Newspaper Page Text
STJNTVF.ATVTS. A man may be great by chance, bat nerar wise and good without taking pain for it How dark would this world be come, were earth and earthly things our only hope had we no friends but those as frail and fleeting asour selvte. What is only gossip about a man, ia scandal against a woman. Never scare off a fly with n club when a feather will do just as well. We are ruined, not by what we really want, but by what wo think we do; therefore never go abroad iu search of your wants. If they be real wants they will come home in search of you; for he that buys what be doas not want, will soon want what he cannot buy Gentleness often disarms the tierce aod melts the stubborn. We snould have more muaio if all intn were in tune. Why is matrimony like sterling coin? Because it has a genuine ring with it. A worthy old farmer, wh was being worried in his croas-exami nation by a lawyer in Maine, ex. claimed, look here, squire, don't you aek a good many foolish ques lions? Well. Bridget, if I engage you. I shall want you to stay at home whenever I wish to go out. Well, ma'am, have no objections providin you do the same when I wish to go out. At a certain church fair a set of Cooper's works was promised to the individual who should answer a set of conundrums. A dashing young fellow was pronounced tbe winner and received a set of wooden pails. A juryman was asked whether he had been charged by the judge. Well, said he, the little fellow that its up in the pulpit and stares down at the crowd gave us a lecture, but I dont know whether be charges anything or not. Poor Ilichard's maxim, 'Pay as you go, is a very good one, but if you ever tempted to run in debt let it be for a life insuranee policy in favor of the girl you want to mary ry, so that in case ycu should sUp down and out sho may have the wherewithal to wear a pretty mourn ing suit and catch a better fellow. County Collector, B. P. Cauthoro &t the school house on, Tuesday of latt week Alex. SoxeV residence is about completed. Bazoo. HIDE, WOOL AND FU3 MARKET. Ileport corrected weekly by S. , Simpson. Green salt hides .. ....... 5c Green hides 4c Dry flint ...12c 'J omiv. ...... mt pardoned McKee on the Damaged hides two-thirds price. Shep pelts, green 50 to 60c Sheep pelts, dry 15 to 50c Tallow. ........ . t be Beeswax 25c L. G. feathers 50c mixed 35c Grant 11th. How is that for reform. (JLAC1R & RULOFF DEALERS IN STOVES, TWO SPANS OF THE C. & A. Ii. R. BURIED IN THE RIVER BRIDGE. This noble- striictosftat spans the Mississippi at the lowelwend j of the city 67 Louisiana lost . it third pier frgm tbe Illinois side, and the two irn spans that rested po it. AboutS o'clock on the morning ol tho 7thjnsf, the wind Mowing a gale, anda train passing'over at tbe time, movelK$siJBiH8 foundation so silently that it was not discover ed until tbe neadlignt ot & coming tram rsvealed the breach. Tbe strong current of the river snapped the foundation of tha pier. It rest ed on piles and was rip-rapped, but tbe whole structure was swept away. It is needless to say that under s energetic a superintendent as Capt. Atkins a false roadway of wood work will span the breach in about I pini o. n Ann &i A D fT t.Wrt ttf-Aks rt that f.rinH will rmaJ 1 1 11 Ct WMfAt.U V HIS. . I Have now on hand and are constantly re- uninterruptedly. ceivinsafine assortment of cooking and Near tho upper nose of the lost "eating pisrrock i found a depth of from Qq Qp WOOd StOVGSi Cdl vu W Trouil lev!.- JLUU ..VOW VUU I .... ... ., , . .V r Which they will offer to the public at the Ol iuu Buumerw-ju nun uamu-wuiK very rests but a few inches below the wa- LOWEST PRICES FOR CASH. ter surface. Special attention given to It is not yet decided whether a Glittering & Koofing Houses p'er and two spans, as formerly, on anti Putting in Pumps. CENT A U LINIMENTS. Letter from a Postmaster. "Antioch, III., Dec 1, 1874. "Messrs. J. B. Rosi & Co.: "31 y wife has, for a long time, been a terrible sufferer from Jlheumatism. She has t: ied many physicians and many reme dies. The only thing which has given her relief is Centaur Liniment. I am rejoiced to say this has cured her. I am doing what I can to extend its sale W. H. RING. This is a sample of many thousand testi monials received, of wonderful cures effected by the Centaur Liniment. The ingredients of this article are published around each bottle. It contains Witch Hazel, Mentha, Arnica, Rock Oil, Car