Newspaper Page Text
, .J...,. IIjm' I 4 A I I A XT' 7". -TV! JL'JLLd'. .'.V. o. VOLUME I. PALATKA, FLORIDA, KRIDA Y, MARCH 14, 1884. '1 TELEGRAPHIC SPARKLES. THE LATEST NEWS FROM ALL PARTS BY AVI RE AM) CARLE. Roiled Down iwil Summarized that I lie Reader May Enjoy it in a Few AVords. Friars'' Point, Miss., is inundated. Broken levee. The Fall River spinners have voted to continue their strike. The country of the Sunflower in Mis sissippi is inundated. The quarantine of cattle afrlicted with foot and month disease at Neosho, Kan sas, is rigorously enforced. Fire on the British bark John Boyd, at Savannah, Wednesday, damaged 2.000 bales of cotton, valued at $93,000. Loss unknown. A cave-in occurred in "Washington Wednesday while a 3ank of earth was being excavated, burying four men. Two were killed. The Western Union has declared a quarterly dividend of 1 per cent. Pies dent Green's report shows 4.094,710 sur plus in the treasury. The Gila river has overflowed at Yuma, Arz., and inundated half the town. One hundred and fifty families are rendered homeless and destitute. Fire at Allegan, Mich., destroyed the Sherman House, three newspaper oiiices, Peck's bank and about twenty mercan tile houses. Loss, $2o0,000. Twelve miles of the Louisville, New Orleans and Texas railroad is overflowed and all work on the line between Mem phis and the Yazoo river is suspended. Three men. Griffin, Miller and Mulkin, are on trial for murder in Poughkeepsie for blowing up the house of Samuel Grovener, of Pawling, N. Y., with dyna mite, whereby Grovener was killed. DEATH OF HENRY A. TILDEN. Special to Daily news.' HUDSON, N. Y., March 13. Henry A. Tilden died at New Lebanon last night, aged sixty -three years. He was the youngest brother of Hon. Samuel J. Til den. . A FRIGHTFUL HOLOCAUST. Special to Daily News. . Lynchburg, Va., March 13. A spe cial from Pocahontas says that an explo sion occurred in the coal mines there at 12:30 o'clock there this morning, and that from 120 to 150 miners were killed. CONGRESSIONAL ITEMS. Special to Daily News. ; HOUSE. Washington, March 12. -On motion of Mr. Hammond, of Georgia, .the hill passed authorizing the chairman of sub committees, of the committees of both houses of congress to administer oaths. SENATE. Senator Sewell called up the Fitzjohn Porter bill lief ore the morning hour had extended lieyond 12:30 o'clock. Senator Miller, of New York, said the Senate had yesterday put aside impor tant public business to take up this bill for private relief. He moved to lay Sen ator Sewell's motion on the table, but withdrew the motion in order to exjiedite business, and permitted a vote to be taken on Senator Sewell's motion. The .senate agreed to take up the bill. ANOTHER ENGLISH VICTORY. Special lo Datly News. London, March 13. Despatches from JSuakim state that the rebels opened tire on General Graham's forces at 1 o'clock this morning. The British forces were at once formal to reel the charge, but no attack came. The men were thereupon ordered to 1 ie down again. The lire of the rebels continued all night, but the British did not reply.' One otlkvr and two men were wounded, and one man killed. Fighting Ixgan at daybreak. The infantry and artillery completely routed the enemy from their pits and trenches. The battle had not lasted more than half an hour when the victory of the British was made certain. Telegraphic dispatches have been received from Gen eral Graliam, dated Osman Dig ma's camp, March 13th, 11:40 a. m., in which he says: '"The camp of the enemy has been taken, after hard fighting since S o'clock this morning. Over seventy of the British were killed and one hundred wounded. Mary's Lamb in a New Liijijt. Peck's Sun. 