Newspaper Page Text
THE DAILY NEWS. CORRESPONDENCE Solicited on all Interesting topics throughout the state. We will be especially grateful for ail local items of interest to the public. News gent by wire should be abbreviated wnen prac ticable, and sent after 6 o'clock, p. m., address- ed to PALATKA DAILY NEWS. AGENTS FOR THE NEWS. The following gentlemen are the authorized agents of The Palatka Daily and Weekly News, in their several localities: W. K. DeWitt, San Mateo. W. C Valentine, Nashua. C. S. Packard, Welaka. it. M. Hard. Norwalk. J E Marshall, Fruitland, Fla. J I McCallum, Orange Mills, Fia. A. H. Bartlett, Georgetown. Daniel Darling, Drayton Island. E. E. Higley, I.ake George. J. L. Burton, Crescent City. J. C. Strickland, Intcrlachen. A. Munroe, McMeekin. Wm. C. Braddoek, Seville. J. S. Cowdun, St. Augustine. H. A. Vogelbaeh, Melrose. PALATKA, FLA., APRIL 13, 1884. The lally News Can be purchased at F. C. COCHRANE' XaW.S .si AN D, at the Post Otlice. 'I'lio Ncm's Ollloe. The office if The Daily News is located on Water hUeet, in the new building next to Keid's general store. IlAIIiV WEATHER REPORT. The thermometer at the Moragne Pharmacy re risiered vesterday ti. degrees at 7 a.m.; tia degrees at hi m. and OH degrees at 0 p. m. llcuUns Notices. Board. Furnished rooms with or without board, at the house lateiy occupied by Mr, Itichardson, corner First and Kailroad streets. Fou Rent. A six room Cottage Dwelling, new, furnished or nnfurnislied, with or with out. Itoard. Pleasantly situated in the Ham mock. Enquire of I. IIakkins Milliard, at the Insurance ( lhce, Palat ka, Florida. Chamber Sets, Springs and Mattresses, cheap at St. .Johns Hotel. Just received at the Family Store direct from the manufactory, a full supply of the nicest 5-ccnt Cigars: "After Breakfast," "Af ter Dinner," "Alter Supier," and "A ways," "New Departure." Spanish Filling Cheroot, Segwith's Smoking Tobacco, Piies, holders, etc. Glad to greet you. H. II. Keid. Lost on the street, one Aligator Skin, about 4Ui feet long; tanned, light color. A liberal reward will be paid for leaving same at Thomkins & Weeks. Fifty Dollars will be paid, on application at this office, for the return of a gold stem winding watch. No, (5428, taken from Geo. C. Morgan's room, at Mrs. Woolsey's boarding house, on the night of the 22nd inst. No ques ions asked. You will find the Keuka Family Store just receiving their new Spring supplies of Groce ries, Bran. Hay and Corn, Canned Goods, Smo king Tobacco, Cigars, Dry Goods, Muslins, Prints, Shoes, Lathes' and Gents' Hats, Cloth ing and lots of good things for their numerous friends in the county and Pleasant Valley. K. It. Keid & Son, Parties having vacant lots will do well to look at the St, Johns buildings, which are for sale cheap. The Harnett House, Savannah. Visitors to Savannah, Ga., will find the Harnett House a comfortable and desirable stopping place, where the uniform excellence of the table is a subject of general remark, while the price is only $2 per day. Chicago National Hotel Re porter. Full line of paints always on hand at L. Meyer's paint store. For artistic signs see J. II. Merryday. Nice Pig Hams, Shoulders, Breakfast Strips, F. M. Beef Tongues, Chip Beef, Bolognas, Pigs Feet, etc. (-'all early for Easter Supplies at The Family Store. K, R. Keid. Sign painting and carriage painting a spe cialty at L. Meyer's paint store. Housekeepers will do well to look at the new Range and Kitchen Utensils at St. Johns Hotel. If you want the best material and workman ship when you paint, go to J. H, Merryday. Purest Flour, ChoiceB oquet Creamery But ter, choice Eggs, etc., to make your nice Eas ter cakes, pics, etc., etc. Send in orders early. Ji. It. Beid. Fresh up-river Oranges, very fine quality, received every day. at To in kins & Weeks, on the wharf. F. C. Cochrane has just received nice boxes for packing orange blossoms. Go and see the bargains in Furniture at St' Johns Hotel. Now is the time to make your Easter pur chases at "The Family Store." Fruits in cans and evaporated. Choice Mince Meat, Raisins, Unities, Currants, Figs, Canned Fish and Veg etables, Confectionery, etc. R. R. Reid. At the Putnam Pharmacy, Neroli Cologne, prepared from a choice recipe. Odenta, an excellent preparation for the teeth. Recom mended by the best dentists. Prescriptions comiH.. led with absolute accuracy at all hours oi the day and night. First-class Groceries, at very low prices, are being