volks Zei- tnng states that whenever the family of the czar review their troops atCzarko Selo the Hebrew troops are confined to their barracks, under the pretext that "it might hurt the tender feelings ol th.. mrins to see the enemies oi Christ" Trrr-HK has been a great yearly diminu tion during the last ten years in the number of soldiers in military or civil prisons in England and Wales. In 1884 . - -. i i E--.K.-l. there were 1,111 soiuiera m n" nrisons. in 1891 there were 433, and on tbeSlst of last December there were but 44. A raw Japanese protected cruiser, the Yoshlno, built to be the fastest ioniser afloat, was launched from the F.lswiek shipyard of Armstrong, Mitch ell A Co. a few days since. She is SCO feet long, of 4SH feet breodthana 4,13V tons displacement She is expected to develop s speed, under forced draught. Of tweotr-STw rats. JEFFERSON CITY GOSSIP. Cafavorable Action ot ta. Hon. aw tfw Conatltatlemal AseidBBant Kxtradlag SaaVag ta Weana-Tbe Gor an Pharmacy Hill Oraarea BagraaaeaV- Pravldliig for tha tta laautwtloaa. JeFfersox Crrr. Feb. K.-ThT was spirited contest in the house yew terday over the consideration of aa amendment to the constitution giving women the right to vote at school and municipal elections. A majority of ino members of the committee on constitu tional amendments reported the meas ure unfavorably, but Immediately the niindritV Submitted a ftyorsble report, signed bjr Jlessrs. Tatum, Cfabb and SrmUlwootL Mr. Carter1, of Orandy, the author of the measure!, asked that the minority report and the proposed amendment be printed, ... Only a few voted on this prop osition, and it was. declared carried. Mr. Weinhold then moved to recon sider, which wss carried, and to settle matters, Mr. Fogel moved that the en tire matter be indefinitely postponed. This was carried yeas, 65; nays, 48 and thus the day of woman sun rage in Missouri is postponed at least two years. Mr. Carter made a goou ngns for the measure. He said over 8,000 pe titions had been presented in behalf of tbe measure, and that the question ol giving women the right to vote must eventually be settled in the affirmative. The amendment received mare votes thad It did two Tears ago. and several member dodo-ed out of the hall for some purpose when the roll was called. The vote on the question of indefinite postponement was as follows 1 Teas Messrs. Adkine, Banka (of St Fran cis). Banks (of Saline). Bond. Bran (lorn. Cane, Chilton. Choata, Collins, Coll nan. Coots. Da vault. Davidson, Davis (of Buchanan). Dick hi - eon. Doaehertv. Eaton. Edwards. Bnnla. For- am son. Fogle, Griaty. HarreU,-rlawmns, tiara. Hiller. bherwood. Jackson. Kee-T; Keaaler, Killlam, Lane, Lynch. Marsh. Mertra (of Phelps), Martin (ot St. Louis), Mattnewn. Manne, Medley, Marrlwether. Hiller (or Worth). Moore (of Mississippi). Norman. Pan- land. Pri firm ore. Reaua. Kuit. Shsarioek, Sberrlll, Smart Smith lot Ralls), 8 moot Staf ford, Smart (of Bnehanan), Btrothr, Tata, Trigg. Underwood. Ward (of Jackson), Wein hold. Williams (of Charitont Williarre (of D K alb. Wilson, Wurseburger and Mr. Bpeaser 5 If are Amalung. Atkina. Bofseeau, Brock, Bulla. Carter. Chalfaut, Crabb. Davis (of Henry), Davis (of Tansy) . Grist. 3nrnea. Har per. Hart fjeliorn, Hol'oman. eones lot aor aanl. Jones (of Polk). K-rr. Land rum, McRob- erta, Mahaa. Moore (of Laclede). Moore (ot Stone), Murray. Newton, rachall, Patrick, Paxtotti Fettijobn. Potta. fountain, roweii. Bourn. Russell. Scboppenboret, SAt, Small- wood. Smith (of Atchison). Smith (of Pike), Snrder. Stewart (of Pulaski), Stiekney, Swanger, Tatum, Tubhs, Ward (of Stoddard) IM. The bill introduced by Mr. Gernez. of St Louis, providing for the establish ment of a state board of pharmacy, was called np in the house yesterday, and after a long debate was ordered en grossed by a vote of 75 to 48. The bill is an important one, and if enacted will be of vital interest to the druggists