Newspaper Page Text
THE DAILY NEWS. CORItESPOXDEXCE .Solicited on ail interesting topics throughout the state. We will be esjiecially jrratef ul for all local items of interest to the public. News 8?nt by wire should be abbreviated when orac ticanie, ana sent alter ociock, p. m., aoures ed to PA LATKA L)A 1 L Y N EWS. AGEXTS FOIt THE NEWS. The following jrentlemen are the authorized airenf-s of Thk Palatka JUir.y and Weekly News, in their seveit.1 localities: W. li. DeWitt, San Mateo. W. 0. Valentine, Nashua. . S. Packard, Welaka. K. M. Hard, Norwalk. J li Marshall, Eruithind, Flu. J 1 McCalluni, Orange Mills, Fla. A. R. Rartlett, Georgetown. Daniel Darlinjr, Drayton Island. K. E. Hijrley, Lake Geortre. J. L. Uurton, Crescent City. J. C. Strickland, Int:rlachen. A. Munroe, McMeekin. Wm. C. Rraddock, Seville. J. S. Cowdon, St. Augustine. H. A. VoKflbach, Melrose. PALATKA, FLA., JUNE 4, 18-S4. Can be purchased at, F. C. COCH KANE'S N KWS STAN D, at the Post Office. Tlie 'cwh Onie. The office .if Tup: Daily News is located on Water street, in the new building' next to Keid's general store. DAIIiY AVEATHEIl KKPOIIT. The thermometer at the Morajrne Pharmacy registered yesterday 70 decrees at 7 a. in.; K" decrees aO;J ni. and 72 degrees at 6 p. in. Itouclliiff Notices, We defy competition. We are not to be undersold by anybody. We now oiler our bread at 13 loaves for $1.00. and guarantee our bread to be second to none, it is baked from the very best roler patent Hour that took the first prize at the "Old Mechanics Exposi tion" Boston, Mass., with over 4(H) compet itors we are bound to sell the people of Palaka their bread. Give us a trial is all we ask. LAHSKTKIt & SCHKLOSKY, Rakers of Homade llread. Millinery Goons. Mr. .1. A. Smith is sel ling her entire stock of Millinery Goods at greatly reduced rates ami invites the ladies to call early and get bargains. ICE! ICE! ICE!! No excuse for not keep jug1 cool, as there is more Lake Ice in For ward's warehouse! than "Carter had oats." Delivered free within city limits. To Oi'ii Fhiends and Patrons. We have removed from k-mim street to our old stand on Front street and by thus curtailing expen ses are enabled to sell goods cheaper than ever. We have just received a half-car load of Decker and (Jo's best Hour, and intend to give our customers the benefit by giving six teen loaves of bread for four loaves for 25cts., two loaves for 15cts., delivered regular ly twice u day morning and evening-. 11. A. Meyku & Co. For Sale. A thorough-bred Guinea cow. Took first premium at the State fair, Jackson ville, in February, Apply at the N ews office. Notice Is hereby given to tax payers of Putnam county that the undersigned w ill be at Welaka on Monday and Tuesday thei'th and loth days of J une next for t he purpose of as sessing the State and County tax for the year a. d. lssi. J, W. Woods, Tax Assessor. At Georgetown, Thursday and Friday the 'Z and ill days of June, At Crescent City on Thursday and Friday t lie hi and 17. At (Jo mo Thursday and Friday III and MO June. San Ma teo Monday anil Tuesday 2:! and Orange Mills Thursday and Friday 'ti and 27. First ok the Season. Just received at "The Family Store" Pecn-to Peaches. 11. K, Keid. Win. E. Forward keeps a foil stock of Lake Tee at all times. Delivered free within city limits. Hoard. Furnished rooms wit. or without board, at the house lateiy occupied by Mr, Kichardson, corner First and Railroad st reets. Also table board. The Family Store is now well supplied with nil seasonable fancy and staple family sup plies, fruits, vegetables etc., best of Hour, iKxpiet creamy butter, ' etc. It. R. Keid. My Choi"e Stock of Family Can Goods, and Some new brands always introduced to please the' customers of "The Family Store." Uso Odenta for the teeth, prepared only at the Putnam Pharmacy. The Harnett IforsK, Savann a ii. Visitors to Savannah, Ga., will lind the Harnett House a comfortable and desirable stopping place, where the uniform excellence of the table is a subject