IP V E are Showing 300 Samples of the very lflfpst fahrics in Dress Goods and 75 different styles in Suits and Coats in our American Ladies' Tail oring Book. The popularity of this work grows each season. The idea is you get just what you want and made to your individual measure and form. Have Miss McCormick take your measure for a suit. A perfect fit is guaranteed. You will be pleased. 1 f COLE & NIXON MERC. CO. m FLAT RIVER. Harry Henderson was a St. EOUlfl visitor Monday. Mr. 0, V. Silsby ivuh a Bonn Tarn visitor Saturiiay. I'eerl and Annii- RoBI of Klvins, rlalted friends here Saturday. Mrs. Win. Criitcbeun was s I iop 1 i 1 1 if in Karminirtiin Saturday. Mr. A. H. London I pent tin- latter part of last week In St. Louis. Mr. and Mm. Frank DnutlnR reached home Tuesday evening. Mm. Tnhey and son Kdward spent Saturday shopping in St. LoutS, Mm. Hoyer left for Ht. Louis to receive treatment for tuberculoels. John VailKlian of rrcderlcktown i- a business visitor hate Will week. Georje Trauernlcht vm the ffueat of bom folks at ParailnRton Sun day. Mrs. Tuoker of Mine La Motte, is if har bi -in, Mrs. (i. V. County (lovccsponbcncc of nil culaneum if friends BONNE TERRE. Mr. .1 l- Poiton was in Lead wood taut week, Oliver Bdwardi wa in H" Terre Wednesday. Mlaa Kva Rrokenahlre was In 1 adwood Sunday. Henry Radle waa over from Farm Inaton Wedneaday tuning planoa, There is a Vaudeville troupi town now showing at tin- Idle Hour. Paul Oleary, Dennis i'rutte and Jim I'lrtle wont on a hie. hunt tlilhj Week. Dr. S. T. Nicholson and bride ur-1 rived Monday night from their trip. Baat. William Towl "f tin- Hank of Twenty-five conversions an- re ported, Miss Rogers, who had charge tin- laat two weeks, made a good Impression upon all who heard bar. The defeat of Man Berlnford 'a pe tition for dramabop lleenae last week has greatly eneouragad tbe entl-saloon poople here, hut tin- sa- I loon folks k in little disappoint in 1 I'd by it. Rev. James A. Wood of farming ton and Rev, Robert Lear of Tula, Ky., took dinner with Mrs. JoKit Scott Tueaday. They were on their way to Marvin Chapel, Where the latter will assist the former in his revival lervloei now in progress. returned Sunday st. Louie raw' (lark i- Sat- Mr. hnsl- I, . adwood was in town Thuriday on bu stasias, Mrs Frank I.. Keith of Klver Mines was a Bonne Terre visitor fast week. Mr. Anions Norwine left Monday for St. Louis where he will s d several days. Joseph Maaeey Of Kearney, Mo., is a guest of his son, V. It. Mussey, anil family liere. Bonne Terre la having some work dmie to Improve the streets in tin main part of town. Rev. K. B. Henry, B. W. Rnapp ami Mr. Harrison Kirkpatrii k drove to Pennington Friday Mrs. A. F. Smith of Madison, Wlaeonain, is here vlaltlng her home folks, the Hohhs. Mr. ami Mrs. N. A. Zimmerman hava moved to Snrott, when Zimmerman is In the milling nesw. The ladies of the MethodistChiin-h an- preparing to give a huB7.nr in the uatatorlum the latter part of the Week. The Bonne Terre Pharmacy com pany have in a new lineof pennants, ties, foba and haves in the High School colors. Sunday night was a big night at the M. K. Church, South, and the Whole hour was taken up hy music and short talks on temperance, The furnace was bunted In the High School building Monday and as it was very cold the school hoard decided not to try to have scl 1. MIbb Leah Bowman of Don Hun Spent Tuesday night here to attend a surprise party on Mr. Will wine She Was the L'UeSt of Anna O'Bulllvan. The limine Terre Bov Scouts (h feated the Flat River Scouts in a! game of foot ball Saturday hy n score of li to 0. it was a hard fouglit game from beginning to end. The Bonne Terre High School baaket ball team defeated the Pea- tus High School team here Friday night by a score of 38 to 12. John son and Murphy starred for Bonne Terre. Mr. Louis Tbleimen and Mr. Clarence David last week attended the Htate Teachers' Convention