OCR Interpretation

The Cape Girardeau Democrat. (Cape Girardeau, Mo.) 1876-1909, February 25, 1899, Image 1

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn89066818/1899-02-25/ed-1/seq-1/

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DEM06RAT PRINTING 60., Publishers.
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Jonrnal or the Proceeding-. If the railroad is built from Cape man. He was strong as well as tall.
. Called Session (0'Jiclal.) Girardeau to Commerce, connecting He was in the habit of measuring his
The Council met pursuant to the with the road from Morehouse on the strength with other tall men and he
call of the Mayor at 7 o'clock P. M. Cat road that runs from Cairo to did this even in the white house. In
Mayor Wm. II. Coerverinthechair. Poplar Bluff, it will givo us an outlet 1809 he visited the Wisconsin st&'e
Members, present: Messrs. Blomey- ' south through the finest section of fair at Milwaukee, and was led around
er, Givens, Kage, Regenhardt, Ruess- couuiry in the State for agricultural by the then Governor White. They
kamp, Uncerstall. purposes, and it is developing very entered a tent where "the strong mn:1
The Mayor stated that he had eal- last, the timber is being removed, was performing with huge iron balls,
led tho meeting for thu purpose of re- u.t. iui-a ttTlched and a vast acreage His feats amazed and interested Lin
ceiviug the report of the special com- u. iaud is being ojiened up each coin. The governor told him to go
mittee appointed to receive the result yeii- aud large core fielus can be seen on the platform and be introduced to
of the special election for Councilman froni either side of U;e railroad, where the athelete whose feats so fascinated
in the Third and Fourth we.rds, on ; but a lew years ago stood a dense him. He did so, and after the formal
February 14th. : fvrest uau itoihiu but the hoot of the introduction, he re-narked to the
Said committer TUeii prew.ated their .ti coulu oe neard. Hut things havo "strong man," who was very short of
report, which was read by the clerk, joiaue a great change in that section j stature. "Why, I could lick the salt
showing that M. E. Sheltoti 'received l-in the past few years awl people with ' of' the top of your hat.'"
45 votes and Joseph Fuerth S2 votes . capital seeing this tine land covered When a boy Lincoln used to split
for Counciuian of the Tnird ward; ! with choice tuuber ami t.je soil being j rails at 25c a day, and it is said that
and that James M. Morrison rjeeivo-S j of a olat-k auuy lomiation, making e once split 4('0 rails for every yard
36 voves, W. H. Bohnsaek 5 votes, j il tne very west lor agricultural pur-;tt brown jeans dyed with whitewalmit
E. S. Liliy 1 and Nathaniel Smocl 3
votes for CvMncilman Vf Fourth wad.
On moti-' of Mr. rigenhardt -said
report was received acid ordered liied.
Mr. Kt-.i moved tat Josep Feei-th
be declared el-.teiCouni.il:ntE for
the Third ward and James M. 5T-orri-son
Coit-tvilman for. the Fourt.lt "ward,
and tbV the elerLJinstru:ti -to is
sue to nem cerlifc at"3 of t!r.:r elec
tion, said mw'Um carried.
Oh notion of Mr. U'ociycr the
COUCKl'i then udjr.V.l 'Je i.
E. Uijiv. v:;.
S .en tarv 1 j - .
T:"'-"i " Y V. - i s-
l.i :
l er-
Re '. .-.bar.
II'-. H'- .
ti n In jr;
Ilie-?. ..irriji 1
r. ':.;i.
i ad gi-.-t vi-i Kllis trM.t
iiaiv to "iTiK-'uis :vt.
from i
a opted
v 'tioti of M-- Kit e, was
: til) Ck-rk ortiered to
ii'i .-eiVO'-dcJie.; with "be
On mniio of Mr. i-.iu"
the Count-:!
a iju red.
i: 1". i'l.OMFA ER,
Si.-iM?.:i-y prot.i:
i ' .l;ll. 11111 HI Cll.