'Darling," said he, tenderly encircling her slendej waist with his larlioard arm, "can you tell me in what respect you re senible Mary, of little lamb fame?" "No. I cannot, dear Ilenery,"' she answered, blushing one of those western sunset blushes that betoken cold weather. '"Be cause,' said he, as he tenderly stroked the golden hair, 'lecause you have a pet that loves you so." "And now dear, Henry, can you tell me why you are like Mary's Iambi-1"' f"No, lear, why -am I?" "Be cause," said she glancing nervously to ward the door, "because you are sure to go. I hear papa coming down the stairs and you know." "Why am I like Mary's teacher?" thundered the old man poking his head in the door and foundling a sev--en pound Indian dab. "Because," an swering himself, ' 'after 1 lo'clock is against the rule and I am going to turn vou out." As the young man limited painfully away he was heard to mutter to himself: "Well", I differ from the lamb in one. respect, for i 11 never follow Mary any more! Alligator Brigade. Palatka, March S, 184. Editors of the Daily News: On Saturday morning, March 8th. a party consisting of Commodore Pool, Col. Welch, Dr. Buckley and Professor Young left Palatka for an extended tour in the head-waters ot the St. Johns river. The steamer Marion was specially clus tered for the occasion under command of Captain W. II. Mclntyre. while Mr. C. II. Gurney accompanied the party as guide. A large number of friends gath ered at the wharf shortly before the boat left to see the party off. and took a lively interest in the supplies that were being sent on board, criticizing severely several packages marked "Budweiser," best Monogram," "E. & J. Burke," etc. It was explained that the party intended at tempting to reach Lake Washington a feat which has not. I believe, been ac complished for about ten years, and hence the large amount of supplies nece s sary for such an arduous undertaking. "A dollar to e cents you don't make it," exclaimed Ca; taia I. J. Ada., s 'Done," replied Commodore Loot. A subscription was immediately taken up on board to cover the 1 t. Captain Joe Smith st(xxl smiling at the party ami seemed anxious to take a hand in. "All aboard," "good-bye" and the Marion swung olf into the broad St. Johns on her southern journey. I may say in ex planation that a trip has leen with one exception made yearly for seven years by Commodore Root and party, and members can only join by eating a one pound steak cut from the tail of an alli gator. Some doubt has been expressed as to this, but I can personally vouch for its authenticity. Welch, Young and Buekly have yet to go through the or deal, but it is difficult to forecast the re sult. Judging from to-daA's dinner Welch is the favorite. To resume: Hounding past Hart's celebrated grove, White's Beach, San Mateo and the al most numberless beautiful groves on the banks of this magnificent river, one feels that "it is well to be here," and drinking in the warm healthful air, that there is something life-giving and revivifying in it, and that only a few hundred miles north there is snow, ice and zero seems incredulous. After a pleasant run we anchored off Salt creek for the night, Sunday morning shone bright and clear as the Marion steamed away for Volusia bar. and the effect of the clear air laden with ozone was as the imbibing of one of the Commodore's celebrated cocktails. Peacefully and quietly the day passed, with occasional