Newspaper Page Text
Tlie Old Printer. Hawkeye. And so, year after year, lie wrought among the boys on a morning paper. He went to bed about the time the rest of the world got up, and he arose alxmt the time the rest of the world sat down to dinner. He worked by every kind of light except by sunlight. There was can dles in the office when he came in; then they had lard oil lamps that smoked and sputtered and smelted; then he saw two or three printers blinded by explosions of camphor and spirit ga3; then kerosene came in and heated up the news-room on summer nights like a furnace; then the office put in gas, and now the electric light swung from the ceiling and dazzled his old eyes and glared into them from his copy. If he sang on his way home a policeman bade him "cheese that," and reminded him that he was disturbing the peace and people wanted to sleep. But when he wanted to sleep the rest of the world, for whom he had sat up all night to, make a morning paper, roared and crashed by down the noisy streets under his window, with cart and truck and omnibus; blared with brass bands, howl ed with hand organs, talked and shouted, and even the shrieking newsboy, with a ghastly sarcasm, murdered the sleep of the tired old printer by calling the name of his own paper. Year after year the foreman roared at him to remember that this wasn't an .afternoon paper, editors shrieked down the UiIkj to have a blind man put on that dead man's case; smart young proof readers scribbled sarcastic, comments on his work on the margin of his proof sheets they didn't know how to read long-winded correspondents learning to write, and long-haired poets who could never learn to spell, wrathfully cast all their imperfections upon his head. But through it all he wrought patiently, .and found more sunshine than shadow in this world; he had more friends than enemies. Printers and foreman anil pressmen and rejHjrters came and went, but he stayed, and he saw newsroom and sanctum filled and emptied and filled and emptied again and filled again with new strange faces. He lelieved in his craft, and to the end he had a silent pity, that came as near being contempt as his good, forgiving old heart could feel, for an editor who had not worked his way from a regular devil ship up past the case and the imposing stone. Ho worked all that night, and when the hours that are so short in the ball room and so long in the composing-room drew wearily on, he was tired. He hadn't thrown in a very full case, he said, ami he had to climb clear into the boxes and chase a type into a corner before he could get 'hold of it. One of the boys, tired as himself but a printer is never too tired to be good-natured olTered to change places with him, but the old man said there was enough in the case to last him through this take, and he wouldn't work any more to-night. The type click el in the silent room, and by and by the eld man said: "I'm out of sorts." And he sat down on tho low window sill by his case, with hisstick in his hand, his hands folded wearily in his lap. The types clicked on. A galley of tele graph waited. "What gentleman is lingering with D 13?" called the foreman who was always dangerously polished and jtolite when he was on the point of exploding with wrath and impatience. Slug Nine, passing by tho alley, stop ped to speak to the old man sitting there so quietly. The telegraph boy came running in with the last niainfold sheet, shouting: "Thirty!" They carried the old man to the fore" man's long