OCR Interpretation

The Cape Girardeau Democrat. (Cape Girardeau, Mo.) 1876-1909, February 01, 1896, Image 4

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn89066818/1896-02-01/ed-1/seq-4/

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The Weekly Democrat
Published Every Saturday by
The Democrat Prlntlna Co.
Entered st the Post Offle Cape Girardeau,
Mo., as second-class matter.
are aurtnonzan M announce
As a candidate for Assessor of Cape
Girardeau county, subject to the de
cision of the county Republican nom
inating convention.
The Republicans of Indiana are for
Gen. Harrison for President and they
will send a solid Harrison delegation
to the St. Leuis convention.
Railroad building in Southeast
'"Missouri is not yet ended. Southeast
Missouri is a great country and there
is lots of room for railroads yet.
5rur The v ear habeus corpus case will
nnw trrk in tVia Kimreme ( ' n rt The
Court of Appeals has no jurisdiction
in felony cases.
The country is looking to the Re
publicans to' make better times and
the Republicans will surely give them
the better times.
The Democratic papers ai-e doing a
heap of talking about a supposed
split in the Republican party, but the
talk does not alarm the Republicans.
Springfield wants tho Republican
State Convention held in that city.
The Republicans of Southeast Mis
souri will, we believe, favor Spring
field. The Democrats of Capo Girardeau
county will not have the courage this
year to put a county ticket in the ;icld.
They were too badly whipHil at the
last flection .
The last Grand Jury in thi county
was composed of i-ight Democrats and
four Republicans. We give this in
formation for t'ni' editor of the Jackson
"ash-Boy k.
Cleveland Doiuoeruis are fi and
far between in tliis section. The
traveler who wants to slop over night
with a Cleveland Democrat is liahle
to have to casip o'.it.
al"s for county oilier
'ters t( tli- r lie.!,- people.
: ii their wants. Onccandi-
i. 'J.c.-s ili.it lie .van's the nor.ii'ia
;t t i- !'U'iiis of the honest men of
PI i Oakland Preach ir. vie v.- oft!
l in :;;-.i';u:il in San ! iuu
one with
11 v; ill never trust hiin.--.-ii ;
on.! I the lair sex. lhis prompts a
lady, who knows the critter, to re
spond that in his case there coiihl be
no possible danger.
" 'Clergymen," says a San Francisco
writer, "should be like Oa-sar's wife,
above suspicion." True enough,
but Ciesar's wife, historically con
sidered, was by no i leans a model
wife, any t::.iv than the great '.iiilius
was u inouci IiiisU.in.i. l!h wen
morally n. g.
TV... ..!;;
St. L':i!;s
They view.
Up c.).T. -pi!;;
ii-1i:;i)lie c.ilii
i ihe iueti-poi;
arn! ...'lit'.
of South-
east Missouri
and pleased,
city than they
and they were fiirprised
They found a larger
had expected to h'nd.
The city was larger by several thous
and people than they expected lo laid.
If they fail to give us an extended
notice it will be. their fault. We
showed them the city and furnished
them with the data.
The editor of tho Jackson Cash
Book keeps on howling about the
lynching of the colored man at Jack
son. Ho wants to know why the par
tics who took part in that lawless af
fair were not indicted by the Grand
Jury. He knows why no indictment
was found. He was among the lynch
ers when they had the unfortunate
negro with a rope around his neck.
is it that he has never dared to
puSUSU tue Hal-leal ui -uc men itt
took part in the lynching".
' EdilorCaruthersoftheKennett Demo
crat is a candidate for State Auditor.
Bro. Caruthers is a "mighty" good
Democrat but he is located in a county
that will not be allowed a State office.
Dunklin county is one of the strongest
Democratic counties in the Southeast
and the Democratic voters down there
beast of their loyalty to the party.
Editor Caruthers says himself that
Dunklin Democrats never scratch
their tickets. Xo matter who is nomi
nated by the Democrats the Dunklin
Democrat votes his ticket straight.