at Haunihal. Thejf came hack With many (rood Ideas for the betterment of the town and schools. The revival services which have been going on at the M. R. Church since Oct. 12. closed Willi a profitable serv BISMARCK. Pita visited Blvlni Tluirs Sat ii rday i spend a Run, was Mai shall Mr. and ill witli W day . Horn, to the wife of M . D, Mat kin, Nov. B, a hoy. Horn, to the wife of William Mas ters, Nov. U, a ttirl. Win. Kussell of St. Louil visited friends here Friday. A. r. Robineon of Belgrade was tranaaetlng bualueai here Friday. .I.e. Seitze and wife of Bruno, Wayne county, visited friends hare Saturday. Many potatoes and apple were froaen by the sodden low tempera ture Saturday night, Mr. and Mrs Douglas of Marble Kill visited Mrs. DoUglae' parents, Prof. Hovelle and wife. Thuraday, I). C. Stephens has been quite sick the past week. Dr, Slammer renorti his condition Improving at this time, a (in- at Pal Fit sge raids' resi lience called out our etllcienl lire Bghteri Saturday. Fortunately lit tle damage was done Mrs. J. I,. Baton, accompanied by the grand offlcera, visited St. I Mary's Thursday evening and in stituted a Chapter Order of the F.astern Star. Henry Howard, aged 87 years, Who lived In the south end of Wush i ington county, died Friday after a lingering illness. His remains were interred in the Big River Cemetery Sunday. Nor M iss ESTHER. Mr, Wm. Perryman is quite sick of pneumonia, Mr. Kei tt Dohhins and family spent Sunday In Parmlngton. Mr. Qeorge Bouahong removed with his family to Parmlngton on Monday. Mrs. Lillian B. tilllesple, vocal music director of Flat Hlver schools, was vlaltlng Miss Anna Nlohol this week. Dow NiChol went bunting with the Koen hove last Saturday mid UCCeaded in Shooting and bugging his iirst rabbit. The prayer meeting at the Matho dist Church has heen changed from Tueaday Bight to Wednesday night of each week. Mr. Frank Covington, who with his brother has bought the Pigg liv ery stable in Bonne Terre, is mov Ing his family this week. Mrs. James Appleberry is in Bis marckv where she lately underwent a serious operation. Her friends Sunday night. I hope for her s dy recovery. the gllcst Kirk. "Dud" Moon spent Sunday th here. Albert Wataoi from a vlail wai tives. Regal Sihby unit Lester vlaitad friends iii Bonne Terr n rday. County ch rk a. Wulfi rt of Parm lngton was a business visitor hen-Friday. Miss Rate Wilson left morning for st. Louie t' few days. Miss Faye Hunt of Dot the gueat Ol Miss Kuth Saturday. Willie Soldier, son ol Mrs. Mike Soldier, is very pneumonia. 1,111 Hunt of Parmlngton is spend ing a few daye with her aunt, Mrs. John Maurer. Ml Abbiceee J Inker eon of Des loge wus the gueel of Miss Bula Sprott Friday. Mrs. Lee Fatchelt and children were Leadwood visitors Saturday end Sunday. Mrs. Jim Coiean and children, of Marquand, are vlaltlng Mrs. June Phtllipi this week. Mr One Bramblal of St. Louis spent Saturday with his brother, C. R, Bramblel and wife. Miss Lena Benhaiu of S. Louis is pending a few dayi with her sis ter, Mrs. D J . Fra.ler. Qeorge Hurst returned Sunday from a visit with his mother, Mrs. H u rst , t ste. Qenevleve, George Bioh returned Sunday from a visit with his parents, Mi. and Mrs. Rich, at ste. Qenevleve, Mrs. Tucker will h ave Friday for St. Louis to make her home with her daughters this winter. Miss McWIIIIama of Parmlngton, is tin- gueal of her sister, Mrs. Tom Halbrooke a few days this week. Mr. Jeff Thomaaeon attended the dedication of the new Christian Church at I'll deriektown Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Tetley attend ed the dedication of the new Chris tian Church at Prederlcktown Sun day. Miss Mettle Johni ol Bonne Torre . spent Saturday and Sunday the truest of her brother, W. L. Johns and family. Bichiird and Edward Coiean, ol Cornwall, and Frank t'ozean, of F.l- vine, spent Sunday with o. o. Uo aean ami family. Mr, and Mrs. Win. Regain