Newspaper Page Text
Eeskc Weekly , .Ledger KTS1I3ZB3 ZVESY THUBSDAY U.M. WHITE, Editor. Linn countv i Democratic. Almanacs km '77 are most ripe. KnJ City is the Democratic etljr of Missouri. Ketr arkabty appiopriue. i i in ii-l ear, we elect Sam' lor picrfitieitt. In our Uncle 51en Mver tho i-ange in Colorado will imt kimw ii l another election official vol oi the !ate elec tion Witl. The llarion County Democracy in creases her popular vole 571. ' Gives Tikkn 1,876 majority; Phelps, for Governor, 1,079: (i lover, for Con gress, 1,123; and Lakenan, for State Senator, 1,450. It is thought that the Frigate Franklin hearing Tweed the Tour ist will reach New York on the 20. The Franklin was compelled to stop at St. Thomas for coal or it would aave arrived ere thin. The Missouri State Teachers' As icoiation wtll meet in Jefferson City, December 26, 27 and 28, 1876 .Railroad (are and hotel expenses at ltout one-half ike usual rales. ' The day may jet come when the fcal'ot in the turds oi the freedrnen will preserve the jewel of liberty to the diadem of i he republic. A bra bam Lincoln. 1864. B Butler will probably be the Republican leHder in the Home of Representatives. There could not ie four d a fitter man for the place. At ai.y rate,he in an improvement 3D Blaine. President Grnt orders Gen. Sherman to send his troops into the Southern Btates to see that a fair ind correct count of tin ballots may he bad. This is alt we ask. Society n nicely graded in China. Water carrier must bow to fruit seller, the latter to tin peddlers, the latter to merchants, and the raer eba? tt rnusl bew very low to con cables. Sensitive ami delicate young men ire raiMtig serious objctior a to the tnormously vride leather belts now being worn b young ladies. They object to hugging j leather trunk iven if there i a pretty girl in it. The Re publicans now say that it make t o riflcmce about the presi dent and that they have got tho majority in Congress. We haveelect cd the piffidtnt and arc satisfied ind the nest thing we lopk after will b the congressmen. Don't you forget it. Grant ordered the 'men of war to take the slump fcr Jhyes in .Louisiana. Ibis is the grandest, noblest, aoost glorious republic that ever bleeeed tho world, and yet with all its power glory learning and graat aess. li can't make an infuriated woman stop in the middle of a sen tence bnd listen to an explanation. Some of our Republican friends want 'our rooster to cook now. the crop of sick radical roosters Uns fall is immanse. Of course they don't wait to eat this kind, but we want it ourselves ttankfgivings day If they have Acted in such a way as to sicken even their 'roosters' let them eat 7m. We propose to eat ours on thanksgiving day even if he crows himself all away hut featbeis and spurs, and wo will oat him with a ralibh too A touching incident is that of the sister of the notorious Younger boys visiting them in jail. She fell on her knees ny her youngest brother, kiss ed and caressed him and called him ty endearing names. She was loud in the reproaches of her older broth ers for leading him astray, and met them with dry eyes and a cold shake of the hand. ' Even the hardened Golc and Rob Younger seem to be wore interested in the fat of their brother than concerned about their wn. Every person that wears stiiped clothes is not in the penitentiary. Since Joyce, Avery, and other high- toned sports took to striped suits they Lave become fashionable and ara now all the rage. Trouble In the South. The eyes of the whole nation are now directed toward Florida, Louis iana and South Carolina, the dount ful States in this election, for their voice will decide our destiny