of general remark, while the price is only $2 per day. Chicago National Hotel Re porter. First-class Groceries, at very low prices, are being sold at McLaury & Co.'s new store. Whiib & Nichols are the agents at Palatka for all lands ami lots at Welshton. Those wishing lots near t he depot, at first price, must apply soon. Step into Webb ,V Nichols and take a look at the plat. "Garden DrST." Complete Exterminator of insects, worms, moths, mites etc. Use it freely in your groves, flower and vegetable Hardens, fowl-yard etc. Put up in 10 lb pack ages, always to be had at "The Family Store." R. R. Keid. Proceedings of the Jury of Inquest. The jury, with the Coroner. Sheriff and Attorney for the State, conveneedat 6 a. m. on Juno 3d, and proceeded to the locality of the accident near Buffalo Bluff, on the St. Johns. Here theground was carefully examined with reference to the conflicting testimony between some of the witnesses, and parties near the scene were afterwards examined as to the signals exchanged, etc. The party then returned to the courthouse. Several witnesses were examined, but nothing new of importance was elicited, the evi dence being in contradictiun or support of testimony already given, or else the opinions of experts. The care was then closed. The Coro ner charged that the duties of the gen tlemen now empanelled were material ly different from those of a petit jury; that if they found deceased came to his death by any casualty other than suicide or unavoidable accident, they should at tempt to form an opinion from the testi mony as to the party or parties responsi ble as principal or accessory: and if they could form such opinion from the evidence, they must not hesitate to ex press it. This would in no ease be a final verdict, but would only authorize such action by the Coroner as would bring the matter before a petit jury for decision at the next term of the court. The children's jug breaking at the Methodist Church Monday night was an. enjoyable atTair. "With what had been collected by the school previously, the amount taken from the jugs was enough to meet the entire assessment upon the church for foreign missions. The faces of the little ones were radiant as each re ceived a prize in reward for their energy and industry. CITY NOTES. Col. II. L. Hart and his lovely bride, after a short sojourn at the Hygeia Hotel, Old Point Comfort, Va., are now receiv ing the congratulations of their friends at his beautiful home in Palatka. A crying necessity a baby. Chickens and eggs at Lasseter's. Hon. Alb; it V7. Owens, States Attor ney for the Fourth Judicial Circuit, was with us on yesterday. Joseph Randall was before the Mayor yesterday morning on a charge of lx-ing disorderly $1 and cost. Cajit. Edwards has come back from up the river and is now in the city. He re ports good rains, and says the water in the river has been raised alnmt a foot. About the only thing which staggers a boy"s ingenuity at this time of the year is to explain to his mother how his hair came to le wet and his shirt wrong side out. A benevolent colored society came over from St. Augustine yesterday, and gave a ball here last night for the pur pose of raising funds for something or otlvr. The citizen who has been growling be cause1 of the cool weather, now lias per mission to change his tune. It will be warm enough by the time it strikes the projier note. Mr. N. Ii. Cruelle, of CJainesville, was in the city j-esterday, and we were pleased to meet him in this office. He reports Gainesville as being on a lioom. and buildings going up rapid!'