of the state. It provides for the appoint ment by the governor of a pharmacy board, to be composed of five persons. two of whom shiill hold office for one year and three lor two years, i ne board is to have power to examine and Issue certificates to all persons who desire to engage In the drug business, and no person who fails to pass a suc cessful examination is to be permitted to put np physicians' prescriptions or sell poisons for medical use. Every pharmacist must annually re new his certificate of registration. and all druggists are to be held re sponsible for the quality of all drugs they sell except those disposed ot in original packages. Section 18 of the bill provides tbat no druggist shall sell or give away intoxicating liquors a less quantity than fonr gallons, except on written prescription from some regularly registered physician. and snch prescription must contain the name of the person lor whom the in toxicating liquor is prescribed. Viola tion of the provisions of this section it to be punished by revocation ot tne certificate of registration of tne of fender and a fine not exceeding SS00. It Is expected that if the bill becomes law it will assist materially In driv ing out of business the host of persons who conduct alleged drug stores for the sole purpose of selling whisky with out paving a saloon license. The university appropriation bill. calling for 250,000 out of the revenue fnnd, was introduced in tbe house yes terday by Mr. Hawkins, of Dunklin. It provides the fund so as to use 100,000 this year in putting up buildings, and (150,000 for the same purpose to be used in 1834. It is said that the buildings are badly needed, but it is a matter of some doubt if the assembly will consent to make such an appropriation at this time. Some of the members have open ly expressed themselves as opposed to voting as money for rebuilding. The house committee on appropria tions last evening introduced four gen eral appropriation bills for ss many different objects. The money Is appro priated as follows: Mileage and per aieta or general aaavmoiy, tw.tmo. Contingent expense, of assemniy, 7u,uu Deficiency criminal costs. S35 Orn For various deficiencies. 4-6,400. Fulton Inaane Asylum Support, t-5,000 amliriea. tit 000: nraure.tlt.aiS. St JoaTPh Insane Asylum Support, wa,m; salaries. tiv.OOO: repairs, ,O0St Nevada Insane Asylotn Support, $39,000; salaries, la.; repair.. S5,oru Deaf and Dumb A aylom Support lrVj.000-. aalarira trf.OOOi repairs, atm St. Louis Blind Asylum fcnppoet, B2a,uio; aalariee, SSlHl Boonville Reform EehoM -Huppon. w,uuo; salaries. 617.00 1; repairs, tS.OSJ. Industrial SchcoLObuiestbe Support, STun salaries, ss.00 1; repairs, aan. St Lonia inaane asylum, aKu.WJO, Colored teachers' Institute, 11,736. There is considerable grumbling ovet the delay of the committee appointed last December to visit the state insti tutions and report their conditions and needa to the legislature. The commit tee) is composed of Senator Hinea and Messrs. Fogel and Davison. The latter member of the committee has been very alcit since the letnslature convened, and consequently the work of tbe commit u has been trreatlT delayed on ac count thereof. The object of having such a committee sppointed is to fur nish the appropriation committees in narttcnlar and the legislature in gen eral with official information aa to the amount of money needed by tbe educa tional and eleemosynary instiiuuons. The various spproprlations eouldthen be made with a fall understanding ot whet is required. The committees have not had this information np to date and will not have it before next week. This necessitates the holding back of appropriation bills, which en- J that he bad jest returned to FortEing dangers the same at this late day. To I gold from detached service in th field. be valuable snch uformation aa toe committee is supposed to possess should have been presented to the assembly at s