Newspaper Page Text
i THE DAILY NEWS. ( ) I i I U :H I'O X I) K.C K Solicited on all interesting topics throughout ! . the Mate. V,'e will Im; esjeeial!y jri-atcf id for ! mrul all local items of interest to thepublie. News i sent ly wire should Ik- abbreviate! when prae- I tu altle, and tent alter ti o clock, p. m., address elto l'ALATKA DAILY NEWS. A;iMS I'OK THK MOWS, ""irearof The News of Bee yerday. rn f i, ., , i Our uevil watched its rasp and butting 1 he following irentlomcn are the authorized - inreiits of The I'ai.atka Daily and Wkeki.y Nk-.vs, in their several localities: W. II. DeWitt, San Mateo. W. ". Valentine, Nashua. C. S. Packard. Wclaka. K. M. Hard, Norwalk. K. W. .1. Punish, Fruitland. A. IL liarth-tt, i oorjret own. Daniel Darling, Drayton Island. H. K. ilifriey, La ke t ioortre. J. L. Hnrt'in, Crescent City. J. C. Strickland. Interlacheii. A. MunriK', Mc.Meekin. Win. C. Braddock, Seville. J. S. Cowdon, St. August hie. H. A. Voelbach, Melrose. PALATKA, FLA., MARCH ir. lssd. Titv- Jally Xews Can lie purchased at F. C. COCH KANE'S NEWS STAND, at the Lost Ollice. The owk onu-o. The office of The Daily News is located on Water street, in the new building next to lie-id's general store. DAILY WKATIIKll HKI'OUT. The thonnoirieter at the Moranjre Pharmacy registered yesterday im dctrrees at 7 a. in.; os degrees at Z m. and t"i dejrrees at H p. in. Wesuher clondv and rainv. ll?iicliiii- Noliees. Furnished Koonts n -ar the J. T. i iC. V. lie Inquire a: this ollice. F. C. Cochrane has jut received nice boc: f -r jiackinyr orau-re bhissoiiis. At cue Putnam I'liartnacy, Neroli Cologne, ."' red from a choice i' .pe. ii-nta. an o.Cc.m nt ja-epaiai ton for the teeth. Kouiii-t'-en-.ed tiy ti;; best tent 1.-i . J'r-.eript in vj;, i, .,. led with aL -oiute accuracy at all boms oi the day and mht. First-class iroceri(-s, at very hw pri- es, a:e beitcjrtold at McEaury & Co.'s i!;.- toce. 8ign painting aud carnage painting a bpecialty at L. Mkykk's paint shops. New Entehpkisf.. Mr. Eewis will serve cus tomers at their homos with Hot Rolls and lireal daily. H. A. Meyeh, 1'alace llakery. Full line of jiaints always on hand at L. Meyer's paint srore. Fresh up-river Oranges, very fine qual ity, received every day, at Tomkins ex "Weeks, on the wharf. Crackers, fresh; Apples, fresh and nice; Farmers Supplies at tqe Family Store. U. K. Htao. For artistic signs see J. II. Merry day. Lot of Fresh I'vjrs,;res, etc., beinjr re ceive 1 almost daily at "The Family Store." ii. K. 1 i : i i . Go ! Smith, the butcher, for all kinds i of fresh UieaL Smith is at the old fresh meat marl.t t I stand on Front street. , Just received at the family store, from 1 1. Iitndrct!i & Son. choice lot (iarden peas and hiion Sets. (!oiu;r fast, come ami purchase at once. It. K. !!kii. If you want the best material and workmanship when you paint, go to J. II. Merrydav. The Keuka Family Store invites you ail to come and make your purchases, and' jo home pleased. H. H. Keii ,V Sox. Fresh poultry daily. New York and western fresh meats always on hand at Smith's. I'AIiVTKA (illAI.N MAItKirr. Corrected daily by Vertices & Co., wholesale and retail irain ami provision dealers. Corn Sl.tKkT' SLTO per sack; ( )ats ('ay7i t;rc. ptir bushel; iiran spjiicTi per cwt.; (rrits ; t.eo... St. "Ml jht bbl.; Hay i'MM) per ton; Cotton Se-d Meal sl.iVlper cwt. These jiriees shaded in job lots. FlIKSONAIiS. Editor Moore of the Ohio Press is in the city. Wlliam II . Yanderbilt, of New York is at the Putnam. Judge "Walter Chisholm of Savannah and H. B. Plant of New York are regis tered at the Iirkin House, Sujierinteiident. IVntley and general passenger agt nt Moran of the J. T. A K. V. II. 11. were in the cit- yesterday. Some of our young friends want to know why the Daily News neglects to give projer notice of the meetings of the Literary Club and an account of its pro ceedings: Thk News will report with pleasure the date of the nevtings of the club if tlu-y are handed in in time by its secretary and it has already engaged the services c ' ' t of the club's fairest mem bers to keep a minute of its doings. As to who this fair stalf correspondent is we will leave the club u tied out. The ";. Hieiis." "We are please. I to amiounce that the --Itbrated llohh ll Troline will .-miio ii- at i'rr's OiH-ra next Wednesday ami ! Thiusday nights. This coinpany is com posed of twenty-two persons including the finest silver band and orchestra that ever came south They open Wednesda v night in the "Planters Wife." Read what the Americus (Ca.) Republican says of them. This company jorformed in the pres ence of a crowded house Thursduv night. The play selected for the occa sion was "The Planter's Wife," and a better sustained or more eiitertaininLC performance was seldom, if ever U fore, exhibited in this city. "The grave, the gay, the lively, the severe." were all pre sented in -nature's own. untinted fresh ness and artless simplicity. Laughter followed weeping, and mirth moved in the van cf pathos, and Edith, and Sim con, displayed the clouds and sunshine of existence, its mourning and its mirth In a maimer that was most graphic, strik ing and life. The whole p rformance xva.s well ami ; skillfulh- executed, and every character j was faithful in holding the mirror up to S nature. j i I Jut Not Well Matched. j Cincinnati Commercial Gazette, tljepl. The drift of the Rejtyblican undertow wems to be toward Blaine ami Lincoln, They would make a terribly strong tearu. The Mails, j Tlie steamer Geo, M. Bird is laid up. j and the Fannie Dujrnn aain takes the I Soinethitiq: Worth Seeing" , tall pile driver was put to work in for some time and ventured the opinion 1 'that it was a solid muldoon.v Every j trip of the hammer appears to convulse j the machine like a colossal case of colic, I Estimating the work done ia a given j time our new nei&'hljor must have a i cnarncier stronger man an etgni muie I team. ! A Novel Kxi ingnis?H'i I Mr. John F. Barclay, a;jent for the j Harden Hand Grenade l ire Extinruisher is in the city with a view of interesting ; our property holders in an exhibition he proposes to give in a few days. Ther-e grenades are of glass and are highly ' charged by a chemical process which : generates gas in lire heat, making it im- lossibIe for combustion to continue. We : hope to bo able to speak more at length j of this grenade alter we see its eii'cctive- : nees fully demonstrated. : 1 n Tliv Coiirls. Col, Peterman's hantlkerchk-f was pro duced in the Justice's Court yesterday, and one Edward Bell was charged witii stealing it. The testimony showed that the handkerchief had been lost, and when arrested was found on the i ris on'.rs" ptr.