Newspaper Page Text
afntiiMfam ttbc farinittytoit Cunc? iprintino do. FA KMING TON, ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY, MO., NOVEMBER 17, 1905. ! Volume 32, Number 44. mm mmt. DR. E. 8. BARflOW, DENTIST, FARMINCTON, MISSOURI. oitii K Mail No. 6 llaaltr BalUUuti Plume Nit. 7.V Itesitleiice Wo, I" DR. li L. MORTON, DENTIST. sfc. s PARMINOTON, MISSOURI am up iMlri In Holler bans ialldtnti DR W. L.WINN, HVSICIAN and SURGEON, Firmluetou, Mo. IP OPriHC III ki.k iii.tuusu. Nr.vr POOH to tin 'ii imifoji motsi. OHM 'lliana, is, Kacktono. Phone, 111 C. A TETLEY, DENTIST FARMINOTON, MISSlilR UBct) 0VBI Tellcv's Jewelery Store. DR C L BLANKS PHYSICIAN. PanBlagton, Missouri. ofllc In Henlt) Huildina li. 'in 17. nVea ph as, MS. UoaManr i liona, W, OH. C. R. FLEMING I'HYSIOIAN, irmlni,'ton. : : : Missouri. 1 mi"" 111 Healtj IMIhllng. miui 1 'i-iloM Ill Kllll Hi I I'lli'NK No. III. DR. J. W. BRAHAM, RESIDENT DENTIST, Trvi 111 i u; ou . IVIcj. A. 1 v 1 mis nf dental operation Ith the latest and most approved appliances ami methods All work guaranteed to five set. faction, a. uni. realoea OWEN A. SMITH, M . D.. BYE N1 BAR. a t TA h It C i n,. ,i.i) . Tbarsdav ami naterd OaHee Hi . llobiSHHMi9a liuililhur. AT FLAT RIVR. Mitadar. U't'iliiisMlai awd i-'inho- W H. YOUNG Attorney at law. NIUAWV PUBLIC ANII Jl STICB OF THI! ii:acii KARMINOTON, MO. Office m lie. , . lllt-i :n .' IliilMllr: W. S. ANTHONY. TTONEY- AT-LAW IPm-mlnstoii. Tkao. gPKAl till-Iliad the Omuls nl Missouri. aertiffies in Reettj Huddles', J. L. HAW, JR. ATTORNEY AT LAW I jirminglon. Missouri iu piactkwiaaiitherourtaoi Missouri. Offiee Moon No. ; Realty Huildlaa, EDWRD A. ROZIER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 1a i: m 1 Milt in , Mismii ui 2Vi 1 i. nrni Ilea in an 1 tie Courts of His an. -! iirit-.' in Itealtv BulkJIai. h. 8 ledbetter, Attorney-at-law, Faiimingon. Missouri. Special attention to nutnteaad laeuiaaei Hualnees. nin e in i:a ik of ranaiaatoii RulMlns, m . 11. SMII 11 II, 11. m Mtm in smith &. marbury Attorneys-at-law, r"Ainitiistoii, 1VI . j-it vt ' 111 'k in all the txwrts of southaesl Miss nu t . I lie v . LOUIS court 01 Appeals anil tile supreme Uonrt. tiffins In St. Kiuncols 1:0. Hank UUlldtnS JAS. L. MORRIS Hilary Public and Iiisnraucc Agent, BISMARCK, MO. Represents the Contlaeutal insurance Co. of New York. Legal work promptly attended 10, A portion of your business solicited M. ll.Mll.AN. '. II. MHO, President. Vlee Pre. SJ. I. OA VCt . Cashier. SI I IMI1 CAPITAl. ST. wK B0.000 00 (Surplus $2.1, 000.00) 11... s general Hanking snd Be- lichange liuilneaa. Interest psln on time deposits. S Insured aglnt burglary In Ik ilndeHty and OeeaaHy 0o.. of IT.t i COLLKCTIONS A RPKCIAI.TY. Z)epoUary of Gounltf undt. . - - lllRHCroRS - - Peter (Meeting, J. B, Klein, ( W. 1'. Doss, John U. Higbley, V. K. Lang, A. J. Zwart, W. M. Harlan. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given to the cred itors of the Bono Mcronnlilo company, tbat on llio -".'! day n( December, 1905, or ns soon Ihcrenftftr as uan be heard by tho court and convenient to all parties concerned, I shall apply lo the Jndgc of tho Circuit Court for a discharge from my trust as assignee of eaid Bono Mercantile Company. H N. IIono, Assignee. Novembor 10, 1905. WATER GIVES AN OIL CLEW Rich Find of Crude Pstroleum la Made Near Galena Excite ment Over Find. Oalen.i, III. There is much eiclte m-'iii In Jo Davlena county over the lleoovery of crude patrolaun near (in lona The pet roleiuu li) found in the liver sands and toll, and the presence of the liquid rich a. is revealed in the babbling Jets. Tin' oil was first dis covered in the southwestern part ot the county on Mississippi river land adjoining Band I'rairie. Clinton, la., and .Savanna. Ill , pros pectors ware the original Bndara, and I a corporation has been formed, with a capital f 1100,000, wblcll has for Ha Object tin' drilling for and reflatag "i the oil unit to plan' It upon the mar ket Tor years fishermen In and alsiiit Savanna and tialtna have auspecteii the preoence of oil In the sands The bluish Kim on the river In various lo ' eulitles gave rife to 'he idea, hut no steps were taken until recently to ascertain whether or not