glimpses of alligators and ducks, which almost startled the party into forgetting that "the seventh day is the Sabbath," but no doubt early training restrained the eager hunting impulse, and with resignation the many temptations were quietly passed by. In the evening the goddess of night shone in all its splendor, causing the river to appear as a leautiful mirror re flecting perfectly the weird scene, ren dered still more ghost-like by the moon lit shades and shadows, like a scenery in fairyland. Anchor was cast in AVekiwa creek. Monday morning, bright and early, the first trial was made with fair results one alligator seven feet nine in ches, six black bass, two limkin and sev eral other birds, but the event of the morning was'the Capture of a stray dog by Dr. Buckley. At 1 a. m. a start was made for San ford, from which point the actual trip will commence, and if oppor tunity offers r few lines may reach you as to the further proceedings of the Alligator Brigade. PKOM1X KX T I'KOPLE. Anderson. Marv Anderson return to America next spring (1$8.). G P. a II AM. Gen. Graham was one of AVolse!ey"s crack fighters in Egypt two years ago. Sala. George Augustus Sala will make a tour of the United States next fall, lecturing as he goes. Edmunds. Mr. Edmunds cannot Ixj president, he has no warmth of manner. If Mr. Edmunds were to accidentally seat himself on a pin, he would not arise to remove it. Waddell. James J. Waddell. of An napolis, formerly commander of the fa mous confederate cruiser, has been elect ed captain of the steamer Leila, of the Baltimore oyster police boats. Ferry. M. Jules Ferry, in a brilliant speech in the French chamber recently, showed that the rage for building had leen developed to monstrous projiortions in Paris, and 10,000,000 had been ex pended during the last six years. Lor I ng. Gen. Loring, United States commissioner of agriculture, has been tendered the position of superintendent of the agricultural department of the AYorld's Exposition at New Orleans. It is a judicious selection. Pomeroy. Mr. Pomeroy, of Kansas, is a presidential candidate on a platform which calls for the abolition of all sect societies, such as Masons. Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias, Grand Army of the Republic and trade unions. Gets Him In Its Neck. Macon Telegraph A-, ;. ; If Logan can be President, it is need less to say that eggs can't hatch. For the News XOAV AM) THKX. I. In oMen times, two friends alike In boily or in mind Went forth to kill what beasts of fune Or tyrants they could find. Hut now-adays two friends with purse. Of eiual length or weight, G forth to find what pleasures now. Have been reserved 1 y fate. II. What makes the difference you would ask Betwixt the then and now. And why sueh uilierent motive hides, Behind the laureled brow? They cannot play such useful part. If e'en they feel inclined ; Each nil they'd kill for tyrant, dread For beasts slay all mankind. CURRENT COMMENT. Not Savory 1'roveridor. i Kington Freeman, (Kep). ! There are quite a nu;nlxjr of Kepubli ! cr.ns in this state who have already re ! pared for themselves a big lih!i of boiled i crow, f" !e eaten if cither Arthur ov ; B'alr.e is Lonuiuued. ; The Oeoi:-. uuv-rii!); snip. Atlanta 1't.ver I. The question as to who .shall .