OCR Interpretation

The Farmington times. (Farmington, St. Francois County, Mo.) 1905-1926, September 02, 1921, Image 6

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn89066996/1921-09-02/ed-1/seq-6/

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Thumbnail for PAGE SIX

7 if Fill
Come on along !
up your makin's
papers with P. A.
Greatest Sport you know
jto pull out your makin's
papers and some Prince
Albert and roll up a ciga
rette ! That's because P. A.
is so delightfully good and
refreshing in a cigarette
just like it is in a jimmy
pipe! You never seem to
get your fill P. A.'s so
joy'usly i friendly and
Prince Albert will be a
revelation to your taste! No
other tobacco at any price is
in its class! And, it rolls up
easily because it's crimp cut
and it stays put
It's the best bet you ever
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rette you ever rolled!
And listen! If you have
a jimmy pipe hankering--by
all means know what
Prince Albert can do for
you! It's a revelation in a
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rette! P. A. can't bite or
parch. Both are cut out
by our exclusive patented
Print Albort I
moU In toppy rod
bat, tidy rod tint,
hundoomo pound
end hmll pound tin
hamidoro and inthm
pound erytlal glatm
humidor with
op on go moUtintr
fellow Aim
JHfift ffSiWt M
the national joy smoke
Coprriiht mi
by R. J. Reynalmo
Tobacco Co.
Wiuton-Saloaa, .
T. H. Thornton, of Brooklyn, N. Y.,
rpresenting the International Bible
Students Association, delivered a lec
ture at the court house in Farming
ton on the subject "Millions Now Liv
ing Will Never Die". A fair sized
and attentive audience heard him. By
request, The Times publishes 'the lec
ture in full:
I delight in this opportunity to call
to your attention some of the wonder
ful fulfillments of prophecy, now
transpiring in the world, and of God's
glorious plan and purposes concern
ing the destiny of mankind, as he has
been plensed to revoal unto us through
His Word.
Based on the evidences as set forth
in the testimonies of God's holy pro
phets, our Lord Jesus and his inspired
apostles, we make the announcement
that millions now living will never die
as the message of the Lour.
We want to take this statement, in
the most literal sense, dear friends,
and with emphasis on the words now
r.nd never millions now living will
never die.
This may seem to some a little pre
sumptuous, but when the evidence is
carefully considered, I believe that al
most every fair mind will concede that
the conclusion is a reasonable one.
God's Plan and Purposes
The first question for our determin
ation then is: Has God definitely stat
ed in His Word His plan concerning
the destiny of mankind and of His
purposes in creating this earth? We
answer: yes, indeed.
The Bible abounds with promises
that the time will come when man
kind will live forever here on earth
under the most idem conditions and
in peace and happiness. This we are
told is Jehovah's purpose in creating
this earth that man should live upon
it and have dominion over it forever.
It is important therefore that we
prove this point by the plain state
ments of God's Wora, in order that
we may have a sound basis for our
Of God's purposes in creating this
cavth we read in Isa. 45:18, "For thus
saith the Lord that created the heav
ens; God himself that formed the
earth and made it; he hath established
it, he created it not in vain, he formed
it to be inhabited." With our creed
spectacles on we used to read into this
text thr.t man would inhabit this
earth for a time and then God would
destrov it. burn it ud: but it does not
I read like that, besides, reason would
lead us to the conclusion that Jelio
v:'.h God would not create a wonder
ful earth like this, permit man to
bring it to a high slate of cultivation
in many places, with the many won
derful inventions and comforts of our
day, that God would completely de
stroy it. Such is wholly out of har-
I mony with his character. Likewise,
I such is wholly out of harmony with the
iYissuro Fistula cured under
positive guarantee.
pay until cured.
Free 304-Pagebook for men ; 114-Page book for women.
Established 35 years; located In St. Louis 32 years.
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More than fifty years of successful
business in Farmington is our guarantee
of handling nothing but thoroughly honest,
dependable goods, at prices that are al
ways worth the money.
When you want anything in our line
we will be pleased to have you call.
Tetley . Jewelry Co.
plain teachings of His Word, which
says: "The earth abiueth iorever.
