Newspaper Page Text
J if A LlA JL &iA. J PH WW -EL JH fi PALATKA, FLORIDA, SATUR DAY. MARCH 15, 1881. VOLUME I. NUMBER 15. TELEGRAPHIC SPARKLES. i " Till-: LATEST XKWS FKOM A IX j IW11TS BY Wlltll AN1 CAI1L.K. . IJoileil Down and Suiiimaiizcil ti the Header .May Kn.iov it in a Tew V."o:-ds. j Two t'ar-eSess Sold i'-rs. ; to D aily nv ' New York, March 14. Hargeant James Carter, of Company K., Fifth ; Artillery, stationed at Fort Schuyler ; came to this city yesterday and put up ; at tlie Vandyke House. This morning lie was found dead in his bed. sull'ocaied ; bv inhaling ras. which was escaping : from a jet. He had blown out the name . on retiring. Private William II. Wal- ters. of the same eonipaiiv. who was at the iCeeiiwood liolise was also found ; in iii.-i oh1 overcome oy c:-.capiiig gas. Let was resuscitated. The crew of the schooner I'mcida J. Willets. New York, for Xewix.-rn. I,'. C. , watei-logged an.i aUuid-jued, l,av ai- rived at Lo dee Port". Ragged I-,laa,i. 1,. S. All are frostd itteu. j Miller and iiulkins, the I'ou.dik.n-osk- uvi itiiii ty; i ii.l.-tlllV.' convicted of murder in the .'Ci,.iii d gree ami senten ceu to hiug rmg prison for life. till' 1 '.1 ! i'ii ee v.iiil -it V;', I'in.r r, . : J " 1 j take ellect ilarc 17. Ti.e f!ijpho"c-s i .,, .,.. , 1 : wnl .strike if Is more tluin ti'ii n-r cent. ' 1 ; (las in the furnace of the Thompson j Kteel works at Urad.lock, i'.u, e.iloded Thursday v killing one man and wound- j ing several others. (leorge Tiifany, si.n of the ponlmnster i at Burlington, Vt., has been arrested for stealing government funds. Tlie I-'itz John Poller hi) I has passed both houses of congress and now awaits i the presidents signature. Yeilow fever is raging at Tehuantepec. The levees of the lower Mississippi are generally maintained. Lighted gas houses are to be removed off Cape Charles and Cape ilattcras about April 1st. A largely attended meeting of Fenians was held at Fargo, in Dakota, Wednes day. The Massachusetts legislature has vo ted down female suffrage bv 144 to 50. im:omim;xt vi.ovia:. Gladstone. Mr. Gladstone is confined to his room with catarrhal troubles. ' Whitney. Miss Whitney, the Boston sculptor, is engaged on a, bust of Ellen Terry. Cameron. Ex-Senator Simon Camer on celebrated on Saturday, in Florida, his 8oth birthday. ritlNCE. -Mrs. Frederick II. Prince , of Boston, received a 100.000 check among her wedding presents. IIlRLKCKT. Win. II. Hurlbort was , dest" man at the recent marriage in Paris of Mr. W. II. Russell, the famous war correspondent. Clark. Professor Clark, of Williams j College, is seriously ill with typhoid j fever in Naples, where he has been at j work at the table that has been leased by ! 11 11 !-, 1- T I 1 . . i me eoiiege hi i roi. luinrn s international i zoologieal station. I 1 T tx- TO. 1 1 i . . i it. i.. nieoueie t imui, v no usee to be a Sunday school teacher over in Brooklyn, has become quite a man of the world over in Paris, and is often seen, iu the ino!!; f;i.-hion;H!e salee.n, where he ' ays elistin,u,iiisl;eil l'nristafi women the j eomplimetit of ronip:mii tlu ni t ihe i l-rijihtcst and nut hrilliar.t Ai;nri- i can Leiles he has st en and known in Xc : ' ' York ami in Ilrooklvn. : 1.'