Newspaper Page Text
THE DAILY NEWS. BEXJ. HARRISON', Editor. The Daily Xkws is published every mora tig, except Monday, and .delivered by carriei-0 i i tne fit; or mailed postage free, for M centi a aonth, SLV) for three months, y:!." lor oix m mths. or 5 or annum. t'liK Wi-r r.i.y Xhw i to f-;i:,c Js-eolnivm l'.er, published eer;- Halimjuy, eontainiii" 9 I the news of the week, local and ji-om-ral. Jt i tlie l;iwt in id hand-omest weekly paper ;l)li.-h"d in rioridu, ard will le mailed po. i a :c ir,-o for $1 a Z '-ar, or iiO units Jor f ix iiuiiihs. Specimen copies l'rc 10 any pdd-e. . Local ad-orti'-eiYicnts 20 leuts per liao fo fi - t insertion and 10 cents y-v line for eacN ad- d .tonal insertion. Special notices i co-it" p"i line. Reduced rated on continued rd ' rtb" mente. All nd cli'-ins' bill." l.ocone one p.o ;at. every month. iicul pdvortiaomen.'. due at t ie expiration of the time lor which ih'. u.e inserted. All should be made by expitf nvii!;y-ordv or regi tcrcd Inter. Ao.-iress, AV. W. HAXDAbL. liiTI.VSS ."-lAXAO. K, Paj.avica, IT.ojuiia. RiiCi- i ,Ri O AT ' !TE I'A'.VfKA Po T Ot'ilCK as Sk- (:.!- as-' Mail .Ma't f". PALATKA, FLA., APRIL IS). 1884. x lie lumber 7 has tran! been b. :t' i'umo''-;. ii? wh'te nni-.vs U ' .:')"(. 'li ),?.! -.V Of (JcO''a ,., Vs of jus'' seven tvum' -;e;'s. 1. : .i'd prepare to ke'p cool. K'th o M tariiT speeches are to be de ! V ied in congress. Now is a good titiU' to subscribe for the eongres s' dial record and die. (icovgia iKH'( ! r s the sL-ngiest n;;ui in the United S fries. He stops his clock every night to s.n:e wear and tear. Verily, Geog'A is enti tled to bear the lU'n-e o:' tlte "Km piiv State of the So,: ."' 3fr. liussell has de 'vered a lecture on "Rational Ilo.-se M. nagement," but as cvervbodv' l:nows all about the hi;-M? we can't see what good it can do. What the South is special ly in need of now is a lecture on "Uat'ona! Mule Management" The first vobvme of Blaine's new book hai just been issued and is now on sale in a1! the large cit'es. "O, that mine enemy would wi'"'e a book." Juivj wait until the c-itics iret hold of Mr. Blaine's effo-t, ai'd lie will thin; his presidential boom fi summer bveexe in comoa- ison to the ' v. v v-iviiv mat t t - a ii vi" 'v nuu, "Uversv res's ,'ie her.d that -wears a crow;'." It stated that Queen Vic'o'ia is opp-.vs:;cd with nervous j liorror on account of the vocent dy- j namite devclopmen's in England, j When sho undertakes ?, ioa-.nev the 1 most extraordina' - .ecr-Pt'ons are trken to guard her pc.ron :'rom harm. 1'ilot eng'des are sent ahead, eet that no hog soiith of the i'oto ar.d the train on which the roy. i uv.c can erase tii'8 disease, eve:? if personage t'-avels is hea i'y guarded it be eaten ra.v. hatever drdge; bv trust worthy office? s. , ' ;,eve ' ccmsi ora Westc "i hogs. Mr. Hugh T. lnm.,11, Pieside t of the Expos' tlon Cotion M.ills, Atlan ta, Ga., iti an exhibit recently ma-te shows thft. dur'ng the last six moiiths those- mills have ea oed i equal to sis per cent, for the six months on the preMt ',;pi(; 1 slock of y:)")(),00(). Such a showing, in ti e face of the great depression in the cotton goods trade, will act as a powerful magnet to attract cap'tal south W.