. The Tallapoosa base ball club, colored, of St. Augustine, camo to Pa'atka Mon day, and in the afternoon played the Mutual club of this city a match game, defeating the Mutuals by a score of nine to three run. There was, as usual, some talk of cheating in the game. Yesterday morning some of the fair friends of our neighliors, the Tratt boys, sent them a most generous supply of de licious cake and a huge bowl of "orange wine punch," and in their unselfish gen erosity they invited the entire force of The News over to help them enjoy the treat. And it was enjoyed. We have received Vol. 1, No. 1, of The Rural Home, published by "Warren, Thayer & Co.. and edited by Mr. Ed. Rumley. Typographical!' it is all that could be wished, consisting of sixteen pages of matter, and Mr. Rumley's well known reputation as an editor is a suffi cient guarantee as to the merit of its con tents. Fifty cents per year. "Ah! that sight does me good," re marked an old "Westerner yesterday, as he picked up a huge ear of Western corn that had been taken from a sack in Ver trecs it Cos store. "Yes. sir it is always lest to feed corn to horses in the ear." "Feed corn foa horse in the ear?" askod a Palatka dude, who was standing by, and who couldn't tell the difference between a corn field and a wheat patch. "Well, that may lie an economical way of feed ing, but it must be awfully painful to the poor horse." A New Kiiterpi-ise. Yesterday a News reporter met Mr. II. II. Gallagher, Secretary and Mana ger of the Putnam Manufacturing and Improvement Company, and learned from him that his company were making active preparations to commence busi ness. The company propose erecting a saw-mill at Devil's Elbow, just across the river, with a capacity of from ,30,000 to 50,000 feet of timber per day, with drying sheds and everything complete for carrying on the business in a first class manner. The capital stock of the company is 40,000; and they are now erecting one of the most substantial wharfs to be found on the river, which, when completed, will have cost alut $1.S00. The machinery will be put in place and be ready for work in about two months. Mr. Gallagher will make his headquarters in Palatka. and his enter prise will add no little to the business of the city. The drying sheds that will lie erected will lie so constructed that lmnlior placed in them will lie thoroughly seasoned with in from five to eight days, and they will thus be enabled to supply the present heavy demand at this point for seasoned lumber. The company anticipate a heavy business, which they will no doubt suc ceed in doing. A llnndsoma (lift. Chief A. W. Mann, of the Palatka Fire Department, is in receipt of hand somely framed resolutions from the Americus Hook and Ladder Company, of Jacksonville, expressing their thanks and obligations to the firemen and citi zens of this city for the manner in which they were entertained on their recent visit to Palatka. The resolutions are printed on white satin, with gilt frame, and present a handsome appearance, and over the top in large letters is printed: "The Metropolis of Florida to the Gem City of Florida' and just underneath are the resolutions, signed by every officer and member of the company. Chief Mann, on behalf of the firemen and citi zens of Palatka, expressed his thanks for the kindly and friendly expressions of the Jacksonville Company, with the wish that the present londs of friendship binding the two cities may never grow less strong. The resolutions will lie hung in the firemen's place of honor, and by the handsome appearance they make will attract much attention. The grand jury pronounce the Colum bia county jail unlit for the safe keeping of prisoners. An Engineer Killetl. Engineer Hugh Owens was tilled yes terday morning on the Florida Railway and Navigation Company's line, about eight miles out from Jacksonville, by a collision of two lumber trains. Neither train was running on schedule time, and were running at a good rate of speed when the collision occcurred. Several others were hurt besides Mr, Owens; and the wreck was a bad one all round, Owens was a young man, whose home was in Tallahassee, and was regarded as a first -class and careful engineer. Crescent City Club. Creseent City, Fla., June 2, 1SJ. Editor Palatka News : We were treated to an eloquent ad dress on last Friday night by Hon. P. P. Bishop, of San Mateo, who is a thorough Democrat, and deserves