Newspaper Page Text
! STOCK FOOD AND CONDITION POWDERS f & J& 0 AT & j& s& Jolhinisltoini's 95 macy i Phar WE HAVE a fresh shipment of the Famous International Stock Foods. Their preparations have been on the market for years, in fact they are the originators iu this line and have made a lifetime study of this important business. The International products conformed to the pure food laws before we had the law, and their goods have been used throughout the United States and many foreign countries for years, and have proven their merits wherever they have been used throughout the United States and many foreign countries for year's, and have proven their merits wherever they have been given a fair trial, We like to re commend this line as we know its value, and it very seldom fails to please our customers. Our intention is to sell goods that will give satisfaction, and we feel safe when a package of the International has been sold, Feed this powder to both healthy and diseased stock and notice the effect. . Don't wait until your stock have the distemper to begin using condition powders, but feed them freely on International, and they will not yield to the ravages of Jhis dreaded disease. You get 3 FEEDS FOR EVERY CENT you spend on International Stock Foods, and YOU CANNOT BUY ANYTHINQ BETTER, PUT UP IN 25. AND 50A. PACKAGES, I BOTH PHONES NO. 39, JOHNSTON'S PHARMACY, WE DELIVER ANYTHING YOU WANT. DONIPHAN, MO. The Democrat. iroimtrlr THE HUSTLER.) Published every Friday $1 00 por yoar. P. C. CUNKINOHAU, Ed. and Prop. PONIPHAN, MO., FKB'Y 12, 1909. i "; Additional Local. Geo. A. Ncal was in St. Louis the put week on business. Tnm Dnhnrtv shinDed a car load of hogs to the 8t. Louis market last Mon day. Uisaei Gertrude Williams and Clara Barrett visited friends in the Bluff last Sunday. Miss Ouida Sumerlin went to Little Hock today to visit her sister Mrs. Dade Ireland, and see her bow nephew. W. H. Johnson was here from Corn ing last Saturday, visitins; his father He said building business was very (juiet in his town. Colds and tonetlitls are prevailing ailment now-a-days. People should exercise care and sot unnecessarily ex pose (homselves at this season. "Orandmothor" Sumerlia came home front lr iait ' LUtl Rook Wednesday evening. , She says her new grandson Is lust the nicest baby boy that ever was' born, and to prove it she says she has an aiflclavlt signed D " all of Mrs. Dade Ireland's (tho baby's pother) neighbors to that effect, and if any of her friends hsre dispute the statement she will pull the affidavit on them for proof. She also says that Orandpap Sumerlin had written her jfrom his ranch in Wyoming that his bat was so small for his head he bad to get a new headpiece, Everybody Is doing very well. While butchering bogs last Tuesday morning a little 2-year old child of fieorge Blake who lives five or six miles north-west of town in the bills, came running out oi tne nouse to wnere me men were at work and none of those en gaged noticing it at the time it ran over to a tub of boiling hot water and stumb ling fell head foremost into the tub. SThey rushed to its aid at the first splash but were too late to save it, and the lit ileonewas very badly scalded on the tead, faee, necc, shoulders, body and jtras and bands, so badly that the skin all peeled off when they took its, cloth .. ngoff. Dr. Daniels was called from own and reached there as soon as be could but the child was so badly Injured - that he ecuid only alleviate its suffering find it died that night about 11 o'olock 8ome little excitement, but no danger, ' fras occasioned last Wednesday morn Jng by the burning out of a fine at the lower school building, the Sue leading From alius Myrtle William' room.' An ' air pataage runs through the wall and enters the Due above the store pipe bole "and this air duet had. become clogged with snot anieaagnton are from the 'burning flue. At the ODeninv of the air