for weal or woe. . . It will take all of them to elect Hayes, any one of them will elect Tilden; and by the latest returns we see that without doubt Florida has gone Democratic by a handsome ma jority, amd the other two States will swing into the same line if left un- trameled; and we don't contemplate war or any serious, trouble at all. Without a doubt they would swin- rtlo' iia rmt of them if they had ghost of a chance, but they have not. It is true, troops are sent down there, but a good many of the IT. S soldiers are Democrats, and will see fair play. Leading men of both parties have gone down to "see the count," and without a doubt it will be given to the right man. They will claim it as long as they can, but in the end truth will conquer. This election has struck a heavv blow at the party in power, and they unused to defeat are loth to give up, and like a drowning man grasping at a straw, will feed their morbid hopes on mere "wind," till finally they will be frightened by the glorious bril liancy of the Democratic victory, and will crawl off "to die;" no, but to say with a ghastly grin, "the pres ident don't amount to much, we have a majority, iu congress." By abuse of authority they lost the pow- er ot tne lanu ana 11 xney are hoi careful, by abuse of power they will be entirely annihilated, for all men of honor and truth loving their coun try will forsake the party, and it will be known no more forever, except as a thing of the past; and the only re minder that will be left as a memento of this "noble" institution will be a black scowling page on the annals of American history. The following is about as close as it is possible to figure on the political complexion of the next House of Rep resentatives: Dem. Rep. Ylabama 8 Arkansas 3 1 California... 1 3 Colorado 1 Connecticut i 1 Dele ware a 1 Florida 1 1 Georgia- 0 Illinois 7 Indiana 4 12 9 9 3 Iov a. Kansas Kentucky 10 3 Louisiana M.i'ne Maryland Massachusetts 2 Michigan, 1 Minnesota Mississippi 6 Missouri 9 Nebraska 9 8 o 4 1 1 3 17 1 Nevada New Jersey New York North Caro.ina 4 16 7 Ohio 12 J 1! Oregon Pennsylvania 9 18 Rhode Island South Carolina 1 Tennessee 8 Texas 6 Vermont Virginia 8 West Virginia 3 AY isconsin 3 Total 147 4 I 143 Last Saturday the postmaster at Hudgginsville, Gentry county, at tempted to kill his wife with a hatchet. Poor Kansas, we feel sorry for her. CJeo. T. Anthony has been elected Governor. Who will protect little Belknap now? Tho regular Democratic ticket in Halls county was elected by majori ties ranging from 280 to 1,130. A Western bound passenger train on the Hannibal & St. Joe railroad met with a serious accident near Ilrookfield last Wednesday night. Three coaches and a sleeping car jumpedthe track and went down an embankment twenty ol thirty feet. Twenty persons are reported wound ed, but no one killed. The cars were much damaged. Tilden's majority in this State is over 52,000. Hurrah for Missouri. This Looks like she was "the Robber State." AVERY PARDONED. Wi-shing ton, Nov-13. The presi dent to-day signed a pardon for W. T. A'rery now confined in the peni tentiary at Jefferson City, ATo, for complicity in whisky frauds.