much credit for the true patriotism he displays in behalf of the Democratic party. Our club is quite strong, and all had the pleasure of hearing this rousing speech, which they will no doubt remember, as it was a de scription of the political situation of the country, stating how long the Republi can has I teen governing the country and the many evil tricks they have perpetra ted on the people, which should cause every true Democrat to come forward and use all honorable means to over throw the Republican party. It is high time a change was lieing made. The Republican element has held the reins over the State of Florida for twenty-eight years, and now it is time the Democracy of the county should come forward in a solid phalanx and claim the right of saying who shall be next to hold the different offices. Democratic Club. Call for a County Convention at Pa latka, Wednesday, .June 11, 1SS4. A Conservative Democratic Convention will lie held at Palatka, June 11th, at 12 .o'clock m., for the purpose of choosing eight delegates and eight alternates to represent Putnam County at the State Convention, which will be held at Pensa cola, June 25th, 1884. Also, to choose eight delegates and eight alternates to represent Putnam County at the Congressional Convention of the Second District. The different precincts will be entitled to the following representation, based upon the vote of 1882 : Precinct No. 1 0 delegates. " 2 3 . ; o o . ......... " " 4 4 " . ......... ; " (; 2 " " ..A3 " I) 4 " 10 4 " 11 6 " 12 :i " 1:1 ' " 4 o n " 15(part re maining in Put nam co.). 2 " Total o!) It is recommended that the precinct meetings lo held on Saturday, June 7th, and that the chairmen of the various clubs arrange the time of meeting to in sure as full an attendance as possible. All precincts are urgently requested to elect full delegations, with alternates, that each precinct may be fully repre sented. We would respectfully ask all conserva tive citizens, who desire the supremacy of our party in the State, to attend the pre cinct meetings, and aid in se nding dele gates to the County Convention. E. S. CRILL, Jos. Price, S. J. Kenneuly, ; Committee W . F. Forward, W. II. Wiru;, Notice of Call for Precinct 3reeting. Pursuant to the above call of the Exe cutive Committee of Putnam County, the Democrats of Precinct No. eight ( 8 ), and all j arsons conservatively inclined, are hereby notified that the primary meeting of said precinct eight ( 8 ). will take place at the County Court House, Palatka, Fla.. on Thursday June 5. 1SS4. at 12 m., sharp. TJie object of said meeting is to select delegates to the county convention to be held in Palatka on Wednesday June 11, 1884. Benj. Putnam Calhoun. Chairman. (Tub Precinct 8. Palatka. Fla., May 2(5, 1884. Ashore on the South Reach. Jacksonville Herald. The wind was blowing almost a gale at the mouth of the St. Johns river Sat urday, and none of the steam-tugs dared to venture out to sea, although four schooners were sighted outside the bar waiting to come into the river. They were tossed all the forenoon by the bil lows, which rolled higher and higher with each succeeding wave. Becoming tired and impatient for the approach of a tug, they concluded to take the risk of sailing across the treacherous bar into the river under the guidance of pilots. The Broxxe B. Rokes led off, closely followed by the Anna Barton, Penob scott, and Charles H. Woolston. All ex cept the latter entered the river in safe ty, and proceeded on up to the city. The Woolston ran aground on the South Beach, just inside the mouth of the riv er, where she, at last accounts, still re mained at the mercy of the surging bil lows. This unfortunate schooner b loaded -with brick and hay for W. F. Forward, of Falatka, having sailed from New York. Everything possible, it is said, was done to keep her afloat. Both an chors were lowered, but they proved un availing and were both lost, and the ves sel drifted on to the sand and rocks, where she will be wrecked unless 60on relieved from her perilous condition. The schooner was still aground this morning, in only two foot of water at low tide. About 11 o'clock Mr. Henry M. Aird sent the steam-tug Seth Low down with her wrecking pump to en deavor to keep the water out of the Woolston. It is feared that if the water gets in deep enough to soak into the hay ! with which she is loaded it will be im- I possible to pull her off. The Woolston and cargo, however, are fully insured. Capt. F. J. Hinckley is in command. Seney as a Speculator. Cincinnati Enquirer. The East Tennessee. Virginia and Georgia seh-.