Newspaper Page Text
v . :-' Farmers' Union. PUBLISHED EVEttY TUl'ttSDAV HYTIIE FAttMEHf"' CNION Pfll. CO. Take Your Choice. i 11. fotii! or ruin ia isieyituhle. The crieiu Iihb come. Let every man think tuul figure for himself. War Subscription, $i Per Year in Advance. 3ST. TZ, T. Jk.. According to the census bulletins Recently Issued, the mortgage indebt edness, exclusive of railroad, city nnd other bonds, in Illinois is ?100 per liead; Aliitmmn. 1G(J per hend; Kan sas, tl5 per liend, nnd -Iowa, 104 ler liend. Tliink of it! Persons liv ing in these states are in debt to the nbovc extent, and then it is known that the census office hides much of the indebtedness. This condition wan largely brought about by unjust laws. Vhen Will Wall street's hacks become ashamed of declnring that the coun try is in a prosperous condition, when U is utterly impossible to be under the above conditions? The laws made during the pnst (jiiarter of a century Is the cause of all this and there is no wonder so many "calamily howlers' exist in the land. The Democratic and lb-publican conventions in the eastern states are loud in denouncing the free coinage t)f silver "scheme." Here in the West these old parties, in order to catch gullable men's votes, profess to endorse the silver measure. The rast invnirably controls the old part ies and will have their way in 1 S!2. Then the partisans who are pretend ing to have opinions of their own will be compelled to face about or bid adieu to their '-dear party." One of the delegates, C. L. flniham. i, , of Audrain county, who attended Hell's scab convention, became so "ishamed of himself that he blew his brains out one day last week. If more of the same crowd would follow bis example, it would lessen the money power's tools in the Alliance. Although the different mercantile HUeneies report prosperous times, the facts do not warrant that statement only so far as it relates to coupon clippers and loan brokers. From all over the land comes the reports of failures and in many instances even banks are included. K. S. Moore, editor of the Sulphur springs, Texas. Vindicator, was killed some time ago by the I' inocratic ed itor of the same place. This innkes two alliance mn who h.ive met death because of their opinions Moore and Sam Wood, both of which were un provoked. It would appear that the people at IJiirlinijtau Junction had heard of the soldiers' re-union held in this city some time ago, for they advertised that the speakers at a similar re-union to be held there w.uld not be allow ed to discuss politic d questions. The following from the Bevier Appeal is a timely art icle and should be read, and re-read, by every reform person in the land. -. Farmers, now is the time for you -to buiid up your Unions. Turn out iind attend your meetings regularly am! help to make them pleasant and in stHK tive. Don t stay at home when ou know that duty ami patriotism demands your presence at the Union to aid those who are working zealous ly for the cause. There are many questions and matters that require attention and the proper place to discuss them is the Union. Don't forget that the cause that led you to organize sail remains, and it will require years of con -taut and steady warfare upon the oppressors of labor, before they can be removed from power. The enemies of progress and re form are watching you closely and hail with delight and pleasure every move that has a tendency to influence you to become indifferent towards the Order and its principles. It is your dut- to watch them as diligently as the' watch you. They are con stantly forming plans and seh..'mes to breed dissensions in your ranks in order to tlisrunt ami destroy the or ganization, and nothing would please them more than to see you forsake the union and abandon the work so well lnigun. If ton relax your efforts and fall into the trap that your vigilant merc iless foes have prepared for you, the pnveleged classes, ever ready to take advantage of your apathy and indifference, will pursue their devlish Bchemes of robbery and extortion more aggressively and arrogantly