Ecclesiastes 1:4.
God's purpose in creating man is
plainly stated in Gen. 1:26, "And God
said, let us make man in our image
after our likeness, and let him have
dominion." Like Jehovah God. who
has dominion over the universe, so
hr.th he eiven unto man to have do
minion over "The fish of the sea and
over the fowl of the air, and over the
cattle, and over all the earth. :
That man was given not only do
minion over the earth, but also a per
feet homo and everlasting life to en
joy it, is proven by Gen. 1:8, 9, "And
the Lord God planted a garden cast-
ward in Eden, and there he put the
man, whom he had formed. And out
of the ground made the Lord God to
grow every tree that is pleasant to
the sight, and good for fqod." A
beautiful garden is an ideal place to
live in. Is it not? Especially where
every tree grows, that is pleasant to
the sight and good for food. "The
tree of life also in the midst of the
garden and the tree of knowledge of
good and evil."
By partaking of the food of this
tree of life, we are told, man could
live forever here on earth. This is the
plain statement of Gen. 3:22,2.'i where
we read, "And now lest he put forth
his hand and take also of the tree of
life and eat and live forever, there
fore the Lord God sent him forth
from the garden of Eden."
We see clearly how that man re
ceived as a legacy or birthright from
his crer.tor a dominion over the earth,
a perfect home and everlasting life
here on earth. It is of vital import
ance that we note well this point, for
it touches one of the fundamental doc
trines of the Bible, as we shall see.
We know that man lost his estate,
because of disobedience, and we would
ask the question: Is it lost forever,
or will it be restored to man in God's
due time?
The clergy and all the creeds of
Christendom tell us that it is lost for
ever, because Satan appeared on the
scene and upset all of God's benevo
lent purposes, and because of man's
wickedness, they say, God can now
findi only a few suitable for heaven,
all the rest of the world of mankind
Satan takes with him to a hell of tor
ment, there to be roasted and toasted
forever and forever.
But what docs the Bible say? Psa.
115:16, "The heaven even the heavens
are the Lord's: but the earth hath he
given to the children of men." Now
notice Jesus' own words in Luke 19:
10, "For the Son of Man is come to
seek r.nd save that which was -lost."
Now, if we know what was lost, we
also can see clearly what will be re
stored. It must be observed that
Adam did not lose a home in heaven.
He was not offered a home in heaven;
but what he did possess was a home
on earth,' with human life in perfec
tion, as a man; which his violation of
the lew forfeited. Therefore, if man
is ever restored to his original favors
and blessings it must be to that which
he first enjoyed perfection of life as
a human being, a perfect home, and
'peace and happiness on earth.
Let us bear in mind Jehovah God
Lucky Tiger
Tho HmHoa'n Hmhr It
niiriiMii. it.m.jm r a
I Positively eradicate.
V m) PT. ft I I M I 1 1 t
4 MtWM acalpa ttopa falling hoir-
9mM wauty. bftalth action inrmrdlato H
I M 4nlin aaa barton, c momm Ma
I u tor .mirain oomplo.
I IWXT Tifcf-i CO- Kaon enr, no-
declared this his purpose, knowing be
forehand that man would fall and
disobey the Divine law. That Lucifer,
Son of the Morning, the chief of the
Angelic host, would rebel and become
Satan the adversary, and the host of
angels that fell with him, we are told.
We ask, would these things cause
Jehovah God to change his benevolent
designs concerning man1? We ans
wer, no indeed. Notice what he says
in Isa. ,U:24, "The Lord of Hosts hath
sworn sayipg, Surely as I have
thought, so shall it come to pass, r.nd
as I have purposed, so "shall it stand."
"Yea I have spoken it, I will also
bring it ,to pass, I have purposed it,
I will also do it." (Isa. 46:11) Do
what? Restore to man that which
was lost.
Permission of Evil
The Question may be asked: Why
has God permitted sin and evil to pre-I
dominate on this earth, seeing that ne
hates evil and has the power to re
move it? We answer: Divine Wis
dom foresaw that sin and evil would
enter his domain, through the diso
bedience and rebellion of his intelli
gent creation angels and men. In
order that these may know the bane
ful effects of sin, God has permitted
evil now for 6.000 years, and He
chose His planet earch as the theatre
or Btage of the Universe, where evu
has been manifested as an object les
son, for all eternity, to all his intelli
gent creations.'
