Newspaper Page Text
THE DAILY NEWS. CORRESPONDENCE Solicited on all Interesting topics throughout the state. We will be especially grateful for all local items of interest to the public. News sent by wire should be abbreviated when prac ticable, aud sent after 0 o'clock, p. m., address ed to PALATKA DAILY NEWS. AUENTH roil Till NEWS. Tin; following Kcntleinen are the authorized Rvrents of The Palatka Daily and Weekly N kws, in their several localities: W. it. DeVVitt, San Mateo. Vv. G. Valeurine, Nashua. C. S. Packard, Welaka. It. M. Ifcinl. Norwulk. .1 K Vur-nall, Fruitiand, Fla. J I .McCullum, Oranjre Mills, Fla. A. li. Harriett, Georgetown. Dinne! D;trlinr. Drayton Island. K. E. Hitfley, Lake (jcorye. J. 1.. t'.iirton. Crescent City. J. C. Strickland, Interlachen. A. Mnnroe, McMeokin. Win. . Iiraddock, Seville. .1. S. Cuwdon, Sr. Autrustine. II. A. Vojrelbaeh, Melrose. PALATKA, FLA., APRIL 22, 1884. - The Daily News Cun be purchased at F. C. COCHRANE'S NEWS. STAN D, at the Post Office. 'XMe News OHlee. The office .if The Daily News is located on Water street, in. the new building- next to Real's general store. DAILY" weather report. The thermometer at the Moragne Pharmacy registered yesterday 74 degrees at 7 a. in.; 84 degrees at 12 m. and 77 degrees at 6 p. m. Hearting NotlccM Bo aud. Furnished rooms with or without board, at the honse. lateiy occupied by Mr, Richardson, corner First and Railroad streets. Also table board. Silver Pitch kk. "Cute," the liost 5-cent cigai, chance at silver pitcher with every -'5 cents worth sold. U. F. Uahker Lemon street. To The Puulic Mr. Lewis does not deliver bread for us any more. Mr. Goodson will de liver it in future himself. Respectfully. Hexry A. Meyer & Co. Palatka Typographical TTmon. A meet is hereby called of the above Union, to be held at the usual place, on Sunday afternoon, at ;5 p. in., sharp. Come prepared to pay all dues. John M. Jhirri.-ion, Ex-ollicier President; J. 11. C. Pratt, it, Secretary. Kki'ka Depot. Ticket and freight agency established by Florida Southern Ky. office in the Keuka Family Store. It. R. & Son Agent?, Money to loan on first-chiss security In- ipnre of .IcixiE Thompson IveuUa family store receiving lotsof nice new U and t ransfer com pany daily transporting goods to (range Spring, xc. i. It. Rkiu & Son. Co to Dalton's Wood Yard, at corner of iivcrand Front streets, for Wood sawed and it b s! it L'lltO!!!!' c,o to Dalion's Wood Yard, at eorner of ' :i"r v id Front, streets, for Wood sawed anil t j Ki to : Hit cu.-toinors. Go lo Dalton's Wood Yard, at corner of River and Kront streets, I'm-Wood sawed and r-1 1 ; C lo mi it Oligomers. '!';!:; If vi;.v.'!T llorsi:. Savannah. Visitors to S:i Oa., will tind the Harnett lions, rt comfortable and desirable stopping place, v, here the uniform excellence of the table is n object of tciicral reniitrk, while the price is ' il f . per daj . - Cnic.igo National Hotel Pe iii iter. Full line of paints always on lumd at L. fcyer's paint tore. For artistic signs see .1. II. Merryday. Sign painting and carriage painting a spe cialty at L. Meyer's paint store. If you want the best material and workman hip when you a nit. go to .1. II, Merryday. Wam'IIH. A house or rooms, suitable for a Sti'aii taw: Atluivss: A. care I lailv News. Fresh u;i-river Oranges, very fine quality, received every day. at Tomkins & Weeks, on the wharf. F. C. Cochrane has just received nice boxes for pack'ntf orange blossoms. At the Putnam Pharmacy, Neroli Cologne, prepared from a choice recipe. Odenta. an excellent prenaration for the teeth. Recom niended by tae best dentists. Prescriptions oiuiH.v. - led with absolute accuracy at all hours oi the dav and night. First-chs (iroceries, nt very low prices, are being sold at McEaury iSc Co.'s new store. V.'r.r.ii & NirnoLS are the nirents at Palatka for all lands and lots at Welshton. Those wishing