Newspaper Page Text
-The Fanners' Union. MEMPHIS PUBLISHING CO. MKMPIJ MISSOURI THUG'S BOLD ESCAPE. SWINGS UNDER A RAPIDLY MOV ING TRAIN. ftamaglfic Kvldrnre .Biist Coughlln w Interest In Hawaiian AfTalrs-Sm-MHlW Kald of JlurgUr In IMnwl rt office -I.oos'm l'ension Restored. ToM I ii a Few Word. At Fort Wayne, lnd.. e:.rly Friday morning two burglars were discovered tearing Schnbert's tailor shop carrying five suits of clothf One of the men. Thomas King, was arrested, but the otber mado his escape In a highly enaatlonal manner. Officers chased the two men to the railroad, where they were blocked by a moving train. The robbers wen sur rounded, but King's pal stuck his head un der a cur, grabbed an iron brace and swung himself under the train to the other aide of the track and rolled down the em bankment. The rear tru ks of the car struck his hack, but he was not Injured, and ran alongside the train and leaped heard Tne police were afraid to attempt to board the train. King is a desperate crook. Frank liardeen, a reputable man. Su perintendent of the Bardeen paper mill at Otsego. Mich. , an 1 a consulting engi neer of renown, is said to be ready to tes tify in the Croa la trial at Chicago that at the time of the murder la May, lbstf, he was superintending the construction of some ;mbllc norks at Ed .e water, near where the trunk which had contained Trunin's body vas found; that early en the morning of May 5. before light, bo was surprised to bear an approaching wagon at a point whore there was but little travel; that ho turned a search light which he had Improvised for use in his work, square upon the wagon, an 1 not more than fifty feet away saw a yellow express wagon drawn by a white horse, driven by one man, the wagon con taining a trunk, and beside the outfit walked anlel Couhlln, the man now on trial for Crania's murder. -Saturday morning's dispatches told of the arrival of the revenue cutter Corwln IT San Francisco from Honolulu, but' w hat Information her officers brought is abso lutely conjecture only. Her comman der did not land at San Francisco, but steamed away to Mare Island navy yard. As soon as he could report by wire to Washington, a dispatch was received from that city by the cos.i mander of the cruiser Mohican, which was followed by a greet beetle on that vessel and preparations for Instant departure. The Ccrwie's officers were silent as the grave. Bat it is surmised that the gravest condition exists at Honolulu. It is even hinted that there has been collision between United States and provisional government forces, with Mood hed, and that the Cor win 9 a commander bason board prisoner Ko one was allowed to board her. and for several hour ; telegrams Hew thick and fast to and from Washington, Three masked robber broke Into Dela v:ni, Wis., poetoffice at :i o'clock Friday morning, blew opee the safe, secured nil the cash and stamps it contained, bound and gagged the night watchman, forced the night clerk In a livery stable to give the ui ahorse and surrey, and then bound and gagged htm atul m ole their escape The robbers were at wort, on the safe in tbo poetoffice when Cbauncey Sage, the Bight watchman, lirst saw them. Foolishly be attempted to rout them single-handed and failed. The marauders overpow ered him mil compelled him at the points Of threo revolvers to go into tbo ofllce, where they gauged him, bound him hand a. id foot and dumped him Into a Comer, Then the burglars went, back to their work. Sage, securely gagged and bound, heard them resume their drill ing and could distinguish every motion they made. They said nothing, however, that would lead to their identification. None of them uttered a word. Commissioner Lochren has rescinded the order suspending the payment of a pension to Judge Long, of the Michigan Sin rente Court, Ihls action Is taken, the Commissioner says, because of the provis ion In the deficiency bill passed by Con gress which declares a pension a vested right which cannot be suspended without thirty days' notice. A man was killed Thursday night iu the Methodist church at Marysvlile, O. The regular prayer meeting was In progress alien two men under the influence of liquor entered and began to Inter rupt the leader of the meeting. George Chambers who asked them to keep quiet several times and finally told them to go out unless they could behave themselves, Tl.:.. 