Newspaper Page Text
ADAM'S LONELY BOYHOOD. AH AFFECTUM FICTTJXE OH THE OBIGI WAX. H4JBHIED XAK. Adam as a boy, we admit owing te the popular ' superstition that has painted him coming into the world full grown, with whiskers and mous tache complete, and the . prevailing belief that there wasn't a lxy in the world until Eve came and raised the "Old Boy with Adam; yet we prefer to think of our ancient progenitor as having had something of a boyhood, and we suppose we have as good a right t J theorize upon the subject as 'anyone else. ; Adam was probably as mischievous naturally, as boys generally are. In fact, Darwin says he was a ''perfect little monkey," which, we believe, is a synonym for mischievousness the " world over. But he had no compan ions in his gambols. If he stayed out after dark and got to cutting up, it was all by himself. And what sport could he have ringing door-bells without a lot of other boys to scamper away with? And consider the mel macuouy iun 01 listening corus across the walk at night with nobody to trip l 11 f r a J over them. We can imagine young Adam, with , all the instincts of a boy two inches thick In his nature, looking about for some way to divert himself as other boys do, and whimpering to himself 'Can't have any fun." Of course he couldn't by any pos sibility have any fun. No fun run ning away from school, or stealing flT tyt W, In aurimminv tinsAii0A 41iaa was no one to lick him when he got home. No fun sneaking up into the haymow to indulge in a surreptitious game of euchre alwavs had to 4,Dlav it alone." He couldn't play "tag, because he might yell, "I've got the tag',' all day, and there would be no one to come and take it nwav from ' him.' 'Hi-spi" had no charm, for a , boy soon gets tired of hiding when he has to go to work to find himself. And where is a boy who likes to work "and "find himself." The more we think about Adam's lonely boyhood, the more we are in- -.1 '. .. .1 A. : A l. " Tl. l tuuuu w i)uy nun. lie never Knew what a circus meant, at least not until ti . . . . . . vcuuv auu iiiuuuuv.xu uiui tu out;. But we have nothing to do with that now, as we are only treating of Adam't) boyhood. True, there was a big menagerie all around him, but the animals were taine affairs ; lambs and lions lying down together in the most spiritless concord, and the hip popotamuses and canary birds play ing with each other like kittens . Lit tle Adam never sat way up on the highest seat,' and gazed awe-stricki:n, while a man in spangled tights sprang whip in hand, into a ctge of sayage beasts that rolled their eyes, gnashed their teeth, and roared until the can vas overhead flapped for very fear. 4 No, indeed. lie never saw a thin legged female in short skirts, ride a loping horse around a ring and jump through a hoop, while a man with his face painted white, and his mouth a red exaggeration, tells that convulsive story about stuffing hay into his shoes to fill them out, and his calves going down to eat the hay. Young Adam never saw "the old clown," 1 hough he came very scon after Adam's day, . and the jokes he commenced with he has been getting ofTevcr since. And how about base ball? Do you suppose that Adam knew anything about that exhilarating diversion that is now doing so much toward develop ing the intellect of our American youth? There is no lkelihood of it, not while he was a Iwy. His son Cain, however, seems to have been the first who got np a "club' but it w.. .1 J1A,L. L 1 ii . 1 1 While there were so many ' things that the boy Adam missed, think not that his solitary life was without its compensations. There was no other boy to steal his marbles, or hide his top, or jeer at him because he had to jwear his big brother's cast-off clothes, . or fix a bent pin for him to sit down on, or make faces at bis sister,or spell him down, or steal his dinner, 'kor tell on him when he had been in mischief, or beat him out of his sweetheart. Adam eecaped these and a thousand other annoyances that boys subject each other to. He hadn't any brothers and sisters to tease and worry him, and with whom he was compelled to divide his play-things and any nice 4 things to eat that might come that way. He could leave a piece of sweet-,-cake lying around anywhere, knowing that none of thereat of the children would touch it; an i at night, on re tiring; he could stick his "gum" on