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' MEXICC WEEKLY EDGER " i i i ' 1 ...... L j. JSI. WHITE, Publisher and Proprietor. To Oni' Prida in the Past and hr Hope for the Future, Let Us Add Vigorotis Work, in the Living Present. $2 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE ' --- - - - - - y-OLyXVIII. MEXICO, MISSOTXRI, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9;. 187G. NO. 29. LOCAL NEWS. We will send the Lidqeb, free for one year to any on getting is a club of ten. iloberly bas gas. Keep it at the Headlight office. Stilson Hutchins while in this city en route for Fulton honored us with a nleasant call in company with his friend Capt. Curry, of this city. Go to Barnes & Winegard's for your fresh groceries. Cheapest grocenes in the city. 24tf. m t mm G. Kabrich is just receiving a fail line of dry goods, hats, caps, hoes and groceries. 263t We will send the Ledger from now till first of January 1878 for $2,00, that is we will send the Ledg er from now to the first of Jan. for nothing to any new cash sub scriber from that time for a year. Blum k Son have the cheapest hoots and shoes in Mexico. 25tf Go to'Kabnch'a foods. tor fancy dress 263t Since we have taken charge of the Ledger we have enlarged the sub icription list by more than 100, and each day others are being added to oar books, and still there are bun dreds in this county taking no pa per at all and to theso we would gay. it you desire our paper ior a vear come in and see us. We can 0 trade with you some'how. We wi take in trade any farm products that suit yon. Wo have no family that is true, but cur typos are so blessed and we will be glad to trade with you. We will send the Ledger free the rest of this year to any one subscribing from 'the first of next January. LOOK MERE. ' If you want to trade I will take in exchange for Singer SewingMachines horses, cattle, hogs and corn at the highest market prices. Oflice in P. M. Morri's building T. W. Nichols, Agent Mexico, Mo 27-tf. N. Lackland has just received a large stock of Fall Hats of the latest styles, for Gents, Boys and Children for sale cheap. Go and see them. w 21-tf Have you seen the new sign? The Tea man, Mr. flolmes, has a birds eyeiew of all China with an eagle hovering over for a -lign, bat still be can afford to sel tea cheap. The highest market price in the cash paid for came at, willie L, Frosts, north side square. 27if. Woollen goods in profusion and at ruinous low prices at IJiuin & bon 25tf. DIED. fMrs. Dingle, wife of John Dingle, 3 miles north of this city on last Friday. Funeral held at the Bap tist Churoh Saturday evening at f o'clock. Kev. JD. Murphy offi- 'ciated. X x I On last Thursday Mrs. Mattie jjingo, wife of J cvKingp, about .14 miles north of this city. Funera At the Presbyterian Cbnrcb, in this city, on Friday evening at 1 o'clock. Rev. J, M. Travis conducted the ser vices. Her remains were interred in the new Cemetery. We would etate to the publio that onr stock is now unusually large and complete, and we would calles fecial attention to our stock of ladies cloaks. We have some new novelties of the latest stvlea and guarantee ps for every department. f. Woodward & Co ons large number of meteoric stones re found atLedyard, Conn., last nrsday, which are supposed to 'Prts of the large and brilliant frteor seen at Hartford and other fees the evening before We wre try that these stones fell. Some judical paper will insist that thoy jra thrown at a Hayes and Whet ! procession. T. T. Morris' for fresh oysters Bring up your $2,00 and get the Ledger from now till Jan. let 1878. , The Georgia Minstrels gave an entertainment on last Saturday night at the Oper House in this city. We were not present bs we went to Fulten to hear the Eon. StiUon Hutchens speak. The boys tell os that they gave a 'jolly good racket.' Oar fonts of new job type have arrived. They are the latest styles and cannot fil to please. We can now execute the finest cards and counterfit work done anywkere. We want to have first-class job rooms ana now we have them as you will see by calling. Job work done neatly and with dispatch cheap for the cash. Job work must be cash for we have to pay our boys every Saturday night and must have the filthy lucre wherewith to do it. Go to Blum & Son for plum, sea, brown, navy, blue, hunters green, bottle green and all the late colors in drest goods. 