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THE DAILY NEWS. BY SPEER & HARRISON'. The Daily News is published every morn ing, except Monday, and delivered by curriers in the city, or mailed postage free, for 50 cents a month, $1.50 for three months, g-J.50 for six months, or 5 er annum. The Weekly- News is an 8-puge 4-column paper, published every Saturday, containing all the news of the week, local and jreneral. It is the largest and handsomest weekly paier published in Florida, and will be mailed post age free for 1 a year, or 50 cents for six months. Specimen copies free to any address. Local advertisements 20 cents per line for first insertion and 10 cents per line for each ad ditional insertion. Special notices 10 cents per line. Ileduced rates on continued advertise ments. All advertising' bills become due pro rata every month. fxK-al advertisements due at the expiration of the time for which they are inserted. All remittances should Vie made by express, money-order or registered letter. Address PALATKA DAILY NEWS, I'alatka, Fla. itegistekkd at the i'alatka post office as Second-Class Mail Matter. PALATKA, FLA., MARCH lo. 1884. Down at Sanford the cucumber festival has displaced the boom for a free session of the assembly. Some how your medicine man manages never to get left. The effort to graft a fifty thou sand dollar vegetable picnic on to a two dollar and a half session of the legislature has'nt proven to be a dazzling literary success. We had hoped that the anxiety of the Gainesville liee for a free 'v-snvam a., Tal'aliassee would have expended itself by this, but it hasen't, and now, with large limpid tears in its sorrel eyes, it charges Billy Bloxham with being short on moral couracre. A northern drug firm sends us an advertisement, and wants us to take fit medicine in pay. Fit medicine ain't legal tender. We are willing to accept condition powders or para gorie. for the family, but we don't want to have tits just for the sake of doing a little foreign business. It don't make any diffeuenee with us from what section, county or baili wick in Florida the candidate for governor may come. We recognize no lines of division in the state, and don't intend to. "What we want, and all Ave ask for, is a capable man and democrat whose personal life is clean and whose political record is free from the taint and halt of de sertion or disloyalty. Give us such a man and Ave can Avin a great vic tory. Let us be done Avith this twad dle about "sections." We have no sections, and we have but one kind of democracy. Gold is going out of the treasury, as Avell as out of the baaks, and not merely by the presentation of gold certificates, Avhich lessens the obli gations of the treasury as well as the cash, but by the purchase of silver and the redemption of legal tenders. With a very large surplus revenue, the treasury has &10,)oo, 000 less money really available to pay its debts than it had at the end of last year, and in legal tender debts has 4,4.53,632 less to pay, since its holdings of legal tenders in excess of certificates are to that amount larger. Gen. A. 15. Pleasanton. W. II Averill and Thomas L. Rosser, three of the most distinguished cavalry officers of the late Avar, dined to gether at a St. Louis hotel a few days ago. All graduated at West Point, and Pleasanton and Averill became major generals in the Union armies, Avhilst Rosser rose to the rank of lieutenant general in the Confederate service. Pleasanton and Averill, says the Baltimore Sun are iioav jxor, and efforts are being made to place them on the pension rolls, Avhilst Rosser, Avho came out of the Avar without a cent, is said to be worth a half million dollars, made in railroading in the Northwest in lucky investments. mpuisoxjiEN r rou i)i:ns. The Xew York Times says it has "been shown in the Lmllow street jail inuiry that, notwithstandino; the ostensible abolition of imprison ment for debt in that state, the pro cess itself continues to exist. Xo matter what the technical definition of the practice, it is in evidence