to the head:board, confident that it would rest undisturbed until morn- Jpg . :"" .Whatever trouble and annoyances ; his matrimonial life may have brought him, we find a kind of satisfaction in . reflecting that Adam's boyhood was .h exceptionally free from care, and on . that account we are bound to con clude that his life was not an entire failure. " :: ': - - m a ' "Speaking of razors," said the ob - sequious barber, as he tendered . change for a quarter, "I believe Adam and Ev'e .were the first raisers, were -they hot?" The customer raised his Caia and demanded" to know if he was Able to make another joke like ..that.". : -. ., v. . ; , 'i'ChickeBf alius : come . home-; to roosti is a mighty good proverb, .but dat don alius apply India part. Ease I'm, been look in all day an' all I kiafind of miaedat did'nt rooe home wwt night war a few feddera in'decut ckyard, -Graphic. ;rt Cleveland Voice tlunkY that the clergymen text "Shall We Stop never Degon. . THANKSGIVING. PBOCXAJU.TIOX ISSUED BT GOVERNOR PHELPS. ' . State of Missouri, ) Executive Department. j It is proper we should give thanks to Almighty God for the innumera ble blessings bestowed on us during the past year. We should manifest our gratitude that we have been spar ed from civil commotion, and that the pestilence which "walketh at noonday"- has not darkened our homes with sorrow. The labors of the husbandman have been rewarded and all branches of in dustry seem to revive. I, John S. Phelps, gcvernor of Missouri, do therefore designate and set apart Thursday, the 28th day of this month, as a day of thanksgiving and prayer, I request the people on that day to abstain from their usual secular pur suits, and to assemble in their places of public worship to return thanks to Almighty God for blessings He he has bestowed on us, and to pray for their continuance, and that His mer cy may abide with us forever. In testimony whereof I have here unto set my hand and caused to be affixed the great seal of the State of Missouri. Done at the City of Jeffer son this sixteenth day of November, A. D. 1878. .Seal. Joun S . Tueli-s. By the Governor. Michael K. McGrath, Secretary of State, WIT AND HUMOR. You cannot make a point clearer by straining it. A loan woman: One who has money out at interest. A private tooter : A recruit who plays the trombone. It is superfluous to tella toper to "puli in his horns." The most perfect type of "sweet home" is the beehive. Men of eye-dears: Loalers who stare a pretty women. Even a blacksmith's bellows lomc times comes to blows. How to make a noise in the world : Strike for a blacksmith. A new year and the time forswear ing off will 60011 be here. "Music hath charms" and so hath a gay sport's watch-chain. Caught in the act an actor arrest ed during the progress of the play. What a mockery to tell a man whose overcoat is in pawn to keep cool. There are men so constitutionally dull that a blister will not make them smart. We arc most paradoxical creatures. We use blotting paper to keep from blotting paper. A philosopher says that great want proceeds from great wealth. We know better than that. A fellow in Chicago, who bit off half of a man's nose, was bound over to keep the piece. Why is an honest bankrupt the same as a dishonest one? Because they both fail to make money . The borrowing fiend, who is always a little short of change, is an enemv to whom no quarter should be shown. The danger signals put up by the weather department of the arm' warn people to look out for borrowed um brellas. The thirst for continual novelty makes people throw away good alma nacs at the end of every year and buy new ones. There is no mistaking a real gen tleman. When he approaches a free lunch table he always wants a napkin and a chair. It is said that one of the bravest officers in the Russian army signs his name with his mark. He must be a soldier of the cross. The leaves ot trees, like summer boarders with bills unpaid, lake their departure, leaving their trunks be hind them. This intoxicating statement is from the Cincinnati Saturday Night. "Grant got sick of hides when he was a tanner; and he gets Heidsick yet, occasionally." Do you want billiards to advance two dollars per bill? and opera tick ets ten dollars per ticket? and ulsters ten dollars per ulst? Then vote the opposition ticket. Philosophers say that shutting the eyes