sold at McLaury .Sic Co.'s new store. Weuii A- Nichols are the agents at Palatka for all lands and lots at Wclshton. Those wishing lots near the depot, at first price, must apply soon. Step into Webb & Nichols aud take a look at the plat. PERSONALS. Mr. II. A. Meyer, of the Palace Bake ry, arrived iast night from a two weeks trip to Charleston. Miss F. George, our efficient telegraph operator, has left us, and gone to take charge of the office at Tallahassee. We must thank Senator Call for valu- ble public documents. There is nothing like the record, and when the campaign legins we wish to talk of Bisbee and bring the truths to bear. We return thanks to Hon. II. S. Green- leaf. M. C, from Rochester, New York, for the report of the United States Ento mological Commission. Col. Greenleaf is well known and highly honored in our city, and we are glad to see that he still lears us in kindly recollection. Major James O. Hutchinson, the po lite and genial agent for Leve & Alden, who has spent the winter in our city and made so many friends, left yesterday for New York, his summer headquarters. We wish him a pleasant journey, with the confident hope of seeing him again next season. Mrs. W. W. Toller, who has been with us for several winters, left yesterday for the north. Tims we lose the pleasant faces to which we have become accus tomed; miss them for a time on our streets and in their usual haunts. We are glad to learn that Judge E. M Vary will soon assure us of his contin ued presence by bringing his family to Palatka. The gentleman has made for himself an enviable reputation as lawyer and citizen during his stay, and we doubt not his success will be even more pro nounced when our community has had time to appreciate his worth and ability. CITY NOTES. Rev. R. G. "Wallace, of Pomeroy, Ohio, will preach this morning, in the Metho pist church, at 10:30 o'clock. Services as usual at 7:30 p. m,, standard time. At the wharf of the Jacksonville, Tampa and Key West railway we saw . i ii i :n uiiw yesieruay tnree large mm uum-is, their noedfS. The steamers for the Ockla one for Palatka, another for Plant City h t t are of Culiar form, even and the third for Crow s Bluff. Rev. J. B. Ley, pastor of the M. L. church of this city, preaches at Francis this afternoon, and an effort will be made to effect an organization at that place. A board of trustees will be appointed aud steps taken looking to the erection of a Methodist church in the near future. with palmetto, immense ferns and f uner The entertainment and ball for the al cypress, and draped with undulating benefit of St. Monica's church, at Fry's masses of long moss, this river has no par Opera House on Monday evening, will 1 e allel anywhere. The great Silver Spring enjoyable from beginning to end. The with its translucent current in which a young gentlemen have thoroughly pre- pared their parts: the plavs are wed se- lected, and we all know sweet little Nel- lie Cumminfrs. Tbe fiemOitv Route has received its ... ,i v,. r rmd if made its first passage over the road yes- terdav. It is go a rrnnged that easy pas sage is made through the whole, and everv convenience possible is secured. The arrangement is probably unique, and the officials are jubilant. The Florida landed yesterday 250 bar rels of lime and 3T,0 bales of hay for Messrs. Drew, II. L. & Gardner. What do they do with it all ? They say it has no time for rest in their spacious ware house, but is quickly shipped north, south east and west. Two years ago our wholesale trade was in its iufancy: to day it is immense. Grading on the Jacksonville, Tampa and Key West road, between Palatka and Sanford, will begin in a few days. The line has already been located, and we will run into Sanford on our broad rua:rc earlv in the fall. From Sanford the road will be pushed rapidly south, and from Key West a line of steamers will connect us with llavanna. The line from New York to Cuba will carry few passengers after that. Our friend, the. Advocate, of Gaines ville, claims the glory of sending the first compressed pain in the shape of a spring cucumber. But this is wrong. From their garden at Crescent City Messrs. Main & Burton have lieen ship ping for over two weeks. The woe of others brings wealth to us, so we do not want to see our neighbors take our thun- der, but after all even the shippers scarce- ly teel easy in conscience over a cucum- her shipment till they get their returns. Our citizens should be