pa-ege squire box of wood sur round it and when this wood oaught op fire -the coals dropped to the floor, and this was ha' Mused the scare. The scholar of all the room were got tea out of the building without titrable of confusion, and some little boys sent dewn towa lor help. A ontrbf cf business men responded and the Ire, at bo time aflgsf oos, was put at. .No : jfra aasgivea sa account of the scare Senator Thos. F. Lane cams dowq from Jefferson City yesterday on a short visit to his family and to look after some business matters pertaining to his law business. He says the long wait on the lieutenant-governor recount was very much of a drag on legislation and the body is not getting off as rapid ly as it would had thsre been no contro versy to delay the start. In the assign ment of committees in the Senate, Sen ator Lane fared exceedingly well, as be was plaoed on seven different commit tee, being made chairman of one. His committee assignments are chairman of Fish aud Game committee, and mem bers of the committee on Education,' Text Books and Publio Schools: Town ship Organisation, County Boundaries, Swamp Lands, Ditches and Drains; Criminal Jurisprudence; Wills and Pro- tms Law; Immigration; Universities, Normal Schools, Agricultural College and School of Mines, nearly every one of which is an important committee, and all will require much attention and work, out the Senator will make gooa as he likes the kind of work these com mittees will require of him. He will start on his return to Jefferson City either Sunday or Monday . 8oolal functions of winter, midnight lunobes, loss of sleep tell on the health. HollUter's Rocky Mountain Tea clears the blood, aids digestion, relieves (ati true; makes and retains your health Greatest tonic. Tea or Tablets, 36 cents. Johnston's Pharmacy. Edward W. Wright, many years ago a well known citiien of this city, died at his home rt Poplar Bluff, last Sunday morning at 6 o'clock, from congestion of the stomach. He was well known here and made his start id life at Doni phan, beginning business in a little old building, known to the plder citiiens as Col. Righter's office. He was born ' in Arkansas, near Pitman's ferry, and came here as a young man with bis brother James, who survives him. His age was 60 years, as he was born Jlay 13,1819. He moved from here to the Bluff In 1886 and with J. R Wright of this eity no direct relation engaged. in the hardware business under the firm name of J. R. and B. W. Wright, J. L Dalton being the manager of the store, In 1887 Mr. Dalton purchased J. R Wright's Interest and in 1902 the firm of Wright -.Dalton Bell Anchor Store Company st'i incorpera ted with a capital (took of 160,000, and he was elected vioe president of the oompany, whloh posi tion he held at hie death. Besides his interests in the company be had other Dusiness interests to wnicn ne gave im mediate attention. He was married in this oity in November 1877, to Margaret i. uoiuer, a aaugnter oi uncle Jack loiuer, wen known. nereho was a resident here for many years before he moved to uisuiun. Mrs. Wright died in July 1908. They have six children all grown, five daughters and one son. The funeral was held on Tuesday, the B. P. O. E. lodge .having charge of the obsequies and. Rev. Wa Baker of the Christian church of that oity officiating. The long winter months heavy foods lack of exercise decrease your vitality, make yon feel mean. Hollisters Rooky Mountain Tea gives yon vitality clears the blood builds up flesh. Makes you strong and robust. Great Spring medi cine. Tea or Tablets. 