This the leaders of the State Democracy
know and they do not have to give
Dunklin county an office. That coun
ty will turn in its beastly majority for
the candidates on the Democratic
Senator Tillman, of South Carolina,
ay President Cleveland is a besotted
tyrant. Senator Tillman is a Populist
The Congressional Committee will
meet at Maiden next week to fix the
date and name the place for the next
Republican nominating convention in
this Congressional District
B. It. Gaboon's Boom for Governor,
Frederictowx, Mo., Jan. 25.
Tho gubernatorial boom of Hon. B.
B. Cahoon, of Fredericktown, was
formally launched by the County Ex
ecuive Committtee today. At a meet
ing this afternoon the following res
olutions were adopted:
Solely moved by its desire to make
Missouri a Republican State, this com
mits respectfully presents to the Re
publicans of Missori as a suitable can
didate forthe nomination for Governor
by the Republican party of our State, in
the ensuing canvass, the name of Hon.
Benjamin Benson Cahoon, of Mad
ison Ceunty Mo. Its reasons for
making this recommendation are as
First Mr. Cahoon was born in Dela
ware, Julyf7.18K, and is an American
citizen in every sense of the word.
He is an ex-Union soldier, and was
wounded at the battle of Gettysburg.
He settled at Fredericktown, Mo., in
September, 1868. a poor, unknown
young lawyer. He was then, and is
now, a Republican of advanced ideas,
laving the courage of his convictions.
He made shortly after his arrival
here, the first Republican speech ever
made in Southeast Missouri, advoca
the enfranchisement of the negro.
That speech -aroused against him the
political enmity of many Democrats,
to whom the making of such a Repub
lican sjieech was at that time little
less than a crime. Since then there
has been no campaign, State or Na
tional, in which Mr. Gaboon's voice
has not been raised in eloquent, log
ical and fair argument in support of
the most advanced ideas of the creed
of Republicanism. All his large .la
bor for the party has been at his own
Second. Mr. Cahoon is a man of
great ability, is known ail over the
State, and stands at the very front of
his profession. lie possesses wonder
ful executive ability, and is u sidendid
manager of forces and men. As a
thinker, k- i always in tl.o advance:
a tiioi-oUL'l: .student, and is, !e
earivst and practical, lie is
an exhaustive worker: his untiring in
dustry and the amount of work tie ac
complished are the wonder of his
friends. II.j lias always dared to ex
press his oiivictioiis. and iii-'ii liave
aluay knewn his opinions. He U I ho
product of and is a devoted friend of
the puiilic school sysl, m. Kroiii these
chara'-teristics Mr. Cahoon has natur
ally oil-Bine a recognized lender of
iiis pa'-ty in Southeast Missouri, and
has done as much to increase the Re
p;iiii:c;:n vole in this, the former
s!ro;ig?.oid of Democracy, as any man
iii it. He iias largely aided to makt
Southeast Missouri so Republican
that it is now represented by twa Re
publican members of Congress.
Third, Here under our eyes, Mr.
Cahoon has risen from poverty to af
fluence. This change in his condition
is due to no fortunate change of cir
cumstances, but to real ability, hard
wok and unblemished integrity. Iiis
success has been characterized bv
liljeral assistance to educational in
stitutions i;i our section, and by wise
ly encouraging lis material develop
ment. Fourth, Wo believe tlu harmony a.'.d
oesi interests of the iu-pubiican party
ot Missouri rctjuiri llial its nominee
for Governor should be from the
country, and tie a man like Mr. Ca
hoon. who is in no manner identified
with the conflicting differences in
various elements of the party, which
seem lo lie incident of and inseparable
from city politics.
I'flttinir Harrison In the Field.
The declaration of Indiana's Repub
lican Central Committee regarding
the ex-President is emphatic and sig
I nificant. "After a full and free indi-
villus 1 evi.i-pssirin noon the snhit--t.. " i
announces thatdeliverance, "resolved,
that the officers and meinlers of this
committee, each for himself, and joint
ly, as the constituted organization of
the party in Indiana, hereby express
the truest loyalty to Gen. Harrison
and to his renomination and re-election
as President of the United States,
should he become a candidate. ' The
committee completed its organization
at the time that it made this declara
tion, and it named May 7 as the date
for the meeting of the State Conven
tion, which body, among other things,
will choose delegates at large to the
Xational Convention.