makes the sense of hearing more acute. A wae savs that this accounts for the many closed eyes that are to be seen in church. A word to the wise is sufficient, and yet there are preachers who will pay their congregations the doubtful compliment of talking at them for two hours.on a stretch. N. O. Pic. "Is Lial in?" inquired a fellow, poking bis head in at the door of a printing office. "Lial?" queried the boss; "what Lial?" "Belial," re plied the man. He was referred to the devil. What sort of a craft is It that always has a scent aboard. Boston Pcst.l We have heard it said that a schoon er of beer always has a scent aboard, but we never were sent aboard to find out.' " ' The cactus plant will take root on a stone window sill, and be nourished with .the promise of rain.' Men who make a living by writing, consequent ly, have a sympathetic interest in the cactus. ' i ' ' When a man is hanging by his toes from the cornice of a high building, and expects momentarily to drop, nothing so completely reassures and e thoroughly satisfies him as the sud den discovery . that he is safely home in bed. . , The Sun For 1879. 1 The Sun Will be printed every diijMJur- lng the year to come. la purpose ana method will be the same as in tiw past; To present all the news in a readable ghape, ana to leu uie iruiu uiuugu ura heavens lull. The Sun has Been, la, ana win continue to be independent oi everyooay ana everything save the Truth and its own convictions of duty. That is the only policy widen an honest newspaper neeu have. That Is the policy which has won for this newspaper the cunttdence and friendship of a wider constituency than was ever enjoyed by any otner American Journal. . The Sun is the newspaper for the peo- nle It is not for the rich man azulnst the poor man, or lor tne poor man agamsi. the rich man. nut it geeks to no equal justice to all interests in the community. ic is not Uie urc;m vi any person, Kiuaa, 3ect or party There need be no mys tery about its loves and hates, lit is for the nonest mail against uie rogues every tin'e. it is for the honest Df nvjerats as against the dislioiiest Hepubli'Min, and for tne nonest iiepiiDJican as against uie dishonest Democrat. It does not take Its cue from the utterances of any politi cian or . political organization. It gives its sunnort unreservedly when men or measures are in agreement with the Con stitution and with the principles upon which this Kvpublic was loundcd for tne Deonle. Whenever the Constitution and constitutional principles are violated as in the outrageous conspiracy oi lsii, dj which a man not elected was placed in the President s onlce. where he stills re-. mains it speaks out for the right. That la The Sun's Idea of iiidencnCeuce. In this respect there will be no change in its programme for 1879. The Sun has fairlv earned the hearty dislike of rascals, frauds, and of all sorts and hopes to deserve mat hatred not less in the year 1879, than in 1878, or any year gone by. Tub Sun w ill continue to shine on the wicked with un mitigated brightness While the lessons of the past should be constantly kept before the people. The Sun does not propose to make itself in 1879 a magazine of ancient history. It is printed for the men and women of to-day, whose concern is chiefly with the affair of to-day. It has both the dispos ition and the ability to afford its read ers the promptest, fullest, and most accu rate intelligence of whatever in the wide world is worth attention- To this end the resources belonging to well-estab ish ed prosperity will be line rally employed. The present disjointed condition of parties in this country, and the uncertain ty of the future, lend an extraordinary significance to the events of the coining year. The discussions of the pivss, the de bates and acts of Congress, and the move ments of the leaders in every section of the Heoublic w ill have a direct bearing on the Presidential election oi ISM) an event I w.hieh must be regarded with the j most anxiousinterest by every patriotic American, w hatever his political ideas j or allegiance. To these elements ot In-j terest may be added the probability that i the Democrats will control bull houses of; Congress,the increasing feebleness of the; fraudulent Adniii)istratioti,aiid the spread ; and strengthening everywhere of a, healthy abhorrence of fraud ii., any form, j To