at tended tin- funeral ol the little daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. Buyer at Resloge, Mondin . Mrs. .1. .1. Bnidh v will leave Snn- hegiu at the Christian Church Nov IS arc requeeted to meet with Mr. and Mrs. Chits. Stewart at the Christian Church, Saturday evening at 7 o'clock. Little Charles St ray horn, son of Mr. ami Mrs. Strayborn, of Flat Kivr, died Saturday, November 11th, at their home in Flat Hlver, aire, two years mid six months. Miss Myrtle Sir.einore, who has been working In St. Louis for sev eral months, returned to St. Fran cois Thursday, to make her home with her sister, Mrs. John Beattc, Miss F.dith Kite entertained a number of her friends In honor of her I2tll birthday, Saturday after boon at her home. Miss F.dith re ceived many beautiful and useful presents. Dainty refreshments were served at 4:30, after whloh they departed deolarlng they had spent a most enjoyable afternoon. Those present were. Misses Opal Hal brook, Loretta AbsMre, Lisaie, Be thei anil Pauline Biuke, Vaunessc Topping, Virginia Karsch, Gertrude. Richard, Gertie SSolman, Mollle Wltaley, Virginia Topplug, Inez Karsch, Hilda Armbruster, Georgia Hlghley, Leona Morris, Florence Be. ts, Nellie t'erkins, Luclle Arm bruster, Ora M osier, Nettle Bohlne der. Syrlna Baara, Dnella Hlghley, dith, Joy and Opal Kite, Masters Alherl Karsch, Jessie Johusoii, Charley Pratt, Arthur Love, Jeffrey Roy and Hubert McAually. WE CA TER TO THE DRUG TRADE and carry a superior line and large line. We aim to supply all demands on us for Drugs and Patent Medi cines and Druggist Sundries. Conse quently here is the place to buy. Laakman's Drug Store CHESTNUT RIDGE And Rural Route No. 3. Mr. du John Marks spent last Sun- enlng with Mr. John Duruer. ii. nry W inlng istmeyer spent Sun with Mr. Henry I'ht. Rudy and Karr Mr. Wm. Porter Mr day Rbre Messrs .1. It Vaughan visited last Sunday. Mr, JakeCradar is building a new residence and expects to move here from Doe Knn soon. Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Conway and little sun spent a few days Issl week with Mrs. Anna Shannon, Misses Beiilah and Leona Bur r,.s spent last Sunday with their cousin, Mrs. Hugh Shannon. Mr and Mrs. Riaa Burgess and Mr. Hubert Green called on Miss Lillie Slmtni last Tuesday evening. I Mi. Kiss Burgees returned home ! last Week from KentUCk.V, Where he had I ii visiting relative, fur a couple oi weeks, j Mis. Mollle Durner of st. Lottie visited home folks here last Bun- I day, returning Monday, accompan ied by Miss Nannie McElllgOtt. Maadames Clara Waatmeyer, Jen nie Burgees, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Rudy and John Marka wire tmesis of Miss Nannie McRlllgott one da;. lust Week. We Save You Money BUSINESS COLLEGE NOTES a. J. Thomaeeou of Flat River was a Welcome visitor Monday af ternoon. Mr. Thomasson's son, Harry, is one of our worthy stu dents, and we are ut all limes pleased to have patrons call to Investigate the progress of their sona and daugh ters. Miss Alice Tbomaaaou, daughter of Mr. Thomaaeon, gradu ated with ns a tew years ago, and is now tl Rlclent bookkeeper and stenographer for the Ranter Milling l oinpaiiv In h lat Kiver. Charles Herbal has this week be gun tin- preliminary work in the College Bank, and will be the regu lar sin -sin of Miss Brace Mc- Daolel. Cheeley Yeargain is our new day Hludcnt till- Week He will t ry to ilnish the full bookkeeping depart ment work during the remaindei if the term. President Moothart received Mon day two calls for young women stenographers, one from New Mad rid and the other from Charleston, Mo. He was unable lo llll either one of these, owing to the fact that all of bis graduates, so far as be knows, have satisfactory positions. Otto Sanders, who lias been hourd Ing at bis home in the country a lew miles, has decided to hoard in Parmlngton during the winter months. "I do not believe there is any other medicine SO good for Wbooping DOUgh as Chamberlain's Cough Remedy," writes Mrs. Francis Tur pln, Junction City, Ore. This rem edy is also unsurpassed for colds and croup. Por sale hy City Drilk' Store. The oldest brick building in Jack son was destroyed by tire last week. TIM store was built in MM, It took three months to gel (roods from Baltimore in those days. For pains ill the side or chest dampen a piece of flannel with Cham berlain's Liniment ami bind It on over the seat of pain. There is nothing better. For sale by City Drutr Store. 