proud of the improvement of late in the appearance of the cemetery, wiien it is remembered that a few ladies, almost unaided, have done this work. Their public spirit and labor for the common good should not lack grateful appreciation. They have hitherto used only private means drawn from their own purses or those of their immediate friends, but, as soon as possi- ble, the town should make an appropna- tion to be used under the direction of the association. They will know liest how to continue their good work. Mr. D. Cooper, from Tuscola, Douglass county, 111., purchased last fall two hundred and forty acres of land at Keu ka, and has now commencod improve ments by sending down three families. Yesterday a freight car arrived per Jack sonville, Tampa and Key West railway in charge of two robust young farm hands with a team of horses, a team of mules, and a lot of farm implements. They informed a News reporter that in a few days a saw mill would arrive, also another lot of tools. They will start for their destination on Monday. We are happy to say that any effort to provide better accommodations for the piiwiins hi uui wumv jau v 111 meet with cordial co-operation from the sheriff, No reflection on his attention to their comforts was intended by the judge, the harmony is near at hand, and as for dia gram! jury or by us. The cells are swept turbances caused by colored people it out every morning, and the food provi- had alwavs been found that mean white tied is ample and the quality good, but nothing can compensate for lack of pace, ugiu aim air, ine stencil, m 1 . ... 1 . 1 m , i spite of deodorizers, is often fearful, and the lawyer who seeks an interview with a client in its walls is often turned dead- ly sick before it is over, The fragrant cigar is powerless in the deadly atmos phere, and all previous strengthening for the ordeal is of no avail. Give us a new jail. Communicated. Norwalk, Fla.. April 10, 1S84. Editor News : For some months past I have read many communications in the Times-Union in regard to the local option liquor law. But in my opinion none of the writers have yet hit upon the shortest, quickest and most available way of ren dering the law useful, where its abuse is now forced upon an unwilling commu nity. I would respectfully suggest to the good people of Florida, and particu larly our members of the legislature, to amend the local option law in such way that no man or set of men (I am sure the women would not recommend it) should be allowed to sign a petition for retail li cense in any beat or precinct unless the said signers were real bonafide owners and occupants of real estate in said pre cinct or beat where said license was asked for; this would rule out all the cross marks and all the dead beats on petitions. Yours truly, N. h. t. New Enterprise. Mr. Lewis will serve cus tomers at their homes with Hot Rolls and Bread daily. H. A. Meter, Palace Bakery. Palatkia'g New Steamer. The Ocklawaha line of steamers has found it impossible to accommodate all its patrons during the past season. The two railroads pour crowds of tourists in to our citv for several months, and have made a revolution in the business of every kind done in our city devoted to hQ they must Iorform is pecu. i;ar. nowhere else in the wide world can sucn models be seen, and on no other stream' could they be useful. We have peen tiiese boats actually jump a log and come down all right on the other side winding through dense swamps set thick dollar can be seen forty ieet under water, is absorljed into the sluggish river which winds in and out over logs, and through fields of lilies, twisting and turning on purpose to give the tourist views of pri- meval forests, marshy levels crowded with trees and occasional orange groves on high bluffs. The boats for this service are stern- wheelers short and stout as typical alder men, a little pilot house perched aliove, and peculiar lines. The bow is high, and at frequent intervals this is driven over a tree lving across the way. The steam is shut oil, the crew all go forward and the stern is thrown into the air1 and the bow drops over into the water. Long polos are then piaced against the log, the crew sing out "all togedder push" the whole boat is over, the steam is again a plied and away we go. At night light wood fires are built, the crew joins in wild plantation songs aud the tourist sees long aisles of forest trees, and dim corridors of shade lighted up by the red