present with accuracy anil clearness: the exact situation in each of its varying i phases, and to expound, according to its ! well-known methods, the principle that j should guide us through the labyrinth, will be an important part of The .Sun's i work lor 1879. We have the means of making The Sun, ' as a political, a literary and a general I newspaper, more entertaining and more i useful than ever before; and we mean to ; apply them rrreiy. Our rates of subscription remain tin-1 luintred. For the Il.iilvSui For the iMily Mm, a Kuirpage ! sheet of twenty-eight column , the price j liv mail postpaul, is cents a uionlli, or j'U.iiO a year; or, including the Sunday pa per, an eight-page sheet of fifty-fix col umns, the price is GO cents a month, or $7.70 a year, postage paid The Sunday edition of the JSun is alss furnished separately at $1.20 a year, poo tajw paul. i ll- price of the Weekly Sun, elht pa ges, liity-six eoliimns, is $1 a year, pos tage paill. For cluhs of t-n sending $10 we will send an extra eopv I'rve. Aiiilifiss I. V. ENGLAND, Piililishor of The Snn. New York City. CLIFFORD'S FEBRI FUG E. In the cure of Fever and Ague this remedy displays extraordinary pow ers. Properly used, no can re sist it, and other diseases of an inter mittent character, including the most distressing disease, pcriiMliad Xenral yia have been fuuni to yield, with cvual certainty,, to its iulk.ence. It eradicates all malaria from the sys tem, gives tone and vigor to the whole body, and prevents disease from becoming seate.l. Try Ci.if fokd's FEBUitTOE; it is sure, safe and speedy in its ac tion. You will never regret buying the first bottle, and you will have discovered a friend you can not atford to lose. J. C. Richardson, Prop'r, For sale by al druggists. St. Louis. 26-tf WiJTiD-A niun fur cvrrj Stale and Territory in tli I'nion; a futrsalujy p&i.l. call or mlilii'.H I.allt-lle Alauf'tf t-ompu-ay , !U dark alrert, ciiiaTn. 25 Fancy Cards with nam 10 cents plain or gold. 150 styles. Agent's outfit 10c. llt?LL & Co.. Hudson, X. V. Agents Wanted For the best aud fastest selling Pictorial Books and Bibles. Prices reduced 33 per cent National Publishing Co., Chicago. TEAS. AHEAD OF ALL TIME. The very best good direct from I Uie importers at half the usual cost. : !..- . I . . n- . i , !... , . JLJCnk I1UII C V VI Oil CI IV UUU (UiIlO and large buyers. All cxpresii charges paid. Sew terms free. 1'hk Cheat American Tea Co., 31 & 33 Vesey St., New York. P. O. Box, 4235. rTCft BHNSON'S CAPC NE Up(J POROUS PLASTER, i aWoxdkkfuii Discovery Then- is no comparison In lvn cn it ami the common slow acting porous plaster. It l in evi-ry way surior to ail oilier cxlcrnul renuilirs ineltiitinir liniments uiui. the so-rallt-il ulM-.trical appliances. It coulains new mwticinul elements which, In combination with runner, Hisseis the inot extraordinary paiD-ri'lieviiix, KtreiiKttieiiiiiK and curative proiierliea. Any pliyaieian in your locality will conllnn the above Miitcmcut. For lame back, rheumatism, female weakness, stub born ami neKlerted coliU aii'l coiitrht, diseas ed kidneys, whoopinfr counh, aU'eotions of Me tieurt, and all lid for which porous plas ters are used, it is simply the Was; known rem!y. Ask for Bennou'a Cnpcine I'nrons fluster and take no other. Sold by all drug gists. Price HA cents. Sent on n ccipt of price, by Seabnry 4 Johnson, il l'lutt St., New York. ' Parsons' f urinative Pills will make New Rich Blood, and will completely change tbe blood in tbe entire system in three months. Any person who will take 1 pill each uiv?bt from 1 to 12 weoks mi.y be re stored to sound health, if such a'hihg be possible. Sent by mail for 8 letter stamps. I. 8. JOHNSON & CO., Bangor, Me. 23-4w k. ' THE BURLINGTON WEEKLY H A WKEYE This paper, which is univeisally quoted, may be had at any News Depot at 5 ets. per copy. Annual Subscription, post paid, $2.00. Agents are wanted everywhere to take subscriptions, and . retain 50 cents ia cash on each annual sub scriber. General Agents may send $1.25 per year.. $1000, IN THREE PREMIUMS. We will pay the Agent sending us the largest list of subscribers before March 1st. 1879, one First-Class 7 1-3 octave. Rosewood or Walnut, New Scale, Upright Piano, full iron frame, overstrung Bass, threo Uni sons, patent improved Agraffe Bar arrangement, Extra Rich, $850.00. This list to be