Newspaper Page Text
THE DAILY NEWS. kime and 8ince' u ias only n BEXJ. HARRISON, Editor. Thk Daily Xew la DubUshed every morn- iS?:SftSe!?-n5 month, for three monins, iu months, or f 5 per annum. Thi WiBur.y News is an 8-paore 48-column paper, published every Saturday, containing all the news of the week, local and g-eneral. It Is the largest fnd handsomest weekly paper published in Florida, and will be mailed post iKe free for $1 a year, or 50 cents for six months. Specimen copies free to any address. Local advertisements 20 cents per line for first insertion and 10 cents per line for each ad ditional insertion. Special notices 10 cents per .ine. Keduced rates on continued advertise ments. AH advertising- bills become due pro rata very month. Local advertisements due at le expiration of the time for which they are Ml remittances she Ma De maae oy express. mey-order or regisi red letter. .ddress, V . TV . 3 RANDALL. MN'Ess Manager, Palatka, Florida. teked at t as Second- liATK a Post Office Mail Matter. ALATKA, Fl .RIL.23, 1884. Pie Blaine boom has started a tune led by His Aecidency, Ar . It comraer. :es, '-I would not . f -way, I care not to stay." A, esteemed correspondent asks thP ht. method of rrettmir earlv no- ..... i . I tatoes. Well, it the correspondent s nP.i(rhbor keen fierce doirs we would e . . . f o i r I aavise mm to go to wits giuteio iui t.Tipm The courts throughout the coun- i try are establishing the rule that in- toxication is no excuse for crime, or in any way mitigate the sentences of criminals. A NewT York court thus states intoxication the case: "oluntary of one who, without provocation, commits a homicide, although amounting to a frenzy, does not exempt him from the same construction of his conduct and the same lecal inferences upon the ques- r . a J i nun ui .uw , & 0 of his crime, which are aplicable to a person entirely sober. An "unofficial observer of politics in Washington is of the opinion that there will be four presidential tick ets in the field this year. He bases , his predictions of the probability of an Independent party bolting off - t X- 11 it. A. I irom tne itepuDiicans in tne ev ent ,. of Blaine's uomination; and bets his money on the fact that Ben Butler, old Spoons Ben, will organize and head a Labor and Greenback ticket Evidently there is going to be some fun in the coming campaign. The players on the stage are getting somewhat mixed and are showing both sides of the characters they assume, much to the delectation of an appreciative audience. Capt. Hall, of the bark Essex, which arrived at New York Tuesday last, related the following to a 2ew York Tribune reporter: "About 10 o. m. on April 2, off Savannah, we ncountered a severe hurricane, hich lasted f-ur hours, during Yich we scuddc ' "under bare poles A'as leani;, jr ai- inst the rail after "lurricano spent itself, and king of g below when the vens suao became liiumi sudd i 1 1 ed as with ; ug fire. There . re only four o; dw sailors on deck i.eddes myself, and we were all sttuck senseless. When we recover ed consciousness and discovered that the skies were still a glow, we con cluded that we had been struck by lightning. When I attempted to stand I felt that my lower limb were paralyzed, and for three hours I was , unable to move. Johann Christensen, one of the seamen, was made deaf, and lias not vet recover ed his hearing. The expression on the faces of the others was idiotic They were also benumbed with the electric shock. 