OCR Interpretation

Mexico Missouri message. (Mexico, Audrain County, Mo.) 1899-1918, February 05, 1903, Image 7

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn89067273/1903-02-05/ed-1/seq-7/

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AyT B :; THE RIP.'
Congressman Geo. H- White's Case.
A Noted Sculptress Cured.
!i .0
(Copyright, 1 , by Dally Story Pub.' Co.)
All Bodily Aches
li y Are you entirely satisfied with
the goods you buy and with the
prices that you payr
Over 2.000.0CO people are trading with
us and Betting their goods at lukoltsali
Our 1,000-pace catalogus will be sent
on receipt ot 16 cents. It tells the story.
Talking; TJnder Water.
Divers are able to converse under
water by placing their helmets, which
are invariably made of copper, togeth-
' er, and shouting to one another. The
sound, they say is swiftly and distinct-,
' lv conveyed.
To the housewife who has not yet
become acquainted with the new things
1 of everyday use in the markej and who
Is reasonably satisfied with the old,
'we would suggest that a trial of De
fiance Cold. Water Starch be made at
once. Not alone because it is guar
nntoixl hv the manufacturers to be su-
perlor to any other brand, but because
,each 10c package contains 16 ounces,
while all the other kinds contain but
12 ounces. It is safe to say that the
lady who. once uses Defiance Starch
will use no ether., Quality and quan.
; tity mu3t win.
Trelilstorla Ctu In Franca.
Two remarkable prehistoric caves
have recently beea discovered in
France. Their walls are covered with
'. well-executed' drawings of mammoth,
reinaeer ana omer animals now ex
tinft in that region.
Many School Children Are Sickly.
Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Children,
used by Mother Gray.a nurse in Children's
Home, New York, break up Colds in 24 hours.
cure Keverishness, Headache, Stomach
Troubles, Teething Disorders and Destroy
Worms. At all drugRists", 2Sc. Sample mailed
free. Address Allen 5. Olmsted, Le Hoy, W. X,
AanhalE F&vemnikta.
1 About twenty- five years ago govern
ment engineers decided to pave Penn
sylvania avenue in Washington with
.asphalt. That was the beginning of
.the general use of the scientific mys
tery for street pavements. To-day
over 234.000,000 square feet of street
pavements in the United States and
Canada are covered with asphalt. This
asphalt pavement would make a boule
vard twenty-six feet wide over 1,750
miles long and would reach from New
York to New Orleans, and then have
'sevoral miles for side streets.
1 Woman Mill H Teeth. -
A Chandler (O. T.) paper says that a
TC&riRnH Pltv vomnn vlsttlnor In Phand..
ler noticed the fine teeth possessed by
lone of the local belles. She offered the
'.telle $100 for two of the teeth, be
sides all her expenses in coming to
"Kansas City to have them extracted,
aud it is understood that the offer was
Colonial fornltnre Gooa.
The colonial furniture of this coun
. try has been absorbed by buyers, and
dealers in antiques, are now compelled
to import their wares from England
and the continent.
Thought She Would Go Crazy.
Hulls, 111.. Jan. 2Gth. "1 couldn't sit
longer than five minutes in one place.
I was always tired, but could not rest
or sleep. I couldn't help crying and
feeling that something' awful was just
about to happen. I thought I would
go crazy." In this way does Mrs.- A.
M. Fysh of this place tell of the ill
ness from which she has Just recov
ered. - ,
Mrs. Fysh's case was remarkable.
If she fell asleep she would wake up
frightened, her mouth dry and her
nerves all worked up. She wag lone
some and melancholy even when sur
rounded by loving friends. Her bones
ached. She had to make water four
or five timos every night She was
constipated. She bad a voracious ap
petite, yet was always hungry between.
, meals. . She coughed up a great deal of
-white phlegm.
She heard of Dodd's .Kidney Pills
and nfter uslrx them says:
"By the time I had taken five boxes
I wus a new woman. I can not tell
how rourh good they dij for me. Be
fore usloc Dodd'g Kidney PilU life was
such a drag to me. Now I raa do my
work and feel glad that I huve work
to do. I am completely restored."
CJuod Utter.
This phrase was first used by Dr.
