Newspaper Page Text
m 1 v B. Iff. WHITE, Publisher aid Proprietor. To Oil Pride fcflb) Past and Our HopfbiC&e Patiire Let" Us Add Vigorous Work, in the Living Present. I X ; '- - ' : I $2 PER YEAR IN ADVjSlNCB : ISC. 3X vbiL... xviii. 4 MEXICO, 1 ISSOTJRI- THTJRSIDY, NOVEMBER3. 1876. v : ' ---.. ..-:. .... r- . I, - y-...- , -,- -: .: ' ,v ,r . ; --..,'.- .- : ' i-- - mmmmm ." . I ' " , 1 . ' iii n ' 1 1 1 t 1 ' ' 1 1 1 ii. t i i 1 1 -ii . - . , - -. . . . - . - s. LOCAL NEWS. Go and Hear We will send the Lidqir free for one year to any one getting it a clib of ud. Go to Barnes & Winegard's for your fresh groceries. Cheapest grocenes in the city. 24tf Tilden Victorious, and we are gelling stoves, tin and hardware cheaper than ever. We are selling the best wagons in Mexico. 30-tf II. W. Gleason. : t Don't forgrt t'g ) aod bear ti e Goldtn troupe before it leavt. It is by far the b t troupe ever in this city. Their mus-c by bknd and or- chctra cannot be boat. They ptr.'orm to night, to morrow night and Saturday night. See no nce eiaewnere. BELLA GOLDEN, Divine Bervice at the Episcopal Church Sunday, 11 a. m. and 3 1-2 p. m. Holy communion at the former service. N. D. Thurmond, of Fulton, was in this city on yesterday. He wa formerly Prof in Weatminier Col lege, but is now a lawyer and acting aa city attorney. The Belle of the American The presidential electors will meet in the electoral college on the lirst "Wednesday 6th of December. In Carroll county a few days ago, while two boys were wanderiu, around in a coal mine, a large boul der fell, and the head of one of the boys, be was instantly killed, while the other had a kg broken and was otherwise bruised. Stage, at the Mr. J. A. J. Dawes, of Centralhi, made us a pleasant social call yester day. We understand that the Maph Grove and Wilson granges are going to have a rat hunt. The grange that catches the least rats furnishes the dinner. Hurrah for the grangers, Ii th-y can't be loliticiaiis, they will do better; kill all the rats. The Caliawav countv bond case has been argued bv the attorneys for both sids, and is submitted for final decision, which may be expected at any time. Opera House, A union Thanksgiving service wil be held in the Christian Church, Thursday, Nov. 30th, 10:30 a. m. The sermon will be preached by Iiev. J. D. Murphy of the Baptist Church. The public are cordially invited. It docs seem that Capt. Eads jetty system will prove a grand success. It is said that each week conlirms the report of the gradually deepening water: the bar at the head of the South Pass is rapidly disappearing and the great obstacles to the naviga tion of the Mississippi are perma nently removed. To-night. Mr. J. Jame,ot 'lb- mpson Station made us a very pleasant call ot Monday We bad the pleasure yesterday of examiner the abstract books of Mes Bers. Gregg and Baskett at their of fice in the court house. Thev have w a complete abstract of all lands in Audrain county. This has been teadious task and these gentlemen deserve credit for the skill and care the work displaye in its comple'- ness. Terrlbir Accident. On last Saturday, at about 2 o'clock . in., the citizens of Mexieo were chocked by the report of an accident which had resulted in the death of! Charles Morris MeKee, son of James McKec, well known to the citizens oi' Mexico. It appeais that Mr. McKee, on re- j turning from his last hunt, had laid! us gun under the bed empty, tak ing the "shells" out a,Witlns cus tom. Now. the -hild beiniAonh si ittle over two years old, of Aourse could not lift the gun, muchness load it; and yet a shell Hvas placed in the gun and evidently tTEe stock must have been raised by some one, for the contents, besides mortally wound ing the child in the side, went down through the floor. The only person uear was a coloreu bov nine or ten years old, who, it is thought, plaeed a shell in the gun, thinking it was capped but not tilled, and merely shot the gun oil' to frighten or amuse the child, and the result was the death of the little one. When Willie Morris brought the sad news to Mr. McKee, he thought Willie was joking, but was com pelled to admit the truth when he saw the bloody corpse of his already dead child the pride of his fathers and ov of his mother's heart. It is truly slid and heartrending to have one's darling idol taken from them thus. They have the deepest sympathy of all their friends in this their hour of bereavement. The funeral services were conducted by Dr. Lacy at the house on last Sun day at 2 o'clock p. m. The remains were laid in the new cemetery. Go to Ji iin. cV Sn 'or p'tim, pp; , brfwn, naij, l ine, hunters grt-ei, ot,i le gr ei ai d alliho late cb Friday Night and Toe Lad onians complain that they do not get their mail regularly It the nos; master will be at the i depot when the train goes through he will sret it. They can't ltjave their mail bag without getting one in return. Clacher & Ruloff have received a hnp tiaw lino of hardware and everything kept in a first clas hard "Ware store can bo found with tbeae accommodating gentlemen under the Cromwell bouce. Saturday Night. 