that a man may be arrested, lodged in jail, and kept there for years, on a civil process, and because he is una ble to meet his liabilities. This is beyond serious controversy the iden tical evil called imprisonment for debt which the people of Xew York undertook to do away with as a relic of barbarism. Here is a man who has lain in jail five years for no criminal fault, and who, for all that can be perceived, may languish there five years longer. In this case, too, the wrong is doubled through the bad management of the prison. Had this man been a burglar or a forger, and been sentenced to five years in the penitentiary, his lot would have been much pleasanter than in Ludlow street jail. He would have had plenty of Avholesome food, sufficient clothing and consid erate treatment. But not being a criminal, only a debtor, he has been half starved, exposed to brutal treat ment and shows Iioav closely New York, in the fourth quarter of the nineteenth century, can imitate the foul English prisons of a hundred years ago. COUNTY POIITfCS. In our county the political aspect is something phenomenal. Several attempts were made to organize an independent movement, but from the first the leaders on both sides, smiled, and paid no further attention to these futile efforts. Yet Avith the non-partisans abides the balance of power, and on their choice the victory Avill fall to one or the other party next fall. In 1880 Ave carried the county af ter a heated canvass by a close but easy majority against strong men; in 1882 Ave Avere beaten in about the same proportion. Probably noAvhere else in the south does such a state of tilings ex ist, and probably nowhere else in the state is this balance held by an element more cool in judgment or better trained to estimate the value of the politician's promises or the weight of party platform. On either side stand heated partisans, on either side are men trained and accustomed for years to fall into line and vote solidly for. party. Among democrats habit and con viction have been fortified by the experience, that even the best candi date may be so Aveightcd doAvn by the ignorant mass of the opposite party th:ft it is impossible to prom ise ourselves anything but evil from the domination of any republican however exemplary in private life. The utter futility of independent claims and promises are fully appre ciated in Putnam. Here Ave have some of the keenest and best trained politicians in the state; the issues between the two parties are always stoutly contested on strict party lines, and on each side the indepen dents have been quietly ignored be cause their claims present no real is sue to be carried before the people. Here is a hardly contested battle ground and the leaders know each other too well to make any attempt at befogging the real issue. The independent only throws away his vote, and in Putnam all realize the fact. The democratic candidates carry a number of votes always cast for the republicans in national af fairs, and which, by northern men, were always given to that party be fore their owners acquired citizen ship in Florida. The character of the candidate Avill be made an important factor in the next cannvaign, and both par ties are fully alive to the fact. We Avill base our platform on principle and Ave shall Avin. We can point to a prosperous ad ministration, the frugal management of the state government, low taxes, and entire freedom from all suspi cion of jobbing. We shall appeal to an intelligent constituency and the facts and figures are in our fa vor. Putnam county Aviil go democrat ic next fall and Bisbee Avill be al lowed to taste the sweets of private life in his far northern home. Intorostinjj to Smokers. Cor. X. Y. Times. As the Times takes up the cudgel readi ly to correct abuses, may I. us one of the people fond of god cigars, call your at tention to the following habit iinjeril ling health: A prominent physician told me lately that from the practice of cigar makers wetting the wrapper with their saliva and biting the end of the cigar into shape a spread of syphilitic disease was taking place: that he knew of several cases. Somewhat alarmed, I managed to visit a number of factories. Two-tlurds of the cigar-makers. I found, daub the whole end of the cigar with their salvia. Thinking that Cuban workmen might not do it, I visited places where they were employed, and found that not only did they use their saliva to make the wrapper stick, but that most of them be fore wrapping bit the end of the cigar into shape with their teeth. 