1 .1... ..1 1 - 1 . i , mmm u mt- ii-iais aim I i:ey matio a start for Chambers, who retreated, and. as he was trying to keep out of their way. he picked up a poker and dealt one of them. Alexander Rodgers, a blow over the head, knocking h'.m down and injuring him so that he did not regain consciousness, The greatest excitement followed, and it was with great difficulty that Chambers was taken h me, where he was arrested soon after. the steamer Mason struck a snag and went down at Friar's Point, Mis-, No lives wore lost, and t apt. Keith is the only one reported Injured. The Mason had 500 tons of freight. St I.-u is steamboat men are of the opinion, owing to the locality, that the Mason will be a total loss. The steamer Venezuela arrived at New York from Venezuelan ports bringing news of the election of General Crespo a Pres ident of Venezuela. On Dec. SO four per sons succeeded In passing & forged cheek of a prominent depositor in the bank of Caracas and secuted it"l.O0i). Mrs. Joseph Waatz. of Miamtsborg. Ohio, crazed with the grip,se!zed her eight-mouths-old child. Sadie, and hurrying to tbo canal near by plunged in. The water was drawn from the canal, when the drowned uody of the mother, with her dead babe clutched to iter breast, was found lodged against a lock. Obituary; At Detroit, Lansing M. Pitt man. aged 37. At Vienna, Baron Karl von Hasenauer. the Austrian architect, aged 60. Fire broke out In the Tttylor Building at Worcester, Mass It spread rapidly and before it was go: under control had caused damage estimated at $'200,000. The Haynes Realty and Financial Com pany at St. L ulls has made an assignment, with liabilities of tlCO.000. Postofflce Inspectors have arrested J. IL Wills end William A. Ball, at Sigourney. Iowa, on the charge of using the metis to defraud patent-right owners. CRIME AND CASUALTY. A little after 4 o'clock Saturday even ing the pumping Station of the Indiana Natural Gas Company pipe line at East Chicago was blown up, and will probably result In the death of at least eight per sons. ne of the Injured men. after re gaining consciousness, put his hand. to his face, when the flesh dropped off. also tbe hair from ids bead. He then ran a quarter or a mile anu siou on me mam pipe, then fell in a dead faint Ttie pi, were torn up end the escaping 'as burned up i iver sixty feet. lr. Herd an committed sui,-lie In the :irr House Chica; o 1I was despon ds and marit a 1 dt nt t (trough bus! r-v r- Infelicities, Boben McClure, of Perrysvllle. was arrested at Ashland. Ohio, for forging Boyd Ensen center's name as securit to a note for 855, A Bock Island freight, train crashed into tbe rear of a Union Pacific freight ten ! miles east of Lawrence, Kan. Tbe Union Pacific caboose, a passenger coacn. a car load of lumber and a carload of bogs were i burned. Five men were hurt and tbe con- du t'jf and one passenger on the Union j Pacific train are missing. Th Rock Island j train engine was smashed and afterward Caught fire Sani Miller and William Wsbenett were sentenced from M uncle, lnd.. to two years each in "he State's prison. A broken rail wrecked an east-bound expre-'S train at Bremen, lnd. A tramp i believed to have been killed.' Indiana's Supreme Court ha reverse 1 the verdict in the case of McAfee and Parker, sentenced to death for murder. As a result of the Coroner's investiga tion, Lem II. Willis lias been held for the shooting of Lawyer Hultz at Sullivan, lnd. L S. Dwoyno, editor of a Cleveland Polish paper, narrowly escaped assassina tion at the hands of a rival editor's wife. Frederick Teseher. less than 20 years old. is in jail at South Bend. lnd.. charged with having procured poison for a t-'irl j who wanted to commit suicide. Tescber j is the son of well-to-do and very highly I respected parents, hi- father being a lead ing furniture dealer. His mother is pros trated. Arthur Warren, aged 30 years and married, was walking on the Ohio and Mississippi track to his work at the brick yard at Sekitau. when he was struct by an express train and instantly killed. Russei Davidson, aged IT, while hunt ing at Frankfort, lnd.. was Instantly killed by the accidental discharge of his gun. - A German woman was kicked and beaten to death at Fleming. Kan., by her. husband and two boarders. All were drunk. "Rev. Frederick Howard, alias John Lord Moore, the International swindler who had been on trial for violating I'nited States postal laws, was found guilty at Jackson, Teen., on twenty-two counts of the indictment. This w as Howard's second trial. On the first, after a four days' struggle, the jury were unable to agree and were discharged. The district attor ney, however, was convinced of Howard's guilt, and asked that another jury be im paneled. It is the second trial which has just come to an end. Burglars blew open the safe iu the Na tional Bank at Franklin Grove. 