'joim'.mn, whu euld ot Uuthurut, a phy
bU'i.ui: "lie was a man to jo,y very
heart's content. He luted a fool, aud
1." hftte-J a rosue, atui l. l.i-j a whij;
la was a very toou hate.-,"
Tne bntiae that tlls the troth. l
In the "cub" days of the newspaper
reporter Troupe Mcintosh saw little
io life that had more than ordinary
Interest for htm. He got few assign
ments, and these were chiefly obitu
ary notices, church bazaars and's'rnall
fires. The city editor did not have
confidence In him. He bad displayed
little of the Instincts that are essen
tial to reporters who make names
and are permitted to sign stories. But
Mcintosh knew the stuff was In him
and that some time or other, be would
show it. ' '
One afternoon the city editor walk
ed hurriedly from hlsfoom to the
local room. In his hand was a piece
of yellow paper and he was excited.
"Where is Davis? Where is Horn?
Where is Allen?" he shouted at Mc
intosh." "I think they have gone," said the
"cub" meekly.
"You think they have? Tou don't
see them do you? And they don't
usually leave with you a memoranda
of their doings, hey?"
The "cub" attempted to say some
thing, but before he could proceed tho
.city editor said: "Here, go to Butler
on tho 3 o'clock train. I do not like
to trust so Important an assignment
to such an ordinary blockhead, but
you are the only one In sight Get
some expense money down stairs and
hurry. You've barely time to catch
the train. Take this telegram. It
will explain why you are sent. Get
your facts and write all you can get
on the story. By the time you arrive
there, I have made arrangements with
the telegraph company to handle your
matter as fast as you can write it
Get along now, and do your best.
The cub fairly flew to the depot
Out of breath almost, he found a seat
In the car and for the first time look
ed at the telegram. It was merely a
bulletin from the Butler correspond
ent and read: '
John Billing, cashier 8econd National
bank, found his wlfo In arms of William
Champennis thin afternoon. Billings killed
Chnmpenols, then his wife and then him
self. Society Is greatly startled. Both
the wealthiest and most influential in
town. How much?
Well, here was a story for. the
cub after all. Butler Was forty miles
distant, and the train would make it
In less than an hour. As tho cars
sped .along the , cub's mind was
framing sentences. He paced nervous
ly up and down the aisleway, occa
sionally throwing back the lapel of
his coat, showing his reporter's star.
Regaining his scat, he would take
out a pad of paper from his pocket
and scribble. The opening sentence
of his story ,?cuid not be framed ex
actly right to suit him. He wanted
something that would catch and glad
den the city editor's eye at first
glance. Finally he wrote something.
looked at it a long while, smiled and
put tho paper in his pocket- At But
ler there was little difficulty In obtain
ing the facts. The coroner's jury was
iu session when he alighted from the
train. He heard the testimony of the
servants in the Billing's home, who
saw the shooting. They also testified
that Champenois bad been a frequent
visitor at the Billings home, both
while Mr. Billings was at home and
occasionally when the husband was
absent Their testimony was some
what sensational and disclosed, a
phase of Mrs. Billings' life that was
not in keeping with her reputation In
the community. Champenois left a
widow; Billings had no children.
The - cub secured photographs
which he mailed on the 8 o'clock train.
By 10 o'clock he was in possession of
all the Information necessary for a
long story. He began to write. At
first he was nervous and uncertain of
clmsc!f, but after he had written two
or three hundred words, the rest be
came easy to handle. He wrote rap
Idly, and by midnight he bad three
columns of matter In the newspaper
office. At 1 o'clock the fast train for
New Orleans was due and the cub
boarded It. He attempted to write on
the cars, but he found that difficult;
gave that up and tried to talk to the
conductor, but 'the conductor was
ft ,'
' -
"I Think They Have Gone," Said the
"Cub," Meekly.
busy. In a double seat just in front
sat a man calmly smoking a cigar
while looking out at the flushing shad
ows the train was mfcking in the dark
neHS. Hat boxrs and valises were
piled up rround him. The cub sat
down by tlie ttranger, uninvited. He
l,i.il to talk to aoirio o:te; Jio niunt
fitid some tar to listen to the horrible
tTc3 that would apptar in the Morn
la U'jru'.d; hi story Use ti'.oat
1 v
i 'V''n;
-.. 'to.
awful tragedy he had ever read shoot,
much less assigned to write ' its his
tory. ,
The stranger listened without dls
p!iylng any excitement or curiosity.
