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THE DAILY NEWS. BENJ. HARRISOX, Editor. The Daix-v News is published every morning-, except Monday, and delivered by carriers in the city, or mailed postage free, for 60 cents a month, $1.50 for three months, $2.50 for six month 1, or $ per annum. The Weekly News is an 8-page 48-column paper, published every Saturday, containing all the news of the week, local and general. It is the largest and handsomest weekly paper published in Florida, and will be mailed post age free for $1 a year, or 50 cents for six months. Specimen copies free to any address. Local advertisements 20 cents per line for first insertion and 10 cents per line for each ad ditional insertion. Special notices 10 cents per line. Reduced rates on continued advertise ments. All advertising bills become due pro rata every month. Local advertisements due at the expiration of the time for which they are inserted. All remittances should be made by express, money-order or registered letter. Address, AV. W. RANDALL). Business Manager, 1'alatka, Florida. Registered at the Palatka Post Office as Second-Class Mail Matieu. PALATKA, FLA., APRIL 13, 1884. Our valuable exchange, the Jour nal, :f Sanford, congratulates Palat ka on the change in her government and ex' ; '.'-ses the most ardent wish- t es for ..: er connection and nearer reciprocity of interests. Thanks from our citv and The News for this good feeling which is fully re ciprocated. Soon the two cities will be joined by the loving hands of our broad gauge, The Gem City Route and through the Gate City of South Florida will come the wealth of a country hitherto unknown to our merchants. We will come on the first train, neighbor, and the two listers will celebrate their meeting by a grand jubilee. Say we well? FOR SUNDAY THOUGHT. Once upon a time a people half civilized, irritated by bitter wrongs during years of oppression, in the moment of triumph, at the bidding of a depraved tyrant threw some three-score prisoners in a small cell and smothered them to death. These murderers were ignorant soldiers, living in the open air, knew nothing of the fatal properties of carbonic acid gas and never dreamed that con fined air, deprived of oxygen by the respiration of a number of animals, becomes a deadly poison. The world shuddered at the horrors of the Black Hole of Calcutta; the name of Sura j ah Dowlah has passed down the ages loaded with the exe crations of mankind;after all allow ances made for ignorance and pas sion, for deadly wrong and stern punishment, the tale is yet told as a blot on our common nature more foul than any left by the butchery of kingly wrath, the horrors of rev olution or the massacres of whole cities taken bv assault after long siege. Why? Because the silent death of asphyxiation is more crue than the rack. History tells how strong men fought for breathing space at the little grated window how manhood was forgotten under torture, and the weak were trample under foot and died for want of the air God made universal, and free to the meanest thing that crawls on the earth He has blessed with His pres ence. What would be thought of a brave people in an enlightened age, with churches in which to worship, ami books wherein to read, who would inflict death by inches, in such a shape on those committed to their care by the operation of law, a no made helpless by regard for the good of their fellow-men? With women beautiful in their kindly charity an men whose purse strings fly open at the hint of need; with ministers o that Christ who died for the sinfu and helpless in our midst, am this be true? The citizen need only visit our county jail to satisfy himself. For two years the space given has been utterly inadequate to accommodate the number of prisoners committee to its keeping. Two new cells were built, and the careless Dublic was satisfied. We have visited the build ing often and have always come away sick at heart. It avails noth ing to say that innocence may fine for a time an abiding place there Even the guilty, rendered helpless claims of right the tenderest care consistent with due regard for the public safety. We will take it for granted that only murderers of the blackest dye are here incarcerated vet the horror is not lessened. In cells barely capable of containing air en ougb. for two, four or five, sometimes six or eight, are locked. We spoke of it. We then asked the opinion o: a scientist on the subject. He saw the cells, and pronounced such con finement certain death