111., and se cured 815,000 to 25,000. Three men were killed and -eor;.l in jured by the premature explosion of a blast at Boston. At Buffalo Frank McCabe. a hackman, wa- shot in the thigh and Eugene Carr iu the foot. McCabe, ''.irr and Arthur Ma boney, a saloon-keeper, quarreled over the fare charged by the hackman. A mirror ed at $1,090 was smashed during the melee. By the falling of a scaffold at tbe new Union depot, in St. Louis four men were in jured. Six men, instead of three, are now be lieve I to have been cremated iu the wreck at Lin wood, Kan. Fifty masked men at t'alhoun. Ga, re Covered several stills seized by revenue of ficers Da vid Louden, acting .Tustlco of the Peace, for eight years County Recorder of Shelby County, Indiana, and at one time a member of the Shelbyville City Council, committed suicide. The cause is unknown. Louden was in the revenue department during the last Cleveland administration. THE FIRE RECORD. Boston's Globe '1 healer was destroyed Tuesday morning and many of the sur rounding buildings. The loss will be very heavy. Six dead bodies have been recovered from the ruins of a Buffalo boarding house. It is believed others perished. The Avenue Hotel, at Stevens Point, Wis., was destroyed. Proprietor and guests had a narrow escape. During the absence of their grand mother Lena West and Landon Bailey were burned to death at Sedalla. The Columbus, Ohio. Watch Company's property has been placed In the hands of Philip IL Ilruck as receiver, upon the ap plication of C. T. PfatT and Louis Linden- berg, who say they are sureties upon about 360,009 ,.f obligations the company must soon meet and it has no funds to meet them with, 'i be total assets of the concern are about 5400.000; liabilities, $250,000. Fire at Tacosea Park, a suburban vil lage of Washington, destroyed Birch & Co. 's store and the postofflce. Most of the business portion of Red Key. lnd.. was destroyed. l oss is put at 875. 000, with insurance of $33,000. Loss by the burning of the Globe Theater. Boston, Is ( laced at $."00,000. Manager Stetson will rebuilo at once. At 5:15 o'clock on Wednesday after noon da noes were discovered issuing from a window on one of the upper floors of C;u:i!e'- elevator at the corner of Madi-on end Water streets, Toledo, Ohio, At tee o'clock at nig lit the best j or ttoa of the business center of the Ci'y was a mass of smoking ruins. Property to the value of nearly SI, 500. 000 lias Deen destroy eu. I lie insurance com panies hare suffered to the extent of fully $900,030. Hundreds of people have been rendered homeless, and thousands thrown out of employment by the destruction of i heir places of busiuess. Toledo has suf fered the severest blow in her history. It was discovered that three lives were lost in a New York fire, in the bttlidtng-ou the corner of Pearl street and Coeuties slip. All were suiTocated by the smoke There were about fifteen persons in the building when the fire was discovered. The loss is small. For nearly two hours Wednesday night ; wentv-f.'ur gallant tiremen with Semes ehove and below them stood between the worst fire they have had to fight in ten years and the probable destruction of a large portion of the wholesale district of tfte city of Detroit. They failed to save the huge wholesale house of T. H. Hincbmen 8t Sons, but saved many millions of dollars' north of valuable busl- property surrounding it. The fire raged furiously for nearly four hours and In vol veil a loss of close on to i 300,000. with an in-uranee of about 0.000. Several firemen were severely burned, by the hot flames, but none seriously. PERSONAL, MENTION. Col Alfred A. Wynne, a son-in-law of Gen. Winchester and a personal friend of Andrew Jackson, 1- dead. Ex-Congressman .John E Butt u died at Mexico. Mo., from the grip He was an author of not'- and n a 54 years old. Ex-Judge Granvilie P. Haves died n New York from heart trouble He was the author of a work on assignments. William D. Bi ncker. general superin tendent of tbe American News Company, was found dead la bed at his borne sr. Brooklyn Captain & R Grummond. e-M yor of Detroit and a wealthy vessel owner. Is dead. Be was b rn in ls-'ll Bishop McNierney. of the Catholic see .f Albany, is dead He was born lu New York 'fly In 1828 Orlando B Potter, an ex-Con: res-man and a brother f Bishop Potter, dropped dead n front of the BuckiughAi lio.ei. New Fork. L Quincy Hoover. a Maseilon (Chios newspaper