He wai a Frenchman and a traveler,
so he informed the cub. After the ctib
had told the story in all its ghastly
detailB, the Frenchman looked Intent
ly out of the window for some min
utes before making any sort of com
ment. Finally, he turned his head
and remarked that It was "too bad,
too bad."
"I remember a story of a wife's
Insincerity," he went on after a bit
If J
jr.. .
, It:'. ' . 1
He Was a Frenchman and a Traveler.
"A young Frenchman married the
most beautiful woman in Paris. He
was Immensely rich; so was she.
They bad been sweethearts for years
and when they were married It was
the most fashionable ceremony that
had taken place in Paris for a decade.
In the suburbs of that city, he built
the most expensive home that archi
tects could suggest; filled It with the
costliest of paintings and surrounded
with every luxury. Apparently the
woman loved him and worshiped hira
with unmeasured devotion. He was
always devising little trips, making
her presents, doing things he thought
would please and delight her. Occa
sionally he would take a hand satchel
and drive to tho station, saying that
he would be gone for the day, only
to return within an hour or so, his
sudden reappearance being for the
purpose of surprising her, the sur
prise being one filled with joy. And
so they lived for a year with no ser
pent In that beautiful paradise of
theirs to strike' at them with its
fangs and annoy them with its hiss
ing. "But one day the husband returned
home to find his wife in the embraco
of one of his supposed friends. Both
were wild with fear when they were
discovered. But the husband spoke
calmly, almost kindly. They need not
fear. He- would not harm either. He
even assisted the false friend in put
ting on his overcoat, and as the man
started to the door, invited him to call
again. As he reached the steps the
husband called him back. 'The kisses?
The pleasure of those beautiful lips
ah, should you not leave the madame
some memento of your sweet experi
ence a five franc piece, say? Yes,
that would be the thing.' So the man,
now weeping because of his shame,
wont to the hysterical woman and
placed the coin in her lap.
"The husband ate his dinner alone.
In the morning he asked the maid to
say to his wife that he should be
pleased to have her breakfast with
him, and tho woman went to the din
ingrooin, her eyes red . and swollen
from long hours of crying. He even
kissed her as she entered, and dur
ing the meal made no reference to
what had happened the day before.
But when she wont to pick up a nap
kin, or to uncover a dish there would
appear b store her a five franc piece.
In the morning she would find a gold
coin in her stockings; if she went to
pick up a rose, there would fall from
Its petals a five franc piece always.
Wherever she would turn 'would be
the cruel reminder of her unfaithful
ness. And so, this went on from
week to week, and from month to
month, until finally, ah, that grand,
beautifgl, royal, clear-eyed woman
she go mad."
The cub was roundly' congratulated
when he ' returned to the office. In
the early hours of morning, after the
papers had gone to press, he recited
the story of the traveler. "And do
you know, boys, I believe that fellow
who told me the story is the came
man that tcjrtured that woman and
drove her to an asylum. Doggone If
I don'tj" ' . "
"Why, sure thing," replied the city
editor. "And, say, cub, I think there
i,s tho making of a reporter la you,
after all. , Your assignment to-day
will be to find the Frenchman and
make him confess."
Convict Refuse to Eat -
Dissatisfied with their food 2,000
convicts of a "Vienna prison have late
ly taken to eating nothing. Tbey 00
cupy themselves now by howling In
chorus from early morning till tven
Ing. The nottie lb said to be deafenlni;
and most distracting, and the authori
ties threaten to expel every man of
the 2,000 inilcKB they mend their ways.
Tlie authorities remind one of the man
yihrt threatened the shopkeepers that
If they didu't fclve fclm his chang at
cues to nuuld go awy without It
I The world l M&&J)?
I of medicine
I demic ca- i ' sS' i
t tarrh.-- flpWSL&v J
i .d.ca.Talk. XlX
LA GRIPPE is epidemic cattarrh. It
spares uo class or nationality. The
cultured and the ignorant, the aris
tocrat and the pauper, the masses and the
classes are aliko subject to la grippe. None
are exempt all are liable.
Have you the grip ? Or, rather, has
the grip got you ? Grip is well named.
The original French terra, la grippe,
has been shortened by the busy Ameri
Ask your druggist for a free Peruna Almanac
To the common or garden mind it
seems queer for Christian Science heal
ers to receive real money for curing
imaginary diseases.
Bales Greater Than the Population o7
Three Great States.