in time. His opinion endorsing the writer's was given to the proper authority and no action was taken. Prisoners rom these holes have beeu brought into court, term after term, with complexions ashy pale, eyes lustre- ess and yellow, movements languid and painfully slow. No judge has poken, or taken enough interest in these degraded wretches to inquire into the cause. Jury after jury has inquired as to sufficiency of food and had no care for lack of air and wa ter. Prisoners ieariully ioul in per son have been arraigned before the solemn courts of a civilized people and no questions asked; counsel pure n life, of enlightened brain and d- lly feeling have claimed mercy or the prisoner's life and made no appeal for the bodily well-being of brother man or client. The soul is man's choicest heritage from his Creator, but his soul is so wedded to his body that it is impos sible to benefit the one while the ther i. clothed in filth and tortured by discomfort. The end of . J. ment for crime is protection to the public, but men who call them selves Christians should consider al so the good of the criminals. Wt arraign the people of Putnam coun ty for careless cruelty to the help less. Let us give our brothers, how ever degraded, air and water. We must build a jail, more commodious, more secure as well, in which neces sities demanded by our common na ture may be provided. Feed the prisoners on brerrd if you cannot do better, but give them light, air and water. We accuse no man for no one man is responsible. We call be fore the bar the people of our coun ty. The grand jury intimated that better quarters should be provided and the judge proclaimed it necessa ry: we declare that humanity to others and a decent regard for com mon charity make this work one of immediate necessity. It is Sunday; think of this, and remember that a man just declared guiltless of crime has suffered in this place for long months. Living as a brute among brother brutes he comes out the wreck of his former self. THE LI QUO It LAW. From the bench it has lately been decided that no endorser of a liquor petition has place thereon unless he had been registered ten days before the last election. In Duval county it has been held that the name musi have been on the registration list when this was last revised by the board of county commissioners. Out board has held that it is sufficient if the name is found among those duly registered. But Judge King's rul ing supports the opinion expressed by our circuit clerk which caused so much comment and feeling in many quarters. We give to-day a communication from one of our most prominent cit fzens suggesting another amendment to the law giving the right to sign only to the holders of real estate in the precinct wherein the sale of li quor is asked. This suggestion is most valuable, and we doubt not, will be found to eliminate some ob jectionable features from the practi cal operation of the law. We agree so entirely with the doctrine that government should lie as near as possible to the fountain head that we are loth to see any law giving local option replaced by others. Let the people, wherever practical, ad minister their own rules, and we ed ucate public sentiment, encourage thought, and train the citizen by the exercise of neighborhood govern ment for intelligent participation in national affairs. If any amendment to the loeal option law can make it effective for good ends give us local option. Let the law have a fair trial at any rate. The Chinese Minister. Cheng Tsao Ju, the Chinese minister at Washington, according to a correspon dent of the Chicago Inter Ocean, ''wears steel-bowed spectacles and garments of the most radient hue. He is very much cultivated by Washington people, and on reception days the callers are very nu merous at the legation, which is the brown-stone mansion on H street winch was occupied by Zachariah Chandler for twenty years, and is still owned by his widow. The baby is always brought down on reception days and is admired and fondled by the callers, but Mrs. Ju seldom if ever appears, as Chinese eti quette permits the husband to have all the fun alone. The minister is very generous with his cur is, and gives a good many ornaments to those who please his oriental fancy. He cannot talk much English, having command of only a few set phrases, such as good night)' good morning,' 'glad to see you,' 'come again ' i and the like." Mr. Geo. C. Morgan OF JACKSONVILLE, ALABAMA, WILL exhibit samples of leather tanned from five to seventeen