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The farmers' union. (Memphis, Mo.) 1891-1895, November 22, 1894, Image 1

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

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Volume IY.
M. Humphrey's
Green Front.
to call at my Store and examine my
Mammoth Stock
which I have just received,
and which has been pur
chased under a prospect of
a low tariff and bought the
'oods awav down, the equal
has never been known in
Northeast Missouri. I am
prepared to sell you
Even below your own ex
pectation. Those
Furnishing Goods,
Clothing Stock,
Are all Fresh, New Goods,
and purchased under the re
cent decline in the eastern
market, and, positively, will
be closed out to make room
(or another stock, which 1
expect to buy in the near
future, even lower than ever
if possible. Call early and
see me if you wish to
Save Money
Remember, Old and Young
Ladies' Shoes and Slippers
a specialty. 1 am yours as
M. Humphry,
Green Front,
North Side,
Memphis, Ho.
The Future is Ours.
The late election was not a Repuli-
can victory so much as it was a De
mocratic defeat, and it was more an
expression of the anjrer of the popu
lar discontent, so widespread and
deep, and so prolonged, since its first
great manifestation occurred in 1890,
neither of the two old parties offers
any remedy. They do not even pre
tend to offer one. The Democrats
won the election of 1802 upon denun
ciation of the "robber tariff and
when got in power straightway pro
ceeded to pass a high tariff act em
bodying, only in a slightly lower per
ceutage, the very protective policy
which they had just denounced as
fraud and robbery. The Republicans
then made a campaign devoted almost
entirely to denunciation of the Demo
cratic tariff law just passed, and are
no sooner given the control of the
house, and in greater majority than
they had hoped for or demanded,
than their leaders and newspaper an
nounce that the party will not at
tempt to make any change in the con
demned Democratic tariff'.
Was there ever such wholesale
hombuggery practised upon anv
other civilized nation on earth?
More than this the old J party in
power in the administration, with the
expressed consent of the old party
just elected to power in the lower
branch of congress.al ready announces
its purpose to add to the burdens of
a suffering people by another issue of
bonds is at the behest of the money
leaders of the east, as an investment
specially provided at the expense of
the taxpayer for Shylocks idle capi
tal. Surely ,'infthe case of both the con
federated old parties these strange
actions can be nothing but the insani
ty which preceeds destruction.
"Whom the gods would destroy they
first make mad."
Now, therefore, is the grand oppor
tunity of the People's party. The
people are casting about for a way
out of the Dismal Swamp of hard
times, where they are still sinking,
and into which the twin like policies
of the two old parties have led them,
and, the people having placed each of
the old parties in the lead in turn,
without result, except to plunge them
in deeper, it is but natural that they
should now look 10 the People's party
for guidance and be ready at last to
give an attentive hearing to its pro
posed measure of relief.
On, then, with the work of educa
tion! The future is surely ours,if we
will but act promptly and assiduous
ly taking advantage of the splendid
opportunity which the present situa
tion (which could not be better if we
ourselves had devised it) affords for
the education ot voters. Farmers
Now that sufficient time has elapsed
to permit a study of tbe returns from
Wisconsin it appears that the Popu
list party is the only one of the four
that gained anv votes. The Popu
list gain in the State is estimated by
State Chairman Schilling at 45,000, or
about four times the vote oast in
1S92. The victorious Republicans
have fewer votes by several thous
ands than thev had in 1S02. Milwau
kee county is a fair sample of the
State Here the total vote for Har
rison two years ago was 24,002; Up
ham received 23,648, a loss of nearly
1 .000. Cleveland in 1 S02 had 24,607 ;
Peck this year had ouly 15,393, a loss
of 9.204. eaver in 892 had 1 .2So,
Powell this year had 9,129. a gain of
The total vote of Ohio on the Popu
list ticket is about 51.000. Last
year the candidate of that party foi
governor received 15.503 votes. Toe
JumpJ in the vote this year was
due to disaffected Democrats. Those
of them who believe in free silver
voted the Populist ticket. Toledo
The Populist vote in Milwaukee in
creased from 3000 last spring to 8000.
gain of ftOOO in a fw months.
Another Bond Issue.