than ever. Stand by the Union then, it is your only hope of salvation, The Aiiianc.3. has been declared against the Alli ance. We have always heard that the C A. H. was non-political organ isation and we have no doubt the rank and file of the members regard Is as stub. Oeii. Prentiss availed himself of the opportunity of the re union to call the Alliance a set of detnogouges, that want to cheat and swindle their creditors. Kvery man that proposes to vote for the Alliance demands was denounced as a fraud. Prentiss is a Republican that has been provided for by his party, and the edict, having been sent from head quarters, is only obeying the command to help destroy the Alliance by any means, "To your tents, 0. Israel, what part or lot is left to ;is." We have r. ad with gic it care the demands of the Alliance and under stand that it wishes a way provided to pay debts and not to cheat their creditors. The members have tried the Republicans for twenty years and the result is before anyone that choos es to investigate. Everyone will ad mit that the wealth of the country is the result of labor in some shape. Money is n:t wealth is only the measure of it. Producers have added to the wealth of this country to the extent of twent v-two billion of dollars. but by the laws the general talked about and made by his party, the en tire amount has been appropriated by those that made none of it, while those that made it are as pooras'ever. The grabbers have lived high, taken Europeans trips and spent all they possibly could, while those that worked hive lived plain, without the the luxuries of life and a great many without the necessaries. Thirty -one thousand men have ixissessed them selves of three fifths of the wealth of the United States, and only pay 'JO per cent of the taxes, while the labor ing class 80 per cent. When we complain of these circumstances, are told Hint we have the best country that the sun shines upon and are bet ter off than the starving Europeans. Is that any reason we shoutd give away our just right, because Euro peans are starving? Is that tiny rea son we should starve with the best country on the globe? Who has a better right to enjoy the blessings of a fruitful land than those who live in and provide the comforts? These pompious, blood-suckers seem to think so long as a fanner can stand up and live out of r. slop barrel, he ought to be happy, and an nngraitful wretch to complain. The general, migard edly, told the truth when he said that he would vote the Democratic ticket from president to coroner, before lie would vote with the Alliance. . This might be news to some, but we can assure them it was none to us, for have seen where, in Kansas and IS IT ON THE LIST.-. Ammonia and Alum in Baking IV.v ders. How to detect them. In view of what the Minnesota Sen ate 1ms done, it is hoped that legisla tive bodies in other states will soon take up the subject of food adulter ation. The subjoined list of baking powders containing ammonia and alum, compiled from official reports and published in a recent number of the Scientific American, is given below. "It deals in u direct manner with an ceil which must be cut down"' said the Chicago Tribune in com menting on the Scientific American report. Following is the list of AMMONIA ASPAI.I M 15AK1XO I'OWI'ERS Compiled from Ollieal Reports. Powders marked with a star seem to have agenei'alsale, as they are men tioned in at least two of the reports. ATLANTIC i PAJ'IKIC. KOYAl,. COOK ? I'AVOKITE CKOWJf. CliYSTAn. DAISY. "DAVIS' O. K. DH YEAST. OKM. 