Newspaper Page Text
t JOHN BROWN'S SCAT FOIiT). The Gallows Tliat Kiiablctl tho Houl of Ossawatomie to Go 3Iar liing on. From the Wheeling Intolli.ironccr. The historic scaffold upon which John Brown mot his death Decem ber 10, 1850, and Avhiolr was mys teriously spirited away soon after the execution, lias just hoon dis covered at Chnrlestown, Jefferson county, in a somewhat singular place. About three months ago Colonel John M. Coyle bought from a widow the brick residence standing on the corner of Lawrence and Liberty streets, Charlestown, and last week, while making needed repairs, tore j away an old porch in the rear of the j building. Noticing that each board and timber bore a peculiar mark and number lie made an investigation, and to his surprise found that when laced together in proper order the timbers formed a complete scaffold. Subsequent developments have proved beyond a doubt that the scaffold is the original upon which John Brown suffered, and the ven erable relic lias been carefully stored away under lock and key until it can be set in some secure and appro priate place. The discovery created no little excitement among the citizens of the town and county in which the execution took place. - Japan's Model Postal System. A Ye commend the following (which we clip from a KabeJ,apan, letter to the Philadelphia Press,) to the prayerful consideration of the pos tal authorities of Florida. The postal system of Japan is always pointed at as a model in its wav one of the foremost depart ments of the Europeanized govern ment. And, indeed, it must in all fairness be acknowledged that much credit belongs to Japan for swift ness in the despatch of mails, while fettered with a lack of railroads. In the. first place every train carries mail, and in Japan, be it known, the imperial railroads run through pass enger trains every two hours, and on the Yokohama railroad nearly every hour. Thus, while in Amer ica three mails each way daily M ould be esteemed the climax of facilities, the minium between the various cities inJapau is about ten mails each way daily. This applies merely to the railroads, of course. The delivery of mails is also very paompt, and takea place a good many times aday. A person may mail a letter in Yokahama for Tukiyo, one hour's ride to the north, as late as dusk, and yet receive an answer the same night, providing his friend is prompt. AY'hile in A'okahoma I took occasion to mail a letter in a post-box as late as 0 o'clock one eve ning, at a point fully a mile from the postofKce. It was soon collected, delivered to the one to whom it was :addressed over on the bluffs, and the same evening I received a call from 3 he recipient. Ajti effort is made in the case of foreigners to deliver their mail to them promptly. So anxious are the authorities to deliver mail that one of the missionary ladies in Kobe says w lien last summer she went up among the mountains, six miles dis tant, a spocial man was despatched from the office here, really against her wishes, who came all the way on foot, and "was not content until he had hunted her up and delivered her mail. 2?3T U-OO cL V We? P. CUNNEELY, iMror.xr.K uf T'HE DAILY NEWS, A six -column newspaper. Pub-lpjg jj I 1 I Dollars per annum' Democratic in principle, it nevertheless accredits OF SPRING AND SUMMER DRY GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. We Will Display in a day or two, fresh from the Markets, a Most Elegant Stock of SPRING GOODS in all varieties suited to the season. A Full and Detailed Enumeration of the Different Lines will Occupy this Space in a Few Days. DEVEREUX. ROGERO & SON. WHOLESALE