Cleveland and his friends, the bank- j
ers, who have idle money they want j sota tarn out some exceedingly dis
to loan, but can t, in cofiseguence of ' trust! 113 figures. There was a very
th? hard times have created, have de
cided upon another issue of bonds.
Cleveland, now that his party is a
corpse, appears to think that he might
us well be hanged for a sheep as a
lamb. It is possible that he has not
yet quite paid off the debt of gratitu
de incurred bv the bankers' contribu
tions to his campaign fund in 1892.
and that they are pointing out that
the trusts are given their return for
similar favors in the recent tar it!
legislation. Anywav, Cleveland is
doing all that the money lenders are
asking of him. and he insists Unit there
shall be "no unnessary delay."
But win n the bond issue is over
with, what will it amount to? The
gold paid for the bonds can be gotten
back again by the buyers the next
day, by their demanding gold for
greenbacks at only United States sub
treasury. Indeed, if a would-be buy
er has not the gold to buy with hel:
can get it from the government's
small stock for gteenbacks as above
suggested. So that, viewed according
to either possibility, the government
may have noittore gold when the
sale is a week over than it had before
the sale was made. What. then, be
comes of the pretense that the pur
pose of the bond issue is to increase
the gold reset ve? What the transac
tion amouts to therefore, is simply
to obligate the nation to pay more
tribute to the money lenders, and pile
up the burden of natu nal indebted
ness upon this and future genera
lions, redeemable 111 a scarce form of
Is this agony to be inflicted upon
an impoverished people every time
the money dealers shall see fit to so
arrange that the humbug gold basis
shall be drawn out of the public
treasury? "How long, oh Lord, how
long?'' Will the people tneyer see
through their villaiooous pretenses,
and rise up and overthrew the power
which employs them to extort tribute
from the nation?
Our only remedy for these evils is
in the political education of the peo
ple. Kramers' Tribune.
Should be Populists.
It is only the party that stands for
the true interest of the wealth-pro
After twenty-five years of Demo
cratic and Republican rule, we toave a
debt of 132,000,000.0 0, with 9.000.
000 mortgaged homes and 4,000,000
out of employment, with 1.024.701
tenant farmers and 2,000,000 t lamps.
During these twenty-live years the two
old oarties have sriven the rich rail
r.j vnoi-oinn in l onmmh toirir
us all a farm.
In 1800 the farmers and wagework
ers ojvned 7. per cent of the wealth
of the country. To-day they own less
than 25 per cent.
In tlii last ten years our farmers
and toilers have increased our nation
al wealth $22,000,000,000. and every
dollar of it has gone into the hands of
Both the old oarties are controled
bv Wall street, in the interests of
banks, corporations and trusts.
Neither of the old parties otters a
remedy. History does not record a
single case of an old party demanding
any righteous reforms. Edina Inde
pendent. Two years ago Donelly, Populist,
ran ahead of his ticket for Governor
of Minnesota and received 39,863
votes. At the recent election Owens.
Populist candidate for Governor, re
ceived 84.704 votes. The increase is
over 100 per cent. Tiie Democratic
vote in that State is only a little more
than half what it wasrtwo years ago
Missouri World.
m m . and. Missouri World.
New York dispatches stated that m
Wall street men were gratified to hear From the chicken coop to the soup
of the defeat of Lewelling and Waite. house that is the distance traveled
We don't doubt it for a minute. j by the unemployed on election day.
Missouri World. 1 Nonconformist,
Result in Minnesota.
The election returns from Minne-
exciting campaign 111 1890. The fate
of the presidency and control of the
government was dependent upon it.
Does any one believe that that vote
could, in an off year be increased 42.
410? That is what the official returns
show! That Republicans they cannot
create'' money but they seem to be
able, whenever occasion requires it.
to -create'" votes. They have, per
haps, learned the trick from tbe south
ern Democrats.
The vote as returned this year is as
follows: Republicans 138.084; Pope-
Mats 7fl Till 1 ..,.,.,..,.., V! (it 11. .mi
list gain 18,242, and a Democratic
loss of 30,810. There can be but one
conclusion drawn from these figures.
A large part of the Democratic party
voted the Etepublicrn ticket, and was i
a big factor in the Republican gain of
54,378. What the Populists have all
along said, that the two old parties
are twins and alwavs come together
whenever the interests of plutocracy
reveres it is lure demonstrated.