at least 850 nam es . . For the second list not . to be less than 200 names, $100 in gold. Eor the third list, not to be less than 100 names, we will pay $.0 in gold. . -'.Address,,, Hawkeys Ptjblishino Ca., , BtTHLDfOTOir, Iowa. J.F. Llewellyn, WEST SIDE SQUARE DRUGS, Paints and Oils, Window Glass, Cigars and Tobacco. Cigars ut Wholesale. J. F. LLEWELLYN West Side Square. Free for 1878. -THE Ul (mil uin i' Kstabi.isiif.u IS 1823, TH2 IT AS 113 CA77I3T K7;;?Ar2X IS NOW DELIVERED BY MAIL, POSTAGE PREPAID, TO NKW SUBSCRIBERS, rroaSTovcniterene.ts January etc, lS5. For $2 50, THE ritlCK OK ONE YEAR'S SrilSCRIPTION t lnliH of lO, with a Free Paper. THE EXAMINER AND CHRONICLE is distinctively a Family Nvpnper. In making It tho Editor hag the co-oporatiun of the heat nevvsiaivr writers of his own donoiiiina'.inn, bei-Me the occasional contributions, in special department, of writers of acknowledged ability in other communions. IT COMPRISES -V Curreat event Expositor; A Liv pig Pulpit and Platform; A Missionary and ii.'iptut Event RocorJ; A Sunday School Institute; An Educational Advtcale; A LitHrary, Tholoiic'f Scientific and Art Review; A Popular iStorv Page Family Miscellany and Puzzlers' Rwalin; A IIiita..diimn's and Housekeeper's Helper; A Market Reporter. &c. All conducted in an outspoken, wide awake and popular manner. sWKnergetie Canvassers are want ed, and will be paid a liberal CASH Con? illusion. For sample copies canvassers eddress 1. New York City. and terms to O. B x 3835, NEW D.UUES! SHOP. J. W. Ragsdale Has opened a new Harness Shop at rjagsdalo's Old Stand First door south of Ringo House. He keeps on band a full and complete line of the BEST HARNESS In the market ; and sells the same lor LESS MONEY, Than any other man In town. Ken tucky spring-seat baddies nude to order. Repairing a specialty. We will be glad to serve all old Iriends of the llrm and the public at lnrjro. 48tf J. W. RAGSDALE, Prop'r. BOOTS AND SHOES GEORGE HABLUTZEL Is again at his old stands three doors south of Ringo House, and is better prepared than ever before to manu facture the best of all kinds of Boots and Shoes. Repaikinq A Specialty. 20-tf obtained for mechanica dovioes. tnsWica or other compounds, ornamental designs, trade marks anal labels. - Oaveats, Assign ments; Interferences, . Infringements, and all matters relating to Patents promptly attended to. We make preliminary ex amination an furnish opinions as to pat entability fiee ot charge, and all who are interested In new (nveations and Patents are invited to send lor a copy of our "Guide for obtaining; Patents," which is sent fre te any addreas, and contains complete instructions how to obtain Pat ents, and other valuable matter. During tbe past five vears we have obtained nearly three thousand Patent for American and Foreign in Vbntorh. and .can give satislao-j torv references in almost arerr rmmtv In ' tbe Union. Address Louis Banger & Co., Solfr of Patents and - Attorneys at r Droit Building. Washington fccTil-lj Druggist New Goods, New Styies, New prices-! We would respectfully call the attention of the citizens of .Mexico and Audrain county to our stock of Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps I Gloves, We are now receiving a full and complete line in every department, which we are selling at wonderful kw peices. Ladies Fine Shoes and Slippers a Specialty. All the Spring styles of Men's and Boys' Hats. We manufacture all kinds of work to order, using the best material in the market, and employing only first-class workmen. All our work war ranted. .Our goods are new and of the best quality. We buy as low as any, consequently we can and will sell as low as any one else. Soliciting your patronage, we remain, Yours respectfully, BUTtEUGE $c TBEtOAfc. - Side of Public Square, March 21, 1878. J. M. MENEEEE, -JOBBER IN- JPTJ Ucspectfully invites the inspection oi the public to his large stock of New Furniture, Bureaus, Wardrobes, Bedsteads, CHAIRS, WASIISTANDS, TABLES, MATTRESSES, Etc., Which they are selling at the lowest cash prices. Ready-made Burial Shrouds and Robes, a fine assortment of Caskets of Immitation Rosewood. Metallic and Walnut Collins a specialty. eSStore room, north court house. 1 - ill ill f i rWai Running ?nost and more, by buying a machine that will Miet uiirvvciucttkii VICTOR BEWBSQ MACHINE CO., LDxnl Tmn to AgroU. 