M-. -v : - ud Chamberlain "t
.!i il.i': i. ihi;;ii..K;iMii with grea;
-.ii--'. i.iei l ran r-'iiinend it as a
?i...ii! HuHieut for - j'leumatisui aut
!ii i !i-iOr: 'ii.iid use -fo-whirh we haw
a 'i I it Vl In:, tile. - W . J. I'l'J'lel-. j led
i'.. X. . . Mr. '"'tyier s one o'
' !.-iidUvi l;ieieu;i:'i- tf this viii;i;.
tl e
i- tin- i:;ost r-'Hiiiiien! men h:
U is vieir.i
R;d .:re!l
li -n Milk-.
W. G. L-'hippin. 'r'.d:U-i!'-ralii.
-.'-'tir sale by I.
!-':-hii t.'
r.-fJic n lue i.Tavc.
a A-i-
look Onto a trai-.'.e and behold
i:,e b. be. At Hie age of ten he
is.n ni-y-i.:il with Ua!f the buttons
ni .tiifes: at fifteen he is the devil
of '! p;-ir:thop, at tvjiity thu Jiub
list ei- tif a tcjunty uewspuptr at the
heal nf i-vi!r enterjiris -:iriilated to
itnp'Mie the : own or enrich the busi
ness men th.reof: at thirty-li ve he is
an wiiiinriat'j!, wornotK man with a
bald beaii :&.! holes in t's pockets: at
fifty lie's a n.-rpse iu t cheap cofiin
and i is only tvoursos- iH-hind are
two cases of long iirimerrind a Wash
ington hand vress and t-ubscriptton,
with X-0 delimjuent subiiibers, who
line t.n and march past the collin,
saying.- "He was a public spirited
fellow, but Le couldn't save any
thing." Calloway Times,Jurray,Ky.
IA (iltll'FE.
Since ia. Grippe has been prevalent
in this country., there has buen found
but oik; Specific, Dr Humphreys
.,77". Fof salbyalldruggi'rts.
The; LaueU in German)-.
"You have a very complete estab
lishment. Hrr Schwartz, but of course
ii can't compare with our big Ameri
can ones.:r
'-'Veil, you knowdot'iny peesne-ss is
motly in der sassidge line, und I
don't expect I do any such peesnes; as
der pig American packer."
"What is that building across thesv?
"Dot's der sassidge varehoust."
'And what's that strange noise?"
"Dot der sa-sidgeg barkin'."
"Yaw, barkin" an' laughiu. "
"What are they laughing at?"
"Vt- :t rfjit emh:iliiiei tn-ef ToW. nf
, TT . ,
course. Ho. ho. ho. I leveland '
, . T. .
Plain Dealer.
evcr !ay Die.
Many desperate cases of kidney dis- j
eases pronounced incurable have been i
cured by Foley's Kidney Cure. Many j
physicians use it. U . H,
Coerver !
- A Section of country We Should
Beach. 1
poses, tiicy have bought it ai:d are :
getting timber worked up into lumber '
and nit; cicati-iug
year, a.ut it wio
lare traces each
but a short time
. , ..ii I
,J ,
rivecaj-d as iar---outh as Uie Arkan
sas Jiii'.' win ue !.- solii prairie oi"
t'.. i.vi iJ Lfc,ia.-v.O iH
tin i a.--;:.g ol vitori auu -small grain
iu the L uiled states,
j country south of us u i c-rtaiiiiy a.-i
I iuvJ'.in' aectifb for us to reach Una
I Ui' !La. L-:t-if tra.i V.i:.ei U i.'ili
u li! i: !-o r.e s 1: t.'apu tictr-J
.it - -
u v
i 1 .
i. i.-y
. . :. t . ., :
-.ij.'j'..- oi uoJ-"-t,.;
'He- to:iiii;.r v.
i. ut
;'-tl Oille eitii-. f JK -i iwlloiv. i
loi'-v.'.f. ireside.'it .l .'...,;,.. . .
! WieV iHf-.:i! ..!. ei! .
t Kvei V ii'oi-L il j- m i :'" II t . .
jCuttoii '!, r lui'i-'.i-i ;o corii. in u
! Cape t.-irar,ieau. A eniiiiui'i'n-' was
' apiou;t-i! u;p! s!iig .".itrfsrx. I;. A.
