Newspaper Page Text
THE MESSAGE' j Published Every Thursday. John Deal, Elitor and Proprietor Enfred ti the Poitofflee at Meilco Mo., a tAcond-clRM matter. Ttrmt of HHbtcription: One year II. Of six Month K Thrr Month 2f THURSDAY, MAItCII 15, 190G ANNOUNCEMENTS. ' We (ire authorize to announce ft-" names of the fotloivimj as un dulates for the various offices of Audrain County, subject to the action of the. Democratic' Primary, April 7, 1900. County Clerk. TKIOE CUNNINGHAM E. 11. CARTEU Circuit Clerk. WILL II. MORKls MDNKY A. JAMLS C T. 1'EYTOX County Treasurer. NOBLE BARNES EDUR Til R ELK ELD County Collector. THOS. F. KOPEX County Recorder. j. n Stephen . n. widtxev ti. II. .MCCALL CLIFTON T. JESSE Representative. WALTER BERCII County Coroner. DR. PACL E. COIL Probate Judge. W. W. BOTTS Judge Western District. BAKER It ARSES . Presiding Justice. ;. it. MOOUK .1. V. SMITH Prosecuting Attorney. KM IN I). ORE A K Judge Eastern District. II. .li. 'A--'. "The Ruck Island crowd" now own the C. & A., it is said. The preachers up at Paris, Mo:, urge the women to Hi" habit ol' removing their hats during relig ious service. It is argued that big hats not only obstruct the view but aggravate men into evil -remarks. To remove the hats will help the men keep the Scripture injunction, "Keep the door of my "mouth." Many h man has gone down in ttrfftncinl wreck nnd with a stifled conscience, exclaimed a Baptist minister in New York the other day, in devoting himself to the one object of gaining the where withal to keep sunshine in liis , hoim by unlimited indulgence of a fashion-pampered woman." Yes, guess that's no joke, and that woman that man's wife too There was a battle in the Phil ippines last week. The Americans killed GOO Moros in the crater of a volcano, the Americans losing only 19 men. The battle may be as deserving of apage- in history for bravery nnd courage on the part of the Filipinos as was Thermopolae, or Davy" Crockett at the Alamo, who on this side the waters knows! But we'll never hear anything bnt Wood's story "of that battle. THE new American disease ia called neurasthenia. It results, its fiaid, from eftperstrenuons enrlea' forthe Btrcnnons fife if not ra tionally Jived. One man, for in stance, frying to do the. mental work otfonr or five men, bnt fail . take the physical recreation of one, Nenrasthenin has never been lenown to Btrike a man while sitting on the street corner in the etui whittling a dry goods box; V'.r lias bT ritfciug sre etill ffeftV Time for M-xiiio to bcffin. Han- nihiil udvi-rtised tl'iit vile id the "Open Door to Missouri" nnd that the old town ia working for n population of 100,000. The very next dav a man and Li? wife with 1G children moved in. Mrs. J. II. Lane of Mexico or cut) i zed a Rebekah lodge at Cen trnlin Inst Saturday night of 40 members. Mr. Shelby Berry nnd Miss Em ma Duffen, both of Mexico, were married Inst Sunday, Rev. A. A. Wallace officiating. S. II. Dell, need 70, who died in Kansas City last Sunday, was shipped to Mexico, his former home, for burial. Deceased was a brother of Mrs. 0. M. Haskell of tins' city. Somebody accidentally discharg ed n gnu on the southwest corner of the square last Monday morn ing. It raised some little exeite ment for a minuto or two. He probably "did not know it was loaded" and will be more careful next time. Mrs. Maggie C. Williams, for merly of Mexico, died at Fort Collins, Colorado, last Saturday of consumption. She was a sis ter of Mrs. Charlie Phillips of tin., city nnd went from here to Colo rado for her health, but she was not benefitted The Farmer's ICeview reports a sale in Illiuois of 87 Poland China sows, bred lu Meddler, for $7235. 50, an average of $190 per head; another of 4" sows, also bred to Meddler, for $$.819.30.' nn aver age of $19G. Until April 7th, l'JOG, very low one way colonist rates via Chicago & Alton Hy to Wyoming, Utah, Montana, Idaho, Nevada, Wash ington, Oregon and California. For full particulars' see E. F. MATHEWS, Ticket Agent, Mexico, Mo. NINTH DISTRICT REPUBLICANS Hold Big Meeting in Mexico To- Morrow The Program. FRIDAY, MARCH 1G PROtiRAM. G a. m. to 10 p.- m. Reception of committeemen and Republican workers at headquar ters at Ringo Hotel, 10 a.m. to 12. Executive session of committee men and Republican workers in court, house 2 i m. In ." i. in. Execulive session of committee men and Republican workers in court, lioue 7 :.