Newspaper Page Text
The Democrat. TsiopHotaes .poniphan.Isfo.80. Mutulo.80. Local and Personal News. - ..: Bin graa seed at Ferguson's aeasion this week. Burt McArthor to a new clerk la th Ripley County Bank. J. K. Blattery, of Naylor, waa hr transacting business, Tuesday. peonia Hopa to here from Flat River visiting his mother and brothers. Majnmoth elover seed at Ferguson's. Npah Russell, ol Indianopolis, Ind., - to here on a visit to his son, A. P. Rus ell. , ' Attorneys Jerry Mulloy and C. B. Butler made a business trip to Naylor ' Willis Randel was in town (rota his Buffalo farm the first of the week trans acting business. E. L. Finch went to Biroh Tree last Saturday to visit his parents who are pow living there. WMTruby to having a new wire fence put' all around his property on East Locust street. Mrs. AIHe Ferguson wentto Memphis, Tenn., on a visit to relatives last Sun day, and expects to be gone several peeks. Timothy and Red top seed at Fergu son's. Judge J. 0. Bheppard and J. R. Wright were at the Bluff Tuesday at tending the funeral of the late E. W. Wright, who died last 6unday. Aeel Ponder made a trip to the Bluff last Monday accompanying his son, Jesse, who went to that city to take the place in Webber's Drug Store vacated by Chester Pearce, who has returned home. The W. C.T. U. desires to announce chat it will meet neat Tuesday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock with Mrs. T. J., Ben nett. A Francis E. Williard Memorial Borvice will be held. -All members re quested to be present. ' - Chester Pearce, who has beon employ ed with the Webber Drug Co. at the Bluff, for some time past, came home inst-Monday evening and will remain here and take a position In his father's .new store. Peaiee Mercantile Co. The Primary School gradu are mak ing preparations for an entertainment at. the Court Hou on the evening of February 20th Friday. A very enter gaining program i being arranged and (,hn little peoplo drilled tor fhejr part therein. ' Our stoek shippers have a big kick against the railroad company owing to their inability to "get oars in which to ship their stock as the expense of keping the stock tn the pens and feed ing them consumes the profit expected on the shipment. Tom Martin, of West Plains has been here this week visiting. He was accompanied by Revi C. W. Powell, pastor Of the Baptist ehnroh at that place, and by Mr. Q. W. Hall, of Plain field, Wisconsin, who to looking over this section of the state with a view of inveating in fruit land. Best grade olover and other field seed tor sale at Ferguson's. "Grandma" Nixon, nee Miss Erma . Ellis, earns over Monday frem the Bluff j to pay her parents a short visit. Al though Mrs. Nixon to still m the honey moon stage of her own married lite she . last week reaohed the dignity of the MMnr1mnfk am sa snsarftfAjl daughter, living at Chaffee, became the - mother of a babjMlaughter. ,." - Frank J. Page went down -to Little Rook Tuesday to arprit his son Clyds with birthday visit, at thulnvitatlon pf Mrs. Clyde Page. "By Shot" had hat, a "blled" shirt and had his face washed and shared.1 We don't know whether the Doniphan colony at LittU Rock know him or not on arrival, but it was old Frank, all rigb,t, that left hare. . Rev. Will T. Swaim, pastor of the Presbyterian church of this city; vent to Pattow, Mo., last Monday to a wist another minister in holding revival. Ha expect to b gone about ten days, and his pulpit nextSonday will be filled by Rev. J. W. Beauohamp, who recent ly moved to this county from Bethany, Mo. The publie, .to cordially invited to attend this erv(c. . : ; , ; -..' Drs. Proctor and Redwine,; Wednes day morning ot tost week, amputated the iiUla lager on the left hand ol J. R. (Diok) Borth. Some time, ago a felon made it appearance on the member and ' thought he would help along the euring stage and by the advice of a (riend, who said he knew all about felons, went to treating the wound with a solution of carbolic sold and the result was that -.he aid nearly ate his finger op and caused the operation to be made to save the l..ij. VVaiie be utered grenuy or day put the pain is sutuiJiug i';e eaa feel math gsaJar, County Court Irc)i . ; (Concluded from last week.) ; fRJDAT, rBBROART ft JTTTH DAT. , Court met pursuant to adjournment all the member being present and