low of the flames. But Col. Hart sees that the rush of travel requires wider accommodations, and at his dock opposite Palatka is now building a boat which unites all the in dispensable characteristics required by the work to be performed, with larger space, and capacity for greater speed. This will be a wide boat with stern-wheel, an immense saloon and of size far supe rior to anything that has ever traveled the route. No staterooms will be pro vided, but the long saloon will be divi de?! at night into two apartments fitted with "movable beds. By day these will be removed and ample space obtained for dancing, dining or drawing room purposes. The patrons of. the line will find next season ample and very superior facilities for viewing the changing as pects and unique scenery of this wild country through which flows in varying light and shade the famous Ocklawaha Public School Notice Office Board of Public Instruction, ) Palatka, Fla., April 12th, 1884. f All applications for the establishment of new public schools in this county, for the next ensuing year, beginning October 1st, 1881, must be made to the school superintendent on or before the loth day of Mav 1884. By order of board of public instruction J. W. Strickland, Secretary. No More Bloody Shirt. Danville, Va., April 8. Senator Vance this evening in passing South was met by a committee of citizens and had a reception at the depot. There were present about 500 citizens and a number of military companies. Mr. Vance said that the time for flapping the bloody shirt was passing away, since the sober minded, thinking people of the North were beginning to understand the pecu liar state of things at the South and to make allowance for the apparent imra- tience of the Southern people. A South- ern outrage bill, the shaker said, will never again be enacted. There will never be another investigation of an all! Southern outrage. A time of neace ami scoundrels were at the bottom of them The educated thinkimr people are iroin 1 t. to rule the country 31 Speaker Carlisle in India Ink. Washington Star. There has lxen a custom for many years of having a portrait in India ink made of the speakers. In accordance with this custom Speaker Carlisle has re cently been pictured, and will in a few few days take his place in the long line of speakers on the walls of the lobby in the House, Mr. Covington's committee had not only to decide and pass upon the price to lie paid, but it also had to decide upon the value of the work as a likeness. They decided it was true and correct in every particular and ordered that it I un placed in the line. When Speaker Car lisle saw the portrait he said he did not like some parts of it, but would have to low to the judgment of the committee, which had decided it a good picture. New York Sets an Eaniplc. Savannah Times. Last Sunday the New York Herald printed 5,323 advertisements, filling 113 columns of that paper; the World 1,007 advertisements, filling 40 columns; the Times 873 advertisements, filling 41 col umns? the TribuiRi 513 advertisements, filling 24 columns, and the Sun 430 ad vertisements, filling 22 columns. These figures show one thing: if others could be obtained, it would likely appear that the receipts of the Sun and Tribune for advertisements exceeded those of the Times and World, and were much more per column than the Herald got. The Mystery of Mysteries Again. Philadelphia Times. Once more the long-deferred exhibi tion of the Keely motor lias been indefi nitely ixjstponed. At the last meeting of the directors they were promised a view of the vibratory engine in success ful operation "on or before April 10," but that date has arrived and Mr. Keely announces himself not quite ready. Sec retary Schuellennann looked a shade less hopeful yesterday. "There will be no exhibition to-morrow," he said. "Mr. Green, the treasurer, has been to the shop to see Mr. Keely and the inventor has not yet finished his adjustments. He will not exhibit anything until he is en tirely through with his work and he can not now tell much time may be required. The harmonizing process has taken him longer than he anticipated when he fixed the date for receiving the directors." The secretary said that Mr. Keely had prepared no formal statement for the di rectors, but had simply stated verbally that he was not yet prepared to run the motor and he could not say just when he would le ready. The Florida Menu ink Hoop's Ki rf.ka - Prepared