Man is learning to know evu Dy
participation and the angels by ob
servation. This seems to be the
thought of St. Paul in 1 Cor. 4:9, for
"We are made a spectacle (Ureat tne
atre or stage) unto the world, and
to aneels and to men." But we re
joice to know that Jehovah God fore
seeing all this for "Known unto ioa
are all His work from the beginning of
the world (Acts 15:18)' and that the
remedy for sin and evil was provided
long before these became manifested
as we read in 1 Pet 1:19. 20, "That
Christ, who verily was foreordained
before the foundation oi the world." .
Foreordained for what? To be
come the ransom price for the sin of
the world, in order that the penalty for
sin, which is death, may be removed.
I wish to emphasize here the Bible
is absolutely clear on this point that
every human being born into this
world will receive a benefit from this
ransom price. It includes all whether
good or bad. We refer you to neD.
2:9, where we are told that "Jesus
Christ by the grace of God, tasted
Death for every man." And the con
text shows clearly it was in order that
man's lost dominion might be restored.
That this fact will be made known
to all mankind, we read in 1 Tim. 2: 5,
6 that "Christ Jesus, who gave himself
a ransom for all to be testified (or
testimony) in due time." John the
Baptist, the greatest ot all tne noiy
nrnnhrts. nointin? to Jesus, said:
"Behold the Lamb of God, which tak-
eth away the sin of the world. Jonn
1 :2).
"The sin of the world," What does
that men? The clergy and creeds of
rhrintpndnm sav. This means only
the Church will benefit. The rest of
the world can go to hell. It is tlieir
own fault they say. But what does
the Bible say? St. John touches this
very point in 1 John 2:2, "He is the
propitiation for our (the Churcnsj
sins, bu,t not for ours only, but also for
the sins of the whole world." Just
think of that! It means the sins of all
those who are not good enough to go
tn lionven and not bad enough to go to
hell to roast and toast forever, and
forever. I am sure, dear friends, we
know of no human being bad enough
for a punishment like that, besides it
is an impossibility; because, in order
to suffer pain or anguish or suffering
of any kind, mental or physical, man
must be alive. And to suffer forever,
man must have everlasting life, and
this we are told plainly is a Gift of
God to mankind, only on condition oi
obedience. ,
Let us look agin at John 1:29, Be
hold the Lamb of Gpd which taketh
away the sin of the world." When
the sin of the world is ti-ken away, it
follows that the penalty for sin, which
is death must cease to operate on the
generation then living on the earth;
and, instead of dying, as now, ever
lasting life, here on earth will be of
fered to mankind as a gift of God,
through Jesus Christ, on condition of
These are the words of St. Paul m
Rom. 6:23, "For the wages (or penal
ty) of sin is death, but the gift of God
is eternal life, through Jesus Christ
our Lord."
Life, Death and Soul.
Since there has been in the past
some misunderstanding with regard
to the meaning of the words, life,
deoth and soul, let us look briefly at
what the Word of God says about
these things, because it is vitally con
nected with our subject.
I think we all agree on this point
that the only, possible way to under
stand correctly the meaning of an in
dividual's statement is by what he
says. To assume any other meaning
than what is said; is sheer nonsense.
This is pre-eminently true of the soul
question, which in the light of the
Holy Scripture alone is as plain as A,
B, C. But when a person accepts ab
surd and ridiculous human interpreta
tions about the soul, in place of the
sensible teachings of the Bible, he
becomes almost case-hardened against
the fundamental truths of the Gospel.
Spirit and soul are mentioned in the
Bible over 870 times, but not once are
they said to be immortal or never dy
ing; but we do read in Ezek. 18:4, 20,
"The soul that sinneth it shall die."
Please note: IT, the soul, "shall die."
"It SHALL die." "It shall DIE."
