OCR Interpretation

The Cape Girardeau Democrat. (Cape Girardeau, Mo.) 1876-1909, April 25, 1896, Image 8

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn89066818/1896-04-25/ed-1/seq-8/

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"y" divc riM rp upion.
Edison's Latest Kxperiments wltb
the New Force.
Xew York, April 19. Criticisms of
Thomas A. Edison's claim thatthe "X"
rays are a form of sound waves have
led the inventor to make further ex
periments to prove the theory. He
has both seen and heard the sound
waves, one of his visual proofs being
as follows:
A plate of steel one-eighth of an
inch thick and "I feet square is set up
in a frame so as to bring the cen
ter on a line with the fluorescent bulb.
When the light is turned on and the
fluorescoiK! is held close to the center,
no light can be seen, but when the
fiuorescope is moved along the back
of the plate, about an inch or two from
the surface and out toward the edge,
the rays of light or sound appear on
the surface of the fiuorescope.
The sound wave strikes the surface
of the plate and diffuses itself over it.
The waves radiate fromthe bulb in all
directions. They strike the edge of
the steel, turn right around the edge
and run to a central point. That is
possible only because the sound wave
proceeding from the fluorescent bulb
is many times slower than light. Hut
one of the clinchers of the wizard's"'
contention is that the sound waves
can not only be seen but heard as
With a phonograph receiver Mr.
r'dison's assistants heard the sound
waves around the edge of the screen.
As they approached theedge the sounds
became more distinct. When they
moved the free end of the tube to the
cynter of the sheet steel they could
hear nothing: but close to the edges
they could hear it. at the same points
where they J-ouId be detected with the
fluorescojie. And when Mr. Kdison
told of that he added: "liut I have
made some experiments that are better
than that."
Two Lives saved.
Mrs. l'hoelx;, Thomas, of .1 unction
City, 111., was told by her doctors she
had Consumption and that there was
no liojie for her. but two bottles Dr.
King's Xew Discovery completely
cured her and she says it saved her
life. Mr. Thos. Eggers. Florida
St. San Francisco, suffered from u
dreadful cold, approaching Consump
tion, tried without result everything
ulse then bought out bottle of Dr.
King's Xew Discovery and in two
weeks was cui-ed. Hi- is naturally
thankful. It is such ivsuits. of which
these are samples., that prove- the
wonderful oilicacy of this medicine in
Coughs and colds. Free trial hottlfs
at Blomeyer iV Hainan's drug store.
Kegular size ."He and l.CO.
i.lst of Mail Matter
Remaining uncalled for ill the iost office of
Cape Girnr'leau, comity of Cape Girardeau,
State of Missouri, for the week ending
Aril in,
Caraker, Delia Harmon, John
llenson. I.iuzy I.ee, Mr William
Miller, Master Albert Mathew. Mr. Allen
Montgomery, C. V. Mills, Mr. Tom
Kees. Mrs. Sarah Reeve. Mr. John
Smith, Mr. J. J.
Persons calling for any of the above letters
will please say Advertised," giving date of
the list. If not called for within two weeks
hey will be sent to the D.-ad Letter Office at
VaVhinglon City. O. CHAM Kit.
liulhird's snow I.inlmciu.
is equally as effective for animals
as for the human flesh. As a Lini
ment it has no equal in the world.
Every bottle guaranteed. It never
fails to cure Neuralgia. Sold by
Wilson drug store.
We Are Coinins-At tlieOpera. House,
.Yprtl -iTtli.
King Stanislaus. Kuier of the
Brownie baud: I Vine- Ahleb.iran.
Adopted son of Stanislaus: Cholly
IJoutonniere, L-;adcr of the Brownie
four hundred: Major Tel I off. of the
Brownie War otlii-e: Patrolman Mn
veran. The' Brownie Police force: Bil
lie Lackabout. who has weathered
many a gale: Uncle Sam. of the land
of the five: John Bull, from Lunnon:
Donald MacCraggie. from the High
lands: Dennis O'Kourke. from Kil
larney: Wagner Von Strauss, a musi
cal product of the Rhine: Wall Sing.
In the Laundry business:Tutti. Frutti.
The Brownie Twins.
All Free.
Those who have used Dr. King's
Xew Discovery know its value, and
those who have not. have now the op
portunity to try it Free. Call on the
advertised druggist and get a Trial
Bottle. Five. Send your name and
undress to H. E. Bu.cklen v Co.. Chi
cago, and get a sample box of Dr.