bolic, and ingredients hitherto little known It is an indisputable fact that the Centaur Liniment is performing more cures of Swellings, Stiff J oints. Eruptions, Rheumatism, Neuralgia. Sciatica, Caked Breasts, Lock-jaw, &c, than all other Lin iments, Embrocations, Extracts, Salves, Ointments, and Plasters now in use. For Toothache, Earache "Weak Back, tch and Cutaneous Eruptions it is ad mirable. It cures burns and scalds with out a scar. Extracts poison from bites and stings, and heals frost-bites and chill blaics, in a short time. No family can afford to be without the Centaur Lini ment, white wrapper. The Centaur Liniment, yellow wrapper, is axlapted to the tough 6kin, muscles and flesh of the animal creation. Its effects upon severe cases oi Spavin. Sw.eny, Wind Gall, Big Ilead and Poll Evil, are little less than marv llous. Messrs. J. McClure & Co.. Druszists corner Elm and Front streets, Cincinnati V., say. "In our neighborhood a number of teamsters are using the Centaur Liniment. They pronounce it superior to anything they have over used. We sell as high as four to bra dozen bottles per month to theso teamsters." We have thousands of similar testimo nials. Fr Wounds, Galls, Scratches, Ring bone, &c, and for Screw Worm in Sheep it has no rival. Farmers, Livery-men. and Stock-raisers, have in this Liniment a remedy which is worth a hundred time1: its cost. Laboratory of J. B. Rom & Co., 46 Det Street. New Yobk. JTowis Your Time for Bargains Call and see me. I am offering my entire stock of ) ,' ... .'. - ' ' ' " m in i i (pi r- ft IS, I) Jewelry, Silver-ware, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, &c COST FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS. Call at once for bargains. This is no humbug, I mean business. MARK PILCHER, n23-2m South Side Square. a single span of 320 feet, will repla' Under the Cromwell the room . .. j formerlv occumed bv Yates & Co., and tbe temporary Biruciure. Air.aay lmm,djtely opposite the Ringo House - 27-10t the work of repair is actively pro greasing timber arriving, and a steamboat engaged in the carrying of materials, as well as the railroad lo comotives with their trains of bridge material. Passenger transfers are made by the Louisiana ferry boat, and freight goes forward by wav of Hannibal and Jacksonville. Some distance below where the old pier stood tbe water is about 70 feot deep, but right under the bridgeway it is not half that depth. Blum & Son have just received 50 pieces of suiting and overcoat pat terns from the cast. 2otf itely opposite main entrance. f tiiiii i . ......... DR. C. LANE'S CELEBRATED LIVER PILLS, FOR Tiir. Cl'KE CF Hepatitis or Liver Complaint, DYSPU'ilA AND SICK HEADACHE. COME TO T11K LEDGKi: FOI? YOUR PRINTING. Have a Full Assortment of Bireais, WasManfls, Kofc That Umbrella. JL dozen or more men stood at tho southern en trance of tbe Court House the other day, when it began to rair, and Along came an individual with an umbrella over his head. As he reached the top step one of the men advanced aod taid: Ah! I've been waiting for you. I knew you had it, and it's all right. The man surrundered the umbrel la in a hesitating manner, and b s sheepish look showed very plainly that bt was not the lavful owner of it. As he passed into the ball an other of the crowd stepped out, and said: That's my umbrella, and I can prove it. It has a J' cut into the handle. So it had, and after some parley ing it was handed over, Tho new owner was smiling very blandly, ai the crowd applauded, when a man turned in off tbe avenue to escape a wetting. As soon as he saw the umbrella, he called out. Well, well, but where did you got this? It s mine bought it at the etore, was the reply. Not much sir. It was stolen from my office a month ago, and you'd better hand it over, if yon den't want trouble. It was passed to him, and he start ed for borne. Only tho angels knew whether or not he was the realowo-or. TRUSTEE'S SALE. Whereas, Joel Guthrie and Martha D. Guthrie, by their certain deed of trust bearing date April Lst, ls7;, which is duly refolded in book "J I" of mortgages at pages 129. 