much earlier date. FisgpiaLsa How would rota like striped baas this rnornina-f ' Mrs. New- bde "Ota, haven't jrou got any dotted e'SONNELL NOT GUILTY Of ikw rwer af Ptntwet DUva TCaaaar; KIUo4 IMrlaa tnw Wwaaawaaw feiH. n-a, Hasvtw. Vet tw Aaaarar to Cbarsaa ml Ttaaai.r Bts www Oae naraev Hla Balaaaa aw Bast WnM M rrrrmcafia. Pa.. Feb. 1 Hugff 0" Don nell was declared guiltless tat the murder of T. J. O'Connor, a Pinker- imS detective, whose lost his life in connection with the Homestead riot of July . Hugh O'DooOell's case was the third tried on this charge, and the third acquittal. Among attor neya it was felt that the pies decided upon in ODonnell's case wss haaarrlotrs. The result, however, nas justified tbe oft-heard assertion that it Would be slmost impossible to secure conviction in any of the cases. The attendance at court was bos large; As sooS Court Was opened the jury filed into their places, tTDonnell ansaeared careworn, and evidentlf had alrat but little during the night. .B stood and faced the jury at the com mand of tbe court The moments de lay, while the foreman -fumbled through his pockets in search of the aealrsl enveloras eontaidintf tbe all-im portant document was painfdlly op pressive. O Donnell s gaze was riveieu unon the foreman, his chest beaviT with suspense. The clerk of the court hsstily broke the seal and read: "Wo find tbe prisoner not guilty. frrinnnell Hrew a Ions- sin-h of relief I whlle his face flushed with pleasure. I The murmur of approval that sounded I through the court-room was quickly I hashed and the jurv dismissed. O'Don- I Bell, Who was still standing in uie nriei.r1 hn turned to his wife and I niece, who Immediately rushed to his I embrace, while the tears that welled I from tbe eyes of tbe trio coursed I down their cheeks. Counsel snd friends pressed about them, tendering congratulations. 0"Donnell waa per mitted to remain In the court-room about half an hour, and was then taken back to the jail, pending application for his release on bail, which will be made some day next week. O'Donnell must yet answer to treason, riot and conspiracy. Bail was once re fused on the additional charge of mur der pending. THE WALKER FAILURE. an. nfeKtalev waa Oreasly Deeelved by tha Has Urn Betrteadert rrteaes una. the Govarnor Financial Assistance. YorxosToWX, O.. Feb. 19. The aol absorbing topic on the streets b th failure of Robert L. Walker, tne banker and capitalist and the conse quent ruin which has been visited upon uov. ---"'2." v'h, governor supposed .11 , a ong when he Gov. McKinlcr. It is sard that tne signed s note that all tbe previont notes had been paid, but it was not so. Vt hen the crash came nictvinicy found that" he was liable for every note that he had indorsed, aggregating (40.000 and over. The exact amount cannot be learned, as the affairs ol Walker are in such a badly mixed Uf condition that a detailed statement cannot be made out for several days. Ju A prior to the failure of the stamp ing works, which caused the crash. Walker assigned all his personal property to Gov. McKinley, sggre- trating about i.003. in is leaves the governor to pay about S40.000. This he might do. but he would have tc sacrifice his property, and he would thus be without a dollar in the world However, his Youngs town friends have offered to loan him enough to tide ovei the difficulty. A HORRIBLE FATE. Joseph Benson Impaled aa a Wire Rod aa It Emerged frosa the awaae aw taw Kankla Wire Works at Pltuhargh. Fa. Pittsbceoh Pa., Feb. 19. Joseph Benson, employed as a hooker-on al the Rankin wire works, met with a hor rible accident while at work yesterday morning, which will result in bis death. Benson was working near a set of rolls, when a red-hot bar of iron. half an Inch in thickness, flew out and struck him under the left ear. It passed entirely through his neck, and several feet ot the rod, which was still being thrust out of tbe rolls, had been forcthroughthepuig wound J ho- srsaai rv rar r nrnviL fill s. flsi Llin g ail izsw ucbcu mwmmm a lore fiensou wm ixkuw. w-w-- workman succeeded in pulling the bat out after Benson bad.sunk to th. ground unconscious. Benson wss re- K . . .. , , nu..i. a moved to nis nome an otaiuwa, uu aeveral physician, were summoned, LJ a ..!