Idee II. l. I.. Ls'tuit:! lli.d tilbeiv: t!i--,-
t -AW j.'iiV.e,'. ojli:iu o
tlepol ;.'roiii:Us vnt, tne
Ij-ui'i Delta wi1::oiiT
i.-. 'ami ii:. In, i
. ... x "ill- e,mi;ii-'"ei' alt'-i
. Jja.' e v.ere lg:v.red and
'..- ell - o :
We n.uiil
work i-.vi v. i.i
i:i'ui.-i- i-a.ii-ii.u.'.
aij l:i!iii to-'ther and
v e javo a a npportu-
nlty for a i-imi. s:..-h M.-clbat it comes
to a(i' liiraideiiii uiiu itr. Gray's
Hunt's l.leji i n l iik J1
Cures ' 'atan-li, N-.Kiralgia. Sprains
Cramp 'olie, Diarrhoea, l.'uts, Head
ache. Rheumatism Good yr mau
and bet. Failing, money refunded.
Helped the Acturit.
An int"i-esting anecdote alxjut lin
ioln is contained in Joseph JelTer
son's autobiograjd'y. JclTorson, with
his father, was plaWng at Springfield
during th ; session .of the Legislature
Pnd, astlere was no theater in the
town, had jone ') the exoenst of
bi'ilding tie. Hardly had this been
done when a religious revival broke
oi't. The church ieople condumned
the theater and prevailed upon tlv au
thorities to impose a lieensewhicb was
priu-tieally .prohibitive.
"in the midst of our troubles,"
says JetTetvon, "a young lawyer
called upoc the niauagers. He bad
beifd of the injustice and offered, if
they would idace the matter in his
hanJ-s, to hxre the license taken off.
Ho said he would accept no fee
whether he failed or succeeded. He
wa engaged and handled his case
with tact, skill and bumor, tracing
the .history vt the drama from the
time when Thuspus acted in a cart to
the stage of today. He illustrated h's
sptivh with a number of anecdotes
and kept the eity council in a roar of
laughter. His good humor prevailed
and the exorbitant tax was taken off.
: he young lawyer was Lincoln."
Mi:oUi'r"s llcart-ICurn.
Heart-burn from excessive smoking,
or from any other cause, is relieved
by the first dose of Xo. 10. Dr. Hum
phreys' Specific f.o- Dyspepsia.ix,-
all druggists.
( ant tl Thanks.
We desire io rettu-n our sincere
thanks to th.; kind friends who assist-
ed us and extended sympathies at the
, , , - ,
funeral of our departed one.
Christ Alleks.
Dk. A. List and Family.
A J.lle lor 5c.
Many people have been cured of
Kidney diseases by taking a 50c bottle
Foley's Kidney Cure
, ,...n. ,T ... . . - --:r-- - :- - - - --r--vr---i. .: '-y-wr---'- r- mm 'i ' t"" - .
Lincoln' Strength.
Lincoln was a remarkably strong
bark that would be necessary to make
him t pair of trousers.
How LnpieuHuiit
is!igu'd with -vile hiuno
tiirouga t!ie
skin pimples. biotchc?
.voung and innocent are laughed ; i
.ini! twitted in ail ,'.rh ;;.-. I'.r.t i .
- . tivelliei.1 ti.;;t ooil aiid pu: t
i' -iniiili.:! whieli w: I
e:i:eii :imi ive ut of th" 1 loo I
iiior. llealt l
;laj'i ri.f.
. :; - .;;:.-t V
ion.- er ;i
I V:.
.it e:-i
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pit:.! in
I :..iii.-v
ai'.i T:e
ie ii-s-
! i
..- . s Ai'f .
;".ou-.-u . to ' '
a-o. Hi.-, -s - in-
Than ii"ii.g
V d
-n was ii
r.r.d tii -.
'.va.-; Ji:.r
was e;
iiin'ti. -rs
table ;i.-.
.:-f- .'