This pronouncment removes what
little doubt that has ben felt any
where that Harrison is seeking the
nomination. The committee, of course,
took pains to learn his actual attitude
toward the candidacy before it spoke,
and this expression, therefore, may be
accepted as a semi-official announce
ment that he has entered the field.
Xobody believes or has believed that
the ex-President will engage in any
unseemly scramble for the nomina
tion. He has always, so far as the
country knows, carefully observed
the political proprieties, and the po-
sition which he has filled puts him
under especially stringent bonds to
maintain this food record. The office
of President confers a patent of no
bility which imposes on the man who
has held it peculiarly rigid obliga
tions to avoid political trickery him
self in seeking the office again, and to
discountenance it in his supporters.
Undoubtedly the ex-President's con
duct in this exigency will satisfacto
rily neet all these demands.
It is entirely safe to assume that
Gen. Harrison would not be the
strongest candidate with the people
whom the Republicans could- select
this year. Either Speaker Reed or
Senatator Allison could poll many
votes in every State which would be
withheld from the ex-President Never
theless, as an aspirant he has some
elements of strength. His record as
President was colorless, but he was a
good party man and he was a discret
and safe official. It would be con
spicuously unjust to consider the
result of the election of 1802 a mere
personal rebuke for the candidate.
The party committeed some blunders
in the two years immediately .preced
ing the canvass of that year, which
he, as an exemplar of party loyalty,
indorsed, and which he probably fa
vored, but which he certainly neither
dictated nor suggested. No man whom
the Republicans could have named
could win in 1892. It is but justice to
Harrison to take this consideration
into the account A President, how
ever, loses prestige by a defeat, wheth
er he is primarily responsible for the
defeat or not, and this faet will oper
ate against Harrison in the conven
tion. The reason why defeat did not
seriously weaken Clevoland was that
he had certain positive virtues which
made him strong with the people,
while no other Democratic aspirant
could win the popular confidence. In
the Republican party in 1896, though,
the situation is widely different from
this, and the fact may be relied on to
have a decisive effect on the conduct
of the Convention. Globe Democrat.
Kobert 1. Wilson Jrud.
Robert-P. Wilson died at his home
in Jackson Thursday night. January
:!th. lSI.'ti. aged about thirty-live
years. Mr. Wilson was a lawyer who
stood high in his profession. lie was
a native of t alk; Girardeau count v
and he " as well known and highly rc-sp'-ct.-d
i- tiie people of this county.
i Ai; I'roiid.
To say from personal experience
tii.it Sulphur Hitters, which adver
tisement -.vi!i lie stxn in another col
umn, is the best spring ai.d blood
medicine ti Ir- found. It is 'prepared
by a:i honest lirm. who scorn to use
cheap anil worthies-; medicines. buf
use tiie Ih-s that !iit-iey can buy.
Tiie l. I,oti?s a iljo-I;i-i:iocral
t f -.it-usual interest to every reader
of tins paper, is the announcement
:;;ai!e i-lsewlrere in ii'is issue, by The
i-.Ottl.S ' v.V-i)t:iiiw'i-kt. iiiiiji.e.-
t humbly tlx- givatcsl of American
newspapers. Tiie mail subscription
price of The Daily and Sunday Globe-
Democrat is reduced at one blow,"
from Twelve to Six Dollar a. year,
placing it within the reach of all who
desire to read any Daily paper during
the coming great National Campaign.
Tin." Weekly Glftho-Democrat remains
at one dollar a war. but is issued in
Semi-Weekly Sei-tions of F.ight pages
each. !!;v!in-' it practically a larue
semi-weekly pap'.-r. Tis issue is just
the thing for the Jarmer. in.-ycha-nt or
professional ."iaf, who has not the time
to r.-ad a daily ;a)K'r bat wishes to
kevp promptly and thoroughly posted.
