OCR Interpretation

The Palatka daily news. (Palatka, Fla.) 1884-1888, May 25, 1884, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Florida

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn89070049/1884-05-25/ed-1/seq-3/

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35i ief Mention.
Cliarles O'Coiior i ?i' soI to
haveU ft an estate of al.out l,00n,
ooo. !
Lor.1 St. Loonru'cls, ? En til.! nil,
seems to 1e api'i'oaeliino; the eml of
liis tether. He was still in jail at ;
last a '1 vices.
The 50,00 Iohemi:U! r ( '1 erj,o;o
are to have the attention of I"v. 1:1.
A. Adams, who has 1 i a niivion- ;
i X
che :f:m:x:l,
I -V 1 .V T Tv .V. FLO XJ I X A.
v.'iii ;."':-A i.s; a n i ? i;r.v i
kalfltKfl Dai V f ftWR: SoTo-b. Ti. Eeid & Son.,
3ooxlfea, IIP amily Sione
1'"" 1 ! i tl :
i 1 fi ( "J ' ( (
n HDSGMf:, hew:
M1 it
""F:rch:-;nd:io. A Full Line of Goods Kept in Dt
t-r-rfnicnt. Always ?,ive us a Cali.
arv of the Ameriea.n U":ro in 1!
Wildcat skins in S:ui Joiei'in
countv, Cal., are -to con's aieeec. A
farmer living near Carnj See, l.r s
slaughtered nearly ! "( of !,: ':v;;r
iiiinf s," and a few day s r.e-o .-.oM
the skins in Stockton.
The latest "whisju-r' em.as fiviin
New England. It is t the fiber!
flint ( 'mi kli mr, who v,-;ii;N ivtun:
ft 4, ft
t ti u ' ii ti- . nHuSli f hi tS hf r e
-v- r.; . J t; i. .-3 h m r -a u K s.
is b n n w
E H B iH l '
1 a rj
! si rs
r. r. .
lii tin- Senate, i:as foriM-d an aih
anee with lib! i.e. Me-To Pla.it is
said in have negotia1-d the arrange
ment. Ifannihal IJatnliu is not j .leased.
at (lie report that, h- expressed a
willingness to he second to Kohl, i . ;
fancom on the national Kepuhliean ! GRIFFIN'S l'OK BLOCK,
ticket. Tile rejiort is thought to !
have grown from a ne .vspaper para
graph suggesting "the old f ii-k( t of
Lincoln ami Hamlin,"" referring io
dvn. Charles Hamlin, -on of Ilanni
Itnl. CuinV Satin ison, of the navv, au-l
Prof. Ihirnard, of CoUninl.ia C-,!-lege,
have heen selected oy i:,.e
President as delegates oil l!:e pari
of the Knited S'ates to the Intern.!- j
tional Meridian (.'oiiferenee, whe-ii j
it, is proposed to convene at Wash- j f'tlliltS, r'ai.C; :
ington in Octoher next, agreealilo to j (Jii,
the invitations sent out lv the I - i f." , ,-f" P-.'...:
partment of the State.
John F. Shi i er the Xorwiol; cot -
ton manufacturer, left sifon uno i j
his son-in-law, Francis Hart let. T ;
Boston, and n, 000,000 to the same b,;;j; Y i:"
person in trust ior u;e latiers
daughter, a child of ten years. Mrs.
n.irth tt died, nine vears ago. The
remainder of the estate goes to the
testator's son, William A. Shatter, j
...1 : 1 -1 t ... . . 1 -- : e 4 I
w no, u 11 ma i! ici 1 ;i 1 i v 1 1 1 -( 1 " ii , 1 1 ( -. 1 , . 1 5
inn- wins nen io ;iooui im iu,nuu.
Consul (General l''verette l'razer,
- K - i!
ii T- -i I
re ; ' f
n j m f
A. & IL U,
S. II. NWi'.V. ITi-i n:.
av, ii. v. i;;!.;iit, '-, i-. :.