'KENTON. rEAKSON'.. PF.KKKlTION. l'KKKXESS. IT HIT Y. There are. in SCIOTO. SIIA'KK SPOON. SILVEH STAH. SNOWDRIFT. SOVEREIGN. STAH. STATE. STAND Attn. SI NKI.OW Kit. WASHINGTON. WINDSOK. ZIPPSOItAPE. CRYSTAL. iddition to the fore- ws ebwhere, the order for the Republic ans and Democrats to join forces to defeat the Alliance. There is no The Farmer's Alliance embodies a principle, as well as a line of policy. It. is first based on a principle and then reaches out into details, embrac ing fratenrty, education, moral and economic reform, and the removel of all abuse that ajllict the body politic And thus it means that the "hewers of wood and the drawers of water shall have an equal chance and a fair recompense for their labor, and that law3 and polities shall have due regard for the accomplishment of these ends. Thus, they work and wait. Titus they organize, resolve and act, and their works follow them. There has been nothing like ii since the nation was formed. But it compre bends the situation and will do its own work, from its own standpoint, re gardless of outside criticism or the misrepresentations of those political partisans who fear its own progress, nnd thereby detect their own decline But the end is not vet. The a"i tation is on and progress marks the reforms they seek. The way opens nnd the advancing columns march on Ilsar and heed, j'e who would keep abreast of the movement as it sweeps along to the grind "vsnlts frr which it is airoina". National View. difference between the Demo and Republican parties. Their fi biiMiicss is to kill the Alliance and then see who can get the offices. They claim the exclusive right of politics in this country. Any inter ference in that line by any person, they claim, is a usurpation of their vested rights. Like the kings of obi, they think the Lord vested them with the divine right to rule. I have seen a good deal of brass, but to see a man who has been fed for twenty years get up and accuse others of being demagogues and dishonest is the greatest ever beheld. The general asked "Who is Polk." He should correspond with John In galls, Wa le Hampton and others. The Alliance, to old party hangers on, is getting to be a thing of hideous proportions. It is rising before them like Broncoe's ghost and will not down at their bidding. This horrible (?) monster that started on the plains of Kansas last fall must be put down at any cost. What would you think of a man that came to 3-011 twenty years ago, poor and penniless, asking for a po sition to attend to your buisness. Now you ask him for a settlement. You find him rich and blotted with pride. You tell him that you arc not satisfied with the way your busi ness has bee managid. He tells you that you are a disappointed office seeker; that 3-011 want to cheat him that your are ignorant and the only place you are fit for is the farm: that you are a dangerous man, especially in the halls of legislation. rarmers and laborers, be on your guard. When you hear a man talk ts lien, l'rcntiss did. (renouncing everybody who would not bow the knee to Bael, you may be shure they are not our kind. E. Ci uiocs. going list from the Scientific Americ an, a number of such powders soid in the western that were not found in the eastern stores. Following is the list to date: CALUMET, - - Coiitiiins Alum. (I'nlumet llnklmr Powder Co., Chieusro.) FOREST CITY. - eoiitiiin"iuiimoniii hIuiii. (Vouwje Urns , Cleveluiitl.) HON TON, ... 1 contiiius tiluin. HOTEL, - - eontiiins aiiuiionin siluin. J. C. Urmtt Hukiiijf Powder Co., Chicago.) UNRIVALED, - contains alum. (Spriijfues, Warner ' fi riswold, Chieajro.) ONE SPOON, TAYLOR'S, ammonia alum. (Taylor Mi'.-, Co., St. Louis.l VAKNALL'S. ... eoutains atuin. (Yarnall Mfjr. Co., St. Louis.) SHAW'S SNOW PUT'', - contains alum. (Mori-hunts' Mb?. Association, St. Louis.) DODSON Jt HILS, - - contains alum. Dortson & Hils, St. Louis.) SHEPAUD'S, - contains ammonia alum. (Win. H. Slieplmnl, St. Louis.) l'.AIVS, : - - - contain? alum. (Meyer-Iliiin Mt'ft. Co.. St. Louis.) MONARCH, - contains ammonia ahsm. (Reid. Murdoch & Co., Chicago.) SNOW HALL, .