lots near the depot, at lirsi price, mus' apply soon, step into Webb & Nichols mid take a look at the plat. The family store commences the season this Monday evening, 14th inst., by closing at 7 p. in., and very respectfully requests all its pat rons to send in orders promptly that they may be delivered early each day, and remember that fresh and choice family supplies will lie constantly arriving direct from headquarters to please my customers during the spring and summer. R.R.Reid. city notes. One case before the Mayor yesterday, on a charge of obstructing the Bidewalk $2 and costs. The new views of Palatka were being distributed yesterday. The views were very generally commended, as they show the town up in good style. Sauble is growing. The place has duobled its population three times in somebody informed us yesterday but hanged if we haven't forgotten the date. A gentleman remarked yesterday that he bought two lots in Palatka a little over a year ago for .$600, and was for a short time anxious to dipose of his bar gain. He says that he would not take $1,500 for one lot now. Fruitiand is about to commence a new line of development that we can heartily endorse. We hear of three marriages that are to take place there within a week, and there is probably more to fol low. Mr. F. II. Fuller has moved into his new house at Fruitiand and is now keep ing bachelor's, hall. In doing this he is depriving some beautiful girl of a cher ished privilege in keeping his household straighened up. Calhoun, Gill is & Calhoun have an in surance card in this morning's News, to which we call attention. This firm does a good insurance business, and' represent only companies that are prompt and re liable. Give them a call, when you de sire either lire or life insurance. Mr. J, E. D. King, who lives at Fruit land, while burning off a field, let the fire get from under control one day last week, and it took hard work on his and his neig liter's part to keep the fire from destroying considerable property. Mr. King opened a keg of beer and" invited Ins neighbors in to show his gratefulness for their timely assistance. PERSONALS. Hon. P. P. Bishop was in the city yes- terdav. ' Dr. Harrison, of Crescent City, was in town yesterday, arid gave us a pleasant call. He reports everything lovely in his little city and that The News con tinues to grow in popularity. Rev. W. G. Catnpljell, who has Leon spending several months in our city, left on the steamer Eliza Hancox, yesterday morning, for his home in Bridgewater, Virginia. While here he made many friends. Not So Karly Ajrain. In a private letter from Dr. J. L. Stone who is now in Rochester, New York, he informs us that his sanitarium will open on May 1st, and he will be ready for the reception of patients. The doctor adds : " It is as cold a.s Cireenland here. No seeding down; no sun; no fun. I don't come North so early again." Many will profit by the doctor's experience next season. Hand litis Oranges. Under this head, in another column this morning, we publish a paper from the pen of Hon. P. P. Bishop, to which we call the attention of our orange growers. Mr. Bishop clearly sets forth the needs of Florida in handling oranges, and there is no question of the necessity of organization and unity of action to bring about the desired results. The or ange grower's convention will meet in Palatka in October, when active steps will be taken looking to co-operation and mutual protection. The Ball Last Night. '. Just as we go to press the sound of sweet music is wafted into our sanctum on the cooling night breeze from the Graham House, where the "light fantas tic toe" is paying its devotions to the terpsichorean goddess, in time with the delightful strains of the Barratta Italian hand. A large number of tickets have been sold, and doubtless a good crowd was in attendance, notwithstanding the threat ening clouds