III. ' ! i
!..e,- .
01 the ( orean Empire, has oisinavcd 1 0- :i ; 1 : t - - :: v.. -
1 . I Ki- l.iik- i. I ! I Ul,T 1 II I!..-
the th'i"- of that countrvat his of-! ' ': - " '
lice in New York. The thig is red, Sey ;,r e.n. .! ..; -.a : ;v ;
wilh a central tig. ire called the
'"Taekin Fir;" otherwise, tin; "Great
Extreme," or "The iirst great cause,
least understood." Around this
ligure are four groups of lines, re pre- j
senting heaven, earth, lire and water.
The ages of the four new Metur
dist bishops recently elected by. the
general confenreee of the Northern
Church are as follows: Dr. Ninde.
of Illinois, who received votes
out of to:?, is lifty-two years of age.
Dr. Walden, of Cincinnati, who re
ceived I'll votes, is a year older; Dr.
Mallalieu, of Boston, who received j
'2(h; votes, is fiftv-four, and Dr. Fow- 1 '?.-., n i'a!;i!k;i -.u- s.e ,, ;,
, , x, ..r . .. . I .-nvir.o ru'ry y,..i',iav ;,i-y. ,
icr, the iev i ork (ditor, is forty-! li"s -n-;u n ion- w.vu-v-
1 ,olH. T1'I I .1 ! -: i 1 a : .1 Uii
v.-i" h Nm!i i'Sr.riihi -r!:-,,..,.
"MIU'i.'i - , i '., v i' i t
' . j i : - i i'
. !.:r i ( !:: i ,
I " ' i
ill lid , ', !,.,.
? is i ;A M ii
at j i . tin t.
, , - - ..
I j as im:k. i-kk!a:;kxt:,i' m
I J tl-.e r-.tae l,i .vn ...', ja,
iiii't Kiiierii-!e, in -tn!u-;-i!m uii!i e
Vt.rk :ei l l "liiiri.-l.'H t.'!M:i-i!i;. i .(;.
the Se-.-ensiiin 'il v of IV'.-h !;f
r a 1 4 s s j o t
The Rev. Dr. Wright, a distin
guished A. M. of Trinity College,
Dublin, has created some sensation
by an article in which he says that
many of the fellows of that univer
sity do not believe in divine revela
tion or the existence of a personal I
God. Several are, at, the best, !
agnostics, if not atheists. There is i
no wav for dicinlining either a fel-
r;t !i i;n.
Freights Taken as Law
;! II,.- ri it;;;-; ! ;
ieiu t u-ki tfi. tf-xi ii
A . ' . i,I.:; .. o
' . ( V A :Vv
"i . i'.. . : K V
Ui ,1
Cur. i:
I.KVe w J. or;;:
; s ' i.
I ni:w YOIJK, Is-.
i Alu.ll! sivtv n ' , i en ..; 'I'.;, .;i
low or professor for erroneous views 1 -",!"' "1H "; "r-t.i :,i
1 'It ' II1M!;I jl.-.
ana so it is a propaganda of skeoti- i 11 '"' W! :v ;
1 1 l : iniMi . if i) I i Ti ; r. Si v
I :iv-o:-ri::;;oli- v ; ; ::
(Vril'ivi ;-(!io -.i-;-:ot
1 1 1 er
ary world of Madrid j '''lu'-rr
! hi' !;--!, ;:v Ii,- en- i ,; ., .
I if Ki-s . t:"e er ; rui. i'ti;
(i. -tiicrhc'e', i U: j n -.v-'i 11 . i-i i
f-r.'.cil t'ue li-aea-U iU , ; ;t :i ;S .;,
of st.!.r n-.t.'H'.r. r.ul-. - . : v
'. I :
i i.
tad a p-ood clnickTe at lln- ,v. unt, r:ei .-.ru-i;, i,i th,
: I rimi'iit; no:v jii;ir.-. ;:!! I .
of the government. The j',:,', ApV;. " !
managei tu va i rogreso was arrostot ;
for jiitblisliing an artical mi tvranv. I t w;ejty--i-i:t .;:.:. .
