Newspaper Page Text
THE DAILY NEWS. COJUIKSI'ON'DENCK Solicited on all interesting1 topics throughout the state. We will be especially jrratelul lor all local items of interest to the public. News sent bv wire should be abbreviated when prac ticable, and sent after H o'clock, p. m., address ed to FALATKA DAILY NEWS. AGENTS FOR THE NEWS. The following gentlemen are the authorized agents of The Pai.atka Daily and Wkkkly iEWS, in their several localities: W. II. Do Witt, Pan Mateo. W. C. Valentine, Nashua. C. S. Packard, Welaka. it. M. Bard, Norwulk. H. W. .1. Parrisli, Fruitland. A. H. Rartlett, Georgetown. I aniel Darling, Drayton Island. K. K. Hijrley, iMkc George. ,1. I,. Burton, Crescent City. J. ('.Strickland, Inteiiachen. A. Munroc, McMeekin. Win. C. Braddoek, Seville. J. S. Cowdon, St. Augustine. H. A. Vojrelbach, Melrose. PALATKA, FLA., "MARCH 13, 1884. rrllo iully CM W Can be purchased at F. C. COCH RANK'S NEWS STAND, at the Post Office. Tlie IVews Ofllee. The office of The Daily News is located on Water street, in the new building1 next to He id's Keneral store. DAILY WEATIIEU REPORT. The thermometer at the Morunge Pharmacy registered yesterday tj'J decrees at 7 a. in.; 7 decrees at 13 in. and 75 degrees at (5 p. m. Weather clear. Heading Vot lecw. Furnished Rooms near the J. T. & K. W. De pot to rent. Inquire at this office. F. C Cochrane has just received nice boxes for packing orange blossoms. Wanted. Two pleasant rooms and imma nent board for a Kent leman and small family in some private family; or a small furnished house for the summer months. Keferences. Address, iNyuniER, care this office. Wantei. Several pood men to sell genuine Singer Machines, Liberal terms. Write or call on F. (I. Drown, Palatku, Florida. At the Putnam Pharmacy, Neroli Cologne, prepared from a choice recipe. Odenta, an excellent preparation for the teeth. Recom mended by the best dentists. Prescriptions eompo. Jed with absolute accuracy at all hours of the day and night. First-class Groceries, at very low prices, are being sold at McLaury & Co.'s new store. Sijjn painting and carriage painting a specialty at L. Meyer's paint shops. New Mr. I-cwis will serve cus tomers at their homes with Hot Rolls and Dread daily. H. A. Muyek, Palace Bakery. Full line of paints always on hand at L. Meyer's paint srore. Fresh up-river Oranges, very fine qual ity, received every day, at Tomkins & Weeks, on the wharf. Crac'iers, fresh; Apples, fresh and nice; Farmers Supplies at tie Family Store. It. K. Rkid. For artistic signs see J. II. Merrydav. Lots of Fresh Eggs, Cabbages, etc., being re ceived almost daily at "The Family Store." R. K. Keid. Go to Smith, the butcher, for all kinds of fresh meat. Smith is at the old fresh meat market .stand on Front street. Just received at the family store, from D. Eandreth & Son, choice lot Garden Peas and Onion Sets. Going fast, come and purchase at once. R. It. Reid. If you want the best material and workmanship when you paint, go to J. II. Merry day. The Keuka Family Store invites vou all to come and make your purchases, and" go home pleased. K. K. Kr.iu &, Son. Fresh poultry daily, New York and western fresh meats always on hand at Smith's. PALATK A GRAIN MA Ilk ET. Corrected daily by Vertrees & Co., wholesale and retail grain and provision dealers. Corn 81.tiOfTS1.70 per sack; Oats 00rrni5c. per bushel; Bran $1.40(3 $1. fin per ewt.; Grits $4.iHa $.50 per bbl.; Hay $30.00 er ton; Cotton Seed Meal Sl.fiUpcr ewt. These prices shaded in job lots. Our Weekly. On Sunday's steamer came over im posing stones, so that the Weekly for which so many inquiries have lieen made will apiear on Saturday. For the large patronage already promised we extend our hearty thanks, and hojx? our agents will give tis immedia-ly the lists now in their hands to guard against possible dis appointment to our patrons. The Weekly will give a careful resume of the news, and will Itesides contain the literary matter, not ices of prominent peo ple, county notes from the Daily. PERSONALS. Col. Wm. L, Chandler Treasurer of the Florida Southern Railway