man. drpjed dead while walk ing i be streets. His death is attributed io apoplexy. Frederick Gcbbard is engaged to Miss Louise li. Morris, a Baltimore society belli-. Obitu;try; At New York. ex-Congressman Or! undo R Potter, a-ed 70 At St. Atbans, Vt., ex-Congressman W rthington C. Smith, aged 70. At Albany. N. Y. liUhi Reverend Francis McN'ierney. Bishoji of All any. aged 65. POLITICAL. Galusha A. Grow r." nominated for Congressman-at-large by the Pennsylvania Republicans at Harrisburg. Republicans of the Fourteenth New York District have nominated Lemuel Ely Quigtr. of tbe Nov,- York Tribune, for Con gressman. Frederick A. Seagrist been nominated for Contrrefs by the Fifteenth I list r let Kepublicans. FROM WASHINGTON. Last mouth the public debt increased S-!, 000, eft and the cash balance decreased $5,000,000. Payment of 1.010,003 in gold for inter est on bonds carried the reserve do n to $77,400,000. FOREIGN." Messages of congratulation from till over the world were received by Premier Gladstone on his 84th birthday. Predictions of Premier Crispi's oppo nents that Italy is on tbe brink of revolu tion are not warranted by the facts. A blinding snow storm prevailed on tbe English channel. It is believed a number of vessels were wrecked. Nicaragua mid Honduras now have something to tight about. Policarpo Bo nitla, leader of the Honduras insurgents, has Invaded 11 nduras from Nicaraguan soil, captured the towns f Corpus and Yuscaran and set up a provisional govern ment, which has been recognized by Presi dent '. iaya. of Nicaragua Ten anarchists arrested for complicity in dynamite outrages in Spain have been given over to the military authorities for trial MISCELLANEOUS. Miss Julia Marlowe i- soon to begin her annual engagement at McVicker's Chicago Theater. Her repertory for the trst week will be: Monday and Saturday evenings, 'The Love base;" Tuesday. "Twelfth Night. ir What You Will;" Wednesday. ihe Hunchback;" Thursday. "As You Like It:" Friday. -Much Ado About Noth ing;" Saturday matinee. "Romeo and Ju liet." -Miss Marlowe is the most promising young actress the later years have given us," says a prominent dramatic critic, '-I saw her Viola to-night. It was a perform ance full of pretty points and full of imper fections. I don't think I have ever seen such pretty business as she put in. Tbe way she handled her little cap was a study of mixed boy and girl. Her ges tures were so graceful at times that they almost called for a round of applause She had a kind of modern poetry about her. She read Sbakspeare as if be had been 'leunyson. and sometimes dropped into a colloquial toua She checked her comedy just when it seemed to be breaking out, and the other characters seemed to amuse her more than interest her. She has a quiet magnetic comedy ; she hits sentiment, she has dramatic fire, and they'll all come out with her development. She has a charm that has been rare for many years in Violas and Juliets and Julias youth. Her uest-sustained part so far has been Julia in 'The Hunchback.' but she has done dainty work in everything." Mrs. Lease, indignant at her removal by Governor Le welling, says his adminis tration is more corrupt than its predeces sors. Iowa is overrun w ith tramps, who re sort to force if a pitiful story does not bring food and shelter. Driven insane by the manipulations of an alleged spiritualistic leader. Lowell Putnam has been sent to the Su Louis asylum. The sheepmen of West Texas are badly discouraged. A dispatch from Fort rtock ton says that conservative men estimate that 50 per cent, of sheep in that section will die the present winter. There are thousands upon thousands of sheep coming across the Pecos, and there Is nothing in the world for them to eat except dead grass, 'lhero is some water, but It cannot be had for sheep, as the cowmen are fencing and guarding it. There was a lit tle grass in that section, but it has been killed by the frost. There have been sev eral conflicts between cattlemen and sheepmen growing out of pasturage dis putes. The sheepmen are moving their herds toward Mexico, and the cowmen swear they will die before the sheep will go over their ranges. The sheepmen say that they will keep moving on and tight the cowmen with Winchesters if their prog ress is impeded. Because in tiling a tooth for Mrs R Powell, of Chicago. Dentist t lay ton cause! pain he was soundly thrasbel by tier angry husband Orus Barnell. of Bed Key, anl Miss Ett.i Chalk, cf Indianapolis, eloped and aere married at Mencie, A monster gas v ell was developed at H uncle