-on. The pri.-oner stated thai he had found the article on the staircase of the sit. Jol ill's Hotel. He was sen tenced to liiior-n days in the . ounty jail or ten doi h.r iine. Other chaj';v;es will probably he broi ghl against him when he is released. Hai-moiiies. As we go lo press our senses are charmed by a medley of sweet sounds harmoniously rendered by Xewsuui's string band lrom the John Sylvester. The racy noie.-. of Dixie strikes full upon our enraptured ears, and at the magic of music's wonders cause visions and dreams of long ago. Success to you gentlemen. .May your fortunes harmonize with your and your lives run in sweet accord with hopes. May the fates drop kind ness as vc ur linuvr.s do music and in peace and rest your lives be rounded to the fullness of a gentle pause. Whisky In Politics. No political party can afford to saddle itself with a whisky issue. Some of our esteemed and high moral state exchanges, arc anxious; to pledge the blot id ia de mocracy on a temperance schedule, but the party can't and won't see it. The follow ing taken from a New York ex change ma- throw some light on the movement of the temperance Salvationists in that state. "The temperance people have been de feated in the New York legislature by two votes: The proposition was to submit the question of prohibition to the people. The vote stood ti: to ill. The republican party after pledging itself to the policy, went back on their pledges and defeated it. A new bill has been introduced on the high license plan. The fees are put at -SToO in towns of more than 10.00(1 inhabitants, and s."i00 in smaller towns. In the meantime the rural constituencies are organizing and will elect temperance candidates to the next legislature. The prohibition feeling is very strong in New York? Our Con niy lloads. Putnam county needs one change and that immediately fewer roads, and those of better quality. Winding through the woods in every direction are paths marked only by old wagon tracks and the absence of trees. Over these a few hands pass twice a year with a few spades and axes to keep the under brush from making tl-?n!i mpassable. These are so many that the few workers iind it impossible to make good highway:-, anywhere. Let a tew leading roads be intersected by the j neighborhood paths when necessary and do not make each path lead to Palatka: j so shall we be untroubled by petlv wran J gles, anal tlie road commissioners can .-o : concentrate their forces as to make their i efforts elteetual. The county could then i build substantial bridees which would be a'.lV,Ut l Us alK :iml th(J lant1' so rai".v t'sm-in value escape tt-e curse ot a thou- ! sand inUrseuing paths lea. ling nowhere ;int used almost entirely by cattle. These m cess itate more fencing, and the new settler is disgust d to iind himself I unpopular with his neighbors for stopping passageway for which lie can understand ' no u0. ir else makir.g lanes at great ex pense through grove or farm. At every meeting of our Load of com missioners comes up the inevitable jieti tion: then the counter petition is put in ami the dispute is often carried to the courts at gr-at expense. We would stiggee.