' I i e vi". i. .;-; i : i
which Avas consideiaal by the minis- ;
try as an incitement of civil a v. ;
The culprit, hiughiiig in his sleeve.
n-l usod to divulge the name of the yst ean i.'.
M'.o'-t i l:l. r
writer, and was sent to prison, where , iKiiu.-m-e 1 ...
he would probably be now had not; i'iik m-s ;: w.-i;.- ;. ,
. , , , , v ; fa..TWb,rhtt-l!s the tr:iM vclihn e-:,i .
tiie government suddenly discovered en-. . whi, - -. tho :Ve: t
, ' . , . '. ' ' ::ilH-ilt!if or,, : !-,.,;;,,;:,:
that the article in quest urn was an : t' !'.--,v- -u uv,-r W( n.i , : v
extract trom 31acaulav, , i Y:h.-i v uS !.,..;: : r u.
1 in. !!!; ii-ovr::;iii jc, .n-i ; - u t;.. ,... Vl. ;
From a French State palmer, lately ; Hexes n-.r-t- ti-.- it.",..;!.;:, ;;n , ;(rt ... ,U!,v! ...
brought to light, it ai'pears that in : "' "' "Tnv .-,-x". y.-u i:t;e' :.-Vo
It 70 the following Parliamentary ' i,r,"iT -v,-: " ;- .-uivW'i'w.'t',;'.' .
- ' ' CUvI't!!:- -:;r V! !,:-,,f,-. ii i; ,1,. ,.
decree was soloranly passed and - Ti; ;-. s. ; h; a ; ,v, ; ,. ,,, r
duly registered under King Louis - - -
; , ; Tormw to Mull ubM't u is
-v : 4, hosoever, by means ot red ; several o i:t?oi, of tck si-n mv .....;tt i
or white paint, perfumes, essences, I ''HVai V--A u x. -n-t v.-:
tivtincial teeth, false hair, cotton i s sToa'v - iciulii ru. v-u--
wool, iron corsets, hoops shoes wilh jua,'
high heels, or fal,0 hips, shall seek j i's y.1. 'U; ' ; "' r't!: : ' ';
to entice into the bands f n:arriage 1 SV;.", ,V:.'; ,!FV.;,:n'. ,;t,
any nul subject of his Majesty. : ''--'r''1'.:.' '
shall le prosecuted for witchcraft, i6.v'F. V V z'' , 'v:F;';;;i: ; ' ': ' li
and declared mcaiablc of ma ft- cuuv of -;.-n wiri, Ax-.m exh-u' .-ot.V tr.
111011V." - A'i":re- t. w. KNi . !,. ; .' S'uf
1 -i l-.r - V. N. V. :;
.-V ; w i:)I,i:sai,i: i .l: a t
nih, bmti, MM, UAlb, .
V..- r.-4 --9 i:.- ii -y ,. -uss f-ca s km B n L
;! 1 a
yrVV. s'l'IM". !'.'!'. I'AHATK i I A.
Onlnro WHi Mm Prornpt Attention and Quirt Sl 'pments It
i;. 1. 1 1.
f S
5 ri J Jo i ; " !
-. f -f- .sa F?i3 iTiV
; Ktv-'
is c-i p ? r;
i.'UU s o a ? y
m.aktin c.uirriN,
Xs. GrEE3ST fe CO.
mur.r.us in
Vik- ri tf
iv 1 1 ;i i. n:t-
i i.e haii'i a f'.il! aiv! attractivo stot-k ef
y . k. 'o (oniiile !Mhiv rils. Don't eonie up to the feasts
! .,;! , s ;; : m;i i.i . All Xu- I.CM 111:111 iil.ti t un-r.s are ripretulitol
1 -.'.i-i uueiihie rti.. f.ailii'- ainl (iciits ery lino
;.;h;. !.i;m;i:, s ; la n PALATKA. J-XOKIDA.