9 PEN Ml mm , lltjl And ye that are not Grangers, THOUSAND DOLLARS WORTH OF if If 4a IflfllfiPf That wants to buv Watches, Clocks, Silver V Jewelry, pocket and table euth iy. tsjKrlsicU-s. American watci Eic. To be slaughtered at the old stand of WILLIAMS & REED. S at 25 per cent, of manufacturers pure. Gold nnti sil ver cases at a small advance on ln-t t. t -olid sisver- spoons at $6 per set; 18 k gold imirs. ;;t mm 41.50 to $12 each, Fine stone and set ntus m nuat vari ety; Lazarus and Morris' nickle i'a!cd spectacles, 1,50 per pair, case included; gold and ets of jewelry ot tue latest style and lowest price. In latt everything kept at a first-class jewelry store can l e found at MARK FDwOIiKIi, 30-8t vNMith side square rl 0 For 3 25, well worth 1; and is afar better boot than you have been buying at 3.50 And 1. jn ;xtrd liooa in dreH ;oodn( 15- f XOTIIK IXIRAOUDIWUY Qb The X juM ni'ler the n.rne f VJ)nhieh ttsif. -nper is addieHi ii 'igijities th nuh-e;j)!ioe bns expii- e 1. The X ill he made whh a pet - eil on the margin o the puper. Go to Lacll M d's t(et youihoots and shoes. The cheapest estallih nient in the city. Goods arrive each dav from the east. Call and pri-e them. w 21-t. For women, only 1.50; and all other Boots and Shoe in proportion. W. F. HEED, Mexico. Mo- Snbscribe for DIED. Mr. J. MeGee, at the residence! O John fiough, of this city, on Sun day night ofs pneumonia. Funeral wa preached bthe Kev. Dr. Vin ci, at the residence or jonn tjongn on Monday evdning at 2 o'clock. She whs 56 year old and had been i raemher of the XL. E. Church SO vearc. lier remains weie interred 31 re. tieinent, o miien nonin eaJ f thin city on last Sunday. Hr 'emain? were iterrad in the family hurrying ground. On last Saturday 7 milei south of Mexico, Mrs. Joseph Watts. .Mrs. Fannie M. Spenee, wife o' Se. A. P. Spehce, of this citv or i'Nt M'-ndav evanintr. The funcrna! TEACHI.I13' I1CSTITITE. were conducted at Largest and Best Paper in Audrain county. 4 pb vices Christian Churchf Tuesday 2:30 the - m vxm f- i w-.m m.m fc:j-fj w&"sm r s zf . i a ---m mm 1 Silflliil Irorr:mime of exercises for the next ii e- ;iii--, io he heht at the 1 z zle Sc' ool house, seven miles north east ot Aiexico lJi'v. J. 187b. .MOJJNINC SKSSIOX. 10:30 to II: i0, .Miscelianeoua busi ness, v fjmiimkZ- 11:-0 ( Class drllnia phone tics, i .J. 1' (idss- i n 3 t(. 12:o j io 1 U. l)i-cussiou ' AiiiWA-jrte'ut. Knock' d'-vn " and drapr out Iarne & "Wiuegard have knocked the trices down and are dragingout groceries at cost prices. Come and see for vourselves. w 24-tf. I will trade for two good horses or for one jrood horse, and buprgv, lots ") ami 6, block 2,Mnldrow',s addition to the city of Mexico. These are both corner lots and fenced. They are very desirable nuiHing sites. Address for further information. Tiiko. Henderson, Fulton, Mo. 28 6t. It you want the best fit and neatest work to be hadfand of course you do) call on (ieo.ll. Collins, the new Tailor at Blum & Son's 1 13. . TilJen in elected and still Pnnn & McllhmiiV car he found at Keed corner. Try them the cheapest ani best barher hp in the eit v. t(. N Lackland l as just received a large stock of Fall Hats of the latest st vies, for (;ents,Boys and Children, for sale cheap. Coand'see them. w 21-tf. . Woollen poods in profusion and at ruinous low prices at Blum & Son. 25tf. Any one wishing a sample copy of the Ledger can get one either a; AVillic Frosts reading room or at this office. Go to T. T. Morris' for fresh oysters It shakes a man's confidence in his wife to wake up early in the morning and find her sitting on tlw edge of the bed going through his pocketbook. For alacrity in removing the taps of coal oil cans, we recommended you to Mr. Barnes, the east side grocery man. "Wanted. Four bushels of hickory nuts