table and laid him down rev ently and covered his face. "Pa," said a Chicago small 1mv, as he observed a man coming up the street who seemed to wish the sidewalks was a little wider, "is that a delegate?" "I do not know, my son," answered the old gentleman; he has the svmptons, at least. An adult Chasm stood yawning and looking over a hotel register. "With or without meals'r" asked the clerk, tender ing him a en. "I don't want to register. I'm simply looking for a man." "What man?" "Oh," replied the Chasm, yawn ing again, "never mind; has the train from Maine come in yet?" Court (to prosecutor )-"Then you recog nize this handkerchief as the one which was stolen from you?" Prosecutor-" Yes, yo.:r Honor." Court "And yet it isn't the only handkerchief of the sort in the world. See, one I have in my pocket is exactly like it." Prosecutor "Very likely, your Honor; I had two stolen." Att y " said the high-school graduate to h (i friend, "I gave Sue the frigid vi bration this morning." "You gave her what?" asked Amv. "The friirid vibra tion," replied Mildred. "What in the i world is that?" asked Amy, in astonish- I ment. "What you call the cold shake,! you know," explained the high-scl-.'Vl j Kirl. "What was all that scuffling alout down stairs?" asked Mrs. Hilboots, as her lord and master strode into the room. "Nothing, except that monkey faced dude asked for Sarah Ann." "What did he say?" "Oh, he began by saying he was speaking from the bottom of his heart, and so on." "And what answer did you give?" "I grew spasmodic, too," answered Hilboots, gently tapping his littleangelic No. 12 shoe, "and gave him an answer from the bottom of my soul." THE MoragrLe Pliarmacy ITYIiLISSIIISI 1 S."0. - Cornel Lemon antl Front lis., - - i'ALATKA, 1"TA Prescriptions Carefully Compounded D:iy and Night. FRESH DRUGS! FRESH DRUGS! FRESH DRUGS! RECEIVED DAILY AT & JacIk:soxi-3s IMIARMACY. All orders filled promptly and at bottom prices. PRESCRIPTION'S coin pounded at all hours by experienced Druggists. ID. "5r HILL & CO. 3?:cocL"i3-oe & Commission. Shipments of Potatoes, Onions, Cabbages, etc., received daily. Consignments of Florida Fruits. Vegetables and Produce solicited. References: Win. J. Winogar - Co., Rankers, Palatka: E. C. & C. S. Tiffany, San Mateo, Flu. OPERA IIOCSE RCILDING, PA LATKA, FLA. W3I. .T. AVI TV I Zd .VI J -o- jV "jj ni" 1 Itii nlv i I$u-iii--!-i rJ""i"n iisi -l -l. Iu ' :iiil S-t-ll lorlyjn Xixolimije. Corrf!Sioiil-iits; : XeM' York IIi'ot X ;i -liojiitl liiinK; Iv ow n t y- Itros., Roslon; AIiivM'ilv Tiit ionsil J tin lit. KISSI E E ,T. H. ASMCRY, Paesident. L. V. K LA II R, Treasurer. UIAMILTON' DISSTON, Vice-President. T. W. PALMER, Secretary. ACRES CHOICEST; LOCATIONS FOIt RESIDENCE AND CULTIVATION OF 11' M M M) ( ranges. Lemons, Pineapples, lianannas, ( 'ocoanuts, etc., in the count ies of Orange, Brevard, Sumter, Polk, Hillsborough, Manatee and Monroe. Sdd in iiuiiit itioM to Jiiii I Su vi'i. Trices $2. 50 to 10.00 per acre, according to local ion and quality. KISSIMMEE CITYJ------ AV. T. Notice of Incorporation, )V AUTHORITY OF AN ACT OF THE I legislature of tho State of Florida, cut i t led "An act to provide for the Incorporation of Railroads and Canals," approved February lilt h, 174, and the acts amendatory thereto, notice is hereby given that a company has been formed under the name of (lie !