Population of Missouri, Kansas and
Nebraska combined not so great as
the. sale of Single Binder cigars and
other brands of the Lewis' .factory
during 1902 (Internal Revenue
Count); cigars sold, 5,801,300; popu
lation of Missouri, 3.106,665; popula
tion of Kansas, 1,470,495; population
of Nebraska, 1,068,539; total. 6,645,
699. The Lewis Single Binder Fac
tory, Peoria, 111., sold 159,301 more
cigars than there are people In these
three great states. Greatest year's
sales in the history of the Lewis' Sin
gle Binder Factory. Reliable quality
brought tlp business.
She "I know that it is not so, but
I can not help feeling that it Is." He
"I don't care whether It's so or not
I don't believe It"
Some grocers say thry don't keep De
fiance 8tarch .because they have a stock
In hand ot 12 oz. brands, which they know
c.nnot be sold to a customer who haa
oi-ce used the 16 ox. pkg. Detinues Stare a
f or suma money.
"Up at Wrellesley you can't call on
a girl after nine-thirty." "Gee! They
must be a lot of curfew belles."
To Cure a Cold In One day.
Take Laxative Broino Quinine Tablet. AH
druggists refund uiouef if it fails to cure. 25o.
"Did he get on his knees when he
proposed to you?" "No; I was already
on them."
How s ThlaT
"WeoffrOn Hundred Dollars reward for any
( or Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hull a
Catarrh Cure.
P. J. CHENEV & CO.. Props., Toledo, a
We, the undeninaed, have known P. J,
Cheuey tor the last 16 yean and believa bltn
perfectly honorable tn all Duxiuesn traa.wlloua
sad Ouauotully able to carry out any obliga
tions made by their Una.
Weil Truax. Wholesale Drutrglsts. Toledo,
O. : Waldlng. Klnnan & Murviu, Wholesale
Dnirvlaia. Toledo. Ohio
HalVaCatarthCure Is taken Internally, act
io dlrently upon thebloodaadmuoouasurraoea
of the ayxieiu- Teetiiuoilai w-ut frmt. rlo
Ifxs per bottle. Sold by aU dr.wgisia,
ball's Family Pill are the b-wt.
"My goodness gracious, little boy.
do you smoke cigars?" "No need of
yer hlntln', lady, de butt Is promised."
Superior Quality and extra, quantity
must win. This is why Defiance Starch,
is taking the placa of all othws.
"How did you come out of that scrap
with your wife?" "As usual, I apolo
gized for being right."
PIko's Cure tor CoasumptloB t an Infallible
medicine forcouirha and cold N. W. Samucu
Ocean drove, N. J., Feb. 17, bm
Teacher "Bobby, name the largest
known diamond." Bobby "The ace."
, Baautiful Indian Territory. "
The mecca for the homeseeker and
investor; wonderrul results greater
possibilities. The M. K. & T. Ry. la
the pioneer Indian Territory Una aud
six of the largest towns are located
directly on its Hues. Write for pam
phlets. Address James Burkt-r, Gu'l
Pass. Agent. M. K. & T. Ry,, 101
V.'a!awriSht tldit.. St. Louis.
can to read "grip.'' Without intending
to do so a new word has been coined that
exactly describes the case. As if some
hideous giant with awful GRIP had clutched
us in its fatal clasp. Men, women, child
ren, whole towns and cities are caught in
the baneful grip of a terrible monster.
Pe-rn-ns for Grip.
Mrs. Theophile Schmitt, wife of the
Ex-Secretary of the German Consulate,
Those who have used salts, castor oil, and the
many borne and manufactured purgatives,
know that in such treatment there is no possi
bility of a cure from constipation. These
remedies are at most physics and do absolutely
no good. In fact they frequently provoke piles
fistula, female disorders and many cases .
of appendicitis are traceable to
their use. Soon the ordinary
doses or roese pnvsica tail . -
to have any effect '
ntAn rna -
Use a good, penetrating liniment when there's a hurt
bruise, pain in your body or the body of your beast.
worms its way down through the swollen, fevered
muscles to the very heart of pain and drives it out.
i&MU ttWtt; : j
1 pi ife.iHB.iS TMr-l"
There is a
library in the
car of the
It is a regular station
of the Booklovers Li
brary anJ contains about fifty .
volumes fiction, travel, phil
osophy. The best known maga
zines and illustrated weeklies are also on file in both library and
observation cars.