1 he mates below were not affected, but when they heard the crash and the splintering of the spars they came rushing up- i i mi l on aecK. ine main royaimast was split from the truck to the step; the maintopmast was splintered, and the royal yard was cut to pieces as with a knife. The copper on the fife rails was torn off, the planking was ripped and cut out in great chunks, and the Bhip's compass was so thoroughly magnetized that it was useless for four days. I never heard of a like experience, and I don't want another." A COMMUNICATION. In another column, this morning, we prim a communication irom a prominent gentleman, over the sig nature of "Liberal." Liberal under takes a defense of ten. Longstreet O'FIara. Colored Congressman O'Ha and his allies, but we imagine he is ra. of North Carolina, lives in good stvle not. so wpII nnstpd a a tr tht rocor.l of the Republican party in Georgia t a- i V t V, it n as he thinks he is. Ia Bullock's re- neld together by tne "conesive pow er of public plunder," and the re- cord of the partv in Georcfia lias been so bad under the leadership of j Bryant and Pledger and their gang j that it is a stench in the nostrils of j all honest men. "Col." Bryant, , f1 ' ' though a carpet-bagger of the worst : stripe, is just as good as any of the ! Georgia renegades who have made 1 merchandise of their principles and fattened at the public crib. lry ant has been less discreet than his brothers in showing his real motives, whereat the-y have raised a hue and cry that he should be dethroned, and failing in that the formatoin of the white Republican party was the re sult. On the principal that "when thieves fall out honest men get their dues," a card recently published by Edward C. Wade, in the Savan nah News, will throw considerable light on the Republican party, of Georgia. Wade says that Bryant shall never again "hold an office of honor, profit and trust in Georgia." lie luruiei i,,"ni a rnntinfr rantinc wliiiiilir'. snivcl- " inS hypocrite," and that he is known l . .1 1 1 . evervwnere as ii iruuip, ;iuwu-ulih liar." We Bry- are willing to admit that Col. ant s a jat man ,nt short corn- ngS are ut little worse than the Gther Republican patriots who have led the sr. o. p. to defeat in the Em As the white man's pire otate. T?pni,hli can nartv of Georeria con- K:sts nf nniv finVpn members, nerhans it is entitled to a defense by a Flor ida Liberal. It will take careful nursing and a strict diet to keep it from filling an untimely grave. The Bloodhound. Whm Pirtpunnii nw armv wpi rest- from their laborg after the siege and destruction of Mexico, having heard I . . t . A manv accounts of a certain kmc ol a i hb t UeJ MichoacaUj to the west of Mexico, which king was a hereditary enemy of Montezuma, the great captain resolved to send an explor ing expedition there to ascertain if the accounts he had heard of the greatness of the monarch and the richness of his country were true To tms end he made choice of a soldier of fortune named Montana, a man of some education, for he wrote an account of his journey, and to him he gave as colleague one Pena- losa and two others, all "men of discre tion and valor." Penalosa owed this distinction to his being the owner of a very celebrated dog, who had not his equal in ISew bpain. ' oo big and cour ageous was he," says the annalist, "and so dexterous in war, and so much dread ed by the Indians, that when let loose, although there might be a thousand In dians in front of him, they dared not stand up before him." His tactics were eim j but effectuaL IIe rusbo( at the nearest Indian, knocking him down by his weight and the impetus of his attack, turning with amazing swiftness to an other and another, till he had left a doz en or twenty men on the ground, whom the Spaniards would then dispatch with their spears. By this time the front rank of the enemy had generally retired to a distance, 60 the dog would turn round to Bee " those whom he had thrown were motionless, those who lay quiet, either paralyzed with dread or already ditn patched by his two-legged comrades, he took notice of ; but the faintest sign of life was a signal for him to rush upon them and tear their throats to pieces with his powerful jaws. These men being disposed of, he would go in search of fresh victims until tired out, or until there were no more to tear. A Humorist's Karly Troubles. Onifl P. T?pnd. the bnmnrist; nf tbo Ar- kan8aw Traveler, formerly edited an af ternoon paper in Nashville, and when he failed there proceeded further "West, walking the greater portion of the dis tance. He tells his story thus: "I changed railroads so often after leaving Nashville that it was some time before T reached this place. You see, several rash vouner men and myself thought that we could run an evenincr paper in Nashville, but the Sheriff, a man who had the utmost confidence in himself, came around one day and took charge of the paper. Previous to that time I did not know that he was a newspaper man. After satisfying ourselves that the Sheria was a man of ability, one of the partners and myself decided to walk over to Memphis to see how our business interests were getting along. My part ner's great trouble was hi3 appetite. lie was always hungry. One day he walked up to a fence and leaned on the top rail for some time intently regarding some thing over in a lot. "What are you doing?' I asked. 'I was wondering,' he replied, 'how many of those pigs I could eat at one meal.' We didn't reach Mem phis, for we had to stop at Bolivar to eat something. From Bolivar I came over to Arkansas. " How many miles did you walk ?' " About 275." in Washington and has a white tutor for hi3?ou cle?; He is a mulatto, a graduate of the Howard University and a lawyer. - THE "GEM CITY" ROUTE, THE OXLY ALL KAIL L.iNK To nAnI MrrniiA rnrtrv ORANGE PARK, MAGNOLIA, GREEr ; ' . ' tUVt brKIIMb Gi JUAbU NVILLt. - TU - ee u Quicker to Ja:k20livi!!e : Than bv any other line. BROAD CAFOE, STEEL KAIL1, Mil DRAKES, FIRST-CLASS EOFIPMENT. 'piiAIXS; Ri-V AS FOLLOWS: Leave .Jacksonville '.."ilia. m. iraii'-'c 1'ai K in.:.' " Magnolia WM " ' ! ree:i Cove Sprit!-;- 11. Dt ' West Tun.i 1 " Arrive i'al.itka I'-Ai p. in. ; MiiiTU. Leave 1'alatka i'i::."ia. m. I'll irida S hi. .1 line. . 10:4") " West. T'leoi " t.'W p S.ea 1.;:: t.-i:: 4:i:, p. -t::."' r,:es ":-m 5: id Oreon Cove Spring i 1 :.".o " " Majrimlia !:.:eo " " raii!i'e Park :i:.Vi p. in. :o! Arrive Jacksonville. . . . !: THE ST. JOHNS' RAILWAY -MAKKS- r i and fniM ii iu: rr At West Tueoi. riox August ii:e St. Kates and Faro t all Points as Low as by an v ot her line, a nd baii'-iaue el h -eked t lirouh. Si. H. MOKAX, L W. HHXTLi:V, (!en. Pass. Airent. (it'll. .Manager. PEOPLE'S LINE STEAMERS St. Johns River, Florida S. B PLANT, CHATTAHOOCHEE -Axn X 1 .V XO . .i i-: iv ?s TOKMIXC; (IX COXXECTIOX WITH TDK l1 Peliarv-liava Merehants't a POUliLK DAILY L1XK ior Astor, Sani'ord, Enterprise and intermediate landings, eonneel iny at As tor with the St. .Johns and Lake F.u.-l is Kail way; at Sani'ord with tin; SOl'TH FLO III DA Kallroad lor Maitland. Orlando. KUsiiimiee ami Tampa, and lrom this noint with Steam ships lor Cedar Key, Key We.-t ami interme diate landings on the west coast of Florida. Steamer 11. 15. Plant leaves 1'alat ka l rom Florida Southern Uailway wharf at H;:!o o'el'l:, p. m., on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Pel!ary-llaya .Merchant's Line Steamer City of .Iacksonvh.i.i:, leaves 1'alatka from Florida Southern Failway wharf at S o'clock p. m., on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. llcturnimr, leaves San ford daily on arrival of the train ot the South Florida llailroad, from Tampa at :i p. m., arriving at, Jackson ville in time to connect with the fast, mail train at S::.i a. in., of the Savannah, Florida and Western Railway. Steamer Chattahoochee leaves 1'alatka from Florida Southern Railway wharf at 11 o'clock, p. in., on Tuesdays and Saturdays. Returning, leav es Sani'ord on Mondays at ;1 o'clock p, m., on arrival of train on South Florida Railroad from Tampa. Returning on Thursdays, leaves Sani'ord at 9:3." a. m., on arrival of train on South Florida Railroad. Steamer Jennie Lane leaves Palatka from Florida Southern Railway wharf at 1:2 o'clock p. m. on Mondays and Thursdays. Returnintr leaves Sani'ord on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Tickets on sale at W. O. Wolt's Drujr Store, Palatka, Fia., ami on board of the steamers. All tickets and passes of tin- Doliary-Ilayu Merchant's Line will he honored until further orders. steam liare i nolo am, sunaoie tor carrv inir unusual heavy freiyh open for charter. For