-j0 n. m. Mass meeting at court house ad dressed liy Hon. T. K. Niedrinir- haujj, chairman Republican State committee: Hon. John M. Both- well, vice-chairman State com mittee; Hon. Jos. McCov, secre tary State committee; Hon. Thos. J. Akins, Nat. eoiumitteemau; Hon. John J. McKiulev! Lieuten ant Governor, and others. n The public cordially invited. I KCEITIOX COM M ITTEE . Mexico W. S. Hathaway, A. C. Barnes. John X. Brown, W. T. Keatli, Jos. Botkin, ). M. Rob erts. E. S. Wilson. R. H. Kernau, Frank Sanford. U. II. Kunkel. Vandalia J. S. Gatsou, Thom as Hughlett. Walter Boyd. Laddonia C. A. Smith. Rush Hill L. W. Roberts. Centralia J. II. Storr. THOMPSON. C. M. Berry shipped 2 cars hogs to St Bonis Tuesday via the- Wa bash. W. T. I lodge shipped 1 cat hogs to St. Louis Tuesday via Wt.bash. Spencer Smith and wife left frir Maxwell, Ia., Saturday, iheir fu tine home. We regret their de parture. Mrs. Joe Cousidine will soon re-, turn fnm Columbia much improv ed in health. G. E. Sims has moved Ihe farm he purchased of Charles Brown. Reliable Operator. R. Edwards left for Pattonsbnrg Tuesday toac cept the position of night operator Russell K. Thomas returned" from Iowa Monday . and fesatned Work ns Va.bnsh Agent here. J. D. Davis who has been sick is improving. E. J. Siuis was here from Gant Thursday. v " Z. T. Northcuttof St.Lonis was here on business Monday. Mrs. Chns.' Clark is home from a pleasant visit to Mexico. Mrs.. Joe Jec-s"! spent Snttlay' at ilfcxico. ft, S. McConnell moved his fam ily to Mexico to reside. J. E. Tilger took possession of his property here Tuesdlly. Mrs. T. J. Gatewood of Skinner was here Sunday eh ronte to Mex ico to attend the bedside of her mother who is very ill. Miss Hattie Stevenson, one of Mexico's popalar teachers, closed a successful Central Mon day. John O'Brien returned from Martinsburg Thursday where 'he accompanied his son, Sylvester, who will attend the Catholic school there. BEAN CREEK. C. P. Arnold sold Clarence Harvey three mules for $42.00. Chas. Turner sold James Quinlan eleven cows and heifers and six hog 8 for $280. Chas. Leeper traded'Cbas. Tur ner a pair of mules for a pair of mares. The mules were valued at $325. the mares $130. Joe Mougler bought 7 eteers from Wm. Mougler at $4.10 per cwt. Joe has one load that will be ready to ship in May. The Farmer's Union manifested a fraternal feature by paying a man to look after Julius Schnei der while afflicted with the grip. Roy Carroll of Farber, writing to friends here, says bis father is entertaining a good case of mumps. Typical March weather with all the variations, none but the most venturesome dare get on the roads with a wagon. . If it were not for the free mail delivery we wonld be isolated from the outside world. Harry McGee is the efficient car rier on this route, and only one day has he failed to have the mail go round, owing to the awful con dition of the roads. We are hav ing some unique experiences going visiting, and some of ns still cross the river after the manner of our forefathers, bnt we are social creatures and must mingle with our fellowbeings. Trustee's Sale. Whereas Jamc9 A. Fosnaugh and Rath er i no, Fosnaugh, his wife, by their certain deed of trust, dated Sept. 14, 18U4, and re enrded In Book 20, at pago 314, ot the deed records of Audrain County, Mis souri, conveyed to S. M. Locke, the un dersigned trustee, the following describ ed real estate, situated in Audrain County, Missouri, that is to say: Tho east half of the, north east quarter (nc .'4') of section thirty one Cil) and tho west half(wj) of the northwest quarter (n w .,') of section thirty-two (3:.1), more fully described as follows, to-wlt: Beginning at stone set for southwest corner of easthalf of north east nuarter of section thirty-one (31), township fifty (50), range nine (0) west, run north on subdivision line 41.10 chains to a stone set for northwest corner of said east half of northeast quarter of said sec tion thirty-one (31), thence east 40.30 chains, or to a stone set for the northeast corner of west half of northwest -quarter of said section thirty-two (32), thence south lu.2ii chains to the southeast 'cor ner of said west half of northwest quar ter of said section thirty-two (32), thence south 88 43 west 40.37 chains to point of beginning. Also thirty-nine and 4O-100 acres (39 ia-100) of land raoro or less being all of the southeast quarter of section thirty-one (31) except the following de scribed tracts, to-wit: litttf acres, the northwest part of tho northwest quarter of saidjsouthcast quarter cut ofTby and !y ing w est of the Mexico and Coucord dirt road, also eKcept 304 acres described as follows, licgin at southwest corner of said southeast quarter of said section 31oii the line running between Audrain and Callaway Counties, run thence north l-'.W chains to stone just beyond Wator oak tree two foet In diameter thenco east 20.01 chains, thenco south 12.M chains to said line between Audrain and Callaway counties thence west along said lincS'J.OO chains to beginning, Also ex cept 70 acres described as follows. Jin gin at northeast corner of said southeast quarter of said section 31 run thenco west -.'0.25 chains, thence south 27.08 chains thence east 9.20 chains thenco south 13.50 chains to south line of said southeast quarter thence east on said lino 11.04 chains to southeast corner of said section 31, thenco north on said sec tion line 40.33 chains to point of begin ning. All of said land being In township 50 north, rango 9 west and containing 203 M-100 acres according to survey on September 3rd, 1904, by R. S. MclCluney, County Surveyor of Audrain county.M Is sourl. Which aaid conveyance was made in trust to secure tho payment of a certain promissory noto therein mentioned and descrllwd, and whereas default has been mado In the payment of said note, now, therefore, lu aocordance with the power conferred upon me in and by said deed of trnst, and ut the request of the legal owner and holder of said noto, I, tho un dersigned trustee, will expose for sale and will soil the real estate abovte described nt public fain to tho highest bidder for cash In hand on Friday, April 20, between the hours of 0 o'clock In tho forenoou and live o'clock in' the after. noon of said day of thd oaut front door ot tliH court house In tho City of Moxlco, County of Audrain, Mate of Misnourl, for tho purpose of satisfying the debt an evldenml bv swld'notu and tlio cotfU a'ird exjjjigtiof ihissalo. '. . ... lit LO0K& Trusts; Martins: 'wi. STOCK AND TRANSFERS S. li. Allison has bought a farm near Beaver Dam church, south west of Mexico. Robert Johnson, of Mexico bought 125 stock hogs from Wes ley Winn at $6 per cwt. Woolery, Johnson & Co. shipped four cars of fat cattle to the St. Louis market from Mexico this week. Williams & Sharp have sold the Dahlem and Brown farms north of Mexico to George (Jidson of Mt. Pulaski, 111. Edgar Threlkeld, who is a can didate for County Treasurer, wMi James O'Brien, has bought i tie grocery stock of George Hatcher in Mexico. Charles II Drake has bought the II. C. Tnrner home in Mexico from W. L. Mabrey of Welliville for 1, 500. Mr. Drake will re model the place nnd make it one of the cosiest little homes in town. J. G. Lakenan, of the firm of Lakenan & Barnes, has just re turned from the Pun Handle of Texas where he sold Chas. and Ralph Dean, prominent farmers and stock raisers of this connty, G40 acres of nicely improved land near Hereford, Texas. CUPID'S CAPTUBES Marriage license was granted in Mexico this week to Mr. Edward Kurtz of New Loudon and Miss Maggie Brown of Vandalia. Mr. Edward M. Blase of Mt. Leonard, Mo., and Miss Helena E. Lierheimer, uortliwest of Mexico, were united in marriage last week, Rev. F. M. Shousli officiating. The engagement of Miss Mary Rioketts and Prof. L. B. Haw thorne is announced. The wed ding will be in the early summer. Miss Ricketts is one of . Mexico's most charming aud gifted daugh ters while Mr. Hawthorne has been connected with Mexico's pub lic schools for the past two years, in recent months acting ns super intendent account of the illness of Prof. McMillan. He is a high minded gentleman and scholar. Hosts of friends join in exteuding Miss Ricketts and Mr. Hawthorne congratulations nnd best wishes. Tuesday, March 20th, 190G low rates via Chicago & Alton Ry to certain points in West and South west. Single trip is one half the regular fare plus $2 .vitli $G miui mum. Round trip good 21 dnys or 75 per cent one way fare wilh $10 minimum. For particulars see ta. t . max iiiiws, Ticlet Agt. Mexico, Mo. r YOUR NEIGHBORS r Miss Carrie Ringo is visiting in St. Louis. Mrs. Charles Carpenter is visit ing in Kansas City. Harry Brown of Indian Terri tory is sking hands with Mexico friends . Trustee's Sale. Whereas, J. C. Robinson and Margaret II: Robinson, his wlfo, Elmer