-- contains alum. (Helical Coffee & Sjiiec Mills. Chicago.) OIANT, .... contains alum. MILK. ----- contains alum. (W. K. V.eLaujrhlin & Co., Chicago.) ECHO. contains ilium. (Spencer iiliiin Puddle Co., Ciiicajro.) KALI5IELL S PURITY, - contain alum. Ka!l)t'c!l Mbr. Co , Cliieufro.) RISlNti SUN, - - contains ammonia. (Phoenix Chemical Works. CIhchko.) WHITE HOrE. - contains ammonia alum. il'Iolic Coffee & Spice Mills, Minneapolis.) WOOD'S ACME, - - contains ammonia. (Tims. Wood & Co., Philadelphia.) ANDREWS' PEARL, - contains ammonia. iC. E. Andrews & Co., Milwaukee.) HARRIES' FAVORITE, - contains alum. iH. H. Hi; nil's, Mimieamlis FIDELITY, ... - contains alum. SOLAR, ... - contains uiiim. (Sherman liros., Chicago.) PUTNAM'S If EST. - - contains alum. 1 Wells Putnam & Co., Cliietifro.) CHINA "T" HOUSE, - contains alum. (Noah McDowell. St. Paul, Minn.) TWIN' CITY, - contains alum. i.l. K. Ferguson, Minneapolis, Minn. I HERCULES. - - - contains ammonia. (Hercules Hakinjr Powder Co., Sail Francisco.) CLIMAX, - ' - contains ammonia. (Climax Raking Powder Co., Indianapolis.) Ammonia and alum are the most common adulterants used in the man ufacture of baking ixv.vdcrs. The Goveimcnt report s-hows that a large percentage of the baking p nvders on the market contain either one or the other, or both these pernicious drug". What woman would use an ammon ia or alum baking powders if she knew it? Such powders not only under mine the health, but ammonia gives 1 to the complexion a sallow and btotch- ilen. J unes H. Weaver of Iowa w is at the Palmer yesterday and re ports favorably on the progress ol the Farmers' Alliance in the South, par ticularly in North Carolina, where the General has b -en doing some mission ary work recently. He has just fin ished a series of speeches in the State and says the Alliance has come to stay. I never saw more enthusiastic meetings than I had in North Caro lina," said (Jen. Weaver, "anil the peo ple are flocking over to the Oeula platform and the Alliance. Some of my meetings were held in towns fifty or sixty miles removed from a rail road, and the people came out in great crowds. Col. Polk, the president of of the National Aliiance, was with me t he greater part of the time and agrees with me in my expressions of delight over the growth of the new part'." "Will the Alliance have a candi date for the Speakership of the House of Representatives in Congress this winter?'' was asked. "Yes, sir; it will," was the reply. "The Alliance will most assuredly have a candidate and the Allaince Congressmen will support him. too. Another thing. The members of the Alliance will expect their Congress men to talk and vote whi'e in Wash inton as they have done on the stump during the campaign and since." (it'll. Weaver left for Iowa last night, and expects to take an active part in the campaign now in progress in that State. Chicago Tribune. Y O U N 5 P TDO "3TOXJ Z2nTOW THAT "3TOTJ" CA1T Insure in die Farmers' Insurance Company of Scotland count-. W. R. Moore, secretary. CONSUMPTION CURED. Attend the This Winter and Complete a Course in either the Business, ment , and be prepared to hold a position in the Shorthand or Telegraph Depart Spring that will pay For a you from $40 to $75 per month? You can, and IT WILL ONLY GOST YOU 3TIFTY DOLLARS Life Scholarship in any of these Departments, or $40 for an Eight Months' Coure. Just think, it only takes you one month's wages after you are through School to pay all your Tuition, and you can Board here as cheap as you can any place. An old oliyslclan. retired from practice, hav ing had placed lit his hands 1- an East India missionary the formula of a simple vejrctalile remedy for the speedy and permain'iit cureof Consumption. Ilrouchitis. Catarrh. Asthma and all throat and Lunx Affections, also a pos. itivc and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Com plaints, after ha vlnr test ed its wonderful curative powers in thous ands of eases, has felf It his duty to make in known to his snITi riutr fellows. Actuated ly this motive and a desire to relieve human suf fering. I will send Ii of cliarfre, to all who desire it. this recipe, in Oersm'u. French or I'liL'Hsh. with full din-el ions lor preptirinir and nsiny. Sent by nviil '' addressing wilh Can you make that much without an education? Can you keep a set of books, either store or on your farm, and tell to a cent how much you have made or lost in a Year? a LEGAL note, draft, deed, mortgage, contract, or other legal paper, stamp, ii.