AND DETAIL DEALERS IX Hardware M j! i ill 111. ,J .1 mm ETC. , ETC r Ik Groceries, A I I LL AM) COMPLETE LINE OF EVEYTHIN(i IN THE The hurtling of jhe ehemieal works of Powers & Weightman in Philadelphia, last Thursday, caused a loss of oyer l,ooo,000, As this was the largest quinine factory in the country the cutting off of such a source of supply will he widely felt. In one day the price of qui nine jumped from -'l.i'5 to 1. Co. The trade will now depend on the foreign brands. The stocks now on hand in this country are larije anion; retailers and jobbers. In the north dru jurists buy larire cans of quinine and sell it in powders, pills and so lutions. In the southwest whore there is much malaria the tlru'ist commonly buys 100 one ounce cans at an order. Ho retails the cans. The quinine can is as familiar a sun in the family cupbord as pi ult to baoo is in the family pocket. . A Oca tl Head Tourist. The remains of Ah Sam, the Chi nese cook of the Jeannette, after hav'uifj boon brought some 15,000 miles from the mouth of the Lena river to New York, are now to be sent home to China, some 13,000 miles further. The whole distance that will have been traveled bv the corpse when it reaches China is est i matep at over 28,000 milesor more than the distance around the "lobe. Hardware and Grocery Line WE ASK AN INSPECTION OF OUR STOCK GRIFFIN'S BRICK BLOCK, CORNER FRONT AND LEMON STREETS. Jacobson Who is North at Present Purchasing his LOOlv OT7rr I'OH IS'OVKLTIIW IN First-Class GroodLs Only THIS SPACE RESERVED FOIJ Till: J La sh fil la L. MEYER. In sLs itl An Unadulterated Natural Guano, imported direct into Savan- all political factions with honesty of purpose, and the intention to con serve the interests of the public. Believing, however, as it does, that the Democratic party, as organized in our State and throughout the South, represents the virtue and intelligence of the people, it will strive to advance its success by all honorable means. It will attempt in addition to point out any abuse of official power, and will strike ever at corruption and dishonesty in the management of public affairs. THE YEAR 1884 is a campaign year; a president is to be chosen to succeed the present re publican incumbent, a great struggle decided on the principles which are to guide our national policy for at least four years. Towards the set tlement of questions so vital the News will give its best efforts to influence public opinion in the direc tion it deems best for the inter ests of a majority of our people. To do this more effectually the editors will, at an early day, begin the publi cation of JHE WEEKLY NEWS, a folio, 48-column paper, equip ped each week with all the current news, or a complete digest of the social political and general happen ings of the day. This publica tion, with the subscription price fixed at the low rate of One Dollar per annum, we hope to be able to intro duce into every household in this sec tion too remote from mail facilities to admit of a daily delivery. W e feel free to urge our friends in Putnam county and out of it to help us further the distribution of both of our publica- Acker, V Trail - Co.'s 0!ioi ISi'stiici oi Imported Segarj Billiard and Bowline: Watkk Sua r Parlors Attached PALATKA, VI. A. Florida SouiSumii Hallway. Tin Oi-sini- IJlt !.ui'. ( U'VK K Sl'I'KIM vn M'! t'. i P.Vl.ATK . ,hlll. L'O, t i;oi; soctil STATIONS. M vie. I.v l'alatUa ; :;;(i v M Ar I nlerl.tchen . . . ;:-ti " Wait's CnKiiw- t-:;o " " Ci'llcllc I : .:. ' M tea IK py ;;,'.s .H i'u't 11 ;.( A " l.oehhie I " KoddicUs 1 .',:.Vi ' cala ! North Ijtke Weir. T i l ' " South Lake Weir . . . ! ;:.Vi Ar slniisx 1 (;t(; oKTH. i'. ' -. II.' .'