-me w; s bom a'xmt the same t'me that the Nickel-plated was. Colonel Cole had been ousted by the Louisvil'e and Nashville people, and while his pride as the Railroad King of the South was hurt, he was thirsting for revenge. He naturally carried his scheme to his brother Methodist, Mr. Seney, who turned him over to Price. Cole showed that the entire property could be bought for $10,000,000 bonds, stock and the branches acquired through Maghee and Wilson. It had a first mortgage of 9, 000,000 and soOO.000 stock. The gang went into the scheme. They bought up all but a little of the stock: that isenough to legally carry out their scheme. Then they put a fir.4 mnrtgvge of !?22. 000.000, an income mortgage of 1G,000,00. com mon stock of &22. 000,000 and preferred stock of $10,000,000 a total of s70.000.ouo on property costing only 10,000,000, and which could have been duplicated in cash for 10,000,000. And liefore the assassination of Garfield they had sold out a larger percentage of their holdings at the rate of 40,000.000 for the whole. The syndicate is ended. Foster retired from it four years ago, and Thomas and Brice still control the East Tennessee railroad. The Changes in the Election Districts of Putnam County. In accordance with the statute in such case made and provided the changes in the boun daries of the elect ion districts of Put nam ( Vani ty Florida arc hereby made matters of public notice, at the regular meet ing ol t lie Hon rd of County t 'oin m issi oners for said county on Jan uary f, 1SK!, in compliance with a petition to such elfcct. On motion ordered. That the north half of section , township 1, sout h of range L'T cast lie embraced within the boundary lines of election district Xo. 5, as heretofore .laid out with voting place or precinct at V. T. 1 'otter's store. In compliance with a petition from the citi zens in the vicinity of and livinyr at liutl'alo MlutT, askiny: to be annexed to election district Mo. S: On motion it was ordered that election district No. S, be bounded and described as fol lows: ISeyrinninir at the intersection of the Ocklawaha ami the St. John's L'ivojr, thence following the ( tcklawaha River to the line be tween township 11, range 5, and 11 range S. & K. Thence running north to Rice Creek; thence following Rice Creek to the St. John's River; thence southerly along the western bank of said river to a point directly west of the mouth of Dunn's Creek: thence east across said river to the mouth of said creek: thence following said ( reck to a point where it cr isses the township line, thence west in a direct line to the west bank of the St. John's River, southerly along said west bank to place of be ginning, withvotintr place or precinct at Pa latka. On motion it was ordered t hat all that por tion of election district No. 1-1 lying south of the present northern line of Putnam county, and east of Sim's Creek, be annexed to and made a part of election district No. 11. Y Practical Watchmaker Engraver "IAN Ft UNISH ANY WATCH MAIIK20 V i per cent lower 1 ha n a ny house in t he state. Call and see. ( 'an be found :t the music store opposite St. John's Hotel, Lemon street, Pa latka, Florida. I HAVE JUST OPENED A li rst -class Meat Market , a ml keep constant -ly mi hand a su pply of I resh beef, pork, poul 1 ry, and vegetables in season. ( ioods deli ve reel free. Cive me a trial is all I ask. C. II. Yv'IGG, cor. Lemon -;iru Sis. la