th following basin was transacted: Court ordered that swamp land patent be Issued to 8. M. Martin, assignee of Jaoob Smith, for north haU ol southwest quarter of section 15, towashlp 22, range east. ,: ' Court examined the tax returns of St. Louis, 1 M. k 8. R. R. Co., and of the St. Louis and Saa Francisco R. R. Co., for year 1908, and adjusted and approv ed same. , W. C. Mabrty, circuit olerk, Bled annual settlement report for the year 1903, and abstract of fee for th monjfel of January, 908, which waa examined and approved by the court. In the matter of petition tor the location of a publio road at private ex pense, by J. E. Green and other. W. L. Cooper, highway engineer, waa or dered to surrey and report on aame at next regular term oi this court. Allowance wr mad as follow: Del Wilson, keeping pauper....$ 18.00 T D McCowan, sheriff Butler Co. board of prisoner, 36 60 w h stone, expense ana postage for quarter ending Jan. 81-1909 Joe Davis, for keeping pauper. . . Mrs. Win Clark, keeping pauper Will Ed, Crook, temporary relief H H Crook, temporary relief. ., . 17.55 40 00 18.00 200 10.00 Court adjourned until following mora Ing at 9 o'clock. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6 SIXTH DAT. Court met pursuant to adjournment all the member being present and the following business was transacted: Allowances were made a follows ( A E Richmond, mdse for pauper. I 5.90 Marvin Russell, wood for pauper 2.50 John T Slayton, 2 months janitor service, ending Feb. 10, 1909. . 10.00 The following redisricting of th oounty into Road districts wo then made and ordered of record: District No. 1. To be composed of school districts No. 2 and 3, Twp. 22, range 1 west. - District No. 2. To be composed of school districts 4 and 5, twp. 22, range 1 west, District No. School districts Nos. 1, 2 and 4, twp. 23, range 1 west. District No. 4. School district 1, 2 and 3, twp. 24,' 1 west, and district I, 23, 1 west, District No. 6. District Nos. 1 and 3, twp. 22, range 1 east. District No. . District No. Z, twp. 22, range 1 east, and No. 2, twp. 2a, range 1 east. District No. 7. Districts Nos. 4 and 5, twp. 23, range 1 east. District No. 8. District Nos, 1 and 2, twp. 24, range 1 east and No. 1 twp. 23, range 1 east. District No. 9. Districts Nos. land 3, twp. 22, range 2 east. District, No. 10. -District No. 5, twp. 22, ranee 1 earn, and No. 8, twp. 23, range 1 oast District No. 11. Districts Noa. S and 2, twp. 23, range 2 east. ' District No. 12. District Nut 2, 3, and 7, twp. 22, range 3 east District No. 13.-Dlstrlcts No, 1 and 8, twp. 22, range 3 east. District No. 14. -District No 2, twp. 22, range 2 east and District No. 0, twp. 22, range 3 east. District No. 15. Districts Nos. 2 and 3, twp. 23, rang? 3 east. District No. 18. District No. I. twn. 22, range 4 east and District No. 4, . twp. zz, range 3 east and District No. 4, tap, 23 range 3 east, u District No. 17,-Dlstriot No. 1 and 3, twp 24, range $ east. District No. 18. District No. 2, twp. 25, range 2 east and District No, 2, twp. 24, range 2 east. District No. 18. Districts Nos. 2 and 8, twp. 24, range 3 east . District No. 20.Dlstrlcis Nos. 1 mA J cm A . .1 rt auu x, t,u, raoga easi, ana is trict 5, twp. 22, range 3 east. District No. 21.-Dlstrtct Nos. 2 and 3, twp. 23, range 4 east, District No. 23,-Dlatrict No. 1, 4 and 6 twp. 23, range 4 east District 23. Doniphan sohool dis trict. District No. 24. -District Nos.,1, 5, 6, 'twp. 23, range 3 east. - District No. 25.-Dlstricts Nos. i and 4, twp. 23, range 2 east. District No. 28. No. 1, twp. 25, range 3 east, and No. 1 twp. 25, range 3 east. - District No. 27. Dlstriot No, 4, twp. 22, range 1 east, .and district No. 4, twp, 22, range 2 east. District No. 28. District No. 8. twn. 22, range 1 west, dlstriot No 4, twp. 22, range least. Dlstriot No. 2!). District L two. 22. range 1 west, district No. 3, twp. 23, range i west. , District No, 3a District No. 5. two. 23, range 4 east, district No 2, twp. 22, range teask " -. District No.31 District No, 1 twp. 34 and 23 rantfe 4 east and district 7. twn. 23, range 4 east. - District No. 32-DlstrIct 1 and 3. twp. 23 range 1 eat, Court thereupon adjonrned until o'clock Monday morning, v MONDAY, FEBRUARY 8 SrVWrl DAT. Court met pursuant to adjournment all th member being present, and th following business was transacted : Court proceeded to appoint road over eer for the 'dlstriot aa made at th i Saturday session, ss follow: ... District No. 1-Ed Ball. ' District No. 2 -S. D. Pulliam, ; ; District No. 3 W. J. Dodd.' District No. 4-Mrvln WhitwelJ, District No. 5 Jesse Gatiln. ' District No 6 Ed Clloe, . District No. 7 Cash Leonard, DUtriclNo. 