-i'ti. Att e hange, speaking of the epi demic of misfortunes that has befall en oii'-diplomat'cservice, says: "The death of Mhiister Hunt was fol'owed bv that of the Consul of Manoheim, our Consul at Cuba has got into . , , - , , "Zr. . nnancial trouoles, and the Al mster to I.ravl has been wrecked at soa, ami the svv'ce is further smitten by the resigeation of A. A. Sargent."" And the Savannah News savs that these all amount to nothing wien T ., we consider that Gen. Lew r.'lace is conr'ug home to write a book. ... . Justice Field, of the supreme court, has taken the ground that speculating in margins is nothing less than gambbng, and that con tracts ciuered into on account of such speculatio ns were void, and could not be enforced bylaw. Judge Field says that a contract for the purchase and sah? of stock, not own ed, was void. A contract for the nice coioralde o .rchase and sale of stocks, that a broker should nomi nally, but not really, buy and sell, and then settle the balance accord ing to the rate of the stock in the , , ' -," ii,e ingenuity of their p. eoeco or... real, but colorable. It was betting. ; i.k at tUe noted Dai.i: bu v: - .rho A Xew Hampshire wife ran against h.T husband fo? a position on a school board, and beat him six votes, AVliat a tame campaign that must have been, when neither could show up the character and record of the other, nor call each other thieves and liars or house burners or mur ders. But we have no doubt both would have been defeated had they told all they knew r.hoat enc-1- o: -'cr. Ihe e";:c sion iii C I 'hhauelphY seems to ha-. menL vo;p , 'Aero:". 'ios ;'i el the he v. he C ,'Ci'U . o we -e d'spat eheo uiidh !n place to v it ere r.e ( all. The ve-i ! m so far pr silion. The; out of all te m- caused 1 . '-as cen to lei've 'erl-.y without oppo ,; : judications '.hat vno"' " mi !uic. ' .li the ac, vy ;- . suc cess of Aguet'O and the vaci',.. o;t and weakness oi the eniment a strong party favorable to aiimia; op. to the fnited Sinte- ,.'U Leli'r.telvt-j develop The appearance of "-evei:.1 c;ises of trichmous in tho Wesiein Scrtes, f;avs ihe New OJ.e;1.!! Times-Democrat, has called attention to the prevalence of t.achime in hogs. The American hog, it is claimed, is fieev from this malady than those o; Germany or any other country. The swine inspect'on in the Cr.ssel District of Germany found last yeor ';hty-eight cases o" trichina in domestic or German hogs and only '.hree in American hog products. The reports on the cubject have shown that the ;-.-'27l::-a a-e :ess fre quent in the ho; s of tlie Soi'th than those of any otl'r-r portion of the Union, and mos frequent n the Ve:-err States. Tndiana stands rie-envneut in tela re:.e ; .nd seems to -;e Lie ccmre C: ifeciion, 13 pev cent, of its hop. 3 inspected oeing p.orouncctl two-fifths o f.-Mfl :,ci?::nor':, v I I f f T C " ! IV.'O-llflbs Of One O ::-CSnt WCre ; CUIKl I go infected ?.t New d'en?, 1...'.. oae- . r.lf per cent. in. 'V" The lalesi: ' te i; iinoii v to : e . no drnaer w' atcv : r.I -.epoi. :.i z?x ..v jh..j . XQ.V if V:. b- j : j ecn v-ciu z m' a 1 : ' :-3u eaten 3 ' b - : cooked; and even w '-cnt ' .'on nv.o. . Jiec u .s in.'. -,1'!- li e or.isgcv is zAj iiiiiiiag. ned. viiid lorui is a ve o :i!U' c. tS . especially among the Germ, us, but is rot in the least It is only when the system of a. p:u- 1 ron is thoiougiily ;rfcc:c-d ":.y ihe' triciiuia' that the dV; ise be-oces - aiuful and "at: , From the gov ji-nmeiit re-i'oris, theiefoic, it is evi A liOUNO 15ll,lIO JX UAXK. Cannot Break Tl) vouh pvd S.Ciii. New York Mad pud E.vm "I suppose 1hev-j p:.? t. 