- i ,.j i ney pronouucea .uju.. his death a question oi oniy a-acw hours. A PIONEER GONE. Death of Judge HaaUaga a Saa Freeclee. Balluooalre. Sax Fraxcisoo, CsL, Feb. 20. Judge a r IT n . . ; n rm mill ionair-e anil nintles-r. died Saturday in his 79th year, no was born at Watertown, N. Y., In 1814, but went west to attend school. He and Henry Ward Beecher were star dents together at Lawrenceburg. Ind He then settled in Iowa snd studied law. He was first supreme judge of the Hawkeye state, and took Iowa into the union in tbe twenty-ninth congress. He waa married to Miss Arzela A. Brsdt, of Iowa. Judge Hastings came to California early in the fifties, and was the first supreme judge of this state. Me was prominent in legal practice, and held many offices, ne founded the Hast ings law college of San Francisco, and accnmnlated s large estate, which he divided among hie children about four years ago, reserving only enough to ae - . ..- .... sure him a good maintenance, tils for tune was estimated at 11,500,000. Gov. McKlaley's Leas Not Sa la rent aa tta. parteeV New Yobe, Feb. 19. Concerning ths dispatches from Youngs town, O., stat ing that Gov. McKinley la reported to have lost from tOO.OOO to r7000 by tha failure of Robert L. Walker, promin ent banker and capitalist of Yonnga- town, Mr. Abner McKinley, the gov ernor's brother, said this mornlrtgt 'Yon can say tbat tbe story of my brother's loss is much exaggerated. It Is not nearly so large as reported, and what is ntdre, every dollar of paper which contains his nsme will be pal. as is matures. BaadltU CaacnrW aw the aUe GreaeVe. Sax Astoxkj, Tex., Feb. 19. Brig. Gen. Frank Wbeaton, corninander ol this military department received s telegram yesterday from Capt John Ronrke. of the Third cavalry, at i ting and that he brought in with him fif teen bandits who were captured by his trooo in 8trr county. In addition to the captured bandit prisoners be brought in fonr others, who surren dered peacefully. This Is the biggest piece of work yet eMsrxwrplished by tha United States tepops on VM border. ' JUSTICE JACKSON. .... , - Jeatsne erf stea f itaal Slates SapreaM Ceart Wlthee Kva the Fer- analtty mt TUag a veea. WAaarMToa. Feb. IS. II therewwus . at aar tiaae wdispoaitioo on the IV. of the dcoaocrmU to oppose tba eoa- V firmatlow nf Judge Jackson to be sat BAstoelaie justice of the supreme court of the United 8Utea, that frppadtiam. vanished hen the senate went Into ex- . ecu tire session - Yesterday afternoon. BrBSTjSaV effistelfsfssf aswe AaasCaass'sWesai, There was not even the formality of vote. The executive j jurnau was ixsau, containing the nomination of Judge, Jackson, which had previously ocen reraorted favorably, snd when the preet dentof the senate said: "If Uiereare nov objections the nomination will standi confirmed," not senator opened hi month. In this quiet way all the op- position diaappeareu nana Justice Jackson wilL aa soon as eoave- nient to him, qualify for the place to which he baa been appointed by a law publican president AFTER THE BATTLE. - rapaltsta Devlalag Mean eg Oeatlag BTvea with the fteassblleaaa The scan, nana Likely ta has Keenaralaaal eaa s Foesillet Baala Ceu. Baches Wall Be lewa-anne- tlaled. Topkka. Kes.. Feb. 1. There Is much talk among the populists of taking legislative action next week in relation to some of the actions of the past week. A member said yesterday that be would do : 11 he could to secure the passage of bills withdrawing appropriations from the Stite university.