there of! in the sands ami soil in sufficient ! quantity to pay Recently a jet ,,f on was dteeoT' ercd bubbling from the land In the I vicinity of Raienu. The lubataaoe was found to be crude petroieuni, ,mo the result was the organisation of iho company to work the soil and Simla SUIT IS OFF; PAIR TO WED. 1 Bieach of Promise Suit Against Hioh PittHhmu Woman to End in Marriage of Litigants. rittHliurg. l'a. After dcscrlbiUK Dr vv w Campbell, of Kankln, as a "loafer" und a "heavy drinker," lu uei answer 10 His ISO.OOO claim for breach of promise of marriage. Mrs Kooo Bretlearaltar, a rich widow, is wining to marry huu, BTOVtdlaf the suit Is t ailed off. More than that. counsel in the casa say. nhi Is willing to pay Ur. Camp hell "a certain sum" as "a further con Mention" r his returning from the role of prosecutor lo that of tlaiue. The payment of the certain sum " Ami 1 lie exjilauat ion thai she "hail lo muke a defense." It Is suit), are SUite clciit to make Ur tlampliell forget all about the loafer" and hard drinker' Inoldentl of the answer to his com plaint "Doth are saiisfltd." said one of the, lawyers who arc arranging the detail of 1 he settlament. "The only loaar is the public, which exp, . ted a MBaeV tlotial court story aiv) will not get It.'' "I never did refuse to marry l)r Campbell. ' declares Mrs Ilreltenrelier "rlo yon see I haven't changed my mind u bit " Honor Weitterw urate' Birth. Raaldenta of sat naky, 0., paid trio tit' to the Wienerwurst and its invent or. Joliann Ijihner, in tho Calvnry Eplsctpal charch, the congregation hold Inn a public celebration, n was Called a tenteiinlil commemoration. The Invitations st ted that the meet log wes "for the purpose of doing hon or to the memory of Johann LaUUiar, Invontor of that d let table nursel of food, the frankfurter." i'. Atep snii,tM Haallaa. Albert ilcsiifi county marshal of jaeheprt county has nnnouncid his de larmlnatlor to enforce strictly the law asjalnai bunting on Bunday He hai Inatrtintad Ills tlepulles to .irreyt all UfranM hmnd dltfegardlng the law St Uaimrl O ...I., i Mertlnr. Croti;! No 1 of the Missouri Stab Ttanlo't s' as1 of kit Inn . composing sev mi cotttttiei mei 'n annual seealon ai Navnda lev,,,,,,,.il Wife llrniit. I. li ml nil mil Mrs .1. ganders, of Rich him. took a large amount of laudanum wi'h Sill' cltlal Intent She was In a Critical condition, but phvslclam finally re vived bar, She took the poison iu a fit of d spontlency over tlomestlt roubles Bring us Your Money and Let it Grow The act of drawing a check makes you think. Rlswhert your money is liable to be thoughtless. ly frittarad away. It is an agrea able surprise to watch your money grow when it is in the bank. It is an evidence of good business methods for an individual or a tirm to keep a bank account nntl transact business bv check or draft. St. Francois ; Capital $30,000 Surplus $8,000 County Bank Offers liberal inducements to de positors and we are willing anil able to protect ami accomodate our customers. The lime to start uii account is NOW while Hie mutter is in vour mind. No sum too small to be welcome, none too large to receive careful and prompt attention. sesssvj Directors. Thos. H. Statu, J. M. Morris, B, K. Swink, W. T. Haile, J. W. Karsch, B. I. Morris, Sam I'erringcr. Thoa. H. Sum, I'res.; J. M. Morris, Vice Pres.; J. Ii. Cover, Cashier. nV si S . -VA 'V'V''. SAILORS ID ARMY I lumps With Machine Guns Mow Down Mutinous Sailors and People. FICHIINC LISTED BUY AND NIGHT MUTINEERS APPLY THE TORCH A Military I imp, a fit. rrlrrshuras i'urre.punilenl Sara. Huh Hern BssHsg fj relead win net Heeelte Aiitoiit.ut) A l.eiieral PaMtlaal Cotes! re sa Alaaael tr- laln lu Occur. Crousladl, the greet naval station of Russia, located luiar St Petersburg, was the scent' of a sefiOUS mutiny, uc uimiMUiitsl by blixxlshtsl, pilluge aud Are. Soldiers and aullors mutinied, loined foroaa, and fired upon the town. Troops sent to quell them used ma chine gnus, and all MM day and night there was the roar and crash of batllo In the streets The tnhubltatita, panic Htrlcken, fieri, loavlng everything Workman Joined ih mutineers. Spirit storee, or saloons, wore looted, and a wild, drunken frenzied mob of Bullor und