'oved n tin- links anil safe detoU -H J.i AVrl street and a icinily not f . . -om !?1.0ut. OUd.000," said Mr. Robert 1Ji ke' kw, ;is lie sat iti a comfortable '-asv eiiah hi h'-, olliee in Exchange I'kiee. i-I m;v 1 e a trilte out of the way in my estimate, but not very lunch. The projection of al1 this wealth requires tli( service.-, of a large nuinlier of men in addition to the usual mechanical and elecric devices employed for that purpose. The bulk oi this large sum of monev is stored in the i vaults of safe deposit companies. The vaults are built of fire-proof and burglar- Proof material- aud " as se"e as modern invention -sviJl pBo.v. Tliev . , . . , i are connected by e'eeti ic wires with the nearest distrk-t teiegr-.oh oflico. Armed watchmen prce to and f.-o in the -ooms upon which the vauhs open, Thsemen i are squired to g've a signa' ove-the ire at stated hnervpis dining the night, in order to prove to vhe loDtr aulho ;- ,- .. , ! ties that thev are 'a.ti i. iiv altembn-rlo their business, ami llu-t nolhiug of an . evil nature h?s happe--e.:. If the sig-.aU ! j are not given au armed oo-e cf "a n ?t at once sent to the vu'. 'n i,uest'Oi I -addition to these v .'elnr-n h. -r- r..a other watchmen who pa-rol the ml "ef front of the bui,ci;og hi wb:c: file . :-t:. -are placed. P?.iir vai-meo. ,.n 1 c tectives are also on i3 e ' To' s1'--picious persons." "Are the-e as rn&ny pro.-'; y x r it roblieis now as i.iere w-e fo're.jv ,"' in quired the report e . "I don't lieheve t- t e is the m:-.- , oi a regular gang of l'Tb'-c-'aisbank 'n. - e. among au the th:ev-s of 'his r n' v,' replied Mr. Piuk to "Se..-- a : ;b old professionals have e'fher di-d o1 a . been arrested and put away 'n pu-o:-, and the j ounger men doi"."t seem J " ;p . have been cauglit a-ul sh-'t-un iihi" teen or twenty -ears. 4 'The young burglars are now e:-"veiling then- skill uion ieweh v f;rJ"..s in Jif ferent pares of the eoimtr; T'-cy ) rve met witb sueh success that the jewelers of the United States ha e been compe'led to organize tliemselves into a .s-x-ieU for the purpose of mutual protectio i." " TAMPA & KEY WEST RAILWAY THE "GEM CITY'' ROUTE. T'.'E ONLY ALL KAIL L! K TO ORANGE PARK, MAGNOLIA, GREEN COVE SPRING & JACKSONVILLE, Three Hours Quicker to Jacksonville Thaii by any t i ; c line. jjuoAD ;.rr,K. stkkl rah. aiu BRAKKS, FiltST-CLASS L' jl'i I'M ilXi'. ''pifAlXS IMMV AS FOLLOWS: .1. (ill!. V, SOIT1I. Leave .lackonville '.i.r-s!:1. p. n. i li I'ai-k Vi.Zi " 4.m " ' i;iiriioli: lU.."'r " ' ;-een 'ive Sprhia' 11. t ' I. . .' West Tocot 11: '-it " :,:!.-. Ai ri' c 1'ulatka la p. m. .'..V " COIN'; ; ohi h. Lea'.-e i'.i'.atka .. . . .l-.i:'a. 1.1. 4:1") p. in. 4:i " .":0S Florida Sou. June. .l'l:4." West Tocni 1 1 .-:() (ireen 'ove Spriiur 1 1 :.M ) " :: i: " Mairin-lia l:.':Mi " :.:-'i) " )i an-e i'ai k l '::;i . rn. S;:il Artive Ja:k: -onviile. . . . " " THE ST. JOHNS' RAILWAY MAKEC diiskct ( r,-tz c: rr ion At We.-t Tocoi. and from St. Augustine. Rates and Fare to all Points as Low as by any other lini', and. bafrjfatre checked throujrh. M. R. MOHAN, G. W. BENTLEV, Gen. Pass. Agent. Gen. Manager. PEOPLE'S LINE STEAMERS St. Johns River, Florida S. B. PLANT, CHATTAHOOCHEE Axi T li2 TSr ' I IS TV E. TERMING (TN CONNI CMON WITH THE I 1 ii,.i....i. ?"-..-.. - ... 