King's Xew Life Pills Free, as well as
a copy of Cuide to Health and House
hold Instructor. Free. All of which
is guaranteed to do you good and cost
you nothing. Dlonn-yer Jc Hainan's
Annual stockholder's Meeting.
The annual stockholder's meeting
of the Chester. Perryville. S'.e. Gene
vieve and Fannington Railroad Co.
will be hold at the otlice of the Com
pany on Tuesday. May .lib, l-i. io
elect live Directors for the ensuing
year and to traiisael such other busi
ness as may come before said boar.1..
L. B. Horc-K.
April 2 1st, 1'.'". President.
I!e Your Own Doct. r.
It won't cost you one half as much.
Do not delay. Send three 2-cent stamps
for postage, and we will tend you Dr.
Kaufmann's great work, line colored
plates, from life, ondisease. its causes
and home cure. Address A. P. Ord
wav Co.. Boston. Mass.
Hall, Too, and Wind Wreak Destruc
tion at Dexter.
Dexter, Mo., April 2i The most
severe hail and wind storm which has
ever struck this section prevailed here
yesterday afternoon and last night.
In some parts of the county hail as
large as bird eggs fell, and in places
it was in piles from four to six inches
deep. Fruit was beaten from the trees
and early vegetables were destroyed.
The wind uprooted trees, unroofed
outhouses and blew down fences north
of here. A curious phenomenon of the
storm was that the water which fell in
places was inky black.
Kucklen's Arnica Salve.
The best salvein the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum,
fever sores, tetter, chapped hands,
chilblains, corns, and all skin erup
tiins, and positively cures piles, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded
Price i"i cents per box. For sale a
Biomeyer & Hanian.
Headquarters Justl I'ost No. 17.'!.
Department or Missouri (iranil
Array of the Republic.
Cape Girardeau, Mo., Apr. 11.
At a regular meeting of the Post
the following special committee was
duly appointed to make necessary ar
rangements for the comemoration of
"Memorial Day.''
Post Commander. August Hierwirth:
Past Post Commander. Henry A. As
tholtz: Past Post Csmmander, Geo.
W. Travis: Past I'ost Commander.
John Kassel: Past Post Commander.
John Walter: Past Post Commander,
J. X. Hartzell: Past Post S. V. 'om
nia nder. Henry Kopjier.
It is the earnest desire of the mem
bers of this Post that all our people
take an active part in keeping this
dearest of all holy days, devoted to
the memery of those who braved death
in many a battle Held for love of
country, together with our own loved
ones whohavegonebeforeus. Lclevery
one goto work, clean off the graves,
straighten up the tombstones, and
have all ready 'for the .'i'lth day of
May. Then bring your shields of
b-auty. anchors of hop? and crowns
of victory and place them over those
who were dear to:you in life.
Bv order of the I'ost.
Pr.. Alexaxuer, Ross
Sergeant Main;-.
FINAL SETTLEMENT. Xotiee is hereby
L'iven to all creditors and others interested
in the estate of Frederick ilrune, deceased,
that the undersigned administrator of said
estate intends to moke final settlement thereol
at the next term of the Cape Girardeau Court
of Common Pleas of Cape (jirardeau county
Missouri, to beheld at the court house in the
eirv of Ciioe Ciirardeau, Mo., on Monday,
May i-ith, SAM L EL II I'M.
ap-n."d Adiiiinis.rator.
FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby
given to all creditors and others interested
ill the co-partiiershiiestate of ltrune & Son that
the undersigned administrator of said estate
iutendsto make final settlement therinf at tile
next term of the Cape Girardeau Court of
Common pleas of CaK Girardeau count-,
Missouri, to.be held at the court house in the
citv of Cape Girardeau Mo , on Mondnv. Mav
i.th. l-.;. SAMl'KL IH'IT. '
ap-.'iMl Administrator.
FINAL SETTLEMfcN'T Xotiee is bereby
irivetl to all creditors and others interested
in the estateof Leoiibard Schuster deceased, that
the undersigned administrator of said estate
intends to make filial settlement tl'ezeof at tlin
uext term of the Cape Girardeau Court of
Common Picas of Cape Girardeau county, Mis
souri, to be hebl at the court house in tile city
ol'Caie Girardeau, Mo., on Monday, Mavi'itb",
ap-.'f.I Administrator.
FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby
given to all creditors and others interested
in the estate of Frank . Milieu, deceased, that
the undersigned administrator ol said estate
intends to make final settlement thereof at the
next term of the Cape Girardeau Court of Com
mon Pleas of C'KpcGirardeau county. Missouri,
to he held at the court house in the city of Ca-e
Girardeau, Mo., on Moudav, Mav.'.'ith. 1W6.
J.oI.s"G. II1TT.
npi-ii."il Administrator.
FINAL SETTLEM EXT. -Notice is hereby
given to all creditors and others interested
in the estate of Mary Itean. deceasinl. that the
undersigned late public administrator
as sach having charge of said estate
intends to make final settlemi nt ther.-of
at the next term or tne Probate Court ol Caje
Girardeau countv. Alissouri. to be held at tne
court hon-e in the city ol Jackson, Mo., on
Mondav, Max- 1 1th. !.;.
aplNi.'iO La'.e Public Administrator.
FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby
givti to all cTiniitors and others interested
in the estate of Columbus V. Itcan. deceased,
tiiat tile nndersigued late public administra
tor a-such haviug charge ife bonis non of said
estate intends to make final settlement thereof
at the next teiro of the Probate Court of Caye
Girardeau county, Missouri, to be held at the
court house in the citv of Jackson, Mo., on
Mondav, Mav I i tit. Isi;.
Late Public Administrator de bonis non.
hereby given that letters of administration
ukhi tbee'stat-j of William Mever, deceased,
have been gra ded to the undersigned by the
Cie Girardeau Court of Common Pleas, of
Cape Girardeau countv, Missouri, bearing date
the ::rd day of January, IS"."",
All persous having claims against saiu estate
are retnired to exhibit them to her for allow
ance, within one yt.ar from the dale of said let-ler-,
or they may "be preluded from ny benelit
of su-h estate: and if said claims be not'exhibtt
ed within two years from the datent the publi
cation id' this" i-.oiice, thev will be lorever
barri-d. MARIA MEYER,
ai-i'.b.M Adrinnistratri x .
hereby given that letters of administration,
with the will annexed, upon the estate or ilenry
Meyer. deceased. have bi-en granted to
tile undersigned by te Cape Girardeau Court
ol Common Pleas, "of Cape Girardeau County.
Missouri, bearing date the :r l (lav of Janu
ary. l'.
Ail pi-rsOT-s having claim:? aguii.st said estate
are. rcpiiri'd.to exhibit tin iu lo her fur allow
ance, within jear from the date of said
letters, or they may be precluded from ntiy
bcr.ciit of such e'sta'e:" ami if said claims be not
exhibited within two years from the date of the
pnblvatioti of this notice, thev will be lorever
api").:."d Administratrix
Dr. A. P. Sawyer: Dear Sir: Mrs.
Hamburg induced me to trvvonr Fam
ily Cure, I was greatlv benefited bv it
and I recommended it to every iady
in poor health. Respectfully.
Mrs. Ashek.
Sold at J. Maple Wilson's drugstore.
Sheriff's Sale.
BY virtue and authority of a general
execution issued by the clerk of the
Circuit Court of "Bollinger county.
Missouri, bearing date the tith day of
April. lS'.Hi. and returnable to Septem
ber term, 18!Xi, of said court, and to
me directed, in favor of F. M. Wells,
administrator of the estate of Richard
Masters, decaased. and against James
E. Hutson. Perry L. Summers. John
P. K. Austin. Xoah Revelleand James
E. Hutson. by his guardian. John P
E. Austin. I have levied upon and
seize! the following described real es
tate situate, lying and being in the
county of Cape (Jirardeau and State
of Missouri, to-wit:
The west half (i) of lot three (3) of
the northwest quarter (i) sectio.i live
(51 township thirty-one (31) range
eleven (11) five (5) acres out of the
southwestquarter (i)of section thirty
two (32) township thirty -two range
eleven (11) described in deed from
Berzillers Kstes and others to .1. P.
Austin in book nineteen (V.). page
three (3; containing forty-live (4-"))
acres. Also the west half i ) and the
northeast half (i) of the southeast
quarter (i) section thirty-two (32)
township thirty-two (32 range eleven
(11) east, except tive j.1t acres being
on north side of Painther Creek, describ
ed in deed from Joseph Kstes and wife to
Jefferson Kstes in deed book two 12)
page forty-six (4t l and forty-seven (47)
containing one hundred ard fifteen
(ll.") acres, and I will, on
Wednesday, the Sixth Day of May.