soldiers, well armed, fought tho government troojsi desperately. The torch w as applied, and many port Ions of the city were luld In ruins. Thft flame oould bo seen ut Peterhof , reel doace of the OHtr, and the booming uud siwtler of tho guns were heard at St. Petersburg. Ijitnr reports said the mutiny had been quelled, but ihut the loss of life had been heavy. The czar has made further conces sions to the people by receiving tho resignation of lean, Trepoir us gov ernor general of St. Petersburg Tho tirautl Duke Nicholas has Ins'ii tip pouted to the military command of that illy Nicholas is u man of iron. Ho beiteves thut the surest and heal way lo quell a mutiny Is lo kill the mutineers, in- Worn. for HiianIii. The St. Petersburg correspondent or the London Telegraph, who Is well ac quainted with ltiiHSla. says: The mud deeds at Cronsladt have created a painful Impression in court circles and have enormously strengthened lit.. builds of the autocratic puny, who hold that llussla la not ripe for a constitu tion; Ihut It was a fatal mistake lo grant representative government, and that an Immediate anil franl. return to autocracy, passing through the Inter mediate stage of u mllilar) dictator ship. Is the only salvation for Russia. The czar, however, has supported Count WlttS loyally He refuses to be dlaoonraged, and is reeolved to con tinue the exjn rim. 'lit until It booOCfllS absolutely maiiifeHtiy Impossible to carry on the government by n lying on Hie law WHte Hsu Hop... Count wit to has roaotved to persevere against uii obstacles, lie. however, seems to decry the pOSStbill ly of the work he has undertaken be coming impossible Ha has no intention of resigning or abandoning the role of champion of a republican government. but Circa instances may compel him to glvn place to otkara who think differ ently from hini uud who would act raaatutely and, iriiais. draconlcally. a Relate i.r WMte Terser. The fate of republican government is trembling In the scales, and fount Wltte'a disappearance from the isiiit ical zone may Inaugurate n reign of while terror unparalleled since car dom won lis piece in Bttrona Peltfteal Pateef yam inn. Amid the virtual chaos now exist ing, there are beginning lo devlop om inous features which leave little hoA of averting a general polltlt ! cula clyUtm In Russia. I. it tie has been said publicly of the OOttLsjptUOUS Ill-will of tb fashlonuble regimen's toward the sovereign since the peace of Ports mouth was signed It was soon evl tltiit thul the army would seek a scape goat, and It Is now becoming man ifest that It will bo the car himself Indeed, the guaatlon of his tuoceseoi Is utiw being discussed with aina.lng buldnestt. Tlic BaWnag constantly In am lu military in-leo for a regency, or thw heurl of a limittsl tnonarchy, nr tho tlratul lluke Nicholas Nlfholulo v Itch ami Constantino Constant lov licit, lioth are grandsons of Nicholas 1 (latter Slthtr, th section of the Rus sian body pollllc may still sick tc steer tho empire through the storm x Atiliiunni) tor I'IhhiI. St. Petersburg. Nor. 13. Poland It not to be permitted to becoms a second Finland. The Russian government, In a stronaly-wnrded eommiinication, serves notice on the Polish national Ists that, for good or III, the aaflMBl klugdom of Poland has now become nn Integral pitrt of the Russian empire. MAY SIDE WITH RAILROADS llrollierhood of Itollroittl Kiiiiilorra Are Said to 11, nr,,,.s, u to itme Omaenpea. Washington, Nov, 12. -The brother hnoris of railroad employes have about tloclded to cast Hietr Influence with the railroad corporations and Against Pre Idem Roosevelt in his demand for rail road rate legislation This fai t has Is , ii learned hero through Information of Informnl conferences held between the leaders of the more Important or ganisations. It is understood lo he Iho theory of these leaders that the luter ats of the railroad companies are tbelr interests. It Is reported in Toklo that the American legation has been raised to en embassy, Circuit Court in Dunklin coun ty convened Monday of this week and there are 600 cases to he dis posed of from that time In .Inn. 5, 1906. There ia only one murder case and 74 divorce eases. Rev. Sullivan Frnzier, one