This is the last of this business. The
Democratic party in the western states
is a small third party now. and will
soon disappear from the face of the
earth with none to mourn its de
parture. Nonconformist.
That Bond Issue.
A correspondent at Omaha. Ned.,
asks w hat proof there is that the last
Republican administration were about
to" issue more bonds when Harrison's
term was about to expire, but put off
doing so in order to place the burden
of blame upon the Democrats. The
fact is made clear in the following
letter from Secretary Carlisle:
'1 UK AS I :! V 1) E PA KT.M EXT. 1
Office of Sfcretarv.
Washington. Sept. 17, 1894.
To Mr. Geo W. Dunn, Tiffin O.
Dear Sir: Your favor of the
inst, is received, and in response you
are advised that Secretary Foster, be
fore he left the department, ordered
plates for the issue of bonds to be
prepared, but the 5.000.000 of bonds
issued in February last were not en
graved upon the plates that is to say.
the plates which Secretary Foster had
prepared were changed in order to
make them conform to the character
of the bonds issued in February.
Very truly yours,
J. !, Carlisle.
Wr.at the Merchant Does.
The merchant turns his back to the
future, rubs his eyes a few times and
looks back through the fog of the
dead past and imagines that he sees
in dim tetters in the tomb of dead
i promises, Republican or Democratic
greatness: he turns then to his day
book and and writes his own death
warrant, signs it and walks to the
polls and votes that is be executed
with all the cruelty and dispatch pos
sible. No difference does it make,
how hard pressed he or his custom
ers are. nor how low prices drop or
how scarce money becomes, the dim
vision of the past, stimulated by an
indifference to the welfare of his
lirulller man miod dwarfed by
cruel visions, competitive system are
sufficient to make him willing to
sacrifice his home and all. for, the
sake of a party that once had some
sober patriotic men in its ranks.
Populist majority over the Demo
: crats in Kansas about one hundred
! PopuIit majority over the Detno
i crats in Colorado sixtv thousand.
Populist majority over the Demo
crats in Nebraska about forty thous
and. Populist majority oer the Derno-
j crats in Minnesota thirty one thous-
For Very Shame.
Railroad men going to work a'
Little Rock are asked to make oatl
that they have withdrawn from the A.
R. I", and they will not join any laboi
organization nor take any part ii
politics fr five years! So writes ont
of the victims.
Laboring people, do you know what
this means? This is more damnahh j
slavery than chattle slavery. This i
the result of private ownership of rail-1
roads. This is so much better thai
the "political patronage"' of govern
rnent ownership! No king of whon
history tells us wanted his subjects t
take anv part in politics, either. Am
that is just why King George III sen'
his Hessians to this country. Our
fore fathers desired to take some part
111 politics but he wanted to do all
that business himself. And now the
railroads are compelling American
citizens to abow monopolies only to
take port in politics! And this is
America! This is the country over
which the eagle screams for liberty!
(By the way, the Romans had an
eagle.) This is the United States
where all men are supposed to have
the same political rights! To such
degradation have the children of the
patriot fathers sunk. Shame! Shame '
Shame! ! ! Coming Nation.
Superior to Imported Wines.
29 West 42nd St., N. Y .Dec. 11, 1S93.
Alfrbd Spbcr, Prest.
Dear Sir: I can say emphatically
that I like your wines far better thin
any of the imported wines. Your
Claret, Sherry andtSauterne are very
fine and agreeable. The latter is ray
favorite. I am yours truely,
S. V. How LAND.
Complete returns from all precincts
of San Francico Cat, give Adolph
Sutro,PopuIist eandidate'for mayor,
a plurality of 18,000 in a total vote of
09,000. Opposed to; him were five
other candidates, and he has polled a
clear majorty of 2.000 over his op
ponents. Sutro was elected on a plat
form of opposition to the Souther
Pacific railroad and the funding bill.
There is nothing but encourage
ment for the People's party from the
recent election. Its vote almost
doubled and one old party "busted,"
are certainly two things that ought to
give hope to all Populists. Missouri
The Democratic is the third party
in the States of Washington, Oregon
Nevada, the two Dakotas, Wyoming,
Idaho. Kansas, Colorado, Minnesota,
Nebraska, and Oklahoma Territory.
Missouri World.