and the Hashing lightning. Our deputized reporter will give full par ticulars in to-morrow's paper. At tempted Train-Wrecking. We learn that two attempts have been made to wreck the J. T. & K. W. Rail road train, just this side of Orange Park. On Saturday evening a log was placed upon the track, and again on Sunday afternoon, but it was discovered in each instance in time to prevent any damage. These attempts at train-wrecking have been made about often enough of late, and strenuous efforts should be made to discover the perpetrators and bring them to justice. Hanging would be too good for the wretch who thus endangers inno cent lives because cf a contemptible spite against the railroad. By all means let the rascals be ferreited out. Anniversary Meeting. The Putnam County Bible Society held an anniversary meeting at the Methodist church Sunday night, and the exercises were very interesting. Speeches were made by Rev, Dr. Wilson, pastor of the Presbyterian church, Rev. J. B. Ley, the Methodist minister, and Rev. J. L. Lyons, D. D.. District Superintendent, and for merly a missionary to India. The exer cises Sunday night created a new interest in the work, and active steps are to be taken to place a Bible in the hands of every family in Palatka aud Putnam county wo do not already jiossess one. Mr. Lyons promised to place a colpor teur at work in the county as soon as possible, and if the society would look after needs of Palatka ho would see to the balance of the county. A liberal sum was collected to aid on the work, but much more is needed, and anyone desir ing to contribute ,can hand the money to their pastor. A meeting of the official board is called to meet in the Presbyte rian church on Friday night. 1 1SH, ALLIGATOR AND 3IUSQI ITO A Man of Experience Gone to Lea-n What the Wild Waves are Saying. "No sir," said the reporter, "the editor of The News is not in," "Jes what I thought," said the Old Settler. "The Judge would know better than to print such foolish things as that alli gator and tarrapin story you had the other day. Why, I was out fishing " "Hold on my friend. The News posi tively will not publish a fish story that is not backed up by a cast iron affidavit as to its truthfulness," interrupted the re porter. "Now you jes' don't tear your shirt; I can prove what I say. As I was saying, I started out to go fishing up the river here, and after nearly filling my boat with fish, I noticed up in a little cove a great commotion like, and thought I'd go up and see what was to pay. Well, sir, what do yoa suppose I saw when I got up thar:" "Probably it was the tail end of a Georgia cyclone that had wandered off and lost itself on the St. Johns," an swered the reiKirter. "Now you are a greeny, ain't you? Georgia cyclone behanged. Why sir," coming down on the desk lid, with his closed fist so hard that the musilage mug emptied its contents into the ink bottle; "why, sir, it was an old she 'gator and her young ones playing in the water, and they knocked up waves that would swamp any row-boat about Palatka." "Must have been a pretty good sized alligator to so stirred the water." "Good sized? good sized? "Why. hang my buttons, sir. it was the biggest kind of size thirty foot, every inch of it, and," warming up, "the young ones, sir, was six foot and three inches and a half. The old she 'gator was as large as a raft of logs and could'er swallowed cr Jurat. Yes, sir, and VII swear to it. And you talk alut your tanipin.s!'" said the Old Settler, picking up a newspaper and wiping the Leads from his noble brow; "me and my brother caught one as was a tarrypin. We took his shell for to roof in our house with, and you kin jes" bet your little money on it that we have got the best kivered house in the land of Floridy. You print your little tarrypin stories, they liav'nt made any scales yet to weigh the kind I caught." "You have seen some