199 AXO 201 War ABH Avtt., Send tot ClrcaUr, Cor. Adam SU, Chicago, 111. FOB S-A.IE3 BY S. L. McKEAN, Mexico, Mo. Hardin College. A F1UST-CLASS COLLEGE FOR YOUNG LADIES, Mexico, lYIo. Will open the next annual session FinsT Tuesday in September. Board and Tnitiou for ten months, :i0; Tuition ten mouth!;, 10. To:ioher8 of experience in the best school of the West have been eni pmyod. Fur further particulars or cata logue, addles-;, A. W. TERR ILL, 11-lv President. REDUCTION ! OF- 53 1-2 PER CENT In Xliv ii$rU anil Locnl BATES, OXS THE ST. LOXJIS. Kansas City AND NORTHERN R. R. On and after April 1, 78 This Company Will reduce Its Passen ger Tariff to 3c. Per. Mils, on in lie ( etwen St. Louis and Kansas City. 4c. PER MILE on BRANCH LI" -aes PASSENGERS MSDT BUT" Otherwise Conductors - ITCKKTg exwiss of 10 to charge an fare when scents on each collected on tbe ' train. Frei ght rains will not Carry Pa tengerg Without Tickets. Tnoa. McKrssocft, Gen Snpt. ' ii-. l4Qiu, Gen. rassenjrqr Airent. MEXICO, MO. (N. Lackland's old stand. ) Maciiijjs, last you a lifo timn, and that baa all tho v.z.mtfi, RE A Li laSTATsK LOAN AND General Insurance AG EXT. Office in Opera Block, Mexico, Missouri Has for sale a large selection of town and country improved and unim proved property at very low figures and on reasonable terms. Represents the following old sub stantial Companies: Home N. Y Continental N. ' assets $0,104,651 3,010,085 Insuiance Co. of N. A Philadelphia...... assets 6,601,884 Kireman'sFriend Cal.Gold assets 703,622 Fire Association of Thila. assets 3,778,651 N. Uritish & Mercantile of London Gold Capital 10,000,000 Assets in the U. S 1.767,277 LIFE INSURANCE. North Western Mutual Life Ins. Co., assets $18,062,825.02 Abstracts and conveyances furnished on reasonable terms. Correspon encen solited. 6-tf la-B- FETTER Hs Just received well selected stock Watches, Dieot from NewYrrk, Which ae proposes to di poej,ol VERY LOW PRI CES; n 9S,Te and you will be ea,t thing la the Jewelry Una. ALL KINDS ., OF 1 EEPARING PrompUy-and Neatl Bxeeuted. : 1878 Mrs. BECK Is now receiving all the novelties in Millinery g Fancy Goods! S'yles the Latest! - Qualities the Best 1 Prices the Lowest ! An examination ia respectfully so licited. DRESSMAKING A SPECIALTY. East side square, opposite east front door of court house ; up stairs. 25-3m WOHSEHFUi DISCOVERY i CAEBOLHfE. ae:::::,:::: rz::3i: r c: r:::.:::;, The only Article thai will Restore Hair on Bald Heads. WHAT THE W3RLD HAS BEEN WANTING FOR CENTURIES. The greatest discovery of our day, so far as a Iarj?e portion of humanity is concerned, is CaR Isolixk, an article prepared from Petroleum, and which effects a complete and radical cure in ca of baldness, or where the luilr, owin todU-aeof the scAlp,faaa become thin and tends to fall out. It ts also a speedy restorative, and, while its use secures a luxuriant growth of hair. It al?o bring back tbe natural color, and gives the most com Vlete satisfaction In the tiding. The falling sait of the hair, the accumulations of dandruff, and the premature change in color, are all evidences of a diseased condition of the scalp aud the glands which nourish the hair. To arrest these causes the article ued must tossess medical as well as chemical virtues, and the change must begin under the scalp to be of permanent and lasting benefit, tuch an article It Cahbolinic. and like many other wonderful dUcoveries it is found to consist cf elements almost t;t their natural state. Vetro leuiu oil Is the artirle which is iute to work such extraordinary n suits; but it is after it has been chemically trett'i and completely deodorized that it Is iu proper condition fortlie toiUU It was lit far-off fiussia that the effect of petroleum upon the hair was llrst observed, a iov rmuent oflicer hav ing noticed that a partially bald-headed servant of hi 3, when triniining th lamps, had a habit of wiping hli oU-bt'S:nrai'd hands in bis scanty locks, and the result was in a few months a much finer head of black. glos hair than h ever had before. The oil was trld ;n horses and cat lie that had lost their hair frum the cattle plague, and the results were as rapid they were marvelous. The manes and even the tal) of horse, wiilch had fal len out, were completely restored In a few weeks. These experiments wer-.1 heralded t the world, hut the knowledge was