days; also show the demon stration at Thomkins Sc Weeks. He has letters from leading Boston merchants and othets who acknowledge it to Ik; equal to it not superior to bark tanned leather. J nst the thing for Florida, as it requires no bark, and persons of limited means can start with a small capital and double same every sixty days. Will tan alligator skins, and furs with hair on, such as mink, deer, rabbit and cat, in seven days, leaving the skin softer than any tun known. Will sell tanners county or state rights. Persons can have alligator skins tanned bv leaving them at Thomkins & Weeks, JACKSONVILLE TAMPA & KEY WEST RAILWAY THE "GEM CITY" ROUTE. THE ONLY ALL HAIL LINE TO ORANGE PARK, MAGNOLIA, GREEN COVE SPRING & JACKSONVILLE. Three Hours Quicker to Jacksonville Than by any other line. IlkOAD GAUGE, STEEL HAILS, A1H BRAKES, FIRST-CLASS EQUIPMENT. o rpRATNS RUN A? FALLOWS: L f.OIXG SOOTH. Leave Jacksonville 9.50 a. ni. 3.'V) p. in. Orange i'ark " 4.00 " Magnolia 10.54 " 4.37 " Green Cove Spring I1.(M " 4.4' " West Toeoi 11:40 " 5:15 " Arrive Palatka t':2Up.m. 5.55 " UOINU SOUTH. Leave Palatka 10::$5a. m. 4:15 p. m. " 1-iorida Sou. June. . 10:45 4:.' " West Toeoi 11:;J0 " 5:()S " " (Jreen Cove Spring 11:50 " 5:35 " " Magnolia 12:00 " 5:40 " " Orange Park 12:33 p. m. K:01 " Arrive Jacksonville... . 1:00 " 0:45 " THE ST. JOHNS' RAILWAY MAKES .dikuct conm:ction At West Toeoi, arid from St. Augustine. Kates and Fare to all Points as Low as by any other line, and baurgage cheeked through. M. R. MOKAN, G. W. BENT LEY, Gen. Pass. Agent. Gen. Manager. FRANK R. POND, AGENT FOR THE SIMPSON & GAULT MANUFACTURING CO.'S . CELEBRATED PORTABLE GRAIN MILLS FOR WHEAT, CORN OR FEED AND Flour Mill Machinery of all Kinds CASTINGS, SHAFTINGS AND IRON WORK OF ALL KINDS ON SIIORTJXOTICE. JACKHONVILLE, I-TA. IeukaWorange spring TRANSFER COMPANY TEAM WILL LEAVE KEI'KA FOR Orange Spring- every morning- on arrival of the freight train fram Palatka, for the purpose of Transporting Passengers and Freight, For further information address KEUKA AND ORANGE SPRING TRANSFER COMPANY, At Keuka, Putnam Co., Fla. LARGEST and MOST COMPLETE ICKtalriixluiiciit South. G. S. Hacker A Son MANUFACTURERS OF Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings AND BUILDING MATERIAL. Established in 1842. Office and Warerooms, King, opposite Can non street. E. M. HACKER, Proprietor. Charleston. S. C. Buy direet from the Factory and save deal ers' pro tits. XJ. J. GK003I DEALER IN i mm m a """' FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES Glassware, Crockery, Confectionery, TOBACCO I CIGARS Lemon street, one door from Opera House PALATKA, FLORIDA. FRESH MEAT MARKET Oldest Establishment in Town o BEST OF NEW YORK BEEF KENTUCKY MUTTON A IAVAYS ON HAND, DRESSED POUL 1 V try received daily. Call at the old stand on Lemon street. DE BARY-BAYA Merchant's Line ST. JOHNS RIVER STEAMERS. CARRYING THEU. S. MAIL s&3 ONE OF THE STEAMERS OF THIS LINE will leave Jacksonville daily, from wharf foot of Laura street, at 2:0 p. m. PALATKA, ASTOR, SANFORD, ENTERPRISE Axd All Intermediate Landings South of Palatka. Will make close connection with all Rail Lines for POINTS IN THE INTERIOR, And with all steamers at Sanford for POINTS ON INDIAN RIVER. Returning, leave Enterprise at 7:30, and San ford on arrival of Train, arriving- at Jackson ville EARLY NEXT MORNING, Making- close connection with Rail and Steam Lines for all points NORTH, EAST AND WEST. For all points between Jacksonville and Pa latka, take one of the Steamers leaving-daily, Sundays excepted, at 9:30 a. in. The through boats of this line run in con nection with the People's Line, and all tickets and passes issued by that line will be honored on the through Boats. CHAS. B. FENWICH, General Passenger and Ticket Agent. W B. WATSON, General Manager. UROHsr Steamboat Line. THE TOURIST'S FAVORITE IRON STEAMBOAT COMPANY'S Indestructable Palatial Steamer, built with fourteen water-tight compartments and cannot sink; built of iron and can not burn ierfect safety. o nr G- zisr tx s Daily, except Sundays, from the Florida Central Railrod Wharf Foot of Hogan Street at 9 a. m. T.OR MAGNOLIA, GREEN COVE SPRING, 1. Toeoi (St. Augustine), and Palatka, con necting there for Oeala and Gainesville, and all points on the Florida Southern Railroad. Also, wite boats for Crescent City and Ocklawaha River Steamers for Silver Springs and interme diate landings. The Cygnus is the largest boat on the St. John's River. Licensed to carry 1800 passengers. Is illuminated