430, 431 and 43'2, in the recorder's olllce for Audrain county, Missouri, conveyed to the undersigned trustee, the fol lowing described real estate, situate in Audrain county, Missouri, to-wit: Llock number (6) containing eight and 58-100 acres, and block "1J"? con taining five ()) and 98-100 acres, all iu Guthrie's addition to the town of Mexico, in Audrain county, .Missouri, as shown by plat on tile in the re corder's ollice, for the record of deeds for Audrain county; and further de scribed as lying and being situate in the northeast fourth of thenorthwest quarter section (35) thirty-five in township (51) flity-one of range No. (9) nine, which said deed ot trust was made to secure the payment ot a cer tain note in said deed of trust de scribed and. interest, signed by said Joel Guthrie. And. whereas, it is provided in said deed of trust, that if said Joel G uthrie fail, refuse or neg lect to pay the said note and said in terest or any part thereof when due according to the tenor, date and ef fect of said note, Then the whole and every part of said note with interest shall become aue. demandable and payable; and whereas, said interest on said note has long since become due and remains unpaid. Now, there- tore, bv virtue ot the power in me vested by said deed of trust, and at the request of the holder of said note, I will . On Tuesday,Dccember 12th, 1876, sell said real estate at public vendue lor cash to the highest biddar at the east door of the Court Houe, in Mexico. Audrain county, Missouri, to satisfy said debt and the expenses of executing this trust. W. II, KENNAN, Trustee. BARNEYVILLE ITEMS. Mb Editor. Since your last issue we note the death of Mrs. J. W. Fin ley, who died at her son's residence, Dr. Finley, on Monday, Oct. 30th, with typhoid fever. Age 67 years, 2 months and 27.days. Our school took up Monday with an enrollment of 53 Hcholars. Also our debating society has been reor sranized with Boon Middleton in the chair, Guss Alexander Vice-Presi. ent and F. Middleton, Secretary. W were nleased to meet our ' ' - 4T George L. Carson, Dealer in Li umber, SASH, DOORS, BUILDING PAPER, SOLID WOODEN GUTTERING. All letters for information in re gard to prices, &c, Keceive Prompt Attention. Office cor. Mam and Alabama sts., 28-ly. Louisiana, Mo. Symptoms of a Diseased Liver. iV-UN" in il.'j right side, under the. JL edge of the ril-s, increases on pres sure ; sometimes the pain is in the left side; the patient is rarely able to lie on the left side ; sometimes the pain is felt under the shoulder-blade, and it frequently extends to the top of the shoulder, and is sorrctimes mis taken for a rhuur.atisn: in the arm. The stomach is affected with loss of appetite and si( kness; the bowels in general are costive, sometimes alter native with lax ; ti e head is troubled with pain, accompanied with a dull, heavy sensation in the back part. There isgcnerally a considerable loss of memory,acccmpanicd with a pain ful sensation of having left undone something which ought to have been done. A slight, dry cough is some times an attendant. The patient complains of weariness and debility ; he is easily startled, his feet arc cold or burning, and he complains of a prickly sensation of the skin ; his spirits'are low; and although he is satisfied that exercise would be bene ficial to him, yet he can scarcely summon up fortitude enough to try it. In fact, he distru: ts every rem edy. Scvtral of the jbovc symp toms attend the dia--., but cases have occurred v. i .ci e iVw of them ex isted, et examination of the body, after death., has . l.ov.n the liver to have been extensively deranged. AGUE AND FEVER. Dr. C. MVLams Liver. Pills, in cases of Aon: am Lever, when taken with Qui:: ire, .t:e productive of the most happy results No better cathartic can be need, preparatory to, or after taking Qumine. We would advi c all who are afflicted with this (!:.,e;-e to give them A FAIR TRIAL. For ail Liiiotis e!erangcmenfs, and as a simple purgative, they are un equal ed. KS'.VARK OP IMITATIONS. The genuine Dr. C. M?Lake's Liver Pills are never sugar coated. Every box has a red wax seal on lid, witn tiie impression jjr. M. Lane's Liver Tills. The genuine M. Lane's Liver Phls bear the signatures of C. MVLane and Fleming Legs, on the wrappers. ZziT Insist on your druggist or storekeeper giving you the genuine Dr. C. MVLane's Liver Pills, pre pared by Fleming Eros., Pittsburgh, Pa. Sold by all respectable druggists and country storekeepers generally. To those wishing to give Pr. C. MVLane's Liver Pills a trial, we will mail post paid to ry y:rt f the L'nited States, one box of Pills lor l .i enty-Cve cents. FLKMTNO BROS., Pittshursh. Pa the PITCHER'S CASTORIA. Mothers may haye rest and their babies may have health, if they