Co. is at the Larkin. Hon. Allen Munroe ex-Mayor of Syra cuse N. Y. was in the city yesterday and will leave to-day for Oeala. Geo. W. Taylor, of the Associated Lines, (not an Ohio man) was in town yesterday and was mistaken for a candi date for President. Wm. Conard, of Crescent City; J. M. Griffith, of Albany, N. Y.; D. A. Wed more, of Piney Rluff, Fla., and P. E. McGill, of Augusta. Ga., are guests at Graham's. J. Lippman, a wholesale druggist of Savannah ; James S. Delano, of Wash ington, D. C; Dr. John McCoy, of Kan sas City, and Dr. John Taylor, of Rich mond, Va., are prominent guests at the Larkin House. Capt. D. W. Chipley, Vice President and Superintendent of the Pensacola and Atlantic Railroad now with his party at the north cottage of the Putnam House, was serenaded on Tuesday night by the Italian string band. Dr. Arthur M. Speer, of Georgia a brother of our senior editor arrived in Palatka yesterday, and will make a per manent home in Florida. Dr. Speer has recently completedja medical course began at Bellview Hospital Medical College in New York, and graduated with distinc tion from the Georgia Medical College at Augusta. We trust he can make it con venient to stay with us here at Palatka. RIDING A L.OC0310TIVE. What a News Editor Saw anil Felt on Board of Dan Preston's Engine. Some writer hs said that the perpetual lever called a wheel is the masterpice of mechanical skill. On land and at sea, like the feet of Proclaiming Angel, it finds a fulcrum wherever it happens to be. It is the alphabet of human ingenui ty. "In fact," remarked jolly, fat Dan Preston, an engineer of the Jacksonville, Tampa and Key West road, as he pulled his throttle a little more open. "It seems to Ijc the tendency of. everything to Ik? awheel, and who knows," continued this august philosopher, "but what the ice and snow is piled up to the far north and south of us just to keep the world's gugeons cool." I told Dan that I didn't know. I put my foot in the stirrup of Pres ton's locomotive a da' or so ago and swung myself into a seat on his cushions. I wanted to see the new line to Jackson ville and I saw it. Its a princely way to travel and one makes royal progress. The little Itell in the roof of the cab said, "pull out Dan," and he pulled. The steam clock registered up in the 80's, and the time clock at a standard 8. I leaned out of the window and watched the slender arms at the drivers feel slowly into their cylindrical jKjckets for some thing they never found aud that they never tired of feeling for. Faster and faster the search continued and my hair began to stream like a comet. Dan was working her for all she was worth, but the machine was fidl of reserved power and hurled itself along over the new cross-ties at twenty paces to the heart beat. First I got the idea, and next the exhileration of motion. It was better than "the sillery soft and creamy" of Longfellow. It had the touch of wings in it, and as I watched the track I learned something. I had supposed the iron bars were laid in two parallel lines. Not so. They appeared a long tapering "V," slender and pointed in the distance. But the huge engine pried them apart as it rushed on and made a roadway of them. I shall never forget that ride with gallant Dan Preston, lie used his throttle a lit tle too liljerally, probably because he had a reporter along. I shall think of him but at a distance in the future the full space from the engine to the coaches, and when he gets time I'm going to ex plain to him the magic of a printing press. I met Mr. Moran, the genial pas senger agent. He took out a broad map and laid down the lines of the new road. South of us, at Buffalo Bluff, a bridge will span the river and the roadway will trend along southward through the Volusia towns DeLand and Orange City. A short prong will jut out and tap the Astor road at its river terminus, and another will encircle charming Lake Monroe, further down, and after recrossing the river south of that placi pie, will enter Sanf ord as a sort of triumphant solution of the distance between this point and that. Just to think