.,,...... TI - i 1 i -l r.oiM.H mill. liie t ;n:.e ot hui; endt ; is now rendering elhcier.t m-i- tee in the ; Tiritwli n-.i-i- 1... ,, , . ;., ; i xniiiMi n.tA tu shoot mo; si)ij?e iji ti.f is- ; land of Sardinia. The oenur of the iskind chan-ed the date or the clor.e of ihe shoot in;' stason exnresiv lo aeeoisi- tnoilate tlie duke and other ohieers of tin son.adron. IU law after r. in-n.,ri !. I ... . i i .. . i ii. i , !-.. iame would have been out of the season. , . , , , , . ,, but whva a rn-al aukt is around lawsmv ' n , ' i or no account. Ochiltkee. jiirAVattevsontioped-'as- j ses with Tom Ochiltree and found t!;at ! the latter "is not a rattle-brained man bv ; " "lM' 1 ,u Or;uors l,in:' l' rf,ui anv manner of metms. On tlie other hand i , i ,,. , , . , , ii.- , no has brains and education, and eon-: . duets himself n thetloor oi ti e House m ..... . ... r a daubed and senstble manner. will be recognized by the Speaker to make the opening remarks on tne msuit. and , , Ins speech will be temperate, manlv and i i dlgmlied. Freaks of a Cyclone. Macon Teleirraidi. Among the freaks of the recent cyclone in South Carolina, a story is told of a large quantity of dry fodder caught up in the whirlwind from a demolished barn, and as it was being carried round and round, a sheet of lightning ignited the fxlder and for a distance of one mile the cloud appeared to bo a massive sheet of flame. The scene is deseriled as grand beyond description. Another story is to the effect that Mount Carmel Church, a large wooden structure in Williamsburg county, was entirely destroyed, with the exception of the pulpit, which, with the bible and hymn-book upon it, was undisturbed. j --; nf-n the lull tide of immigration fir.-t , showed that in every county throughout : our broad Union, the orange fever had ; j !,, ome epidemic, much fear wn, cxpres- ! , ted that the narle: t would be overstocked om - hron.! Union, the oran-e fever had ! and the riee of the fruit drop t such iigun -s that tlie industry would nt he remunerative. A gentleman who saw on Indian River what immense tracts might he devoted to proves of the orange, pine- ; applt s and banana, abandoned allidea of : settling in Florida, thinking that in a ! hort time th" supply of these luxuries wouki be greater than tlie demand, The land for whieh he could not give .forty doiiars an ;u re. at Itociiledge is now worth live iiundro.;. and the crv of thirs- ' ty souls ail oer ihe country for i'L ;rida fruit- is still but .in ei ho of little Oiher's "m re. more." the ei.- i 'naps l t'v ; wilder 'e i;au.y ( f -ure.v:-h:Mig.'-s v'v their l.-nd in pitting he-rror. and half e.peet FN.rida wonid l;e nimii; red --'0' nnh Ttnnate dihiri'.-ts v.dii.-ii have b..eU -Miecored by the public, btil lands bear, lids reason still better rl ' "' i'oes ugj iii hit u . -l.t: i -mg .: -i i . v ait i i hi every ci;2 hge r.e rain: u!iei l:.g Weaitil ioi- -a iKtVe UieLi" U'lK i'l At Vei' Old our pes:.i'(ts seem nflii.its ' n-.-ver bd :i pi-ojile mere .! m.iiy unite i . , , , ' . . ,v . t . m l.-icdging tae;r ,-'esC t i lolls H ussjm ui i t, , , t , i , . , ,. t.i; the tieveiomueiit oi a nuiu w liere sting- j,,,, coid and driffing snow come not b x,0 i:nlre;iry decay the photograph of (j0ps Jjountiful smiie as painted in soft tracery e:i green leaf and gray mo;. A S( f.