of the oldest ltaptist miuisters in the Hlnte, died at his homo in Hills boro on the 4th, aged 86 years. Chas. Moore, a Pemiscot county fisherman, caught three blue cat fish in the Mississippi river Inst week that weighed 416 pounds. FOR M HONEST ELECTION Hearst Declares He Waa Right fully Elected Mayor. i.h That He win Mint a "Chala at Tlirrc Men," Klrrllun Crook., it Nina "ln rn.oa. New York, Nov. 10. A campaign to defeat Tammany Hall lu the supreme court anil to declaru William K Hearst 1 tho rightfully elected mayor of New York In place of Georgu 13- McClellau was Inaugurated at a crowded meeting of tho Municipal Ownership league lenders hero. At its close Mr. Hearst said. "We are going to fight to-day, to- ; morrow, next mouth and next year to I make It possible for a man lo cast an honest vote and to prevent, In future, I conditions being an disgraceful as they i were Tuesday, especially In Sullivan's j anil Murphy's districts, and we will In ! mile every b-gul means to have every I ballot honestly counted We are re ceiving voluntary offers of money from l i in. st mou to aid us In this ap peal." Mr. Hearst's lieutenants then an nounced that wph evidence that 35,010 Ileal?.! men were defrauded of their right lo vote, and that I.ISK) election irepectorn were guilty of Ult-gni acts. ' the content would be carried lmmedl- ately over the beuil of the Isiartl of county canvassers Into tho supreme court. They saiit the object of this plan was 10 secure a speedy and final unswer. and that money was not lo be pared in engaging special counsel In all pans of the I'ulted Slates to make this plan succeed Wat Ivlns, republican nominee far mayor, has offered his services to Hearst as counsel. Clarence Hheara, OOunsel for Hearst, offered Ivlns a rc lainer. which he gcdinod to accept, anil stated in a letter to Hearst: "Hav ing myself been a candidate, no pure ly business consideration could Kissl bly Induce BM to take any part In the contest after my own very decisive, de feat." DEAD IN BRIDAL CHAMBER. it,.. Beige vttteatly KUIeg the flf Oeeti Hid Tlit'll CtiiMiuitfed SutclUr. Norfolk, Va , Nov. 11 A special from Pel gulmans. N. C, says: A dou ble tragsd) Is Iho sequel to the wedding yf u pretty girl who was formerly Miss Helen Hone ami Randolph C Johnson, who were married here In the morning the couple were foUDd dead ill Inil lii their bridal chamber lu the krldt s band wa.s a pistol Her hus band had been shot in the left breast, the left temple and In the Cheek The young wife hail been killed ny u bullet wound iu the head The killing and suicide, the tragedy Is generally Interpreted as such, has sans I the greatest sensation here and throughout this section of the state J Oh neon and blS wife were well known His bride was a beantlful girt, and the Wedding was regarded as tho Culmination of a pretty romance. a few persons here suggest that pos- slLly the bride and groom were killed by a burglar, but rlmumatanoaa show that this theory Is not tenable The po lice are Invi stigatlng, and believe that some motive for the woman's act may be discovered, The coroner of this county will hold in Inquest NEW YORKTiFE IN MISSOURI ',t,lii Admits, In llir IVdrral Court ut St. I.oiiIm, Psoaeae rn V.rk I li TempeffStW HrMtrnliiln.j Order. St. Louis. Nov. 11, JudgS Adams of he United Suites circuit court has ia Ued a restrslnlng order directing Itale Superintendent of Insurance Van liver to tppear before the federal court iu Jefferson City. November M, to show gauss Wb) he should not ho provetitfil from enforcing his order saoludlng tim New York Life Insurance Co. from writ I in; furl her Insurance in Missouri mid ordering thnt, pending the hearln'; November 10, no attempt, In any niau ncr. lie made to enforce the order. Rumors are current st Itiffurson CHy act m il lug; to dispatches, of a suit to hi tiled against Superintendent Vandlvei and his hondsmeh for damegos. on tbt ground I hat, by Implication, (ha com pany has btOO declared Insolvent. CHARGED WITH TEN MURDERS Young IMij-Mirlnn Alleaetl to !!.. Polmiurd and Itarupd Mother, Father and nrother. Dayton, O., Nov. II. Dr. Oliver Hangbi a young physician, has been charged with the murder ef hlsmutker, futher and