8 Will Oiiar. -i- ' I District No. 0. T. tYioe. ' . District No. 10 N. I Button. , V District Nov 11 J. F. Ycmo?. . " X, District No. 12 R. M. Stubblefleld, District No. 13 fc. C Coa, TtiRirln No. 14 O. J. Dudley. District Nx 15 L. P. Foulk, District No. IH JohoCump. LhtrlctNo, 17 Chaa, .TottptOQ. District No. 18-Tv". D. MoDooelL District No. 19 Jno Pauarson., . District No. 20-W. J. Hall. . District No. 21 Daa H, Varaer. District No. ii-Miteh Ward. - ? ' -District No. 23 Areh Ponder. , ' , District No. 24-C. W. Penrod. ' ( District No. 25 Geo- W. Arnold. District No. 28 John D. MeKinney. District No. 27 H. M. Baldridg. District No. 23 H. A. Towell. District No. 29 S. B. Milura. District No. 30 Ti J. Huson, District No. 31-Will Itodd. District No. 32-J. C. McMaoua. r. Allowance were made at follow: , W L Cooper, Highway Engineer salary quarter ending Jan. 31, 1909 ... $125.00 3 W Stanley, lumber for Current rivar bridge 102.48 R H Harris, wood for court houe 27.12 LUlie Decker, keeping pauper... 20.00 Ear) Evans, work on oounty road at Railroad crossing 100 L P Foulk, work on oounty road . at Railroad crossing, with team 7.00 W H 8tone, county clerk' toe. . 134.83 J L Justice, nails for oounty road . work....,..,,.,, 100 J A Thomas, mdse for county .. . 3.85 John A Brook, money advanced for pauper , 8 0 Pearce Mercantile Co. was awarded the oontraot to furnish road tool tor the oounty for the year 1109. Court adjourned until 8 o'clock follow ing morning. TO1SDAT, FEBRUARY 9 MOBTH PAT. Court mat pursuant to adjournment all the members being present and the following business waa transacted : John A. Brook, county treasurer, presented hi semi-annual settlement which was examined and approved by the court and ordered made of record. Allowance were mad as follows: ' Prospect-News, county printing 13.90 J H Timmons, lumber for county . road work 3625 On written eonsent of the sureties ot It. MoCauley' school fund bond and mortgage the oourt released from said bond and mortgage eleven acre ot land included In lands described In said bond. G. J. Dudley was loaned $230 from th funds ot capital school funds. Court adjourned until 8 o'clock th following morning. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 10 NIHTH DAT. Court met pursuant to adjournment all the members being present and the following business waa transacted: Ihe following school fund bonds and mortgages wer ordered foreclosed: L A and EL Dal ton, J K Langtord(2) Lue Maxwell, R J Smith, J H Nunnelee, Geo W O'Neal and J D Wolf. The following persons were ordered to sppear before the court at the May term and show cause why their school fund bonds and mortgages should not be foreclosed: t . R T Blevens, Chas Helse, R R Eeely, J W Lawson, J W MeDaniel, 8 W Quick, J F SmeNer, H C Stanley, Win Wilson, J A Wells and D B Yingllng. The following persons were prdered to give additional securities on their school fund bond and mortgages: Dave Biokford, two securities, Eli Cllne, Andy Cox, T M Denning, and J D Garner. The following person were ordered to make new school fund bond on their mortgage: . t Gus Bollenbaeher and Geo Haosner. Allowances were made as follows: John A Pu1liam, for nine days service as County Judge $ 45 00 M W Cotton, sam 46.00 J J Bollenbaeher, same and milage 48.40 John H Robinson, sheriff tee. . , 36.60 Court ordered W L Cooper, highway engineer, to make an estimate of the cost and advertise for bids, for two weeks, -for repair and improvement work on publlo road aa follow: South of Frank Klenn' on th Poy nor road. On th Bennett road near the Williams stock ranch. From the Doniphan corporation line near the Old Company Store building to the Current river bridge approach, east end. At the foot of the hill near the bridge south of the Doniphan City limit. On the hill near W O Proctor' resi dence on the Poplar Bluff road. Also, on eutting down bill near th Frank Klenn place and tilling in on tbe Gatewood road. " And also make estimate and