with 12 electric lights. Grand piano for the use of her patrons. (irand Instrumental Concert on boat daily music by Masino. The Cygnus connects with the Palace Steamer IT L O It I TuV9 (Having unsurpassed passenger accommoda tions) for Astor, Enterprise, Sanford, and all points on the upper river. For reliable infor mation, tickets and staterooms, apply to Ieve & Alden's olliees, corner Bay and Ocean streets, St. James and Everett Hotels. t7Our tickets are UNLIMITED, and good to STOP OVER AT ANY OR ALL OF OUR LANDINGS, and in case you change your mind after purchasing, we will at all times re fund the money for the whole or any portion of tickets sold by us. Tickets sold to all parts of Florida or the United States. Any infor mation as to prices, etc., cheerfully furnished bv mail. LEVE fc V1L.T13TV, Managing Agents. The Philadelphia Times. 1 S -.!. THE PHILADELPHIA TIMES, 184. The Times will enter upon the new year stronger and more prosperous than ever be fore in its history more widely read and quoted, more heartily commended, and more liercely criticized, with a more complete or ganization, and an able ssoff of contributors and with the same independence anil fearless ness that has made it successful and powerful in the past. The Times has no party to follow, no candi dates to advance, but will meet every issue, as it has ever done, with consistent devotion to the right, to honest government, and the pub lie welfare. And, while maintaining its posi tion as the leading journal of Philadelphia, it will aim to be continually in the advanco in all that can add value to a newspaper. The value of a newspaper is not in its size or display, but in the intelligence and care, the conciseness and freshness with which it is edited. The Times spends lavishly for newg from all parts of the world, but all its dis patches are carefully edited and condensed, in order to give the complete news of the day in the most concise and attractive shaje, and with it a large variety of entertaining and instruc tive reading. The best writers at home and abroad are employed to enrich its columns, and to make it a journal adapted both to the busy man and to the leisure of the home cir cle, a welcome visitor to intelligent and honest citizens of every political, religious and social taste. The Weekly Times is altogether different from the weekly newspapers of twenty years airo. The day of those papers have gone by. The telegraph and better local newspapers everywhere, especially in the thriving centres of rural population, have made the old weekly metropolitan newspaper unsatisfying. Those that cling to their ancient usages hare lost their hold on our forward-moving people; they are but shadows of their former greatness, and they have but a shadow of their former power. Those papers have had their usefulness, but it is gone: and, with it, they are going, too. It was not the fault of the papers: it was the im provement of the country that brought about the change. Men and women, wherever they live, now require fresher news; and they re quire more than news. Tiie Weekly Times gathers off the types of every passing week whatever has lasting in terest to the people at large, and sets it before them in such generosity of paper and print as would have astonished us all twenty yeors ag-o. DAILY Twelve cents a week, fifty cents a month, $6 a year, two cents a copy. SUNDAY Four cents a copy, $3 a year. "WEEKLY One copy, ?2 a year; Ave copies, ?8 a year ; ten copies, $15 a year ; twenty cop ies $25 a year, with one copy free to the sretter up of every club. THE TIMES, Philadelphia. THE 3VHo3?e;g32Lo "P"h anr-m a.oy ESTABLISIIED 185G. Corner Lemon ancl Front Ht., - - PALATKA, FLA Prescriptions Carefully Compounded Day and Night. FRESH DRUGS! FRESH -RECEIVED 1 II ARMAC Y. All orders filled promptly and nt bottom prices. PRESCRIPTIONS com pounded at all hours by exieriencel Druggists. IE. T X, ardware, Crockery, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS, HARNESS, SADDLES & MIXED PAINTS Executed on short notice and on reasonable terms. l'nlsitlcn, llorirtn. BRADLEY'S FERTILIZERS -Ct'v -fn-i Z. t Ai JP HGEORGE E. WILSON, No. 15 West Bay street, JACKSONVILLE FLORIDA. SOLUBLE PACIFIC GDANO COMPANY'S Orange Brand For Garden or Grove. Guaranteed Analysis on Every Barrel. Manufactories: Koston, Mass., and Charleston, S. C. For sale by DREW, H. L. & GARDNER, SOLE AGENTS, PALATKA, FLA. Also wholesale dealers in FLOUR, GRITS, MEAL, HAY, GRAIN, LIME, CEMENT, PLASTER, HAIR, Etc. USiC ST Opposite