-t that it would be cheaper to employ a surveyor to run oil a few leading highways through the country : on these lines let good bridges K- built, and let the neighbors intersect these with path convenient to each loealitv. Tlie Iihotlv Deuioerats UetersVpuiv In-lex-Appcal illt m.l lll1(h' Island Demix'ratie Conven- tu,n AV1' assemble, if that word may be ust'(i- n the lhth of this inontii. Tlie proceedings will K- unanimous and en- thusiastic. The delegate has not yet been chosen, or ehost-n himself we real- ly don't know whether tlie-re are two Democrats in Rhode Island this year or only one, as usual but everything iKiints to harmony in the choice to lie made. Danger. TTr imc n fi-h-ml rvf rial's; iino ti-iovo.-vc-t- . : ; lie was an t. t. ., so v.ncn Are noticeu csterdav Lis listness air, the him-rv I . ' jok of his mouth, tee his snoul- 1 ders. and the inter goneness of his eyes, j we said withgenuine sympathy, hi a s.uft : voice andwith tears in our eyes: Old man. what is it? He looked feebly : u j, withdrew one hand from las pocket just long enough to give im: his middle hh bik-imt i.- sidos him in the hammock, and was iva- i dy to gie th" supiiort ot my arm' wiien necessary 1 have done ii. oil ' Ik,v said he wa:, a n-ayy .igu that ; thn atened to tear the buttons in m nis i ' 't z?uiirz wrappt-d in perpetual gloom. You see, we had sat so often under ; this magnolia, she seemed to yield, yet was so firm in her refusal to speak deli- nitely that 1 grew reckless, and pretended ! that I was obliged to see the country for ; a week, and tell jK'Ople why they should subscribe to The News. We had a iw , alfeeting jiarting and my lips felt raw for I twenty-four hours as if I had been eating ; green persimmons. However low rs i s must not mind such little discomforts. I and the beats of my heart made merry; music in my ears, as I rode blithely along j and petted my bruised "tips. Only th" ' i confident belief that a little absence ! . might bring her to terms, could p,.-sibly ; ; haw reconciled me to the pa la - that . separation. However I found i... io.-mt- L lOl I. ia 1 i 1 llll'lllillill; .IS i I - life in the roaring reeling metropolis .i 1 ; la'iges aito alikees t ubed Palalka. i iveame aipiaiiiled wit u my ju'igl.- . . 'oor.i and esjKcialiy one queer lo maid j ; who lived just across the way. .'.:- was aixjut -!". and she was as tony as an apple I chip and she had little cork-.screw curls j . on the side of her face. She wou'd turn ; her head on one side like a sparrow look- ': ing for a crickot, and her eyes had a ; hiuguislc'ng do when .she shook jiands , ; witii me through the fence every niorn . ing. T laughed at her for two week-. 1 I but when I saw how the dogs and ca.-t j j :n the neighixjrhoad loved her. ami how . i each dirty little nig had a scrape and j ! a smiie for Miss Mary 1 quit that. So ; when they had a big party. 1 went xvilhj ! her. We stood up i or th.