further art ieulars, inquire of R. S. Do WD, Aurent, People's Line St. John's River, Olhoo Waycro-s Steamboat Wharf. Jacksonville, Fiorii! RANK fi. POND, At 1 KNT FOR r TV ..k,w-V''i! THE SIMPSON & GAULT 'OFLFIiUATED PORTABLE GRAIN MILLS -.AND Flour Mill Machinery of all Rinds CASTINGS, SHAFTINGS AND IRON WORK OF ALL KINDS on siokt;notr'i:. .ia - i i - a i t t:. t a . KEUKA AND ORANGE SPRING TRANSFER COMPANY A TEAM WILL LEAVE KEUKA FOR Orautrc Sprinr ovory morning on arrival f the freight train Irani Palatka, for theimriiox of Transporting Passengers and Freight. For further information mWivsj KEF K A AND ORANGE SPRING TRANSFER COMPAX V, At Kouka, Putnam Co., Fla. 1$. .T. G1IOOMS, FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES Glassware, Crockery, Confectionery, TOHACCO .VIVO CIGAKS Lemon street, cue door from Oixtu House l'ALATKA, FLORIDA. ! Oldest Establishment in Town NEW YORK BEEF AND KENTUCKY MUTTON V JAVAYS OX HA1 DRESSED POFL- d stand V try received !1 Lc'ill' 'li i-t iwt. at the o TV DE 3ARY Merchant's ST. JOHNS KIYF.U STEAMEUS CARRYING THE U. S. MAIL OXK OF THE STEAMERS OF TUTS LINE will leave .lacksonville daily, from wharf ; foot of Laura ?treet, at . in', i l'ALATKA. i ASTOR. SAXFORl), : ENTERPRISE ! And Ai.i. Inteismediate Landings South ; of Palatka. I A V i 1 1 make close connection with all Rail i Lilies for ! POINTS IX THE INTERIOR, I And with all steamers at Sani'ord for POINTS OX INDIAN R1VKR. Ret iirninir, leave Enterprise at 7:.'i, and San i'ord on arrival of Train, arriving at Jaekson : ille EAR LY NEXT MoRXIXC. . Makinir close conneel ion with Rail and Steam Lines for ail points NORTH, EAST A X 1 WEST. For all points between Jacksonville and Pa ! lat ka. take one of the Steamers leaving daily, ; Sundays excepted, at !i::0 a. m. ; The throimh boats of this line run in con i neet ion with the Peoj-le's Line, and all tickets j and passes issued by that line will be honored ; on the through Roats. I ( HAS. I!. FEXWICH, I Ceiieral Passenger and Ticket Agent. I W, R. WATSON, I Oeneral Manager. eaniboat Line. THE TOURIST'S FAYORITE IRON STEAMBOAT COMPANY'S In ilest ructable Palatial Steamer, built with fourteen water-titrht compartments and cannot sink; built of iron and can not burn perfect safety. fee. A a 0 5T G- ILsT TT S Daily, except Sundays, from the Florida Central Railrod Wharf Foot of Hogan Street at 9 a. m. TOR MAGNOLIA, OKEEX COVE SPU1XG, 1 Tot'oi (Sr. AujnistiiK'i, and Palatka, con nect inj.' there for ( ca!a and Gainesville, and all point on llie Florida Southern ltailrnml. Also, wite Loats for ( 'rep'-ent City and Ocklawaha Hiver Steamers for Silver Sjirins and interme diate landings. The Cyirnus is the largest boat on the St. John's liiver. Liconsod to carry Is00 jtassenyers. Is illuminated with electric lights. (irand j'iano for the use of her patrons. Grand Instrumental Concert on boat daily music by Masino. The Cy.mms connects with the Palace Steamer Xj O If I I) A, (iravinir iin.-nrjass-l iiasseiiKer nccommoda tions) lor Astor. Enternrise. Sanfotd. and all points on the upper river. For reliable infor mation, tickets and staterooms, apply o Leve V Alden's offices, corner Pay and Ocean streets, St. .lames and Everett Hotels. )ur tickets are FN LI M1TE1). and jrood to STOP OVER AT ANY OK ALL OF OFU L.ViNDlNGS, and in case you change your mind after purchasing, we will at all t inn's re fund the money for the whole or any portion of tickets sold by us. Tickets sold to all parts of Florida or the Fnited States. Any infor mation as to prices, etc, cheerfullv furnished bv mail. Li:VE .t AlDEN, Managing' Atrents. The Philadelphia Times, i i. THE PHILADELPHIA TIMES, 1n-4. The Times will enter upon the new year stronger and more prosperous than ever be fore in its history more widely rend and ; 'looted, more heartily commended, and more : liercely criticized, with a more complete or : franization, and an able ssolf of contributors- and with the same, independence and fearless : ness that has made it successful and powerful i in the past. i