of it ! Only five and a half hours Itetween Jack sonville ami Sanford a full eighteen hours ride at this time. Then on to Titus ville. "Our road is going to the Indian river country," said Mr. Moran; "we are going to make it a great highway. It will be the 'neck of the bottle,' the single artery south from the focal point of Jack sonville." "And what is it going to do for Palat ka, Mr. Moran?" "It will make Palatka a great city." "Do you think so?" "I do." Cheek. Our streets owe one great element of their attractiveness to the orange trees shading the sidewalks. Just now these are full of fragrant orange blooms con trasting beautifully with golden fruit and dark green leaves. To cut these, not only destroys the next crop, but diseases the tree, and the visitors who make a practice of doing this are unworthy the consideration shown by the citizens and shonld lie exposed, and punished. That educated men and women should so far forget themselves as to perpetrate such vandalism is marvelous; that they do so in plain view of friends and the public evinces the possession of cheek that will not be shocked by arraignment in our mayor's court. An officer found a cou ple yesterday, not cliildren, but plainly gentleman and lady, who were stripping trees on the streets of blooms anil leaves by the wholesale. Our citizens have been compelled to post notices in their yards or lock their gates, contrary to all our ideas of hospitality. Shall we be compelled, in self defence, to draw barled wire along our streets? Public sentiment among our visitors should put down such disgraceful conduct. If we had a police force some of these Goths would find themselves lefore the bar of the police justice,. A party not long ago went into a pri vate enclosure and striped every rose from the bushes. When these were de manded by the ladies of the house, they claimed the buds on the ground that they had gone to the trouble of cutting them!!! This from an enclosed garden, in a civilized land, by parties wearing the appearance of ladies and gentlemen. Posting The Streets. Editors News: It is always conven ent and sometimes necessary for visitors to your charming city to know the names of its streets. Cannot the city council have the names of each street plainly posted upon the corners of the squares? This would save the visitors some trouble, and others from having to answer countless inquires. Tourist. Mayors Court. William Beal, whose boisterot is de mand for leave to depart on the Comet, was noticed vesterdav, was arraignt m! be- fore his Honor Mayor Teasdale on a j Herald"' as soon as it arrives on the even charge of disorderly conduct, and use of j ing train. I am constrained to say that it profane language and fined five dollars j Is not in my power to comply with vour and costs. j request for the reason that it is not de- "Don't Eike the Nigger." A Washington dispatch to the New York Sun, of date March 10th, says: Secretary Lincoln has leen extremely popular with the colored eopIe especial- lv in Washington, but his popularity has ' 1 1 J received a blow. A colored minister, j highly recommended, applied to him re- cently for an army chaplaincy. The re quest was not acceded to. While it is true that there may not have been a va cancy, yet the colored people seem to think it was a discrimination against them, and are. displeased: They found out a good while ago that in the distri bution of favors by the Republicans in power the negro is carefulh- excluded. Alligator Hides. Four hundred thousand alligators, it is estimated, were killed in Florida, during the past year, to supply the demand for alligator-skin articles of all kinds, which are said to be well nighindistructible; be sides articles of jewelry, manufactured from the teeth. This new business is said to give employment to over 2.00 eople, in various parts of the south, the skins being worth from 20 to 50 cents and to the merchants from $1 to 2 each, ac cording to the quality. A few years ago alligator skins were a novelty, now there are over a dozen tanneries in the United States engaged exclusively