- iht act. but : i the iihinks were uneaven and I stumbletl J j tver the floor in a series of ligures never j i laid down by anv dancing master. No- j i body else danced, with t lie poor little lady, I and all the bucks smiled when they saw i me trot through every set with 3k r. ! Then two louts began to quarei. aud ! when one kuocked the other down. Miss i Marv made iu.itea creditable faint, audi i I carried her out into the moonlight. Poor soul, laugh if you like, but she was in love with me. I left early next morning. and forgot Miss Marv w hen I dreamed of the reeeption my Boston Kdith v.onld 1 ve me. But I saw her in the hammock v.illi another "i'eller" jiml when 1 told her how Ihad yearned for her sweet presence she advised me to seek 31iss Mary in my new aretula. n-, , , , , j Lliat is why rlorida has no more sun- shine for me. an.l the state must alwavs mourn the loss of the- stately hotels, the -,, , , . Ui saw mills, and "Teat eTuVes I was ahoat to :ive her. Oar poor friend became incoherent, and we will not make his woes puMic any further as our only object was to warn all ctncerm-d, tlia.t 1 u iking over i a; r-oat hs. In consiMpience. Mr. Mack isorect ! ii-i .. i intr n-w a new eiiaaioer with tweho .-.eats-, and i tlie everglades ls a ua ngvr more terrible : widhe ahie.wi.l. this and the oU-.ers, to a I than fancied, ma'aria. or swarms of mos' eon.odate twenty -nine persons at a time. The j estal'iisjiaient at heicae! j ha 1 ' is i rei iient ,-d oll ! ... .- . 1 .,1.1 ! i.- a-..; i i. .id . j ipiMcvn. if. . i" '.i '.iti lii.iios. 1 ' . 5 iisj ice to Cash i Columbia, 8. ('.. 3larcli l'-5. in the supreme court here to-o'ay. !elore t ltii .Tllst,-o fchmwm th-,-. -.v vi t , a ie,- ""i lnas corpus in. the case of K. B. C. (.';; h. , . . , eliargetl Wit U being an access-trv a, He?' the fact iu the murder of Town birsha Micliards at t 'hera w. was heard. A it or- uev (it-iieral Aides su omitted pajers and !;on tendings I :u--essorv before the fact sdso. and there- . . , , , , tore amrmaiili- to the same laws govern- , . . i , i . ,. , ,i , ,.- , , i iiiir the lc!onv as the prnien al. A motion is l einu' ;iru'U.-i to commit' ' . . . ( oi. (. asil do n V i o.l tile i a 'pi is i4 loii pre- . ..,-...! t-. . . 1 ti... . ...... - . , .... i-: ... .. st ilil i L It' I 1 1 v OHlll. i 1 IV St.H ;S 1 1 i.l ... I ; IU. vigorous eii'ori.s to sustain its charge that Col. l ash is as guilty as his sou. lite latter is still at large, but is expec-n'. to come in ar.d surrender soon. COL. CASH BAILLT-. Col. E. P. C. Cash was take Chief Justice Simpson in the supremo 1 1 court to-. lav on a writ of habeas r -n us. n or:-: Pail was granted and the imud fixed ;.r : .o,,h The bond was also mmle a peace; FRY'S OPERA HOUSE. Wednssd'y Thurs., Bar. 19 & 20 Coming in ail Their Grandeur, illJJ U U ii 1 1J 11 U:' An.l their se.perh Silver Hand and Orcia-tra. he jrreatest Musienl and Dramatic Company t! now ti-.iM-lhnir. The only co!ii';ny that ever visited the soiitil loisix con-eciitn e j-ears. an eacii v.-.u-piaveo to tarter ana neiter pie.