!iie o! .;n-.i-i.i.tation.
re. but !.ie--e
l i-, HJ.) i-t-il
''.-. .pertitii.i
.'e :.!;, uln!!i.:i.
! .";i ut.i: ..
. . ;-i.. Ii . w i'.:i-
life v.iis it:
.-t-n el; t'l-rh.-
:ii" .ii ii
: ::i v--''.i V
a;.y kin.; .-eun.-d
V.' ii.--Kye
rlll'l - Ii il i
... res. .ved
siie eyes oi
. ;itv:ially
e!-i:u,;j s Kay le
in tilths, an i
; " i ..'..- II :'!:;.
... I.--, i.
h mi::
1 s .i:.L i
; :;!" i
V itKliini:!,-,!! I'tiroiioio'jy.
Year. Age.
I'oi Fob. -2- li.-ii in WelmorviaiKl
county. Va.
T4 1 Survi-yor of Kurd Fairfax's
17S1 li Military I-jspcctor. withr-ink
if Majtf-r, to jiro'.eel the
frotitiett of Virgit'in.
17,"t- Adjutant Cener.tl.
17;"-J i.' Lieutenant- 'olonel ii.r h i;
fense of the colony of 'n.
17.5 Ti! Aide-de-camp to Gen. lir-id-dock.
tDmmander-in- '!. in'
of Virginia forces.
li.l '21 Uesiirned his commission.
17."!' 27 Marrieit Mr-. Custis: nieiuver
of the house of Durgesn's.
1774 4i Metnlx'i of Virginia Conveji
tiotis and of first Continen
tal (.'ongress.
1775 43 Commander-in-Chief of the
Continental Army.
17S1 4! Surrender of Yorktown.
1783 51 3'eaee proclaimed to the army:
his farewell to the array and
1787 55 President of the first Consti
tutional Convention.
1789 57 First President of the United
17!'.'l til President second term.
J7!iti (il Farewell address to American
i:7 65 Ketircs to private life: dini
cuities with France.
17fS ti'i Comu;ain!er-in-Chief of the
armies of the I'nited States.
17!!.i ti7 Deatii at Mount Vernon.
Spain's lireatesl Need.
Mr. K. I". Olivia, of Barcelona.
Spain sjienJs his winters at Aiken. S.
C. Weak nerves had caused severe
pains in the back of his head. On
using Electric flitters, America's great
est Blood and Nerve Honu-dy. all paii.
soon left him. lie says this gr i:,ii
medicine is what hi country needs.
All America knows that i: i-.;res liver
land kidney trouble. puri;i( - the blood.
tones up the stomach, strei-gthess tin
nerves, puts vim. vigor and new life
into every muscle, nerve ami organ of
the body. If wear:, tired or ailing
you need it. Every bottle guaranteed,
only 50 cents. Sold by I. ikr Miller,
Druggist. 1
Marie Correlli on suicide.
The following letter from Miss
Marie Correlli was read at a recent
meeting of an Lnglihh debating so
ciety on the proposition that suicide
is justifiable:
"I may state at once that I do not
consider suicide justifiable under any
circumstances whatever. It is quite
true that God has given us free will
in the matter of ending our lives if we
wish, but at the same time we must
not forget that free will was not ours
when we came into the world. There
can be no doubt that we are brought
into it for some purpose known only
to ihe Creator, and it is but a cow
ard's act to shrink nay, shirk the
work He has yiven us to do. The
tnot diilicult courseis the most heroic.
To die is easy it is but the matter of
a few minutes but to live a life of
hardship, toil, privation and sorrow
and to live it well is the work of a
grand act of self abnegation or ex
treme bravery or when we read of the
splendid acts of bravery and heroism
U::ii men have performed ever since
tne world began? Therefore, arguing
a la Socrates the most difficult is the
best to do and the bravest'
A Narrow Escape.
Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada
K. Hnrt. of Groton S. D. "Wastuken
with a bad cold which settled on my
lungs: cough set m and finally termi
nated in consumption. Four Doctors
(gave me up. saying I could live but a
j-vhorttime. I gave myself up to my
jisavior, determined if I could not stay
nr.- frii-ud.-. on earth. I would mett
'my j.ilt:..f.r !!. Jibove. My hns1-snd
; v .ii- .!i-'.!inriun.
. oirj
i .i.e 1' a trial.
i;, eihi ii.'e-vs. Ii has cm
tcv: in
ed ir.e,
j au,j thank God. I am saved and
la well and livatthy woman."' .
j bottles free at I. Ben. Miller's
, store llegular size .. and
. j Guaranteed or price refunded.
; ;ieii ut Last.
S V.e have lfi: firing an occasional
jsliot at the saloons of Jackson for
j about. Mtecii years.' Alone and single
I haiideu. is far as news j taper tielp is
concerned, tin C.-!i. has hammered at
t the sali:)tis h-ie. Some vcur airo
when go-id liro. Kie- .-t.-irted up his
l iijier we fel. sure he woi.ld wheel in
line and together the Yolksfrcund and
C.-1J. ivoiili! deliver liie kntM-k-otit
blow. List to our amazement Hro.
ivies uiieeieil the other way and iiouted
Scripture against us and we were ut
terly routed.
iut all tiling- .om? to him who
waits. St.iv!;' lb Ke' Id inherits
new r.'.ituayein litjwiil ii.-'i;i us holu up
to puolic. gii.e the iniquity of the
saloou mid urge its banishment from
this town. And wo still havo hopes
that th-Volksfieund will see its way
clear to joiujthe C.-IJ. and the Herald
(whose praviiig christian editor can
safely be counted on tho right side. )
in denounc g the saloon as an evil
that no ci immunity should tolerate.
Tho time i . drawing near when the
keepers of -. iese sinful and youth-corrupting
places will be seeking new
licenses, and we would suggest to our
brother of the Herald that it is time
for us to commence urging upon our
citizens not to sign the petitions. We
begin this week, and honour brother
will begin not later than next. Jack
son Cash-Hook.
A Frightful I'.lunder.
Will often cause a horrible Bum,
Scald, Cut or Bruise. Bucklin's
Arnica Salvo, the best in the world,
will kill the pain and promptly heal
it. Cures Old Sores, Fever Sores,
Ulcers, Boils, Felons, CDrns, all Skin
Eruptions. Best Pile cure on earth.
Only 25 cents a box. Cure guaranteed
Sold by I. Beu Miller, Druggist. 1
Assignees Notice ot the Allowance
of Demand.
Notii-e is hereby given that I, as
Assignee of Frank H. Dunlop and
Mary C. Dunloji. will upon the 27th,
2sih and 2!th days of March A. D.
1 !:, in the Common Pleas Court room
in the city of Cajie Girardeau, in the
county of Cajie Girardeau, Missouri,
proceed publicly to adjust and
allow demands against the estate and
effects of the assignors. Those jier
sons having claims against said as
signors failing to attend at the time
and place mentioned and lay before
the as.-ignee the nature and amount of
their demands may be precluded from
any benefit of the assets of the estate
of said assignors.
KoHEK'i G. Haxxky. Assignee.
This February 13, 1S!9.
Couched 45 Years.
I su tiered for 25 years with a cough,
and sicnt hnrdtvds of dollars with
doctors anti kr medicine to no avail
until I used Dr. Be.l's Pine-Tar-Floney.
This remedy makes weak
lumrs strong. It has saved my life.
J. B. Kosell. Grantsburg, 111.
On the Ohio."