A. D. isi.
At the court house door in the city of
Jackson, county of Cape Girardeau.
Missouri, between the hours of nine
o'clockin the forenoon and tive o'clock
in the afternoon of that day and dur
ing the session of the Circuit Court,
of Cae Girardeau county, sell for
cash in hand to the highest bidder,
all the right, title, claim and interest
iif said .lames K. Hutson. Perry L.
Summers. John P. E. Austin. Xoah
Revel le and James K. Hutson. by ids
guardian. John P. K. Austin, of. in
and to the above described projierty.
to satisfv said execution and costs.
aprlln4i Sheriff.
Order of Publication.
In the Cape Girardeau Court of Com
mon Pleas.
March 2.1. ltf.fi.
The State of Missouri at the rela
tion and to the use of Peter Lehtier
collector of the revenue of Cape Gir
ardeau county in the State of Missouri
A1on:o Hill and the unknown heirs
of James Hopwood. deceased.
Action to enforce tax lien.
XOW, at this day comes the plaint
tiff, by counsel, liefoi-e the ur.ndrsign
ed elwrk of the (.'ape Girardeau om
of Common Pleas of Cape Girardeau
county. Missouri, in vacation ami
liles herein its petition and ailidavit.
stating among other thing:; that the
defendant are non-residents of the
State of Missou.-i.
ami canno.
summoned in this action, it is there
fore ordered by the clerk aforesaid.
i:i vacation, that publication Ik- mane
notifying said defendants that an
action lias lieen commenced against
them by petition in the Cujie (Jirar
deau Court of Common Pleas of Cape
Girardeau countv. iti the State of
Missouri, the object and general
nature of which is to enforce a lien
o! the State of Missouri, for taxes
upon the following dcscrilied lands,
Forty i-io- acres the southwest ouar-ti-i-
ij; of tli-i southwest quarter I'ii.
s etioil sixteen iH'n, township twenty
nine .2!'. range eleven ill;. And
to recover the amount of taxes due
on s:m(! land.-, for tin- vears ls!. S!lo.
IV'i. ls:,2. i::. 1M4.
That unless they lie and appear at
the next regular term of this court to
be lwgun and held at the court house
in Cape Girardeau. Cape Girardeau
county. Missouri on the fourth Mon
day in May next. lsmi. and on or b
fore th.- sixth day thereof I if tin term
shall so long continue: if not. then
before the end of the tcrnu. and
answer or demur to plaintiff's petition,
the same will be t.ikeji as confessed
ami judgment rendered accordingly
It is l ui ther ordered that a copy here
of be published in the 'ape Girardeau
Democrat a newspain-r printed and
published at Cape Girardeau. Cajie
( Jirardeau county. Missouri, for four
weeks successively, the last insertion
to lx- at least four weeks licfore the
iirst day of the next regular term of
this court. A true copy.
Attest: KDW.VKU H. Kxgelmax.W
T. i). t.'l.VES. Clerk.
mar2si!47 Attorney for Plaintiff.
or Tin:
Capj GirarieanConrtof Gomioa fleas
Which meets on the fourth Monday in May
Is;:, at the conrt house in the City of
Cape Girardeau. Missouri. Hy the rules of
said Court, Monday, the first day of the term
Is set apart to hear aud pass on l'robate matters
at which time and place executors, adminis
trators and curators named herein are required
to present all settlements and other matter re
liured by law to be passed on hy the court.
Albert John
Howie Thomas J
Kerry Mattie V
Burgess heirs
llriukmaun Geo
Briukopt Albert
Bruue Kred
Hrune & Sou
Brooks Albert
Collins S.v. U
Kckert I r-!
Gerstackvr Frederick
Hobbs heirs
llolz heirs
lleuer Anna Marv
Ilillen Krai k IE
llollniaun V ;n
Klares Charles
Lindsay Sadie
Mitchiln Iterdie
Keilev Klizabeth
Linus Sanford
Linus Sanford
II A Astholz
Wru Burgess
Heter Illlber
Henrv Brinkopf
Sam llitt
Sam llitt
John W Brooks
Lewis G llitt
Jacob fcckrt
W II Cocrv.T
Allred Mintoi.