expressly tor this climate. Attliis season in this climate a perfect household pan acea. It prevents malaria, cores biliousness, relieves constipation and keeps you healthy and well. To the business man it is invalua ble. Simply take a dose when vou feel unwell ind you will not have to lav up. but can at tend to business and eat what you like and go in any sort ot weather, f or sale lv driiirmsts in Palatka and elsewhere. " w-s An instant and permanent cure for Neural gia, Sick and Nervous Headache and all ner vous pains: lake a teaspoonful of Jordan's yous Julep as tier directions on bottle. In painful menstruation it acts like inasrie. If one dose relieves you instantly don't stop tak ing till you are permanently cured. Price ode. lor sale ly druggists m Palatka and else where. ws PEOPLE'S LINE STEAMERS St. Johns River, Florida S. B. PLANT, CHATTAHOOCHEE -And- T 10 3V IV I IS L A IV 13 . T70R-MIXr (ix CONNECTION WITH THE 1 DeUary-Baya Merchants') a DOUBLE DAILY LINE for Astor, Sanford, Enterprise and intermediate landing's, connecting; at As tor with the St. Johns and Ijike Eustis Rail way; at Sanford with the SOUTH FLORIDA Railroad for Maitland. Orlando, Kissimmee and Tampa, and from this point with Steam ships lor Cedar Key, Key West and interine diato landing's on the west coast ot rlorida. Steamer H. B. Plant leaves Palatka from Florida Southern Railway wharf at 8:30 o'cl'k, p. in., on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. DeBury-Baya Merchant's Line Steamer Citv of Jacksonville, leaves Palatka from Florida Southern Railway wharf at 8 o'clock p. m., on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Returning, leaves Sanford daily on arrival of the train of the South Florida Railroad, from Tampa at 3 p.m., arriving' at Jackson ville in time to connect with the fast mail train at S::50 a. m., of the Savannah, Florida and Western Railway. Steamer ChattA hooch EE leaves Palatka from Florida Southern Railway wharf at 8 o'clock, p. m., on Tuesdays and Saturdays. Returning, leaves Sanford on Mondays at 3 o'clock p, in., on arrival of train on South Florida Railroad from Tampa. ReturnitiK on Thursdays, leaves Sanford at U:35 a. in., on arrival of train on South Florida Railroad. Steamer Jennie Lane leaves Palatka from Florida Southern Railway wharf at Li o'clock p. in. on Mondays and Thursdays. Returning: leaves Sanford vn Wednesdays and Saturdays. Tickets on sale at W. O. Woltz's Drug Store, Palatka, Fla., and on board of the steamers. All tickets and pusses of the DeBary-Baya Merchant's Line will be honored until further orders. Steam Barg-e Uncle Sam, suitable for carrying- unusual and heavy freights, open for charter, For further particulars, inquire of 11. S. DO WD, Agent, People's Line St. John's River, Oilice Waycross Steamboat Wharf, Jacksonville, Florida. NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS. THE UNDERSIGNED WILL BE AT PA- 1 latka Election District. No. 8. on Monday. May 5th, and remain during the week ending on Saturday the 10th., for the purpose as of as sessing the State and County Tax for the year A. D. ISsL All tax payers wishing tax blanks will please call at either the olbce of clerk of Circuit Court or Tax Collector, where they will find them. J. W. WOODS, Tax Assessor Putnam County. HARRY HEATH Practical Watchmaker Engraver pAN FURNISH ANY WATCH MADE 20 J per cent lower than any house in the state. Call and see. Can lie found at the music store op)xsite St. John's Hotel, Lemon street, I'a latka, Florida. PUBLIC OR PRIVATE BOOKS j-EPT BALANCED OR ADJUSTED, IN strict confidence, by AV3X. G. 3IOATKS, Expert accountant. Practical instruction in Bookkeeping. Best of references. Apply at this otlice. CIIAS. SMITH, Fresh Meats and Poultry A.lM'nyn on Hand at SMITH'S STAND On M'alorStreet. LANSING & CO. Keep constantly on hand a complete stock of Fresh Groceries CANNED GOODS AND PROVISIONS We have now an assortment of VERY FINE TEAS LANSING & CO., Lemox Street, PALATKA, FLA Located Fifty-Six Miles From Palatka on the Florida Southern Three Miles From the Railroad. 