'As the physi cian informs me that many of the cigar makers have sore mouths from disease, it is a dangerous as well as a beastly habit. Al13 A3X II. TP GEM CITY KAIR DRESSING ROOMS I LEMOX ST., I'ALATKA. FLA. FRESH, SALT & SULPHUR BATH D To Housekeepers MY STOCK OF J CROCKERY ! AND- Housefurnishing Goods j IS NEW AND FRESH, And I invite my friends to inspect same Before Buying Elsewhere B, L LILIENTHAL CONDENSED AIR BATH t" u u a u lm mi am mm mm mm tu -vmm" m w ROCHESTER, N. Y., the Cure of Chronic Disease: For ('OXl)F(TEl) jjy .T. X. STONE, 31. I. tlmdnate of Medical Iepai'tment of Fnivcrsi ty of New York, (Alopathie and Chi cago Homo'opat hie ('olle;:!'. These baths have bet-n used in P'ranee and Ciermany for many years by at least a score of the most prominent physicians with marvel ous result. The larsrest institution of the kind in F.nropa is at Keichenhall, eondiieted by the celebrated Dr. 'm Liebiir (son of Pro fessor Yon Licbin', the il ist injruished chemist). The followhiir letter was received from him nearly two wars afro: MrNK ir, 25 Ma.rch, iss;.'. Di!. J. L. Stone: l)u. Silt "Excuse my delay in answerina' your letter. I had to wait for a copy of the accompanying article on the tictionOf com pressed air to send to you. The pneumatic chandlers at Keichenhall (proprietor Mr. E. Mack), are siill enlarjriinr the circle of their patrons. Last summer 1 hen.' were so many applicants that at the highest of the season the new comers had to wait from ei!'ht to fourteen days for a seat, and the sittings went on the whole day. There were in the whole. ;nT persons, who took more t han H.i.khi sin.LvIe a i i-b:i t h. In eonseollellee Wv Mae!.- isovo.-t- I : . ..v.. nnr now a new chamber with twelve scats, and will be able, with this and the others, to ac- coin.xlate twenty-nine persons at a time. The estahlislnnent at Hei. h. nhall is 1 reo oente.l ,,n- ly duriiiff the summer. I shall return to Keichenhall for the season in the be'inninu' of May." The Doctor jroes on to enumerate several in terestinu' works, jrivinjr the remarkable results of this treatment and closes with tin most cor dial encouragement. dir experience in Kochesler has satisfied us that in probably ninety per cent, of the cases eoniinff for treatment, the Condensed Air ltaths alone will cure, or do infinitely more for them than any other or all other means united; yet, in except ional eases, other agents may be advantageously combined as auxiliary treatment, hence I have appliances for im proved Turkish, plain and medicated water baths, salt, spoil ire, sit., sun baths, etc. The appliances for ui inu- electricity are modern aim complete, i na e st mticd evorv eli of medicine in both schools m.i.I ,1o n. U Bi m mmn v. is m & Ci 61 M fV. a Vm hi t rl (4 S3 M M y w in i m w b hesitate about H'ivitiy.' medical orsui-rieal treat- j LANDINOS, and in case you change .com ment when needed i mind alter purchasing, v.e will at all times re Invalids are confident I v requested to visit i 1'nnd the money for the whole or any portion this institution on retiu-ninu: North, which i o1 1 'ekets sola by us. 1 u-kets sold to all parts thev will find furnished with elevator, electric j "1 l'!" '!