The Populist vote in Georgia is as
1892 42.947.
1894 77,060.
Gain of 34,119.
m m m
There is a strong probability that a
Missouri State League of base ball
players will be organized shortly
after the New Year holidays, and that
Sedalia will take the iuitative.
Cleveland, having become a million
aire since he entered the presidency,
needn't feel ery bad over the defeat
his party. And be doesn't.
Bland arrived at the parting of the
nays sooner than he expected. He rni, --. . ,
r I he stock is new and the lowest
was defeated by a country doctor. possible price asked for good goods.
Missouri World. The country trade especially solicited.
, ,
Moberly is in financial difficulties, pll IHII I UVOmmmmmmmm PFTDPRP
and seems co be unable to keep up her UUXlUIlflO juUJtlJl!'
electric light and water-works SS Yean? Bxpertem lniSatlng an Tart-
M ttM of Rupture enables us to guarantee a
posture core. Question Blank and Book
Wanted. tree. Call or write.
An active agent each county in the TO-MEDIOO APPIX4HCE OO.
United States to solicit subscriptions - BT. LOUM. MOB
for the twiee-a-peek Republic. A lib- IfinfAnfltt F Tun OTDIPTflDf!!
eralcomnlsson will be paid to hustlers. IIOilluUuLLL Anil ultublUllr
Address, Superintendent Circulation, wa u ba exwawmese, itrmnrr. imt
The Republic, St. Louis, Mo. trnSk sassswjpa i a, Sssjasssssa
j Sttontry.wHaswr of tb SOMHL cettMls- S4
wpld'y eo4 by lafeaxdri y cxtti xl . Cure poittiraly
Snf , a kma O mien Sink and Book fwa. CJ fZO M. CiMth SL. ST. 'JHRS- WHK
m k9oz ML B. B. BUTTS.
iPianoswJiSMsOrgaiis Prfl
ing of
of Breath, Swell
Legs and Feet.
"For about four years I was trou
bled with palpitation of the heart,
shortness of breath and swelling of
the legs and feet. At times 1 would
faint. I was treated by the best phy
sicians in Savannah, Ga., with no re
lief. I then tried various Springs,
without benefit. Finally 1 tried
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure
also his Nerve and Liver Pills. Af
ter beginning to take them J jdt better! I
continued taking them and I am now
in better health than for many years.
Since my recovery 1 have gained fifty
pounds in weight. I hope this state
ment may be of value to some poor
E. B. BUTTON, Ways Station, Ga.
Dr. Miles' Heart t'ure is sold on a positive
guarantee that t tie tirst bottle w Hi benefit.
All draggtstssell it at i. 6 bottles forts, or
it will be sent, prepaid, on receipt of prleo
by tbe Dr. Miles Medical Co.. Elkhart, lud.
Cheap and Safe Insurance !
The Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance
Co. of Scotland county. Mo., and the
Missouri State Mutual, against TornaJ
dos, Cyelones and Windstorms. Pat
ronize your own cause and protect your
homes against forked Lightning, storms
and flames Better bejsafe than sorry.
Costs but Little to lo safe. May t
lots to be sorry. $9.00 wlii J
membership in both companies una in
sure (1,000 for five yea. s on the mutual
plan against Fire, Lightning, Tornados,
Cyclones and Windstorms. .J. L. DlJS
nal. Secretary and Agent, can be
found at his office in Memphis on Sat
urdays. For further particulars see or
write to the Secretary or Home of the
following' officers on lire and lightning
J oseph M i llek. Preside at,Gra n ger.
Joel Kwinu. Vlce-Pres., Memphis.
I sol. Allen,
I C. J. Alexander, "
Board i 3 AS. T. MOOHK,
D. F. Ball, Kilwinning.
I A. S. Myeks. Pleasant Uetreat.
Or. Frank Evans, Agent. Band Hill.
On Tornado, Cyclone and Windstorm
insurance, see or write J. L. DuitXAL,
Agent for Scotland eountv.
Repairing Neatly and Promotiy Done
I make a specialty of
Shop Southeast Cor. Square, old
Perkm's Stand, Memphis, Mo.
J. M. Kloetzer,
First Door west of the Citizen's Dunk
building, invites thepuhl c to call
on him when wanting to buy
Bridles, Whips, k.

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