-.ID STATIONS. I.v L''shurr Ar South Lake Weir " North l.ak.' -ir " Oiala " Kfililirks " I . u hl lie " Mitanoiv " (Jriicllc.'.. Wait's ( roiii'j' " Inter! li b, 'ii Ar l'alatka M All. i ',:".' a M : i.v I i:r.'.- " I lo.-i.l " i in::.".! ! M:i'5 ' ; ii-:-.-, j i m ' l.!'i " A l I) '':' " A M l(t::.i " I' M :i:!li ' .:" " T-:n " 7 :( " :,'.i " THAIXS AUi'l vi: at;aixf.svii.i i: I ron! l'alatka. i ll:i:, v m Ocala ami i.ri'stiurj:- t .Vai'-y, From Micaiiojy i:i.-, v i TKAI S I.FAV !: (i A . I' 1 1 I.V. For l'alatUa. i ,,;) . r (Valaatx! Fcoshm-.c v For Micaiiopy r,.', i- -, MICANOi Y. Train U a v at s :; i Train arrives at Filt-el:l-s ear thl'oiiu ' .':, . j . 1. . ,,, Iaines ille mi all ! ram. O . N F. I h in I f At l'alatka -Willi f.e-1 riwr --te.iinei if,- ,-i Auu'iist ine. ; ie;ai (oe ii;i:-. . : : , , m", and all ioints .No,-ih. Caj Vw-si '. i. i . uji river steamers i,,r Sm-th Floi-.a. A Is; with the Twin Seivw irmi Steamer " ; v o;' l'alatka." for 'liarle-'ie n, New York !;,,'..,,. i' l'hiladelj.hia. te. ...... .!. At Vaifs Crossing with IN !'a:l -oai! for W'aklo. At ;aineii!e wiih Tr;u;sil. liailroad Tor 'eilai"Ke, J'ensaeol.i, New Oi leaii rnd'f'a;.. 1:!. At Oeaia with Transit .'wolwav and liaek-s tor Sil i r Spring-.!. At Leesliuru- wilh iioats ..n l ake llarri- for p'oints on Lake ami aaaiL-- m. .). ims a;td I Fust is liaihva.i. Also wi;:. Craham's i.-,eks tor li!-ooks ie, WU-and ad p. ii!s in South Florida. S. ( ON ANT. .IAS. I). Ilol.i STK;, ;ei'"i-a.! Mana-ei-. St i j ri i it i o i. 1 1 1 . (). W. liUoMWr.u,. ,;. !. V'. a. i. A Savannah, Florida el WA su in H'y. "Vn ,-ross Sliorl All trains of this road are run itwili) Meridiam time, whieh is slower than .laeksem die time. Iiy Ceidral :: lninuten ON and alter Sunday, Novemlior Fasseiiirer Trains will leas e and : tollows: CHAKI.I.S'IO.S i;x l'KOS. I-':lV(( Jaeksoin illi- daih at Arm e at Jaeksoin ille Uail v at . Arri e at ( 'allahan daily at' Arrie at Wacross daily at Arrive at Suwannee. Arrive at FikeOak daih at. . Arrive lit New liiant.n-.'l .l iil. .,( Arrixcat lirunswiek ilailv al Arrive at .lessup daily at Arrie at Savannah lail a(. Leave Sa atinah dailv hi Arrive at Yemaneedailv at Arrive at Charleston da'ilv at. .. Arrive at. Thoniasville da'ilv at Arrive at Mainliridye lailyat. . A rrive at , ( 'h:tt:ili ,i l Arrive at 1'eiisaeola dailv a!.' Ari'ive at Mobile daily ai . Arrive at. New Orleans dailv at I.'!, 1..1. urie as . . l(i:(KI p m . !: VI ...1I:(!() .. :i:Fi p m . . :S:4." p m . . a:il p m . . :i:il ) in . l:.':i:t p m .. :i:xt p in .. .'l:.'!!) p in . ":IH pm . . p in . . ;!::.'-". p m p in a in a in a in P m 5::i 1 1:47 p ni t:l. 10:10 on this train. .Jaek ii n ii I'ullmaii 1'arlor Cat vile to Savannah. ( 'oimeef iiiL'- a r I htit m l. ,.,..),. ... ;n. i la and Atlantic liailroad dailv lor I'ensaeola Alolnle. New Or eans. Texas mh1 -.11 t M i- sissippi points, l'ullmim I'.uflet :n.l si,i...",i',- I'ars on t his train. .laeks..n Hi., i.. o.... i.7" Mobile, and New Orleans J'his Train eonneets at Ni-vv liiimlmd with Steamer Caddo ISelle. leavin- 1.,r ( k'..v I nil Su wanee Hivi-r i.. ,i ..t ... ...... m i 'i Thursday morning, arrivimrat Cedar Key 'the same afternoon. Ket iirniny. haves Cedi-'r Kev ll:Hl t tain everv luesdavand l-ridav mm-iiim rival of ;ulf steamships. FAST MAIL. leave Jacksonville daily at Arrive at Jacksonville ilailv at Arrive at ('allahan dailv at Arrive at Waycross daily as Arrive at. Jessup daily at Arrive at Sav annah daily al Arrive at Charle-ton dailv at Arrive ut Washington. 