R jhinson and Stella Robinson, his wlfo, Frank lioono aud Laura M. lioone, his wife, Robert Stevenson, sin0-le, aud J. Steven soil, single, by their certain deod of trust, dated March 2, 10)3 and recorded in Book 21, at pago .VTi), of the douH rec ords of Audrain county, Missouri, con voyed to R. 11. Edmonds, tho under signed trustee, tho fullowlug -described real estate and situated lu Audrain county Missouri, that is to say! AH of tho west half of section five, township (lfty, rango soven west of the ftth P. M. Which said conveyance was made In trust to secure the payment of u - certain promissory note therein mentioned and described, and whereas, default has been made In the payment of said nuto, and tho Interest thereon, now, therefore, lu accordance with tfio . powers conferred upon nm In and by said deed of trust, and at the request of tho legal owner aud holder of b.iU noj.0, I, the undersigned trustee, will expose (or sale and will soil the real estate above described at public sale to Uio highest bidder for cash in hand on , Fli!TAY, Aeiiii. SO, mt), between the hours of 0 o'clock in the forenoon aifd live o'clock .in tha after noon oTsald day-at tho oast front door of the court honso hi the City of ' Mexico, comity of Audrain, State of Missouri, for the pttrpio of satisfying tho debt as evl denyud by said not nnd(th i-nnls und expense of this s:tln. - Hi U. Edmonds, KircVtij'to. ' TfVsilAj. DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY. It Is for Democrats If the Other Fellows Want the" Same Fun They Must Order One of Their Own. - Be it resolved -iiy the Demo emtio Central Committee of Au drain 'county, Mo. That there be held io said conn ty on Saturday, the 7th day of April, 1000, a school district pri- i nary electiou for the purpose of expressing the choice of Democrats of Atidrnin county for the various connty, township aud state offices aud to vote on Congressional can didates in accordance with the call of the Congressional committee. That no person shall be allowed to vote at the Democratic primary to be held on Saturday, April 7th, 190G, except Democrats who pled g e themselves' to sup port the Democratic ticketat the en suing geueral election, and.-all such Democratic minors as will be come qualified voters by reaching their majority before the next en suing general election. The' de cision of the judges of election upon qualification of a voter under the rules shall be final, and said judges are hereby instructed that this is'a . Democratic primary in which only Democrats are eligible to vote, and to strictly . ouforce this rule. That the said primary election in all the towns in said connty shall be conducted uuder what is known as the Australian ballot law. That for the purpose of said pri mary ele'etion poles shall be opened in each school district in the coun ty and at the school house in said district, except when the same are located iu towns or cities, in which case the. polls may be opeued at such places as the judges of elec tion may select; but polls shall be opeued in such wards in Mexico and votcts living in that part of the Mexico school districts and out side of the city of Mexico shall vote in Hie ward in which they would reside if the ward lines were extended; iuthe towns and cities the polls shall be kept open from 1 o'clock to 7 in 'tins after noon; iu the couutry districts from 2 to 5 p. m. . Tlint as soon as maybe, and not later than the 20th day of March, the committeemen from the re spective townships shall select and furnish to tho secretary of. .this committee the mimes of two good Democratic citizens to act as judges of election in their respective school districts and wards, and if from any cause the judges ap pointed fail to act, then the voters present may select others to act la their places; nnd the judges at each voting place shall select one person to act as clerk. ' Tbat the secretary of this com mittee ennse to be made suitable poll books and tally sheets and cause tickets to be printed aud in due time transmit to the judges of election of each district said poll books, tally sheets and tickets for the use of ouch district, ' That the ticket shall ba printed on white paper in black i ik and be headed "Democratic Primary Election tioket," shall contain the uatues of such candidates for the various county, township, and congressional offices as shall, on or before March 20th, 190G, furnish