But what is the soul ? First, I de
sire to say I am no hair-splitting theo
logian. I have no pet theories of ray
own to present. I shall not go beyond
nor above what is written, but shall
endeavor to call attention to what the
Word of God says about the soul and
how the word "Soul" is generally
used in the Bible.
Genesis 2:7 explains all, and re
member, this is the first place in the
Bible where the soul is mentioned.
Now in all simplicity please note what
it says: "The Lord God formed man
nf iha rinst. nf the Ground, and breath-
! ed into his nostrils the breath of life
I not an immortal soul and man be
came a living soul." As the result of
receiving the breath of life, the form
ed man became a living soul. The
whole living man is the living soul,
but not an immortal soul, because his
eternal life was conditional on obe
dience. After the fall, he was shut
away from the guarded "Tree of
Life" lest' he partake of it after he
had sinned and live forever. The sin
ners are never to be immortalized.
The unbeliever is to perish. John 3:
If we want to ascertain the true
meaning of a word, we usually con
sult a dictionary and see how this
word is used in a sentence, and there
by we determine its true meaning. By
using the same common sense, we can
determine the true meaning of the
word soul, by consulting the Bible and
see how this word is generally used.
In Leviticus 5:1-4, we read that
souls have ears, lips and hands; and
have blood according to Jeremiah 2:
34. In Leviticus 7:27 and Luke 12:19
we read that souls eat, and in Prov.
25:25 that they drink. Deuteronomy
iv:zz ana uen, tv.zi says sums mc
persons, and persons in turn are souls,
we are informed in Gen. 14:21, mar
summing up tnis matter, we see
clearly that man is a soul, and it is
the SOUL that dies, when the
... . . 1 ii . . lI
ureaia oi nie ceases to luucumi.
(Concluded on seventh page)
Physician and Surg Mb
Office in Room 10, Realty Bofldia
Farmington, Mo.
Farmington, Met
Phone 94.
Specializing in Plate and Bridge Werk
Complete X-Ray Equipment.
Office with Dr. B. J. Robinson,
Farmington, Mo.
Phone 94.
Osteopathic Physicians
Fanners Bank Building
Office Phone, 296.
Residence Phone, 90.
Office: Realty Building, Room 6,
Farmington, Mo.
Phone 111.
Attorney st Law
Practices in all the courts in the
State. Office Farmers Bank build
ing, Farmington, Missouri
W. N. Fleming
Yonr Business is Respectfully So
licited. Office ia Tetley Building.
Farmington, Missouri
Lots for Sale on Easy Terms
W. N. Fleming, Sec Phone 71
Lang & Bro.
mVg & Mer. Co.,
Manufacturers of Wagons, Fans
Implements, Lumber and Build
ing MateriaL
Office in Farmers Bank Building.
Notary Public Phone 365.
We are licensed embalmers and carry in stock a complete line of
metal lined State and Couch Caskets, Robes and Grave Vaults.
Telephone calls, either day or night, are given our prompt attention
Office Phone 380 L Residence Phone 380 R
R. L. ALLEN, President.
L. A. RAMSEY, Cashier
ED. IIELBER, Vice-Pres.
THOS. STAM, Vice-Pres.
St. Francois County Bank
(Post Office Opposite.)
Farmington, Hissouri
Solicits your banking business. Insured against burg
lary. This is the bank with the Savings Depart
ment Interest paid on time deposits.
Established 1897.
W. M. HARLAN, President
W. R. LANG, Vice President
M. P. CAYCE. Cashier
S. F. ISENMAN, Aas't Cashier
Bank of Farmington
Capital Stock . - $ 50,000
Surplus and Profits $110,000
Does a general banking and exchange business. Inter
est paid on time deposits. Insured against
burglary. Collections a specialty.
Peter Gieaaing W. F. Does M. P. Cayce W. R, Lang
W. M. Harlan E. A. Reeler J. E. Klein
SIW-T- Capital Stock - - . $50,000.00
. Surplus $35,000.00
Directors P. A. Shaw, Win. London, G. a Snider, W. G Fischer,
E. J. McKiimey, C B. Denman, L. H. Williams.
Farmington Undertaking Co.,
Farmington, Mo; '
: , RoIIa Cozean, Manager.
felephonex Residence 46; Office 258

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