brother, who Stindny were found dead in their burned bed. It Is stated that laugh, who Is a yoiinn phystciaa of a prominent family, will be charged with seven additional mur ders, all of which It Is alleged, he MV eon tad with the cunning of a Ilorgia. Five of his alleged victims, it is said, women letter llae Hrea llonrat. Washington. Nov. 13. Henry M. Al len, defaulting treasurer of the Print ers' lteneflcial BBsociatlon of the gov ernment printing office, look laudanum t end his life, but the dose only gavti hltn a long sleep. Concluding to live, he surrendered to the police of Phila delphia, confessing a shortage of $2,800. Mlddr Meriwether Arreatrd. Washington, Nov. 13. Midshipman Minor Meriwether, Jr., has been placed under arrcet at the naval academy, pending (rial by court-martial, for en gaging lu a fist fight with Midshipman .tames R. liranch, who died of Injuries received. Rev. A. T. Osbron, formerly of Jackson, the "located" Methodist minister, has decided to give up spirit unlisra for journalism, and has bought h paper in Minriiv. Kv An old-fashioned spelling match is to come off this week at Charles ton fur the benefit of the Baptist Aid Sooiety, and the winner in the contest is to be given a free sup per of nil the good things to be served . A hunting dog worth $125 was poisoned at Kenntt one night last week. ooooooooo coeooooc-oooooooo jl LIFE'S SPICE, j 0 "Variety is the Spice of Life." 9 uOOOiOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOlKKXHK) BY S. KCE. I'. Looking for ti quotgtio&i are youf Well, thnt seems funny to me. I bgvo 10 many favorites t Int t it wn.s downright bard work to decide which one I mated to use, but than wns one n little daarar to me than any oi the others, so I used that, May 12 this one will help somebody I "Straight through my heart, this lad, to-day, By Truth s ow n band it driven, (lisl never takes a thing away Hut something else is given; No matter il the crushing blow May lor the moment down tnc, Still back of all waits Love, I know, With some new j;ift to crown me." That beautiful philosophy is from a poem of Kiln Wheeler Wilcox culled "Beeompenie." v t Have you read the notice patted on the Tabard Inn caget It' you have not. il will be well, if yon are a mem Iter, lu read it at onoe and deeide what you will do about keeping the library, I have talked of tins matter until I en almoel tired. Nol unite tired, however, for when one titles a hobby for jraara, it meane thut thai bobby is something dear to the heart. With a nemberahip of about one hun dred, il is aatoniahing that the library duos not pay even the paltry stun of six dollars a month. The exchange service has been fine IgtelyJ and there should be no oomplainl on tbat score, Recently when I was in St Lotus, I wits ut the Mercantile Library, and their exchange ibelf Inn! do bettei or newer books than our own library. A membership In that library costs $," a year, ami each exchange costs practically ten cents, the gar fare down town anil back. A lew of ns have been bearing the egpeuge of the library (or a year and unless something is done to put the library on a practical paying basis before the first of December, Miss Petty will surrender the library to headquarters and relieve herself of the expense it has been to her; and she is not to blamed, lor it litis not proved a profitable investment, Bat ii is a poor commentary on the intelligence of the people of Fgrm ington that sm-li a library as Ibis oannot be inatained, 1 am told thnt there ii mnoh exchanging done on (be outaide, which has been detrimental to the cash box, but I scarcely think there are many who are so regardless of right nnd wrong us that. Iu the language of John Henry, "it's up to you now," Tabard Inn membera. it was a matter of gratification to me recently to correct the mis take about the time when the Man ning (lice Club was to begin. I find there arc other sticklers for promptness besides myself. I thought it was announced for eight o'clock when it was 8: ;I0. Farm ington people are slow lo gather for an entertainment, nnd the stage people have fallen into the habit of waiting for them. Last year there were several prompt entertainments nnd lata comers found a closed