-HigerV C'ojnplaint. EITOR Nr.'.Vs: I got o!f the l;o:;t the other daw hut rea'.lv I was soitv I di'.l so. 1 'niow iiere l wislieil to stop, out ;k' porters, runners, omnmus mem ana a ram le oi all sorts seemed to think e.u- ferently. So with one accord they fell j upon m, and I being' easily persuaded, j. I tried in go with each. The consequence was I made thirty-seven personal enemies in thirty-two seconds. Finally one with a grip like death, and a voice like a cy clone overpowered me and forced ip.o away, an unwilling c aptive in triumph. to his hotel. Seriously, this nuisance should he abated. Strangers arriving here are not idiots. Thev- know where they wish to stop. Generally they have made their choice before leaving the boat or car. Porters and others should he forced to cease their noisy, frantic, and insulting el forts, to drag oil people to their par ticular houses. Let them approach the visitor jui tly and respectfully. Stranger. .... H,. 1 , .1 ..... ..V i'cnle News. , . , , . , , i see m ou: oaner, uu you nae re ceived de iiiihosing shtone und are now aple do brint de weekly issue of your ha her. No madder how anxious oddcrs i und myself may no. do see id. I would j like do no what a shtone has do to mit I brinding und ad dat an imbosing shtone. I Ish de inibosiug done on de shtone, de ,,!,iiir- u0 muorA or de Ouonc i Many night, when 1 go home from my j glass of lager und see detogs sid in frond j . f .1.- 1 ,. .1. ... I . .. , .,.1 .1.. .... .... 1 ' 1 ",... -v.- un-t nu ivin. im ue, vi make-; me shtop und look ub too. und 1 e lll!l'-"Or f if.. Ll'lill; 1' T lt:i 1 . 1 l . ill 1 v I'.tl'l .11 id. shake his he-.!. Iis makes dad ilere ish no lager ub dore. Den I shtart for mv room verv glat. dat I ai i 1 ! 1 r;! til, di re. IJax it it ii i i. r c?.i' :vi r.M. iiy on .i :.i!t:!";'enis .;.!: ,'V. . Si:; u-.nure-.i dollars t.tritr datv uusd.- miifntM "ti a rh-:.(( t. --- recently unporteil alUionirh it was un.louht.. t"'lW IVl'lfe- ' ' . riai." . eotli itrv i- carious to knov i . . . ' , . , . , ', wluit tiu' irotectivt' dntv on white elo- ; ;.h;:!us. is. 1 A Ju'n ilJ ,H" Jnl'iy- D.tri. , ( ,i;.'.cite. o. o,,,s , ,.,,,,.1 it is r ai . .1.1:'.. 4 j... r t . i .,. ... , ... w .daoon, wiu n.u bo a candidate lor .. p'Vernor tins wws. We S:a!l never Lei , .. . , , : n;uly until he is oiectt-.i to the governor- six in. howevor. i -ii if luiiii .nr. lxaior.i. i v.uorauo. nas ,i. i . i , , .., i ju-t struck lus c,ait m his house, and wtil i t 1 1 ... , . l -'".i" i. ..i UIUV11 ill Hie LUiaWlH Hie sesdonasthe anxiousand ehvment Wlnte of Kentucky. The profuse orators scim ! fn .,. tll ..,., - t, . . t tome to con-ress from the mountain 1 .n-.f.-lot ,,i , , , ., , , . iUistints, where the eagles build their j m,st. tllp .,', ,. . jroiaiv sav as mne i m t ie ronrsoi the i ,., . ti,, n i , .,, . . nest-, the black bears still give their at- ! to Tit ion to th Iiatwh- f-...i.. i ti11"1 "i,Hui:M,iut I whisky is t:n;en straight from the goblets j l'u- I 0nly a i lrtlf ion Pany" Blossoms, ! lioston Globe. j It sounds like a fairy tale to be informed j that oOO.OtH) pansies will soon be planted j in the public garden. These delicate j flowers, which upon close inspection su- j gest the features of the human