at this office. Hatss Caps and Gloves hp JEIder (Iardiri officiating. In Sullivan county,Mo. on the 14th mst. 3irs. 3iarv d.M'u banks, w-ite ot ' A. EubanVs and Slaughter of John ' Iivirg, of this citv. ; The deceased tjved in this citv un il a few weeks snce where she left to be seen on eaith ar :iiu bv those who loved her so dearly, but in Heaven all friends will m et to part no more. Mr. Jno. Skelly made ns a pleas a t call last week. Ho has abou' 30 head cf fine hogs he is fat eoincj and the way ho keeps the cholera off is by giving theca ashes :tn f eoperaa. East side square, Mexico, Mo., Keeps constantly on hand a large and complete stock of I. W. Boulware, Fultors boss divorce lawyer passed through thi c ty on Monday en route for Col umbia to attend court r. I ii ii .s i t i i j 1 1 ii l tit m 1 1 mm cOTi r w -ATJi K &v--,w. Mr. Chas Hawiings has our thanks for late Jaeksonvdlo piper, Nnl' and .Nelson will give you jrocries or the cash for hickoiy nuts. F OH S ALE Hats, Caps & Cloves 01X01 We have a larjre manufacturing shop in connection with the store in which the '"best worMiien are employed;" Boots and Shoes of the best quality m: di, and at prices that W, I inter toots Made FOR $500. All Boots and Shoes sold by us i to Order. I Come and examine onr stock before bnying elsewhere. 27-ly i Mr, R. Pearson who is budding i new house east of this city about 1 miles had 5 kegs of nails stolen ; he other niabt. . A riEB OON SESSION. 1"00 to l:u. l eaching the alphabet, by, 'i . 1 1:4 ) to -2:1)0. i :is.-us:-iou. 2:00 io -J:l', Oral teachiug,by G. D. Bowm in. 2:1" 2:t", Discussion. 2;45 to ;i:0J, The irincipal aenciea,. in education, by Martin Bawmau. ii.n:t ti A-t T iii!ss!0!l. ?3:20 to :i: t J. !? ties n I regulatiom fob' the v; . e. ;r.; e itofacount school, by 11. A. ii.i. ,3: to to t:U0, i)is -ussioii. 4:0o in o: ju, Adjournment. MGilT SESSION 6:30 to 7:-0, i'areaial co-opera tioa. by W. L . . MU.tuier. 6:4." to 7: ins -ussion. 7:o0 to tilj, , bf II. :!. : ;.i.n.ii. v 7:20 to 7:1-..-, Discussion. 7,40 U JuO. Lssay, by J. II. IJ417 don. 8:00 io . i0. Ilenorts of stviooL 8:4U to 1:10 tilery Box. 9:10 to lioa-liiig vi' the Insti tute rep. uls, oy X. 6. dohnsvon. 9:3v, Adjouruiueut. It i h ie I tVit tie; teachers gener ally will attend tl.i i meeting of fhe Intstitute, cDec'a!ly those Avho have been put on duty. Mow, fellow teachers, you know that the success of any society d-'p-Mids, in a irreat mcasu.-e, upon h viit n laiicr i ..f its memt-tr-. Let every teacher feu! his presence adds jut so much to t he success oi our iiHiitulc, espesciallj when he has s-..mio duty assiiinetl him. Your Lxecutive ComniitteiT . have djue their best in making ---out fhe oroiamine, and have assigned th diti'erent subjects for di.-cus son to those who ihey think will be prcsuat. Therefor", we trust all those who live within a reasonable distunes from (he location of the Institute, wilibe on hand at the appointed tiiuq. Yours respectfully, n. a. i;,s, J i . 1. HAVU. Ex. Committee. The Linton Mpriiel Snfiiofr will jeer, on Welnestdaya ftor the lt Tuesday in April instead of Nov. Our mitak and yoar treat. Prof. Rice, of Fulton, has our thanks for favors this week. Hurrah fob Mexico Two wed dings in one day last week and we know of 2 or 3 more on the tapis. What town can beat Mexico for marrying. And still there are a few (?) marriageable persons left, ot hoth sexes. Hurry them up boy this is going to be au awtnl cold winter. ben I us tae 110 ws from ah parts of the coauuy. Now that the electioa is over, we desire to make the Led QEK par-exec lleiue the best local newspaper iu .'he countv. The New Augusta Presbyterian Church near Shamrock, Callaway countv, wili be dedicate! Nov. 26, by Dr. B. T. Lacy. Friends of the con gregation and Minister invited to attend. "W. T. IIowison. Read Alhson'i on first page. doable column add W. O. L3 & Co have the finest as sortment of pLiuos, organs, sheai music &c, wesi of St. Louis. Civ tkem a call and see ior yourself. Messr. M . Duncar itnri Georga B. Macfarl tne, or Jex:e. utin.dett our ciruuit court. Fulton - Tele graph. They went, to town tf1 other evening enjo ir each i.tiifi '.;. . ty, and excbanj;iej; (-n:i 0 fn with each ot er. Jcruh, whert'4 you get your gurnryon.'nV t-r' mint, said he; -tnd tt" ! e toM where she made U r pud ase, I exelaimed, 'By JuUl ; ht f vluU I got mine, too; i.uV' cd4ii,m lover's passion ite tone V . uutb . ..... fl.l! L lm it 11 .