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5: f5 VOMTJMK XI. DONIPHAN, MISSOUEt, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1909. NUMBEK 14. "IN. mniIMn ADAIlTTUrCTATP 3 Cleaned from Exchanges Made by the Shears, the Pencil and the Paste Pot Some Origl- nal. Some Credited, and Some Stolen, but Nearly All Interesting Reading. jj Kirksville.may have. an auto mobile faotory. New Madrid and Scott oounties are agitating the question of a good court house. On Monday Centralia voted a bond issue of $25,000 to build a pew publio echoolhouse. It is probable that a Y. M. C. A. building will be built at Charles ton during the present year. An evangelist referred to a danoe at Rook Port, last week as a "gizzard squeezing affair." New Madrid county people seem to be in earnest about hav ing; a new court house in 1909. DeSoto has a. truant offioer whose duty it is to look after the children who do not attend school. Rev. R H. cooper oi ayette AAM A-Y-V . liL . Las collected $67,000 with which to support superannuated minis ters of the Methodist churoh. More shoes were made in St, Louis than in Boston last year! And Boston used to thiok it would never have a sole mate. . The Democrat says that for a "dry" town,, there is a big amount of liquor drank in Gallatin.- The eatne is true of James port. The W. C. T- U. of Charleston bad $73 left in their treasury last . wock after all their expense? in the local option campaign bad fcuen paid. Hon. C.A. Crow, congressman elect, has appointod Harry Naet er, one of the owners of the Cape Girardeau. Republican, as his private secretary. A St. Clair County" man has just emigrated to Oklahoma and confesses he has moved forty times in the forty-five years he has been married. Frank Bloomfield of Parnell had a bottle of grasshopers that he was showing Saturday morn ing. Probably this is a forerun ner of an early spring. Congressman Russell has intro duced a bill in congress appropri ating $50,000 to protect the prop erty at Bird's Point from the en preachment of the rive;. A Woman's club at Columbia has notified the grocerymen of that village that they must clean op their stores if ihey expect women to trade with them. '' A Polk County man bought 1, 000 geese in 'a bunch and then tried to drive them to Bolivar. ,The geese rambled around so much that he gave it up and load ed them Into wagons. . . In Springfield two hours after - Mrs. flora Sourlock hid been di vorced from her husband by . Judge Neville, she married W. A. pummone, who was one of the witnesses in her behalf. ( . The Carthage Press is optimis tic enough to believe that after all this strain on the publio's nerves, surely 8U Louis people will see the importance of voting so mat one count wui oe sumoi An Osceola firm shipped a oar load of. 12,000 rabbits for city consumption the other day. The meat trusty will begin buying up the rabbits pretty soon and the now undervalued bunny will be come aiuxury. , , . fcr-o-.-rnan J, J, Russell's till authorizing an appropriation for the improvement of the Little Black river, which he has been pushing for a longtime in Con gress, will be complied with, ac cording to information sent from Washington. The committee on rivers and harbors has promised the Missouri congressman that money for the betterment of the stream will be appropriated in the emergency river and harbor bill, whioh will be reported short ly. The success of the congress man was unexpected, owing to the financial stringency, but he urged the matter with suoh stress before the committee that it promised toincorporate the meas ure in the emergenoy bill. Prosecuting Attorney Gossam says this 'Vstol toting habit" hai got to stop in this city and in - - ' - this county, and he says this also applies to' these winged angels from Arkansas who have that foclish way of shooting out of the car windows on their return home in the afternoon. He says some of '.hese times a few of them are likely fcomiss their train and wake up the next morning in a big juil where they might pass a few months. , In passing we might re mark to a few of the rough citi zens of this city that the judge's remarks apply to all localities and even if you do live hero you are' going to be prosecuted as hard as if you did not. Caruth ersville Democrat. If reports are only partly true a condition exists about BirdsPoint and perhaps other places in this county that need attention. It is said that there are forty cases of small pox at the Point, and that no restrictions are being used whatever; that a man broken put with the disease actually went through the train there one day this week. . The disease