-GIobe-Democrat. How is this for high. All the whisky thieves would have been pardoned months ago only Grant feared the effect on the election. If the devil was in the chains and was a republican as without doubt be is Grarjt would pardon him and let hjm out too without he feared he (the devil) would clean the White House out as he will sooner or later. Phelps majority iu this State is 41,404. ' ' Nodaway county elects entire Dem ocratic ticket except sheriff. i Chariton county went Democratic by about 1,500. Greene county, Mo., was carried by the Republicans by some 200 ma jority. Tilden's majority county is 1,365. in Howard fu:ndish work Springfield, 111., Nor. 8. A most dastardly attempt was made last nigbt to ?teal the bene of President Lincoln from the cemetery vault here. The plot was suspected some time since, and Elmer Waahburne, U. S. detective Firrill aid assistants watched tne vault last night. The scoundrels broke in the outer and inner doors of the vault; opened the several cases ot sarcophagus, and were about to mak off with the re . . mams wnen tne detectives sprang out. The accidental discharge of a pistol alarmed tho robbers, and they fitd precipitously, escaping in the darkness. A slight clue to their idectity remains, and their capture is probable. N. Y. Sun. Marksmanship in Colorado. tH was evening. Throo of them were killing a cat. One of them held .a laatern, another the cat, and the Wf LI J third jammed the pis'ol in the cat's ear and fired, shooting the man in the hand who held thecal, and the; one with the lantern was wounded! in tho arm. Tne cat lett wnen it saw how matters stood, and that ill feeling was being engendered. A LAWYER. It is related of George Clark, the1 celebrated negro minstrel, that, beTs. N. Russell!. ing examined as a witness, be was severely interrogated by the attor ney, who wished to break down sis evidence. Tou are in the negro minstrel busiaess, I believe, inquired the law yer. Yea, sir, was the prompt reply. Isn't that a rather low calhug? demanded the lavryer. I don't know but what it is, sir, replied the minstrel, but it is so much better than my father's that I am rather proud of it. What was your father's calling? lie was a lawyer, replied ("lark in a toue of regret that put the au dience in a roar. The lawyer let him alone. Shelby county gave 467 majority against township organization. All praise to New York she did her duty nobly. Three cheers for the hoiiet Ger- man. i ! Carl Schurz s piteous cry now is, i " Take me home to mother.' i Bloody shirts for sale now, very cheap. Gov. Haves savs he is beat he ought to know. Knox county elected the entire Democratic ticket. The Huntsvillians scooped the Mo berlyitcs on the court-house removal question. " Now is the winter of our discon tent made glorious summer" by tko election of Samuel J. Tilden. The busy B's had their day. The tide has turned. It is now Tildcu, Truth and Trinmph. Dispatches received from New Or leans state that the Returning Board has met and made an effort to throw out the Democratic parishes. Cass county gives Phelps and Til den 700 majority. Whole Demo cratic ticket, elected. The Globe-Democrat consoles its self with the thought that 1880 will soon be here. Yes it will and so will the next Centennial, but the editor of that paper will be in a, place where it will bo more trouble to the console himself than ho found it in the St. Louis jail even. The Joyces, Aveiys, McDonalds, McKees, &c, locked up in the peni tentiary; the Bbcocks, Belknaps, Hobesons & Co., chained down in the courts; the - Grants, Mortons, Conklings, and so on,with the train ed bands of thieving blood-suckers, petty thieves ind blustering flunkies are preparing to take up their line of march from the high places they have so long disgraced in the capitol and around tho purlieus ot the TFnite House, and make room for the mar ching columns of a solid Democra cy East, West, North and South. GIVE THANKS ! GIVE THANKS! Unto Hina who bath delivered us from oar enemies and blessed us with freedom in onr councils, joy at our firesides, and peace and happiness from the rising of the sen to the going down thereof. And let all the people say Amen ! OFFICIAL V - ' U ' C C3 H 5? I candidates. : g- ' . ST : ., S : 3 2 T : : 5 P a : : : : : : : : : : ' ' h ; ; ; 1 z 1 ;! : i : I 1 ! I M ! i i For President, , 201 I 108 168 162 29 37 32 170 152 159 26 39 32 171 157 163 28 37 31 171 160 164 28 37 32 171 165 164 28 37 31 171 166 163 28 37 32 171 166 163 , 28 37 32 ! I I 171 166 163 28 37j 32; 17lfi0 163 28 7 32 171 lCoco! 