1. . iwirin 1.1 DAILV LINE to i- Astor, S int'onl, Eiterpri-e aitu iii'.vtiiitaiait. l.uuiii , iin.auu ill i,.";- tor with the St. Johns and I , a e Eu-ti Rail way: at t-anford with the SOUTH '-T-ORIDA Railroad tor Maitland. Oi-h.rido. Kissimmee and Tampa, and from this pc:, it ,-iti Steam shins lor Cedar Key, Key West and intei me diate landings oa the west coast, of Florida. Steamer H. B. Vux.vr leaves lVlat'ka from 1 Florida Southern Railway a h-vf at S::i(l o'd'k, ; p. in., on Monday ', Wednesday and i'l'idavs. DeRary-IJaya lerch.'.iifs ' ;e steamer city op Jackson vim.;:, 'eaves I'ala.'ka from Florida Soulhern Railway wharf tit S o'cloc'". p. in., on Tuesday", Thursdays and Saturdays. Uetiirnmg, loaves f-ailior.l u ilyon arrival of the train of the Florida llailroad, from Tampa at . j. m., arriving at Jackson ville in time to conne, i with the last mail train at S:;jij a. in., of the Sa-. annah, Florida and Western Railway. Steamer t'H vit vi'iiiarin.n leases Palatka from Florida Southern Railway wharf at II o'clock, p. m.. on Tuesdays and Saturdays. Returning, leaves Suniord on Mondays at ; o'clock p, m., on arriv al of ti in on South Florida Railroad from Tampa. Returning on Thursdays, leases Sanford at 0:.'i" a. m., on ari i al ( f train on South Florida Railroad. Steamer Ji.n.xj i-; lam: leaves Palat'-a from i Florida soutliern Railway wharf at 1:2 o'clock p. ni. on Monday anil Thursday. I Returning leaves Saniord tn Wednesdays ! and Sat nrda. 'T. " Ticket on sale at AV. O. AVoH;,' Drug Store, I I'alalUa, Fla., and on board of the steamers. All tickets and p.;-es of the Dcltai y -Haya ! Merchant's Line ill lie liono " d until further i orders. Steam B.-rge l";n le Sun, faihvble for carry ing unusual aii hc.v.y ii. !;.it, open for ; charter, For further p.'i ; ul. 11, inquire of j R. S. DOW I), Agent, People's Line St. John's River, ! Oltiee V.:yero- Steamboat Wharf, j Jack -onviile, Florida. FRANK R. POi'D, ;t for s '.'fx t-ii -tina.a THE SIMPSON & GAULT MANUFACTURING CO.'S CELECU ATED PORTABLE GRAIN MILLS FOR WHEAT, CORN OR FEED AND Flour Mill Machinery of ail Kinds CASTINGS, SHAFTINGS AND IRON WORK OF ALL KINDS ON . tlOR iINOTICE. T,v c ic si o ' "v i tl, x:, 1 I.V. KEUKA MiD (3RANGE SPRING" mWTK j tin TRsiJSrfcR COMPflHY I Y TEAM WILL LE WE KEUK V FOR Ora.ige Sprinsr cverv morning on arrival of l - , : , uiiai oi i tne treiunt tram I alatka, for the purpose rf X j. n I I anSpOrtmg raSSenSferS and F reiffhti . , , 1 or Itutner mtonnation address KEUKA AND ORANGE SPRING TRANSFER COMPANY, At Keukn, Putnam Co., Fla. II. .J. CiIJ003i-:, DEALER IX nimw .or, -f.., FAN oY AND STAPLE GROCERIES AG ) . i GlaSSWai'e. C.'Ockerv, ConlectionerV, ' j TOBACCO ,v:vi CIGARS ! 'mon KTrr 1 PALATKA, FLORIDA. MARKET in Town BEST OF NEW YORK BEEF A NT) KENTUCKY MUTTON 4 LWAYS ON HANI), DRESSED I'OFI,- try received ihiU.v. Call at the old stand a letaon street. IF BARY BAY s Johns kim:r steamers. CARRYING THEU. S. MAIL ONE OF THE STEAMERS OF THIS LINE will leave Jacksonville daily, from wharf foot of Laura street, at 2:120 p. ru. PALATKA, ASTOR, SAX FORD, ENTERPRISE And Aul Intermediate Landings South of Palatka. AVill m.,ke close connection with all Rail Lilies for POINTS IN THE INTERIOR, And with all steamers at San ford for POINTS ON INDIAN RIVER. Returning, leave Enterprise at 7:ft0, and San iord on arrival of Train, arriving at Jackson ville EARLY NEXT MORNING, Making close connection with Rail and