door g waiting them, autl it was a need ful lesson. Time is valuable, and if children do not learn this in childhood and in the discipline of school life, thev will never learn it. For that reason, I was sorry to think that nn entertainment given under public school auspices should be setting a bail example, nntl glud when I learned I wns mistaken, for the public schools are the hope of uotioii; in them the great majority of future citizens receive their training fur their work in the world, nnd the value of time is one of the fundamental principles. Iu our copy book days we wrote with a flourish "Proensliimlion is the thief of time, ' and getting there late is method Of it. So when the entertainment ig annonnaed for S o'clock, let it. be at sure enough 8 o'clock aud not fifteen or tweuty minutes nfter. Last Saturday night was u sure enough eight o'clock entertainment, ami those who came to the tloor two minutes after that time found the door closed, utul the entertainment was well on the first half before all the late conn ra were seated. In passing let me remark that. I think it would be a good plan to submit u program of each enter tainment to some home person so that we will not receive about the same progtnm, and not always so good. A few years ago there was much talk of the revival of the sweet old songs bnt of late we have bet n Annie I, annul and Ben Bolted to death with nil sorts of frills ami furbelows. Although it hutt beeu ttome time lluoe t him column was filled. I have DOt forgotten to add a selec tion for the lew p hook. This is by George Cowper, nnd it in pleas ant reading for the dark winter days that are M noon upon us: if the luneUtitte divic crept Into bov.'.'U dark and sii'!, ii its y.Of.M never shone Save wtttff everything wait glftd, If it scattcieil not its heuuiH Over hearts by sorrow chilled. Would the Miiishinc do Ilis will? Would its minion he fulfilled? K the roses never bloomed Save tor litdsoiii eyes alone, If their hcuuly and their grace Pot the weary never shunt , it they never brought a MttUi To the way side passer-by, Mild the ruse, do their Lank While the hours uf summer If the hinlirs Mllg their songs iVar from every listening ear, If they poured them not abroad All the earth to glad and cheer. Would the birdies' WQffc be done Kn the autumu breezes cull, Kre the gold ami crimson leaves O'er the grave of summer faU? If the sunshine of our smiles We have scattered not afur, If our roses kindly decd Itloom not where the lonely are, If our word of nope and joy Never tall to bless and cheer. Have we done our Maker's will.' Have we WTOUght our mission btra? j NEWS FROM MISSOURI, f eeee.e.eee-reeee-t-e Orurj I'elleare'a IVeelgesit. Drury college a' SiringliclJ Its In- siaiicti bar Fourth president. Kev, J. Mwardl Klrhye, In the prtjfcnitCO 'if a law B umbef of distinguished Kiicsia. All the exercises acre held iu Stone ehaiMll, and the event was the mcst Bict tat ular anil KorReoua in the htsr tory ot the college, which was fniniiled lu ISTI, with Dr. N. J. Morrlaou as the llrst president The faculty, senior class and many of the vIsUIdk repre sentatives or the varinus universities and colleges wore clinl in academic capa and huixls and gnwns. The cel eliratluii liegati In the torenorjtl, with a procession of faculty, alumni aud students to Stone chapel Dean Kd ward M Shephard. marshal of the day, presided. Kev. Charles M. Newman, pastor of the First Congregational church of Washington, D. 0., delivered the principal addreaa, TalLa were also ma le by Ilev. Charles S. Mills and Kev. William Jones, both of St. I..c:i- BelMlMat ' ' lu H. I nula. The fniiii of llTt.eoe needed to nniid the new rpllaeilal at St lnits Is al reinty in sight, The ipeclaJ eoUeaum eommtttee of the BUHlnesa Men's league lias nnnotinced tnat a large pari of th" snliHi-rlptlons are already In band aud that raising the nalamv Is E'Ypected to la' a matter of only a II 1 1 lo litiic The committee figures that there .ire l!2.iin huslnes houses In -it Louis which will profit tiy the building "f the coliseum and the bring Ing oi ooaventloai to st iuis Bach of these tirms la to be given an op portunity to contribute Jitmiritiit'.' Si,.rrlnlrntlriil