-; sen iiiniieiic-s than anv two coinuaihes coail.nied. They have laa.le such .plentiidreiauata.n that that thev an-now jtistiv cahed the ou:heiii Faviaites. ThU year they come str.nrT ami Letter tlam ever, v.ithe I' s l-HVorit;-, lSlIII-V GOLl)i:.. Sapported bv Little Fanuie (ioldcn. the jrrea'- est child actress livinir. and a coiiipier. conipa- ny of ladies and iremlemwi, intrtHhu-ina- new pl;'. s. new scencrv and elnumintr musk . Wednesday eveninir will he the rrt-at s.uitlu m dranui. r-.lr4, TT -n-"iTta; -.I--. T-.,, x iu. X 1-A. X J.l. !- IX 1. Ilella (loMt-n as Ethel Gray, suy ported by a powerful east. Popular prices. Secure seats at i:iioinA.:Nrr .vxi-:. TE BKAUTIFUL WIXTEIi ROME. SIT-' J "!; f?' 'K' Known us the llA'lvL.t il-H)FA(.K, to'v )M .,tam,,t i,un.!l!n if M,M within thirtv days. Apply to j. ii. iriiii;.viti, At i.-'W.-of t!u- l'i'latka Transfer Co., '"'Mrni' K. S. li:iiway depot. ,v.3.v3i ii. irirs LEY, GEM GITY HAIR DRESSING ROOMS WII!U I.E?! N ST., P.U.A'iKA. TLA. pfg.j kH & SULPHUR BATHS . . . , To Housekeepers! -" "IV ST(.)CK til rUj Bp OH p i Dealers in Genera! Mercr.andlsc. A Full Lir.e of Goods Kept in Each De rU M & t i flh M & i partment. Always give us a Call. 1- :: , . . t u" irtf rnr.i 15 mi mu toii, A'.'. I ! ';a : i ;m v j n-.'iies to in-1 . el sii;ir Bnfn Di nimy ETf ouiinm ClUI 8 dUVInS, LlScWnSfC O B, L, L1UENTHAL, CONDENSED ATR BAtT f j ffr V, f't ti U p h d lU-, t$ M? 1 ROCHESTER. N. Y., For ihe Cure of Chronic Diseases COXUT'CTCl) HV T. L. STOJs'K, 31. X. Gniduate of Medical Departineut of rniyersi- e of Medical Hepartmeiit of f Xew Vork. (Alopathict an ca.a'o 1 lonueopai hie Collet IJ H l I (ti l, (.All'MilllllV' illl'l . Ill-" These Paths ha-e lieen used in Prance and ( iermany for many years ly at least a score i' the most prominent pliysiiians with marcl ous results. The largest iast it tit ion of the kind in latropa is at Keicheuhall, conducted hy the celebrated 1 r. Von l.iehijr (son of Pro fessor Von l.iehii:'. the di-tinyuislied chemi-ti. The following' letter was received from him nearlv two eais a;r : jlrxicii. :'.' March, lss:J. ; ,i stoni-,: 1k. Sik-"Ivxcuse my delay in ; your letter. I had to wan lor a copy ot i he i accompanyinu art icie on tile action'of eotn- 1 pressed air to send to von. The pneumatic ( cinunhers at HeichenhaU oripriet.'.r .Mr. E. j Maekl, are si ill eniaririn the circle of then natrons. Last siuuna-i- l here were s:, ni-mv I applicants that at. the lu-hest ot thesasoii iae new comers nan lo wan l rum eiuut to fourteen 'lax s for a so.ii. and t he sit ins went oil i he whole day. There were in t h" wiole, i an. iHrsoiis. who look inoi-e 1 han a ikkI shcj lo ; i ir.ian. ino siunniei. i snail ie,,il!l 10 Keicheuhall i'a-the season in the i 1-i.iiini:..; of ; i lie ! lector uoes on t 1 enu iiierai : several m- iere-Cinu- v orks. u'iviiv the remarkahle result s 1 ! e! t h is ( rear ment and e, -: .. with the mo cor- ' di.-i, eiu-oun'irenii-i.i. ; ihat in proi..iHy nip.ct.v percent, of '. 1 11 - . ' '"' ' I ' -I iuenr. , re tails nloe.e w;:t cure, or :',. uuiaitely more tor ta.-m than .-.ny other -r a.'! otl'icr t -leans : tinned: vet in exceptional cases, other auvtits : mav heielvataairec -iv ..nthlnc.l as asi.viliarv ! t rent ment . hem-e I h.r, i'!!ii:ies tor in prove-1 Turio-h. i'!;:i:i an-1 mediettied v.r.h. 'i-a'.hs, salt, sconce, si.n Laths, etc. The ai'i l.aiao.- for ;j' irtr iecir:vii' are mo.iern 'imi,1 i-nwi'lci.