will use Castoria lor wind uouc, Worms, everishness, Sore Mouth, Croup, or Stomach Com plaints. It is entirely a vegetable prepar ation, and contains neither mineral, mor phine, nor alcohol. It ie as pleasant to take as honey, and neither gas nor gripes. Pr. E. Dimocb , of Dupont, O., says; 41 am using Castoria in my practice with the most signal benefits and happy result This is what everyone says. Most nurses in New York City use the Castoria. It is prepared bv Messrs. J. B. Rose & tCo., 46 l)ev street, New York, successors o Samuel Pitcher, M. D. Why do You Shake ? For the convenience of the con sumer tho rroprietors of Dr. Slier-' man's Malarifuge now put it up in 75 cent bottles as well as $1.60 as heretofore. To those who have used the Malarifuge, it is not ne essary to sav a Avoi d in its behalf : but to those who have shaken in ignorance of it we will sav, trv it ami add vour testimo ny to thousands of others, that it cured vou. Xo other medicine is re- buircd, as it is a combined tonic, al terative, cathartic, febriluge, cliolo rosrue and aiiti-neriodie. Jt neutral izes miasmatic poison, purities and. invigorates the blood, restDrcs the Liver ami other diseased organs to their natural hoalthv condition, there by thoroughly eradicating the disease For Sale bv wllweow " J. F. LLEWELLYN. J. SONTAG'S Bakery and Confectionery OLD SANTA CLAUS las again established his headquar ters here. The Toy Department Is now complete, and Cheaper than Ever. Cad in time and make Your Selections. SIGLER & SON, DEALERS IN Bedsteads, Chairs, Mattrasses, Lounges, &c, &c AT LOWEST CASH PRICES. Sole Agent for New Patent Table. Call and examine it and you wH iiay no utner Special inlnoement to newlv imamelp m i'.b inurnitire Alio CoO'b O isTwt an 1 M- talic Cases. Personal attention to uml ?rt titinf He irs kept for aoco r.mod ition ot customers Beady made burial shrouds ur lames or eatieuao. in i n ii THE NEW Stitch Machine. St. Louis, K.C J6 Northern Eailroai Time' Table. EAST. Mail train leaves at -12.35 p. m JJight Express leaves at 1.35 a. m Way Freight leaves at 10.40 a. m Mail Tram leaves at 2.25 p. Tfifrht Express leaves at 1.50 a. "War Freiskt leaves at 4-25 p. m 11 Ly Doub& UnnirnniTiTn J z- .W Thread ii nr. i 7 .ock U U 111 JJ U 11U J fl I fefl? II pt South side square. ?0janl J. SONTAG. THE LIGHTEST-RUNNING MACHINE IN THE WORLD. Vilk our printed directions, no instruction or mechanical sltill is required to operate it. The construction of the machine is based upon a principle of unique and unequalled nu plxity, eompriein; simple levers working upon centres. The bsariags are Jew, and they are hardened and polished. . Tbe machines are made at our new works in the city of Newark, N. J., wKh new special (patented) machinery and tools, constructed expressly to accomplish what we now offer. Entry midline fully u-arntnted. "DOMESTIC" SEWING MACHINE CO., New York mid. Cliicsaeo. SAVINGS. By using the ' Domestic" Pa per Fashion the most stylish and perfect-fitbn costumes can be produoed, at a large saving in MONEY to those who choose to make, or supena of. their awn garments. With the highest talent and the best facilities in all departments, and the best ideas of the most BkUlful modistes, both at home nd abroad, we are enabled to attain results for bove the r of the average dress-maker. Our styles are alwavs the latest and best. Our elegantly-illustrate catalogue mailed t any lady sending five cents with her address. Agents wanted everywnere "DOMESTIC" SEWING MACHINE CO., New York and diloagfO. FASH IONS WHOLESALE XSD RETAIL DEALERS IN iSTBAY NOTICE. TaVftn un bv William M. Sims, of Wil gon township, in Audmin county, on the 4th day of November, 1876, and posted hflfnre the undersisnad. a Justice of the Peace for said county, ono two-year-old steer, of white color, marked with crop off the left ear and split in the right, brand ed on the right nip, supposed to be the letter M, and appraised at the sum ot $27.50, by Joseph A. Potts and John C. Cooper. Given undor mv hand this November the 14th, 187G. ' Thos. C. Hudson, 30-3t Justice of the Peace. o:RChiasrs i Keep the largest and most complete assortment of PIANOS and ORANS to be found in any. ! Music House in the country. I PHIOESAITDTERMS ! That defy competition. Descriptive Catalogues, and all desired imforma ! tion furnished on application to as at i 708 AND 710LOCUST STREET, SAINT LOUIS, Or To XVI. O. XE.K, MEXICO, MO. r.' I i