-i "i- the I nited Stales. Any mior callbells and evorv comfort of a tirst-class i ,u:l ' ""'.as to prices, etc., cheer! ally furnished sanitarium: and yet there is nothing' of the 'hospital" air or appearance. Send for pamphk't, fiiv in-r full information, references, etc., to Hit. J. I. STONE, ltd Monroe Ave., Rochester, N. Y. THE STT3ST. XEW VOIiK, iss4. About sixty million copies ol I me Sin have; froneout of our establishment during the past i twelve months. If you were to paste end to end all the col- I ta rcely criticized, wi'ih a more complete or tinins of nil Tut? Sr nrinted .Hid sold Inst- veur ' traniat ion. and an able ssoff of contributors you would tret a continuous stripfd" interestinjr ltitormation, coininoti sense wisdom, sound ,1... i . ... , . -,. i i. - i iiie, ttii'i sitiie u jipii ciiooun in leacii j i t s 1 1 1 1 1 i i ' -1 i piuit , ti mi i i n ii iuii-iti..i!- lintTn.srvk -u-rirte,, ,.,. th.. T i.,h; .. t , of the earth: this same st rip of intelligence would trirdle the jrlobe t went v-seven or twenty-eiirht. times. If every buyer of a copy of The Scn dm intr the past year has spent only one hour ov er it. and if his wife or his Krandfather has speni i,,v,i,..t ii,..i,m.i,...,hi..; i i .......... msan't vears ot steady readmy, nifrht and day. It is only by little calculations like these that you can form any idea of thecirculatiouof the most popular of American newspapers, or of its influence on the opinions and actions of American men ami women. The Sun is. and will cent inue to be, s news paper which tells the truth without faar of consequences, which rets at the facts no mat ter how much the process costs, which presents the news ail over the world without waste of words and in the most readable shano, which is working with ail its heart for the" cause of honest fjrov ei nment, and which therefore be lieves that the Republican party must jro, snd must iro in this cominr year of" our Lord. Isst. If you know Thk St s", you like it alreadv and you will read it with accustomed diligence and profit rturinsr what is sure to le the most interesting year in its history. If you do not is high time to jjot into the sunshine. Terms to ril !ulserileri. The several editions of The Sex are sent hv mail, postpaid, as lollows : DA1LY 50 cents a month, $6 a rear: with "lZlSK-. . . ! iuire more than news. SLN DAY Lijrht pajres. This edition furn- ; The Wkkki.y Timks trathers elf the of ishes the current news of the wo rid. special ar- , everv passinvr week whatever has lasting in ticles ot exceptional interest toeveryixMiy.and ' teres't to the peot.le at larye, and sets it before literary reviews ot new books of the highest j them in such ireiierosity of naper and ja-int as mri!v,-?J H 5"r , I would have astonished us all twenty yeorsniro. WEEKLY jsl a year. Eijrht pi?es of the I DAI LY Twelve cents a week, liltvceni a best matter of th chuly issues : an Ajrricultur- j month. St; a vear. two cents a copv. al Department of unequaled value, special j SEX D VY" Four cents a copv, S2 a vear. market reports, find literary, scientific, and! WEEKLY One copv, S'ia vear: live copies, domestic intelligence make The Weexi.t Srx I s a vear : ten copies. S15 a vear : t went v cop the newspaier for the farmer's household. To i is ?i a vear. with one copv free to the iretter elubs of ten with Slo, an extra eopv free. Up of every club. Address I. W. ENGLAND, Publisher, j THE TIMES The Srx, X. Y. City. , Puiii.ELPniA. FOE S-AJEiIE A; LARGE, COMFORTABLE TWO-STOKV HOUSE, v,ith wide veranda on all side. the coolest p!ac.' and healthiest situation in the pine woods around l'ala; k:i. Only half an hours uri ve f rem town. Kitchen and out!?' use for servanrs separa: '. A jrootl well with splen did and a'.'niid-m water, line wa rden, irreon houst s, orange, krni-n and other fruit trees: wa.Lioii shed and stah-les for horse and .- v, chicken yard with awout ilfty laying hens. Address, i. I, JSox l.s:i. Post Office. IVJatka, Fla. Or. E. It. McKEAX, Ileal Estate Ajrent. Ra ft Merchant's .Line T. JOHNS iUVElt Si EAMEKS. C A R R Y 1 i J G THE 1). S. MAIL QiiiSi ill leae Jaeksunville dailv, from whai'f loot of Laura street, at :.H . m. PALATKA. ASTOIL S VXl'ol.'l), lOXTESUMllSE And Alt. In'tekhkiiiaii: Landincs Soith OF I'Al.ATKA. Will make close connection with all Kail Lilies ft r 1'OIX IS IN THE lX'I'EUlOi:, And '.villi all steamer at Sanfonl toi- POINTS O.N INIii.W invr.ii. 1 let u I'll in;-. leae Eptei'U'ie at ",:'ia. and San ford on a.rri'.iil of Ti'.tin, nrrivinjr at Jackse.n- EAIiLY NEXT M UX T N !, MaKiny: close conr.eetion with Kail and Steam Lines for all point NOW Til, l.A- i' A N I WEST. For all jioint !;eiveeii .l.icksonvil'e and I'a latka, take one of tin- Meamers lea infi- daily, Stnalay excepied. at l::;i) a. in. 