-t. Vuc'iictliic and ln In t It si Oaiiul iintl Transporlation 'ompn n", to be invested with all the rights, powers, pri vileges and franchises conferred upon compa nies formed under said act, for the purpose of constructing, maintaining and operating a canal and vessels of various kinds for the transportation of persons and propertv within the State of Florida. The main line of said canal shall extend from a point at or near Tocoi, on the St. Johns river, to some point at or near St. Augustine, and from t he channel of said river to deep wa ter inthe Atlantic ocean, and said canal shall utilize the waters of the St. Johns river to gether with the waters of Moultrie- creek in St. Johns county, Flor ida, on the East, and those of Deep Creek on the West end of the propos ed canal. Dated June 1st, 184. J. K. Rainky, R. 15. (i AII.VKTT, J. S. COWDOX, IN CHANCERY. State of Florida, in the Circuit Court for Put liani County, 5th J udicial Circu it of Florida. James W. Robertson, Complt. vs. Norman II. Chaml erlin, Mary Ettie Chanilicrlin, Defts. In Chancery. It appearing by affidavit, t of the court, that the said i t he satisfact ion leiidants reside out of the said 51 h .1 udicial 'ircuit of Florida, and beyond the limits of said State, but within tho United States, the particular State being unknown, now, therefore, on motion of Cal houn, Gillis iV 'alhoun, complainant's solicit ors, it. is ordered t hat the defendants Norman II. Chaniberlin and Mary Ettie Cliamberlin, do appear and answer the bill of complaint, tiled by the complainant, in the above cause, on or before t he lit h day of October 1SS4, otherwise said bill shall be taken as confessed. It is fur ther ordered that a copy of t his rder be pub lished inthe Palat ka N kws, a newspaper pub lished within said Fifth. udicial ircuit, where in said mortgaged premises arc situated, once in every week, for at least four months before said tit h dav of K tober ISst. Dated May :ilst, ss. My the Court. 1si:ai.. Wm. F. Fokwaiui, Clerk ( 'ircuit Court. C wami'N, (ill. i. is & ('ALMOIN', 'mpt's Solicitor, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICl-. 4 l.L CLAIMS AGAINST THE ESTATE OF l S. II. Dcmont must be presented as pre scribed by law or this notice will be pleaded in bar. And all parties concerned will take not ice that six mouths from the date hereof 1 will ask for my tinal discharge from such administration before the county judge for Putnam count v, Florida. C. A. KNOW ETON Ap . Administi at r, In Chancery. Inthe Circuit Court Fifth Judicial Circuit of Florida, Putnam County In Chancery. .Runes J. Montgomery, Complainant ) Suit for vs. Mary A. Montgomery, Defendant. Divorce. It appearing to the court that the bill of com plaint was duly tiled in this case and affidavit made and tiled that Mary A. Montgomery the defendant, resides beyond the limits of the State of Florida, but m one of the United States, it is therefore ordered that tin' said Mary A. Montgomery, defendant, do appear and answer the said bill, on the First Monday in September, A. D. lsst, otherwise the complainant's bill will be Liken pro confesso. Wm. f. FonwAKt), 'lerk 'ircuit Court. Wm. Thompson. Conplainant's Solicitor. In Chancery In the Circuit Court Fifth J udicial Circuit of Florida, Putnam County -In Chancery. Amanda lit own Complainant Suit f "r John Mrowu Defendant. S Divorce. It appearing to the con i t that t he bill of com plaint was duly tiled in t his case and affidavit made and tiled t hat John Mrown the defend ant resides beyond the limits of the State of Florida, but in one of the United States, is in the State of Georgia, it is therefore ordered that the said John Mrown do appear and an swer the said bill on the First Monday in Sep tember, A. D: ls4, otherwise the complaina lit 's bill will be taken pro confesso. Wm. FoiiWAiin, Clerk Circuit Court. Wm. Thompson, Complainant's Solicitor. In Circuit Court. rut nam Countv Fifth Judicial Circuit of the In Chancery. 