25-tf We owe an apology to some of our subscribers, on last week on ac count of new subscribers we failed to have papers enough by nearly 100, and for this reason had to issue half sheets to some of our readers. We assure you that this will not occur again for we have ordered several extra quires each week here after. Michell & Bro. who bought 'Un cle' Jerry Wests Drug Store are through invoicing and are now ready for brrsincs. Col. Hutton editor of Intelligen cer bas been absent some time 'stumping' in the cause of Democra cy,. The Col. is a very efficient worker. Election is now over and our columns in the future will be void of unnecessary political news but will be devoied to borne interest and local news. KOTICE EXTRAORDINARY. ' ' which tbis paper is addressed signifies the subscription has expir ed. The X will be made with a pen cil on the margin of the paper. We see M. Y. Duncan on our streets again. He bas been absent for some time at the Centennial and visitingothcr points of interest in tho east. Go to Lacklaud's to get yourboots and shoes. The cheapest establish ment in the city. Goods arrive each day from the east. Call and price them. w 21-tf In this issue will be found an er gent call on the Democratic Central Committee to meet at the Court rioufe 2 p.; m. on the 18th inst. Gentlemen you should make it a point to be mere for we learn that thore is important business to be transacted at that time. Knock down and draff out Barnes & Winesrard have knocked the prices down and are draging out groceries at cost prices. Come and see for yourselves. w 24-tf. The members of the Demoeratio Central Committee for Audrain County are requested to meatgthe uumi uumaju u ""i VJ r n ma An Ikn Ifiik malt afl 2 p. m. for the transaotiba of impor tant business. W.WL. Williams, Edwards. Anyone wishing to sabseribo for the Ledger should come forward now, for we will send it free for the rest of tbis year to any new cash subscriber for next year. Come in and pay your $2 00 in cash or trade and get the Ledger till January 1878. A maiden lady said to her little nephew: 'Now Johnny yon go to bed early, and always do so, and you'll be rosy cheeked and hand some when you grow up Johnny thought over this a few moments, and then observed: WelI, aunty, you must have set up a good deal when you were young.' k tea 4T And ye that are not Grangers, THOUSAND DOLLARS WOETH OF TEN rr y m To be slaughtered at the old stand of WILLIAMS & HEED. For 3.25, well worth $4; you have been buying at AnliJxtrcj, For women, only 1.50; and all other Boots and Shoes in proportion. W. Subscribe for 4A Largest and Best Paper in Audrain county. m Hats9 Caps East side square. Mexico, Mo., Keeps constantly on hand a large and complete stock of BOOTS & SHOES FOR SALE at BOTTOM PRICES fjtlie "best woritnien are employed:77 .... . . . fmrde, and at prices that Winter Boots FOR5.00. All Boots and Shoes sold hy us hi It to Kip Come and examine our stock I 1LO 11W and is a far better boot than 3.50 and $4. Good Shoe F. K fiED, IVlexico, iVTo- and Gloves. Hats, Caps & Cloves 15oots and Shoes of the lest quality . . ... Made to Order, before bnying elsewhere. 37-ly 0 I 0 mi, iiSs! OS Have bought out Mark Pilcher's entire stock of German Accordeons,: Violins, Guitars, Banjos, Strings, Harmonicas, &c., Which they are selling at NEARLY Call & Examine Southwest corner square, Sutter's old The latest dodge at the PhiladeN phia Exhibition is to get behind two country girls and say aloud, so as to be overheard, yet as if quite inci dentally to . your confederate why did he get a divorce who an swers with vociferous seriousness, Oh! he bad to get it- .Why, the first week they were married she chewed his ear off! Just at this point the country femalos look around and soe two perfectly sober face3. Gra cious sakes, Mary, do you hear that talk? I never heard such talK in my life? Go to Dunn & jtfclhinney's to get an easy shave. New barbershop, Reeds corner. Give us a call. Philharmonic meets to-morrow (Friday) night at Hon. R. A. Silver let all the members turn out and we will havo a good instructive social time. H. W. Gleason has a 'newfangled' smoke sctaca in iront of his store. Mr. Gleason is an enterprising man and if there is anything new in his line he will have it. Geo. Blanchard come all the way from Cincinnati to Jexico to vote. If any of our friends" desire east ern news and will call they are perfectly welcome to our exchage table. W. M. Sims made us pleasant business visit last week. lie U one of tho staunch men of An drain. Preaching in the Baptist Church Sunday morning at 11 o'clock by Rev. Jamot Douglass. All espicial- ly