OCR Interpretation

Sedalia weekly conservator. (Sedalia, Mo.) 1903-1909, August 15, 1903, Image 4

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn89067598/1903-08-15/ed-1/seq-4/

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all writers for the daily papers, all
clergymen, all teachers, all who in
any way have the right to address
gy unite to denounce such crimes
i . . ! .i i..
putting them down.
Us a people we claim the right
to speak with peculiar interest em
phasis for freedom and fair treat
ancut of all men without regard to
differences of race, fortune, creed or
color,. We forfeit the right so to
apeak when we commit or condone
such crimes as these of which I
The Nation Concerned.
"The nation, like the individual,
can not commit a crime witli impu
tiity. If we are guilty of lawless
ticss and brutal violence, whether
our guilt consists of active partici
pation therein or in mere conniv
ance and encouragement, we shall
assuredly suffer later on because of
what we have done. The corner
rstone of this republic, as of all free
wovennnents, is respect for and o
l)edienco to the llaw. Where we
permit the law to be defied or cva
led, whether by rich man or poor
man, black man or white man, we
arc, by just so much, weakening
ihc bonds of our civilization and in
creasing the chances of overthrow
a.nd of the substitution therefor of a
system in which there shall be vio
lent alternations of a n a r c h y a n d
tyranny. Sincerely yours,
111 East Cooper Streot.
Paper Hanging.
Jill work guaranteed. Call and see
me Win. Gry, loGK. Pettis.
Quick Service
Get Billup's Carraige
John Hurdus is roi.iTit
Ring him up. 'Phone 146 or 164
Funeral and all Calls promptly
Looked after.
Kulin, the Grocer, sec
3f you wish to beautify, stralph
lon, and promote the growth
-or tho hair try Mrs, Jackson's
fctwilldolt, Address,
Mrs J, W. Jackson,
Scdalia, Mo.
shaves, hair-cuts and
general Tonsorial
work done.
Call and see us,
413,East Main street
Mrs. Davis koops on hand a full
Kino of hair goods, such as braids,
tbangs pompadours.
Also, facobloaoh and halrpomado.
Wo solicit your patronage
"WHITE For Prices
Popular Tousorial Artist
Courteous Treatment
Your Trade Solicited.
120 E.Main.
J. M. Harris. M. D.
Physician and Surgeon.
Ki6 V. Main St.,Sedalia, Mo.
OfIicc hours 10 to 12 a. m-, 4 30 to
15 30 p. tn.
.Residence, 230, W. Morgan St.
la n papor dovotod to the higher
idoals of 1110; n papor oditod and
controllod by progrossivo young
mon. All its work is dono by raco
Our Policy
Is to mold pulia sentiment that
willdovnlopoaggrCRSlvo charaotor
Our Staff
Is of tho gonulno stuff young mou
who aro not susceptible to narrow
ness in politics, roligion, morals or
Would do woll by advertising in
tho CCtaSEIiVATOR for it goeB
into more than 300 homes in Pottis
Co., alone to say nothing of tho for-
ign circulation.
Are reasonable; only $1.25 per year
Subscriptions are strictly cash in
Advertising rates
Mado known on application.
Will servo loo Croam and Lunch
every Thursday and Sunday nt
130 W. Johnson St. JSTCau.
IWherc to Worship.
Methodist Episcopal Churoh
Sunday Morning
Sunday School !W0
Song Servlco
l'roachlng 11.00
Class Meeting MO
Kpworth League B-00
Bong Service
Preaching.,., ... WO
l'rayer meeting every Wednesday evening.
IUv. U. Davie, l'aitor,
Piano & Furniture Mover
All work done with oaro at reason
ublo ratos. Waiihkx CiuiariEAn
'Phone 406 Resilience 617 N, Lamlno St.
African Methodist E. Churoh.
Sunday Morning
rreacbing .JS.W
Sunday School 2 00
CU meeting 3-00
r.ndeavor... M
Preaching 8-00
Iter. Alexander, Pastor.
Morgan St. Baptist Churoh,
Preaching U 00
Snndnr S,Wl'.M,
Preaching 7.80 p.m.
Prayor meeting every Wednesday evening.
Iter. P. M. Mack, Pator,
Simpson's Chapel.
Methodist Episcopal Church.
Sunday School . .1)00 a.m.
Preaching 11.00 a.m.
General ClaM.. . . 3.00 l M,
Preaching 7."-0 l M,
Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening,
fl. W. Hall, Pastor.
C. M. E. Ohuroh
Preaching every Sunday morning at 11.00
and evening at 7.80
Sundar School 2.00 I'. V.
Class mealing 8.00 l-.M
Prayer meeting every Friday evening.
T. II. Warftcld, Pastor,
Free-will Baptist Church.
Preaching nnd Itally evory 3rd Sunday
at II .DO x, M. and 7i r. m,
Sunday School 2:o0 r. M
rnvcnsiitmMtinff. .. 3:00 I. M
Prayot meeting every Tuesday ovoclng
and Covenant meeting every t Huay even
lng,. Itov. i:, I). Huron, Paitor.
Lodge Directory
Q. C. Comman
dcry, K. T.,
Meet for regular
business the first and
third Fridays In each
month. J T. Ferrll,
K. C. C. II. Lewis 11.
310 E, Main St. Sedalla, Mo.
R. A. m. No. 5.
Sedalla Chanter No. .1
Meets Inregular session
the second and fourth
Wednesday ovonlngg In
each month.
Visiting hrothora at
ways welcome.
Win. ltuby, II. P. C. II.
Lewis, Sec.
A A. F. A, M.
7V Centennial 1-odge, No. ft, moots In
regular eessson the second and fonrth Mon
day In each month, J. P. MolTItt, W. M.
J T. Kerrll, Sec.
Pfntpntiinl Court. No. 17.
rat. &ird. Thus., ol each month.
tJallie Moffat, Matron,
Julia llaydcn, occ.
Hawkin's Lodge, No. 44.
mt. &I.yl. Mondays in each month,