Steam Lines for all points NORTH, EAST AXD WEST. Foi- all points between Jacksonville and Pa latka, take one of the Steamers leaving daily, Sundays excepted, at 9::S0 a. m. The through boats of this line run in con nection with the P?ople's Line, and all tickets and passes L-sued by that line will be honored on the thromrh Boats. CHAS. B. FEXWICH, General Passenger and Ticket Agent. W, B. WATSON, General Manager. izROirsr Steamboat Line, THE TOURIST'S FAVORITE IRON STEAMBOAT COMPANY'S Indestrueiable Palatini Steamer, b"ilt with fourteen water-tight compartments and cannot sink; built of iron and can not, burn perfect safety. O (3- IsT TJ S Daily, except Sundays, from tliq Florida Central Railrod Wharf Foot of Hogan Street at 9 a. m. lOR lAGNOIJA, GRHEX COVE SFRING, X Tocoi (St. Ai'gu.-tine), and Palatka, con necting there for icala and Gainesville, and all points on the Florida Southern Railroad. Also, wite boats for Crescent City and Ocklawaha River Steamers for Silver Springs and interme diate landings. The Cygmij is the largest boat on the St. John's River. Licensed to carry IsOO passengers. Is illuminated with 1:2 electric lights. Grand piano for the u-e of her patrons. Grand Instrumental Concert on boat daily music by Ivutsino. The Cygnus connects with the Palace Steamer 1 L O 11 I I) .V, illaviusr un in-passed passenger accommoda tions! for Alitor, Enterprise, San ford, and all points on the upper river. For reliable infor mation, tickets and staterooms, apply to Leve ..Y Alden's ollices, corner Bay and Ocean streets, St. James and Everett Hotels. Mir tickets are CNLIMITED, and good to ST )P OVER AT ANY OR ALL OF OCR LANDINGS, and in case you change jour mind after purchasing, e will at all times re- Dind the money lor the whole or any portion ' ::f Ktt1 !? i mationasto prices, etc., cheerfully furnished I by mail. TiaVIl fc AIjDIiIX, Managing Agents. The Philadelphia Times, 1 SSJ-1. THE PHILADELPHIA TIMES. 1SS4. The Times will enter upon the new vear st ronsrer and more iirosnennis than i'vm 1- j S tiercelv criticized, with a more coirmlete or ganization, and au able ssoff of contributors and with the same independence and fearless ness that has made it successful and powerful in tne past. The Times lias no party to follow, no candi i dates to advance, but will meet every issue, as it has ever done, with consistent devotion to ! the right, to honest government, and the pub i lie welfare. And, while maintaining its posi j tion as the leading journal of Philadelphia, it j will aim to le continually in the advanc) in all j that can add value to a newspaper. The value of a newspaper is not in its size or ; display, but in the intelligence and care, the I conciseness and freshness with which it is edited. The Times spends lavishlv for news from all parts of the world, but all its dis j patches are carefully edited and condensed, in ! order to give the complete news of the day in me iiiusi concise tne most concise and attractive shape, and with ariety or entertaining and lnstruc g. The best writers at home and abroad are emploved to enrich its columns. ; and to make it a journal adapted both to the busy man and to the leisure of the home cir- cle. a welcome visitor to intelligent and honest j Jitizfns of cvcrJ' Political, religious and social i 'The Weekmt Times is altogether different ; fr0m the weeklv newspaiH-rs ot twenty years ; atro. The