i 4 . I KCAL iiLANk'S OF KVKKY DFSCKIP- tionaudof the most approved forms printed and sold by the undersigned. St at ioners and members of the legal profes sion furnished sit reasonable rates. WAKItHN, & CO., Keid street, Palatka. Florida. WILLIAM F. FORWARD, iiors tcjiz house AM) DEPOT FOU Hay, Grain, Feed, Lime, Piaster, BKICK, CEMENT, LATH, Etc. Kstablished m Isso. Keid's Krick Klo. k, front ing wharf, PALATKA, FLA. w. c; FLORIST & LANDSCAPE GARDENER i LA KG F. VA KI FT V OF PALMS. HAKE 1 V Koses and Semi-Tr ipical Pla nts in general constant ly on ha ml. Correspondence solicited. Front street, next to Hank. Palatka, Fla. FOR SALE ! I IV THOMAS lO TOWN LOTS. lleatifully situated bet ween the Station on the Jacksonville, Tampa aial Key West Kail way and the Church, Masonic Hall ami Public School Koom, Instance from Thomas Station one-half mile. Good pine land, healthy good water, good society. Map recorded. Clear ti tle. Prices reasonable. For further informa tion, call at the premises oraddressat Palatka, Florida, J, W. THOMAS. THE PUTNAM PHARMACY! NEROLI COLOGNE, Prepared from a Choice Recipe. ODE1STTA An Excellent Prpaeration for Tixo Teetlx. Recommended by TIIEIJEST DENTISTS. Prescriptions compounded with absolute no curacy at all hours of the day and night op posite PUTNAM HOUSE. ZROIBT. JR.. IRISH), THE ZFIMZIL STOEE 1 L T Iv V. 1 L O II 1 1) -V. jRo"fci3 IR, ZRcL & Son, SZ-oIkit JTat-m ILy Store K o n It ii , ir 1 i- i l ji . Dealers in General Merchandise. A Full Line of Goods Kept in Each De partment. Always give us a Call. VEBTEEES & CO. na r-a ra ! s k i m m is A.i) wiioi.i:sAT.i i)ilvli:us ir FLOUR, GRITS, CORN, HAY. OATS, BRAN, COTTON SEED MEAL & FERTILIZERS. GRIFFIN'S ISI.OCK, WATF.U STKF.KT, PALATKA, FLA. All Orders Will Receive Prompt Attention and Quick Shipments Made iC Sis Pi fL R L h WHOLKSAI.F. AND Hardware ETC.. A FULL ANI COMPl.FTF Hardware and G WE ASK AN INSPECTION OF OUR STOCK. GRIFFIN'S BRICK BLOCK, CORNER FRONT AND LEMON STREETS. PALATKA, IE. T. L i?T 1 fi 1 Pi i HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, SASH, DOORS AND BUNDS, HARNESS, SADD1ES MIXED PAINTS lVL,lJI!tII;, TIININIINCJ ."c 1MI.M0 KITT I INCJ Kxeeuted on Hlmrt not iee and on reasonable terms. I'jilatlcn, - - ----- Florida. MY STOCK OF MISFITS AND ORDERED CLOTHING. PflUST BE SOLD WITHIN FOUETEEU DAYS AVI ri I OI JT J J ISJSISliVIS To make room for in v SFMMF.U STOCK. No reasonable offer refused. My son will stay in town, at the old stand, all summer. All work left in liis chaw will receive hid closest attention. ir. w. ivliciosij. USE ZLTOHSnE I51JT- 'LASSETTER'S CHOICE.' - TI 1 1 : T5LHT FAMILY FLOUR, ;.-rr xi hl. B. G. LASSETTER, LEMON ST., PALATKA, FLA. FACTS WORTH KNOWING ! That we have not opened a carriage reposito ry for the iiriose of selling off a lot of cheap roods, but it is a fact that we have opened a re lsitory for the sale of tirst-class foods. We have come to stay and intend to make our re jxtsitory a credit to I'alatka anil old Putnam county. Our stock consists of ladies' carts, la dies' jiha-tons. end spring and side-bur top butr jries, farm and express wajrons and carta of J. It. DEY'S MaKE, JACKSONVILLE, platform spring wajron. Watertown roeer?' wagons, two-horse rearinjr, lumber trearimr, broad tire. Harness of all grades, jles, shafts, halters, whips. All our jroods are warranted to 1 just what we recommend them to be. Give us a call and see that we mean business. FARRAR & JONES, MEKKYDAY'S BLTLDrXG, Lemon Street, Opposite Court House RETAIL DEALKKS IN Groceries, ETC. LINK OK KV KVT1I I NG IN THK rocery Line KLOJJIDA. A UST IE, LANSING & CO. Keep constantly on hand a complete stock of Fresh Groceries CANNED GOODS -AND PROVISIONS We have now an assortment of VERY FINE TEAS LANSING & CO., Lemon Street, PALATKA, FLA O'KEEFE & M'KINLAY, Machinists, Boilermakers and Blacksmiths. REPAIRING SPECIALLLY ATTENDED to. New and second hand machinery bought and sold. Engineers supplies cheap. Corner Reid and Seeoiid streets. -