36 eente; John ston's Pharmacy. ' ' A Franklin countr natron rjf tha State) University avs he sntnt $5,000 on his son. but only cot a quarter back.' The) boy had gon, throuca 4 veara or college and came home a quarter back in a toot Dan team and has never been able to advance any higher,' . Seatrod With A Hot Iron, or scalded by overturned keule cut with a knife bruited by cammed door trjured by g-tn or n :-t ctbr wty me iflmer eM w "' j BacHsso's Announcement of Farmers Institute and Fair. We wish to state to everybody inter ested in the Ftrmers lostituteand Agri cultural show to be held here next lull, that the management is arranging the the work In deuil and will have 2000 CHUlogues printed as early as possible which will give the full weeks institute work complete, napies aid subjects of th lecturers, classification ot all farm products aud premiums on each exhibit, names of the several committees. There will be 6 commiltees who will hve chtnre of their respective work. One each on live stock, oorn, fruit, ditiryinir, poultry, and honsehold and garden pro ducts. The last named om will be in charge of a committee of ladies who will arrancu some prize contest work fur the girls as well as the married ladies. The chairman of each of the com mittee have been selected whose nara-s wflTbe giVHii soou as each have ac cepted. The management have bought to select workers wh. will tk right hold nf the work with enihnMasm and co-operate with the board In maklng next rail's show nt only a success bi:l Brand Success, we hav taken up this work early In order to Blve all ample time to grow and prepare all kiuda of products. It will be some time before the catalogue can be gotten up and printed, but thev will be out In ample lime an n in meantime all necessary lie formation will be published In the ooun tv papers which we should not fail to thank rnr their kind generosity In oner Inguii valuable space fur this work. We expct to -demonstrate next fall just where our oounty stands In the ag ricultural world. Its nnl a question of what CAN we do. but what will WILL we do, The writer ventures thft asser tion: that tn take the whole list- of soil products the adaptability if Rlplry coumy is unsurpasaeu in llie state and would not back down vorv much to makw it the United btates. We mean proven adaptability and Dot development, so If we oan establish this we are standing in our own light if we do not develop and utilize the natural advantage that sur- roHnd us. We do not mean to discuss this matter at length as we not think anyone win wish to take Issue with us, but knowing what Is and has bean done the only important mattsr remains it knowing bow and doing It. Tha other conditions are at our oummand, and now there is no better way, no less expensive wv. (we should say no more profitable way; to secure in is modern education than through an agricultural show and Institute. For instance take oorn. Bow many in Ripley county grow pus bred corni are you are aware that llieseawn here being longer than in tts corn trow ing section of this itate, that wa can de velop oot only a Kernel that will socre far above their but approaches the ideal or perfect kernel and furthermore the ieason and Kill belter enable the ear to develop shape, weight and market eon dlllonl Who has ordered seed corn from the corn section who did not grow bt ter oorn than the seed the first year? So all along down the lias the sm rule p- pns. uur iruit it unexcelled, it can t be beat for poultry ratling, a aatiiral dairy and sheep section, a truck garden er can grow anylhiog. What more do we want? More oo-operatloo and know ledge now o maks farming par soma profit abvv expenses and st the same time miiatala the fertility of tke soli. We have the Sfooitse this year of some recognised experts for the lecture and judging work and oa one or two more subjroti than we have had heretofore. It is the wish of ths aaajclatloa that every farmer will onmmesoe now to grow something for the show. We sx pect the premium to be offend on all exhibit to be more inviting snd worth working for. We want all who wish to enter th anea class la oorn contest to reave their aames at either ot the drug stores In Doniphan aed to do so by April mi., inn win euaoi us to arrange space for