11 for Divorce. State ot Florda F. Q. Crawfonl vs. - Mi Tumur J. Crawford It apearti!g by the affidavit of the com plainant tiled in the above cause that the de fendant resides out of, and !eyond the limits of the State of Florida, to-wit. in the State of Michigan. Now therefore it is ordered that the defendant TamarJ. Crawford, do appear and answer the said comphiinunts hill for di vorce tiled against lu r in our said court on or before the lirst day of eptemler, A. D. lsst, otherwise said bill may le taken pro confesso. Witness mv hand and the sea I of our said court thit 2-uh day of April A. D. ls4. Win. F. Fohwaud, Clerk Circuit Court. A 1 3U X I STI1 ATO ir S" A OT I Ci:! HAVING BEEN DULY QUALIFIED AS Administrator of the estate of Joseph II. Mann, I hereby require all claims and demands against said estate to be presented as pre scribed by law, or this notice will le pleaded in bar; and all debtors are warned to make immediate settlment to the undersigned. A. W. JIAXX, Administra Sc CO., lSvYTVlvl OISS. LAESD GOEViPA!5Y. $:jon to 5iH) s;k) to J5uo I' 1 IS I"!;, Manager, Jacksonville. Flu. P. CUNNEELY, IMPOKTElt Of FineWines,Lipors Acker, Merrall & Co.'s Ohoio 1 Si:t imIs of Imported Segars Billiard and Bowling Parlors Attached Watkh Stkkf.t, PALATKA, FI,A. RADLEY'S FERTILIZERS I '!i(t! . WHS. -TTil GEORGE E. WILSON, No. 15 West May slreet, JACKSONVILLE FLORIDA. .IA TAMPA & KEY WEST RAILWAY THE "GEM CITY" ROUTE. THE ONLY ALL KAIL LINE TO ORANGE PARK, MAGNOLIA, GREEN COVE SPRING & JACKSONVILLE. Three Hours Quicker to Jacksonville Thau by any othei'line. MKOAD GAUGE, STEEL KAILS, A1U 15HAKES, FIRST-CLASS EQUIPMENT. T'UAIXS; lil'.X AS FOLLOWS: OOING SOI'TH. Leave Jaeksonvill St.. i a. m. 3. ;o 4.00 4. ;T 4.4.' 5:15 5.5.5 4:15 5:0s 5::5 5:40 p. III. 'range Park Magnolia ' Green Cove Sprin " West Tocoi Arrive Palatka b.ij ' 10.54 " 11.14 " 11:40 - . . . l-U p. m. NOHTH. GOING Leave Palatka Florida Sou. June m. .10:45 " . 1 " p. m. " West Tocoi Green Cove Spring Magnolia Orange Park Arrive Jacksonville. . . 11:50 " l':;v p. in. LOO s:oi 0:45 THE ST. JOHNS' RAILWAY MAKES- iiri-:ct At AVest Tocoi. :ctio ?t. Augustine. and from o Rates and Fare to all Points as Low as by any other line, and baggage checked through. M. K. MO RAX, G. W. UENTLEY, Gen. Pass. Agent. Gen. Manager. Palatka Daily News A HANDSOME, NEWSY SIX-COLUMN NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED AT I'AT.ATKA, I'LOIIIDA, AT- FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM ''piIE IMPOUTANCE OF PALATKA AS A trade distributing- point and railway center, and its magnificent location at the head of' ocean navigation on the St. Johns, and in tho midst of a charming farming and fruit produ cing, section, renders it a natural focal point for the news of the Peninsular, and affords the opportunity to make it what it is pro nounced by the press to be, a lirst -class news paper, both in its make-up and in the charac ter of its collated news. P O L I T I C A L L "V The News is Democratic, and while it will be courteous to all, it will stand steadfast In its adherence to those principles of that party, the success of whiolOilom' insures liberty and good government. The Year 