-;ucxeed Governor iieDaiiiel is already being agi tated. Several good names have already been mentioned, but Eoynton seems at present to have the lead. Dr. 3Iar.ys Muscle. ilaeon Telegrsiih. Perhaps Dr. Mary Walker may; in view of the prestige she obtained by knocking out the 'negro messenger in AVashington, yesterday, be tempted to accept the Prussian's standing challenge. It Remains to be Seen. Rochester Herald. The steamers that sail from New York to-day will take out more than so, 500, 000 in gold. The Lessing took $200,000 in double eagles, Thursday. Including these shipments more than fourteen mil lion dollars in gold has been sent to Eu rope in the last two weeks. How much of this can the country stand ? A Very Hot Box. Tampa Tribune. If the augustly autocratic exponent of journalistic ethics who presides in the sanctum of Florida's hyphenated metro politan daily again forgets his dignity so far as to indulge in talk in regard to '"hysterical silliness" and '"shrieking wards of Chattahoochee," it may give rise to the inference that he has become a convert to the once abhorred doctrine of "personal responsibility." Dead as a Door Nail. Iirooklyn Easle, (Dem). Mr, Tilden is again the subject of ani mated discussion in our Democratic ex changes. The fire kindled by the crime of 1870-77 still smoulders beneath the ashes. But cui bono? If the accepted oracles of the Sage of Greystone are to be believed, we might, so far as any practi cal purpose is concerned, as well engage in a discussion of the virtues of Moses or Sesostris. The liholy Democrats Petersburg Index-Appeal (Dem.) The Rbode Island Democratic Conven tion will assemble, if that 'word may be used, on the 19th of this month. The proceedings will be unanimous and en thusiastic. The delegate has not yet been chosen, or chosen himself we real ly don't know whether there are two Democrats in Rhode Island this vear or only one, as usual points to harmony in made. . -but everything the choice to be Short But Pertinent. Ocala Banner. There is no more reason for excluding Jelferson Davis from the Mexican war pension bill than several thousand other men who did as much in their several spheres for the Confederate cause as Mr. Davis did in his. His name was exclu ded from the provisions of the bill as a concession to Northern prejudice only, and the fact that this was insisted upon does not speak well for the tolerance and progress of that section. What Presidents Ditl'nt Know. Macon Telegraph. Says an exchange; '"George Washing ton, the first President of the United States, never saw a steamboat. John Adams, the second President, never saw a railroad, Andrew Jackson, the sev enth President, knew nothing about the telegraph, Abraham Liireoln, the six teenth President, never dreamed of such a thing as the telephone." Yes and none of these parties knew anything of a ""straight flush." That's where Arthur has the advantage of them. 3I-Peteriiian Indignant. Mr, Henry Peterman, the propritor of the St. Johns Hotel, lost a very fine im pe ted silk handkerchief some days ago and yesterday he was made aware that a negro man who had once been in his employ as a porter, Avas in possession of his lost property. Mr. Peterman dis covering the uegro's wherealiouts late yesterday evening, made an effort to have hkn arrested by tlie city marshal but, he says, that high official refused, from some cause, to act. At a late liour however, the thief was apprehended and run in, and will probably have a hearing to-day. Mr. Peterman was a very in dignant man last night when he relate these facts to us. I MI' OUT. VINT JSVLIX ; HE HE. Vl'TIFUL WlXTEIi HOME, SIT- uated on Emmet street, in the Hammock, i 'mown as the HACKER RESIDENCE, to be ! fioldatajrr .i-at banrain, if soi l within thirty i 'lays. App 'y to .J. II. IIIISI5 VII I. At offi ce of the Paint ka Transfer Co., j rear of F. S. Railway depot. ; .tj.cksowilli: TAMPA & KEY WEST RAILWAY j THE "GEM CITY" ROUTE, TIFE OXL1" .A1X HAIL LIVE TO j t ORANGE PARK. MAGNOLIA. GRFFN I COVE SPRING & JACKSONVILLE, Three Hours Quicker to Jacksonville Thsm hy :ry i ib.'