.V f i ti-1 J J; t i 1 t ! p. ! J 1 1 J i --i!-i ' i ril 1 1 t - 1 . 1 1 II ' II 11 l H(
riii'ciii 5 v u .-1 s 1 ( nrrc-poiKli'iiis: f'vv "'ili. Ili'wt. IV
t'iii:l Iviiim(',c I Ji !io.tii; M ii v riofc TVitl7
5;m U.
- ! ' i 1 ; 1 -: n 1 !' I' i
'ft; ii.-, Vi- .!., Lie- ;
I.'. H ivnrc: Wei. .!
cli-., ii ii'd daily, t'misitrtiuu-iita of I .eriua
t ia,;. ms. CalLaL
' I i' .tie' .-1 lica. a.
Wliin-ar .v ISnnuci-s. 1'alai ka: I'. ('. & ( '. S. Tiffany, San Mateo, Ha
1 1 1 ' , a ; a 1 i h i . in u.ni.M
A I.
1 W!
J S:; a 11 n;i l, l 'loriilii At "Western ll'y
AViiycross fIioi't Iiiii.
All trains ef this road are run by Centra
i!Hiih Mrridiani t inie.; awliich i.s $1 minuteg
vIii-.m r 1 han Jarksunv illc time.
n t mi Ann
kin j-savi iivi k
I I"
far: .
I'j) .,
4 '
.ids I
and after Sunday, November 13, 18vl
' rassenirer 1 nuns wall leave nnd arrive us
fl M ! IV.-
ell A li l.KSTi N KXPHESS.
l,eae .laeksuiiville daily at
At i ie ;it .laeksuiiville daily ut
An ie ar, ( ijllalian daily at
A nave at Wnyeross daily at, ,
A 11 i e at iSfi wannec
Arrive at lake oak daily at
Arrieat New llratifurd daily at. . .
Arrive at lirunswiek daily ut
A I r i e at. Jessu i t la i 1 v at
I Ai i i e at Saviinnaii dailv ut. ..
Leave Savannah daily tit ... .
ii i c at Yen i a nee da il v at. . . .
Year 1 884 Is a CaiDain Year
i w--k-x'S--, WA'Vn TtCS .o-ne iu i eniHiieeiaii at
s g a inn s i .-( t ii JHl.l .lie,. ,t i a. ,i.,u,-
A V VI. .WptVV.i ....... ... . ............. i .....ti, in....
w ; A rri c at Thiiniasville daily at. .
Billiard and Bowling
Parlors Attached
. H:30 a m
. 10:(t p in
9:VZ a m
..ll:(iO a in
. 3:15 p ni
. ;j:4,ri p m
. 6:tKt p m
. ,'1:(MI p m
.lL':i;j p m
. 2:;iT p m
. 3:1)0 p m
5:lt p m
. :?) p m
. 3.25 p m
. 5:10 p in
. 5::ki p m
.11:45 p m
. 4:45 a m
10:10 a IT
i'. .
I i J
. 'it II"
i a- ;- i aa
a.l :aid ::
mi; ;, i'!'
i o" ; c e
: I ".'
; r. mi 1 )
. 'II.
Arrive ar Hainbi-idiro daily at
A i ri e at 'liattahnooliee daily at
Ai rieat I'etisaeiila daily at."...
A i ri e a! Mobile daily at
A rri e at New i lri-:ins daily at .
I'liilaian Parlor Cars en this train. Jackson
i!e Io Savannah.
( 'niiiici t iruf at 'hat tahiMx heo with V- jwo-
I !a and At lantie Kailread daily for P-.vici.la
A LATK.1, FLA. j M..bi!o, Xew Orleans, Texas nnl all M s
j sisiiii points. 1'iillnian liiift'et an i Slot i)J
i ar on t hw tram, .bu:khon die to rensa-
Mobile and New ( irteans.