Gottfried llartuii
Marv llener
Louis G Hit:
ii I" Havis
,nna Klaires
A J Lindsey
(.has C Mitchim
Leo Kovl-
Caniline Schirelbeiu
Allred Mir.ton
J K Umbeck
Carl I'nibectt
Ant'tist Bierwirth
W V Leech
Ired llnrtmau
i P Mel.aiu
K W Uentie
W !i Wilson
J II Ki'ler
fredericke Veatr
Schievelbein Wm II
Sander Gustave
Schnutz A and It
Schab K I! C
'Chaster Leonhurd'.
Swan Mahala
Thieie W ami II
Kainsey heirs
'onve William
Wilson heirs
Wilson Addle L
Yaeer Adoiph
FINAL SLTI'I.KMKXT. Notice is berebv j
jriveu to all creditors and others interested i
in the estate of Freierika Gerstacktr. deceased, :
that the undersigned administrator ol said i
estate intends to make final artilement thenof t
at them: xt term of the Cape Girardeau Court;
of Common Pleas or Cape Girardeau coun'y,
Missouri, to be held at the court house in the ,
citv of Cape Girardeau, Mo., on Monday, May!
ap2.u.il Adminittrator. 1
Order of Publication.
In the Cape Girardeau Court of Com
mon Pleas.
March 2.,18!Ki.
The State of Missouri, at the rela
tion and to the use of Peter Lehner,
Collector of the Revenue of Cape Gir
ardeau County, in the State of Mis
souri. Versus
William H. Hancock, John Han
cock, unknown heirs of Iloliert Han
cock and William II. Nosier.
Action to enforce tax lien.
XOW, at .his day comes the Plain
tiff, by counsel, before the undersign
ed Clerk of the Cape Girardeau Court
of Common Pleas of Cape Girardeau
County. Mo., in vacation and files
herein its jietition and affidavit, stat
ing among other things that the de
fendants arenon-residents of the State
of Missouri, and cannot be summon
ed in this action. It is therefore or
dered by the Clerk aforesaid, in vaca
tion, that publication be made notify
ing said Defendants that an action has
been commenced against them by pe
tition in the Csijie Girardeau Court of
Common Pleas of Cape Girardeau
County, in the State of Missouri, the
object and general nature of which is
to enforce the lien of the State of Mis
souri, for taxes upon the following de
scribed lands, to-wit:
The southwest quarter of the south
east quarter of section three (3) town
ship twenty-nine (2!) range eleven (II)
containing forty (40) acres. And to
recover the amount of taxes due on
said lands for the year 1SS1. 18tH. ls'il,
1SU2. lW.'t. 1SH4 .
That unless they be and apiear at the
next regular Term of this Court to be
begun and held at the Court House in
Ca pe G irardea u. Ca pe ( i i ra rdea u Co un
ty. Missouri, on the fourth Monday
in May next. 1(.h. and on or before the
sixth day thereof (if the Term shall so
long continue: if not. then before the
end of Tin: Term. , and answer or de
mur to Plaintiff's petition, the same
will lie taken as confessed and judg
ment rendered accordingly.
It is further ordered that a copy
hereof bo published in the Cajie Gir
ardeau Dkmocuat. a newspaper print
ed and published at n-c Girardeau.
Cape Girardeau County. Missouri, for
four weeks successively, the last in
sertion to be at least four weeks liefore
the 1st dav of the next regular Term
of this Court. A true copy.
T. D. Hl.NKS Clerk.
mar2sn47 Attorney for Plaintiff.
Order of Publication.
In the Caie (Jirardeau Court of Com
mon Pleas.
March :X ism;.
Tif State of Missouri. utile-relation
and to the use of Peter Lehner collect
or of the revenue of Cape Girardeau
countv. in the State of .Missouri.
James W. Homer.
Actio-', to enforce tax lien.
X iV. at this day comes the plain
iilf. bv coi'iisel. liefoiv the undersign
ed clerk of the Cape ( J iruradcau
( oui t of t oniuior Picas of ( ape Gir
a nieau county. .Missouri, in vacation
ami hies herein its ix'tition and aiu-
davit. stating among other things that
tip-tlcreiiilar.t .lames . . isomer is a
non-resident 01 the State of Missouri,
ud cannot be summoned in this action.