-. I have s tidied evei v mem when ne, io.i. i iua!.r,- it re nnnoa un, vi,: o pi : tins;,u:ion on rttun.ii.-r N.a-d:, which : the will iiti.l finni-hed with o!ea:or. electric .. .o- .au .o.,i ... . ..,.,.,:. -t ..r n-,t ..i..w. niitarium: an-i y i iia re i- imi'aiim: f the t "liospuai ' a.r or acpearaece. S.aai i. r e ' :;. ; .-i . .-. , m r t infos ltiat i'-n. I re.-'en -ncc ; !;::..!. l st. . v.. in; Am .. ktit'ii i1, . LANSING & CO. N V Q ) IrFAPAPlAQ - P I J 1 1 I j I i 1 I! !l i I t I 111 i X U U II VI i JliUi iUW CANNED GOODS PiiOViSiONS , vt- a- " aa a - at ta-. iu ot ; VF(Y v xE teas LANSING a CO., I THE VGSTN7ULA;Q SUBSTANTIAL ; O VP TI P'A 'P'PP1 H 000 1 CksU.&s A-tD WOU ; Isn port a ill (Mn-stions: I ' ul- U'7,:'S-h I ." . . i v v Vi" Yyl' T n 1 av Lii aopiv ' ri.iit. on ... ...i YoC lina: A STLAIiV. IIKAI.TII- Prochrpy ; irp' tnn khnfl h'P.n ' -J F.v.-ry p-'t--. il's lriiit v.her.j it has Ik-cii a;. 1-he l are cl a;i. iii--Joa. and Lriyh:. !!'-i--r- ; 'nee l-y pcri.rssioii: lion. .1. . I ncKer. Jii!tre ! w- A. Cocke, A. C. Marti:;. X. j. teiistroni, ; : Charles C roves and many other- have .lenion- j ". str-ated its excellent qualities, an 1 we now oi- f ll'r it to the jutMie with periect contusentf . ! : Price i-er ton. r t-itrht h;;rrels. on tder head : uravt,, is;iin,j, iW: or ut City Wharf. San- ! ; i'orti. Fia.. Si:j; t r barrel, AU orders j j tilled C. O. I. Athh-ess. I a. A. PItESUliEY & CO., Sanford, Fia. I "" " IL L. GKEEX. i i j J3L- L. &BSEjNT & CO. DEALEKS IX Hunt mm ? Keep con-t;!'.tl' eti Iia'fi a i BOOTS AND SHOES FOR KENS', BOYS' ARB LADIES' WEAR x.. ,,,.,,,... , ,.. ,,,,. ,..,,,.,,, ! U- tound without a weddmu- varment. All the best inamifacttu-eis. arc n-pr.etttel m tiur stock, both hand and machine jroods. I,a,H(- and Cents erv tire t j rtU a mH-iaiiy. I.emon sts-kft. i'Al TK . Kl.OKlDA. H.O-tD'T. JEi. JElJiBXJD. F-3133 - - i3 .V I. A F K A IRoIdId. Sed- &c Son. 3j JJ 'SlICLJ L.L-7V' K - n Iv ti , P&LATKA'S POPuLfiR BOOK STORE r i ! I : IUkMMiFA lM'FHS I.'Ol views and Florida curiosities. ! t l W WW V IS ( ASH MEAD BROTHERS' BRANCH STORE, (iraliM's New :. i: .e,.. rk-in:v have Tin: i..h-.kst am ukst I ti.-hi fit v. i-..!iii.ris:!'.L' the ' i l iwinir s'l'A i and t'nie i lie.iiee',-: hiee I'reseaiat ion and Illii.-frated Veluines. l'amilv i'.iOles. Teaehers" ! ae.d i'(M-kr Hihles ah wzes and riee. Prayer H .);. and llyc.iiiiils. Popular Editions ' '" l'a'-'H-li and Ataeriean 1'oer.- in holiday binnii:-. ( 'hoiee Ju eiiiles se arateiy and in sets. lileMrated fliildre;i's Hooks, Melll.-liliu's Toy Hooks, ote. Se!lo.,i Honks and Seknol Sujiplies I lte.-id"jv. ilra.i'mers. Antkim-tU-s, Siatt . Chalk. Peia-iK ete. ilaifeon-e I5oxes of Papeterii . Ha-ia-s S;iich;'N. I..;; 1 1 Ta i, ;:, Card t 'aes. I'l ote.i;:;.h. Anto urapli and sera; Al'ianus, Work Iioes, Writiusr !e-ks. Hold l'er. -und rcncil... Ink Stands. Vt 1 yei l-'rames. ivtse!-. pu-i ures. 'heekei-v. Ha.ek Canuaon H .anls, i ;.- men. -i eoseo) e-. i te. t i Poekei H;ok. Ci-'.-r i a --, .lew I Cases. M.-.teh Hoxes an-i i Haries 1 er lss i. ei !;.; -let e as. .rt ineilt . I'ioi'Si i; i "iii-Ioii j's. A w 'U seieet vd stoek of Alligator, Sen Hean. Hear Tiisk tuid Shei! .lowelry, at;d Xe-1-t ie-; iiiwavs on li:'.i;d. v.