This Train eonneets at Xew line J" nl
vb'iiui'-r Caiido P.'i'e, leavinif for w.J' r
and Suwanee Hive points every !oiv . v .
Tluii-sday liinriinj . arriving at Cedar K y .
Mttue jiftefn t. H -turnituf, leaves Cf fmi oy
tarry Tiies.l hk; Friday morinnuH i Iter i."-
i ival ot i, mi
, . . ! : i i , , , . ; -;.'
a (..,. ( i.
a v.a
.. 1
all y.l.U,
:r.:ii.n iu
v half an
In n a i ii i oi j l inn ;si
i v.i II w i;h .-.ii n-
;;. .', line pirdeii. i'ri n
ii a !, I t il her fruit 1 ree;
; f.,r Iiiire and ei.w-,
1,1 tifi v layiau lieii.
.. sto.v i s::.
17, 4
' '.: i a , : .
ft'.:' ; -ari y .;
:m; - a re i1. .-,
: "; ! i : ;;e: i
' .' rri :;..t. ria' r
' e A . -t.'ei.l I ill! e-:
i il .';.;. - jits ;. I j.,
; ri ': n:r -e . .
'. l
- in i-:vh ?'(!:
J ii !T L 4i i dL-
Hily at. .
Inily at
at . .
y as. . .
v at '
.ly at
, ).'., daily at..
U a at,
!e "ars on thic
1 .annah.
with Throu
-nrwiiitr Hoorn
ew York w
2 V Ml
2 . ' -n
3: i .a
6 " .ii
? v. 0 p a Jta
0 - Kj aaet Waa m v.-
iihj umkis lib f I'd
AND Am." .! APCH
.' . ! a a n ; n.' n; ! :. ;
ISl ! r.
an I'll ni)V A D
,VU fit a;;!, ; J' frl
: 5 i
f :':.! ,; :;
i .'. i - as ,
OV ;
i ;.! . In
;;;.,, i 'I:;: i Ti ,
L a e .laek.si
A ith e at .laei
Ai ri e a( Cali...
A iaa e at aj .
A ii he at .bsii
A ri i '. c at Sit vatiii
A i l i ve al ( harle a .
Ai i he at Washinr
A rri ve a t New Vol .
all, a, !';:. Pullman Palac- ;
t ween J;lcIi.sotlVt4ii
Connect inj.' at Vn '
man Palace Itiill'et i.
inir 'ai s, Waycrofs
eha IIH'c.
I.e'U'e ,lackfn ville daily at
A i i i e at .lueksom il,. daily at
A rri ve at alia han iliii'v ut
A rri v. - at Wayeross he!y at
Ana e at. Albany daily it
Arrive at .lesup 'daily tit
A i rive si t t ni'i .ii i In i 1 v- sit
! A rrive at. Atlanta daily at
TUP, Aia-'Aeat t'hattanoojj'Kdailyat
A rrive at. Nashville daily il
fT!AM- Arrive at Louisville daily at
' A rrivo at Cincinnati daily at
A ri i e at ( lucai.ro daily at
A rrive at St. Louis dail y at
Pullman Sleeping Cars on this Train to I
cinual i ia tin-U'iiycross and to Chattano
i.i .Jesuit.
kAST KM)i;ilA KX.HKSfl.
!.. .n c .iaek.-oiiviile dailj' at
A rri ve at .Jacksonville da il y at
rrive at allahan daily at
A ire. e at Way cross daily at
A rri e at .lesup daily at.
Arrive at Savannah daily at. . ....
Arriw-at Augusta daily at
. rr: e at harli-ston daily at
Arrive- at Washington daily at
A rri e ar New j'ork daily at
Arrive at Thomasv ille daily at
A i i iv e at A lbauy daily at. ......