It is therefore ordered bv the Clerk
aforesaid, in vacation, that publica
tion be made notifying said defendant
that an action has been commenced
against him bv petition in the Cane
(Jirardeau Court of Common Pleas of
Cat,' Girardeau county, in the State
of Missouri, the object and geper;i)
nature of which is to enforce the lien
of the State of Missouri, for taxes
upon the following described lands, to
Forty 1 4: i aciis the southeast qua
ter -of the northeast ouarter of
section fourteen 1 14 ), township
t-.ventv-r.inc i2'.i. range eleven (111
east, and to recover the amount of
taxes iiue on said lands for the veal'
lssii. isjhi. ism. lso lK'.KSaiid l4.
That unless he lie and appear at the
next regular term ol tins. court to tie
lM'gun and held at the court house in
Cane (Jirardeau. Cam: (Jirardeau
county. Missouri, on the fourth Mon
dav i;i Mav next, ls'.iii. and on or !e-
'fore the sixth day thereof (if the term
shall so long continue: if not. then
before the end of the term;, and ans
wer or demur to Plaintiff 's petition,
the same will Is- taken as confessed
and judgement rendered accordingly.
It is further ordered that a copy here
of lie published in the Caie (Jirar
deau Dkmocrat. a ncwspajN-r printed
and published at Cajie (Jirardeau.
Cape Giradeau County. Missouri, for
four weeks suesessi vely. the last in
ertion to lie at least-four weeks before
the 1st day of the next regular term of
this court. -A .'rue copy.
Atter-i: K. II. Kxgklmaxx.
( 'lerk
T. D. HlXKS.
Attorney for PlaintitV.
Order of Publication.
In :h Cape (Jirardeau Court of Com
mon Pleas.
March 2.". sm;.
The State of Missouri at the rela
tion and to the use of Peter Lehner
collector of the revenue of Cape Gir
ardeau coi-nty it: the State of Missouri
Phiilip Poiks. Charlotte Folks the
unknown heirs of Christopher H. Mouts
and the unknown heirs of Eliza J.
Houts a .id Henry L. Hunze.
Action to enforce tax lien.
XOW. at this day comer the plain
ti.:. l.v counsel, before the undersign
ed clerk of the Cape (Jirardeau Court
Common Pleas of ( ape Girardeau
county. Missouri. t:i vacation and
:ij herein its petition and affidavit,
slating among other things that the
defendants, the unknown heirs of
Christopher IJ. Mouts and the unknown
heirs o: Kliza J. Houts are non-residents
of the State of Missouri, and
car.aot be siminiof'.ed in this action.
It is therefore ordered hy the clerk
aforesaid, in vacation, that publica
tion le made notifyingsaid defendants
that an action lias b.-en commenced
agaist them by petition in the Cape
(Jirardeau Court of Conimoa Pleas of
Cape Girardeau county, in the State
of Missouri, the object and general
nature of which is to enforce the lien
of the State of Missouri, for taxes
upon the loilowing de-scribed lands,
Lot number twenty-six (26) range G.
being one hundred and twelve by one
hundred and eighty (112x180) feet in
size in the City of Cape Girardeau,
Missouri, as the same is laid down on
the official plat of said city. And to
recover the amount of taxes due on
said lands for the year 1891, 1893, 1894.
That unless they be and appear at
the next regular term of this court to
be begun and held at the court house
in Cape Girardeau, Cape Girardeau
county. Missouri, on the fourth Mon
day in May next, 1890, and on or be
fore the sixth day thereof ( if the term
shall so long continue: if not, then
before the end of the term.) and
answer or demur to plaintiff's petition,
the same will be taken as confessed
and judgment rendered accordingly.
It is further ordered that a copy here
of be published in the Cape Girardeau
Democrat a newspaper printed and
published at Cape Girardeau, Cape
Girardeau county, Missouri, for four
weeks successively, the last insertion
to be at least four weeks before the
first day of the next regular term of
this court. A true copy.
Attest: Edward H. Exgelmaxx,
T. D. HIXES. clerk.
apri!4n4S Attorney for Plaintiff.
Sheriff's Sale.
BY virtue and authority of a special
execution issued by the clerk of the
Circuit Court of Cape Girardeau
county, Missouri, bearing date the
the 7th day of March. 18!H4,. and re
turnable to the May term. 18!Hi. of said
court, and to me directed, in favor of
Thomas C. Van Amburg, Charles D.