-'nU-h have ereated niueli eotntiient ai:-l t-risc o:i ae-oii!'.t of t lie eleirant : . . . . I . : . . I . . 1 : . : . . . i . . . 1 ' r i n.:Miia-r in v. mni i ir-s'.- eurio-.a a-s na e neen m.nie up. I Ve have the largest and lw-sf as-.rted stoek of these -imhIs in the e'.iy. .lust arrived, a new lot ot tishin-,' taekie. eoi!ipriin,:r e ei-y arliele needed lor I la- aii;;h-'. Tourr-ts will and it to j their advantage to e.'.li ar.d ii'.-ia-t oar Si-hinv parapiianaiia. j I (i A ii S. Tr.e best seh -eteit line oi C;ya.--. iuipo!-te.l and ioii:,-sth-. lo ! e i'oer..! in the i ity. X- latvo tin- eelei.rateil "Mariiliti Cheroot" a ! tie- "tiou-h and iteady." at.i of t!u- i.-.o-x !.p;ih;r iind !a!",ely called for cigars in the ei.y. H e :d-o have a lit! hue of the i --t imported cigars in ties laarket. while ottr line oi' Pipe. 'iva r and Ci-rarette Holders are nt'.snrpa - seil. l'Jl I ' ::i 11 ment . We (a'der from our main office in .Jacksonville cverv art icle not in stock in :'. .-'s net ice. A rl Kl "s .M;tt it- J-iii Is-. We keep a full line of points, water eohnr. I rushes, easels, ec I'et ; . and every art i !e needed iiy the proiesio;i! and ameteiir rtist. We respect fully in v ite t ho resident s of Pa iai ka and vioinh y to a ii a nd ;n-iiect our si ock he fore purchiisiiiyr elsewhere, as we sell at .New Vork, llir-HUi Philatk'lpii'.a prices and -fee! eontident we can satisfactorily suit ad tastes. Xo charge for showinir jjoods. lon" fo; - t the iiiace, Third Store, Hriilin's Xc.v Uriek Ulock. Water street, foot oi' .onion . JllX'i'OX V. IM:..IM:H. M:uiuu-r. i7W 1 iwar HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, SASH, DOORS AND BUNDS, HARNESS, SADDLES i MIXED PAINTS oil shot r not ice Ial:? t lis?. SAVE FROM 25 TO 50 PER GENT HV HAV1XC Yuri! i n ! nDForiDiriTTAWc riA.'rnnmFnrn FKoM Till: rviVeshm ported and Domestic Pharmaceutical Preparations 'i ndeusei! ,ir : ' 1 AT Lizr ZL.j ZLZL 31.' O-IL : 1 Tip t-. r I ht jS.D32 En.& lf "fit T I " ' ' s i 1 ipt ions arefehy FRESH DRUGS! FRESH RLCKl V !! : HAU:iACV. All order, tilled promptly a I 1 po:mtoe at a! hours o-e;.er:ene.'.l lrej -.-r r ;"-'"-?'r ID. HILL & CO. '. i.i-i''' !:t of onions. Cabbages, I rtlits. c.i.'et;l! S illlil Pro-nice solicited. l.eleretices: v. iii. a. u mc'irar jm .... Itioikors. ' " '" ' '' " -I- Ot 11,11! W3I. ,1. WIZVKO.VTS a vt-iici'i!i iiaiiJciiiH- I5if - ui !.-. l "A J -venanfie. . oi-i-esponnents: 7s - York J- i t. "a. ' ! tinal Ilanli; Konnti , zc Ilros., i 1 6a n 1 JZ. II. PAD Ci K T 1 PALATKA G-EOGEE LEMON TTEEET, Trial j MAliTIX GIJIEFIX, JK 3 full r.nd attracti e t:ck of nd " stoee I " 1. O II I 1 .V. Store l'" I i i 1 ii i Ti ) l:c )!' ! VT W. - ;er S ku:-ti:! st ck ix thi.h; ix the X ! A K ! AM M isfi',1. I.A.N ilOl'S HOOKS, in an.! on re:;..nahle terms. wtttj s do at ivrv CliolfE.- THI' - l "i r'JL Si r.a IT "5 1 5 w -: tJii i ('.an;, ait; !. llav : aid M.rht. DRUGS! FRESH DRUGS! 1 iAi LV iC3 a-i ho;:,.,) j r;. j-hl.-t h' I Ci'i LNS cota- SiOTL ttc. receive-1 Lilv. Convh.-ntiienL of Fh.rida palatka: )',. C. .V C. S. TiSai;-, San Mateo, Pla. Mi. 1 ! ;. I K . I ! . .V CO., 1 JA, IvIOIJS. - s. - 4 rI iaii4itl. iinv and Sell Jioston; t-riK National PA LATKA, FLORIDA. e, Crockery, Stoves all I VsJc 1 r 7 L