C. O. Brown, W. M.
C, V. Hollida-,Sec,
rt P
Full Lino of Staple Groceries & Clears.
Fresh Bread, Cakes and CooklesJSoda
Pop and other Rofroshlng Drinks Right
on the Ice,
J. F. KUHN & CO.
Cor. Lamine & Pettis.
And Lunch Room
Corner Lamlno & Pettis Sc.
Having open a first class ICE CREAM PARLOR$
kind LUNCH ROOM, we are prepared to serve you withy
Kthe lcst cream in the city at all hours at a reasonable'
Kpricc. CALL and SEE US. Open Day and Night.
B St. lir iN?Ic3GliM, Iroprlolcar.
G. U.O. of O, F,
Meets In regular setaton
the first and third Tues
days In each month, Hall 150 E. Main St,
I Cowan. H. a. 0. V. Steele P. 8.
Sons & Daughters of Charity
Lodge JNo i.
Meets ist. aud sd. Tuesdays
each month. D.L- White Pres
W'. W Henderson Sec.
lng event, and to ask them to rcdou
ble their energies in striving to
make a movement so auspiciously
begun, a permanent tribute to the
business enterprise of the Great Mid
die West with her fertile acres and
manifold natural resources. We
urge the orgnnizera appointed last
November to see to it that Farmers'
Institutes arc organized in their re
spective localities and that as large
delegations as possible come up
from the dilTeient districts to the
second annual Convention which
will be held Saturday, Novemder 7,
We urge the farmsrs to save some
of the best products of the soil to
bring along as specimens of what
they are capable of producing; and
further that if possible they bring
their wives and daughters, that the
benefit of scientific farming and ad
vanced methods in various lines of
farm work, as in poultry raising,
dairying, bee, culture, etc, may be o
pen to and discussed by all, and
from all poinns of view.
Very cordially submitted,
1J. F. ALLEN Pres.
j. S. YATUS, SecV.
Missouri Journalism's Claim.
The display of Missouri's Journalism
in tho Missouri Slate Building at the
World's I'Vir. will mean much to tho
htote in tho way of tnuueiieiu homtseeli
ers ami capitalists to come to Miisourl
to live, i'orliaps no one otliur thing In
astute is so sura an index to its charac
ter, and men of tho most desirable type
realize this. The journalism of Miisou
rl is doubtless unsuipussed by llut oiany
state in the union, and certainly so in
conprrisoit with that of any state of e.
qnn.1 or less population, Almost 1,000
Missoutl publications will bohnndsome
ly bound arid placed on exhibit nt St.
Louia not year. Valtei Williams )
comply IhU eoiinty'a miukctf. Tno Mis
souti World's Fair Commission has ap
propriated i.VJ. la be oflerod as prircs
for a corn content In the county, and the
products of the winners will be subse
quently plttoil in an inter-county contrst
to bo held at some central puint in tho
slate. 1110 Uommusioti has set aside
91,000. for tho Stats Show, end the far-
mors of tho county desiring to compete
are put to no fnrtlicr trouble ihnn tim
ptopnrjtion ot lliu products (or thu initi
al competition The Commission pays
all further expense and the prizes won
ro to the grower. Products winning pri
21)3 at the Stile t'how will be taken to
St. Louis to compete further for World's
Fair prizes, which v.111 bo announced In
the name of the grower and the county
in which produced. These awards also
are tho property of the growor.
Hosidoscorncontests, the Commission
tins arranged for competition in e.xbiliiW
ot llliui-Orass, Clover, grains of other
sprts. both In tliu straw and out. A small
pamphlet containing "Sngsosticns for
collecting and preparing uxhibitslu Ag
riculture, Horticulture, end Mines and
Metallurgy" has jutt been issued and
may bo had free by addressing the Mis
souri World'r I'Vir Commission, Saint
Louis, Missouri,
This County's Rare
Thoughtful farmers and Horticultur
ists of our county will es In the exhibit
proposed to bo made ih the name of the
county in the Missouri Building, at tho
World's Fair, the gro.-test opportunity
wo hxve over had to exploit tuoroly and
The Knights of Pythias.
From thu Palladium,
Kow that the National Grand I.odgo
of the U. 11. F. and the S, M. T. ha ad
Journedmd another Grand body, tho
Knight of Pythias, v. Ill meet in Saiat
Louis on August. 'JOth This powerful or
ganization wil make Its stsslull one to
bo remembered.
A grand litno U anticipated. Compani
es from nil sections of the United b'tatc
will rssemble here. A parade a mile long
win pass inru lomo pi uie most, impor
tant streets of the city. Hohen's grove
bus been engaged for 0110 wuk, for the
purpose of entertaining strangers and
native St. Loulsann. A drama, follow
ed by a grand ball will be held at tho Ex
position. This order is composed of men from
overy walk of life, from the profession
al to thu humblest workman' Tbey are
joined, however, under the same band
of F. C. and I)., and St. Louis heartily
welcomes all who assemble at this, ona
of this city's most notable events.
Mrs J. H.Jackman, and little son
are visiting Mr, and Mrs. Jackman
on N. Washington. Mrs. packman
is returning home from a visit to
Chicago and other cities, and will
leave for her home at K. C, Mo.

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