was brought in from Cairo where it is very prevalent, and a quarantine is needed before the whole coun ty is threatened. What is the matter with the County Board of Health? If we haven't one the .Connty Court should attend to it next week, the first thing. Charleston Courier. The deed of whatis probably the largest transfer of land ever recorded in Southeast Missouri has been filed in the oounty re corder's office here. The deed was made by theHolladay-Klotz Land and Lumber oomnanv tn tha Wayne Iron and Lumber oom- pany, and oalls for 100,000 acres of land in Wayne countv at a consideration of $400,000. This .marks the passing of the old Hoi- laday-Klotz Land and Lumber company, at one time the largest lumber company operating in Miss6uri.-Greenxille Journal. ' Thirty-seven years ago a festi vai in wmon the "post omce"was an important feature was given in Charleston. Miss Bettie Hisey was postmistress, aesisted by Lewis Danforth. On St: Valen tine's evening a similar affair will be given there, and Mrs. Bettie Hisey Hagan will be assist ed again by Lewis Danforth in the distribution of letters. Ranney has taken pos sesion as Judge of the Court of Cora mnn Pleas at Cape Girardeau. His father, W. C. Ranney, was the first judge to fin that position, when the court was created, Dr. Anna J. Smith, the osteo path, who formely had an office at Dexter, and who, with her hus band conducts an osteopath sani tarium at Poplar Bluff has been indicted by a Butler oounty grand jury for malpractice. The wife of John Rumbouty of Cape Girardeau died last week. He was 70 years old and very) deaf and could not be made to understand that his wife was dAAri. an ha walked In th eoffln to see her body, and was so over come by grief that he fell dead. Rather than distress his mother, who led him to believe she pre ferred him to remain single, John Dunn, of St. Louis, a millwright, for seventeen years kept the faot of his marriage from her. It was likewise a secret to Dunn's broth ers and sisters until the death of his mother, despite the faot that the woman who nursed Mrs. Dunn with tender care during her last illness was the wife of her son. As the west bound passenger train was running between Essex and Hunter villa last Saturday evening some miscreant hurled a rock at the passing train. A oaf window in the ladies coach was broken and Mrs. Nancy Wolf, of I Morley, was struck on the head, inflicting a scalp wound. A babe she was holding in her arms bare ly missed being struck by the stone and the flying glass. Dex ter Messenger, A woman sued for a divorce on the ground that her husband's wages of $20.00 per week is in sufficient to keep her from servi tude. A couple that can't get along on that amount roust be fast livers, indeed. What will ehodo if she gets a divorce? Will that help matters any? Are there so many p-irsuits open' to women that she oan, if single, jump into a $10.00 job? We have a sneak ing suspicion that the huBband will be better off if the divor'oe is granted. The Frisco railroad has been instructed by Attorney General Major that if they abandon part of their track in Pemiscot county, as they have been contemplating, that it will invalidate their entire oharter. The Frisco has a net; work of lines in Pemisoot oounty, bought from Mr. Houck and lum ber companies, giving them two or more lines between different towns, and as they are not re munerative, it has become a problem with the company how to operate them. The latest graft by whioh the hospitable farmer is separated trora His cash is worked by a "fake" minister and a couple of assistants. The former ask shelter for the night at a farm house and later the other two a "blushing" couple oome and ask te be married. After con siderable urging the minister con sents and the groom, fuming about the delay, presents what purports to be a license. The farmer as a witness, signs It hur riedly. About a month later it turns up in a lecal bank as a note. Francis B. Runder, former cashier of the St. Louis postoffioe, was brought to Ironton Monday evening by Deputy United States Marshall William to serve six months In the Iron County Jail for embezzeling about $3,000 from the postal funds.' The punish ment no doubt is just, but it looks strange to an outsider that Run der, who is a Demoorat, should have to 'serve six months for stealing $8,090 while no one has been Banished lor stealing that $01,503 from the Bt. Louis sub treasury, ,I lh9 the boasted A farmer living over in Taney County has a dwarfed pet pig that is two or three years old and no larger than a house cat. TheKolIowing a quarrel in a room at other day he took his pig