large mosquitoes in your time, I guess." "Bless my soul, sir, mosquitoes! Win sir, I've seen bigger mosquitoes than any other man living. When I first moved down to where I am living the mosqui toes just had charge of everything. And big! I seen 'em one night catch a horse and suck every drop of blood from the poor beast, and he just fell over dead. I had some razor back hogs that could out run any nigger you ever knowed, and I kept hearing one of 'em squealing and a struggling, when I got me a torch and went out to see what was the matter. One big skeeter had that hog by the ear a holding it while the others were iilMng up on its blood, and I seen a bigger one than that " "Bang!" went the reiiortorial howitzer, and the corpse of the unblushing liar was silently smuggled into the river by our devil. War Holies. We were talking with an old Confede rate soldier yesterday, and when the ball given last night for the Soldier's Home was mentioned, it reminded him that he had in his possession some curious relies of the war. He informed The Xf.'.vs re porter that he had two minnie balls, one that struck his horse and tin' other that llattened itself against the bones of his left elbow, while he war, distributing am munition to sharp shooters at the battle of Jacks' Shops, near Petersburg, Va., in 163. He was riding along with his arms full of ammunition when his horse was shot from under him, and just as he had cut the ball nit of the poor brute, and turned around another ball caught him on the left elbow. He has some other relies, which consists of pieces of his own skull, that were knocked out by a shell just nine days before the surrender. He thinks a great deal of these relics. There are not many men who have the distinction of carrying part of their skulls around in their own pockets. As to (lie .Jail. Editor Daily News: The school-house and jail building have caused me to say many a cuss word against the parties having each in charge, and it was with feelings of great pleas ure that I read your's and contributed opinions on the matter, especially as re lated to the jail. Now, there is no dis puting the fact that a large percentage of the unfortunates whose duty compels them to board at the expense of the coun ty and in the hotel provided for that pur pose by the county dads are from the lowest class of negroes, who do not con tribute one cent toward the expenses of the State or county, though I do not ad vance that as any argument that they should be treated otherwise than the laws of humanity dictate. There is only one thing needed (necessary) to add to their health and well-being, that is, plenty of water for bathing, washing and scrub bing. There is no complaint of their food, for I have personally and at differ ent times examined their rations, and I do not hesitate to say that the common class of laboring men in Palatka do not fare better. Now I give as my opinion, it is tetter to wait for a year or so before the expense of building a new jail is un dertaken. Thoroughly clean the old one and keep it clean, also make the prison ers do the work. It is true the county is at the expense of a guard at the jail, would that expense be evaded with a brand new ? Say no. Would there be any better accommodations or conve niences for cleanliness than could le provided as at present? No! Would the beds be any easier or the food better than is acknowledged sufficient at pres ent? The great need is water. Let them have water all they want; and if they want more air, let them behave themselves and kep out of it. Let us wait before building the ne.v jail until the county is able to have spring lieds, billiards, ten-pins, hot and cold Avater, with all other modem improvements. Then we will all go there nnd board with the Sheriff, and get fat iw.d greasy as some of the prisoners I have seen dis charged from that now celebrated hos- telrv. Dot. Preparat ions for Summer. Ronton Rulletin. 