practically useless to the prematurely bald and gray, a-i no one in civilized society could tolerate use of re lined petroleum as a dreeing far the hai . Hut the skill of one of our own chemists has overcome the diftlculty, and, by a process known o-ily to himself, he has, after very elaborate and costly cxperiiuent, succeeded In deodorlIng pi'troleuni, which renders it sus ceptible of beine handled as daintily as the famous tan tit cotosn. The experiments made with the deodorized liquid on the human hair were at tended with the most astonishing results. A few applications where the hfilrwas thin and falling gave remarkable tone and vigor to the scalp and hair. Every pnrtb le of dandruff disapiwars on the first or second driving, aud the IbpiM, so searching In its nature, seems to ieuetratc to the roots at once and set up a radical change from the start. It is well known that the most beautiful colors are made from petroleum, and by some mys terious operation of nature the use of this article gradually imparts a beautiful light-brown color to the hair, which, by continued use, deepens to a black. The color remains permanent for an In definite length of time, aud the change is so grad ual that the most lntlinite friends can scarcely detect its progress, lu a word, it Is the most won derful discovery of the age, aud well calculated to make the prematurely bald and gray rejoice. We advise our readers to give it a trial, feeling satisfied that one application will convince them of Its wonderful cffect'-,i26arjr Commercial cf October 2 IS7T, The article ! telling It own fory in the hands of tbouwaiid- who are u-dng it with moM gratify tug and encouraging result: Mr. GrTvt F. Ham., of the Out Opera Troupe write: 'After t.ix week-' ii- mil eon-e vtnerd. a are ali iuv roiurades. that your C ah Rot. l n k has and i prodnehix ;a wonderful grol& of hair where 1 had none for years.' N. MfCHRltAV, Sixth Arenne Pharmacy, Pittsburg, l'a.. av: "The uoo-l eifect- truin Hie U'-e of a hiwh,in v. tre brotiirht to my not let every dav to stirli an extent a- t Jntifv hie iu recom lueuding it to my uiut Inttmate friemls.1- CARBOLINE Gives the utmost satisfaciioa as a Hair Ronewer. pADOni IMC Ha "gicl effect on grsy vniiuwuiib haire. PADDHI IMC Is free from irrlfatiiig d poi wnilUUklllk eonaus chemicals. CARBOLINE It I the miural nouristtment for hair. eADDni IMC Hat keen indoraed by the high. tmHDULIriS eal medical authority. PADDm IUC Oivet wek end iickl" h:r the linaDULIPiC glou and vigor of youth. CARBOLINE VffiXfi&V ,r" k,ir ,0 CARBOLINE "r.r.ydy"r,,,or',lh,,,,ir CARBOLINE is? D!,M,, " s CARBOLINE !XiXz.k' moiti Bd lh CARBOLINE .Mndl,..fu,i.,ir ,ook ",tu, CARBOLINE Kr,flr",t- "d ,ur CARBOLIHE I now nrrwntod to th nnbllo wllhoiit fear of conlrilli-llmi as Ihf 1m.i lir-lorall vf ami Hi autt llcr of llir Hair lUe world has vr iiroduccd.. Pile. ONE IXL?..1 per buttle. bold by till lru.'sUU. KENNEDY & CO., FITTSBUR0, PA., Bole Ak'rnt for I'l lli 1 Ihe Caiiail.ia. au-1 ( i .hi Smoke the Bestt THE GENUINE MnufikiMnkrt r m B. L Dike, DUCHAI. S. 6. Scud for Prio Lot. no fvVlGflRATO iCOOTIf 9SS3S5 FORDIStASESOFC k 1IVEB STOMACH BlUMJMESSvi iDIARRHCfai PlA.G.OLIN1?' Hptt 1 Wuhioi U Hkmi o( a PrlTHts lut. will Jt.O M. Calk'SalTO,. III. fr thsj ruMkf vr iniffiim, M Hto Nomina' Em Mom, Um r Neawi . 1 Ma,nliuo4 m lmpouwuj, Sm' troiu aarly ahiiKf . ii tHik we vwirtel sawtiiia Mthta LeMt Iinr-, ArthmiL Ourrk, PH, v a I'cbllUr. pM-ma-Jlrv Whlta, Liver .ul CI ttW litiatM. ukl B14r jltl te lib tmMiktnat. tilt and ewt whenuttMn (ail. Ma Sveo), tv ae wtiwti baa the LAUiKMm.-iriua Irtan&cnt with nUlor wtiU Ejr, tivyi far for Munph A RoWef -' awl rtr- VTVpafM. Mcvana lnfnaulow 't the Jl rtfttaw of a urivata aud thaw ronttHDplailag i afewiatf yat' titk twt. Vriua M) ewta, My i ttas beaJiav nttJ trul UMWl tMjipy In tha uuirrtuil fttlar i a AROTHER TtP ia w i-r Hai or Wimm ehancrd to a C.toesT IU ,ACK by a single applictioo ot this Vru. W avarteaKatnmlCoU, MM IneUnUjwejAr, : ana isaa Baxnileea aa spring water. Bold r ' Dromriata, or ncnt by eiprwa o i roeeiptoC 1. OUlcE. Sft Bluxra fctreet , New Yerla TJARRIAGE A Be!c of wtrhr jWptnea : wwiTieinroa engrsTmaa ; re eala aecrcta the SECRETS! married andthoea centem. 