Tin: Tim ks has no party to follow, no eandi I dates to advance, but will meet every issue, as , it lias e er done, with consistent deVotion to t he rijrht, to honest irovernment. and the pub ! lie welfare. And, while maintaining its posi tion as the lead in v journal of Philadelphia, it will s;im to bo continually in the advance in all . that can add value to a newspaper. The value of a newspaper is not in its size or display, but in the intelligence ami care, the coiu-iseiiess and freshness with which it is edited. The Timks spends lavishly for news from all parts of the world, but all its dis : patches are carefully edited and condensed, in oruer to pive tne comi'ieie news 01 tne day in the most concise and attractive shape, and with it a larjre. variety of entertaining and instruc tive reading. The Itest writers at home and abroad are employed to enrich its columns, and to make it a journal adapted both to the busy man and to the leisure of the home cir cle, a welcome visitor to intelligent and honest citizens id' every political, religious and social taste. Tiik. Wekki.y Timks is altogether diHerejit from the weekly newspajwrs of twenty years a-'o. The day of ti;oMj paHTs have frone by. The teierraph and lettcr local newsiai-rs everywhere, especially in the thriving centres of rural population, have made the old weekly metropolitan newspaper unsatisfying. Those that cliiia- to their ancient usapes have lost their hold on our forward-moving people; they are but shadows of their former greatness, and they have but a shadow of their former power. Those papers have laid their usefulness, but it is jrone: and. with it. they are poinir, too. It was not the fault of the papers: it was the im provement of the country that brought about the change. Men and women, wherever they live, now require fresher news; and they re quire more than news. " . The Weekly Times cut hers off the tvjies of every passing week whatever has lasting- in terest to the jK-ople at larjre, and sets it U-fore them in such cenerosity of paper and print as would have astonished us all t went r veorsaco DAILY Twelve cents a week, fifty cents a month, c-i a year, two cents a copv. SFNDAY Four cents a copy. a vear. i i. rv i i uuu copv, a year: nve conies. DftVfi I- UH I H i I TP Line LY i -s a year: ten copies, 1 a year; twenty cop ies $25 year, with one copy free to the cetter up of every club. ' ' 1UE TIMES, 1'IULAljEI.riII A. THE 3VCoxa,gjCLe Pliarmacy established i nru;. C'0''ner I.omon and fi-ont - l'ALATKA, VI..A Prescriptions Carefully Compounded Pay and Niirht. FRESH DRUGS! FRESH -RECEIVED DHAEMACY. All orders tilled I'lvinptly and lMiuieii ai an Hours i y cxperioncco l .'rus.' 'u T. Xj HOUSEFURNISHING GOODS, SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS, HARNESS, SADDLES & MIXED PAINTS Executed on sliurt notice J'siliUlvil, BRADLEY'S FERTILIZER GEORGE E. WILSON, flNo. 15 AVest Pay street,". JACKSON VILLI: FLORIDA. SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY'S HQ 1 For Garden or Grove. Guaranteed Analysis on Every Barrel, Manufactories: Host on. Mass.. and Charleston, S. C. For sale by DREW, H. L. & GARDNER, SOLE AGFNTS, PALATKA, FLA. Also wholesitle dealers in FLOUR, GRITS, MEAL, HAY, GRAIN, LIME, CEMENT, PLASTER, HAIR, Etc. c I si T1 P. n USEC STORE O. 1 SULZNKK, Opposite St. Johns Hotel, Palatka, Fbotiib.v. Pianos, Organs, & ail kinds of musical Instruments -AND- SEWING MACHINES s OLD ON THE INSTALLMENT PLAN 1 terms. and rented on themo-t reasonabh Tnninir and reo:i irin"- i smleialt'. rders by mail will receive prompt attention. i is A aim "TT1. OlM: I .Mini 111. I -fl i"- "Tv 1. i ,Hi, 1 9 NOTICE OF SALE. TN A( COR DANCE WITH AX ORDER OF 1 the County Court in and for Putnam coun ty. Florida. l'arinr date April 4. Ism. I will sell at public outcry on May 5th. ls-t, l-in? the tii-st Monday of said month, within the le ral hours of sale, at the ouit House in Palat ka, for cash, the following real estate, belon irnf to the minors Malit l 1 Webb and Clara L, Webb, lx-inr in said county and state, and comprising . much of lots No. P.t, private sur vey, in sec. 1-. T. LI, Kiin ire t ca-t, as remain ed" unsold after deed Februafy 1. Is;t;, of Thompson and Webb to (ieor;re E. Marvin. Also ii part of Section 4L T. l i. S. li. ''0 E., lHurht at sheritf's sale in July, 174, a portion liavuir U-en sold to ticorjre E. Marvin, beir.y the remnants of the said two lots of land and containihsx about nine acres of land, more or h-KS. Da ted this A pril 4. 