St. Johns Hotel, Palatka, Florida. Pianos, Organs, & all kinds of MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS AND SEWING MACHINES SOLD ON TIIE INSTALLMENT PLAN and rented on the most reasonable terms. Tuning- and repairing a sjecialty. Orders by mail wili receive prompt attention. -iwr ' ORE! NOTICE OF SALE. IN ACCORDANCE WITH ANT ORDER OF the County Court in and for Putnam coun ty, Florida, bearing date April 4, I4, I will sell at public outcry on May 5th. I84, beinsr the first Monday of said month, within the le pal hours of sale, at the Court House in Palat ka, for cash, the following real estate, belong ing to the minors Mabel L. Webb and Clara L, Webb, being in said eounty and state, ana comprising so much of lots No. 19, private sur vey, in Sec. 12, T. 13, Range 2i east, as remain ed unsold after deed Februafy 9, IS-&, of Thompson and Webb to George E. Marvin. Also a part of Section 41. T. 13, S. R. 26 E., bought at sheriff's sale in July, 1874, a portion having been sold to George E. Marvin, being the remnants of the said two lots of land and containing about nine acres of land, more or less. Datd this, April 4, 184, E- S. CHILL, Commissioner. DRUGS! FRESH DRUGS! DAILY AT- A ITr IE Florida Southern Kailwuy. '.FIio Oi-aJiy; 3 Jolt IJoiilo, (i'f'H'E Sl l'KHLVTKMiEXT. I I'ai.atka, March , l.s4. ( (.JO IN (J STATIONS, i.v Palatka ... .... ... Ar Jnterlachen " Wait's Crossing. . . . " (J niello " Micanopy " Lochbic " Rcddicks " oca la " North Lake Weir. . " South Lake Weir.. Ar.Lcesliurg OV1 11. I MAIL " -':'! 1' M Acom'd't n ll:l- " 11:54 " ;::l " :i:.V " ti:ll) " 4::T " 4:M " ti:4 " 1:44 V M :i:55 " 0:1.-1 " )i::ir " 8:20 " "GOING NORTH STATU NS.' MAM, AcomVrtn Lv Ijeesburjr . . ArSoutli Lake Weir... " North Lake Weir " Oeala 41 Rcidieks " Lochbie " Mieanopj' " (Jruelle. " " Wait's Crossing- " lnterlaehen.... . Ar Palatka stoves :00 A M 7:U) A M !:: " 8::t " (i:;V " 8:.V " " io::k " M7 " 12:4. p M 8:1'J " 1:20 " ti:10 " 8:52 " ;i:20 " !l.-22 " 4:48 " !:-! " fi:4 " 10:55 " 7:35 " . rRAlNS ARUI VE AT G.MM;SV1LLE From l'alatkar" I ""9:.iTMan7l Oeala and f :m P M Ijeesbui-fr. 4 ;jo " From Micanopy 7:45 am TRAINS LEAVE (Ta fNES V 1 L LET For Palatka, "( 8:(H) a m and Oeala and j ll:(r0iM Leesburjr, :1:II0im rr Micanopy 5:(Kt p m MICANOPV. i rain leaves at e ,)o A M Trai n a r ri ves a t ' ' " jj'.jy p M First-class car-:ln7oulTfii'uTatkaTc Gainesville on all trains. CONN ECTIONST ' .At l'?latka with Jacks. .n ville7 taini.a&Tey West Ry, last river steamers for St, Au jruslme. Green Cove Sprimrs. Jacksonville and all points North, Iiist. and West, and with up river steamers for South Florida. A )o with the Twin Screw Iron Steamer f 1'alatka," for Charleston, New York- ilostou, Philadelphia, etc. At Wait's Crossing: with I'enin lllar Railroad for Waldo. At Gainesville with Transit Itailroad for Cedar Key, Pensacola, New Orl-an9 and Tam pa. At Oeala with Transit RaiiwlJ' an,l Hacks for Silver Spring's. At IieeshurK with boats on L.l,4e Harris for points on Lake and aloinr St.. Jms and Iake Eustis Railway. Also with (;n'lanl'H Hacks for Rrooksville, SumterviDe and points in South Florida. S. CONANT, JAS. I). HOLL,sTER, General Manairer. Smerintr'na'llt' O. W. RROMWELL, G. T. F. & A. THE M0S T NA TURAL AND SUBS TANTJAL Orange Tree Food. I in jort ii t uftst Ioiik: DO YOU DESIRE A STEADY, IIEATH ful, vigorous growth, do vow ilesire i ean IIright Ful it' Then buy an.l apply Presbrev's Dravton Island Marl. Every arson's fruit where it has nP plied art clean, luscious ami briirlm Refer ence by iermissioii: Hon. J. W. TuckeiSl"'1 ... a. y ockc, a. y . aiartin, iN. .1. Stenstii st rated its exeel)entinmliti, and we now of fir it n i.. 11 i :. I. . u i ' f ijuuiii; nun ju i iecL coiiiiuence. Price iK-r ton, or eiuht barrels, on pier head Drayton Island, g0; or at City Wharf, San- lT: ,Vhi-' 1:J: '"'r " t i, 1.75. All orders filled C. O. D. Address A. A. PRESBREY & CO.. Sanford. t'la. LL CLAIMS AGAINST THE ESTATE OF -iA S. H. Demont must be presented as pre scrit)ed by law or this notice will be pleaded in bar. And ail parties concerned will take notice that six months from the date hereof I will ask for my final discharge from such administration tie fore the county Judtfe for Putnam countv, Florida. C. A. KNOWETON Ap . Adiuinistratsr, lvTToFxhe SQUITOES I have just received a largs lot of MOSQUITO NETS DIFFERENT STYLE. ALSO FIFTY PIECES NEW PATTERNS OF- iatfmg AT LOW PRICES. I Floor WALNUT, ASH & PAINTED CHAMBER SUITS A FULL ASSORTMENT. B. L. L1LIENTHAL 1