1etiiia;marriarpahould know low to curetJiteaaea. RuimW rvd ot Rt-ciDF. firnt arcurekiw KaltHt tor 50 rsjoia C monev ory orjwiatairv atempa- Adtlreaf) waet. m. .MKUa. eiA. W n tr h e M to 7. Rwrlver; WtiKK uvw 1UU iww Howwe A uwaaied. BeAaiLxCe haehvlil.Tatut I iur.1 aad Xornhlne hablf ruri. Tim Orlat na I j Cll UK. k,d iun, i-r u Opium Vatlag. t. W. B. Sqlr, Wartunua, Orueae iwl. 1878 4Z??Q rai 4avita4. ORIGINAL GOODYEAR'S Rubber Goods. Vulcanized Rubber in every coneeir able form, adapted to universal use. Any article under four pounds -eHt can be sent by mail. "Wind and Wateb Proof zarnients a specialty. Oil cloth Surfao, Coat combines two articles in one. fot stormy weather it is a perfect water and ia dry weather, a- s NEAT AND TIDY OVERCOAT. By peculiar process, the rubber is put between tbe two cloth surfaces, which prevent smelling and ttukiug, even inths hotest climates. They are made in thi- colors, Blue, Black and Blown. Are Light, Portable, Strong and Dur- aoie. We are now oflering them at the ex. tremely low price 1 Tec Dollars each. Sent postpaid to any address upon receipt of price. When ordering, state size around chest, over vest. Reliable parties desiring to sei our goods, can send for our Trade Journal, giving description of our leading articles. Be sure aud get the Original Goodyeanj Steam Vulcanized Fabrics. XSend for illustrated price list of oar Celebrated Pocket Gymnasium. Address carefully. GOODYEAR'S RUBBER CURLER CO 697 Brodway, P. O. Box 6,156. New York Cite For particulars, call at t officehU -It VEGET1NE, THE BEST SPRING MEDICINE. ClIARLSTOWX. Mr. H. R. Stevens. Hear Sir. This is to certify thatlhsve used your "Blood Preparation" in my famiv for several years, and tliink that for Scrofula or Cankerous Humors or Rheumatic affections it cannot be excell ed. -Yours Respectfully, MRS. A. A. DINS MORE. 4w. Vegetcte is sold Br all Dkcggists. CLIFFORD'S FEBRIFUGE OH. ERADICATES AU MALARIAL DISEASES from tine SYSTEM. J. C. RICHARDSON, Prop., Hf-For Kale liy All DruforiM. 6T. LU113. n iini erta ItMa Cni. Barham's Infallible) PILE CURE. Uannflsctarad br tK Bvlua flit Cur Ca. Cariua, H. ft It Dover fIU t erT iaMfrUe)lsl fttrWiem sj ayytietmli CARRIAGE: I A BOOR f nearlr !W p- .uuiiH'fvtifl engrmviiirit; r-vi-al sttH-rctJ which tba SEGRETSi Imarrul and thotie nt-in- F w to cure diaeaaea. I lurid". . SoljititiB mama ice ihouiu know HMiAHMAt Fuin Street, buUwia,M. f -1 1 II A V Including Shooting Outfit.! -K 1 1 1 1 S fl E"ry Cun Warranted. ' U W It U Unit.. Hoon 4 Brook fit. IahU.ix5 Madison Dispensary,, 201 S. Clark St. Chicago, III. IniC. BH1KLOW, ItaTliiff 90 XTOTteace. 'iremu ntVl iL AMI CHHWH Irish tMUMOi both Hia afslt. 9uult, hitonu M1IIIIU S DKHILHt. hug wul u or 111 TKK VUK, Mtan BtHHUUI pradueua urri'M'T, run., laPHiinca, ea to iiiivri.r uiimM. ktatlveiir.WillwITBntf.rT Mm. P,Bilh. M tn-.. ucmu. HI, tKKI Milt 4il'llk UHKM li rtTlllUXIUV. tee Uro put ll l lMTKCtKU, Mlalnlne antra thmf wmm Mm iM.nre buMikit'M. rrv ,. Mi'n, rexriUKiTiAU '.i. Kuu. sa, Emi tmom, silk bmiUti tor MBfii knt6or Gcthu, ec. tjr Kxim. A PHYSiOLOGICAL View of Marriage ! AOutdeto Wd ok and wafiftt ntial Irtaritw oa lha lilt if ot marriage? and tli caux-srhat uiH: lor it the - cri of Kcprodvtetin and Q33ES3v. m viao.iaea or w amfti. rwdinjt 2UU paea. prica trtt DOOk ltr DHTJIte. I-Ollt'li- On all dMnlra ot aPrimt Mature ariiing irom Self AbuM. Sxeemmf. or Secret Diaenses, wilk tha twat aaeana o rurr, 'anrf pafra. pnt-r JO rt. A CLINICAL LECTURE ou th? bor tJuwafra and thoat? ot Uif Tfaromtand Lunrt, CLaxrb,B.uptura. Um Opium Habit.Ar.. price Hint. t.i' hr book ax-nt poatpmidon receipt Of prfrt : r aHtKreai a (.uiviatc Mt-mrii Anuicrni cvniavininK Mptgci DrautiiuiiT iiiuwrairci. iur iru, ra. Ho. UN. tftlttit. BX. XfOUia, Ms. . omans Best Priead ! THiH W AMERICA. SEWING MACHINE X the Best Family Machine IN USE. . It is the only 8ewing MachlM that has a Self Threading Shuttia It has Self-Setting Needla. KfJ Breaks the Thread. Merer Skii HUtches. Makes tha Lock SUtct. The Strongrest and the Best Uf, Running. Durable. Easily Learne Does not get out of order, ana flow more work with leas labor than amr other machine. Illustrated Catalogue Free, v: ' -- - R. W. DREW, Manager, 10 H. 6th Btreet St Louis, Ko. S. L. ; MoKean, agenx, t one door north of the ix8t-office,Mexico, Jlo. PRESCRIPTION FREE FofilittSX?? re of seminal We.kneaa.Xoet Manhood anil all dleoraeje nw x - erntloa ar rircw. dirnta. itwn, Vt eVewS stixaia fN mat i V