in tanning these hides. The teeth are in demand in England and in France, where they are manufactured into jewelery. The City Pamphlel. To our council are due the thanks of every citizen for the determined manner in which they have insisted on making an exact statement of the financial con dition of our city government as shown in the pamphlet just published. Even a careful perusal will give little idea of the amount of work expended by Mr. Moats in his effort to tabulate and arrange the results of careless book keep ing pursud for years by careless and incompetent clerks, the fruit of his labor is liefore us, well arranged, .clearly expressed and accurate. To those who know the chaos out of which tins symmetrical whole was envoi ved, it is evident that to Wm. G. Moates as an exper is due no little of the we gladly pay. gratitude Mysterious Disappearance. Until some two months ago, there re sided in Palatka one D. McCune. a car penter. He was in poor health and threatened with heart disease. He left his family on Front street and was living for a time with Mr. P. T. L. Queen, a friend on Iemon street. One night he rose and dressed himself, while to the en quiries of his frend, he only said he was going out. Since then neither family or friends have heard from him, and his wife is uneasy. The recent skeleton cast on the beach at Palatka has filled her with vague alarm, and if this should meet the eye of any one knowing Mr. McCune's wherealouts, he is entreated to give such information as he may pos sess either at this oflice, or by letter to his family here. Mr. McCune was of medium height, fair complexion, about 150 pounds in weight, silent and quiet in his ways. He drew a ension from the government, and some officer in the state may be ap plied to for the purpose of making the affidavits necessary to draw the same. If so, such officer will quiet the fears of an afflicted woman, by writing as above. New Advert iseiiient s. Owing to a press of local matter we were unable to call attention in our issue of yesterday to the handsome advertise ment of Warren Thayer & Co., job prin ters book binders etc. From the word ding of their announcement we are led to believe that their new printing house will be excellent in all its departments. Frank li. Pond, iron founder of Jack sonville sends us his advertisemont for this numlx'r. It will le seen that he is a state agent for some valuable machinery and besides runs a large foundry busi ness of his own. We have tried Mr. Pond's work and can testify to tts ex cellence and reccomend him as a reliable man, to all who need anything in his line. The attention of our readers is invited to the new schedule of the J. T. ct K. W. R' R. published in this issue. The road is in splendid running order well equipped with first-class coaches, andthe run from here to Jacksonville is pleasant and fully three hours shorter than bv boat. uivi-n; xrcws. The Flora Temple, towboat of Jack sonville, is at Adams' wharf. Schooner yacht, Ranger, is still here. Her owners are unwilling to leave Palat ka. apparently. Give up your trip and stay with us. The government cutter. Governor Bout AVell, arrived in port yesterday, and is anchored in the stream oil the Florida Southern docks. The Boutwell is a rak ish, saucy looking craft and carries her smoke funnel like an Irishman wears his shellalah. She has been inspecting the river bouvs. Says the South Florida Times, pub lished at Orange City: '"Grading on the Palatka and Indian River railroad has reached a point this side of Underbill's in the vicinity of Deed creek, about twenty miles from Orange City." Mr. Helper Complains. P-iLATKA. Fla.. March 12, 184. Editors Daily- News: In answer to your re.mest for a copv of the "Florida liver ed to me from the postoH'wv until the following morning. ! My 1kv is always on hand as soon as I the mail arrives, and repeatedly asked j for ;he "Evening Herald." He is con ' fronted with the ivnlv len- in.t -.i....i ;,,.. .i, ,..