I'njtiluril. Iiitlge r.lnier n Adams. In the I'nlted states circuit court, granted a tempo rary tinier restraining Insurance com missioner W D. Vandlver from MtlTf' Ing Into effect hia order revoking the lttnM of the New York Lite Insur ance company to do business. In Mis souri. Monday. November 20. wns the date H'jt when Commissioner Vandl ver must appear before the United State cltcnlt court In Jerfetson City to show cauBO why a permanent in IttBCtlOn should not bo Issued Aaeii IVeeneeii iiumr DeeHeateg. The ninth annual convention of the King's Danghtert, and Sons, of Mls BOUri, which was held at Mexico waa inarlietl by the consummation of a plan which tills organization has tieen working on for several years, when the King's Daughters and Sons' home for aged woreen, located In Mexico and recently completed, was formally openeti and dedicated. Traiilc Farrta Acta aa Jiirlue. WbM the adjourned September term of the elr?nlt court for Pulaski rctinty convened at Waynesvllle. on at count of the absence of Judge L B. V ondslde. the members of th el riRe Senator Frank It Farrls, of gteelTllle, a.i aperlal ludge to hold the term of court. One murder case was on the docket, nealdea several Impor tant t Ml cases. Ii. ml OteftS STrrrthaart Held. Austin Francis, the young man who the poltoe have beeu holding slnca the day after the tragedy, has been formal ly charged with the murder of Winona Newton, the 15-year-old girl whose body was found November 3 In the southeastern part of Kansas City. Francis was the girl's HWeetheart. Ili-irnril far alarderrra. Gov Folk has issued a proclamation Offering a reward of 1150 each for uio arrefft nntl conviction of the two un anOWtl men who on October 8 mur dered John Semar at Frankclay. at. Frntitols county. Semar was a saloon heritor ant! was killed by the two men who were trying to rob his place. Vtntil Their Honor Hack. Hulls wor- filed in the St. Louis clr cult conn by Fred and Mary Kleram and K and William F. Klemrn agalnsl the North American Investment com pany nnd certain of Its officers asking for an order requiring the defendants to cancel and refund the money Invest cd by the plaintiffs In certain bonds Issued by the company. Took Ilia Pettier far a Thief. John P. Bel, a farmer who Uvea eight miles southwest of Butler, was shot by his son George with a double harrelod shotgun. One charge struck hlni In the face, the other tn the cheat The ion believed his father was a chicken thief. Each heard a noUe and went out to Investigate Indispensable in making finest breads, biscuit and cakes. The greatest culinary help of modern times. Young housekeepers find the beginning of their success in cookery in its employment. raiOE BAKING rowoca CO OHICAQO. HIGHER LIFE. BB AS HAPPY as VOt' CAN. This life is not all sunshine Nor is it yet all showers; Hut storms und calttti alternate As thorns iiiioiik tin- Sowers. And while up seek lor theses, The thorns full oft e Stan, still let us though they around ns lie ns nappe as we can. This life his heavy crosses, As well as joys to share. Ami gifts ami disapotntmcnu Which you and I must bear. Ami if we may not follow The paths out hearts wonld plan. I. t-t us make all around lis As happy as we can. How To Do Our Best Our whole glrength is none too itid fur (.oil's serviot nnd our I'Vtrrv service tilli'lil lii lie tinil s rviee. It is the men who throw themselves with nil their ent rg nntl reaoumea into everything they in who stand out among their tVI- owe for i he quality nl' wlmt i h" In It is Mid thnt the Ittle Dr. fJeonre T. Pnrves. when in fnilinir ichIUi, wns urged l his frit nils to pore himself nml to preach with sh strength and Intensity. He answered thai Ibej arere aakuiK an Impossibility, for be never preached without the feeling thai this might he the Inst time be wonld be i cr in it I fil lo utter ih" gospel tneeaage. There was the secret uf Ilis nowcr through lite, Why slmiiltl wt not to each lui us ilintiL'li it were our last? We slituilil then be doinat our bag) nntl when have we any gilt to offer h'ss than our beett The Home Hong ought to be the eweett t nnd most attractive place on curlli, and the true Christian borne is. Its memberi are bound by the itrongeit of nntnral