face, are j j now sprouting in the hot houses in Deer park. There are 33,(XK) plants, prominent among which are daisies, red and white, ! for a border to the pansv beds. I Then there is a wonderful profusion of Cantebury bells, fox-glove, forget-me-nots, hollyhocks and other varieties of biennials. B. F. McGRAW & SON, y ff -i m Til J. ftl 1 1 fll A K 1 11 f Ifll'R V L aUUlV ULXXIA U til K, j r ALL ORANGE STOCK Vyr. Qr-V fr fbfl ppcf VTMPifp'' ill) ill Ouui it' UlO C5l HCGd os'-: vai;;:;tv av 'i'iJ.VIVi-Sl'ii J 1 21 I:, VIZ: 1-EOhPAL POiNT, GR FLORIDA FGUNI)LiiG ilCdU, l d 2.3 $dC i d i i t' i I'J i 5 a w)-;olesa:.i: ei'.TAu. j j j IjuUiibllijLlik iillb bliiiiUiiil AND DKAl.KH IS FISIilNS TACKLE, Fiiffi CIGARS Florida IViaps, Books, Canes, &c l:-i-oi'!ke Hail'iiiiff, I'ront Street :uni m.xt doer south, PALATKA, - - - FLORIDA. HENRY A. "MEYER," 1ALAC11 C6 Cream Saloon -1l- . - - : . fi,g r.,.-h I A ' unmet; i itiitii ciuu nmuiiLtui uoniectionerv PALATKA. FLORIDA. "V Jl J T'l J I'Z l-Sj" CO., ' t) in in i i li I f i li a ills Ami wholesale and ret;: II di alers in j COUX. HAY. OATS. LliAX. ! sill t'-STCFF, ('oTTo.N SFF,1) Ml'.AL j AND FKHTILIZCKS. jritliu's Uriek lih.ek. Water St., Pulatka. Fla. - - - ! A.. I. ISIO.VCII !-; i NURSERYMEN PALATKA, FLOKIDA. i.i, Fiarrrs cko.vx n ted hi the j. cliiiiUT'. Catalogue t'r'e. AV. COA liAl), FLORIST & LAfv DSCAPil GARDEN L?i ' i .11. ii.i . t : .11. .1.. n.iiii. , a if or-ef. ami Seiin-.l'rotiical IM.'.ms iu genera I : T i . : e eri'- t e i ; n i i-i.1 or, -tarn ly om har..l. i '. .i re.- an lei! -e r-i I Icitt.-tl. i O !I! M i-eet. next to Hank, l'. l.A'l K A. 1'l.A. ' ! VVIVi. S. POLKEMUS, CARPENTER E BUILDER ! . 1( ,. ! f . . : .:. PALATKA. FLA. -- j !- 1 ii 11 1 rr. LA lid E STtdiE I!Oi.,M ON LDloX -tret l, suitable for iir.-t-dass pTocei-y store or . ., , ... , , -.liUi.'r !)US:!;e.-s. i ;'t;."i tip ill u'i od : Also a iaaUerstoiv and auj.niuntr roomr.. ! , , . , T, ; Ai'i-lyto It. . rvl.n. KLii. n . r 5-.-"i t ' MLI'I I OATHS. Siat8Hi2nt Gf VjB Vitn8SSl i FULL PAETICUIKS IX NEXT ISSUE ! ..!t i ; rp -rsxtr-. hotot !.-,, T,r!,rr ,.vfi iv tv i-vr T- IOII s IIOIEL. ' t A T hain. A Ah;k i lt t liay. Ilran and i.romid Feed lu-inir i F-Tiii.!-i;n IxA ) I received this week, fr,-h ana in Koc,d onler, ; i received Tins wee K, ires n ana m : j to i- sold at maces as low as sucli u uods can tie ; bousrht an.vwheiv. wm. r. i-oinvAiu). FRESH MEAT MARKET I AI in TetTTTS ! Ill lUBii 15 EST OF NEW YORK BEEF KENTUCKY MUTTON A LVTAYS OX HAND, DKESSED POUL lA try received daily. Call at the old stand on Lemon street. A.. W. 3XaV.ISTK. MISCELLANEOUS CARDS. W. O. AVOLT, ; . . r:.i,,:T, DRUG'S ANH U.iUVO ri , J J.KV.ON Sr-UCJIT, P.U.ATKA. Ff.A. CHEMICALS TOILET i FANCY ARTICLES, PATENT MEDICINES. r'- - - WILLIAM F. FORWARD, 1 . .ok I'.ilK K. CHMEXT. LATH. Etc. K.-l.i!.g!n.. :m J-v). I.N-i.iV Uriek iiiuek. i'ront iiitr v.-i.-,rf, l.ATKA. 1 I,A. v . ,i . t wgv i'i", I L( i I li t L: C eil.i:.; '"1;', ;f l1"- i :riu-ie . k. ALo iiuoat J'r ti.e Do:,;;, i1:;- a., o Ni; .v ;.i ;- "2-1 V a ."V g A t A ' II I 7n i: !-; " ' ', f' :i- SYArLE GROCERIES e. i. ....e e, ...