- i 1 i- i I Jl( T LS! tfH'm Vl't lilt M tc-lttun t in next morning he is handed the bundle f with the remark, "the papers arrived List night." Seemingly strange is 1 1 1 is. and especia 1 ly so, when the other two newsdealers in the city are immediately served with their papers upon the arrival of the mail the clerk of one of the newsdealers being al lowed to go inside-the olhVe as a sworn in ofilcer of government postal service, opens the bags, and secures at once such mail matter as may have arrived for his em pit yer. On every hand complaint is heard re garding our postoih'ce. There must be a ; screw loose somewhere. If Mr. Snow 1 has not competent and sufficient help he j should secure it at once, and thus relieve j our people and visitors of many of the j inconveniences to which they are now subjected. ours ivsxvtfiilly, Hinton A. Helper. )l ATTENTION I f HMI1KKS OK ENOi.NK AM) HOSK 'omi'an y: There will Ik- a meeting heid to-niirht at s o'clock, sharp, iu the store room on the wharf, where i the ht .-- queried. re! is kept. A full attendence is re 'o excuse accepted. H. A. Muyki,. Foreman. Attention, Gem City H, & L, Co. i. IMPORTANT MEKTIXd WILL P.E 1 held to-niii'ht at S o'clock, at tiu: rooms of Sheriff Shalley, in the court house. A full at tendence is earnest ly requested., Foreman. FRANK R. POND, AOlvXT I'lil! THE SIMPSON & GAULT MANUFACTURING CO.'S CELKHKATKD PORTABLE GRAIN KILLS FOP. WHEAT, CORN OR FEED -AND- Flour Mill Macbinery of all Kinds CASTINGS, SHAFTINGS AND IRON WORK OF ALL KINDS OX SHOUT NOTICE. .IV OKSONVIL T. I V TjA . JAC Kso vit.t.j; TAMPA k KEY WEST RAILWAY ,i ... THE "GEM CITY" ROUTE. TIU'. ONLY ALL RATI, LINK TO ORANGE PARK, MAGNOLIA, GREEN COVE SPRING & JACKSONVILLE. (i Three Hours Quicker to Jacksonville Than by :iny other line. o I5ROAI) C.U'GK, STEKL RAILS, AIR DRAKES, FIRST-CLASS EOril'.MEXT. T "RAIXS WILL KI N AS FOLLOWS: ;oin; socth. Lv;i vc Jacksonville S.Kht. m H-iiiijfc 1'ark ".Lin " " Mairitnlia ;i.4ti " ' (irerii Co v Sprinjr !.."0 " West Toi-oi M:i: Arrive I'aiatka 11:07 " UOINO NOllTll. Leave I'aiatka .t:l.".a. m West Toeoi 1(1:1", " ( ireen Coa c Sjirinir 1(1:40 " Magnolia M:44 " ( (rimjre Park 1 1 : T- " Arrive Jacksonville. . . . ll:."o " t.m p. tu. " .-.(U " 5.os " 5:4.- " (!.- " i:irt 1. 1U. r,:rrt) ' 7:1 " T::j; " S:1 " THE ST. JOHNS' RAILWAY -MAKES TIOX Aujrnstine. At West Toeoi, and front j Rates anl Fare to all Points as Low as by I anv other line, and )':tirriuv cheeked thronjrii. ! M. R. Mi RAN, C. W. RENTLEV, I (ion. Pass. Asrent. (Jen. Manager. i3iioirr.Y:Nrr REAUTIIT'L WINTER HOME, SIT- ! tinted on Emmet street, in the Hammock, known as the HACKER RESIDENCE, to be sold at a rreat liarjrain, if sold within thirty days. Apply to .J. II. III15I5A I51. At ottice of the I'aiatka Transfer Co., rear of F. S. Railway depot. Al)MLISTRATOirS NOTICE. IT AVIX; DEEN DFLY QUALIFIED AS Mann. I hereby require ailclaimsund demands aj-'ain-t said estate to be presented as pre scribed Ly law. or this notice will be pleaded in bar: and all debtors are warned to make immediate settlement to the undersigned. A. W. MANN, Administrator. GEM CiTY HAIR DRESSING ROOMS LEMON" ST., PALATKA. FLA. FRESH, SALT & SULPHUR BATHS J H. L. GREEN. lEL ju GrlRZEZEZLsT & CO- -dealeus in Keep constantly on hand a full r.nd attractive stock of BOOTS AND SHOES FOR MENS', BOYS' AND LADIES' WEAR We ask an inspection of our stock. No trouble to show goods. Don't come up to the feast and be found without a wedding garment. All the best manufacturers are represented in our stin k, both hand and machine goods. Ladies and ients. verv tine roods stwcialtv. Lkvon Stukkt. PALATKA. FLORIDA. EOBT. JR. jRIEIID, THE FAMILT STOEE i l rr it .v, i l o r i i .v. IRotrt. II. ZRed- & Son, lv n 1c ji , Dealers in General Merchandise. A Full Line of Goods Kept in Each De- partment. Always give us a Call. P ALATKA'S POPULAR BO O K S TORE IVo. ;$ Cii-illiii lil.x-k. tut:: ni:AD(t)iTAiiTKKs rou Books, Stationery, Fancy Articles, Toys VIEWS AND FLORIDA CURIOSITIES, Also, a Full Line of Selected Imported and Domestic Cigars IN PAI.ATK V IS NOW T t HE l'OI'ND AT ASH MEAD BROTHERS' BRANCH STORE, (iriflin's New Hriek Iiloelt, Water Street, toot