-itniny this paper, w. A. rowers' i'lock. Knchesior. X. V. Novks, sutl . . Laundry Queen STEAM WASHER, est in II in a Can you draw up without going to plain enough for some book, or else a lawyer? Can you write a good, plain, legible hand, one to read rapidly without studying it over first? EKillT MONTHS in .he NORTH E AST MISSOURI BUSINESS If voc can no this now. vvi: will ocarantke that voi can if voir sveni COLLECiK ani iuri-ovE the time nv .-ti hvino. Wi) are HRE) TO STAY- And we guarantee our students just is good instructions as any Institution in the West can give. Ouie Hew Colleg-e Sttt: ami vi ;v i'- -'ii -v:;i furnished wi :-acUed :slv 1'! "'.lii now rr.! : inert, e i;rr;'ro euient.s. v;; leive only i l soui if n t all our ju-t Will io eoimiietnl liv Hie Holidays and there will lie olenty of room for all ' i - Uion.rM tvlien we started we would stay one year in our oresent loi-atiou. but as our i r.. i. ,.,1 mi liiul in limk fur mnrc mnm. Wo have already had several aoD'.U-a'ioii- for h ok !;.v:)"!'-. ste: , ... , i .... students are going to get positions. Now is the time for all to enroll and get through your course by ti ne to begin work in tlu spring. Young men who are not able to pay the cash for a sell jlarship can now have a ehanec as they can work one out on the tmiTding. If you have not the money and have stock, wood, feed or anything of that kind to trade, call and see J and may be we can take that oil scholarships. Call and see us or send for Student's Hand Hook. Write for any further information. .eWorld! SFAjIAX BROS., Xorth Side of the Square, Man phis, Mo. ed appearance. The presence of ammonia or alum in a baking powder, however, can easily be detected. To IH'.ti'.ct Ammonia. Mix one heaping teaspoonf ill of baking powder with one teaspoonfui of water in a tin cup; boil thoroughly for a few mo ment?, siir to prevent burning, and if ammonia is present you can smell it in the rising steam. Or, place a can of the suspected powder top down on si hot stove for a minute or two. then take )f the cover and smi 11. To Detect Ah m Alum powder can be tested by putting a couple of teaspoonfuls of the powder in a rlas of cold water. If no ett'ervescence that is bubbling or simmering, take place, condemn the powder and return it at once. Some alum powders, however, like the ' Calumet," "Uon lion," "Chica go Yeast," etc., contain phosphates tin combination with alum, ami with these brands the foilewing test is simple and sure: Take one half teaspoon nil ot baking powders in a lid of say half pound can: char thorough! over a strong alcohol flame, a good gas jet; or red hot coals. After charim: (that is. burning until the whole mass is black) add a leaspoontul of water and placr a blight piece of silver coin in the solution. Stir for one minute, then take out the silver. If the powder proves a cream of tarter powder the coin will be bright; if an alum powder it will have sulphur stains. Now pour a little vinegar into the lid and smell the fnms. Alum pow ders give off sulphuretted hydrogen, which can be detected by its foul odor. Foster, the St. Joe weather prophet, says the whites of 18!) 12 will bee eld est, with ti e greatest snow storms, that have prevailed in this country for years. The storms arc to begin early in Ojtobr. In this connection it may be proper, to state that the "unprognostieations were given in response to a request from prominent coal dealers, and if not reliable., have not had the effect, of depreciating the price of coal Gazette Herald If oglesong s DRAYING and TRANSFER LINE. We will .'le iinvthiiiir In our Hue on siiorl noliee. Am orders lelt on our suite ai oie reiitnil Hotel, where we keep one tor thiit ure, will reeeivo prompt mm curetul lit entiou. . 3Boglcsorg. THE FARMERS' ALLIANCE HISTORY "A5D AGRICULTURAL DIGEST. i!v X. A. orXXINO, Author of ''The Philosophy of Trier-." ''Hi? torv of tin- I'liitod Slat 's Dolli'r." iiiul Assoeiiiie Kiiifor of The Niitioiml Kcoiiojnist. oilieinl orsriin ol the N:itit.n:;l Fiirmers' A'li:mec i.nii Inilu.-tiiiil I'liioil It will --;iti'in SO" pie.-es; 4S elcpnnt photo eii'fiaviiiirrt. iruill oe the i'H'iit'st oook til theoeHo.1. 