- State not-maJ school and other state institutes that ;nt young men here to help defend ta republican house. Adjt-Gen. H. H. Arts says that In less than six months he hopes to have the Kansas state illtla in- such shape that when ne should call for the aid of the troops be would have 1,000 men on whom he could depend to obey the orders of the gor- fa iimmiag tj diamissil of CoL J. 0. F. Hughes of the third res-iment. who was relieved from duty because be disobeyed the order oi the governor to take possession oi rep resentative ball Thursday. Col. Hughes will bo tried by court- martial for insubordination. He says he will not be satisfied unless his trial U held ss soon as possible. There are three ways an officer of the militia can leave his charge," said he. "Die. re sign or be dismissed after trial by eourt-martiaL I expect to De.tneo, and want to be tried. I do not expect to get my shoulder strapa back again, for I think the populists will reorgan ize the militia as much aa possible as as to get men who will be in support ot their cause. I am told that my com mission as colonel hss not been re voked, but that I am dismissed from the service. 1 want a trial and dis missal in a formal snd military man. uer before I will be satisfied." TERRIFIC EXPLOSION. The nolle af a Lewwaative Baarlae Blew. Ca Caaalng .Death awe nave aa sn Vicinity. Four Worth. Tex, Feb. SO. The boiler of a Texas at Pacific freight enirine exploded in the yards yesterday morning, creating death ana ternoio havoc. Engine Sir. which bad oeea in use one and one-half years, had been run out of the round-house to go on its run at 11 o'clock?. Steam waa up and anfficient water wss In the boiler, and JsSS , , , .--i-r-AKAT The boiler "PfV tire eit, of blbUta. aronnd. The shock broke Z wlaua In the immediate nrighborbood . e - . Klu- and at many points for 1J"k iwar. Huge pieces of the engine were - - - uu disUnees - -- --- -- . . yet been found. Those killed and in jured are; John Milks.' fire . knocker; horribly mangled and killed outright .. Robert Thompson, night round-house foreman; right leg breken, face ana I body oadly scalded anil eyesight de- 1 stroyea. 8. M. Dents, night hostler-, ngniarm l broken, left- leg and ltnee-eap badly I bruised, face snd eyes scalded and head bruised. - W. E. Hsdon, night ear marker, nose broken. " '' - XT. R. liaratt, night yard foreman; left hip dislocated and face bruised. W. D. Ford, foreman; seven ribs broken and hurt internally. - The Injured we're taken to the hospi tals. AIL will be cripples for life Conductor Craine snd Engineer Sam ple were sleeping in a esbosse seventy feet from the exnloslotVabttt knew nothr I ing of theeoenrrtsaos for an hour slter- sararrL. One nf the yardmen was repair- -ing the air brakes pnder the engine cab -snd was not scratched. ' Thousands of ' people have viewed the wreck. A Keval Oeateat few the Werlera rata. New Yoarxy Feb. SsVAlbert Man- heiroer, ot No. K Eaa;, Forty-llftrt street who holds the 'world's record tor dressing a steer, nas enauengea Michael F. Mai Una, of Chicago, who hss defeated every butcher who ever contested against him, to a beeWreaav- ing match at the World s fair, soon sfter tha opening. The eon teat Is to take place in big staagnter-nonse. where sll the operatkma of epnverting animals into food will be shown. Details of the contest have no been settled yet, ' bat Mr. Mulling will accept the eballenge. Kartaeaake. la Tallewstaaa 1 fill BoSEMAaT. Moot. Feb. . Dr. Chas. H. Plnmmer of this eity baS Just re turned from Yellowstone 'national park. Dr. Plummer reports that a se ries of earthquake have been felt in v the park daring tbe "last few weeks, one ot which wss of the most terrinc force. Parts of the pirV have not been heard from on account of tbe Immense snows. Above the Mammoth not springs there is s solid bed of snow seven or snore feet deep. Dr. Plummer rvrporta ths the mammoth Excelsior fevesr is rery attire -7 . - '. ' -. - - s r'-1 P1 a , i !! r 'I I r- S ' h. ' rA - T-V'.-"? -k ,-eW . "