day of those paiors have gone by. f M'l,.. , .i,,.l,. l.konl nf.u.,..i,u.pc everywnere, eseciany m ine inriving centres of rural Pmulation, have made the old weekly I metroolitan newspaper unsatisfying. Those ; that cling to their ancient usages have lost their hold on our forward-moving- people: they are but shadows of their fi irmer greatness, and they have but a shadow of their former power. Those patiers have had their usefulness, but it is gone: and. with it, they are going, too. It was not the fault of the paper: it was the im- I provement of the country that brought about : the chaii'-'o. Men and women, wherever thev ! live, now require fresher news; and thev re- i . quire more man news. The Weekly Times gathers off the tvpes of I evr ry passing week whatever has lasting in- i ulhe i-"'"1" at hl1 ad u-fore : ; them in such generosity of paper and print as ! FRESH MEAT wouiu nave usioiuiieu us aiiiweutv veorago. ; DAILY Twelve cents a week, tiftv cents' a : motith. s. a year, two cents a copy. SCNDA V Four cents a copy, sa vear. j WEEKLY -One copy. S- a year; five copies, ' SS a j ear ; ten copies. tl" a year; twenty cop- j ies S." a year, with one copy free to theg'etter- up of every club. THE TIMES, PiULADEUHIA. THE 3VEox3,g,nn.o Corner I.einon ami Front Prescriptions Carefully FRESH DRUGS! FRESH DRUGS! FRESH DRUGS! receive:) daily at -A-QJszojT'-rm stco & J" acisison's 1IIARMACV. All orders tilled piomptly and s;t bottom i.nees. IIM'm IMl'T'ON com poundod at all hour- by exporienceu Drtm-gis!.-. T. Xj A IN" HI 'IT" aamware, yrocKery, HOUSEFURNISHINQ GOODS, SASH, DOCfiS f.SD BLINDS, HARNESS, SADDLES & MIXED POTS l'LUMinxG, rriNiivc; i'ittixt. Executed on short notice and on reasonable terms. Pailatlci, - - Floridji. BRADLEY'S FERTILIZERS I GEORGE E. WILSON, ONo. 15 West Bay street,; JACKSON VI LLE FLOR1 DA. PACIFIC GUA COMPANY For Garden or Grove. Guaranteed Analysis on Every Barrel, Manufactories: Boston, Mass.. .iid Charleston, S. C. For sale by DREW, H. L & GARDNER, SOLE AGENTS, PALATKA, FLA. Also wholesale dealers in FLOUR, GRITS, MEAL, HAY, GRAIN, LIME, CEMENT, PLASTER, HAIR, Etc. US1C STORE OpiKsite St. Johns Hotel, Palatka, Florida. Pianos, Organs, & all kinds of MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS -AND SEWING MACHINES QOLD ON THE INSTALLMENT PLAN O and rented on the most reasonable terms. Tuning and repairing a sjiecialtv. Orders by mail will receive prompt atten tion. NOTICE OP SALE. TN ACCORDANCE WITH AN ORDER OF L the County Court in and for Putnam coun ty, Florida, liearinur date April 4, Issf, I will sell at public outcry cm MjySch. I-ss4. iK-ing the first Monday of said moutii, within the le gal hours of sale, at the Coeit House in Palat ka, for cash, the following red estate, lielong ing to the minors Ma'el L. Y.'chb and Clam L. Webb, being in said eocmy jind slate, and comprising- so much of lot No. l'l. private sur- j S OLURLE MO 'S illu vey, in ec. 12. T. l-i. luurre :.") east, as remain ed unsold after deed Fcbi-ual'y 0, T-Tti, of Thompson and Webb to George E. Marvin. Also k part of Seciion 41. T. 10, S. R. 2h E., tmusht at sheriff's sale in July, Is4, a portion having been sold to tieorge E.Marvin, lieing the rcmnant.J of the said two lots of land and containihg about nineaen-s of laud, more er less. Dat: d this, April 4. IS4. E. j. CP ILL, Commissioner. PiLarmacy Sts., - - PALATKA, I-I-.A Compounded Day am! Night. Stoves Florida. Soutliern Bailway. OEKICK SflniHl NTKNDKNT, I Pai.atka, March 'M, Issf. t (iOIXG SOUTH. STATIONS. I.v Falatka Ar Interlachen " Wait's Crossing " Gruelle " Micanopv " Lochbiei.... " Reddicks " Oca la " North Lake Weir.. " South Lake Weir. . Ar Leesburg mail Acom'd'tn :00 ! M j S:lM a m :-"0 " J l:;i,- " i-M " j lL-i-j " :!:"" " I 11:54 " li:10 " , : " 1:4 p m r:-IO " I ;i:.V, " i:-tll " :l.