A ri i e at Montgomery daily ut
A 1 1 iv e at New irlcans daily at
..nave in .Nasnvnie oauj- ar
; Arrive at Louisville daily at
Arrive ar Cineinnati daily at
Arrive j:t s.f. Louis daily at
, Arrive at Chiciiro dail v at
I'u'liaan Palace flutfct and Ilrawirur 1
Sleeping ( ai-s m t lii.s Train to WuhiiiKto:
,.t riilinian Palace Sleeping Cars, Jacknoi.
,:i ' Io Savannah.
i : i i i i
evf-rv M
u -
. I 1.
.- Io
:aa a. Hi.
; i" .. 1.1.
i o.. i '.
a-.", p. -a.
, ; : i
I ; i
7:00 i
12:25 J
:.ri0 i
1:25 I
7:00 .
0:20 ,
9:30 J
7:00 l
10:17 1
1:50 f
5:25 .'
11:45 i
.10:25 :
. MO
'. i ai; a a i
i-r n. :i.:e
!i;. . .-in.riii'
-aia 11 .-ma i -1
K 1 1 1 ,v -I rri !.
11. icia i i..
r : , v .
:'.; !'
. : vr - ( '
: i ... -i
' i.-vi
ic a. . C.
i iiiiiuan Sle pinir Cars on t his Train to I.i s.
i!!e ia Tlmniii--ville.
Pullman Hotel ami Sleeping Cars on this
1 i.'. m to Cincinnati via .savannah.
A la -tauraiit has been oK'iieii at Waycross,
and abundant time villi- allowed for mai
bv iili pasMTtsrer trains.
ConiHH.-tiiitf at Sav annah w ith steamers for
New York, Philadelphia, Huston and lialti
j more.
' Connecting :it f liarU-ston with steamers for
1 New York. Philadelphia and Italtimore.
Trains on 11. and W. K K. leave junction,
;ro:nur west, at 12:10 p. m., and for Brunswick
! at l:.':b i. in., daily.
Throierh rieUets ciol.l t ull tioirUa t.w T;1
T APPEAltlXt; I;Y A i'Fi 1 sA YIT THAT : and Steamship "connections, and IiaVgara
i :a i.eS. iri '-a-- re-nte oie . ( t!.e Fifth .I .i- , Checked through. Also Steeping Car lrths
, i-u i ;n nr. a t r'.ai' 1 londa, and be- ; and sections secured at Company's Office in
. ,1 tl.e biiiit- a a; i .-rate, to-vn.: in t he Ator's ituildinir, H 15a v Ntrwt, and at lMKit
.-Tat--' ..r Arn:i!s:. Nov.. Carefore, ir. is or- : Ticket Oi:,ee. J AS. L. TAYLOR
ttiat 'ne ;. ;..-!i.la.its. ,;,,im jt. Mar-hall I General Paiwenirer Airent
iat livtiif 'oiitt. Fil't ii .ludietal Circuit, se.te
of i'iorid-i. in i-nd la- I'm nam ''iina.
.-TFPMLN li.vKT.
V s
.; 'UN k. M.i:;ii.n.:i!;.i
-IAN i: MAi:HA!.l.. i;l, wiie.
:it!iai:, wij.-. ct.H'i.r sind si.l.
Av-r the e.mt.-!uii!ai:;s bill tiled iiLrainst tla-m
i-i the ' our: n;i or N l'iii.. the 7th day of July,
1--4, otherwH-.. yti'-l biil uay be taken pro iu,h
j --.). Wai.e-s lay'eand. ari l tic- se;i! of our
Conrt. tie -. 2!-t .'areh. 31.
! F. A 1.1 Vi t V r, , I . u- . u r.
Ch-fk Cirerut'Curt.- (
A. M. IYKS. Agent.
'Foj? Sale.
! -rwo CONE PULLEYS, tone a split puller,)
j 1, three inch face, lour stei, from ten to flf-
ii-i-u inciK.3 uiaTiifier. Apply at

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