with a pressure so great that tbe usual practice of shooting it is out of the question. In an interview Admiral Da Gam a de clares the Brazilian revolutionists are lighting against a military tyranny. Telephone communication between Colorado Springs and Cripple Creek has been completed. Seven thousand per -o us witnessed the opening to traffic of tbe Kansas and Mis souri bridge at Leavenworth Capt, Pendleton of tbe Amy Turner le char?d with refusing to succor the crew t of a Nor wegian vessel in distress. Tbe Sew York, New Haven and Hart ford Railroad Company opened tbe hand tensest office building in New En -Sand at Hartford. Conn. In convention at Columbus the Ohio Farmers' Alliance adopted resolutions de manding the removal of Secretary Morton. Gander's inasterp'eee. - Le BoJ ,' A muse. '.va ruined by the carelessness ot a St. Lewis elevator boy. At Kalatuazo . Mich, Mrs Morris Red den, aged fifty-nvL- years, while alone, was stricken with paralysis and knocked the lamp off the table breaking'it and setting lire to her cloibia?, which vas entirely our i d tro'o h-:- ) dy. She lived eve. al bonis in terrible agony. Express com pan e- d Missoui i are to I e sued fot piy with an ordered cut in dieg busin failure to Oil) rates. of b rrist n. He was given v .ia nay I 0 i '5 ttd - MendelL lnd.. ma v bw -me I lind ad of ep-om sa!ts Benley. the actor. Edw oil-- r- ;-.soiii . r st -, f til ill r l is rht ite Treasury -bows a I. al io, ording to the reperi . .-Via.. Daniel Vveb- or. s -ts ate of l.oj-l.eti At midnight the e del bis wife dying and bi-i- t bought th" cheese remain n parked too - At Bi ngna illlil t w ' ue-da.v. r a - ' e i i ically 11L IS i ;-o : )V -el. lOW ill :tll" liepiies ! m Charleston, S C parts of Sout'i t hat short or. ps press i 's effect o cuiar letter sent , News and Couric i 'a roiina are 1 1 t h and low prices h i . business. Put the b.' the r to ail effe t d a de vi otst is s hav over ; t he mt ufactur'.ng indnstrix prospered ; ;i Sj have nsu on ful labor U abun do and the p bre;:d and meat re i f hard ti'ne-: the n.ili t hue all the year round f:t: the counties weil-to-p e are living at borne- are in plenty and to spate. Several small lott Ties be-an business ::t New Oceans and will test the la ". Sarah If Angle was victorious in her suit against tbe Omaha Koa doe her husband's es.ate for ! i r FINANCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL Labor Commissioner John II. Sover eign, tit and Master Workman of ibe Kni rhts of Labor, has been officially squelche i so far as his ability to order a strike on tin-Northern Pacific Railroad is concerned. An injunction was served upon h.m. at Ies Moines. Iowa, bv Deputy Uni ted S ates Marshal Etberidge restraining him from interfering in the difficulty which the document states likely to occur. The order comes from the Fasten; District of the I'nited States Circuit Court of Wis consin. The receivers of the road have taken crest pains in preparing the docu ment which practically precludes Mr. Sovereign from even expressing an opin ion. New York butter dealers allege that Armour and others are protected by of ficials in violations of the oleomargerine law. Creditors representing Si. 000,000 hav ing failed to extend their deposits, reopen ing of Milwaukee's Marine Bank is doubt ful General Master Workman Sovereign calls on workingman to petition Congre-S arsinst an issue of bonds, Tic Plymouth, Mass, Cordage Com pany's man. in- th nil! h;.s startel on full time, the night gang, which had been laid off for some months resuming its labors, bis calls for "."0 more employes In sc curing these preferences will be given to tbe old hand-1. Binding twine will be tbe main production. The Warren Foundry and Machine Company began workat Phillip-burg. N. J., with about one-half f rce. About 150 bands are still idle The 11 -,id-inz. Pa., rolling mill resumed operations after an idleness of several weeks About 350 men were given employment, The Lowell, Mass., Carpet Company began work. The Northern Ohio Blanket Mill at Cleveland resumed operations in all de partments, giving employment to about :if0 men. '1 he members ot th-j firm say that while they may be affected in the fu ture by the tariff bill, utile -s a fair and equitable adjustment is made, yet that at present the outlook for trade is good, and that tbo orders on hand and assured will keep them busy for some time. Sixty days have leen granted officers of the American Building and Loan Asso ciation within which to restore the assets FrancD T. Walton, better known as "Plunger" Walton, proprietor of the Grand Hotel in New York, made an assignment Two hundred of Cleveland's unem ployed marched to the city hall and de manded that they be given work or fool. A company with Senator Brlce at Its head has secured leases of Indiana gas lands and will pipe the product to Ohio A company with 510.000,000 capital has , ; .1 .. . . , i , I oeen organ izeu io acquire anu worK coai lands in tbe San Marcial Valley. THE MARKETS. CHICAGO. Cattle- Common to Prime fa so (i 6 00 Hogs SUpping tirades 4 08 0 5 50 i Sheet Fair to Choice 9 25 i 4 to I Wheat No. 2 Bed 00 CI Cobs No. s : i Oats No. 2 27 i Rye No. 2 45 ! Butter Choice Creamery X I Boos Fresh 21 ' Potatoes I'er bn ia INDIANA PO LI S. I Cattle Shipping 3 oo ! Hotis Choice I.tiiht 3 00 Sheep Common to Prime 2 to I Wheat No 2 Red 56 j Corn No. 2 White 35 I Oats No. 2 White 31 ST. LOUIS. ! Cattle . 3 o ' Hogs 30" ! Wheat No. Red 57 Co kx No. 2 32 j Oats No. 2 28 ; Pork Mess 13 00 I CINCINNATI. H." -S 4S m 0 (1 is 5 r S M C. A 39 & 57 0 36 0 & ft 5 00 o : 0 st 0 29 13 73 : Cattle Hoi? ! SHEEP j Wheat No. 2 Red ; Corn No. 2 ! Cats No. j Mixed - Bra Ko. 2 DETROIT. : Cattle : Moos Sheep W heat No. . Red Corn No. 2 Yellow ; Oats No. 1 White TOLEDO. S Wheat No. 2 Red Corn No. 3 Yellow Oats No. 3 White Rye No. 2 BUFFALO. P.EEF Cattle Good to Prime Hogs Mixed Picter? Wheat No. 1 Hard No. 2 Red -MILWAUKEE. 1 "Wheat No. j Spring Const No. j Oats No. 2 White : Bn N o. 1 ; Baklet No. 2 3 00 E 00 3 B0 & 5 fO 2 00 ( 3 53 5S.(i 53ft Wn-d. 371; 63 55 3 00 3 00 2 ipt n 3; ije. 4 7-. ft 5 M v 3 SO 02 3' 32 2 V 31760 60 0t S 36 0 37 91 a y.'-; 5j (s 5"J!s n 0 5 2T. i 0 ct 0 0 Tl (t 71 ... 2 63 E8't60 f'.'- S4 0 ! ' S70 47 "i 4! " 49 W' S-i : Pore Mesa. 12 50 13 w NEW YORK. , Cattle 3 00 0 5 75 t 6 25 0 67 m 43 0 40 0 27 014 M Hogs 3 7' Sheep a 25 Wheat No. i Bed 66 Cons -No. 2. 42 Oats White Western as Brrrran Choice so Pome New Mesa 75 MELLO'S EASY PEEY. PIEXOTO S STEAMERS BAD SHAPE. IN VERY Small Pea Kpi'.'emle in Mexico Mormon's Stupendous 1'roduet of Iteot Hanker Morgan'! Beskerwsity Young Man of the Wint'.v City. Sugar - Wild From 1 ar and Near. Ry cab'e from Buenos Ayr's: Infor mation come from Pemasabuee that the i: o Brazilian cruisers, Nieiheroy and America, are practically disabled. The captain and otneers of the Nlctheroy so armed at all times ; s the crew has been iu a state of semi-mutiny ever since ths ves-el arrived at Peraambuco, The dyna mite gun of the Nfctberoy !s almost use less and a few discharges would lot, sen its fastenings and endanger the lives of the gunners, who are not too well versed in its complicated workings. Were the rebel warships to attack tbe two reseela at this time their victory would be a compara tively easy one. Owing to the defective condition of tbe two ships President Pelxo to has countermanded the orders that they proceed to Rio Janeiro and will await the arrival of other warships, which are ex pected from Europe, before making a de scent upon Admiral Hello's fleet. There is an epidemic of sma'.l-pox at Torredo. Mexico. One hundred and ten cases ar.- now under treatment. At the to not I.erdo. five miles south, there are 223 cases L M. Johnson, general manager of the Mexican International Railroad, has tele graphed an account of the situation to tbe Federal authorities In the City of Mexico, and requests that compulsory vaccination be established at once. The bee sugar factory in Lehi. it ah, the largest in the world, has just finished the season with a record of having manu factured ovt r four million pounds. This mi! 1 was built by Mormons with Mormon capital, and having been carefully and economically run is considered a great success. The sugar beets under Irrigation bare proved more profitable than was an ticipated, i he sugar qualities seem to l ave been improved, tbe beets being su, e rior to the same kind from which the seed was obtained. It has developed that J. Pierpont Mor gan Is the philanthropist who has donated a large sum of money to Nathan Straus' new charity at New York, the grocery store where articles of food may be pur chased cheaply by the poor. The amount given is understood to be 50,000. Tbe man who makes this generous gift, never speaks of his gifts to the poor, but it is thought his charities foot up fully $100.0 0 annually. Charles E. Eggleston. son of Charle P. Eggleston, head of the Chicago Board of Trade firm of Eggleston. Mallette & Brownell and founder of the suburb of that name, was a prisoner in Justice Brad well's police court Thursday, charged with