171 166 1? 171 166 161 28 37 33 2S 37 32 28 37 32 ! 198 182 194 I 199, 1S3 193 Samuel J. Tilden... 31 ? II IIave t For Governor, i 203 John S. Phelps 33 G. A. Fuikelnburgi Lleut.-Gov. IT. C Broekmever C. C. Allen .... Sec'y State. M. K. McGrath .... E. F. Weigel , Treasurer, Elijah Gates John Severance... . Auditor, Thos. Ilolladay G. R. Smith Att'y-Oen'l, Jackson L. Smith.. A. V. Mullins 201 33 203 33 201 33 201 33 201 33 201 33 Register of Lauds,1 J. E. McHenry Richard Drane ! Judge Supreme Ct .T IltMirv i 201 D. Wagner R. 11. Coiu'rs, J as. Harding J. S. Marmaduke. John Walker T. II. Allen E. D. Harper Isaac Hays Congress, ! 33 ! 201 201! 201 j 33i 33 33 A. II. Buckner .... State Senator, 226 John A. Flood.... Representative, 22 i 212 a n n ti intvip .... 162 I 190 195 ISO 167 135 Pros. Attv. ! i I ' 7 John M. Gordon Probate J uilge, S. M. Edwards... Sheriff, II. Glascock 21S ! 2is! 179 1S1 181 I8S! 155. K 191 155. 191 Collector. John J. Steele ! I-'9 69 120 124 76 102; 131 92 44, E. J. Wright Treasurer, 6t) ST. J. Marshall.... 219 218 190 217 193 181 195 183 i Assessoi , ST. T. Torreyson. Surveyor, J. N. Baskett Public Adm'r, D. E. Sliea 190 179 189 155' 173 155, Coroner, 213 31 70 193 183j i IS ' 42 Dog Law Ye. No MAJORITIES. 1.460 ; Flood . . . .1,427 Mclntyre 1,990 i Gordon . . . .1,455 : Edwards . . . .1,455 : Glasscock Tilden Phelps Ilrockinever. McCirath Gates Smith 1,454! Me Henry 1,456 i I lnrv 1 ,455 i Harding 1 .450 : Marmaduke 1,450 ; W alker 1,450 : Buckner 2,844" TOWNSHIP Saung. Justice. G, W. Uollnwav 100; F. A. Crank 107 ; R. I), .Moh eourt western distriet .lames Jackson SO B. M latire received 11 votes tor county i North Wii.sox. Justice. T. C. Hudson 117; C.Carter 81; M. Blvthe 31. Con : stable, J. I). Pulis 57 : R. P. Sims 52 : S. Ward 25 ; W. Chick. 20 ; P. Vance 9. For 1 Justice eouutv court we.-teru district J ! Sorni Wii.sox. Justice, 51. Blythe 15 I 91 : J. 1). rnlis 27; I.. 1 Suns 20; S. anl western uistnct .lames Jackson!--' : m. Mms t.. i;iiii;i;'s School IIoi sk. Justice, W. C. Burt lev 121: M, llendrix 58; Barrack 2: A. Clement 1. Constat, "J, W Botts 114;J. Robinson 42; J. M. Atkin son 40. At this precinct E. (J. Haley received 10 votes lor Representative and C. T. (luiM iibcrry 1 vote for County Attorney. Yaxdama. Justice. J. M. iovdcnt2; J. Ti. Thole 57: Fugat? 34; J.;C. Moore 33: .Mclntvre 31 ; R. ReeseX Constable. G. W. Adams 85 ; Buffet 47: L, icits ; 1. kronen Laudoxia. Justice, J. R. Gilliland SO. p.kxtox City. luetic-. R. Sallee 52; W. II. T. Clifton 50: J. Muster 11: J. M. Green cl S voces for Conirressninn.T. II. Mtt-iek vott s for Keprescntative. J. E, Stantl'er 4 votes for Sheriff, J, X. iloscberry 4 votes for Sheriff, Sep. Hughes 3 votes for county Attorney, James Harrison 2 votes for Public Administrator, CIJ. Gallaway 1 vote for Assessor and S. Grove 1 vote for County Treasurer. Linn. Justice, II. II, Feerv77 ; T 11 Martin 65 ; C P Eastham 1. Constable. II Doolin 80. East Cuivue. Justice, J L Mclntvre 96 ; J Moore 38; R Reese 22 ; JBoyden 52; A G Filiate 10; J Thole 1. Constable, E W Bullet 88; G Adams 62 j Crouch 11; L Betts 1. West Ccivke. Justice. J C Moore. DO; J M Rovden 61 : Crarv 23 ; Mclntvre 22; R Reese, 10 ; Fugate 5. Constable, Cf Adams 40; L