of Lemon. O THEV HAVE THi: LAI If. EST AND I HOST SELECTED STOCK IN THFII5 LINE IN THE 1. Ural City, eomprisintr the following STANDARD AND M 1 SCELLA N E l'S HOOKS, in plain and tine bindings: Cliiee Presentation and Illustrated Volumes, Family liildes, Teaeliers' and Pocket Bibles all and prices. Episcopal Prayer Books and Hymnals. Popular Editions of the English and American Poets in holiday binding. Choice Juveniles separately and in sets. Illustrated Children's Books, McLauyhlin's Toy Books, etc. School Books and School Supplies, Headers, (irammers. Arithmetics, Slates, Chalk, Pencils, etc. SitstiJiti- jiikI Ijiiic Ar( icIK. Handsome Boxes of Pa peteries. Ladles Sat chcls. Lap Tablets. Card Cases, Photograph, Auto graph ami Scrap Albums, Work Boxes, Writing Desks, (iold Pens and Pencils. Ink Stands, Vel vet Frames, Easels, Pictures, Checkers, Back (iaminon Boards, ( 'hessmen. Stereoscopes. etc. etc. Pocket Books, Cigar Cast's, Jewel Cases. Match Boxes and Diaries for lsst. complete assortment. Iloi'itlsi Oui'ioxit A well selected stock of Alligator, Sea Bean, Bear Tusk and Shell Jewelry, and other Novel ties always on hand, which have created much comment ami prise on account of the elegant manner in which these curiosities have been made up. Iixliiiir rFsilvl. We have the largest and best assorted stock of these goods in the city. Just arrived, a new lot of tishing tackle, comprising every article needed for the angle. Tourists will find it to their adv antage to call and inspect our tishing paraphanalia. O I a ak The best selected line of Cigars, imported and domestic, to be found in the city. We have the celebrated "Manilla Cheroot" and the "Hoitgli and Beady," two of the most popular nd largely called for cigars in the city. We also have a full line of the best imported cigars in this market, while our line of Pipes. Cigar and Cigarette Holders are unsurpassed. Ordov I t"iiii't moil t . We order from our main office in Jaeksi m ville every article not in stock in "1 hours not ice. Artist's AT si t -rii Is. We keep a full line of points, water colors, brushes, easels, paUctts and every article needed by the professioal and ameteur rtist. We resiKK-tf ully invite the residents of Palatka and vicinity to call and inspect our stock 1m; fore purchasing elsewhere, as we sell at New York, Boston and Philadelphia prices and feel confident we can satisfactorily suit all tastes. No charge for showing goods. Don't forget the place, Third Store, (Iriflin's New Brick Block. Water Street, foot of Lemon. JIITNTOJN V. IIJ:i,li:iL 3Iiiiitif:or. IE . T. L .A. "ET IE , Hardware, Cro HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS, HARNESS, SADDLES MIXED PAINTS I'lTJIIillNO, rniVNTITSCi JI1I FITTING Executed on short notice and on reasonable terms. I'SlltltlCH, SAVE FROM 25 TO 50 PER CENT BY HAVING YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED WITH ABSOLUTE ACCURACY FROM THE Imported and Domestic Pharmaceutical Preparations AT Jp-jLlDJCLSbJOCL Pliarmacy. THE jvroxaJg,z3o PlLarmacy ESTAItLIHIIED IKKJ. Corner Ieinon Front f-its., - - PALATKA, IJA. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded Day and Night. FRESH DRUGS! FRESH DRUGS! FRESH DRUGS! RECEIVED DAILY AT ci:erxnaxL & CTe,oIkiso:os 1HARM ACY. All orders filled promptly and at lottom prices. PRESCRIPTIONS com pounded at nil hours bv exrerieneed Druggists. ID. HILL &d CO. Prodixce & Con Shipments of Potatoes. Onions. Cabbages, etc., received daily. Consignments of Florida Prints. egetables anil Produce solicited. References: Wm. J. Winegar & Co.. Bankers. Palatka: E. C. & C. S. Tiffany, San Mateo, Fla. OPERA HOI'SK BCII.DINi;. IAf,-TKA. Vf.A. sA:csnK: oif W3I. .T- AVIVILXi.Yli A General ISaiiklng ISuMne Transacted. Uuy and Hell Foreign Exehanjjc Correspondent s ZVew York First rs'a tional IJank; Kountze llros., Boston; 3IavcrieJv National 75a n lv. 13. ii. padg i: r i THE IPALATIKIA- GEOCEE LEMON TTREET, A Trial is MARTIN GRIFFIN, JR ir 1 ! i 1 si . ckery, Stoves Ilorifla. CHOICEST THE 3-m ission palatka v CO., li.VS IvlliS. -o- PALATKA, FLORIDA. all I Asli