'J'HIS IS ONE OF THE MOST BEAUTIFULLY LOCATED AND HEALTHY PLACES IX the state, and the best land in. Florida. A good Hotel and Store to be erected immediately Four hundred acres already sold, which will be BEIsTEDICT Has trot the boom, and is bound to lie one of the or a winter home. Five and ten acie blocks, also Will do more and better Roofing the state. Shop Rear Griffin's -irQ. rrS'JL'- fcr& Jbro-bijIC I THE FAMILY" STOEE 1 A L .A rr Iv A, F L O 1JI 1 A . IER,obrb- IR IR,cL & Son, EZe-oIkza, ZETaaodX;y- Store 1v II lc Dealers in General Merchandise. A Full Line of Goods Kept in Each De partment. Always give us a Call. DISSTON PURGHASE-4,000,000 Acrs FLORIDA LAND AND IMPROVEMENT COMPANY. HA NITON DISSTON, I'resid'nt. J. J. DUNNE, Vice-President. LANDS FOR SALE AT GOVERNMENT PRICE OF SI. 25 PER ACRE. IN BLOCKS OF .NOT LESS THAN SO XOK MOUK THAN 040 ACKF.S. WITHIN SIX MILES OF RAILROAD LINE, PRICE $2.50 PER ACRE. rpHF,SE LANDS INCLUDE ALL VARIETIES OF UPLAND AND LOW LAND AND ARE X adapted to iranjres. Lemons, Limes, Pine-Apples, lUnanmis. Sunar-Cane. Early Vegetables, etc., and are chiefly in the counties of St. Johns, Volusia, Brevard, Oranjre, Sumter, Ix-vy Hernando. Hillsborough, Polk. Manatee and Monroh. Our Lands are selling rapidly. Thousands of settlers have located on them duriiiK the past six months. Do not delay if you want them at present Low Prices. Stock of this company will le received at 4.".00 per share in payment for laud located in compact bodies of 040 acres or more. For further information applv at the oilice of the com pany. AV. rr. roUltllS, Land Commissioner, Jacksonville, Fla. V"EB,TI?,EES & CO. .,v:vi AViioiESAT di:aui:ks irsr FLOUR, GRITS, CORN, HAY, OATS, BRAN, COTTON SEED MEAL & FERTILIZERS. GRIFFIN'S BLOCK, WATER STREET, I'ALATKA, FLA. All Orders Will Receive Prompt Attention and Quick ShiRwtotoatfe II. L. GREEN. HEEL". Ti GKRIEEZCST &:CO. -DEALERS IN- u Shoes E oofs an Keep constantly on hand BOOTS AND SHOES FOR MENS', BOYS' AND LAKES' WEAR We ask an insjtection of our stock. No trouble to show (roods. Don't come u)V() feast and be found without a wedding garment. All t lie ltcut manufacturers an; i-,'?' 'sen tea in our stock, both hand and machine (roods. Ladies and Cents very v rood ii siM'oialtv. T.kmon Stio ft. PALATK A. KM MM l ". ID. """2". HILL fe CO. IPDc?oc3--o-ce & CoxnxtiissiorL Shipments of Potatoes, Onions, Cabbaircs, Fruits. Vegetables and Produce solicited. References: Wm. J. Winejrar & Co., Banker, Palatka; E. C. & ('. S. Tiffany, San Mateo, Fla. A HOUSE BI'M.IMVC. PALATKA. KLA. zbA-Zlstik: out1 AV3I. J. WIMXiAlt Oeiioral ISnnUIny; .1 lupine rl'raiia'totl. Buy aim ell Ioreltiii lxelninu'c. Cori'esioii(liMits: "-v York I'hvt Na tional ISanUt Kount.e Hrw., 15o-tii; M a -ei-lek National Itanl. ; ii. i a i a io rv rr, v THE IF-A-L-A-TIKLA- GEOCEE LEMON TTKEET, A rrrial 1 THE FINE, NEW STEAMER CAPTAIN JOHN L. AMAZE EN. HAS BEEN PERMANENTLY PLACED ON the route letweeu Jacksonville, Sanford and Enterprise, in connection with the New York and Charleston Steamship Company and the Steamship City of Palatka, Making all the Landings lx-tween I'alatka and Sanford, Leaving Jack sonville every Monday and Thursday, at 4 p. m.. close connections made at. Aster with St. Johns and Ijikc Eustis railroad, andatSantord with South Florida railroad. Connects at Palatka with Florida Southern railroad. Freights Taken as Low as anv competing line. For rates of freight and tickets, and further information, apply to II. GAILYARD, XgenU office on wharf, foot of Hogan St., E. E. HIGLEY, S. V. GODDEN, Managers. Or LEVE & ALDEN, "i m i ii n nritr l Cor. Bay ana ocean st&, Jacksonville. cleared at once and put into proves. most lieautiful places in Florida for a grove House ami Business Lots, can Ve had of "WISH I $ Jt- IN1CIIOLS, General Managers, Palatka, Florida. for Less Money than any man n Brick Block, Palatka, Florida. 1 1 l i l ;i . T. H. ASliUKY, Treasurci K. SALINiiKU. Secretary. n M-vRTIN GRIFFIN, JR xckisively a full and attractive stock of etc., received dailv. ('insiLriniieiJLi.,'.4iJi palatka -o- CO., ltAIS'lvllSS. -o- I'ALATKA, FLORIDA. i-ll I Ak. Notice of Copartnership. rjMIE UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS DAY entered into a copartnership under the firm name of H, A. MEYER & CO. . Tla will Ix; carried on at the old stand, and a full and complete line of GROCERIES Will be kept on hand. IB IR IE AID will lie served twice a day with Wagons, and H. A. MEYER will do his own baking in fu ture. II. A. MEYER, . M. C. GOODSON. Palatka, Fla., March 21, lssi. J fl M si my I3IPOIITAIVT SSAJLK. rpiE BEAUTIFUL WINTER HOME, SIT- uated on Emmet street, in theQIainmock known as the HACKER RESIDENCE, to be sold at a great bargain, if sold within thirty days. Apply to, At office of the Palatka Transfer Co rear of F. S. Railway depot.