threatening to kill his father. The young man pleaded uuilty to disorderly conduct and was fined 8100. The One was suspend ed and the defendant was taken away by his father, who intends to place him in a sanitarium w here be can regain his health, which, '.he eider Eggleston says. is ruined by and Ijiarettes Tbe utmost secrecy w:is observed in the court proceed ins anl few people understood the mean lag of tbe appearance of the well-known broker and r ;il e-;i;t man In the 1 ck. James V. (Jalvin. pitcher for the Pitts burg League base-b, ill team List season, was arrested in Clevelan ! on a charge of robbery, preferred by II W. Hubbard, a tailor. Uubbarl claimed to have been robbed of a $259 dlcn ond pin and a natch worth $123. and gave a description of the man. Galvin was found and with three others w.-.s arrested. A!l denied their gttitt. No trace ot the missing jewelry was found. Surveyor General Ash, of the Duluth district, reports a decrease in ep--h item of the lumber cut Judge Hatch, of HcGrnior, Iowa, fell from a bridge and br -ko both legs above the knees. Sol Collins. EntinS; Creek. Ma. threw powder on the fire. Collins, his wife and four children will die Representatives of many States are at Detroit to form a new secret labor society. Editor Goodwin, of the Sedalla (Ma) Bazoo, was thrashed again. This time a man attacked and thoroughly whipped him Private trSal of the big high pressure English locomotive was made at Milwau kee. The time was poor. Superintendent McClaughry. of the Pontiac (ill.) reformatory, denies the rumor that he is to go to Massachusetts. Mra Mary McOrath. worth $49,000. died an hour after being du ; out of the rags and tilth in her St Louis home. Plans for the Milwaukee public library and museum, to cost $,"t)0,000. have been selected by the trustees The Duchess of Argyll died at In- verary Castle. Ar jyllsliire. from a com plication of ashthma and bronchitis. A dispatch from Folkestone. England, says It Is feared that a Ixrge vessel lias foundered near there. A lifeboat with its bottom stove in has washed ashore there. Extremely cold feather prevails in En gland and on the continent. The gale blowing over the English channel Is so severe that the B ail boats were unable to cross William .1. Bruce died at Burllnzton, N J.. after a lingering Illness of several rn n.ths. Tbe direct cause of death was paresis Mr Bruce had filled many prom inent public positions and was also a prom inent newspaper writer, his witticisms be ins t;u ted Throughout the country under the caption of -Bruce's Salad." he young sister of George Farrar. a boy of 11, found his de:id body in the r oods near Greenville. Ala., with a gunshot wound in the breast. Irby McCarthen. an other boy. is jaLed for the murder. The two were .eon fighting about a gun. Mc Carthen says he did the shuotin?, but claims self-defense Harry Kennedy, the well-known ven triloquist and son; writer, died at New York. Mr. Kennedy was about 4." years of aee and was well known throughout the country. He was a proadnent memler of the Elks and for the last few months has manage! the new Bijou Theater in Brooklyn. Chief Ford's figures show tbe value of she country's foreign trade for 193 to be the greatest since IttOl. At Scbeti City fire destroyed the opera house biocit. Seven business houses were burned. Tbe loss will pr 'bably reach 3 '.000. with very little insurance. J. Mcrton. Secretary of Agri culture says he dees not intend 10 abolish the agricultural experimental stations. Charles Hamilton, used 25. tbe de faulting cashier of G- W. Sloan & Co. g rc cers. of Bart ford. Conn . committed sui cide on n train. Hamilton was In charge of an officer. ,HARD TIMES MAKE SOLD,ZR Tttr Arm. Was Never No Fall S3 War as Now. e tt, One effect of the recent "hard time" throughout the co .ntrv is visible in the great increase in t tie nuniler of recruits taken into the armv in the past year and the con stantly inereasino; number of anplt citions at the recruiting stations all over the count ry. In SBe&King of the present state of affairs, an army officer connected with the recruiting service said: "The army i nearer full ar present than it has ever oeen si - ee the war. j The maximum allowance for the j standing army is by law 25,000, and out of this number we rarely have j more than 2:, 006 or 23,000 m the ra ik. At present however, there j are only about l.4 vacancies in thr i whole anuy. and orders have had to . be issused to the ofHeers in charge of all the recraitfng stations to restrict the number of recruits taken