1'iiee: Cloth, f Ml: Ihilf Kussiii. ?:i.:i(l. S' ltii for tei ins sunt eiieiiltirs to ALLIANCE VriU.IS'ilNO CO.. N. Ciipiti'l St., Wiir-hintrton, 1. V I .nE.-rs Wastfii. .1. K. Tritw.ii. Vres. X. A. licNMNfi.See'y The cry that the People's party nnd the Farmers' Alliance is oppos ed to the merchant and other busi ness men of the country, excepting only the national banker and the var ious trusts ami combines, which rob and oppress its productive interests, is in keeping with the rest of the lies of the g. o, p. press.. The interests of the merchant and farmer are iden tical, and they should unite against the common enemy, the two old par ties. Eidorado Springs Tribune. At the soldiers' reunion at Mem ohis this week. Geo. W. Sheeks, of Aurora, Mo., exhibited hard tad taken from a Dox at Mobile, Ala., on Anril 1!. 18U0. The box bore .late of February 15. 1S4. C. NV. Hlincs of Knox county, showed an original copy of the Sew York Herald of the date of April 15. fi5, giving account of the assassination of President Lin coln. The paper was in deep mourn ing. Kahoka Keview. T T ".Ti?Ic,..I -ft-. . "r' . ;; -VP' 7ls I l---W . ..-"'J i l, .-Ji" '. JJk I'M'. A- - . .-fi: lii m "Mr .'.:,i.;!:v;: ! . ! r-$!:;--VV':.-.;i ' v' ' i - it Stoves, Hardware AID TINWARE Of BEN MORRIS. I I : ill 1 r4 J;, 37 .. U i-t-ii LJ Thanks, to the undreds THAT HAVE TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF THE Many IlE KKF.l'S THK liKST CiOOOS AT TI1K LoWKST PlllCK. Fixkst Link ok Stovks axi I1axsks xow madk, He kkkis the Dr. Len, Shillen DEUTIST. BUILDERS' HARDWARE, BARB WIRE AND KVKUYTIIIXt! I'SI ALLV K KI'T IX A F I KST-Cl.SS HaUHWAKE StoKK CAN 1!E FOI XI TMKItK. Yot 11 PAT'.IOXAOE SOLICITED. BEN MORRIS, South Side Square. Ppeeiiil iittontion riven to the nntiirnl teeth. Plate work of ull Kimls lit r. :isoin:lile priees. Sleiman'! Aeiie.! In l ie iidminislereil tor pimi- lesn extri'et'.on v.ithf.iit evtm cIikw. tlilive South Si-.le 1'tihlitr Stiuore. Henry Courtney, Watchmaker m Jeweler, South of S. K. Corurr Square, Mkmimiis, Mo. Wutehes mid eloek? reoitircil on short no tice. All kimls oi Jewelry neHtlv iiioiidetl ami ull work warranted. A full titoek of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry constantly on himd tit reiisonnhle eriees. A lii.'ral share of Cue public piitroiiHKC is iic-iteti; line Hint n c-hii oeiore tmyuiR- iltkinson, Three million women anil children earn their own living in this country Last week's issue of the Lamar because their husbands and fathers Democrat contained twentr-five noti- cannot earn 3tu;iy;h to support their! ccs of r.iortsnise foreci'tsnres liy the! f.-iiniiie.-. and their num'ier is mt-rens sheriff. Yes. the Cal.-nnity howiei'! inir every duv in t!i" year. i are incretisintr. -Lamar I'nion. ' of iidustrv. John GIIKKNSliUlir., MO. Offem his seryiers to the people of Scotland and niiiouunsr comities. Has mm ten yeun experience. Jatisiiietlo;i s-n!tr:-.iteed rtVK twtveent stamps will ,r't yon a sample f.t AI'THITR S HllK M AOAZlNK, ; il i IHlK'lpIll Atrents wiinted. We offered the Public during the Past Mouths -W" CP Clothing, Dress Goods, Dry Goods, N0T10XS, BOOTS, SHOES, &c, But for over a month we have been sorting up and adding to the above, lines, so that buyers can find as well -DEiLLEE IIST- MEN'S and BOY'S CLOTHING Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Valises, Trunks, &c,&c. SELECTED STOCK AS CAN UK FOUND AXYWIIERK FOR all and "Winter- These Goods Must be Moved and the Lowest Possible Prices rlK etu-h mouth. tml nr1i.-lo on Fushion. I ana ell mutters ol intoiest to the i t!:;;r !!oiie.Mii:-.!:'ii". rhiloda. .! I i.t-, i-opv lor tlyt' t,vo-eim tiimps. lit. Finely iilu.-trnt'r-rf. 1 ( a your. ntt' .is-1 Vhoht lounial !jmi;iE,i Ai i - AM I'i.K eoi Sate m7r The lurgest uiul mo.-'t complete stoek in tin city, inclmliiiji at the latent styles, ut BOTTOM IRICHi;S. I. SSGORD, WEST SIDE OF "THE FQUAKK WILL BE GUAllANTEEI) TO ALL BUYERS ALIKE Come and Examine Our Bia Bargains AND SAVE MONEY TO YOUR PURSE. We Want Your Trade, Hence Our L,ow Prices VERY RESPECTFULLY YOURS. GARBER & RATHBURN, Kortheast Corner of Square, .ft