exhibit, Any farmer In the county may enter and may grow any kind of corn he wish, bat thould grow corns variety that it true to typ. Th tale contest also will be open to farmer irw or cnare. stock and ooulWf bred trt have plenty of tloia to prepare aurne nrj creaiiaoie exrioita. w alncerrly ak the earnest co-opefatloB of twrf farmer and busine ma ta th eooolr In this work which i purely education al and progressive. - faMigaa Igarrerw Aocutia. . - M. licCaittey, Sec'r. Mortgagee's Sale of Eeal "l" . THE Wmm I GRAND CLOTHING HOUSE WE have quite a number of odds and ends in our Clothing line which we will close out at Greatly Reduced Prices. All our heavy weights in all our lines will be sold at reduced prices to make room for our Spring line, WE find that we have on hand a lar&e stock of" . Hide to Dealer Shoes. These we must close out as we are hand ling a different line all together. We invite an inspection of our stock and Comparison of Prices. Call and see us, no trouble to show goods. We are now Agents for Carhartt's Overalls and Gloves. The Or and Clothing House N ngStsaafsi P. tfnterberger & Bro. r page t, eonvered to the onderstgnad aortga ge, ttm following leacrlbed mal eatate situat ed la ttra oqaaty ot Ripley, and Buuo of Ml oiirl, to wft, Th aorta wt aarter of th aou thwart quar ter o( aaoue 18, towmhlp M, ranga 1 wa, and th north fcalfof thaaoutbeut quarter of to tloa lh uwaiilB 2k nan l waaL omulBlix ill oma nor or leaa. waicfe ooantyaaxie wa sud to seeara th paymanl of their oertaln promHnory aote. In said rav ofwm aaonimii ana waerea 4 nats u now Mat da and rem In. anoaldi aow. therefore, I, ttf virtu of tbe authomy vestad la ne by aald mortgage deed, haraby gin public aotloa. aa urarliied la aald ovortutn daod. nit poww or al, Mat I will, m en i . iwt i , HAIWI1 IAD, HUV, . etwa rt aoiiea of nine o'olock w ib for- aoonww nno oioca n ca ail. moon, at ta Raat door of the court bourn la tbe oity of Doni phan, ta aald county and una, Mil at pablto aat ory. to Um b If Be at blddar, tor eath la band, aU Ul TihL tilio. and Intraat at Ltu. said Uiitr H. Oaa and Anna C.Uaw,bK wife, In and to the abo dawthed raal aaiate. tn aatlafr amid debt and ta osat at Ibl praooedlng. lWlphaMoFernary lAtiiuJ. . , u-u. Sheriff's Salo Under Genor' ' al Execution, . - " nT virtue and authority of gaawra etvcntloe. laaued from tn oflloa of taa eiark of tha aitau oourt, xxwta of Rlplay, mnrnabl io th Harok tana. IM,of aald eovrt, and to nw dlrcotod, la raw nlT.L TiUmaa, W. M.Tack aoa, 1 B-iat, pbtlntltr. and anlut Charlna A. tf-sa ana amy u. nona. oerennaata, I naro ct led asua and aalted all ths rmlit. ilJa. tntrnm. claim, eiiate and prapaity of the d5fa.tnt wv.c wwv, v iiri- a. naaa ana ajny . Mew ! of. In and to the roi.sirin dw.-riiiad real ut, I ;taa,Kj I tfcaooanty of ktff and ttti oi i IX Uir (31, aonnveat auaruir at vMaa ! Um t . . ' "- "' wta iay i MaHCH.nne, fnw-Bilm iKwirwoi rt &? k In te f- Rasa, of, la and to tbe a bora daaciibed propartr. to aattaty aald aiacullon and ooata. JUHNH. ROBiSSON, , Sbarll ot Ripley County, Mo. Doniphaa. Mo., rab. 12, lace. ,14-it. V Order of Publication, State of Miaarmri, " " -V - - .' Coonty of Ripley, 1 . la Um Circuit Court, Marck Tern, (Ha , . i. R. Oraenwoo. rialauff, va. D. BaOateai tb anknowa heira and dovWaa of O. B. Garai, deoaaasdt William Burai.1 to anknova hetra and dertaae f William Burna, daoaaaod) u. P. Hedge U unkm.aa bolra and dnriie. of O. P.Jfodiraa, dananadi Paal rradrk-k pd Anbur k raornca, LMtcndaal. . Ban to Qut Tula. .