-v line. v,--.-,, A : FOLLOSi " ' - i Til. I : V'-'-'-'e'-nviJt.. s.-ioa.-m. UH j. nt. j r m.-fe Park ... .. U0 " .: ' i " .!..Aiio!ia ' .-:.or "' 1 "' liven Cove rin- !).."; I 5.:.-s j '" Wet 'I ocoi Ji::!" ,Vj.j " j Arrive Palatka l i :t T " c,.;::, .(iiji-;. T.'.ave Piiiatka i' in. J:0D p. r.-i eT Toeoi li:)5 ri:5!) (ireen 'ove Spring1 U:!) - -'-i MalH.iia K):4 " - Park.: :!'. Mn .. " Arrive Jacksonville. . . . il:."v ' ,s::j;j ' THE ST. JOHNS' RAILWAY MAKES ; inii::r coxxkction At Weh-t Toeii, an1 from St. Anyustine. Kates and Fare to all Points as Low as by any other line, and baL-aure eheeked'li M. K. M KAX, W. liE.NTLKV, ' (.en. Pass. Ant. Gen. Manairer. ""'"WM. S. POLHEMUS, CARPENTER & BUILDER P. O. I5ox 2:r. PALATKA, Fiji. O H 11 E N T. i LAIKJE STOKE ltOOM OX LEMON street, suitable for first-elass jiroeery store or similar business.- Fitted up in yool style. Also a smaller store and adjoining- rooms. Apply to II. W. KLICKER. Statement of anEye Witness ! FULL PARTICULARS IN NEXT ISSUE JSOO BUSHELS OF (VUAIX. ALSO A FINE t lot of Hay, Bran and Ground Feed being received this week, fresh and in ?ood order, to be Bold at prices as low as such roods can be bought anywhere. wr. jr. i:oiiwaiu). C3 CD c3 CD "o CO - 3 r- J: 0 ez. CD Li T- T3 C3 O CO .rii- 1 53 I3 ;' t3 ' CD CC CO CD O C3 ' - O - ..1 t ' o '7 jZ-f V. s Z E x. Z CO CO CD CO O LARGEST PUBLISHING HOUSE TrV THE STATE. "RED CROSS PRESS." Warren, Thayer & Co., Steam Book & Job TERS REID STREET, PALATKA, FLORIDA. HAVING FITTED UP AN ENTIRELY new office, we are prepared to do all kinds of Book and Job printinsr. Book Binding, Stereotypinsr. EnsTraving". etc, Our facilities are unsurruissed by any office in the Ktate, We have the only Chi-omatic Press in Florida, priminjr any nurnlier of col ors at one impression, also the onlv ltuilroad Ticket Pres? and- Numbering- Attachment printinsr lt.onO tickets an hour. " Call and see us. Estimates on all" classes of -work cheerfully furnihed. A trial order will satisfy all that iv can do the best work done in the state. ":' ; - . WARREN, THAYER i CO., ' Keid street, near Putnam House. B. F. McGRAVV & SON, j i i , j j i Buffalo Bluff Nurs'y ALL ORANGE STOCK ! From Sour to the Best Varieties ONE VARIETY OF rri?VV IS Eli It Tluf, VI 7. : 1 strawberkii, viz: j ' j FEDERAL POINT, OR . .,' I FLORIDA FOUNDLING i i XOW FOUaLE: flahhao'A Pin' r.f il-a Pact Qal,.,! of J, H. Gregory, of Marble-head,-Massachusetts. F 1 WHOLESALE AXU iiEXAlL B AND DEALKR IX FISHING TACKLE, FINE CIGARS Florida Maps, Books, Canes, &c Post-office Building, Front, Street and next noor south, PALATKA, - . : FLOU111A. PROFESSIONAL CARDS, BEX J.- PUTNAM CALHOl'N. lUVIXO CILL1S WM. LOWNDES CALHOUN. Cullioiui, CJilllHfcCaIlMuji, ATTOINEY.AT.LAV i. ; PALATKA; FLORIDA. Siwcial attention paid to Insurance, Heal Es tate and Collection of Claims, , Will practice in ttat and Federal courts. i:. it. 3reiv:fc:A.:v, AT rV 0 11 V EY-AT-LAW Agent for Sale and Purchase of ip-1. o u 1 1 r. a n d Palatka, Flo h in a. .i!!aryJtUijfState fTTorlda. ' ' ' ' A . W. 1 1 OYH I CKV, - ATT O It IV EY-AT-LAW Office opposite St. John's Hotel, Lemon Street, Palatka, Fla. W. II. AVIC-Ci, AT T O Ii TST E Y-AT-LAW Office Lemon t., Mann's Building-, Upstairs. Palatka, Flohida. PALATKA HOTELS. QIt,VH.V3l'!