out with a party of hunters. Presently up jumped a rabbit, and it got in a hole before any of the hunters could get their guns to their shoulders. "Here's where 'Foxy' will show you what he oan do," says the farmer. He let the pig down and it sniffed the ground and went into the hole quick as a ferret, and pretty soon oame out with the rabbit in its mouth. The farmer says that the pig is more valuable than alt the bird dogs, as it is also a good quail hunter, and when the pig makes a stand it is next to impossible to make it flush the flock. Charles A. Sumner of Kansas City, who claims to be a repre sentative legislative agent for the Brotherhood of Hoboes, arrived at Jefferson City Tuesday bear ing a letter 'of introduction 'to Lieutenant-Governor Gmelick and Speaker A. A. Speer. His purpose in ooming there is to have a bill passed providing for the state giving employment to the men out of work. An appro priation of $125,000tfor the pur pose of carrying nut the soheme, is one provision of the bill Sum ner has in mind. Sumner says he is baoked by the leaders of organized labor in Kansas City and St. Louis. i i - .rendered an opinion to the effeot that the law passed by the last legislature fixing the salaries of county attorneys in counties of a population of not less than 32,000 jnor more than 50,000 at $2,500 i per year, is unconstitutional and void. It affects but four counties of the state and the attorney general holds that it is a local and special law. The opinion was rendered upon the request of several county attorneys or their assistant. - ' Whila hunting rabbits in the Pearl Bend neighborhood, a Benton County man found in a hollow log a loaded and cocked shotgun which has been identified , as belonging to J. A. Long, who killed Mrs. Winemuller and Felix Crawford in October. 1906. The finding of the gun again starts people to guessing whether Long made his escape or whether he was killed by pursuers and his body thrown in the river. The Braun prize, awarded the best student of the universities of America and Europe, has been captured by Mabel Sturtevant of jBrookfleld, a Missouri girl, born and reared on a farm and educat ed almost entirely by her own efforts. She intends making a tour of the world with the money her victory has given her. Thomas M. Allen of Cassvllle, a former postmaster," yesterday pleaded guilty before Judge Pol' lock of the federal court to open ing another's mail.1 He was fin ed $300. A decoy letter sent by a postoffioe inspector caused his arrest. Allen is one of the most prominent and wealthy citizens or Barry Uounty. , 4, A crowd of hunters about five miles southeast of Grant City went out hunting one day last week and killed 189 rabbits on square mile of territory. At the end of the hunt the rabbits hrdu't given out but the hunters were about all in. Rabbits are un usually plentiful this season ' - The prosecuting attorney of Scott county made speeches for the "dry" in the local option campaign in Mississippi county, and toil his hearers that hie oourty would call a IocaI option Mrs. Lillie Harle, a former resi dent of Nevada, was shot and killed by her husbsnd. Walter. a hotel in Gage, their home for some time Petitions to the Legislature for the submission of a statewide pro hibition amendement to the con stitution are being circulated for signatures under the initiative and referendum law. John Smith, living a few miles northeast of Bethany, brought in and sold to Corneli9on 4 Co. 143 head of geese whioh at the pre vailing prices brought him $107.- 31. It took three wagons to haul them. Chillioothe is to have a $100,- 000 hotel, $40,000 of the stock has been subscribed by Chicago and St. Louis capitalists, while the remaining $60,000 is being sub scribed by the business men of Chillioothe. Mexican zino ore may be im ported to this country free of duty, acoording to a reoent decis ion by Judge Burns in the federal oourt of appeals in New" Orleans. This deoision is considered a blow to the Missouri zino district. The only Demoorat postmaster in the great state of Missouri is Unole Diok Johnson of Cass County, who is postmaster for the state senate. And he wouldn't be P. M. if anybody other than the state senate had a say so. Lyle F. Lelan, a prisoner in the county jail at Mexico, who is under indictment for forgery, says he is the son of Lord Aber deen. He tried to pass a bogus oheck in January, while intoxi cated. He will ask for a parole. In a premature explosion at the Bird Dog mine, north of Webb City yesterday, Zeke Gullett of Joplin was killed and Dan Rich ardson, Perry Cuppler and E. T. Norris injured. Gullett was tamp ing