-" Mow at thai day ooa J R. Oraanwood, plain tiff la tha a bore aotttlad oaaw, before thaandee, algned olor of the olrealteoart of ltlpley connty, ia raoaUoa, and Ola kia pvtlttoa duly vwim4 ander hie oath and amiarll, allaairur amnng otiisr tbinga that h la Ilia oau.r, la ta aiaipw of, and claim till to th following daacribed real eatat lying, being and altuata In th oountr of Rlplay ad tltataor Mammirl, to-wlt; taa at half ot lota on and two of the northaaat quarter of aaotloa ono, township twenty throe, D'.rUt of ranga twotaat, and allot that part of lot on and two ot to aorthwaat qnartor, lying oa thn rntilde of Log creek, raaeoUoa ait. wwn aaip tweoiy-ihrj, aortb ot rang tkraa. aaati that Said bud I Improved and In tha anamainn 1 of plaialifl that def ondaiu otain anno tltk. a tata or lnifmt ta and to Um aald raal aatata, tfea nantr and cuarwitorot which I urkrHiwn to plaintiff and oan oot ba ant oat and d.whbnd re,eiuBrJt that It M adton anl nranKilctal toplamtir iiilatthatbe Torllr bRlteraa u are (imw lat-iontad la Ik eubjont autter of thia patitioo, whoa naraaa k cannot hwart krela bsoeiia thy irn onknaw to rbuonrfi that O. B. Oataa, vliilaa) Burna and O.P. Had ga. ach in tbw Hfetima eli inwd aoate lutereat, rwator tma, aa .bm dsaorlbad, ulnna ad pivmnlrlal to. plJntlff Hi keiwloi that eaid IX U Gataa, Baraa and O. P Wsd- d-d. and whauivw UiMnat Usoy bad m and to aald r.l eMat n)pt.-d to ttieir ret. n 'tis r' nr r i- u- ils-a c tn-!r li:.. 4 :-A t-;BifH. -i4i wiw- r-nii i --is'wf -and tQtr& a i. '.m r.r p. Q. Oatea, WlUlam Burns and O. P. Hadre. krudevlaoHaot their laatwitla and toatarnenta! reapeotlvsly, and thai plaintiff bolleTea that onf altarnaUve or the other la trues that he baa not aufflulflnt knowwdg or Information thereof to know Whether tha aaid D. B. Gates, William Burn and O. P. Hodgea are living or dead but belleriw that one alUnutlreor too other ia tniei that Paul Frederick and Arthur Frederick are minora, undnr thn aire rt mivju. ... J a a the oourt to appoint a guardian ad litni 'fend thlaault tor aald minora- ti at n 3 Oatna, William Buma and O. P. Hedgra m non roaldonta of the,8lat of Mltaourl that Iho ordinary proouaa of law oan not be anrrod unoa them, or either of them. In thl atr.te It ia thererora ordered by thaolerkfomald. In vacation, that publication be made, notlfyi.ij aaid defandanla, unknown heira and devlaeoa. - - an auiiun aKainMi them by petltli In the olrouit court of fllpleir - iivwii, i.ue.joM.'ct ana general nature of whloh la io try, ascertain and partlea plaintiff and dorendant. la and to tha real eautj aboy deaerlbed. and to define and mjuuko ui nuo, saute ana lntereatof the par-. Uea plaintiff and defendant herein, tn end to Balrf PMal B.I.I. ..'nr..l I ' ' . l . . M . 7 mi. uuivaa aq UV f-sndant. unknown lialraand dnrlaee. and un known ipartleH. be and appear attie Beit lemi of C".irt to be holden at Lie Court li'w, wltliln ul ..'"7, wii iw join oay or jnarrn, lOnfl. arut on ni- hafnM ih. Ui -. ... aworor plead to the puiitlon her in, the aan n.u w.M uviitvwuti, ana jiiugiiieni will 0 rendered agalnat dotendanta aooortlingh-. And It la further ordered that a copy hereof b puNit.nel in Ure Kii'lkt Counti Dkwoi aT, a woskly nowspiipir printed and pul.ll..hd In ant.f oounty, for f--ur w.-eks aueonai-ively, piibllshf d at luaat onco each wwk, the last Inaerlion to t at Haat dsya before tha II rat day ot end torm of court. Wltneaa my Mnd and official seij. Done at omit n Donipnan, Mleaourl, thia Uia lilh day of lanjary, Vidl. W. C. MAHf. Circuit aort. Sfe of 5f !ourl.cnu'ity or nii y, an, I, W. C. Mjhrey, olerk o.' the etrotili court In and for aald County and Statu, tivrely oeiiifj! the alioTo and foreolng to be a true and oom p.ete copy ot the original oidorof pub'kjatlon', in tna oau'e teerain namen, ia fully aa Uia aamd anpara or rnoo"d lit my r.Mce. ... .Myuiuny naaeilli I IUY Bur.'d.ltO act my hand and affiled my ora.-iat eanl SI tl. at mv office in Doniphan, thia I6U, dag of January, I W ' ' - . , W.JKilrtrjr Clerk Crviilt Court -Donlplian, Mo , jaa.22nd, HWI u-ft. Order of PublicatiijrT. State of Missouri, Oounty of Ripley, a. In the Circuit Conn, March torm, A. D. lroa. To yulet Till. John F, Smothm-a, Ferdinand Sohae fer. the unknowi.