This very excellent Comedy drama
as produced by Ferris Comedians at
the Broadway Theatre last night was
well rendered and applauded to the
echo by our theater goers. The com
pany, headed by Dick Ferris is an
unusually strong one, and gave a
superior rendition of the comedy by a
well selected ca6t The comedy is full
of clean, pure and wholesome humor,
and its young author, Mr. Graham,
who by the way, gave a splendid ren
dition of one of its principal charac
ters, should be congratulated on his
success as an authur actor. The last
at is particularly strong and affords
an opportunity for skillful work on
the part of several of the players,
noticeable Miss Leone. Dick terns
is too well known here to call for
special mention. It i9 sufficient to
say that ne is ai once one oi
... . .
the most finished and versatile actors
in the profession. His '"nibs" charac
terization was rediculously funny,
Mention of the most clever special
ities which were introduced between
the acts should not be omitted but
lack of space forbids and it will be
sufficient to say that the general ex
cellence of all the acts forbids indi
vidual praise. To-night the bill will
bo changed to "Fortunes Fool with
with an entire change in the specialty
bill. A packed house is assured.
Lung Irritation
is the forerunner to consmnptior.. Dr.
Bell's Pi3'.!-Tar-Uoney will cure it.
and give s'u-h stiviirth to the lungs
that n for.gii or a coid v i!I r jl sett,,
ji'i-. iVehty-iive cents -it ;llj,.
it::i: am
ti:i: i. ! ioi ., tin fan.tl, Safety Oil.
gitiiran'ei d not to smoke your chim
neys or char your wicks. Be sure
and get the genuine. For sale by the
following sealers only:
W. G. Polack,
W. H. Coerver.
I- H. Graessle.
.1. A. Vandeven.
W. C. Bergmann.
Martin Vasterling.
Aug Kempe.
.1. F. Sehwepker.
K. Osterloh
J. F. Vogelsanger.
M. A. Warren.
K. S. Lilly.
Dovle Bros.
W.A. Trickev.
I. Ben Miller."
Fientge, Johnston i Co.
F. V. Vogt.
J. Mt. Avit & Son.
Tom Moore.
A. D. Blomever.
Hirseh Bros., Merc I'rov.
Vogel & Brunkhorst.
B. Bahn.
II. P. Peironnet.
All folds nr- lalnic-d.
All cohis are tainted with Grip
when Grip prevails. "77"breaks up
Grip and Colds that "hang on:" 25e
all druggists.
Private Snle.
1, the undersigned, will sell at pri
vau; sale at my residence on Kllis
street, all my household and kitchen
furniture, consisting of parlor set.
lied room set, carjiets, stoves, kitchen
utensils, etc. All in first-class con
dition. Parties wishing to purchase
should call within the next tw weeks,
as the goods must be sold within that
time. Fred Pape.
Have Yon Had the lirlpf
If you have, you probably need a
reliable medicine like Foley's Honey
and Tar to heal your lungs and stop
the racking cough incidental to this
Resolution of the tlty Council to
tirade and Gravel partof Kills
Resolved, That in the opinion of
tho Council it is necsssary to grade
and gravel iEllis street fram Them
is street to Good Hope street,
and to the end that said street may be
graded, and when brought to grade,
graveled by blocks, the City Clerk is
hereby instructed to publish this res
olution in the newspaper doing the
city printing, for two consecutive
weeks, as required by ordinance.
(Signed) E. F. Blomeyer.
February ltith, 1899.
I certify that tho above and fore
going resolution was adopted at a
regular meeting of the Citj Council
of the City of Cape Girardeau, held
on Thursday evening February ltith,
Geo. K. Chappell,
City Clerk.
February 17tb, 1'M.
That ThobblnK Headache
Would quickly leave you. if you used
Dr. King's New Lif Pills. Thousands
of sufTerers have proved their match
1ms merit for Sick and nervious Head
aches. They make pure blood and
strong nerves and build up your
health. Easy to take. Try thsm. Only
25 cents. Money back if not cured.
Sold by I. Ben Miller, Druggist 1
Il Makes Them sqelrm.
If the Washington representatire -.
of the St. Louis Globe-Democrat is as
well informed as bis dispatches to that -paper
would seem to show, there hare
been some very queer, not to say trea -.
sonable, dealings between the FiHpi- , :
no delegates to the United States and . ;
certain prominent antagonist of "im
perialism" According to this au
thority, the government detectives
have positive kcowlecge thai Agon
cillo has not only been constantly in
receipt of American eiicoitrafenwnt,
information and advice, but he has
been supplied with money for use in
inP.uencikg pubb ; ': - :
dering the execution of the govern
ment's plans and policies. Many of
the documents put forth in Aguinal
do's name are said to have been writ
ten in this country, not by Agoncillo
and his fellow delegates, but "by cer
tain 'misguided' men of wealth and
high official position in this country."