the hole when the explosion occurred. .' A curious inquirer wants to know "What are the sister states," and the Fairfix Forum answers: We should judge that they are, Miss Ouri, the Misses Sippi, Ida Ho, Mary Land, Callie Fornia, Allie Bama, Louisa Anna; Delia Ware and Minnie Sola. A Springfield girl who sold box of love letters to a rag mart for 50 cents, didn't know what good tiling she lost. The man discovered that he had purchased something good and boiled the letters down, selling the product for strained honey and realized a good profit. - Mrs. Alonzo Swift of Spring field by repeatedly slamming the doors of the rooms on the, second story of her home Saturday night, put to flight a burglar whom she heard ransaoking the rooms down stairs. The burglar in his flight left jewejry whioh he had taken from a chiffonier drawer. At a Columbia poultry show, a big Langshang rooster was weighed and he tipped the scales at 8 3-4 pounds.. . Then they gave him onions, corn and ground meat until he refused to eat more, let him drink all he wanted and be weighed 93-4 pounds, showing ne uaa uxen just a pound. Eighty thousand pounds of iawf is being shipped into the new stateof Oklahoma from Columbia, says the Columbia Tribune. One carload already has been shipped sua anotner win d ready la a few days. The total consign ment Will compriaelO.OOOvolumns of the Oklahoma etatutss, printed hi bound :. r corf. by a CwIv.ii.Ua pub R. C. Young, one of Dunklin county's most praotioal, energetie and progressive farmers, is pre paring to tile his farm, or a per tion of it, this spring for the pur pose of testing this method of underdrawing level lands with soils of the nature of his "Syca more Farm." The tiled land will be scientifically .tilled in truck stuff, with a minute detail of its progress kept by the gentlemen. Mr. Young Is expending the money and time required in this experiment for the benefit of him self and neighbors and whoever desires the information. Camp bell Citizen. Louis Gibbs was awarded $2,. 000 Wednesday by a jury for the loss of two fingers from his left hand. He formerly was head sawyer in the sawmill at Sturdi vant of A. F. Watkins; against whom ths judgement was pro nounoed. The plaintiff contend ed that Watkins had promised to repair a belt, which was defective, but had failed to do so and Gibbs as a result of this alleged negli gence was badly injured. The jury decided that, considering the evidenoe, each of Gibb's lost fingers was worth 11,000. Pop lar Bluff Democrat. Monday's Cairo papers state that one J. W. Crawford, a well known street fair and carnival promoter, as well as a gambler of local note, w6nt "bug house" a few days ago and wasplaoedin an asylum at Anna. Crawford is well known in Bikes ton. He fa the gentleman who used to parade the streets of Sikeston, about ten or twelve years-ago, wearing a watch chain about three feet long . made of five, ten, and twenty dollar gold pieoes, and it is as tonishing that he wasn't pro nounced Insane then. Sikeston Hornet. New Madrid county people waited a hundred years for some body to oome along and drain the wet lands, and finally beooming tired of waiting, took hold of the work themselves. Look at the result. The Gods help those who help themselves. Now that the time is up for waiting for outsid ers to nlBh in and build our muoh needed 'steam and electrio rail road lines,, our own capitalists will take hold and do the build ing. New Madrid Record. During the month of Ftbruary . a petition will bepresented to the oounty court of New Madrid -oounty, asking for a epeoial eleo tion to vote on a proposition of issuing bonds to sum of $75,000. If the proposition carries $60,000 will be used for building a court house and $15,000 to build a coun ty jail. The proposition ought to carry as . New Madrid oounty is big enough and rioh enough to have a' respectable court house and county jail. A Monett man writes home from Mexioo that he caught a shark.' TWe are two kinds of sharks. the real thing and the other kind, says the Monett Star. The other kind is the one that eot the Monett man to go to Mexico and thus enabled him to catoh one of the real ones. There's no such oritters to be caught in this neck o' the woods, but we'll take old Missouri first and Mexico when we can't get anything els. . ' During the song service pre ceding the sermon at the First Congregational Church in New Cambria, fire broke -out ia the building, which was filled with people. The choir continued singing and the organist remain ed at the instrument until the church was cleared. No ore- wa injured. A bucket' lr!rsJ formed and aftr htrd vork VL&