1884 is a Campaign Year Moth the National and State Campaigns are to be waged. Towards the settlement of the momentous political issuer they involve, THE NEWS will give its untiring efforts to influence pub lic opinion for the best interests of the people. To do this more effectually, the editors will at once begin the publication of The Weekly News A folio 4H-column pain-r, equipped with the currnet news, or a complete digest of the hap IX'uings of the week. This publication, at the price of ONE DOLLAR we hope to introduce into every household in this section too remote to be reached by our Daily. We urge our friends, both in and out of Putnay county, to aid us in the distribution i of both our publications. i A copy will be mailed free to the jretter-up of clubs of the subse ers to either the Daily or Weekly editions. Address all correspondence to THE PALATKA DAILY NEWS. i fiLrl 1 if A L. MEYER, Water Street, - - Palatka, Florida. Wholesale and retail dealer in all kinds of Paints, Painter's Supplies, Ready Mixed Paints, White Lead, Linseed Oil, Shelac, Varnish, Turpentine, Putty, Window Glass, Paint Brushes Fireproof Paint, Roof Paints and all kinds of Dry Paints. Neatfoot Oil, Lard Oil, Machine Oil, Benzine, Ladders, Step-Ladders, Wall Pape. In fact Everything Kept in a First-class Paint Store. Doing a practical painter and having 18 years experience in mixing and using paints- I mix my own paints, and cannot lie imposed upon by the inferior mixed paints with which this part of the country is Hooded and sold to unexperienced dealers 1 offer one hundred dollars to any body who can find one grain of adulteration in anv paint or goods that are mixed or sold in mv store. KcsiH-ctfullv, " ' J L. 3IEYK11. An Unadulterated Natural Guano, imported direct into Savan nah, Ga., from the Orchilla Islands in the Carribbean Sea, by Tra vers, Snead & Co., of Richmond, Va. We are now offering this High Grade Fertilizers to the Planters and OraVige Growers of Florida, feeling confident that it is just the thing they need, hav ing stood the test side by side with the best Fertilizers in the market for a number of years, and continues to grow in popu larity wherever it is used. ORDERS PROMPTLY PILLED AND INFORMATION FERNISH EI) o APPLIC VflON HY !S. II. KOYALL C:C., Importers Agents, Water street, PALATKA, FLORIDA. DISSTON PURCHASE 4,000.000 Aci FLORIDA LAND AND IMPROVEMENT COMPANY. HAMITON DISSTON, President. J. J. DUNNE, Vice-President. LANDS FOR SALE AT GOVERNMENT PRICE OF Si. 25 PER P.Cfl. IN P.LOCKS OF NOT LESS THAN Nl NOR MORE THAN (Mtl ACRES. WITHIN SIX MILES OF RAILROAD LINE, PRICE $2.50 PER ACRE. rpiIESE LANDS INCLUDE ALL VARIETIES OF UPLAND AND LOWLAND AND .!.' X adapted to Oranges, lemons. Limes, Pine-Apples, lianannas. Sugar 'ane, EarlvVegeta . etc., and arechielly in the counties ot St. Hernando, Hillslorough, Polk. Manatee and Our Lands are selling rapidly. Thousands six- monlhs. Do not delay if you want, them at "Stock of this company will be received at compact bodies ot tdil acres or more. For lurther mtormat ion apply at the oiliee of thecc;: - pany. AV. T. I-") II A. & G. C. C, and Okeechobee Land Co. S. II . f i RE Y, President. J. M. KREAMER, HAMILTON DISSTON, Trea. W, 11. WRIGHT, Vice-President. Engineer. R. SALINGER, Secretary. LANDS FOR SALE IN LOTS OF FROil 10 TO 10.000 ACilLS IN THE COUNTIES OF 1SREVARD, POLK, MANATEE AND MoMtOE. PRICES: For average Pine Lands $ L-r per an For average Prairie and Pasture Lands l."5 jut hh, For Lake and River Fronts S.VUO to 10.00 per , i For Sugar Lands Hl.oo per ; i c The Lands of this Company are specially adapted to the Culture of Tropical Fruits, L.'