( ft . .;! ( : I'-', i .. : ; I j;A. iHS. C. I VI SMITH j t.nuaiing acKcts. fv;etai:c and Burial Caikels, Wooden Coffins I'T.l.l.CKArHH' e;iii:its I'iioy.i'TLV ,T- 1 lenilc-.i in. ri-it-es inw anl s:tt ishict ion ;f;i:irant-el. At tlie o!d staml. Laurel sireet, o-ijHisile l'resh telian Jiitrsunuge. 'ALittili Mil) WlHlML htwhfa IRANSFftt COiPfiliY ! '!'i;am v; ill li:a'(: s i;a i n; ' ';: ui; e S ev vy 5:,.riii:,..i;- 0:1 arrival of ; 1-e 1 rei . !i: 1 rai;! tnun i alal I.a, for ilie jna'pu-e Transporting Passengers and Freight. For further inl'oi'tn.'t iou address KF.FKA AND OILVNtiK SPlil-NC; T I ! A X S F E 1 ( 'O M 1 ' A N V, At Keuka, Putnam Co., Fla. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. 11K.N.J. PUTNAM CALlltll'X. IKVINO GII.l.IS. W.M. LOWNDES CAI.UOL'.N. CaUioun, i illi fc C.'nlliomi, , VrF TOU IN" K ' T-LuVW PALATKA, FLORIDA. Special attention paid to Insuranee, Iteal Es tate and Collect ion of Claims. Will practice in State and Federal courts. 1:. is. ii ki:an, .vra rr o 1 s. rs' i :v-Arr-iA W Acid for Sale and Purchase of I ' L. O K I 1 .V L .V ?S' I) S P.M.ATKA, Fl.OISlDA. Notary Public State of Florida. A. AV.l!OYSDO, ,.rrrr ( 11 I" 1C Y-AT-LAW Oiiiee opposite St. .loim'y Hotel, Lf.MOX STItEKT, - - P.U.ATKA, Fl. V. W. II. AVIC-CJ, - vrr rr o 1 zsiz y-. v t-laav Oiiiee Lemon st., Mann's IJiiildin. ' stairs. I'ALATKA, Fl.O!iK.. r f.LA i n A .J.o. f ' 1 1 A I IA3FS I !0'i-j:i.. Or , Cortn-r J.eiuou and U t'.' j'AEATEA. FLORIDA. OA' I : I.. iA 3 .AI'KA. !'.:. r.K.ior ami v.vte;; sts., u'(.jrnj.'.!iiii s:. JoLii's HA'er. ' S-'.-V Y .ia . FALA1KA, FLO HI DA. I MIDi'T.fc'ICA ri'K & HiVN. of i:.i;;inio;v. : yin: wi:st3iohi:eam). i . , . , t-t ..,n I i k A, y Li oilDA. I ' t Wiorr n pnri' W n-rn Hot a; Colo ji-- -noiu. UA1U' -U)- U,LU I ! V. & II. PETEKMAXN, Pr.sprielors. I'ALATKA, FLORIDA. Orders for room by telegraph and mail Vcconinnnlations first- class. Terms moderate. y A.iiici:v iiousi-:, PALATKA, FLORIDA. I Addition built la summer of forty-five rooms. Accommodations for 300 guests. Open December 15. 1SS3. LARKIX & ALLEN, Proprietors. PXTT'.V3t HOUSE, December to May. PALATKA, FI Dec. to May. JACKSONVILLE, FLA. J une to Oct., MANCHESTER, VT. .T J"iLCOBSOrS ONE P DRESS GOODS OF m LINEN LAWNS, PIQUES, ! LADIES HATS AND TRIFLINGS Gents Furnishing Goods, Cloihin p" k. ofr !P;i? mtz . a; ' bUL I I ,tK ! - ' Si.A ISSTOIPURCrTOuiMJuiii; mi SALE hT GOibi:li:-is iti iiF iCi'I lx lmi( US or NOT I.K-s j iiAX sd oii ;,! !JK Til i.H WliHIN SIX MILES OF RAILROAD LINE, PRICE $2.50 PER ACRE. r'"UKsF. LAN 1 is INCLl'DK ALL V A U I K'l'l KS o' LI'LAXI) AN i) LOWL '.Ml M) U;e f :"1;,!'r.'i loOivpe.-. Lemons. Limes. I'im-Ai..l. s. li.i.eei.e-. Shwm k. i-.arlv Vervt .i'i,,.' V ' - ' 7 "!'!',.'."'"' 1,1,- t si. .!,,!,, is. .,!,,..:(, liivv;ui, Oi-me s.ii-tvr Leve wu, j,auii it u? senium rupi.iiy. i .uMis.uuis oi i moiillis. lit) nut tU'hn- it mi wanr t icm .-i, 1 1 E 0 Pi ti ft 1 a, & u. u, ana W,Il. A KlOIll, ice-l'res:dent. En - iucer. LANDS FOlt SALE IN LOTS IN THE COFNTIES OF iiUEVAKD, PHICI'.S: For average i'm( Lands For a erajre Prairie and Pasture Lands.... I- oi- I ake and Kiv:h- fronts for Miwir Land s.e!';.-oV,'U'1' Sifaar iiiic, etc., an.l are jfeit.-ndi.y aecessibU. V rl !" 