'Prepare for summer," savs a daily paper. We have, we have ! We have mortgaged our house, sold all our per sonal property, assigned our income for the next six months, drawn out the chil dren's money m the savings bank, and turned the whole proceeds over to the proprietor of a "summer hotel"' for the rent of two hot boxes for ten weeks, for what we can pick up in the dining-room and for the privilege of wearing out the seat of our trousers on hard -seated piazza chairs. We are now trying to float some second mortgage bonds on Mrs. Spicer's wardrobe, so as to subsidizo the cook, steward, bell boys, waiters, cliamber- maids, vlerk and scrub girls. If any j body has been forgotten he will have to j come in on preferred stock. j An instant and iiermanent cure forXeural ! gia, suck and Nervous Headache and all ner- vous pain: Take a teaspoonful of Jordan's ! -"Wous Julep as er directions on bottle In : panitul menstruation it in-.. one iloe relieves yon in.-tanilv don't stop tak ing till you are permanentlv cured. Price .'uic tor sale by druggiMs in 'Palatka and ebe "'"'" ws Calhoun, Gillls & Calhoun, INSURANCE AGENTS, REPRESENT THE HOME IXSl" RA NCE CO M PAX V,of Xe w York, THE"SUX," of London, THE XEW YORK UNDERWRITERS, THE GERMAN IA, THE FACTO US k TRADERS, of New Orleans, THE ACCIDENT, of North America, THE EQUITARI.E (Life.) I3I101 T.YIN T HALE. rjMIE HEAUTIFUL WINTER HOME, SIT- uuted on Emmet street, in the Hammock known as the HACKER RESIDEXCE, to be sold at a great bargain, if sold within thirty days. Apply to J. II. IIII$OA.ItI, At office of the Palatka Transfer Co., rear of F. S. Railway depot. HARRY HEATH Engraver pAX FUUX1SH AXY WATCH MADE 20 V,' per cent low er tlKin anv house in the state. Call and see. Can be found at the music store opposite St. John's Hotel, Lemon street, Pa latka, Florida. THE PALATKA Transfer Company TS XOW PREPARFD TO CARRY VALUA X able Freight, Patkagos, and dol a gen eral hauling business. OMNIBUSES OR . SPRING WAGONS Always on hand for Picnics and Excursions, and Trunks and passengers tiansferred to and from all boats and 1 ruins. Promptness and Satisfaction GUARANTEED. Office on Water street, near Florida South ern Uenot. LARGEST and MOST COMPLETE 1 -.1 : lli-ilni'iit Hon tli. G. S. Hacker & Son MAX F FAOTURERS OF Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings AXD " BUILDING MATERIAL. Established in lSti. Office and Warerooius, Kinjf, opposite Can non street. E. M. HACKER. I'roprietor, Charleston, S. C. I5ny direct from the Factory and save deal ers' profits. . LANSING & CO. Keep constantly on hand a complete stock of Fresh Groceries CANNED GOODS -AXD PROVISIONS AVe have now an assortment of VERY FINE TEAS LANSING & CO., Lemon SruEET, - - PALATKA, FLA THE FINE, NEW STEAMER 11 CAPTAIN JOHN L. AMAZEEN, HAS BEEN" PERMANENTLY PLACED OX the route between Jacksonville, Sanford and Enterprise, in connection with the New York and Charleston Steamship Company and the Steamship City of Palatka, Making all the Landings between Palatka and Sanford, Leaving Jack sonville every Monday and Thursday, at 4 p. I m., close connections tnaue at Aster with t-t. I Johns and Lake Eustis railroad, andat Sanford ; with South Florida railroad, j Connects at Palatka with Florida Southern i railroad. Freights Taken as Low as any competing line. For rates of freitrht and tickets, and further information, apply to 1 H. GAILYARD. j Agent, office .-u wharf, foot of Hogan St., E. E. HIGLEY, 1 S. V. GODDE.V, j Managers. I Or LEVE k ALDEN. j Cor. Bay and Ocean sts., Jacksonville. crl 'Mm ('.jIljK THE ESCBLSIOE mmmmm a Manufactured by J". "W 1 3ST S L O W" , PALATKA, FLORIDA. I have bought the right to this State to manufacture this celebrated SPRl Mi RED ROTTOM anJ it is now ottered lor the first time to the public, in this State. It is the best SPRSMG-EED BOTTOM ntade, for the following reasons: 1. It is made on a frame to lav on t he slats of the bed 2 It is securely tasteneil 1 at the top and bottom si the springs can not net out of place. ;t. We use i'S 1 Wlre ur . e 'H,1'iniis, putting the heaviest across the center of the bed. 4. There arc no Hooks to wear the mattress. 