.c, Sugar Cane, etc., and are generally accessible by steam navigation. AV. "J. I-'O It 15 10., Land Commissioner, Jacksonville, Fii Florida Southern Hail way. Tlio Onuifre IJlt liont. OFFICE SlTEHINTKNKKNT, ( . Palatka, March IsM. f GOING SOU TH. STATIONS. maii, Acom'd'tn I. v Palat kaT77.7. .."TT f 2:0(1 i"m s:ik1 a m Ar Interlachen ':"0 " I::C " " Wait's Crossing :i:;in " 11:12 " " C.ruelle ;i:.V " ll:'d " " Micanopy 0:10 " " Lochbie 4:1)7 " 1:44 l' m " Reddicks i:M " 2:27 " " ( )cala 5:40 " ;i:".". " " North Lake Weir 0:40 " (1:15 " " South Lake Weir ft:') " tJ::iT " Ar.Lecsburg 7:i5 " M:2Vl " 31 (;iN(1 js utTiir " STATION'S. f mah, Acom'd'tn LvIxH'sburg &J) a m I 7:ii A M Ar South Lake Weir... :: " I S:;!2 " " North Jjike Weir. ... t):M " j H:.V. " Ocala :Xi " VMr " "Reddicks :07 " 12:4U v m " Iochbie 8:ly " 1:20 " " Micanopy (1:10 " " firuelle K:.r.2 " ;i:20 " " Wait's Crossing 9:22 " 4:4H " " Interlaehen t:fit " fi:(4 " Ar Palatka 10:55 " 7:;i.r " TRAINS ARRIVE AT G.U N ESV I U.E From Palatka. I !:.' A M anil Ocala and ( 12:.KI i m Ie8burg, 4::i0 " From Micanojiy 7:45 A M ti Iain's" lea v e gai n es v i l le. For Palatka, ( H:ii a m ami Ocala and j 11:00 i m Leesburg. :i:00 p m For Micanopy .ri:iiO i M M1CANOPV. " Train leaves at ft-M a m Tniin arrives at ti:lO p m First-class car through Gainesville on all trains. from Palatka tc CONNECTIONS. At Palatka with Jacksonville, Tampa & Key West Ry, fast river steamers for St. Au gustine, Green Cove Springs, Jacksonville and all points North, East and West, and with up river steamers for South Florida. Also with the Twin Screw Iron Steamer "City of Palatka." for Charleston, New York, Most on, Philadelphia, etc. At Wait's Crossing with Peninsular Railroad for Waldo. At Gainesville with Transit Railroad for Cedar Key, Pensacola, New Orleans and Tam pa. At Ocala with Transit Railway and Hacks for Silver Springs. At Leesburg with Iniats on Lake Harris for points on Lake and along St. Johns and Iml' Eustis Railway. Also with Graham's Hacks for Hrooksville, Sumterville and all points in South Florida. S. CON A NT, JAS. D. HOLLISTER, General Manager. Superintendent. O. W. UROMWELL, G. T. F. - P. A. KEUKA AND ORANGE SPRING TRANSFER COMPANY TEAM WILL LEAVE KEUKA FOR Orange Spring every morning on arrival of the freight train f ram Palatka, for the purpose of Transporting Passengers and Freight. For further information address KEUKA AND ORANGE SPRING TRANSFER COMPANY, At Keuka, Putnam Co., Fla. C. A. LOPEZ & CO., agts at Orange Springs. ZEToir? Sale. TWO CONE PULLETS, (one a split pullev.) three inch face, four steps, from ten to fif teen inches diameter. Apply at THIS OFFICE 10 0 T. II. ASIU'RV, Treasurer. R. SA1.1NUER. Secretarv. .lohns. Volusia, ltrevard. Orange. Sumter, l.i i Monroh. of settlers have located on them during the i i t present Low Prices. 45.(10 per share in payment for land located ': 15 1-:?-, Land Commissioner, .lacksonville. Fit . Savannah, Florida & AWstorn 1. All trains of this road are run by Cck" (!oih) Meridiatn time, which is ;ti mini., slower than Jacksonville t ime. ON ami after Sunday, May Passengt r Trains will leae and 11. JiM, arrive if fo ows: NFAV Oltr.KANS KXl'KESH. Leave Jacksonville daily at S::l a nt 8:15 p in ;:! I a ui Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive at Jacksonville daily at at 'allahan daily at at Waycross daily at at Itrunswiek daily at at Thomasville daily at .11:05 u . :i:oo t . 