-heira and dovUt-oa of Fordl nand Koha.ii'iir, deccard; R. W. Whltlocki th unknown hair and dvlee of R. W; Whltlouk, deccaaed; nd M. W. Hudaon, pJ feucanta. ' Now on thia day cornea the plaintiff In the libera ntltlndce.uue, before the underelcned elerk of the Circuit Court of Klpwy oounty, Mlaaovrt, let vacation, and 11 lea ha petition, duly verified an? dar hla eeth, alleging among otuer thlnif that ha I the owner, In fee simple, and claiout till to tbe following dr-scrlbod real eatate, altuata lylLjj aud b..i:iB n U:0 tomiU of klpiey. and 8i.,te of Mini-oar!, to-wlt: Bcntheaat quarter of tha (oath went qoartnr ot aacllon tluTen, townablp twonty-three, north, range four aat that pan of aald land la ImV prorud, and tliat all of aald real eatate la In th pj.uM.oa ot (.latutlif; ibat d.ifnndaiiU claim aoue title, oatate or Interrat in and to the real simr abovn deacrthed th nature and characteg of which 1 unknown to plaintiff and cannot b at out and described horeia exoapt that K la ad yerao aod preja.lloial to plaintiff: that defen dant apt Bon-rualdenta of thia KUte ao that tha ordinary prod of law cannot b erved oa then In thia S.atei that be rerily belleTaa thora are othr pursona Imerealad la tha aaljlncl mat lay nt hla poMthm wkoa aamee he cannot inaeri beoMin they ar anknowa to plalntlffi tliat Ferdinand Robaefer and R. W. Waltiooll each la thalr life time claimed aom Internet, rtgtit or line to the real aatata above deaorlbed ilToree and prejudicial to ptalntlff' title there tot tliat the aald Ferdinand gohaefar and R. W. WhlUocrodead, and that whaterer tnteraat thev bad ia and to aald real eatate deeoanded to' tholr rpkpoclira helm at law or tb den ot their laat Will snd Teataaient, and whoa naciaa, reaieollt aharaa and latereau aa aaid! betra orderlaem are anknowa to plaintiff aad cannot b nt oat or deaorlbed herein eioant inat aaidclalma anadnra and prejudicial to Biain-.lft'a till tbmreln: that an Car aa tha k-. ledrf of thia plaintiff attnoila tbea nnkoowa' heira and dertteea derlr their fntereat In the a oot deaorilied real aatat by inaerltaana tiirn.,(rh the aaid Ferdinand gchaefer and R. w, hillock oraa deriaeea ot Bielr laat Villa and Teatament rmpaotraely, and that plaintiff be-: llevxi on altrmattT or tha other b) tniei that p;a'nthM ot auaScleut knowledir or tnfnr, Amotion to know wlwtber aald Ferdinand PMum. r and R. W. Wktuoc are living or dead, bat Here that one alternatlr or tbe other I tree. It ta theraioraanlred by the Clerk atoreaatd, la racatloa, tiiat publication bamad sotlfvin aid defandanla that phtlntll kaa commenced an action agalnat them l thia Court th ebteol M teneral nature of whloh la to try, aaceruta and; datwrmtn the estate, tltkaand loiaueat ot tae parti, plalnt'f and defendant, la and to th real eetate above described, and to d. (In and adju.ltre the Mile, eatat and lauraat of tnemr tlea. plaintiff and deieadam, la and to aaid real atate, and tliat anleaa th iy o and appear at tha next torn of Una Court to b begun and held at tn Court Hone ta the City of Itonifi&an, County of Rlpiy, Biate of Miiwouri. on Urt Ikih day of March, IMS, and on or betor the drat day thereof aaewer orpfead toft petnjoe bmii the aam Kill b take a ouiJu.aad ad jodg me ut rendered aooordingiy. ' It la further oniered inat a copy hereof be pwoMflhed I the Itipi jtt i ot-nrrr Flotv,, a weekly new,naD.'r printed and ptuijythad m aald" oounty, for four we.'ka aoroe.iily, pnbli9hed at lewat earh wek. the laat toaurtioa to be at luaat thirty dtra efcir the drat day ot tb next twra ot ti! Court. " rr aan. mj nana wra uwoh. ' i.nm ai eft). t iMntphan, thl Ibth day at Seal) January. Inn ' - ". C. MjtMiT.Oroatt dark. pt nf Ti.ipf f rt-.f r r?ri. aa. ' i W. C. iinry.etif Ml V Conn fa M t-t hu (w"t,..s i.r-t r (i"!!r r? at.Tq aM Vwr to be a ir a ',(ii 6a . .( -r ' - w n t" ' .a i"ijy ye to tc infiiiamatk r' ; l tfc school. A md kill tiie r'-! ; prn,e f -4. ii i in?;.. ,. f .r . r. '. T .. ! ft . f I a . ' i, ,4lu'"-Arr,i? ;S