'i'!ie t I,i'oul.:Ii lmal-i of tin li;::' inn in ena i Ml'O Kill w :i ction Willi the People s lane, and all ticket i and pa es i.-Mied !v thai line will oe honored ii-l: ilea!. CJ! AS. li. FENWK'H. Paenu'er and Ticket Ajrezit. ATSON. Oeni'i:;! Manairer. me, THE TOUiliSTS FA'01iITE IRON STEAMBOAT COMPANY'S Indestr.ietal.le Palatial S( .imer, Puilt with fourteen wator-t in a; (-oinpartitieiils and cannot sink; lmilt d' iron and can not lairn perfect sai'etv. f.-1 1 I vervati;isi am- G TT Or 1ST TJ S lkiil", except Sundays, from the Florida Centra! Rated Wharf Foot of Hogan Street at 9 a. m, (11? At C Vlll 1 A (!1M.'1'V I'liVt' Sl'IIIVi: 'i' : .: . i iv.i., 1. i 'koi ,a . a nf ini'i. a i a : i a la i tva, i on j . , ...... .....le..: ..;n.. ! 1 ' "," ' ' i P"intsonthe I I. a'ala -Southern Lailroad. Also, wite boats 1 r rescent City aim Ocklawaha I ldver Steamers lor Silver Springs and mterine- ' diate landings. The Cyirmi is the aruest boat on the St. John's liiver. Licensed to carry IshO I'assenfi'ers. Is illuminated with 1'J electric lisrhfs. (Iiand piano for the use of her iatrons. ( J rand i list run lent a 1 ( 'on cert on b lat daily music by Ma.sino. The Cynus cii'iiects with the T'alace Steamer ii" i a o Es i a uV. dlaviiiir unsurpassed pas-enuer accommoda tions) for Astor, i'.nlerprise, Sanford, anl all points on the upper river. For reliable infor mation, t icki'ts and staterooms, apply to Lev e ' A Idea's ollices. corner 15a v and ( Icean st reets. ! St. .lames and Everett Hotel. Our ticket are P X LI M FTED, and jroud i to I 1 1' U hi , A ! ANY OK ALL Or Ot K bv mail. i.!:v t : a. ai;ih:n, lana.sriiir Agents. The Philadelphia Times. 1 ?;rs 2 . THE l-ii i I, DELPHI A TIMES. !-sl. Tin: Timks will enter upon the new year stronger and more prosperous than ever bo nne in us in-ior v -more vxmoiv reau aim ciuotcd. more lieartily cianiueiide and more uiul with the same independence and fearless ness that has made it successful and powerful Hi t n e i;ist. , .. ,. , ... .-t(1 .,, n , the i I ! 1 1 1 - to In on - r si-overnment. and the pub . be we! hire. Ann. wni.e maintaining us posi- lic welhirc. And. v hili tion as ti;e ii adniLT journal of 1'hiladolphia, ii vviil aim to be cent in ua Hy in 1 lie ad vane in nil that can add value to ;i newspaper. ''he value of a newspapi r is not in its si.e or display, but in f he intelligence and care, the conciseness and liveliness with which it is edited. Th:-: Timks spends i.-ivirddv for neves " i'''''' parrs o, tin- vvori.i, out all nsuis i I'nu pan nes ;tre caivMiMy edited and ci.nuen-ed, in i iruor to sj'i ve t he eotnii-et e news of t he day in the most, ci ncise and at t ract i ve shape, and wi; li ir a lare variety of eutertainlny and instruc tive readiiiii'. The be-t writers at hotne ;;nd abro:;d are en;ploye.'; to enrich its column, and to make it a journal adapted both to the busy man and to the leisure of the home cir cle, a welcome v Uaor to hitciiiia nt and hone-r citizens of evorv political, rcliiriou- and social taste. Til K Yv'kkk I V Tl.vti.s is a.ito.-'ether dilferent from the weekly newspapers of twcnf.c years a."'o. The day of 1 hose papers have yono by. The teletrraph and better local newspapers everywhere, esi.eciaily in th- thrivhn.' cenires of rural popula.iion. have made the old weekly metropolitan newspaper unsatisfying. These that i-liivj to iheir ancient usa'-s have lost their hold on ourfoi-vvanl-mov imr ' ople: they are but shadows of t heir former u-reatness. and they have but a shadow id" their f onnorpower. Those papers have had their ii-elalnees, but it is e-oue: and. with it. they are jroinjr, too. It was not the fault of the papers: it was the im provement of the country that brouyht about filf ellMTer.. M..n n.l u lu.ri.l"nr rt...