receive bid on road Improvement proposed as per a plat already filed by the highway engineer. Court there upon adjourned until the 4th day of Maroh, 1909, for purpot of letting contract for the proposed road Improvements and to transact such other busineac a may oom oetore th court. . Thlo Anrwar. - Here la simpl homemad mlxtur aa given by an eminent authority on Kidney diseases, who make t' ele ment that it will relieve almost any cas of Kidney trouble if taken before th (tag of Bright' disease. He state that such symptom at lam baok, pain in th slds, frequent desire to uri nate, especially at aightf painful and discolored urination, are readily over com. Her 1 th recipe. Try ill . - Fluid Extraot Dandelion, one-half oanoc; Compound Kargooons ounce; Compound Syrup Saraaparilla, three ounce. Take a teaspoonful after each meal and at bedtime. A wall-known druggist htre in town to authority that tbes ingredient ax all harmless and easily mixed at hou by shaking wall in a bottle. This mix ture ha a peculiar healing and aooth Inwerieot upon tbs entire Kidney and and Urinary ttruoture, and often over eomer the worst terms of Rheumatism in just a lit lis while. This mixture to Mid to remov all blood aisorders and euro the Rheumatism by forcing tbe Kidnef to Site; and (train from th blood and system all uric acid and foul, deompwd" waste matter, which cause thft9 amtotimis. Try it H you aren't f"X 'Ett.-pws;loa, SCHOOL NOTES. t Pi-epvt Cor ad edited lupt. Bertraa noon 1 Mrs. Hudsok, TeachsrT Attendance not o good on account ot sickness. " . : We are glad to have Mary Lee Red- wiae at achool again. The pupil ot the afternoon session are making Linooln booklets. Mr. Dave Campbell, father of our own littl Albert, favored u with a visit last Friday. ' We regret very much to lose Jimmie and Hatel Ashlook. They have moved to the country. The children have begun to practlc for their entertainment which is to be given the latter part ot February. vRoom 2 Myrtle- Williams, Teacher. Cecil Bohannon and Jessie Martin are out of school on account of sickness. . Th pupils are trying their (kill with watereolors and crayola again this month, which to oreating much Interest among them. We are glad that February is here so that we can study the lives of some ot our great heroes and tbe history of our grand old flag. .. room 4 Anna Mabrey, Teacher. We are enjoying eur work In frac tions. .Wilson Brook enrolled in Our grade last week. . Jerome S perry 1 back in chool after a week' absence. We are going to have a valentine box Friday afternoon. Loi Holland ha moved to Grandln. Wa will miss her from our grade. Ralph Burgett spent Friday after noon and Saturday in Poplar Bluff. We enjoyed our half-holiday Friday and hope to have another one in four more week. , room 8-Mat 8cott, Teacher. We enjoyed our fifth half-holiday Friday afternoon, - All survived the examination and are back In our place. We are sorry to lose Ethel and Wal ter Holland from our grade but wish them success in tbe achool they enter. HIGH SCHOOL. C. X. Pbnce, Cannie M. Dambon, s. Teachers. Prof. Harry made a business trip to Naylor Monday of this week, . Gerald Davis ha quit school to go Into the telephone business. Wa re gret to lose so good a student. , The seniors have reoently taken their mid-term examination in physics. Their work has been done very creditably, we think. The juniors held a class meeting last Saturday night at the home of Miss Grace Hutton. Ellis Wright was chosen president and other matters of business attended to. The seniors may claim the honor for having the highest per eent of atten dance this month. Only one member of the class was absent and for one day only. Which class will eicoll next month? A special class In Freshman Latin taught at some convenient time will be organised this week for the benefit of those student who may desire or need to put in extra time on the subject. All who care to Join are invited. Tbe semi-monthly meeting of the teacher of th Doniphan Public School was held Saturday. All the teacher were present exoept Mrs. Hudson who wa absent on account ot sickness. Papers oa educational subject wer read and discussed. Th seniors of the high achool mrt t Saturday of last week with Mia Erma Wright. .After the business meeting senior songs were sung, game wer played and