invinted to attend. Laddonla Items. How the wind rose and the pedes trians totter as they walk against tbe unseen monster, and how ruf fles, shawls and ribbons do flutter in the breeze. Our side walks being narrow 'tis with diffculty the people can hold themselves up against tho wind and now and then whan their eyes are drawn off from the plank,down they will tumble. All they have to do is to get up again, and look on the sly to see who saw them. Wonder all will be able to walk the plank to-morrow (Tuesday) evening. Election da with its great Dem ocratic right of voting for whom you please, and how you please, may be too much for some of the voters,acd possibly they may loose their bal ance wheel. Political controversy is the order of the day, all are quiet, no distur bance, yet each one seems tolerably in earnest. With what suspense the poor candidates await their doom. W almost pity them. Wonder if they are not tempted at times to - - m envy tbe happy farmers, that go. to their dailv toil with willing minds and happy hearts. Bat then after the election, the choossn few art ohl so happy, and how freely those happy farmers money is spent by the luckv office holders. 'There's where the laugh comes in. The addition being built to Mr. Jacobson's store is nearly complet ed, and the Masonic Hall will soon be ready for the mystic order. Messrs. Moore and Kennan have formed a partnership and will erect a new drug store in a short time. Mr. Swift's residence is nearly completed and his family will soon mo? a to town. & CO., CASH. Goods & Prices. stand. 29-2t We are indeed glad to have them come, wish many such would settle in Laddonia. We see tbe pleasing smile of Jas. Haislip again, be returned to our town on Ibis evenings train. Quite an interesting meeting is in progress at the lilder school bouse conducted by Mr. Bernard. They have had several additions to the charch. Oar Lyceum has not been beard of yet, guess it has gone dead. Concert in town last week. Mr. Stark's son, from Louis iana, was in town to-day delivering fruit trees. Mr John LleweWyn, of Pike, is fencing in a big farm near here. Guess that beautiful snow will be round pretty soon. Heal sorry Prof. Tice bought that overcoat, but sup pose be wanted to put on a little extray style, and now must have oold weather, so he ao wear bis new coat. He forgot some folks didn't have new coats. Mctato Nomine. A villaiDousattempt wasmade last week to wreck the Mexico tiin on the Chicago & Alton II. II. U. rail was placed acres the trac:, one end of which was iinbeddecVin the ground between the railsTht obstruction was discovered in time to prevent an accident, - Thursday 2 o'clock. We have been ready for press half a day, but held off to give you certain news of the election, but are compelled to go to press now oron Friday and that we will not do .Mext week we will pub-' lish returns in full. If you will call you can hear from ns the news as it cornea on the wires. Suffice St to say1 Steele was elected Collector iy a handsome majority, ft. Hooion, Constable E. Hooton and J. Lupton,'Jus ticee of this township. Without a reasonable doubt - Sam J. , Tildea will be president. When tho news arrived, oh' Wed nesday morning that Tilde n was ahead Mr, Callaway was the happiest man we ever saw. ' Died. J. P. Jesse, a Missionary Baptist Preacher near this city, on last Thursday night of pneumonia. The fascinating young belle's of Columbia, who were in um city a few days since have the thanks of several of our young ' men for beautiful ' bouquets the prettiest we ever saw. We trust our present in leturn will be half as much Appreciated, if g0, we are happy. Thanks, Miss D., for your rememberance of us. Some of our subscribers still get mad because they .fid an X on their papers. Now we do not wish to vex anyone, but we have jusi bought the books and , wisn to straighten them up and get things in good run aing order. We trust none of our.friends will fail to see the neces sity of this;! Thomas CI en den mm, of Santa Fa made us a pleasant call on tbe 5th. I have been in the city of Mexico three Weeks. I leave to-dar and shake the dust off my shoes as I de part. I did my best to establish a i shirt manufactory at home. Would' havetakenno money out of Mexico! Tou would have kept at borne all moo ' ey that goes east for shirts, but you would not support me and so may your loss be my Vain.''. J. M. Ayreu. If VOU don't i?et Vunr nnr rcrM- I - " " r i - -o- larly call up and se us and we will " find out where the trouble is.