in. "The fact is that it is not nearly every man who can get into the army if he wants to, and the lines arc be ing even more closely drawn as the amount of availabl material in creases, so that it is not more titan one out of six or eiirht applicants who is accepted. There are perhaps Hit? or sixty recruiting stations throughout t he country, with an of ficer in etiarge of each, an 1 when ever an applicant presents himself he U obliged to answer n list ol about fifty questions as to his mental qualifications and i ast record, and is thou examined physically by a sur geon in charge of the post. "It he passes both of th se exam inations, which only a siuali propor tion of the applicants can rj , he is turned over to the neatest recruit in? depot, where he is put through mother examination before a hoard nt surgeons and examiners, and there he may be rejected again, in which case the cost of his transp -nation and board are charged up to the re cruiting officer who accepted him. In spite of these rest rid ions, however, the number of applicants for the service has so Increased that the army is practical! v ful:, and I ran touceive of no reason lor the present state of things except t he prevailing hard times, which, have il riven large numbers of men without 9i her means of support to fail back :u the ( government Washington Tost. for a li nz. " A Cltii-atfo dim lllllll He was a Chicago elevator boy. Probably like otber elevator boys, ne jerked his rope ami stopped the ele rator a foot froai the sill, chewed, road a dime novel, scared passcntrera by his bead Ion?; descents and ij!:ed their bosoms with pericardial panga by rising liuc an unchained 1 tlloon. lis elevator was probablv always ;tt Lhe sixth sitiry wnen yo ; were n the Hist and the reverse and on these oc casions iie irob.ibly treated tl nenuers' b il ;is a tlutinna obi hfato which required sere cores to satisfy the performer, elevator hoys are part of tin pas atory , 1 en- M. st He. be? me a Chicago elevator b probably all of it and more, story uollding caught lire in stories. Tbe staircases w. and smoke Kcd tonuuc- w ing about the netting ot the ay, was His s ia it s mid re dame re play elevator shafts. The tire escapes open d tn bunting windows. In this tier, f or nate a'score of men and women were pris ned. Four times up through the t!ama and smoke Charles K. lit yer shot bis elevator. The cable heat d l II it blistered his hands. The woolwork of the shaft was on fire. Each trip as he went up for his living freight he passed ou toff-ight into the smoke, and once he left his elevator and bora back to it two women overcome with the foul air. More fortunate than Jim Bludso, who "held her no.le agin the bank till the last galoot was ashore," the elevator hoy escaped with bis lif ! and saved ail lor whom he risked death. The w old is full of such heroes. They arc all about us. in elevators, on locomotive foot boards, on car platforms at the loom, the anvil and the spade. No man knows them. They are as other men. But there is in this English sneaking race that which flames to bcorism when danger nears, and there thou sands of unconscious heroes who read tht se lines who if dath were to call thf roll before to-night would un hesitatingly answer "Here:" Phila dc.phia i ress. Kohu matin's Peculiar! ir. S humann often was ve;v ai'-entr mi tnled. and he had a habit of whis tling in company, oblivious of all around him One evening he was invited to a dinner at the house ot bis friend, lime Henrietta Voght. of Leipsig to meet a number of guests. He arrived very late, after the re past had liegun. He lowed hastily to the company, spoke to none, but hurrying to tbe piano began extem porizing. Alter a while he arose, with an expression of satisfaction on his face, strolled around the rnottl whistling an air, and then iuhinf to the door disappeared, and was seen no more that evening. ' On another occasion he visited h's friend Dorn, saluted him. and then took a seat opposite his host, but spoke not a word. In vain did i orn try to engage him in conv rsation. Schumann listened with amiable at tention, smiled, showed interest, but never opened his lips. At last Dorn ceased to speak, and the two friends remained silent for some time, ga ing abstractedly at each other. Sud denly Schumann arose, extended his hand to Dorn. and said: ''When I come to Cologne again I will rail on you." "Do so," replied his friend, "and we will have another opportunity of being mute and silent together." Schumann blushed slightly, then laughed heartily and departed.