It is made up with especial reference
to the wauls of every memlei- of the
family, not only giving all the news,
but also a great variety of interesting
and instructive rending matter of all
kinds. Write fop free Sample Copies
to Glolie Printing C St Louis, Mo.
i o Whom It May Conesra-.
Resolved. That in theopiniou of this
Council it is necessary to have certain
streets in the city sprinkled and clean
ed during certain months of the year
and assess the ctst of same upon all
real estate abutting on said streets or
Therefore the City Clerk is bereby
instructed to publish this resolution,
as provided by the State law. (see
"laws'' ordinances Hook, page 44.
sactiou 94 1 for the sprinkling and
cleaning of tho following streets:
Broadway street from Pacilic to
Water street: Water sfs-eel from
Broadway to Themis: Themis street
from Water to Com t House Square:
Main street from Broadway south:
Independence street from Main to
Spanish: Spanish street from Broad
way to Morgan Oak.
Provided, however, that the prop
erty owners shall be allowed thirty
days in which to file remonstrance in
stead of ten days as provided by law.
E. F. Blomeykk.
Arc Bierwirth.
Capo Girardeau. Mo.. Jan. 20. I1!;.
City of Cape Girardeac. V
I, Geo. E. Chappell, City Clerk of
the city of -Cape Girardeau, certify
that the above and foregoing is a true
copy of a resolution, presented, read
and adopted at a meeting of tho City
Council of said city, held on Monday
evening. January doth. 1896, and made
a part of the record of the proceedings
of said meeting.
Geo. E. Chappell.
Seal. City Clerk.
Cape Girardeau. Mo., Jan. 21, 1896.
jan. 21. n 1903.
List of Executors, Administrators, Guardians and Curators who are re
quired by the law to exhibit their accounts for settlement on the day and: date
below named, at the February Term, 1896, of said court, to be begun and
held at the court house in the city of Jackson, Cape Girardeau county, Mis
souri, commencing on Monday, February 10th, 1896.
Monday, First Day February 10th, 1896.
Adams John M
Allen Thomas A
Amelunke Henry M
Bennett James E Jr
Cobble, George W
Creath Franklin
Cotner Alfred
Cobble George W
Tuesday, Second Day
Devore Levi J
Deneke Frederick
Daume Chas F W
Eggimann Jacob
Ford Albert C
Hart Belle
Hatcher Julia A
Hinkle Jacob L
Hitt William L
Horrell John A
Hatcher James D
Wednesday, Third Day
Hinkle Peter M
Hope Edgar L
Hope Oliver H
Howard & Horrell
Harness John
Hinton Henry C
Keller Fritz
Kohlfeld. Bernard
Klaproth William F
Liiubaugh Jefferson V
Lehner Peter
Lichtneggor Joseph
Thursday, Fourth Day
LaCroix Jacob
Miller, James H
Meyer F B
McLane Marion
Moll John
Mogler Eva R
Macke Charles H
Miller William H
Powell Peter
Keed Milton H
Roberts William J
Ruehling Frank
Kahich Herman
Sander John 11
Fridav. Fifth Day
Scliaefer William 15 Gdn .las C Cotner heirs
Sehlueter Andrew A Gdn C 1 Fulenwider heirs
Soibei t David 1$ Gdn I'M. Engelhartlt heirs
Sander Caroline Admr Merman Sander, estate
Sawyer Robert M Admr William B Culver, estate
i same Glu William II ' 'o'Vcr heirs
i Seabaugh K M . Win Herman l.ange- minor
! Sander Wiiiiam Gdn Henry and Augu( Gross, minors
same Gdn Bertha Sehar-t.ari. miaor
Stt Vesi.B A K Gdn Clark H and ila.rlan Citeid. minors
TWrenco LX Gdn (.'hat les E liov. minor
Talley Charles L Gdn Delia and Jussic Turner, minor.-
Thompson Joseph M Admr James X Thompson, estate
Sat-jrday. Sixth Day February 1.1th. Is!;.