lies lhein- timiciei existing between them are tender and ncred. The deareat and most suggettive relatione nre those between huslmntl uud wife, father uud mother, brother und sister, piiretit nnd child, t nrlftian- ity has done much for the purifica tion, elevation and ignctifleatioo of the family, .lesu- honored and blessed it when he sojourned upon the earth, lie understood what it nit-ant by his experience ut loving and dutiful son amidst the most sweet, tender nnd pious gggoeia-tidii-. Dtiiiui; Ins personal minis- trv he loved to visii the home of Martha uud Mnry, enjoying its eheer and refreshment, uud leaviiip; THE MARK AND THE MOTTO "The Recollection of Quality Remains Long After The Price is Forgotten" Tradr Mark H-eti-t. rl. Thedlffrreticr rood toot ami a more than the diflcrence in fit. Whenever raa need a tool of any kind, it will pay you to buy the Keen gutter brand, antl have the beat. All klntlaof tools nre matle under tbta name, and every kind represents the tre.-y high est finality of mstcrlal, workmanship and finish. tools have been the stands and are the nnlv romulele au sward at a great exposition Ihe Keen Kuller lint being awarded the Orand Prise at the SI. I.ouls Pair. Pollowiiir arc some of the kinds of tools made B adet the Keen gutter DraDtl: Axes, Adsrs, Hummers, Ualchtta, Otoela. Screw Urivers, Auger nits, I'lles.PIsnea, Draw Knives, Saws, Tool Cabinets, Scythes, Hay Knires, Gross Hooks, Brash Books. Corn Knives, Trowels, Pruning Bhesm, Tinners' Snips, Scissors, Rye Hoes. Shears. Itsir Clippers. Horse Shesrs, Ueiors. etc., and katvesor sii kinds. If your desler tluca not keep Keen Kutter Tools, write aa and Irani where to ret them. Tool Hooklct sent free. St. Lottie. NOT Iiint.tlun :, i- i; pewdrri are l.w. cr in pru'r, but they arr ratxtlr made trnm tlum ami arc tnjur health when taken la too. behind him fragrant nnd hallowed influences. Fie entered the hoflM of I'eter and restored to health the fevered mother-in 'law, lie came in the bouse of Zacoheui and brought to it salvation, lie saw the death-severed household, aud reunited it, in one case, by giving to the lonel) widow her resurrected sun, and, in the other, by restoring to .Tnirus the iife of his precious child, lie made the abode of Matthew, as he shared hia hospital ity, where were gathered publicans nnd sinners, un ocoaaiou for relig-i"ii- instruction ami spiritual bene lii He did some of bia beat preaak ing and performed some of his most notable miracles in the In uses of Judea and Ualilee. Wherever be wns entertained hs showed him self kind, loving, affable, approach able, responsive nnd helpful Oar Young Folks. The Every Day Woman. She is mil it genius, this plain person who keeps the wheels of life moving. Just u well balanced friend who goes on her daily rounda, (Jeuiusei are often enow trie und cau do Irani things, but some nf Ihem don't like to peel potatoes uor put on h patch. We never feel afraid of the everyday woman, for she docs not eritivisa our English nor ask us thv tenson why we do things "thus and so."' As ii tiiit', tins plain woman tloea nol nun tn ic brilliant nor great, she is qo smarter nor richer than we nit', aud is a real obliging friend. She is like ourselves and enjoys the common joys of life, nnd ' Weeps with thopc who weep." Sue ii full of sytnpnthv aud we tlou'i hesitate to tell her our troubles, My ladv is not nlwaye consumed wiih cares, ' and ie willing to OOOk it good dinner for the ehanee guest without grum- bling. 1 am afraid thnt the plain, com munpiaee people are not half ap preciated. We oould never do without them. The beautiful woman is admired, the woman of intellect is respected; singers, in ventors, philanthropists, nre praised but what of the plain toiler in the oaiioo gownl A.brfham Lincoln voiced the aen timeiit of many when he said: "The Lord must have liked the common people well, or be wouldn't have made so many of them." Kitty Sunnier. Miss Jennie Moye, a aoveuteea year old girl, attempted lo eroaa (he Iron Mountain track near Morehouse ns u train was coming, on tiie Kiih, but wns struck and ; killed. ina - rrM betwrena poor one la atwitys r.l of America for ju yean line of loots aver to leceiea IE COMPANY, W. S. A.