These are charges, the gravity ot
which could not be exaggerated. It
true, they mean hanging, or ought to,
mean hanging, for trose 'misguided
individuals. To be quite frank, we
more than doubt the accuracy of the
accusations, but it must be admitted
that the course of recent cyents has
lent them a trace of true credibility.
Some of our contemporaries are
making free use, now-a-days, oi me
word "traitor." That they are thus
doing some injure is highly proba
ab!e. but-well, 1. tphifuct is pro
ducing a lot of curiously vigorous
summing bo'b i.i Coigns raid out
oi" it. ew 'ot" r-
t There is a
pi tor-' ilo ui
COM.'-: sonic I.
gredient, tn th:
honest medieim
certain clisc.ist-s
: 1
c -i... ::.v d'S-
-.i" i.. in
'? h riii-e-f..,". This
e.'ih cUi r.is to cu:-e
a:.;' that its ingred
ients are recognize. by the no-!t ik'.ll
ful physicians : !-f 'r.g the be-t ior
Kidney iind Bltid-ier Di.-v'-ist-. I is
Foley's Ktdnc, Cur. .
TI.e TuicCc .V '.! liW.dK,
Every ;nielii;;e..l f.-mily kk-iU in
ailtiition to the. -ei paper, a good
national weekly. Tf.e greatest and
most widely known g -, era 1 i'.ii lily
uewspajier is t'u-. T.ili , '.t-UIv Blade.
For thirty years ii hi.s beeii a regular
visitor iu every i
is v.e!! known i .
the 7IMKHI po-ttif'-.es
; ne 1,'nion and
- eve'.-v one of
in tin. country.
Jt is edited with reference to a national
circulation. It is a n )i!b!ie. - pr ycr,
but people oi all politics ti;-; it, be
cause of its lmt.esty and .r;i:ruess in
the discussion oi all public questions.
It is the favorite family paper, with
something for every member of tho
household. Stria! tloiks, poetry,
wit and humor; the household depart
ment, (best in tho world). Youitg
Folks, M:uday School Lessons, Tal
mage's Sermons, the Farmstead, the
Question Bureau ( which answers ques
tions for subscribers), the News of
the week in a complete form, and other
special features. Specimen conies
gladly sent on application, ana if you
will semi us a hsi of addresses, we
will mail a copy to each. Only il a
year. If you wish to raise a club,
write for terms. ,
Address. The Blade,
Toledo Ohio.
ItnllarU'R sno-.v Lincuicnt.
If you have a terrible pain in th
small of the back, get a bottle of
Snow Linement. It will positively
cure it and at once. Try it ami re
omendit to your friends. Sold at
Wilson's drug store.
Administrator" Sale of Personal
The undersigned administrator of
the estate of Julia Amelunke, deceas
ed, will, on Tuesday, February 28th,
at ten o'clock in tho forenoon of
that day, at the late residence of said
deceased, sell at public auction to the
highest bidder, a lot of household
and kitchen furniture, consisting of
beds, tables, chairs, stoves, etc.
Hen-ry A. Astholz,
f-'Wsn285fi Administrator.
Tetter, Sal t-It ticum and Eczema.
The intense itching and smarting
incident to these diseases, is instantly
allayed by applying Chamberlain's
Eye and Skin Ointment. Many very
bad cases have been permanently cured
by it. It is equally efficient for itch
ing piles and a favorite remedy ior
sore nipples, chapped hands, chil
blains, frost bites and chronic soro
eyes. 25c per box. For sale by I.
Ben Miller, druggist. ocl9-ly
One eight room slate roof brick
dwelling house, with all modern im
provements, located on lots 7 and 8,
in range A, 60x180 feet in size, known
aa the Morton house. Apply to
:,V :.-.
s-t ;.
f ; ;- f.w
- i

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