1,000 TURKEYS WANTED We have large orders to fill, and will pay the best market price for all you have to sell. Come and see us about it. Cole & flixon fllere. Go. Mi i xt.' l I Turkeys, Ducks, Geese, Chickens, Butter & Eggs t tlgB GRAND LEADER And Get the Highest Harket Prices day lor Superior, Wis., to make an extended visit with her daughter, Mrs. Blanche Bice. Mjj. and Mrs. ('bus. Lewis "I Leadwood an- spending a few days with Mrs. Lewis' parents, Mr. aiol M rs. Oeo. Liiwsoii. Hay and Hani' Fatchett of Bonne Terre spent Saturday and Sunday the guest Of their uncle, John Pat Ohett, at St. Francois. Mrs. (iallagher and children Jesse, Mabel and Ida returned Sunday from a visit with relatives and friends in Iron county. Wilbur Caldwell of Btubbenvllle, Ohio, is visiting relatives In Mis souri and spent Sunday with his cousin o. (I. Ooaaan and family. Oscar Plorance of Dealoge attend ed the entertainment given by the Woman's Auxiliary of the Western Federation of Miners In Tucker's hull Friday night, Mr. A. W. Wulfert, Mr. and Mrs. Mackley, Mrs. John Williams and "Orandnm" Strayborn, all of Parm Ington, attended the funeral Sunday of little Charles Strayborn. Misses Lenora, Bertha, Marietta rln and Helen l'erry and cousin, Miss Hamuli, and Messrs. John Dctnpecy and Hurry Chambers, ex plored Flat Klver Shaft No. 4 one night lust week. Ail singers willing to help sing in the Hamilton-Stewart meeting to w HEN we make vour ithe we "lniiUl" then in'" you. We jsavc you money becauae I though the ftrat coal may HometimeH in- a little uhmv. clothe made by will (jive you twice thi- aen ice, THEY H I -1 THEIR SHAPE. They an- made "I thr BEST FABRICS. Our line f Stein Woolens "Special Designs" is more attractive than ever before. In pattern sivc. An Uncle Sam Hiffhway. i THE LOCAL MARKET. It is J.IMSI miles from ocean to Wheal ss ocean, remarks Charles Vernon It OBtS sj will cost l&.MO a mile to build a corn W rock road in the average place ITtouMrUe net, nsa throughout the United States. The Menl ISO cost of a rock rood from ocean to MUpsiufl fsaeaedl i i-', m ean will he hl,000,000. Fifteen llrnn " I H million dollars Is the cost of build- Mlaed Keeil I Ing and aojnlpplng a modern war- intyrion lis SB to m su ship. Suppose we cut out the next uisb Potatoes lies warship and build a rock mad from Heasf n- Bl an to ocean. It will cost no t'r-1 n k OntcMeBI - v : more to maintain it after it is built y.i:- mi ej and It will not wear out and have to gatter r , -'" lie sold for junk in ten or fifteen Bacon f W years." umi r a it Ripley aountr farmers say that fuum Molasses the cotton is easier to pick since the all Villi t worms ate the leaves on, Mooejf abaolutelv exel wool, fashion- able in weave. texture ami coloring. Call on us or let ns fall on yon. Gierse Brothers, Tailors to Advanced Fashions Phone SOS Farmington jThcv arc all ejeVV STEtN wOOLENS Xtf, A STOVES WOU will find the largest stock of Heating and Cooking Stoves at my store. See our ALPINE PRIDE CAST RANGE. It's a beauty for $29.25. U1RG0HS Am also agent for the celebrated COLUM BIA WAGON, made of bone-dry hickory and white oak, all A grade, soaked in hot linseed oil. I stand behind them, and say they are not only the best-made wagon but the finest finished and best painted wagon in Southeast Missouri. J. T. CLiAYWELLi, THE HARDWARE MAN' Farmington, GQissoufi.