to the treasurer their names aud pay to him snch stuns as may be assessed by the. committee," to"as sist in defraying the expeuses of printing tickets, poll books, eto., and distributing the same. That each voter, except the candidates for the various offices, be required to voto in his own school district. That the voter, before deposit ing his ballot, sluilf erase the names of the candidates for -miy office except thfl ue he desires to vote for, and when any ballot is found to contain the names of two or more candidates for the same office it shall uot' bo counted for either, but this 'shall not invalidate the ballot ns lo other offices. : That tffo judges of the election bhall cause the 'name of e.ieh voter to be 'written on the pblo book and IntunVred, the ballot number 'to correspond therewith; aud at the close of the polls the judges, to gether with the clerk, shall count up the votes on tally sheet aud cer tify to the same and . transmit by the delegate or delegates-elect to the county convention the siid tally sheet, poll books, etc., to secretary of this committee, at the city of Mexico, on or before 11 o'clock in the forenoon of the fol lowing Mouday. That this committee shall on re ceipt of said tally sheet, poll books, etc., add up the same and ascertain and declare the result of primary election and the person having received tlu highest num ber of votes for any office shall be declared the choice of the Demo ocratic party of Audrain county for said office. That at saidprimary election the voters of each district (except the towns of Vandalia, Martinsburg, Farber, Laddonia and the city of Mexico) will vote for and elect one delegate to the county conven tion to be held at the court house in the city of Mexico at 1 o'clock in the afternoon on the Mouday following said primary electiou. Laddonia shall elect three dele gates, Martiusburg three delegates, Farber two delegates and the town of Vandalia, shall elect six delegates, and the City of Mexico five delegates from the First ward, four from the Second ward, seven from the Third ward and five from the fourth ward, to said conven tion, and said convention when assembled shall select the proper number of delegates to cast the vote of Audrain county in the Democratic state convention to be held in Jefferson City June 5tb, and to the Judicial convention to be held at Excelsior Springs, May 22nd and to the Court of Appeals convention for the Eastern .dis trict, and to select a new" county central committee. That a printed copy of these rules be furnished the judges of election of each school district. That the judges and clerks be fore entering upon the discharge of their duties as such shall each take and subscribe the follow iug oath: . , ' "I do solemnly swear that I will impartially discharge the duties of the judge und clerk, respectively, of the present election,' according to Inw, to the best of. my ability, and that I will not disclose how auy vpter sh'ull have voted unless I am required to do so a a witness iu the proper judicial proceedings," so help mo God." J. N. Stephens, Ch'n. Jc-hnT, Ricketts, Sec'y. John Crockett, aged 67, south of Mexico, died last Thursday. Tho funeral was held Friday. The interment was near Ortiz. See the article on another page, of this issue of the Message rela tive to the Panhandle Country in Texas. If you are looking for r home it will pay you to investigate the claims of that country ,$12.55 to Louisville and return on March 15 to 18. 190G, the Chi cago & Alton will sell round trip tickets at above rate. They will be good to return until March 31, and offer an opportunity to econ omically visit Louisville at an esp ecially attractive seasou of the yeay. For further , particulars call or upon address, E. F. Mathews, Mexico.Mo. - ,, $19 95, Settlers' Rates to North and South Dakota.. llere, is an opportunity to visit J he territory which is becoming bo attractive in the way" of offering opportunities for investment and settlement. Tickets will bo sold by the Chicago &. "Alton Ry March fi. 13, 20. 27, aud April 3, 10, Hni 34. Call on or address 1$. F. . MATHEWS, Ticket Agent, Mex-' ico, Mo.. Chicago & Alton Rail road, for complete particulars, ijo will also do his bet to refer you to perBous who are interested s in Ihe North nnd South Dakota dis- tiictsl and iu every way in" his (power will give you complete in formation in regard to the excur sion.