Van Amburg aud Gilbert D. Statler
and against Americus Swann and
Henry W. Hahs. administrator of the
estate of Emanuel Swann, dH5eased. I
have levied upon and seized the follow
ing described real estate situate, lying
and being in the county of Cape Gir
ardeau and State of Missouri, to-wit:
The south half i of the northeast
quarter i of the northwest quarter
i of section number thirty-four .14,
township thirty-three 33 J. north of
range twelve 12, east. Also apart
of the southeast quarter i of the
northwest quarter i of section
thirty-four 34 in said township and
range, which is described as follows:
Begin at the northeast corner of the
southeast quarter i of the northwest
quarter i of said section thirty-four
34 and run south seven 7 chains to
a corner: thence south tifty-nine 59
degrees west twelve and twenty-one
hundredths 12 21-100 chains to a
corner: thence north twenty-eight de
grees west tive o chains to a corner:
thence north thirteen and one-half
13 1 degrees west five and seventy-one
hundredths 71 chains to a corner:
thence north eight 8 degiees west
eighty-live hundredths R.V100 chains
to a corner: thence north fifty-seven
and one quarter 1 degrees west six
and seventv-two hundredths (i 72-10(1
chains to the northwest corner of the
southeast quarter fil of the northwest
quarter I of said section thirty-four
34: thence east twent 20 chains to
the place of beginning, containing
thirty-eight and thirty hundredths 38
30-luol acres more or less. Also the
nyrthwest quarter i of the northeast
ouarter fil of section thirtv-four f341.
rin said township and range, except
one I J acre deeded To the M. L.
Church containing thirty-nine 39
acres more or less, containing in the
aggregate seventy-seven and thirty
Iiundi-eiltlss . . .SO-IOO acres, more or
le- s. and all in section thirty-four 34,
township thirtv-three 33 range twelve
112 east.
Also the south half 1 of the north
east quarter i of section twenty
seven 27. township thirty-three 33.
north of range twelve 12 east containing-
e'ghty So acres: also the
south half i of the northeast quarter
) of the northwest i of section
thirty-four 34 township thirty-three.
33 range twelve 121: also part of
the southeast quarter i of the north
west quarter of section thirty-four
J!4 in said township and range which
is descrilx-d as follows:
Begin sit the northeast corner of the
southeast quarter i of the northwest
quarter 1 of said section thirty-four
34 and run south seven 7 chains
for a corner: thence south tifty-nine
.V.l degrees west twelve and twenry
one hundredths 12 21-100 chains to"a
corner: thence north twenty-eight 28
degrees west tive chains to a corner:
thence north thirteen and one half
degrees west five and seventy-one hun
dredths chains to a corner: thence
north eight degress west eighty-five
hundredths chains to a corner: thence
north lifty-seven and one quarter de
gree west six and seventy-two hun
dredths chains to the northwest corner
of the southeast quarter of the north
west quarter of section thirty-four:
thence east twenty chains to the place
of lieginning. thirty-eight and thirty
hundredths acres, more of less: also
the northwest quarter of the northeast
quarter of section thirty-four in said
township and range, excetit one acre
deeded to the M. K. Church containing
thirty-nine acres more or less, containing-
in the aggregate seventy-seven
and thirty hundredths acres more or
less, and I will, on
Wednesday, the Sixth Day ol May,
A. D. isi(i,
At the cout house door in the city of
Jackson, county of Cape Girardeau.
Missouri, between the hours of nine
o'clock in the forenoon and tive
o'clock in the afternoon of that dav.
and during the session of the Circuit
Court, of Cape (jirardeau county, sell
for casn in hand to the highest bidder.
all the right, title, claim and interest'
of said Americus Swann and H-nrv
W. Hahs administrator of the estate
of Emanuel Swaun. deceased, of, in
;ind to the above described prop.-rtv.
to satisfv said execution and costs.
Riar2n47 Sheriff.
liev. C. F. Brooks
says that his little girl is troubled with
malaria very severely, and that since
he gave h -r Sulphur Bitters, he never
thinks of leaving Xew York for his
summer resort without a few bottles,
for they always cure his family, and
are far superior to quinine.
Dr. Sawyer: Dear Sir: I can say
with pleasure that I have been using
your medicine, and will recommend it
to all suffering ladies.