Betts 46 ; Buffett 28 ; Crouch 2 MattinsburOt. .Justice, W L French 126; W X Clark 20;li Sallee 3;X Dix 1. Con stable, II T Clifton 67: J S Muster 82. Farber. Justice, E W Crary 37; J Mclul it 24; J II Thole 18: J II Boyden 4 ; F Parker 1; Fug-ate 1. Constable, G Adams 30 ; L T Betts 25 ; Bullet 21. The certified returns from this precinct included "s votes for James Jackson and 61 votes tor Win II Stewart for Justices of the Couuty Court. Salt River. Justice, E Hooton 873; J Lupton 605; C Armstrong 300; D II Har ris 137. Constable, 11 B Hooton S43; C Ragsdale 28?., At this precinct li II Bristow and Charles Francis Adams received 1 vote for President and Vice-President' A few votes were cast upon the proposition to adopt the Dog Law, but the Judges did not (as we learn from one of their number) see tit to include these in their returns. For Justice County Court Central District W. II. Stewart received 1068 votes. ELECTION NEWS. St. Charles County. Everything was qiiet in St. Charles. The city polled 1,657 votes, against 1,272 in the last presidential election. In view of an actual, though small, do crease in population, the result is a matter of surprise, as tho difference is 385. An increased vote is also appar ent at the precincts. Whether or not there was illegal voting we have no means of knowing, and we can not without proof think with those who suppose there was. It will be soen that this county gives a Democratic majority, on the vote as follows: Tilden 2,508 Haves 2,058 Afajority 450 Total vote of St. Charles county is 4,556. Phelps' majority is 246 and Brock meyer's 338. St. Charles county by about the same figures goes for tho whole State ticket. St. Charles news. ' OTE OFAUDRAIN COUNTY. 57 33 67 71 78 962 136 2286 16 39 39 90 42 358 25 826 56 39 66 72 79 949 13f 261 16 32 39 90 41 358 22 834 56 39 67 72 78 957 130 wjn 16 39 39 89 42 350 22 830 57 39 67 74 78 903 130 2287 16 39 39 89 42 357 22 832 57 39 67 74 78 964 136 285 16 39 39 88 42 357 2: 830 57 39 67 73 78 905 136 -$5 16 39 39 88 42 ;50 22 830 57 39 671 73 78 90J 130 vs4 16 39 39 88 42 356 22 830 57 39 67 73 78 963 ISO 2283 16 39 39 88 42 357 22 829 57 39 67 74 78 902 130 2281 10 39 39 87 42 35Si 22 829 57 39 67 73 78 9."9 130 2277 57 39 67 73 78 9."9 136 2279 ;7 39 07 73 78 959 13(5 2278 15 39 39 88 42 350 22 827 16 39 39 88 42 350 22 828 .10 39 39 88 42 350 22 828 .64 76 103 102 1151184 150 2844 V j j GO 78 105 109 1184185 157I2S85 67 76 102 92 109.1000 1502532 60! 73. 98 92 1121099' 155270G C6 j 102 91 1141106 1072317 60 73 102 88 lOOjllOl 152 2701 x 25 28 78 67 531 920 72 1M5 S13 46" 28 49 64j 208 85 1092 70 77 1C3 92 1121113 155 2741 69 77 102 94 116 1110 155 2754 70 73- 103 92 IlKM 155 2700 67 73j 103 92 1131100 150 2710 70 77! 101 93 115!ll23 156 2757 4 04 1 2-1 VJ7 . .2,885 . .2.532 . .2,706 ..2,317 . .2,701 . . 903 ..2,714 o 7 -VI Ste-le Marshall Torrvson Basket 2,700 Shea 2,718 Russell 2,157 OFFICERS G. I. Phillips 39 ; T, L. Hawkins 13- -rly 77 ; I), S. New 35 For Justice eounty ; Win M. Sims 127. At this preen. t W. surveyor runes Jackson 8.) ; W in. M. Sims 99 : T. C. Hudson 132. Constable, J. Cart r; 10; I . ance 5, i or Justice eouutv con Constable, J. Able 36; llendrix 39, L. French 9: W. N. Clark 7- Constable. 