1 4. E. S. CI i ILL, Commissioner. i DRUGS! FRESH DRUGS! DAILY AT at bottom prices. PRESCRIPTIONS com- isi. ZEST IE anl on re;. sc.'.ial'le terms lloi'idti. l loritla Southern Jiailway. rrii Oiaiifi i5it ijnit. orriCK si ei:ui ntknokxt, I Palatka, March 2, 1SS4. iS4. ( "a)i N(V sof TIL STATIONS. Palatka ....... M A 1 1. 2:1 K) p 2:."l ' :j:W ' J):.V ' 0:10 1 4::iT ' 4:."0 ' 5:40 ' 0:40 ' 0:.0 Acorn 'd'tn Lv M 8:01) t::tr 11:12 11:54 A M Ar Interlachcn. . . Wait's ( ro (irueile M icanopy . Ln hbie . . . liedilieks .. Oca la North Lalo Sotnh Lalo .Leesburc . 1 1 1 -T - 1:44 v M Weir. Weir. :15 A i I 7::i.". ' (iOINl, NOKTli. jsTAfioNS.' Lv Lees) iiu c Ar Sunt h Lake Weir. . " North Lake Weir. . " Ocala " Roddicks " Loehbie " Micanopy " Oruelle.'. " Wait's t'rossinir. .. . " Interlachcn. Ar Palatka TATTnn J J LUVC0 mail 1 Acom'd'tn 0:00 A M T:t) A M " 8::t2 " fr.M " :55 " 7::i;i " 10:;i,r " S:0T " 12Mi p M 8:I'J " 1:0 " - 6:10 " :52 " ;(:20 " W:22 ' 4:4S " !):".'.l " fi:04 " 10:55 " 7:;15 " TRAINS Amu v i; at (Tainesvi lle From Palatka," f Ml a M and Ocala and )' 12;:10 p m Leesbui c. 4:110 " From Micunopy 7:45 a m TRAINS LEAVE (iAINESVILLE. For Palatka, Ocala and I 8:00 a M and f 11:00 P M Leesburc, 11:00 p M For Micanopy 5:00 p m MlCANoly Train leaves at ..7.7 :;jo AM j ram arrives at fidi) p m First-class car" 1 hrouch f roiiT" Palatka tc OainesvilNou all trains. Z. ' i-N N K( T 1 At Palatka with Jacksonvilh.7Tain7ir&Key est Ry, fast river steamers for St. Au jrustine, Creen Cove Sprinjrs, .lacksonville and all jioints .North, East and West, and with up river steamers for South Florida. Also with the Twin Screw Iron Steamer "City of Palatka," lor Charleston, .New York, Host on. Philadelphia, etc. At Wait's Crossing with Peninsular llailroad for Waldo. At Gainesville with Transit. Railroad for Cedar Key, I'ensacola, New Orleans and Tam pa. At Ocala with Transit Railway and Hacks lor Silver Sprincs. At Leesburc with boats on Lake Harris for points on Lake and alone St. Johns and Lake Eustis Railway. Also with Graham's Hacks lor Rrooksville, Stiinterville and all points in Sout h Florida. S. CON ANT, JAS. 1). HOLL1STER, General Maiincer. Superintendent. O. W. 11ROMW ELL, (J. T. F. & P. A. THE M0S T KA TURAL AKD SUBS TANTIAL Orange Tree Food I 1 1 1 i' t ;i 1 1 1 (hiestlons: Do VOL DESIRE A STEAD V. HEALTH 1 ul, vigorous jrrowt h. do you desu e Clean liiiiohT Fern ' 'i hen buy and apply Presbrey's Drayton island Marl. Eory person's fruit where it has Ijeen tip" plied are clean, lii-eious and bright. Refei-eiu-e by permission: 1 ion. .1. W. Tucker, Judpe W. A . ( oi ke, A. C. Martin, N. J. Stenstiom, Karles (iroes anil many others Jiavo deinui stiaied its exe ll lit (pialities, and we now of ler it to the public wu h pcrtect confidence. Price -r ton, or oiirlit barrels, on pier Iiend Drayton island. Sin: or at City Wharf, San foi.l. Ha., S-i j; ,., hiu rel, Sl.To. AH orders tilled C. o. I. AOoiess A. A. PRLSiiRLY A: CO.. Sanford. Fla. AmmmAmv$ kotjce. i LL CLAIMS AGAINST THE ESTATE OF 1 S. II. Deuioiit must be presented an pre scribed by law or t hit notice will Ie pleaded in liar. And all parties concerned will tuke notice that six months lrom the date hereof I will ask formylinal discharge from tuch administration before the county judge for Putnam county, Horida. C. A. KXOWLTON Ap . Administrat r, READY FOil THE MOSQUITOES I have just received a hugs lot of MOSQUITO NETS DIFFERENT STVLE. ALSO FIFTY PIECES NEW PATTERNS OF- ATSLOW; PRICES. WALNUT, ASH & PAINTED CHAMBER SUITS A FULL ASSORTMENT. EPS Floor lafting L.LILIEEUTHAL