3:17 I . 5:10 1 . 5: H j m m m ii m 1. 1 Arrive at Rainbridge daily at Arrive at, ( 'hattahoi choc daily at ... . Arrive at Pensacola daily at." Arrive at Mobile daily at Arrive at New Orleans dailvat 11:45 i 4:45 a ni 10:10 a in iwith Pcnf-uco- Connecting at, Chattahoocliei hi and At lantic Railroad daily for Pensacola, Mobile, New Orleans, Texas and all trnns-Min- sissippi points. Pullman Itiitl'et anil Sleeping Cars on this train, Jacksonville to Pensacola, Mobile and New Orleans. FAST MAIL. Leave Jacksonville daily at 2:.'!0 p ni Arrive ut Jacksonville daily ut 2:10 p H) Arrive at Callahan daily at ;i:10 p iu Arrive at Waycross daily as 5:05 p in Arrive at Jcssup daily at (i::(4 p ni Arrive at Savannah dailvat 8:17 p ni Arrive at, Charleston daily at 1:45 a m Arrive at Washington, D. C, daily at.. ll.-oo p m Arrive at, New York daily at ::) a m Connecting at Waycross with Through Pull man Palace Pullet and Drawing Room Sleep ing Cars, Waycross to New York without change. JACKSONVILLE EX lK KSS. I ave Jacksonville daily at.... A rrive at Jacksonville daily at. Arrive at Callahan daily at Arrive at. Waycross daily at Ieave Gainesville daily'at, Leave Newnansville daily nt.... I-oave New Rradford daily at .. Iaiivc Live Oak daily at Arrive at Dupont daily at Arrive at Albany daily at Arrive at Jesup'duily at Arrive at Macon daily ut. Arrive at Atlanta daily at Arrive at ( hattanooga daily at. Arrive at Nashville daily at Arrive at Imisvide daily at.. . Arrive at ( 'incinnati daily at. . . Arrive at Chicago daily lit Arrive at St. bonis daily at .. . . Arrive at Saiitmah daily at .. . Arrive at Ainru.-tu daily'at Arrive at ( hm -le.-ton daily at. . . Arrive at 'a-!iiiigt' n daily at. Arrive at New Yor k htiiy iit . . Arri e at Thomav. i:le daily at . Arrive at Albany daily at p in !i:00 a in . (i:20 p m . H:00 pm fi.15 p m :57 p in 8:20 pm . i:45 p ill .12:10 a in . 2:25 a in . 1 1:05 p m . 7:jo a m . 12:25 p m . 8:50 p pi . l:-5 a in . 7:50 a in . 7:"0 u Jti . ti:10 j ii . (i:20 in . :.V) .12:20 12:4C . 10:25 . ' . ('.:! " .11:-.'! xi in p m p m -. m p in ni -; ni Arrive at Montgomery daily at Arrive at New Orleans daily at Arrive at Nashville daily at Arrive at Louisviln i'y at Arrive at Cincitiuuit -si' iy at Arrive at St. Louts i.-i!y ..t. Arrive at Chicago omi" i t Pullman Palace L-. ,;( and Drawir 7:57 p m !t:.'ii) a in s in a rn ".:!) p m 7:25 p m 7:.V) a m 7:mi a ni g Room Sleeping ( ars on thi i:.:;u to Washin Pullman Palace Sic ;,u.g Cars. Jack-i n.i.."u to Savannah. Pullman Sleeping ( ars on this Train to Louis ville via Tliomnsvillc. Pullman Hotel mm Sleeping Cars on ti.i. Train to Cincinnati via Savannah. A Restaurant has W-en op ned at Wavcn.M, and abundant time win le allowed for" nr. .t,4 by all passenger trains. Connecting at Savannah with steamers f r New York, Philadelphia, Uoston and taore. Connecting at Charleston with steamers for New York, Philadelphia und Raitimore. Trains on H. and V. R is. leave junct.'op, going west, at 12:10 p. in., and for UrunsviKk at 12:10 p. m., daily. Through tickets sold t all ioints by I'f'l and Steamship connections, and Haggle Checked through. Also Sieepiiitf Car iieii, and sections s-cured at ("omiiany's Office in Astor's Riiilding, 84 Ray street, and at lieit.t Ticket Office. JAS. I TAYLOR, General Passenger Agent A. M. IVES, Aent. GEM CITY HAIR DRESSING ROOK LEMON ST., PALATKA. FLA. FRESH, SALT & SULPHUR BATHS