v'oges Auirusl " Gdn Phillip I iolTi'i'-isier heirs
V..-lteeke F II Admr Mary Be!;::, estate
same Admr CW Loan, estate
U't?sseli Ifeiiry Gdi August Wessi !!. insane
Wills Columbus A Gdn Wm A .Miller hej-s
Wilson R P Gd:t Wm W Hobbs. minor
Williams II R ,;dr. I IJ Williams, minor
Wiley Eliza C . Gdn i.Martha K Shorter, minor
Webb R' lx-ci-a. A i Gdn Wii!iai.-i W V.Vbb heirs
Whitvlaw I .out H I Kx'r !-!os SI Hamilton, estate
Trustee's Sale.
Whoseas. Henry F. Schlueter an-i
Elise t-whlueter-husbanJ and wie. c
the cotjity of Cape Girardeau and
State of Missouri, by their certain
deed of trust dated the third day o
Septen.-er. 1S91. and recorded in the
Recorder's oftiife of Cape Girardeau,
county. Missouri. i'i buok J of Trust
and M.rtgagti. at page eighty-liv-?
LSI. i cnvey-d to the undorsignoil
Trustee, the following ueseriDeu n-a
estate siluai.-d in the county of Ca-Girardt-HU.
Hir.te of Missouri, to-w;:
One l.ucidred and !if!y-.?igh:. aii'l
forty-six one-'ii'mlivdths" ( MS 4f-lii!!;
site's. l'ing iraetion;il part of sec
tion number Iwi-uty-four (i4) in town
ship nusiis-r thirty ('!0;. range eleven
(11 ) containing thirty-two and lift y
six fHU-hundivdth (-12 .l'i-l(K)) acres.
and the sout'aeast part of l.mtcd
States jiarvey nnmlKU' eight hundred cent ol ttic purcUaie money to tie paid
and sevent-vn (Ml) in-township num- cash down on day of sale, and the rebel-
thii-ty (:I0 i. ranges eleven (II) and maiuder on a credit of twelve months,
twelve 1 12) oast, containing one hund- the purchaser or purchasers thereof to
red and twenty-five and ninety one give bond with approved security for
hundredth ( 12.1 '.KHW l acres, in the the residue, all the right, title, claim
aggregate one hundred and fifty-t-i-jht and interest which said miaors have
and fortc-six one-hundreth ( l.ls'4't-liKM in and to the following described real
acres, and being part of same land estate, situated in the County of Cape
acquired by said Henry F. Schlueter Girardeau and State of Missouri, to
by wan-jkitty deed of J1 E. lkCttfroe wit:
and wife, of record in the Recorder's The undivided one-third interest in
office of said county in book fourteen lot number two (2). block number ( 1)
(14). paiv four hundred and seventy- of Claus Kerstner's addition to the
niiif (479): which said conveyance was town of Gordonville. Said lot having
made to secure the payment of a cor- a front of seventy (70) feet by two
tain promissory note in said deed de- hundred and ten ( 210) feet deep, and
scribeu: anil wnereas, ueiauitnas Keen
made in the payment of the principal
and iaterest of said note, and
Whereas, the said Henry F. Schlue
ter is now dead more than nine months:
now therefore, at the request of the
legal holder of said note, and in pur-
suance of the provisions of said deed
of trust, 1 will on.
Saturday. Febri:ary Twknty-
NlVTH. A. I)., IMiKi,
between the hours of nino o'clock
in the forenoon and ' live o'clock
m the afternoon of that day,
at the south door of the Court
House in the city of Jackson, Cape
, .
Ballard's Snow Llnement.
If you have a terrible pain in the
small of the back, get a bottle of
Snow Linemen.. It will positively
cure it and at once. Try it and rec-
omend it to your friends. .Sold at!
Wilson's drug store.