-i HOTEL. S. GKAIIAM, Proprietor. Corner Lemon and Water streets, - . ' - . PALATKA, FLOlA'.- JO'rJi:i. PALATKA. COR. LLMON AND WATER ST?., Overlooking St. John's River. $2.50 per Cay. PALATKA, FLORIDA: MIDDLEKAFFF & BONNAfBalnnioie. . 'piIE AVESTMOKELAN I." PALATKA. FLORIDA. White Sulphur, Water, Hot and Coli Sulphur Baths. Bus meets all trains and steamers. gT. JOIirs'S HOTI3L.;, . (Established 1803.) P. & II. PETERMANN, Proprletoi-s. - PALATKA, FLORIDA. Orders for rooms by telegraph and mail Iromptly attended to. Accommodations flrst clase. Terms moderate. - . . JARKIN IIOUSK, PALATKA, FLORIDA. Addition btrilt last summer of forty-five rooms. Accommodations for ' 330 guests. A "' Open Decemljer .". JSKJ. ' : LARKIN & ALLEN, Proprietors... A pUTXAM IIOUHK, ' December to May. i . PALATKA, , FLA. T7"IIVIOIl IIOTET Dec.tpMay, JACKSONVILLE, FLA, J-i J one to Oct., MA N CHESTEIt, VT, C, COCHRANE No Dogs Taken. F. IL ORYm ;.. MlSCELLANEVl'S. 'CARDS'.' '" :' ! W. O. A OLTZ, dRUS S r3Sli TOILET Sl FANCY ARTICLES, PATENT tftD'C'tNES. llours,I',,UOnS CU,Vi'uU!' - v.OIUj,.IH,lCtl,"at, ail WILLIAM F, FORWARD, r ' i'io.mxk i souks-: '.' pkimt for ' ' '" '" ' Hay, Grain, -Feed, Lime, Easier, BRrncmrKXT. TArrnvc - - EstablL-hed iH it. HeidV Uriel I. ,t "k fr--r insr wharf. r...TK'., l i. . ' ; "i;-mwa i . - Furniturei,;, rcd, .' 1 im.,- e.(1,i;,::; Uh;lri i.mftic'an u :, ;;v. . . , ' i: ' m-.w'-iV- Vrtia.U:-; -Sir .- IS. .5. -i IV '; -: rrrAi-r.t i. : toiu coo 'A'.-s s. '-'. c; X 'ii w; ;'reet, oTe"(l.-.i.r Ut'M Y : . "A. ' ' . i'AtA !iv., i l.'. ..Si':' . .. ;., ! mrs; 0; -a smkm. " : ;i j : city i x ryn in:. v lt o art ! Embaim Caskets; l1eiaifc ai.J I Buriaf Caskets; 'Wooiii l'ono j -pKr.K( 11 A PTH- , 1K ! FKS l'UVMP!'f'V W j i tenued to. rriees lov and -at i-foi i ; !! j;u:iiaiueeo. .t ,t!e i'iih-.-T:) in I, 1 ri'Jl'i'l 'trt'i t o h ,m i. j -r sUi-aci-uu.uarauuui.c KEUKA AND ORANGE SPiifHG; TRANSFER COM PANY team 'will 'leave; ktxkA "run Orange Spring every inoi iiin on arrival of the fivijrht train Irani Palatka, foi- the piii-po-.e of . , ' . . v,.,& i uyvjiic-,il o cuiu 1 I Cltlilia For further inforniat ion aldress KEUKA AND OKAMiE SPKjXC, TBAiNSniR CO.MPAXr, At Keuka, Putnam Co,, Ua. ROBERTS & CO. Leading : Glotliiers CO UN EH. LEMON AM) FliOXT 'HTKEKTs&i . PALATKA, VIJ)lXliA, Men's Boy's & Children's Clothin j 'if M : ' -; ' A ' ' ": :'! A i! i V To bo retaileil fpi; ;b at whoJisale prices;: . ; Men's Suits, $8. to $20. " h. ''Z i ..... t j - : T ;- - Men's Pant's, $1.50 to $6, Boy's Suits, $2 to $10. ., Men's Fall Overcoats, $7,, to $) L Any. artieje purehin-l of us that, i not, sat- ipfactory can c returned and .money jrill bu refunded. ? ' . , , , MM. W. 3tAH'i IN,A . . ..anatti-. HENRY A. MEYER, : ' PAt,lCvE' Ice '&mEr'MM JiJiszEn&sr .... -, - AND- ..; - Choice Frenclfand A: :T!crlcan;. Gonfec'tioBery ' 'jPALATK A JjFLOlifDA . J YEliTlMCES c., c o ii i in i skIoii ' r : v o 1 1 ti ii i ti And wh!Al'a!i'l retail 'UeaVr- in' CORN, HAV, OAT P1LV.N, : "' '. , ... SHIP-STrFF, COTTON SEED MEAL; (!;: , : , )hN D FEitTJ LljJL'Ucv Griffin's Rriek Dloclc, Water St., Palatka, I .a. ; A. .J. IJKACiL A; SON,. , PALATKA, .FLORIDA. A LL FULTTS fJHOWN SUITED TO THLS u.x. cm climate. Catalogue tree. A W. CONIIAI), A --. FLORIST & LANDSCAPE GARDEfiR,, A LAHGE VARTETr''oF''PALM., RAltn" 2. Hrse8 arid iHeini-Tropical Plani-s in yenoraLj constantly on hand. ' Correspondence siieit il. .Front street, Jvext tIJanki Vca: -(?x. TWO cbNE PULLETS, (otic a split puirey.i three kich face, f ou r eteijs, from tea to ; teen inches diameter. Apply a f TniS OFFICE. J c 's4