' The Goidcn State Limited leavs Chicago dally
lor Caliiornia via the H rso-Kina Mnmf route.
1-CftS tlun tiiroc tiavs to l.nft AnucieM. Thrnurh Cilia
7U kt.OK Hoi.l.AM
s (MO Mil,bLettliha.i',u ribO rurli I
ucesi tc'".?rto. Fasm::;s kwm rca c.rirjAis. uca.
writes the following letter from 341T
Wabash avenue, Chicago, 111:
"I suffered this winter with a geer
attack c( la grippe. After using threat
bottles of Peruna I found the grip had dis
appeared." Mrs. T. Schmitt.
Mrs. Celeste Covell writes from 219 N
avenue, Aurora, III.:
"Only those who have suffered with hv
grippe and been cured can appreciate bow
grateful I feel that sncb a splendid mediciner
as Parana has been placed at the door i f
very suffering person." Mrs. C CovelL.
Noted BentptreM Cjrad of Qrtp.
Mrs. M. C. Cooper, of the Royal Acad
emy of Arts, of London, England, now
residing in Washington, D. C, is one of
the greatest living sculptors and painters ot
the world. She says :
"I take pleasure in recommending Pernnar
for cata-h and la grippe. I have suffered
for months, and after the nsn of one bottlo.
of Peruna I am entirely well. " Mrs. M. C
D. L. Wallace, a charter member of thev
International Barber's Union, writes from.
15 Western avenue, Minneapolis, Minn.:
"Following a severe attack of la grippe I
seemed to be affected badly all over.
"One of my customers who was greatly
helped by Peruna advised me to try it, and
I procured a bottle the same day. Now my
head is clear, my nerves are steady. I enjoy
food and rest well. Peruna has been worth
a dollar a dose to me." D. L. Wallace.
Lieutenant Clarice Hunt, of the Salt Lak
City Barracks of the Salvation Army,
writes from Ofjden, Utah :
"Two months ago I was suffering with so
severe a cold that I could hardly speak.
' "Our captain advised me to try Peruna
and procured a bottle for me, and truly it
worked wonders. Within two weeks I wtat
entirely well." Clarice Hunt
Cong-reasmaa White's letter.
Tmrboro. N. C
Gentlemen: lam more than urs
tied with Peruna and find It la be ma
excellent remedy for the grip mnd ca
tarrh. I have used It la my family
and they all Join me la recommending
It as an excellent remedy." George
H. White, Member of Congress.
Mrs. T. W. Collins, Treasurer Inde
pendent Order of Good Templars, of
Everett, Wash., writes:
"After having a severe attack of la grippet
I continued in a feeble condition even after
the doctors called me cured. My blood
seemed poisoned. Peruna cured me."
Mrs. T. W. Collins.
If you do not derive prompt and satis
factory results from the use of Peruna, writ
at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full state
ment of your case and he will be pleased to
give you his valuable advice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman, President of That
Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio.
constipation that
. M
mull's urape ionic
would not enre. Flrat, Mull's Orape Tonle It unlike any
other treatment for constipation. It la the greatest
and moat positive laxative known, fti that Isn 1 what
mm. It is the tonto properttea of the (rape and other
fruits that streorthens the worn-out muscles of the hv
tastlnal tract. Mull's tirapa Tonlo bnlldo flrsh Biakea
strength and creates rich, red Mood. Mull's CI rape Toole
Is ttm Attest thlo ever known foreont1natlon. It Is guar
anteed to cure rnu. Irve sample bottle aeot free to any
address on receipt nf 10 cents for postage bv l.ldrbrnlna
Medlrlne.. Rock Inland. III. Send your dnimrlst's name.
All druggists sell Mull's Grape Tonlo at SO eeuts a bottle.
1 j i i
to Sama Barbara and aa Kraat-ttco. Etcrri lights
electric tiiu; bailier tliopj bath room: B'H-lloveri'
Library; comparfnent und standard sloepcts; uUwrva-
tiuo, dinitig anil library cam.
Cut outthiftadami Di.nl it, with nm? ind addreM,.
to this wfuc. and a f-euutilully illuatratud boolt atu.ua
CilnutBia will be acnt lrea.
Jdo. ttebautlan, T.I'.M., Chicago. III.
111 lL-!Ni, MT. lACl, MO.

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