Mrr. W. W. Weathekshee,
Augusta, Ga.
Sold at J. Maple Willson's drugstore.
Anchor Line. ,
Fine Freight and Passenger Steamers
City of St. Louis,
City of New Orleans,
City of Hickman,
City of Monroe,
City of Cairo,
Arkansas City,
Belle Memphis.
For Cairo. Memphis, Vicksburg,
New Orleans and all way landings.
Steamer-, leaves Cape Girardeau
every rhursday and Sunday.
For Cairo, New Madrid, Memphis,
and all way landings.
Steamer leaves Cape Girardeau.
every Wednesday and Saturday A. M.
For St. Louis. Steamers leave Cape
Girardeau every Sundav and Wednes
day P. M.
For freight and passage address,
C. M. Berkley, Gen. Pass. AgV
JOHX BIRD. General Freight
St. Louis. Mo.
Mob:; e& Ohio R. R.
Theavorite Route Between the
North and South.
Land Excursions o the South at
intrivals to suit the convenience of
everyone wishing to see the Garden
Spot of America.
or any portion in the South.
For time, ticket rates or othsr in
formation call on your nearest ticket
agent or address
E. E. Posey, G. P. A. Mobile, Ala.
A. J. Kext, Agt Murphysboro, 111.
Woman's modesty and igno
rance of danger often cause her
to endure pains and suffer tor
ture rather than consult a
physician about important
Pains in the head, neck,
back, hips, limbs and lower
bowels at monthly intervals, in
dicate alarming derangements.
is a harmless Bitter Wine with
out intoxicating qualities.
Taken at the proper time it
relieves pain, corrects derange
ments, quiets nervousness and
cures Whites, Falling of the
Womb and Suppressed or too
Frequent Menses. Price .
For Sale by KedieiiM Oealen.
SPECIFICS are scientifically
prepared Remedies; have
been used for half a century
with entire success.
1 Ferera, Companion!, InfUmmat-nra.
J Worms, Worm Fever, Worm Colic...
3 Trethlnc. OoUcCrjrliig. Wekefalne
4 Diarrhea, ot Children or Adulta -
6 Dysentery, Griping, Bilious CoUc..
6- 'holer Morbus, Vomiting
7 Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis ...
8 euralfis. Toothache, faoeacbe.....
9- Headarhrs, Sick Beadache, Vertigo.
10 Dyspepsia, Btiloosneas, Oonstipatiua.
1 1 Suppressed or Painful Periods....
1 2 Whites, Too Profuse Periods.... ......
13- Cronp, Laryarltls, Hoarseness ,
14- Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Eruptions.
19 Kheumatism, or Rheumatic Pains..
15- Malaria. CbUla. Ferer and Ague
IT Piles, Blind or Bleeding... .....
lH-Ophlhaliny. Sore or Weak Eyes
19- Catarrh, lnflarnra. Cold In the Head
20- W hooplas Cough
i 1 Asthma, Oppressed Breathing;
if -Ear Discharges, Impaired Hearing;
Kerofnla, Enlarged Glands. Swelling
21- Ueucral Deblliiy.PhysicalWeakseg-
2 DropT. yd Scanry fieciclkma
26-ea Sickness. Sickness from Biding
'ii Kidney Diseases,
2-.erou Debility
29 Sore Mouth, or Canker...............
30 l'rinary Weakness,
31 Painful Periods
3--llisraea of I he Heart, Palpitation
33- Epilepsy, Seisms, St. Vila' Dance..
34- fore Throat, Vulimy, Diphtheria
35- Chronic Congestions ft Eruptions...
"77" for GRIP-
Sold br DrsrrfsUs or sent prppafd ncp
for I1.SS, l but be assorted), sicept Bos. M,
13, pttnpls tLMatMcmlr.
Dm. HrTOini1 HaaeuEslsndgt1seD jusassn,
HrirHKETH-MED. CO., Ills 111 WMU
For Pues-External or Internal. Blind or BteMBW
Flu tola In Ado; Itching or Bleed lug of the Bsetoa.
TherHlef Is Immediate-the cure certain.
PRICE, 60 CTS. TT-TAI, SIZI-- a.' CrS.
Sold by DrsnMs. or sart eostoeid oa ree r;
BCVBUTS'aiACIIk.Ul 11 WHB 8.,e Mm.
I vv 1
. 1

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