- i live now" n'-noii-e tVoO,...- .".ws- .-.nd the- n:. Steamboat lp. Ml 11 f m imhn If II O.VLIIOUTS PIANOS. AND ALL KINDS OF MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Al AXU1A TP UEll'S ACEXT FOR THE BEST MAKES OF PIANOS, Gliickering, Matlmsliek, Arion & Others Organs: Mason & Hamlin, Packard, Crown, etc. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS: GUITARS, BANJOS, FLUTES, VIOLINS, HORNS TAMBORINES, ZITHERS, ACCORDEONS, DRUMS, CONCERTENAS, BONES, ZYLOPHONES, OCARINAS, ETC, A Fine Assortment of Strings for al! Instruments. SEWING MACHINES: CROWN, DOMESTIC, NEW HOME, AMERICAN, WHITE, IMPROVED SIN GER, HOUSEHOLD and Others on hand and for sale at Lowest Cash and Time Prices. Attachments, Parts, Needles, etc., for all Machines. A Very Superior Quality of Sperm Oil put up Expressly for Sewing Ma chines. : ;. STATE AGENCY FOR THE CROWN MACHINE. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS AND SLWINO MACHINES SOLD OX THE INSTALLMENT plan and rented on most reasoiiaale terms, old Machines and Musical Instruments taken in part payment for new ones. If TPNINO AND HP PA I KINO A SPECIALTY. Instruction Given in Vocal and instrumental Music by Prof. F. Sulzner. MUSIC FURNISHED FOR BALLS, PARTIES AND ENTERTAINMENTS. Call or write lor eatalouires. circulars, price lists contain inr il lust rat ions, descript ions and prices. Ask for a copy of TI I E MUSICAL .lOPKNAL. containing Vocal and Instrumental Music, Mu sical News, etc., sent free. Alt orders bv mail will receive prompt attention. Address, 1 1 SI jyXIN hilt. Lemon sticet. opposite St. John's Hotel. ZEC-A-IRIRr- WATCHMAKER fiFormerlv with A. !. Vhillips, is now establis prepared to do all kinds of WATCH AND JEW Enjrravinir and Stencil i'liltintr. All wor k done BRADLEY'S FERTILIZERS : i: - Jit GEORGE E. WILSON, Stat V;ji(, Xo. 15 West Hay street, J A ' K SO X V I L L E, FLOK1 DA. MPANY'S For Garden or Grove. Guaranteed Analysis on Every Barrel, Manufactories: Koston. Mass.. and Charleston, S. C. For sale by DREW, H. L. & GARDNER, SOLE AGEXTS, PALATKA, FLA. Also wholesale dealers in FLOUR, GRITS, MEAL, HAY, GRAIN, LIME, CEMENT,' PLASTER, HAIR, Etc, SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO CO i fin BLOCK. PALATKA. KLOKIDA. HEATH, AND JEWELER. hed in the Music store of C. V. Sulzner, and is ELRY K EPA 1 K I NO. l ine Work a Specialty, in the best mariner and satisfacl ion truaranteed. THE MOST NATURAL AND SUBSTANTIAL Orange Tree Food IniporlaiU (iiicslions: DO YOI DESIRE A STEADY, 1IEALTH ful, vigorous growth, ilo you desire ( 'lean 15ut(iUT I'utlT? Then buy aj'id apply Presbrey's Drayton Island Marl. Every person's fruit where it has lieon a )lied are clean, luscious ami bright. Kefer enco by iiermission: lion. J. W. Tucker, Judre W. A. Cocke, A. ('. .Martin, X. J. Stenst rem, Charles droves and iininv others have demon strated its excellent tpialities, and we now of fer it to the public, wit h perfect confidence. Price per ton, or eifrht barrels, on pier head Drayton Island, or at Oitv Wharf, San ford, ria., 1:1: per barrel, gl.Ta. All order tilled CO. D. Add res. A. A. I'KESliKEY & CO., Sanford, Fla. 2,000,000 1 ACR ES of LAN D FOR SALE I!Y ESPECIALLY ADAPTED TO Orange Growing, Truck Farming .AimI Kx1v lJ:ii;iii;. These Lands are located in the following counties: Alachua, Haker, Hradfoid, JJm;Var., Clay, Columbia, Hernando, Ilillsboro, I-vy, Marion, Man itee, Monroe, Oranire, Polk, Put nam. Sumter, St. Johns, and Volusia. For further information, address c. a. isoaisima:v- Land Commissioner, I'ALATKA, FholUhA. LANSING & CO. Keep constantly oil hand a complete stock of Fresh Groceries CANNED GOODS - A X D PROVISIONS We have now an assortment of VERY FIXE TEAS LANSING & CO., Lev ox Stp.kkt, PALATKA, FLA. FRESH MEAT MARKET Oldest Establishment in Town 1 5 EST OF NEW YORK BEEF - AXD KENTUCKY MUTTON A LWAYS OX II AXD, DRESSED POUL IV try received daily. Call at the old stand on Lemon street. ORGANS