1 1'. ('., da il v at .. Arrive at New York dailv at '. I'llllman I'alace i'a 'ioi '(';i is oi.i this l ween Jai.Ksonv Hie and Savannah. Connect iny at Waycross with 'i.r, ,.,j.n nian I'alace llutli t and I)rawiiur 1-oonT ; inw tars, waycross to New York wit change. JACKS N VI l.l.i; t.X l"H !s. Leave Jacksonv ille liaily at Arrive at Jacksonville dailv i:t Arrive at ( allahan dailv at'. Arriv e at Waycross daii v at.. Arrive at Albany ilailv at Arrive at Jesupdailv'at Arrive at Macon daily at Arrive at Atlanta daily at Arrive ut 'hattanooa dailv at . Arrive at Nashville dailv at . . Arrive at Louisville daily at . Arm e at ineinnat i daii v t . Arrive at Chicago daily at. ... -Arm e at M. l.ouis oaliv at . atler nr. L':.'.'!) p nr :.':. til p t!i '!:I0 'p in :M.i p m I'.'.U'i t III Ft'. m I m m :i in be- I'llll-leep- 'lout ' ' 0 p f !i::i a m (i:!." p 111 '.:(k'. p in . :.'::.'.- a in ii:a p m 7:ii a in 1-:-:, p m s:.'n p ni . ) : S n m . 7:. Mi a tu 7:Ui a m . (I in -i: I in i'uilman Sleeping Car- on tin- T.'i.iii to in- aiid Jo t l:,-tt; XM ii cinnati via the Wavcn via Jesup 1 '1. 1. ft XI ft ' r 1 . a ... ion nan, ua., irum ins urcnina s anas m tne uarrmcean osa, oy ra- x a n , , , vers, bnead & Co., of Richmond, Va. Wears nov offering this ; High Grade Fertilizers to the Planters and Orange Growers of i BVGry getter-Up of a club of ten SUb- Florids, feeling confident that it is just the thing thsy need, hav ing stood the test side by side with the best Fertilizers in the market for a number of years, and continues to grow in popu larity wherever it is used. scribers to either the daily or weekly editions. Address all correspondence to THE PALATKA DAILY NEWS. i:st n.oi;,ii Leave Jacli-onvilic !; t, , A rriv e a t .l. i ksi ai v i, ;e ..; . . . ,. Arrive at .ma! .an .;!..; . ; .rriveat Waj ers, i.aii.v Arrive at. Jesiip la iiy at ! Arrive at Savaimali iaily at. Arrive at A umista daily' at. . . Arrive at Charleston daily at.. Arrive at Washington dailv at Arrive at New York daily at.. . Arrive at Thomasvilic uaily :.i Arrive at Albany l.-iiiy at ' . Arrive at ,iontyi nu-rv dailv Arm e at Nc iriea us da il v a i Arrive at Na.-hviMo i;1i:y :.i Arrive a; Louisville daii'v a! Arriv e at. Ciri'-iiinal i iae v rf Ariiveat St. f.o'ii-. da.i ly'ut Arrive at Chieatro daily ai ruiirnan 1'iu.iee Outlet and linv;i;r Jioi.-m Sleeping Cars on this Train ro WuMiifu-i'm. Puihuun I'alace Si-.'epdiir I 'ars, .('aek.-ot.viiJe to Savannah. l'lilimaii Sleepi;!'.' Cars on thi.-'J'n vide via Thotua.-v iiie. Pullman Hotel atai SlM-pimr C i rain to I liiciniiati via Sav a:;ii.;!i. A Restaurant has lw-en ojn-ned at Way -r'i.-s, find atiiiiidant time v. ili he aliov. ed tor' wnin jy ail passt nirtT rrain. ,'onnecf ii'ir at Sav annah viih steamers for Xtw Vork, I'iii!adeiiiiiit, iJimi awl i:.dti uiore. Connecting at Charleston with f'ani.-rs for New York, Philadelphia and f Salt itnore. Trains on 15. and '. R. R. leave junction, jrointr west, at L-':lil p. in., and lor J.i un.-switk. at 1:10 p. ni.. daily. Through tickets sold to all points Ly Itail and Steainship connections, ami liaVpmsre Cheekwl through. Also Sleeiiinr Car l erths and sections st-tured at Cnui!tiir"s Oilice in Astor's IiuihLnfr, i-i liar street, and i:t iJeiKit Ticket Otfic-c. JAS. L. TAYLOR. General Passt-nsfcr Ajreut A. M. IVES, Agent. . : . ! . . ,.::e a I i :. a in i:i::;; l m .11:4.". i' in .".i ::2.'i a in . '.::: p i.i 7: :t :u :'':.'. ri -::.( , la ::" a lii . : id a in :.:(. p i., . ", ::: pi:: a r.i in to Louis .is oii this OKDERS rilOMPTLY FILLED AND IXFOHMATTOX FniVTSHED ON APPLICATION BY s-s. II. IIOYALL CO., Importers Agents, AYater street, PALATKA, FLORIDA. ' . , ... . i. K .