6. At this precinct W. O. Forrist receiv- 4 votes for state Senator. D. X. Evans 2 Immence. Sb led him to a sofa, and in a deep bass voice ca led him her sual's idol,and inquired what hit monthly income was. Seting his gaze fixed on her boft-rontrictor-like mouth, she remarked: 'Darling, 1 see you notice my large and beau tiful potato-trap; let me explain to you tho reason of its unusuai size. When I was quite a child I was playiDg on pappy's cellar door, it gftve away; I was precipitated down into the basement, and caught by the mouth on a projecting meat hook, aad which ripped up my face and extended my mouth several inches With his eyes full of sym pathetic tears he rose from the sofa, and replied, as he made toward the door, 'My angle, you are perhaps mistaken. Probably, in the excite, roent of that awful moment, you left your mouth down in the basement, and accident.y brought up the cel lar. TFe shall meet again in a bet ter world. Adieu Vernon county gives Morgan and Phelps 1,175 Majority; Democratic gain of 200 over two years ago. STRAY NOTICE. Taken up by J. P. Smith, livino in Prairie township, in Audrain county. Missouri, on the first day of November, A. D. 1896, and posted be fore the undersigned justice of the peace, two 2-year old steers,described as follows: 1 white, with red ears the other red and white, and both' branded with letter "T" on left hip and crop off each left ear. Appraised at $20, by Lillis II. Smith and J. M Robbins, this 4tn day of November 1876. A true copy lrom my stray book. JOSEPH LUPTON, Justice of the Peace for Salt River Township. 29-St Taken up by. Thomas . jfearso" on the 1st November, 1876, one bar mare, with wnite spot in forehead about 2 years old past No other marks or brands perceivable; and ap praised at $40, by Iliram Dlivin and S. C. Hale, and posted before the un dersigned, justice, on tne 4th, Nov 1376. A. W. TAPSCOTT, J P. ' n30-3t . j FOR SALE OR TRADE. A No. 1 residence in Mexico, Mo., eight rooms and nearly four acres of ground, highly ornamented with shrubbery and fruit trees, good barn and other out buildings, everything in good repair. 4 Will sell or exchange for good improved' farm. Call and get particulars. 30 3m C. W. Bakke, Agent, & SHEA & BARTON, " Heal Estate & Gen'l Ins. AGEISTs. Choice Farms and City Property for sale or trade. Office in Opera block, Mexico. Mo. SCHAHIACH &, Mil, D R UGGIST s -ANP- Af?THie4RtIS, WEST SIDE SQUARE, MEXICO mo. We keep thebest assortment of Drugs and Chemicals In the city. All kinds of Surgical Instruments. Stationery. Fine Wines and Lquors for Medical Purposes, Toilet Articles,- Window Glass. Perfumeryf Brushes of all kinds. And the finest lino of cigars and tobaccos in this market. Physicians Prescriptions carefully com. pounded at all hours. John P. Clark, 20 Tears Clerk of Circuit Court and Cecorde of Deeds.) Real Estate Agent, NOTAEY PUBLIC, And Conveyancer. OFFICE, Fcnt Room Ove Savings Bank, MEXICO, MO. DEEDS, TRUSTS AND OTHER PAPERS Prep red for Parties on Short Notice. CALL AND SEE ME TERMS REASONABLE. W. T. CAItDWELL, Dealer in FURNITURE! Has a full assortment of BUREAUS, WARDROBES, TA BLES, STANDS, Bedsteads, Leunges, Sofas, Chairs, Mattresses, &c, which he is selling at EIZ JLOir PRICES. The quality and style are of ihe very bast. Ladies and gentlemen are respectfu requested to come and examine his stoc Eeadymade Buial Shrouds fo Ladie& A full line of Imitation Rosewood, Me tallic and Walnut UUrriAS always ok hand, and a Hearse ready at all timea U attend at funerals. Store North Side Square. Mexico Ma- WIUl MIIU7IE? Practical Upholsterer, Carpet Layer and Awning Mater MEXICO, MO. Respectfully announces to the public he has a large assortment of ALL KINDS OP CUSHION WAEB. Also Parlor 8ets, from $65 and upward Lounges from $12 and upwards. Sprinff, Hair and Moss Mattresses, ChaftP- Repairs Sofas, Rocking-Chtiri. Loui ses, Mattresses, cane-bottom chairs, on reasoiiabls tamos. , . Buyt and sells all kinds of second-aW furniture. ' Call and see me Fiye doors Souta o tha Southwest cor of the Public SquW ITJ. I1INZIE.