- " :"tl " I G::j.r " ':'" " j :l " GOING NORTH. STATIONS. Lv Leesburg A r South Lake Weir. . " North Lake Weir.. " Ocala " Reddicks... " Lochbie " Micanopv . . . " Gruelle " Wait's I'rossing " Interlachen Ar Palatka mam, Acom'd'tn ti:IKI A m I 7:(KI a M .M I :.( " li:.".0 " S:.V " T::i:i " I u:; S:iV " I 1:2:4:1 p m S:lt " I 1-11 I 0:10 " " I ::'2H " !'::2:2 " 4:4S " !t:."iii " I ti:i4 " U:;V) " " TRAINS AIUU V E A 'V G A 1 X ESVjLLE ' From Palatka, si:;th a sfaml Ocahiand f P M Leesburg. 4 'l " From Micanopy 7:45 am TRAINS LEAVE GAINESVILLE. For Palatka, 8:00 a m (iiid Ocala and , H;iHipM Leesburg. ;t:00 p m l or Micanopy 5:Ipm MICANOPV. Train leaves at."". ". ." rTT.TTTTTToiwXM I rani arrivesat. ,j.10 M First-class car through from Palatka tc Gaincsyille on all trains. CONNECTIONS. At Palatka with Jacksonville, Tampa" & Key' est by, last river steamers for M Au gustine, Green Cove Springs, Jacksonville an. 1 all points North, East mul West, and with up river steamers for South Florida se i'V",1',,"":, S,'.n'u' h',,n Reamer "Citv of aliitka, lijHIiai'blim, New York, lloMon. Philadelphia, etc. At Wait's Crossing with Peninsular Railroad lor aldo. At (htinesville with Tran it liaibdad for ( euar Key, 1 en -acola, New Drleans mid Tain- At Ocala wiih Transit Railway and Jiack.s lor Silver Springs. At Leesburg with boats on Lake Harris for points on Lake and along Si. Johns and Lake l.ustis b'ailway. Abo win, (,raliaie's Ha h lor Hii.oksviiic, Snnn.-i ville and nil points i,t Ninth 1 iornla. S. CON A NT, JAS. D. HoLLISTER, Oejii ral Manager. Superintendent. 0. W. HKU.M WELL, G. T. F. A; P. A. THE MOST NATURAL AND SUBSTANTIAL Orange Tree Food 1 in port n nl (liiotiiin: lY'V".' DESIhE A STEADY, 1 1 F.ALT H 1 nl, vigorous grow Hi. do von desire Ci.kan BuKiin I'm ixV 'I hen buy and apply Presbrey's Drayton Island Marl. 1. very poison's fruit where it has been ati filled are clean, luscious and bright. Refer ence by permission: Hon. J. W. 'j ucker. Judge . A. ( ocke, A. C. Martin. X. .1. Men.-lroiu ( harles Groxcs and many others have demon strated its excellent qualities, mid we now of lerit to the public with perfect confidence. Price per ton, or eight hniTcK-, on pier head Drayton island, SJ: or at citv Wharf n.ui- iV,''1: ..l hl -. - ,; i-r barrel, ti.T.-i. All orders tilled . O. I). AdurcKu A. A. PRESBUEY & CO.. Sanford. Flu. AD31 L KSTIiATOirS KOTJCE. LL LA IMS AGAINST THE ESTATE OK S. H. Iiemont must be presented ni pre scribed by law or this notice will be pleaded in bar. And all parties concerned will take, notice that six months from the date hereof I will ask for my final discharge from such administration before the county judge for Putnam county, Florida. C. A. KNOW ETON -M . Administrat r. READY FOR THE 3QU1TO I have just received a lai gs lot of MOSQUITO NETS DIFFERENT STYLE. ALSO FIFTY PIECES NEW PATTERNS OF Floor AT LOV PRICES. WALNUT, ASH & PAINTED CHAMBER SUITS A FULL ASSORTMENT. L. LILIElMTHAL i i J'