delicious refreshment were served. Class meetings are a good thing beoaus of th xollent spirit they keep alive. A large number of high school tu dent and faculty attended tbe lector by Dr. Hedley Friday night at the Court House. - It waa a great entertain ment and Dr. KSedley to considered one of the best lecturer on th American platform to-day. We congratulate tbe management on this seleotlon, and would be glad to hear him again , tflSOBLLANBOUSV The closing exercise ot th "Lon Sur Wast Scho took plac last Friday afternoon, .i school baa been a suocessf ul one :? olosing exer cises -wer a fitting y : usion. Before noon the patron t. At& with well filled baskets and the feast spre-" was on long to b remembered bv those present. Whereating and visiting wer sufficient! ( ndulged in th child ren and visit! went into the school pous th former to rnf th latter to sajoy, th splendid pri -wa that had bi nrrnrd. Each l 'ipil of the sohool had a put and! rendered it in such a manner a to do ondit to both th pupil and th teaoher. Alter th program was rendered peeohe wer made and a general rood time prevailed. Hiss WhitweU to to be eongratuUted on tba ueoeas ot her work and tbe sohool may wsl' feel proud of th accomplishment ot th year, Two student, Otto and Oily Beymor, hava pasaed the Rural Graduation ex amination and received their tr"-'-eataa. . X This school ha a nverv school ssa. . tent as shown by the fact that 70 per-J sons were present lor tne dosing exer cise and further by the fact that the voter ot the district levy a tax of 06 eoU oa the (ICO for son tul purpose. '- ' Bertram Hahjxt. - A pore, ivholescmei reliable Grape Creaia ol Tcrtiir Baldng Powder Tie ota tibrtir tsed la ir. frfee. lakbf adcrbtafiteejlaraposliteila tvUci I teem l Ac hsdsKS, fceaSfcfid grape - Improves Hie flavor and adds to the healtbt- fulness of the food To Alum o I I LP sLV Cream sav 1 StoxnacH Distress. Every family here ought to keep some Diapepiin in the house, as any one of you may have an attack of Indigestion or Stomach" trouble at any time, day or night. This harmless preparation will digest anything you eat and overcome a sour stomach five minute afterwards. It your meals don't tempt you, or what little you do eat teem to fill you, or lays like a lump of lead in your stomasb, or if you have heartburn, that is a sign of Indigestion. Ask your Pharmacist for a 60-cent case of Pape'i Diapepsin and take ona trlangule after supper tonight. There will be no sour risings, no belching of undigested food mixed with aoid, no stomach gas or heartburn, fullness or heavy feeling in the stomach, Nausea, Debilitating Headaches, Dizilness or Intestinal griping. This will all go, and, bssides, there will be no sour food left over in the atomaoh to poison your breath with nauseous odors, Pape's Diapepsin Is a certain eure for MAYF PANTS- When a person buys any article of merchandise, if they get value received they are satisfied, if they do not get satisfactory service, if it be wearing apparel, they do not want to make another pur chase of that kind, and will go elsewhere or try some other make of goods. f We are pushing the May Held pants made by the Old Woolen Mills at' Mayfleld, Kentucky. V WHY? i Because after years of ex perience we find buy pants for the same amount I of money that will give the I service mat juayneia pants 'will." Every pair warranted not to shrink or fade from -washing. Jones & Swain Doniphan 41. COTii THONGS. Mutual 25. f(o Umt iVV Mm 'Weiss? I all stomach misery, because it will take J hold of your food and digest it Just the same a li your nomaoo wasn't tnere. Aotual, prompt relief for all your stomaeh misery to at your Pharmacist,, waiting for you. These large 60-eent case contain. more thaa sufficient to cur a cat of Dyspepsia or Indigestion . Jeff Burgett and ton Ralph wars at the Bluff the past week on business. Mrs. Delia Kelso went to Coming on business last Monday, returning Tues day, Mrs. Sol Wall oame horns Monday from a visit at her old horn at Farm ing ton. Rev. H. D, Manass, of Dexter, waa here last Tuesday and Wednesday on business. Rev. C. A. Westbrook returned last Friday from his trip to 8t. Joseph, Mo. where he had been assisting in a re vival . H stated that they had had good success and that th meeting was (till continuing. that you can't I iellT)