Girardeau county. Missouri, sell atlp'ou mem w ine unuersigneu tor ai
public vendue, to the highest bidder, lowance, within one year from the
for cash, the above described real es- ! date of said letters or they may be
tate for the purpose of satisfying said ' precluded from any beneut of such
trust. I estate: and if said claims be not ex-
William Par. Ihibited within two years from the date
Trustee, i of the publication of this notice, they
Gdn I Robert L Stevenson, insane
William J Slinkard. estate
William M Slinkard, minor
Otto H Amelunke, minor
John Hitt, estate
Martha A v elker, estate
John H Weiker, minor
George W Grader heirs
h.lam W Cotner, minor
Joseph M Cobble, estate
February 11th, 1896.
j William Devore, estate
Emma Klingebiel, minor
his own children
Edward F Eggimann, minor
B H Chapman, estate
William K Hart, estate
Wm N Hatcher, heirs
Hart & Hinkle, partnership
jAnnie E Hitt, minor
H W Howard, heirs
Emily C Campbell, minor
W W Adams, heirs
February 12th, 1896.
iGeorge and Annie Jenkins, minor
Howard Stewart heirs
Hope & Bro., partnership
John E Brown, minor
I David E Hope, estate
H W Howard, estate
:F X Steckier, estate
Benjamin F Moore, estate
Keinhold Kuebel, minor
Mary K Kohlfeld, estate
Edna C Summers, miner
Frederick Beuckemann, estate
Cora Beuckemann, minor
Leopold Lichtnegger, estate
Leopold Kttlinger, minor
Frank Leimer, estate
February 13th, 1896.
his own children
John Layton heirs
Henry and Emma Mae vers, minors
William T Ruff heirs
Lulu C Moll, minor
John G Mogler, estate
his own children
James W Cannon, estate
Jacob Thomas, minor
Isaac X Query, estate
Jefferson C Davis, minor
Leopold Ettlinger, estate
Lulu Grfiith. minor
Lvrlia & E Bohnsack. minors
February 14th. lMHi.
Judge of Probate.
Guardian's. Sale of Ecal Estite.
,. . , ,
Bv virtue of an order of the Probate
Court, held in and for the county of
Cape Girardeau and State of Missouri,
made at the August Term, 1H9.5, of said
court and renewed at its November
Term, ls'.l.l. thereof, in the matter of
the estate of Henry and Augusta
(iross. minors. I. the undersigned
testamentarv Guardian of said miaors
will, pursuant to. said order, on
t,... l-, ....
Femruary NEXT. A. D.,
At the south door of the court house
in the city ot Jackson, in said county,
and during the session of said Pro-bat-.;
Court, between tlrj hours of ID
o'clock in the foi-ep.oon, and .1 o'clock
in the aiternooof said day, expose
at public vendue or outcry, to the
highest and best bidder, on the fol
lowing terms, to-wit: Twenty-Sve nor
conu,i.uii one-uiiru oi an acre,
Tostamenta ry Guardian of the estates
of Henry and Augusta Gross, minors.
Notice is hereby given that letters of
administration upa the estate of
Christian Ritsrorott, deceased, have
been granted to the undersigned by
the Gape Girardeau t.'ourt of Common
Pleas of Capo Girardeau county,
bearing date the 6th day of January,
18'JO. All persons having claims
against said estate are required to ex
. jV , .- . .
win do lorever Darrea.
janI8n37 Administrator.
A True Friend
to the sick and suffering is Dr. Kauf-
mann's great Medical Work, finely il
lustrated. Send three 2-cent stamps,
to pay postage, to A. P. Ordway &
Co., Boston, Mass., and receive a
copv free. "
Is hereby
L riren that letten taatameoUrr
apoa taa
.- , av.-.i tii - - ' t.
moled to the nodenigned by the Cp GirM
dea Court of Common Plttu, of Cape Girav
dean County, Minourt, bearing date the Srtl
day nf December 1896.