1 1 IS K I SS I'M Wl E "E T. II. ASPVPV. Paesident. HAMILTON DISS'l'ON, Vice-President. -""'.no x;;::;j:s, .v.tjsiws'OT' w Orange, Brevard, Sumter, Polk, Hillsborough, Manatee and Monroe. H11 111 Qiiiintitiv- to !uH .1 Juvi-:. Prices $'2.m to $10X3 per acre, according to location and .piality. KISSIMMEE CITY ""M,7S , I r lve-Acre Lots . Ii.. .:. r r FRANK R. POND, AtiENT FOR - 1. --I r -r -;, THE SIMPSON & GAULT ksi Ulillll CELEUUATED PORTABLE GRAIN MILLS FOR WHEAT, GGPF' 0- FE70 -AND - 1 p Flonr Mill Machinery of allKinfs CASTINGS. SHAFTINGS AND IRON WORK OF ALL KINDS ON SHOUT NOTICE. J A K i-i V I 1A la 1- IA. LARGEST PUBLISHING HOUSE IX T1IK STATU k i f r t v e'- " o B.rt;-'. " Warren, Thayer & Co., J4, - Iteam Book &. Job:,, rcn it REID STREET. PALATKA, FLORIDA. HAVING FITTED UP AN ENTIRELY new oiiiee. we are prepared to do all kinds of Book and Job printing. Book Binding, Storeotypincr. Engraving, etc. Our facilities are unsurpassed fry anv office i in the state. We have the only Chromatic Press m Honda, printmtr any nuinw-r ot col ors at one impression, also mo only Railroad Ticket Press and Numbering Attachment, print insr 14.0o0 tickets an hour. Call and see us. Estimates on all classes of work cheerfully furnished. A trial order will satisfy all that we can do the best work done in the state. WARREN, THAYER & CO., Reid street, near Putnam House. AlOIINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. HAVING BEEN DULY QUALIFIED AS Administrator of the estate of Joseph H. Mann, I hereby require all claims and demands airainst said estate to be presented as pre scribed by law, or this notice will be pleaded in bar; and all debtors are warned to make immediate settlement to the undersigned. A. W. MANN, Administrator, Tnn n t a n ALL DESCRIPTIONS SATEENS AND SOO 8 i GEAT VArJST": . ?P.H ilirnii xMlicrs c IoimUm! ml l tu-.'Mit l,ou- ivi,... ::em die. :;i t -ie pa.; l.aiid ( ohih.i-Mnrr. .la k-.on ii!c. Fl u fl . t 7 t i i-M uKeec looee urn o. HAMILTON DISS to . Ticas. li S.U.I.Mi Ed, Secietaiv. OF FliOM 10 TO io.O() ACilES POLK, MANATEE AND .MONHOE. $ LL'." per acre !..'.'." per iu re SVC) 10 IIi.ihI per acre .!,e fi-iture-of Tropiivl H.'!nVs'Ucc l,v ste..:n naviu-aluni. !. Land Commissioner, .huksoin ille, Fla. . . HUM per acr "LAND COMPANY. L. W. K LA II it. Treasurer. T. W. PAL.MIOIf, Seeretarv. smm to $rm s;;ihi to .ni I'OIt ISICf-, Manager, .Lu kson ville, Fla. .IAt.-Ii.j-iO; VI II.Ii TAMPA & KEY WEST RAILWAY o THE GEM CITY" ROUTE. THE ONLY ALL KAIL LINE TO ORANGE PARK, MAGNOLIA, GREEN COVE SPRING & JACKSONVILLE. Three Hours Quicker to Jacksonville Than by anv otlier line. PKOAD CAFGE, .-TE'.'.L . IiLAKES. FiiiST-CLASS I, Alii VT" ILL III : A '.; ' ; . , . '' .li-cliSi !: i.;.' .. Orange r..rk '.i.jn Mi.UIo;a ; ... : VMS:': d '-en t 'nvc ' v.i . " ic T"';!; 1 . e I . : . U en . i i i.e.. in . I,i . . ' ii'Oi ."- i t '.. Arrive .l::ck.-..;iv 1 1 It- O ! i JUiiHw MA K F. ; "ii i'l i-;-ri- con At. We.-L Tocoi, i,nd 1 a.. id .. e- tUIV I ii' .' li:.". : ROBERTS & CO, Leading Clothiers COUNER LEMON AND FUG N'T STKEETS, PALATKA, FI.OiMDA. I Men's Boy's k Children's Clothing To be retailed for Cash at wholesale prices. Men's Suits, $8 to $20. Men's Pant's, $1.50 to $6. Boy's Suits, $2 to $10. Men's Fail 0Aercoats, $7 to $16. Any article purchased of us that is not sat isfactory can be returned and money will tow refunded. AV3X. w. 3rA.itTi:v, Manager. No Doga Taken. F. n. OIIYIS.