5. There is an "Adjustable Head Raise," which can be rais ed to any desired point and held tirm in place, li. It is the best Invalid Red made. 7. It is i S E i Jly Slt' Ik''1 IMtom 'epiired, and deliver to anv point in the count v without th i"r '.i'lmit.f it, i,:;,t.',on- Tr-V ,,,u' ani1 1,(1 eonvineed. The public arehivited to ci the tAClORl on i RON 1 Si REET. next to LA li K I X HoCSE, and see this Spring Red. C ty rights for sale. Located Fifty-Six Miles From Palatka on the Florida Southern Three Miles From the Railroad. piIIS IS ONE OF THE MOST BEAUTIFULLY LOCATED AND HEALTHY PLACES IN the state, and the best land in Florida. A good Hotel and Store to be erected immediately Four hundred acres already sold, which will be cleared at once and put into groves IB JH 1ST EDICT Has got the boom, and is bound to be one of ihe most beautiful places in F ! -ida for a grove or a winter home. Five and ten acre blocks, also House and Business Lots, can be had of AVI ;i 51 5 vSl MCiJlOLS, ifiiif&lS-r TPS Will do more and better Roofing tne state. Miop Hear Griffin s THE IFIMIXlL-r STOBE r ,V rr Iv , 1 LOKIDA. ZRotrt IR IRoc3- & Son, IKZeixIkia, ZFazmly- Store It o 11 2c u, ( i Dealers in General Merchandise, A Full Line of Goods Kept in Each De- partment. Always give us a Call. DISSTON PURCHASE-4,000,000 Aci'S FLORIDA LAND AND IMPROVEMENT COINV. HAM PTO X THSSTOX, President. J. J. UUXXE, Vice-President. LANDS FOR SALE AT GOVERNMENT PRICE OF $1.25 PER ACRE. IX BLOCKS OF NUT LESS THAN si) XOU MOKE THAN filo ACHES WITHIN SIX MILES OF RAILROAD LINE, PRICE $2.50 PER ACRE. riMIESE LAXDS INCLUDE ALL VARIETIES OF UPLAND AND LOWLAND AXD A HE f lld'Iu'l Oninjres, Lemons, Limes, Pine-Apples., Su-rar-t ;me. Earl v Vegetables etc., and are chiefly m i the of St. Johns, Volusia, Hrcvard, OrauVe, Sumter L evv Hernando, Hillsborough, Folk. Manatee and Monroh u'1,n) .Our Lands are selling rapidly. Thousands of settlers have loeated on them duriii" the oast six nionlhs. Do not delay if you want them at present Low Priees 1 Stock of this company will be received at per share in'pa nu nt for land loeated in pany11 W0 ac,vs ,,r niol('' F"r tu"u information apply the olliee !f the ellu" A . rP. I'"Q1 1 JQ-, Land Commissioner, Jacksonville, Fla. VEBTHEES & GO. FLOUR, GRITS, CORN, HAY, OATS, BRAN JcOTTON SEED MEAL & FERTILIZERS. GHIFFIN'S BLOCK, WATER STREET, PALATKA, FLA. All Orders Will Receive Prompt Attention and Quick Shipments Made H. L. GREEN -EE. L. GHRIEDElSr &n HO DEALERS IN ra j i frai mm ana &noes Keep constantly on band a full and att na tive stock of BOOTS AND SHOES FOR HENS', BOYS' AND LADIES' WEAR We ask an inspection of our stock, No trouble to show (roods. Don't come up to the feast and be tound without a weddimr garment. All the U st manufacturers are rei-resmed in our stock, both hand and machine poods. Ladies and Gents very tine goods a six-ialty. Lemon Stkkkt. PALATKA, FLORIDA. TO. "IT. HILL & CO. IP:i?oa-TXOe & Conn -m ission FV tC- n'1 dail - Consents of Florida References: Wm. J. jr s; Tiffany, San Mateo, Fla. -A- General Ilanliiii&r I5isIiiof-!-i "J-i-ansucrtotl . ISny ami 11 Foreign Exchange. Correspondents : New Yrk First Nu. tional Bank; Kountze liros,, ISoston; 3Ia eriol National 1?anl-i-. K. II. THE PALATKA &EOCEE LEMON TTREET, 4 -A. Trial Is LESS .vtra all at oun- Ceneral Managers, Palatka, Florida. 1-21.1 8n m a for Less Money than any man n Brick Block, Palatka, Florida. Florida. T. II. ASItUftV, Treasurer, li. SAUXGEK. Secretary. MARTIN GHIFFIN, Jl' ixoiiisiveiy a d g i: r t, m if mi " 1'ALATKA, FLORIDA. all I Ask.