All peraom baring elalma against laid etato
are required to exhibit toem to tbera for allow
.ice. within one year from the date ot aaia
letten, or they may be precluded, from any
benefit of toch estate; and If (aid elalma be not
exhibited within two yean from tbe date ol the
poDiicatinn oiuur nouee. mey win do muittvi
ix ecu tors.
h-reby givru that I, the nndenlgned Public
Administrator or Cape Girardeau connty. Mia
eonrl, have on the 16th day of December, 18US.
taken charge of the estate of Dr. C. H. Roberta,
with the will annexed, tor the pnrpoae of ad
ministering on aame in the Probate Court of
said county, at Jackson, Mo.
All persona having claims againft said estate
are required to exhibit them to biro for allow
ance, within one year from the date of said
letten, or they may be preluded from any
beneflt or each estate; and if said claims be not
exhibited within two yeara from the date of the
Koblieatlon of this notice, tbeywill be forever
irred. HEJiRT W. HAR9,
jan4iiii Public Administrator.
White and yellow pine, poplar, cypresa, oak,
gum, walnut, ash and cheery. Also flooring
and ceiling all grades, Finishing lumbet,
laths, shingles, mouldings, window and door
cashing. Window and door frames, ail aiaea
made to order on short notice. Delivery any
where inside of city limits.
Spanish St., Cape Gikardeac, Mo.
JohnP. Williams,
Liyery and Feed Stable
Oity Buss Line
to and from all trains. .
U. S. Mail Line between Cajie Gir
ardeao and Jackson. First hack
leaves Capo Girardeau for Jackson at
nine a. m., arrives at Jackson 10:3O
a.m.. Leaves Jackson at 11 a. m..
arrives at the Cape at 12:30 p. m.
Second hack leaves Caiie at 1 p. m.t
arrives at Jackson 2:30 p. m., leaves
Jackson at 3 p. in., arrives Cape at
4:30 p. m. New hack and good teams.
We furnish the Rest Bread
Cakes of all kinds in the city.
Bread deliiei-'-J daily to customers
in all parts of tin- city.
r !" -
- MO.
Kntirp i.ev.- 9tock. the latent iiiurroveri and
hest Cooking mid healiniis (uvea in tiie market-
All kiimIs ot .lot vt ork ilot.e in the beet ntannet
aml nt moderate prices.
A si'i-cialty asd work -naranti-eil nnt-cla&s.
Vt ill liractiee in all the ciinrte an-1 attend to
all business entrohted to him.
Drs. Ruff & Murton,
M Practical Dentists
Office in StB-diTant Bank Bending.
Ietweeu St, Chnrles lintel ami Conn Boose.
fU Kis of UorK 5r;eap,
Pictnre copied and enlarged frnm any kind
of picture. Proofs shown and perfect picture
31. MonRiaoit. ai Uavis
Real Estate.
lloases. lots anl larrnsfor sole. Uents col
lected and ahe tracts f nrnishetl . Offic on Span
ish street. Cape -irardeaa. Mo.
Iractices uentltrr in nil its
-rr? 1) ranches. Kate. reiwMiable. All
work done in tbt ot manner and
guarantee-!. N - ri RhM
after tlw ork is com-ietcd .
RBFERENCe: Tothepeoi'.i whom I ha
lived anionv and practiced fori 7.rtwenty-thTe
years. OftVeatthe old stant i the Kodnar
Cor. Main and Brt adway.
Anchor Line. .
Fine Freight and Passenger Steamers
CJity of St. I.ouis,
City of Xew Orleans,
City of Hickman,
City of Monroe,
City of Cairo,
Arkansas City,
Belle Memphis.
For Cairo. Memphis, Vicksburg,
New Orleans and all way landings.
Steamer leaves Cape Girardeau
every Thursday and Sunday.
For Cairo, New Madrid, Memphis,
and all way landings.
Steamer leaves Cape Girardeau
every Wednesday and Saturday A. M.
For St Louis. Steamers leave Cape
Girardeau every Sunday and Wednes
day P. M. .
For freight and passage address,
C. M. Berkley, Gen. Pass. Agt.
John Bird. General Freight Agent,
St. Louis. Mo.

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